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Sunday 11th March 2018 This Week’s Meetings...

Prayer Meeting: Tuesday 13th March 2018 1. Choir: Monday 12th March at 5:30pm..
Call To Worship Leader: Peter Celestin
Topic: Sunday School/evangelism
2. Ladies Group: Valencia Nature Park on March 17th. $25
only! See sign-up sheet.
Operation World: Europe 3. Men’s Group: POS General Hospital Visit (Meet at the hospi-
Warren Thomas 6:00-7:00 p.m. tal car park). 4-6pm.
“When we pray, God works!” 4. Easter Presentation: Sunday School and Youth Ministry
Opening songs present “I saw Him” on Sunday March 25th at 5:30 pm. Prac-
tice today during Sunday School Open Session. All cast to at-
Hymn 229 I know whom I have believed Youth Group tend with their lines learned.
O the glory 5. Dominica Collection: We are collecting non perishable
foodstuff- rice, sugar, pasta, canned goods etc.- to forward to
Consecutive scripture reading Worship Service - Sunday 18th March Dominica via ITNAC (Is There Not A Cause).
Leader: Peter Celestin 6. VBS 2018: Dates 16th - 20th JULY, 2018. Celebrating 10 yrs.
Daniel 10 Speaker: Pastor Walter Brian Rochester VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED... Details to follow.
Welcome & Announcements Ushers: Jaden Solomon & Dimitri Charles 7. Camp Trinawana 2018: 50th anniversary? from the evening
Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip of Friday 17-AUG-2018 to the morning of Wednesday 22-AUG-
Nursery: *Stephen Bernard & Florence Forde 2018 and the venue is the Ridgewalk Campsite in Siparia.
Elder Gerald Bernard *COUNSELORS WANTED!*
4. Pastor Walter Brian Rochester: Cell 779-1150;
Singspiration Worship Service - Sunday 25th March Church 622-4118; Email:
Leader: Conrad Chang
Open the eyes of my heart Lord Speaker: Elder Dave Chang Prayer Corner...
What a beautiful name it is Ushers: Hannah-Marie Redman & Victoria Macintyre  Abroad
He knows my name Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip Justin Richardson, Rhea Richardson, Wesley Solomon, Marie
Nursery: *Victoria Chang & Kryslyn Ali Guiseppi, Natasha Forde, Christian Guiseppi & Lizanne Ach-
Giving Thanks (Offering) ing-Guiseppi, Kistian & Cassandra Flemming, Lyndon Guisep-
(Nursery age group is from 18 months to 8 years old) pi, Drs.Simone and Satish Maharaj, Elise Celestin, Damali
Reprise (Nursery) Nichols, Vernelle Hamblet.

