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Rmr, tp Material ratio Rk, Rpk, Rvk, Mr1, Mr2

DIN EN ISO 4287, ASME B46.1 DIN EN ISO 13565-1 and -2

Material ratio Rmr (ASME: bearing length ratio tp) is The roughness profile as per 13565-1 is generated by
the ratio expressed in percent of the material-filled a special filtering technique minimizing profile distortions
length to the evaluation length ln at the profile section
level c.
due to deep valleys in plateau profiles. A straight line
divides the Abbott-Firestone curve into three areas from MarSurf. Surface Parameters
Rmr = 1 (L1 + L2 + ... + Ln) 100 [%] which the parameters are then computed as per 13565-2:
ln Core roughness depth Rk is the depth of the roughness Real surface separates a body from the surrounding Traversing length lt is the overall length traveled by
The profile section level c is the distance between the core profile. Reduced peak height Rpk is the mean medium. (DIN EN ISO 4287) the stylus when acquiring the traced profile. It is the
evaluated intersection line and the specified reference height of the peaks protruding from the roughness core sum of pre-travel, evaluation length ln, and post-travel.
line cref. Material ratio curve (Abbott-Firestone curve) profile. Reduced valley depth Rvk is the mean depth of Stylus instrument enables two-dimensional tracing of
shows the material ratio Rmr as a function of the profile the valleys protruding from the roughness core profile. a surface. The stylus is traversed normal to the surface Cutoff λ c of a profile filter determines which
section level c. The material ratio can also be evaluated Mr1 and Mr2 are the smallest and the highest material at constant speed. (DIN EN ISO 3274) wavelengths belong to roughness and which ones to
on the P- or the W-profile (Pmr or Wmr). ratios of the roughness core profile. waviness.
L1 ...L n Abbott-Firestone curve
L2 Traced profile is the enveloping profile of the real
R pk
Reference line c ref
Straight line surface acquired by means of a stylus instrument. The Sampling length l r is the reference for roughness
C Intersection line traced profile consists of form deviations, waviness and evaluation. Its length is equal to the cutoff wavelength
roughness components. (DIN EN ISO 3274, DIN 4760) λc.
The sampling lengths lp and lw, respectively, are the
R vk M r1 M r2 reference lengths for the P-profile and the W-profile
R mr (c) Parameters usually are defined over the sampling
ln ln length. An average parameter estimate is calculated by evaluation.
Material ratio 0 20 40 60 80 100 % 0 20 40 60 80 100 % taking the arithmetic mean of the parameter estimates
from all the individual sampling lengths. For roughness Evaluation length ln is that part of the traversing length
profile parameters the standard number of sampling l t over which the values of surface parameters are
lengths is five. determined. The standard roughness evaluation length
comprises five consecutive sampling lengths.
R sm , RΔ q RPc, HSC Peak count For curves and related parameters (e.g. material ratio)
the basis for the calculation of the parameters’ values
is the evaluation length. (DIN EN ISO 4288) Pre-travel is the first part of the traversing length lt.
DIN EN ISO 4287, ASME B46.1 prEN 10049, ASME B46.1 Post-travel is the last part of the traversing length lt.
Mean width of profile elements Rsm is the arithmetic Peak count RPc is the number of roughness profile Pre-travel and post-travel are required for phase correct
mean value of the widths of profile elements of the elements (see Rsm) per cm which consecutively intersect filtering.
roughness profile. the specified upper profile section level c1 and the lower
A profile element consists of a profile section level c2.
1 n
R sm = ∑ S mi profile peak and an adjacent
n i= 1 profile valley. Ar is an older Besides peak count RPc, parameter HSC (High spot
designation for Rsm. count) is sometimes used. Geometrical Product Profile filter
Root mean square slope RΔq is the root mean square High spot count HSC is the number of roughness Specification (GPS)
average of all local profile slopes. profile peaks per cm exceeding the specified upper
ISO/TR 14638, DIN V 32950 DIN EN ISO 11562, ASME B46.1
( )
1 dz 2 profile section level c1.
l ∫0 dx
R Δq = dx
Geometrical Product Specification (GPS) implies diffe- Profile filters seperate profiles into long wave and
The local profile slope is computed via a leveling function RPc * * * * rent kinds of standards dealing with the geometric short wave components. The λc profile filter separates
in order to reduce the influence of noise. HSC characteristics of products during product design, the roughness profile from long wave components
Z Sm1 S m2 S mn * * * * * * manufacture, inspection, quality assurance, etc. (e.g. waviness).
In the GPS matrix model, the lines comprise chains of Mean line is generated by a phase correct filter by
Z Sm1 S m2 S mn c1 standards dealing with one and the same characteristic calcu-lating the weighted average for each point of
l n
such as e.g. size, distance, form features, roughness, the profile.
c2 waviness, etc. The columns (i.e. the links of the chains) Weighting function indicates for each point of the
ln then are: profile the assessment factor with which the adjacent
1. Drawing specifications (DIN EN ISO 1302) profile points enter into averaging (Gaussian curve).
2. Theoretical definitions (DIN EN ISO 4287, 11562, 12085, R-profile (roughness profile) represents the deviations
and 13565)
© by Mahr GmbH, Göttingen of the primary profile from the mean line of the λ c
Mahr GmbH Göttingen 3. Parameter definitions (DIN EN ISO 4288, 11562, 12085,
and 13565) profile filter. When presenting the roughness profile,
Reproduced with the permission of the DIN Deut- 4. Assessment of deviations (DIN EN ISO 4288 and the mean line is the zero
Weighting line.

