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Characteristics of a Good Research Question

Name: ____________________________________________ Period: _________

Characteristics to Evaluate your Points

Research Question 0 or 1
Answer is not immediately obvious
Controversial – tension and uncertainty about the answer
Could be more than one answer or solution
Clear enough for other people to understand
Identifies an important confusion or ambiguity in a problem
Requests new information or old information that can be
presented in a new way
“Researchable” – information available that will help provide an
Clear, straightforward & comprehensible
Poses a problem that’s significant to your reader and
interesting to your audience
It forces you to weigh evidence and compare divergent opinions
on your topic.
Is the Question too Broad, too Narrow or O.K.
Narrow focus area allows for suitable deep exploration
Passes the “so what” test
Requires more than just looking something up
Will sustain your interest for the duration of the project

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