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Spark 2
Key to Companion
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Spark 2 - Key to Companion

Starter G 1 There is 4 There aren’t

2 There are 5 There isn’t
Vocabulary Exercises 3 There isn’t 6 There are
A 1 belt 5 coat 9 jacket
2 jumper 6 gloves 10 trainers H 1 What c 3 Where d 5 What b
3 skirt 7 dress 2 How a 4 How e
4 shirt 8 socks
I a
2 A: Can Helen ride a horse?
B living room bedroom kitchen bathroom
A: No, she can’t. She can cook.
fireplace pillow cupboard bath 3 A: Can Tom use a camera?
sofa wardrobe cooker washbasin B: No, he can’t. He can play basketball.
B 4 A: Can Ingrid cook?
desk fridge mirror
bed B: No, she can’t. She can ride a horse.

b Suggested Answers
C 1 camera 5 bike 9 knee 1 I can use a computer, but I can’t ride a horse.
2 magazine 6 notebook 10 shelf 2 I can swim, but I can’t skateboard.
3 kite 7 library 3 I can ride a bike, but I can’t drive.
4 suit 8 scarf

D 1 sofa 3 hat 5 cap

Module 1
2 washbasin 4 skateboard Vocabulary Exercises
A 1 experience 9 customers
2 musician 10 advantage
Grammar Exercises 3 shift 11 earn
A 1 is 5 ‘re not 9 are 4 necessary 12 creative
2 Are 6 are 10 Is 5 willing 13 indoors
3 isn’t 7 is 6 difference 14 uniform
4 ‘m not 8 Are 7 celebrate 15 patient
8 erupts
B 1 books 5 men 9 feet
2 children 6 ladies 10 women B 1 D 4 A 7 B 10 B
3 boys 7 gloves 2 B 5 B 8 A
4 scarves 8 potatoes 3 A 6 B 9 A

C 2 Have, haven’t, have(‘ve) got C 1 pitch 3 championship 5 interview

3 Has ... got, has 2 delicious 4 adverisement
4 Have ... got, haven’t
5 Have ... got, have D 1 catch 4 look 7 obey
2 work 5 put 8 surf
D 1 dad’s 3 brother’s 5 woman’s 3 answer 6 feed
2 children’s 4 boys’ 6 Tom’s
E 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 B
E 1 She 5 my 9 us
2 mine 6 Their 10 yours Grammar Exercises
3 He 7 hers 11 me
4 her 8 They
/s/ /iz/ /z/
F 1 This 5 Those 9 That drinks misses gives
2 Those 6 These 10 This sits loses tries
3 These 7 Those B likes watches
4 That 8 This hopes

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B 2 go 7 practises 3 Sounds exciting.

3 like 8 wants 4 It’s a shame I missed it.
4 play 9 doesn’t show 5 That’s too bad.
5 doesn’t play 10 Do you have
6 loves F 1 What did you watch?
2 Who stars in it?
C 2 am not listening 7 are reading 3 What’s it about?
3 Is Leo doing 8 Are you eating 4 You can rent it on DVD.
4 is tidying 9 are studying
5 are having 10 is watching Grammar Exercises
6 isn’t working A 1 looked 5 needed 9 walked
2 called 6 added 10 loved
D 1 is wearing 6 catch 3 wanted 7 washed 11 opened
2 washes 7 isn’t listening 4 started 8 stopped 12 played
3 Is it raining 8 works
4 eat
/id/ /t/ /d/
5 is learning
started washed loved
needed stopped opened
E 2 He always watches TV in the evenings. B
3 Frank usually eats cereal for breakfast. added walked played
4 They never go to the beach in the winter.
5 Mary is sometimes late for class.
6 They often go for walks in the country at B 1 lived 5 discovered 9 died
weekends. 2 studied 6 received 10 worked
3 moved 7 lost
F 1 twice a week 4 on Saturdays
4 met 8 got
2 sometimes 5 usually
3 at present 6 for the time being
C 2 Did she live in New York?
No, she didn’t. She lived in Warsaw, Poland.
G 2 helping 5 walking
3 Did she study Physical Science?
3 to be 6 watching
Yes, she did.
4 listening
4 Did Marie and Pierre discover electricity?
No, they didn’t. They discovered radium and
Module 2 polonium.
Vocabulary Exercises 5 Did Marie receive one Nobel Prize?
A 1 hurt 5 terrified 9 struck No, she didn’t. She received two Nobel Prizes.
2 legend 6 admire 10 cowardly 6 Did she die of leukemia?
3 appearance 7 set out Yes, she did.
4 achievement 8 courage
D 1 didn’t use to eat
B 1 C 4 D 7 A 10 A 2 used to live
2 B 5 A 8 A 11 B 3 Did …use to watch
3 B 6 C 9 D 12 C 4 used to cycle
5 Did …use to play
C 1 ancient 4 biography 6 didn’t use to like
2 slavery 5 enemy
3 overweight E 1 out of 4 up
2 over 5 into
D 1 ugly 4 impatient 3 along 6 across
2 dishonest 5 serious
3 lazy 6 cowardly

E 1 How was your weekend?

