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A Short History of the Middle Ages
Fourth Edition

Barbara H. Rosenwein depth. The sections for further reading have been
Barbara H. Rosenwein’s bestselling survey text con- updated, and ancillary materials, including study
tinues to stand out by integrating the history of questions, can be found on the History Matters
three medieval civilizations (European, Byzantine, website (
and Islamic) in a lively narrative that is complement- Barbara H. Rosenwein is a professor of History at
ed beautifully by 70 full-color plates, 46 maps, and Loyola University Chicago.
13 genealogies, many of them new to this edition.
The fourth edition begins with an essay entitled (UTP Higher Education)
“Why the Middle Ages Matter Today,” and the Approx. 384 pp / 70 color plates / 8 x 10 / February 2014
book now covers East Central Europe in some Cloth 978-1-4426-0802-3 $115.00 (£74.99)
depth. This edition includes three “Seeing the Mid- Paper 978-1-4426-0611-1 $52.95 (£34.99)
dle Ages” features, each discussing a work of art in

Reading the Middle Ages NEW

Sources from Europe, Byzantium, and the Islamic World
Second Edition
Edited by Barbara H. Rosenwein Western, Byzantine, and Islamic religious traditions.
Covering over one thousand years of history and Ancillary materials, including Questions for Reflec-
containing primary source material from the Europe- tion, can be found on the History Matters website
an, Byzantine, and Islamic worlds, Barbara H. Rosen- (
wein’s Reading the Middle Ages, Second Edition Barbara H. Rosenwein is a professor of History at
once again brings the Middle Ages to life. Building on Loyola University Chicago.
the strengths of the first edition, the second edition
contains 40 new readings, including 13 translations (UTP Higher Education)
commissioned especially for this book, and a stun- 544 pp / 10 color plates / 8 x 10 / 2013
ning new 10-plate color insert entitled “Containing Cloth 978-1-4426-0821-4 $127.00 (£82.99)
the Holy” that brings together materials from the Paper 978-1-4426-0602-9 $57.95 (£37.99)

Dante’s Lyric Poetry

Poems of Youth and of the Vita Nuova
Edited with Introductions to the Lyrics Commedia, including the philosophy and psychology The Lorenzo Da PonTe ITaLIan LIbrary

by Teodolinda Barolini of desire and its role as motor of all human activity, the GeneraL eDITors: LuIGI baLLerInI anD MassIMo CIavoLeLLa

Dante Alighieri
Verse translations by Richard Lansing quest for vision and transcendence, the frustrating dante’s lyric poetry
Commentary translated from Italian search for justice on earth, and the transgression of Poems of Youth and of the Vita Nuova
by Andrew Frisardi boundaries in society and poetry. A wide-ranging and
Edited with a general introduction and introductory essays to the lyrics
by teodolinda barolini
With new verse translations of Dante’s lyric poetry by Richard Lansing

Winner of the Modern Language Association intelligent examination of one of the most important
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Publication Award poets in the Western tradition, this book will be of in-
for a Manuscript in Italian Literary Studies terest to scholars and poetry-lovers alike.

The first comprehensive English translation and com- Teodolinda Barolini is the Lorenzo Da Ponte Profes-
mentary on Dante’s early verse to be published in al- sor of Italian at Columbia University. Richard Lansing
most fifty years, Dante’s Lyric Poetry includes all the is a Professor Emeritus of Italian Studies and Comparative
poems written by the young Dante Aligheri between Literature at Brandeis University. Andrew Frisardi is
c. 1283 and c. 1292. Essays by Teodolinda Barolini a writer, editor, and translator who lives near Orvieto,
guide the reader through the new verse translations Italy.
by Richard Lansing, illuminating Dante’s transforma- (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library)
tion from a young courtly poet into the writer of the Approx. 496 pp / 6 x 9 / December 2014
vast and visionary Commedia. Cloth 978-1-4426-4840-1 $85.00 (£57.99)
Barolini’s commentary exposes Dante’s lyric poems Paper 978-1-4426-2619-5 $39.95 (£27.99)
as early articulations of many of the ideas in the 1
Shakespeare, Intermedia, and the Limits of Adaptation

Edited by Daniel Fischlin With essays on YouTube and iTunes, as well as

For Shakespeare and Shakespearean adaptation, the radio, television, and film, OuterSpeares is the first
global digital media environment is a “brave new book to examine the full spectrum of past and pres-
world” of opportunity and revolution. In Outer- ent adaptations, and one that offers a unique per-
Speares: Shakespeare, Intermedia, and the Limits of spective on the transcultural and transdisciplinary
Adaptation, noted scholars of Shakespeare and new aspects of Shakespeare in the contemporary world.
media consider the ways in which various media af- Daniel Fischlin is a University Research Chair in the
fect how we understand Shakespeare and his works. School of English and Theatre Studies at the Univer-
Daniel Fischlin and his collaborators explore a sity of Guelph.
wide selection of adaptations that occupy the space
between and across traditional genres – what artist Approx. 384 pp / 14 illustrations, 1 table / 6 x 9 /
Dick Higgins calls “intermedia” – ranging from ad- October 2014
aptations that use social networking, cloud com- Cloth 978-1-4426-4785-5 $80.00 (£54.99)
puting, and mobile devices to the many handicrafts Paper 978-1-4426-1593-9 $34.95 (£23.99)
branded and sold in connection with the Bard.