Message  Pray for healing and strength for brethren who are recov-
Pastor Walter Brian Rochester ering or not well
“Know your God! God is All Knowing” Aminah Ramdath, Errol Vasquez , Suzanne Lue Qui, Mrs. Lue
I John 3:11-24 Chee Kong, Cary Chan.
Closing song  Pastoral Team
General Reminders Walter Brian Rochester, William Allum Poon, Gerald Bernard,
Hymn 316 I surrender all  Kindly switch-off/ place on silent all cell- Dave Chang, Anthony Macintyre
phones during this morning’s service.
Benediction  Diaconate Leadership
 Please refrain from eating and drinking in Richard Aching, Dr. Terry Ali, Roger Chang, Florence Forde,
the sanctuary before, during and after this Andrew Macintyre, Jack Pan, Opal Thomas, Marcus Ramdath,
morning’s worship service. Warren Thomas
Ushers and Greeters for today
Ushers: Gianni Charles & Anya Aching  Youth Ministry Leadership Team
If you have any announcements to put into the bulletin, please Kareem Hernandez, Vernon Hamblet, Danielle Nivet, Daena
Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip
email them to Richard Aching at OR Boodoo, Kelli Chang, Dr. Kaisha Rochester-Hamblet, Jeremy
Nursery Roster for today Macintyre, Lyndon Maynard II. Warren Thomas, Youth Direc-
Nursery: *Kaisha Rochester-Hamblet & Melissa Al- tor.
exander  SEA: Jadon Soverall, Rianna Martinez, Samuel John Hinds
2. God is appearing in the small in your
Operation World life though He is Omniscient. (7-12)
Europe God’s,
Area: 22,978,500 sq. km. Population: 732,758,546 a. is tied to His Knowledge (7)
Religions: Chr istian 71.34% , Non-religious 21.45%, Muslim 6.07% b. Overshadowing of of all kinds. (8-9)
c. of present kindness in every situation. (10)
Challenges for Prayer: d. Overwhelmingly perception of where you are. (11-12)
( )
Europe has enjoyed a relatively stable two decades – at least by its own tumultu-
ous standards – almost unprecedented in its history. Most nations and peoples 3. God was amazingly in the small of your life
enjoy liberty and self-determination on a level not known for many generations. though Omniscient. (13-16). God was,
This stability has also assisted in the development of sophisticated and advanced a. Involved in your development. (13)
economies that are more suited for the 21st Century than is true for most parts of b. Involved in your exquisite . (14)
the world. c. Intricately active in your . (15)
d. Intricately in your future. (16) ( )
Religious freedom in the former Communist world means the opportunity for
Christians to practice their faith publicly and to enjoy fellowship and collaboration
with their brethren from elsewhere in Europe and the world. It sees new expres-
4. God is abounding in big
He is Omniscient. (17-18). God’s dreams for you are,
for your life though G RACE C HAPEL
sions of Christian faith emerging in Central and Eastern Europe that engage the a. (17a) (Chinese Christian Fellowship)
spiritual, social, relational and economic needs of many who feel lost in the vacu- b. (17b)
um of power and philosophy left by former Communist regimes. c. (18a)
d. (18b) (Other Scriptures) 49 Long Circular Road
Christianity is making a comeback in Europe – and it’s mostly thanks to Muslims, 5. God is always at the small in your life though He is
Omniscient. (19-22). The detractors are, St. James
say experts in Islam and faith leaders.
A soaring number of Muslims, many of them refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghan- a. To be prayed (19a)
istan, are converting to Christianity, breathing new life into Europe’s once floun- b. To be (19b)
dering Christian churches. The Muslims are flocking to various Christian denomina- c. by their words against God (20)
tions, experts said, including becoming Protestants, evangelical or Catholic. d. Treated with when they hate God (21-22)
As many parts of Europe are becoming more secular and houses of worship are
seeing congregants leave in droves, it is Muslim converts who are reviving strug- 6. God is advancement of small people to search
gling Christian churches. "European churches have struggled for decades to share
their lives though he is Omniscient. (23-24). Invite Him:
a. To your heart (23a)
the gospel with modern secular Europeans,” Matthew Kaemingk, a professor at
b. To Test your (23b)
the Fuller Theological Seminary in Seattle, told Fox News. “They have found Mus-
c. To to you your sin (24a)
lim immigrants to be much more open to the message of Christianity."
d. To use His to guide your steps (24b)

Title: Know Your God! God is All Knowing (Psalms 139:1-24/ Varying Scriptures)
Subject: How to appreciate the vast knowledge of God?
Complement: To appreciate the vast knowledge of God you have to marvel at
His personal interest in you. Frontline Missionary Corner
Marvel that,  Creous and Elizabeth Ramdath—Serving in Peru
 Chris, Nicola, Joshua & Katie Hewitt—To serve in Germany
1. God is actively with the small in your  Ronnie and Heather Yearwood A PLACE F O R E V E RYO N E
life though He is Omniscient. (1-6)  Gilbert and Lydia Nigh— Serving in Canada
 Timothy and Fiona Fung—Serving in France
He is,
a. Actively (1)  Annie Chang—Serving in Rwanda Loving God . Loving People . Loving Life
b. invested (2-3)  David Bernard & Elsa Hu—Serving on the Logos Hope
“The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of
c. Analysing (4) the harvest, therefore to send out workers into His harvest field."
d. incisively (5) Matthew 9: 37,38 (NIV)
e. Attaining (6) ( )

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