2 It was brilliant.

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Spark 2 - Key to Companion

Module 3 b) Suggested Answers

1 I was cooking dinner yesterday at 5 pm.
Vocabulary Exercises 2 I was doing my homework last Sunday at 11 pm.
A 1 celebration 5 realise 9 alive
2 disappointed 6 According to 10 thrilled C 1 was watching, was fixing
3 ride 7 parade 2 was having, phoned
4 live 8 in horror 3 Were you doing, called
4 was making, was drawing
B 1 A 4 D 7 B 10 A 5 didn’t go, wanted
2 C 5 C 8 A 6 put on, took, left
3 A 6 B 9 A 7 were walking, began

C 1 thrilled 4 bucket D 3 ✓
2 fairytale 5 ride 4 ✓
3 legend 6 custom 5 While we were shopping, we saw a fabulous
D 1 You’ll never guess what happened. 6 Were you sleeping when your parents came
2 What’s wrong? home?
3 Are you kidding? 7 Sue didn’t go on the school trip because she
4 Incredible, isn’t it? was ill.
5 Oh dear! 8 Bob brushed his teeth and went to bed.
6 I had quite a shock. 9 ✓
10 We were riding our bikes when it started raining.
E 1 colourful
2 scary
3 haunted house
4 couldn’t believe my eyes Module 4
5 hold my breath Vocabulary Exercises
6 had the time of my life
A 1 seriously 5 standby 9 attend
Grammar Exercises 2 qualities
3 charity
10 litter

A 1 were dancing 4 condition 8 loose

2 were watching
3 was taking B 1 A 3 B 5 B 7 C 9 D
4 were dancing 2 A 4 C 6 D 8 B 10 A
5 was throwing
6 was having C 1 lack 3 report 5 equipment
2 chess 4 ironing board
B a) 2 Was Cathy reading in the library Tuesday
morning? D 1 d 3 b 5 c 7 f
No, she wasn’t. She was washing her car. 2 g 4 a 6 e
3 Was Joel watching a film at 7 o’clock last
night? E 1 What’s the matter
No, he wasn’t. He was cooking his dinner. 2 Where did you last have it?
4 Were Alex and Dave riding their bikes on 3 What should I do?
Sunday morning? 4 If I were you, I would
No, they weren’t. They were walking their 5 You’re right.
5 Was Lucy practising her guitar at 4 o’clock F 1 do 3 walk 5 surf
yesterday? 2 make 4 take 6 send
No, she wasn’t. She was having a dance

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Grammar Exercises B 1 feature 5 temperature 9 adult

2 continent 6 contain 10 average
A A hairdresser mustn’t be late for work. 3 population 7 crowded
A hairdresser must make sure the customer is
4 exciting 8 instantly
A hairdresser must be creative.
C 1 transport 3 wing 5 hunt
A hairdresser mustn’t be rude to customers.
2 ferry 4 continent 6 crowded

B 1 have to D 1 e 3 b 5 g 7 d
2 don’t have to/needn’t
2 a 4 f 6 c
3 don’t have to/needn’t
4 has to
E 1 Can I help you? 4 Here you are.
5 have to
2 Single or return? 5 My pleasure.
3 that’s £116
C 1 can, can’t 3 mustn’t, must
2 mustn’t 4 can, can
Grammar Exercises
D 2 He shouldn’t/oughtn’t to go to school.
3 You should/ought to see a doctor. A 2 more entertaining 6 the most famous
4 She should/ought to take an aspirin. 3 healthier than 7 shorter than
5 She shouldn’t/oughtn’t to work so much. 4 better … than 8 nicer
6 She shouldn’t/oughtn’t to eat sweets. 5 the fastest

E 1 should 4 Can, ought to B 1 biggest 4 deeper

2 Can, can’t, mustn’t 5 might 2 older 5 smallest
3 Can I, can 6 May 3 the longest 6 most expensive

F 2 Geoff is my friend who goes to the same school C 1 B 3 B 5 B 7 B

as me. 2 A 4 A 6 C 8 B
3 Mrs Jones is my teacher whose daughter is in
my brother’s class. D 3 The road is safe enough to cross over
4 A giraffe is an animal which has got a very long 4 The film isn’t interesting enough to watch.
neck. 5 Motorbikes are too dangerous to ride.
5 This is James who moved here last week. 6 Laura is too young to go to school alone.
6 That’s the girl whose mother is a doctor. 7 Gary is tall enough to play basketball.
7 An elephant is an animal which has got very big 8 The puzzle is too difficult to do.
8 He owns a new car which is the fastest in the E Suggested Answers
area. Rome is more expensive to visit than Los Angeles.
Rome is a smaller city than Los Angeles.
G 1 A 3 B 5 C Victoria Falls is the quietest area of the three.
2 C 4 C 6 A Rome is dirtier than Victoria Falls.