NEW Shakespeare in Québec

Nation, Gender, and Adaptation
SHAKESPEARE Jennifer Drouin Close readings from ten plays investigate the radi-
IN QUEBEC In Shakespeare in Québec, Jennifer Drouin analyses cal changes to content that allowed Québécois play-
NATION, GENDER, representations of nation and gender in Shakespear- wrights to advocate for political change and contrib-
ean adaptations written in Québec since the Quiet ute to the hot debates of the Quiet Revolution, the
Revolution. Using postcolonial and gender theory, 1970 October Crisis, the 1980 and 1995 referenda,
Drouin traces the evolution of discourses of nation the rise of feminism, and the emergence of AIDS. Dr-
and gender in Québec from the Conquest of New ouin reveals not only how Shakespeare has been
France to the present, and she elaborates a theory of adapted in Québec but also how Québécois adapta-
adaptation specific to Shakespeare studies. tions have evolved in response to changes in the po-
Drouin’s book explains why Québécois playwrights litical climate. As a critical analysis in English of rich
seem so obsessed with rewriting “le grand Will,” what but largely ignored French plays, Shakespeare in
changes they make to the Shakespearean text, and Québec bridges Canada’s “two solitudes.”
how the differences between Shakespeare and the Jennifer Drouin is an assistant professor in the Depart-
J E N N I F E R D R O U I N adaptations engage the nationalist, feminist, and ment of English at the University of Alabama.
queer concerns of Québec society.
Approx. 272 pp / 6 x 9 / May 2014
Cloth 978-1-4426-4797-8 $65.00 (£44.99)

Unruly Women
Performance, Penitence, and Punishment in Early Modern Spain
Performance, Penitence, and Punishment
in Early Modern Spain Margaret E. Boyle jail and a magdalen house, and women onstage,
In the first in-depth study of the interconnected rela- where she identifies three distinct representations
tionships among public theatre, custodial institutions, of female deviance: the widow, the vixen, and the
and women in early modern Spain, Margaret E. Boyle murderess. Unruly Women explores these arche-
explores the contradictory practices of rehabilitation typal figures in order to demonstrate the ways a
enacted by women both on and off stage. Pairing variety of playwrights comment on women’s non-
historical narratives and archival records with canoni- normative relationships to the topics of marriage,
cal and non-canonical theatrical representations of sex, and violence.
women’s deviance and rehabilitation, Unruly Women Margaret E. Boyle is an assistant professor of Ro-
argues that women’s performances of penitence and mance Languages at Bowdoin College.
punishment should be considered a significant factor
in early modern Spanish life. (Toronto Iberic)
Margaret E. Boyle
Boyle looks at real-life sites of rehabilitation for Approx. 184 pp / 6 x 9 / March 2014
women in seventeenth-century Madrid, including a Cloth 978-1-4426-4615-5 $55.00 (£37.99)

2 University of Toronto Press


Heroic Forms
Cervantes and the Literature of War
Stephen Rupp demonstrates how Cervantes’s works express his Literature of War

Before he was a writer, Miguel de Cervantes was a perceptions of military life and how Cervantes inter-
soldier. Enlisting in the Spanish infantry in 1570, he
fought at the battle of Lepanto, was seized at sea
preted the experience of war through the genres of
the era: epic, tragedy, pastoral, romance, and pica- HEROIC
and held captive by Algerian corsairs, and returned to resque fiction.
Spain with a deep knowledge of military life. He un- Stephen Rupp is an associate professor in the De-
derstood the costs of heroism, the fragility of fame, partment of Spanish and Portuguese at the University
and the power of the military culture of brotherhood. of Toronto.
In Cervantes and the Literature of War, Stephen
Rupp connects Cervantes’s complex and inventive (Toronto Iberic)
approach to literary genre and his many representa- Approx. 264 pp / 6 x 9 / September 2014
tions of early modern warfare. Examining Cer- Cloth 978-1-4426-4912-5 $60.00 (£40.99) STEPHEN RUPP
vantes’s plays and poetry as well as his prose, Rupp