sches Institut für Normung e.V. (German Institute P.O. Box 1853 • D-37008 Göttingen 12085) Traced profile
5. Measurement equipment requirements (DIN EN ISO
for Standardization). When applying the standard, Phone +49 (0) 551-7073-0 • Fax +49 (0) 551-71021 3274 and 11562)
the latest version available from Beuth Verlag e-mail: • 6. Calibration requirements (DIN EN ISO 5436 and 12179)
GmbH, Burggrafenstraße 6, 10787 Berlin, Germany, Editon: 01.02.07 - 3751847 The most important standards in the field of surface Mean line
will be relevant. Printed in Germany texture are detailed in parentheses ().
MarSurf. Definitions, Surface Texture Parameters

Pt Profile depth Selection of cutoff λc Rz, Rmax Roughness depth Rsk, Rku

DIN EN ISO 4287 DIN EN ISO 4288, ASME B46.1 DIN EN ISO 4287, ASME B46.1 DIN EN ISO 4287, ASME B46.1
Profile depth Pt (total height of P-profile) is the sum Periodic Nonperiodic Cutoff Sampl./ Single roughness depth Rzi is the vertical distance Skewness Rsk is a measure of the asymmetry of the
of the largest profile peak height and the largest profile profiles profiles Eval. between the highest peak and the deepest valley within amplitude density curve. A negative skewness value
valley depth of the P-profile within the evaluation length length a sampling length. indicates a surface with good bearing properties.
ln (reference length). The reference length has to be Mean roughness depth Rz is the arithmetic mean value
stated. Rsm Rz Ra λc lr / ln of the single roughness depths R zi of consecutive l
R sk < 0
(mm) (μm) (μm) (mm) (mm) sampling lengths: R = 1 (R + R + ... + R ) 1 1
Z3 x dx
Rq l ³0
P-profile (primary profile) is computed from the traced z
n z1 z2 zn 3
R sk = 0
profile over .013 up to up to .08 .08 / .4 Maximum roughness depth Rmax is the largest single
• by excluding the nominal form by using the method up to .04 .1 .02 roughness depth within the evaluation length. R sk > 0
of best fit least squares of the type indicated in the The Rz definition is identical to the definition in DIN 4768:1990. The ten
drawing, e.g. a linear regression line and over .04 over .1 over .02 .25 .25 / point height Rz as well as the parameter symbol Ry of ISO 4287:1984
Kurtosis Rku is a measure of the peakedness of the
• by excluding ultra-short wavelengths from the eval- up to .13 up to .5 up to .1 1.25 have been canceled. Cf. DIN EN ISO 4288; Rmax is also called Rz1max. amplitude density curve. For a profile with a Gaussian
uation by using the λs profile filter, which considerably amplitude density
R z1 R z2 (=R max ) R z3 R z4 R z5 curve Rku is 3. R ku < 3
increases comparability. (DIN EN ISO 3274) over .13 over .5 over .1 .8 .8 / 4
P-profile up to .4 up to 10 up to 2
1 1
l R ku = 3
Z4 x dx
Rq l ³0
over .4 over 10 over 2 2.5 2.5 / 4

Pt up to 1.3 up to 50 up to 10 12.5 R ku > 3

Skewness and Kurtosis are strongly influenced by
over 1.3 over 50 over 10 8 8 / 40 lr isolated peaks and valleys, fact which reduces their
Reference length up to 4 up to 200 up to 80 ln practical importance.

Wt Waviness height Ra, Rq Mean roughness Rp Peak height, Rv R3z Base roughness depth

DIN EN ISO 4287, ASME B46.1 DIN EN ISO 4287, ASME B46.1 DIN EN ISO 4287, ASME B46.1 Daimler Benz Standard 31007 (1983)
Waviness height Wt (total height of W-profile) is the Roughness average Ra is the arithmetic average of Rp is the height of the highest profile peak of the Single roughness depth R3zi is the vertical distance of
sum of the largest profile peak height and the largest the absolute values of the roughness profile ordinates. roughness profile within one sampling length. the third highest peak to the third deepest valley of
profile valley depth of the W-profile within the l
According to ASME, the R p mean value (average the roughness profile within a sampling length lr.
l ∫0
evaluation length ln (reference length). Ra = Z( x) dx calculated over the evaluation length) is called Rpm.
Base roughness depth R3z is the mean value of the
Rv is the depth of the deepest profile valley of the single roughness depths R3zi of five consecutive sampling
The evaluation length ln (reference length) has to be Root mean square (RMS) roughness Rq is the root
roughness profile within one sampling length. So far, lengths lr:
stated. mean square average of the roughness profile ordinates.
the parameter symbol Rm was used in place of Rv. R3z = 1 (R3z1+ R3z2 + R3z3 + R3z4 + R3z5)
1 5
Z2 ( x) dx
l ∫0
W-profile (waviness profile) is the mean line Rq =
The sum of Rp + Rv is the single roughness depth Rzi. Profile peak and profile valley must exceed certain
generated from the P-profile by the λc profile filter. The
vertical and horizontal minimum values.
long wave profile components which belong to the
Z(x) = profile ordinates of the roughness profile. R 3z1 R 3z2 R 3z3 R 3z4 R 3z5
form are excluded.
Ra is also called AA and CLA, Rq also RMS. Rp
Rq Z Mean line Ra R zi
X lr
ln lr ln

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