Ict Lesson Plan Assignment 1

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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: Students will have access to iPads within class with one student having one iPad; iPads will either have in-built QR reading
software in the OS, or will have QR-reading applications installed in them.

LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

1 Why people - Students must research their Formative Introduction:

participate in allocated community group assessment at the - Start class (pens down, listening ears on etc.)
community - Students must use this beginning using - Ask class what they know about charities/community groups
groups, such as a discussion to gauge (i.e. what are they, what do they do, who joins them, do you
information to fill out their
school or students’
‘Group that Gives’ worksheet know anyone in one etc.)
community understandings of
project, and how - Students will then tell the class community groups
students can about what they were able to
- Inform class of what will be happening in the lesson (i.e.
actively find out about their Formative
today, we’re going to have a look at community groups and
participate and community group assessment near https://made.org/wp-
contribute to the end of the find out who they are, what they do, what are the difficulties content/uploads/2015/0
their local lesson, assessing about what they do, and why they do it). 6/6.-
community students’ - Hand out ‘Groups that Give’ worksheets and ask class to take Groups_That_Give.pdf
(ACHASSK072) knowledge of their out iPads (or hand out iPads to class depending on device
own community policy/setup)
Locate and collect groups via
- Model, using a projector/smartboard, how to access the class
information from discussion
a variety of google doc and get class to do the same
sources (e.g. - The google doc will contain links to the website of a Charity Website List -
photographs, community group written under the name of each student, so Charities sourced from:
maps, books, http://www.amr-
interviews, that each student has an individual group that they can australia.com/asset/cms/
internet) research AMR_Reputation_Institu
(WAHASS28) - Ask students to click on their links and use them as a source of te_Charity_Reputation_I
information to fill out their ‘Groups that Give’ worksheet
Identify current df
understanding of - After 15-20 minutes of research (and walking around the class
a topic (e.g. to see how students are going/check if they need assistance),
brainstorm, KWL ask students to stop and put their stuff down
chart) - Bring up Coggle on the projector/smartboard, and ask
(WAHASS26) students about their answers on the worksheet (i.e. what
group did you have, what did they do, why, how, what
difficulties etc); as students are giving answers, create a
concept map that will be printed off and turned into a poster

- To conclude the lesson, ask class what they think about
charities community groups now (i.e. what do they do, who
are they, who joins them) and note if the responses are Coggle
different to when you asked before
- Ask class to bring headphones for next lesson

2 Why people - Students must be able to Formative Lesson Introduction:

participate in recognise why people join assessment at the - Before class, ensure that paper with QR codes that link to
community community groups beginning of the mini-documentaries are stuck up in easily accessible locations Qrstuff.com
groups, such as a lesson, using in the classroom, and that iPads have QR reading software
- Students must be able to
school or discussion to gauge Youtube videos from:
follow the instructions that will installed in them
community students’ https://made.org/learn/g
project, and how allow them to be able to view knowledge of why - Ask students what we learnt last lesson (i.e. what did we learn iving-it/resources/video-
students can the videos from the QR codes people join about community groups? Who are they, what do they do, case-studies/
actively community groups, how do they do it, why do they do it?)
participate and encouraging them - Explain that today’s class is looking more into why people QR code sheets
contribute to to draw on join/participate in different groups
their local knowledge from the
community previous lesson
(ACHASSK072) Lesson Body:
Formative - Ask class to get iPads out and look at the board
Identify current assessment in the - Display a QR code on the whiteboard/smartboard with a
understanding of form of worksheet,
projector and demonstrate to class how to read a QR code
a topic (e.g. gauging class’ levels
brainstorm, KWL of knowledge on with an iPad iPads
why people join
chart) community groups, - Alert the class to the QR codes that are stuck around the class
(WAHASS26) from before and and explain that they will be going around the classroom with
after the class their iPads and scanning the QR codes, which will take link to
Identify different
videos about why people join community groups. Explain that
points of
view/perspectives they are to watch these videos (with their headphones), and
in information once they have watched them all, to sit back down at their
and/or data (e.g. desks and fill out their worksheets.
distinguish fact - Number students one to five and ask each group of students
from opinion, to start at a different QR code to avoid congestion.
explore different - While students are watching videos, walk around the class and
stories on the
place a ‘Why do we help?’ worksheet on each desk. Then walk
same topic)
(WAHASS33) around the class to see if students are keeping on task and ‘Why do we help?’
whether they need any assistance, keeping sure to spend worksheet
equal amounts of time around each QR code
- After 25-30 minutes, instruct class to return to their seats and
start working on their worksheets.