The Taymouth Hours

Stories and the Construction of the Self in Late Medieval England
Kathryn A. Smith illustrated, the book also comes with a digitized edi-
The Taymouth Hours is one of the most fascinat- tion of the entire manuscript.
ing illuminated manuscripts of late medieval Eng- Kathryn A. Smith is an associate professor and
land, but the circumstances of its commission have chair in the Department of Art History at New York
remained elusive for more than a century. In this University.
first comprehensive study of the Taymouth Hours,
Kathryn A. Smith traces the manuscript’s origin “These arguments are of a consistently strong schol-
to Philippa of Hainault, queen of Edward III, and arly character: the use made of royal inventories and
Edward’s sister, the thirteen-year-old Eleanor of existing scholarship is particularly impressive. By the
Woodstock. Smith provides a detailed analysis of end of the study, a thorough and compelling analysis
the manuscript’s program, particularly the rela- of the manuscript’s imagery has been presented …”
tionships between its marginal imagery and the Julian Luxford, Times Literary Supplement
devotional texts these images border, and embeds
256 pp / 120 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
the Taymouth Hours within the historical, political,
Cloth 978-1-4426-4436-6 $65.00
religious, and artistic contexts of early fourteenth-
North American rights only. Other rights held by the
century England and northern Europe. Generously
British Library.

A Poisoned Past
The Life and Times of Margarida de Portu,
a Fourteenth-Century Accused Poisoner
Steven Bednarski copy, a notarial act, a sample folio of a criminal in-
This is the story of Margarida de Portu, a medieval quest record, a list of characters, a timeline and fam-
French woman who was falsely accused of poison- ily tree, transcriptions of a criminal inquest, and a
ing her husband to death. In addition to learning translation of the criminal charges made against Mar-
about her engaging story, the reader also learns garida.
how historians “do” history and discovers the re- Steven Bednarski is an associate professor in the
wards and pitfalls of working with primary sources. Department of History at St. Jerome’s University in
The book opens with a chapter on micro-history the University of Waterloo.
as a genre, explaining its strengths, weaknesses, and
inherent risks. It then tells the narrative of Margari- (UTP Higher Education)
da’s criminal trial, including chapters on the civil suits, Approx. 176 pp / 6 x 9 / May 2014
appeal, and Margarida’s eventual fate. Maps are pro- Cloth 978-1-4426-0771-2 $55.00 (£35.99)
vided, as well as an example of a court notary’s rough Paper 978-1-4426-0477-3 $24.95 (£16.99) 3

Old English Literature and the Old Testament

Edited by Michael Fox and Manish Sharma
It would be difficult to overestimate the importance of the Bible in the medieval world. For the Anglo-
Saxons, literary culture emerged from sustained and intensive biblical study. Though the Old Testament
was only partially translated into Old English, recent studies have shown how completely interconnected
the Anglo-Latin and Old English literary traditions are. Old English Literature and the Old Testament consid-
ers the importance of the Old Testament from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, from comparative to
intertextual and historical.
Michael Fox teaches Writing, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication at Western University.
Manish Sharma is an associate professor in the Department of English at Concordia University.

(Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series) 400 pp / 3 illustrations / 6 x 9 / May 2014

Paper 978-1-4426-2680-5 $36.95 (£25.99)

Dante’s Journey to Polyphony

Francesco Ciabattoni
In Dante’s Journey to Polyphony, Francesco Ciabattoni examines the role of the musical performances in
the Commedia and, more specifically, how the presentation of sacred music unfolds throughout the entire
poem and constitutes a structural pillar of the narrative discourse.
Thoroughly grounded in musicological and philological scholarship, Dante’s Journey to Polyphony pro-
vides the first organic treatment of the theme of Dante and music. Moving from the philosophical founda-
tions of music and from a study of the diffusion of polyphony in Tuscany during Dante’s day, Ciabattoni
outlines the intricate musical design in the texture of the poem. An analysis of the musical passages in the
Commedia shows that, from infernal cacophony, through purgatorial monophony, to paradisiacal polyph-
ony, sacred songs constitute a thoroughly planned system accompanying the pilgrim’s itinerary.
Francesco Ciabattoni is an associate professor of Italian at Georgetown University.

(Toronto Italian Studies) 264 pp / 6 x 9 / May 2014

Paper 978-1-4426-2679-9 $29.95 (£20.99)

Law and History in Cervantes’ Don Quixote

Susan Byrne
Law and History in Cervantes’ Don Quixote is a deep consideration of the intellectual environment that gave
rise to Cervantes’ seminal work. Susan Byrne demonstrates how Cervantes synthesized the debates sur-
rounding the two most authoritative discourses of his era – those of law and history – into a new aesthetic
product, the modern novel.
Byrne uncovers the empirical underpinnings of Don Quixote through a close philological study of Cer-
vantes’ sly questioning of and commentary on these fields. She thereby illustrates how Cervantes’ art
highlighted the inconsistencies of juridical-historical texts and practice, as well as anticipated the ultimate
resolution of their paradoxes.
Susan Byrne is an associate professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Yale University.