H 2 A nurse is a person who/that looks after sick F 1 enough 3 very 5 very

people. 2 really 4 enough 6 too
3 A vacuum cleaner is a machine which/that
removes dust from floors and carpets. G 2 Neither … nor 5 Neither … nor
4 A baker is a person who/that makes bread. 3 either … or 6 either … or
5 A mechanic is a person who/that repairs cars. 4 Both … and

Module 5 Module 6
Vocabulary Exercises Vocabulary Exercises
A 1 B 3 C 5 C 7 A 9 C A 1 safari 4 beach holiday
2 A 4 C 6 B 8 D 10 B 2 skiing holiday 5 cruise
3 walking holiday 6 sightseeing holiday

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B 1 d 3 a 5 g 7 c F 2 are you meeting 6 are going to fall off

2 h 4 e 6 b 8 f 3 will get 7 is going to buy
4 ’ll close 8 won’t come
C 1 heritage 7 sunbathe 5 is having dinner
2 aquatic 8 range
3 adventures 9 destination G 1 eat 4 were 7 leave
4 precious 10 explore 2 get 5 go 8 Would
5 accommodation 11 safety 3 lie 6 would
6 tried 12 busy
H 1 scores 4 will visit 7 would take
D 1 A 3 D 5 C 7 D 9 C 2 will pass 5 had 8 found
2 C 4 B 6 D 8 B 10 D 3 melts 6 won’t go

E 1 postcard 5 rope I 2 hard 4 well 6 Suddenly

2 ceremony 6 towel 3 happily 5 fast
3 purpose 7 sculpture
4 reef
Module 7
F 1 What can I do for you? Vocabulary Exercises
2 What would you like to know?
A 1 challenging 5 curious 9 sight
3 How much does it cost to get in?
2 awesome 6 shy 10 luggage
4 Thank you for your help.
3 plaster 7 appointment 11 shady
5 Enjoy your visit.
4 event 8 burst out 12 aged
Grammar Exercises B 1 A 3 C 5 C 7 B 9 A
A 2 I’ll buy it. 2 B 4 A 6 A 8 D 10 D
3 I’ll put on a sweater.
4 I’ll help you. C 1 underwater 3 ancient 5 ruins
5 I’ll clean it. 2 traditional 4 rocket
6 I’ll make you a sandwich.
D 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 E
B 1 will see 4 will be able to
2 will be at
3 will be on
5 won’t pass
6 will ever find Grammar Exercises
A 1 have you done 5 have had
C 2 am going to watch 5 ’ll have 2 have just bought 6 have you heard
3 ’ll do 6 are going to visit 3 have you been 7 have never tried
4 ’ll turn up 4 haven’t started 8 haven’t spoken

D 2 She is going to plant some flowers. B 1 has lost 5 have not lived
2 has eaten 6 hasn’t heard
3 She is going to eat cake. 3 has cut 7 has never told
4 He is going to buy carrots.
5 She is going to drink tea. C 1 for 4 ever 7 already
6 He is going to throw the ball. 2 yet 5 never
3 just 6 since
E 2 They are picking up the keys from the estate
agent on Thursday, 14th February. D 2 have been to 5 have gone to
3 They are finishing packing up on Saturday, 16th 3 has been to 6 Have … been,
February. 4 has gone have gone
4 They are moving into the new flat on Sunday,
17th February. E 1 Have you ever been, I went
5 They are waiting for new furniture to arrive on 2 haven’t seen
Tuesday, 19th February. 3 Has Sally bought
4 got … haven’t decided
5 finished

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6 I have forgotten C 1 much, a lot 4 much, A lot

7 Has Mike moved 2 many, many 5 a few
8 left 3 a little

F 1 aren’t you 6 weren’t there D 1 b 2 e 3 c 4 f 5 d 6 a

2 didn’t you 7 have you
3 do you 8 could you E 1 an 4 any 7 any
4 is he 9 is there 2 some 5 every 8 An, some
5 hasn’t he 3 a, some 6 every
G 2 hasn’t he 5 doesn’t she
3 isn’t it 6 do you F 1 anyone 5 Everyone
4 aren’t we 2 someone 6 anything
3 Everything 7 everyone, anyone
4 something 8 anything
Module 8
Vocabulary Exercises G 1 Everything 4 Someone
A 1 aisle 7 tree-lined 2 anything 5 anyone
2 distance 8 hospitable 3 something 6 Everyone
3 neighbourhood 9 recycle
4 picturesque 10 avoid E 1 The flowers in the garden are watered every day
5 set 11 living space (by Sam).
6 home 12 staff 2 French, Italian and German are spoken in
B 1 A 3 D 5 C 7 C 9 C 3 The man’s wallet and keys were stolen (by the
2 B 4 A 6 D 8 C 10 A thief).
4 The telephone was invented by Bell.
C 1 skyline 3 harmful 5 store 5 The beans are left to dry in the sun.
2 colourful 4 mushroom 6 Avatar was directed by James Cameron.
7 The children are driven to school by the
D 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 B chauffeur.
8 The painting was done by Picasso.
Grammar Exercises 9 Passengers are asked not to speak to the driver.
A 1 c How much 5 b an 10 One hundred people are employed by this
2 g a 6 a some company.
3 e How many 7 f a lot of
4 d any
I 1 in front of 4 near 7 in
B 2 some 4 some 6 an 8 a 2 on 5 on
3 a 5 some 7 some 3 between 6 behind

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