Lesson closure
- After the class has finished their worksheets (give them 5-10
minutes), ask them what their answers were and create a
table on the board similar to the one on the ‘Who can help
worksheet’ and fill it in using answers from the class
- Then ask for feedback on the activity, ask the class if they
were able to do it easily and what they liked and disliked
about it

3 Why people - Students must be able to Summative Lesson introduction:

participate in construct a small poster with assessment in the - Discuss with class about previous lesson, asking them what
community at least one image, for the form of posters; they can recall about why people would join community
groups, such as a these will be judged groups (i.e. who can tell us what they learnt in the last lesson
purpose of advertising a
school or for the quality of
community group about why people join community groups?’)
community information that
project, and how - Students must be able to they contain; - Tell class what we’re going to be doing today; ‘Today, we’re
students can perform research in order to quality of going to be making posters to try and advertise the
actively gather information that is information can be community groups that we looked at in the first lesson Google Slides
participate and needed for their task also be considered - Ask class to take out iPads and model for them how to access
contribute to as an accurate the google slides page; each slide will have a child’s name on,
their local gauge of the quality along with the URL for the community group website that
community of student’s they used in lesson 1, and a picture of the community group’s
(ACHASSK072) research. logo that they can use for their presentation
- Then, model for the class how to acquire images from
Develop texts, This class is
Britannica image search and paste them onto the document
including intended to be ‘part Britannica Image Quest
narratives and one’ of a two-part explaining that this is where they should get images from for
biographies, that assessment this poster.
use researched procedure, where in - Instruct class that posters have to have information about
facts, events and the following class, what the group is, what they do, where they do it, when they
experiences students will be do it, why they do it, and how and why the person reading it
(WAHASS38) asked to present should/can help
their posters to the
- Leave the rest of the class for children to make posters on
class and explain
the purpose of their google slides, walking around the class and checking if anyone
organisations, as needs assistance or is off-task
well as why they
think that people Lesson conclusion:
should join them - At the end of the lesson, ask class to stop what they’re doing,
put their iPads away
- Ask class what they enjoyed about creating the posters and
whether it was easy to present the information required
- Ask class to prepare a 5-minute speech about their poster for
homework, telling them that they’ll be presenting it next
- Speech should be on the contents of the poster, specifically
focusing on how and why people, can and should participate
in their community groups.


AMR Australia. (2018). Charity Reputation Index. Retrieved from: http://www.amr-

Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka. (2018). A Group that Gives. Retrieved from: https://made.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/6.-
Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka. (2018). Video Case Studies. Retrieved from: https://made.org/learn/giving-it/resources/video-case-studies/
Groups That Give Worksheet
URLs used in lesson 1:

Sample list of 30 URLs to community group websites, sourced from:


Community Groups:
1. https://www.flyingdoctor.org.au/
2. http://www.stjohnambulance.com.au/
3. https://careflight.org/
4. https://www.guidedogswa.com.au/
5. https://www.campquality.org.au/
6. https://www.hollows.org/au/home
7. https://starlight.org.au/
8. https://www.canteen.org.au/
9. https://www.slsfoundation.com.au/
10. https://www.beyondblue.org.au/
11. https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/
12. https://www.lifeline.org.au/
13. https://www.cancer.org.au/
14. https://rspca.org.au/
15. http://www.msf.org.au/
16. https://nbcf.org.au/
17. https://www.mcgrathfoundation.com.au/Default.aspx
18. https://www.rmhc.org.au/
19. https://www.redcross.org.au/
20. http://www.leukaemia.org.au/
21. https://au.movember.com/
22. http://www.wwf.org.au/
23. https://headspace.org.au/
24. https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/
25. https://www.wesleymission.org.au/
26. https://www.vinnies.org.au/
27. https://salvos.org.au/
28. https://www.thesmithfamily.com.au/
29. https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/
30. https://www.visionaustralia.org/
QR Codes used in lesson 2:
Made with qrstuff.com
Videos sourced from https://made.org/learn/giving-it/resources/video-case-studies/
Why do People Help?

What we already knew: What we learnt from the videos: What we found interesting

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