(Toronto Iberic) 256 pp / 8 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013

Paper 978-1-4426-2640-9 $24.95 (£17.99)

Armour and Masculinity in the Italian Renaissance

Carolyn Springer
During the Italian Wars of 1494–1559, with innovations in military technology and tactics, armour began
to disappear from the battlefield. Yet as field armour was retired, recycled, and discarded, parade and cer-
emonial armour took on greater importance and grew increasingly flamboyant.
Drawing on theoretical perspectives from anthropology, literary studies, art history, and gender studies,
Armour and Masculinity in the Italian Renaissance explores the significance of armour in early modern Italy
as a cultural artifact and symbolic form. Carolyn Springer demonstrates that Renaissance armour is not just
a background to literary texts but a vibrant representational practice in its own right.
Carolyn Springer is a professor in the Department of French and Italian at Stanford University.

(Toronto Italian Studies) 256 pp / 38 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013

Paper 978-1-4426-2617-1 $29.95 (£20.99)

4 University of Toronto Press


The Tale of the Alerion

& Hieatt
A scholarly translation of a long neglected work
Guillaume de Machaut by a fourteenth-century French poet

Guillaume de Machaut
Edited and translated by Minnette Gaudet and Constance B. Hieatt Guillaume de Machaut (1300–77), the most important poet and
musician of fourteenth-century France, had considerable influence

The Tale of
on subsequent generations of writers in both France and England.

Guillaume de Machaut, the most important poet and musician of fourteenth-century France, had con- With this scholarly translation, Minnette Gaudet and Constance B.
Hieatt made his long-neglected narrative poem, the Dit de l’alerion,
available to students of medieval literature. The scholarly notes and

siderable influence on subsequent generations of writers in both France and England. With this scholarly
introduction furnish explications and variant readings of obscure the Alerion
passages and wordplay. The editors have chosen to create a verse

translation, Minnette Gaudet and Constance B. Hieatt made his long-neglected narrative poem, the Dit de
translation in order to duplicate, in so far as possible, the poet’s
wordplay and intricate rhythms.
Edited and translated by
l’alerion – a treatise on love and falconry – available to students of medieval literature. The introduction and Minnette Gaudet and Constance B. Hieatt

notes to this edition provide valuable information about the art of falconry, thus clarifying aspects of the
Praise for The Tale of the Alerion

The Tale of the Alerion

‘This attractive volume is a welcome addition to the growing list of

poem which might be hard to understand today. works making Guillaume de Machaut more accessible to English
readers … It is to be hoped that the beauty of this English trans-
lation and the helpfulness of the introductory material will tempt

Minnette Gaudet was an associate professor of French at the University of Western Ontario.
readers to take up a closer study of Guillaume’s original poem.’
Robert Taylor, University of Toronto Quarterly

Constance B. Hieatt was an emeritus professor of English at the University of Western Ontario.

(Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations) 200 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013 ISBN 978-1-4426-2606-5

Paper 978-1-4426-2606-5 $29.95 (£20.99)

Between Worlds
The Rhetorical Universe of Paradise Lost
William Pallister
Winner of the Modern Language Association Independent Scholar Prize
John Milton’s Paradise Lost has long been celebrated for its epic subject matter and the poet’s rhetorical
fireworks. In Between Worlds, William Pallister analyses the rhetorical methods that Milton uses through-
out the poem and examines the effects of the three distinct rhetorical registers observed in each of the
poem’s major settings: Heaven, Hell, and Paradise.
An erudite and detailed study of both Paradise Lost and the history of rhetoric, Between Worlds is
essential reading that will help to unravel many of the complexities of Milton’s enduring masterpiece.
William Pallister holds a PhD from the University of London.

328 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
Paper 978-1-4426-1618-9 $32.95 (£23.99)

Don Quixote among the Saracens

A Clash of Civilizations and Literary Genres
Frederick A. de Armas
Honourable Mention in the American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly
Excellence (Literature Category)
Don Quixote among the Saracens considers how Cervantes’ work reflects the clash of civilizations and
anxieties towards cultural pluralism that permeated Golden Age Spain. Frederick A. de Armas unravels an
essential mystery of one of world literature’s best known figures: why Quixote sets out to revive knight
errantry, and why he comes to feel at home only among the Moorish “Saracens,” a people whom Quixote
feared at the beginning of the novel.
Frederick A. de Armas is the Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Service Professor in the Humanities,
Spanish Literature, and Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago.

254 pp / 4 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013

Paper 978-1-4426-1601-1 $27.95 (£19.99)

Las Mocedades de Rodrigo

The Youthful Deeds of Rodrigo, the Cid
Edited and translated by Matthew Bailey
Rodrigo Diaz lived in the second half of the eleventh century and is the most famous Castilian in history. His
exploits are recounted in the traditional epic poem Cantar de Mio Cid which celebrated Diaz at the height
of his fame and honour. The Mocedades de Rodrigo predates Mio Cid as a fictional story of the passage
of a precocious twelve-year old Rodrigo from a rebellious and destructive killing force of nature to a leader
of men in the service of his king, Fernando I of Leon-Castile. Bailey’s edition presents a transcription of the
original manuscript, an English translation, notes, and commentary.
Matthew Bailey is a professor in the Department of Romance Languages at Washington and Lee University.

(Medieval Academy Books) 144 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013

Paper 978-1-4426-1595-3 $19.95 (£13.99) 5

A Short History of the Italian Renaissance
Kenneth R. Bartlett Kenneth R. Bartlett is a professor in the Depart-
Award-winning lecturer Kenneth R. Bartlett ap- ment of History at the University of Toronto.
plies his decades of experience teaching the Italian “Teachers seeking to convey the transformative
Renaissance and leading tours across Italy to this vitality of the Italian Renaissance to their students
beautifully illustrated overview. In his introductory can only be grateful to have this book available as
Note to the Reader, Bartlett first explains why he their guide.”
chose Jacob Burckhardt’s classic narrative to guide
J.B. Shank, University of Minnesota
students through the complex history of the Re-
naissance and then provides his own contemporary (UTP Higher Education)
interpretation of that narrative. Over seventy color 416 pp / 70 color plates / 8 x 10 / 2013
illustrations, genealogies of important Renaissance Cloth 978-1-4426-0763-7 $132.00 (£81.99)
families, eight maps, a list of popes, a timeline of Paper 978-1-4426-0014-0 $59.95 (£39.99)
events, a bibliography, and an index are included.

The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance

A Sourcebook, Second Edition
Edited by Kenneth R. Bartlett to the readings are fully revised, and an essay on read-
Beginning with medieval Italy in the late thirteenth ing historical documents is now appended.
century and ending in the sixteenth century, The Kenneth R. Bartlett is a professor in the Depart-
Civilization of the Italian Renaissance is designed ment of History at the University of Toronto.
to introduce students to the richness and complex-
ity of the period. The book is divided into chapters “Kenneth Bartlett’s The Civilization of the Italian Re-
that focus on different aspects of life in Renaissance naissance has long been my favorite sourcebook for
Italy. Throughout, sources and individuals are dis- undergraduate teaching.”
cussed in introductory or biographical paragraphs Lisa Regan, University of California Berkeley
to help students engage with the material.
This edition includes a new chapter on Dante and (UTP Higher Education)
medieval Italy, new selections on warfare, and addi- 320 pp / 7 ¾ x 9 ¼ / 2011
tional readings on education, Florence, humanism, the Paper 978-1-4426-0485-8 $59.95 (£39.99)
Church, and the later Renaissance. The introductions

The Trial of Galileo, 1612–1633

Edited by Thomas F. Mayer with a headnote, questions to guide students
This unique reader allows students to examine Gali- through each source, and suggested readings. The
leo’s trial as a legal event and, in so doing, to learn book includes a comprehensive cast of characters,
about seventeenth-century European religion, poli- a map of Galileo’s Rome, a chronology of Galileo’s
tics, diplomacy, bureaucracy, culture, and science. life, and a list of secondary readings.
Noted scholar of the trial Thomas F. Mayer has Thomas F. Mayer is a professor of History at Au-
translated correspondence, legal documents, tran- gustana College.
scripts, and excerpts from Galileo’s work to give stu-
dents the opportunity to critically analyze primary “Mayer provides a sourcebook that is an ideal
sources relating to Galileo’s trial. tool for any instructor introducing students to
To help contextualize the trial, Mayer provides Galileo’s trial.”
an introduction that details Galileo’s life and work, Renaissance Quarterly
the Council of Trent, the role of the papacy, and
(UTP Higher Education)
the Roman Inquisition, and gives a clear explana-
224 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
tion of how a trial before the Inquisition would
Paper 978-1-4426-0519-0 $24.95 (£16.99)
have been conducted. Each primary source begins

6 University of Toronto Press


Readings in Medieval History

Fourth Edition

Edited by Patrick J. Geary Patrick J. Geary is a professor in the Department of

In the fourth edition of his enormously popular col- History at the University of California, Los Angeles.
lection of medieval documents, Patrick J. Geary has “Readings in Medieval History is probably the best
incorporated more bibliographical information into collection of primary source readings available.”
the introductions to the readings. Five texts have
Jonathan Conant, Brown University
been added to better reflect legal, religious, Pol-
ish, and women’s history. A glossary is provided to (UTP Higher Education)
help with unfamiliar terms, and secondary readings 816 pp / 7 x 9 / 2010
about the primary sources are listed. Paper 978-1-4426-0120-8 $62.95 (£39.99)
Four principles guide the selection of primary
sources: entire documents are provided rather than Also available in a two-volume format:
snippets; texts are grouped so that individual docu-
Volume I: The Early Middle Ages / 352 pp / 7 x 9 / 2010
ments relate to one another; documents chosen
Paper 978-1-4426-0116-1 $42.95 (£23.99)
have been the subject of significant scholarship;
and raw material for many types of historical inves- Volume II: The Later Middle Ages / 504 pp / 7 x 9 / 2010
tigations (political, social, cultural) is provided. Paper 978-1-4426-0117-8 $42.95 (£23.99)

The Middle Ages in Texts and Texture

Reflections on Medieval Sources

Edited by Jason Glenn Jason Glenn is an associate professor in the De-

The Middle Ages in Texts and Texture is a collection partment of History at the University of Southern
of unique essays that teaches students of medieval California.
history how to work with primary sources. The goal “In this volume, experienced scholar-teachers ad-
of the collection is to provide students with a sense dress the greatest primary-source hits of the me-
of the “texture” of the Middle Ages by having them dieval studies syllabus. Anyone who teaches such a
engage and struggle with some of the most notable course will find here fresh readings of familiar texts,
texts produced during this period. as well as reasons to start working with some un-
The texts discussed in the essays, most of which familiar ones.”
are well known classics, are arranged in chronologi-
Adam J. Kosto, Columbia University
cal order and span the period from the fourth cen-
tury to the turn of the fifteenth century. They come (UTP Higher Education)
from a wide range of genres, and each essay begins 368 pp / 6 x 9 / 2011
with basic information about the texts, their authors, Paper 978-1-4426-0490-2 $32.95 (£21.99)
and the larger settings in which they were written.

Prologues to Ancient and Medieval History
A Reader

Edited by Justin Lake work and directs the reader’s attention to impor-
The purpose of a prologue in the ancient and me- tant ideas and themes. Taken together, they help to
dieval world was to define the subject of the work, bridge the gap that separates the ancient and medi-
explain the author’s motives and methodology, and eval world from our own.
obtain the reader’s approval of his position. This Justin Lake is an assistant professor of Classics in
volume brings together for the first time the most the Department of International Studies at Texas
important historical prologues of the European tra- A&M University.
dition for a period of almost two millennia.
The volume consists of 88 historical prologues (UTP Higher Education, Readings in
and prefatory epistles from the fifth century BC to Medieval Civilizations and Cultures)
the fourteenth century. Each individual prologue is 320 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
preceded by a brief introduction that provides basic Cloth 978-1-4426-0798-9 $86.00 (£55.99)
information and context about the author and his Paper 978-1-4426-0503-9 $37.95 (£24.99) 7

The Crusades: A Reader
Second Edition
Edited by S.J. Allen and Emilie Amt Al-Sulami’s The Book of Jihad, a record of Frederick
Over ten years have passed since the first publication II’s visit to Jerusalem in 1229, and a selection of
of The Crusades: A Reader. In that time, interest in the sources detailing the homecoming of those who had
crusades has increased, fuelled in part by the global ventured to the Holy Land.
interactions of the Muslim world and Western nations. S.J. Allen is a faculty member in Arts and Humani-
It could be argued that the crusades, more than any ties at Open University in the UK. Emilie Amt is
other medieval event, have become inextricably linked the Hildegarde Pilgram Professor of History at Hood
to present-day political and religious debates. College in Frederick, Maryland.
This long-anticipated new edition of The Crusades:
A Reader features a chapter that addresses the history (UTP Higher Education, Readings in
of perceptions of the crusades in the modern period, Medieval Civilizations and Cultures)
from David Hume and William Wordsworth to World Approx. 496 pp / 14 illustrations / 6 x 9 / April 2014
War I political cartoons and crusading rhetoric Cloth 978-1-4426-0894-8 $105.00 (£68.99)
circulating after 9/11. New Islamic material includes Paper 978-1-4426-0623-4 $46.95 (£29.99)

Sacred Violence
The European Crusades to the Middle East, 1095–1396
Jill N. Claster Jill N. Claster is professor emerita of Medieval His-
In Sacred Violence, renowned medieval historian Jill N. tory at New York University. She is a past Director of
Claster examines warfare between Christians and the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Stud-
Muslims for control of the embattled city of Jeru- ies and the former Dean of the College of Arts and
salem. Beyond the battlefield, however, Claster ex- Science at New York University.
plains the relationship of Jews, Christians, and Mus- “[Jill N. Claster] deftly integrates the social and po-
lims to the Holy City and how that relationship still litical history of the crusades, its battles and institu-
resonates today. tions, with the history of religion. Sacred Violence
The book encompasses the history of the kingdom represents a new and important resource for stu-
founded by the crusaders that lasted, against all odds, dents of the crusades.”
for over two hundred years, and details the richness that
Ross Brann, Cornell University
emerged from the interplay of its many cultural groups.
It also tells the story of how and why the crusades (UTP Higher Education)
came about, their impact on the Middle East and Eu- 356 pp / 6 x 9 / 2009
rope, and their legacy to subsequent generations. Paper 978-1-4426-0060-7 $34.95 (£18.99)

Medieval Military Technology

Second Edition
Kelly DeVries and Robert Douglas Smith Kelly DeVries is a professor in the Department
First published in 1992, Medieval Military Technol- of History at Loyola University Maryland. Robert
MEDIEVAL ogy has become the definitive book in its field, Douglas Smith is an independent museum consul-
garnering much praise and a large readership. This tant.
Kelly DeVries thorough update of a classic book, regarded as both “Students of the Middle Ages and military enthusi-
Robert Douglas Smith an excellent overview and an important piece of asts alike will find Medieval Military Technology a
scholarship, includes fully revised content. valuable and unique work.”
The four key organizing sections of the book still
Richard Abels, United States Naval Academy
remain: arms and armor, artillery, fortifications, and
warships. Throughout, the authors connect these (UTP Higher Education)
technologies to broader themes and developments 368 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
in medieval society as well as to current scholarly Paper 978-1-4426-0497-1 $34.95 (£22.99)
and curatorial controversies.

8 University of Toronto Press


Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures

Series Editor: Paul Edward Dutton
“Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures is in my opinion the most useful series being published today.”
William C. Jordan, Princeton University

I. Carolingian Civilization IX. The ‘Annals’ of Flodoard of Reims, 919–966

A Reader, Second Edition Translated and Edited by
Edited by Paul Edward Dutton Steven Fanning and Bernard S. Bachrach
Paper 978-1-5511-1492-7 Paper 978-1-4426-0001-0
$44.95 (£25.99) 2004 $27.95 (£16.99) 2004

II. Medieval Popular Religion, 1000–1500 X. Gregory of Tours

A Reader, Second Edition The Merovingians
Edited by John Shinners Translated and Edited by
Paper 978-1-4426-0106-2 Alexander Callander Murray
$44.95 (£24.99) 2006 Paper 978-1-5511-1523-8
$27.95 (£15.99) 2005
III. Charlemagne’s Courtier
The Complete Einhard XI. Medieval Towns
Edited by Paul Edward Dutton A Reader
Paper 978-1-4426-0112-3 Edited by Maryanne Kowaleski
$24.95 (£12.99) 1998 Paper 978-1-4426-0091-1
$44.95 (£24.99) 2006
IV. Medieval Saints
A Reader XII. A Short Reader of Medieval Saints
Edited by Mary-Ann Stouck Edited by Mary-Ann Stouck
Paper 978-1-4426-0101-7 Paper 978-1-4426-0094-2
$44.95 (£24.99) 1998 $27.95 (£15.99) 2009

V. From Roman to Merovingian Gaul XIII. Vengeance in Medieval Europe

A Reader A Reader
Translated and Edited by Edited by Daniel Lord Smail
Alexander Callander Murray and Kelly Gibson
Paper 978-1-4426-0095-9 Paper 978-1-4426-0126-0
$44.95 (£24.99) 1999 $44.95 (£25.99) 2009

VI. Medieval England, 1000–1500 XIV. The Viking Age

A Reader A Reader
Edited by Emilie Amt Edited by Angus A. Somerville
Paper 978-1-4426-0006-5 and R. Andrew McDonald
$44.95 (£24.99) 2000 Paper 978-1-4426-0148-2
$44.95 (£24.99) 2010
VII. Love, Marriage, and Family
in the Middle Ages XV. Medieval Medicine
A Reader A Reader
Edited by Jacqueline Murray Edited by Faith Wallis
Paper 978-1-5511-1104-9 Paper 978-1-4426-0103-1
$44.95 (£24.99) 2001 $44.95 (£24.99) 2010

VIII. The Crusades XVI. Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages

A Reader, Second Edition A Reader
Edited by S.J. Allen and Emilie Amt Edited by Brett Edward Whalen
Paper 978-1-4426-0624-4 Paper 978-1-4426-0199-4
$46.95 (£29.99) 2014 $44.95 (£27.99) 2011
See page 8 for more information
XVII. Prologues to Ancient and Medieval History
A Reader
Edited by Justin Lake
Paper 978-1-4426-0503-9
$37.95 (£24.99) 2013
See page 7 for more information 9

Rethinking the Middle Ages

Series Editors: Paul Edward Dutton and John Shinners
Rethinking the Middle Ages is a series committed to re-examining the Middle Ages – its themes, institutions, people, and
events – with short studies that invite readers to think about that era in new and unusual ways.

I. Seeing Medieval Art textbooks of theology, received the largest number of commentaries
among all works of Christian literature except for Scripture itself. In this
Herbert L. Kessler
book, notable Lombard scholar Philipp W. Rosemann examines the text
How did medieval people see art? How was it as a guiding thread to studying Christian thought throughout the later
made, paid for, and used? Why was it neces- Middle Ages and into early modern times.
sary to social activities? With 12 colour plates
Paper 978-1-5511-1718-8 $29.95 (£17.99) 2007
and 54 plates in all, this book looks at art’s
functions and traces many crucial develop-
ments, including the development of secular III. Rethinking the
art and historical narrative and the emergence
of individual portraiture School of Chartres
Paper 978-1-5511-1535-1 $32.95 (£17.99) 2004
Édouard Jeauneau
Translated by Claude Paul Desmarais
In this brief essay, esteemed medieval historian
II. The Story of a Great Édouard Jeauneau examines a much debated
Medieval Book question in medieval intellectual history: did
the famous School of Chartres actually exist?
Peter Lombard’s Sentences Deftly translated by Claude Paul Desmarais, Re-
Philipp W. Rosemann thinking the School of Chartres provides a nar-
Twelfth-century theologian Peter Lombard’s rative that is critical, passionate, and witty.
Book of Sentences, one of the first Western Paper 978-1-4426-0007-2 $26.95 (£15.99) 2009

The Vikings and Their Age

Angus A. Somerville and R. Andrew McDonald study on the wandering monks of St. Philibert intro-
This book, the first in our Companions to Medieval duce students to the process of historical inquiry. The
Studies series, is a brief introduction to the history, book concludes with a discussion of the impact of the
culture, and religion of the Viking Age and provides Vikings and their legacy.
an essential foundation for study of the period. It be- Angus A. Somerville is an associate professor in the
gins by defining the Viking Age and explores topics Department of English Language and Literature at
such as Viking society and religion. Viking biographies Brock University. R. Andrew McDonald is a professor
provide students with information on important fig- in the Department of History at Brock University.
ures in Viking lore such as Harald Bluetooth, Eirik the
Red, Leif Eiriksson, and Gudrid Thorbjarnardaughter, a (UTP Higher Education, Companions to Medieval Studies)
female Viking traveler. A compelling chapter entitled 160 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
“How Do We Know About the Vikings?” and a case Paper 978-1-4426-0522-0 $19.95 (£12.99)

UTP Higher Education is pleased to announce a new series:

Companions to Medieval Studies

Series Editor: Paul Edward Dutton
Our new Companions to Medieval Studies series features short books that provide students and instructors with
essential information about a specific topic in medieval studies. The books may accompany and complement the
source books in our very popular Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures series or stand alone as handy refer-
ence books in many undergraduate classes.
Companions include useful pedagogical tools such as maps, reading lists, key terms, lists of important historical
figures, and timelines.

10 University of Toronto Press


Wooden Os
Shakespeare’s Theatres and England’s Trees

Vin Nardizzi Vin Nardizzi is an assistant professor in the De-

Wooden Os is a study of the presence of trees and partment of English at the University of British Co-
wood in the drama of Shakespeare and his contem- lumbia.
poraries – in plays set within forests, in character di- “Engaging, well-written, and well-researched,
alogue, and in props and theatre constructions. Vin Wooden Os is imaginative, insightful, and a fresh
Nardizzi connects these themes to the dependence, contribution to the field of early modern ecocriti-
and surprising ecological impact, of London’s com- cism.”
mercial theatre industry on England’s woodlands,
Garrett Sullivan, The Pennsylvania State University
the primary resource required to build all structures
in early modern England. 224 pp / 8 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
By considering works including Friar Bacon and Cloth 978-1-4426-4600-1 $60.00 (£41.99)
Friar Bungay, the revised Spanish Tragedy, and The
Tempest, Nardizzi demonstrates how the “trees”
within them were used in imaginative ways to medi-
ate England’s resource crisis.

Middleton and Rowley

Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse

David Nicol David Nicol is an assistant professor in the

For Thomas Middleton and William Rowley, the Department of Theatre at Dalhousie University.
playwriting team best known for their tragedy The “In this engaging book, Nicol succeeds in making a
Changeling, disagreements and friction proved substantial contribution to what has always been a
quite beneficial for their work. This first full-length vexing question for theatre historians and has come
study of Middleton and Rowley uses their plays to to be an increasingly pressing one in the past dozen
propose a new model for the study of collaborative years: How did such coherent art emerge from such
authorship in early modern English drama. David Ni- varied materials?”
col highlights the diverse forms of collaborative rela-
William W.E. Slights, University of Saskatchewan
tionships that factor into a play’s meaning, including
playwrights, actors, companies, playhouses, and 224 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
patrons. This kaleidoscopic approach, which views Cloth 978-1-4426-4370-3 $50.00 (£33.99)
the plays from all these perspectives, throws new
light on the Middleton-Rowley oeuvre and on early
modern dramatic collaboration as a whole.

Shakespeare and the Second World War

Theatre, Culture, Identity

Edited by Irena R. Makaryk and Marissa McHugh Irena R. Makaryk is a professor in the Department
Most, if not all, of the combatants of the Second of English at the University of Ottawa. Marissa
World War have laid claim to Shakespeare, and have McHugh is a doctoral candidate in the Department
called upon his work to convey their society’s self- of English at the University of Ottawa.
image. In wartime, such claims frequently brought “This ambitious anthology makes a real contribution
to the fore a crisis of cultural identity and of com- to Shakespeare studies and the Second World War,
peting ownership of this “universal” author. both topics of continuing interest. It is guaranteed
Despite this, the role of Shakespeare during the to find an appreciative readership among those in-
Second World War has not yet been examined or terested in theatre, cultural history, and the history
documented in any depth. Shakespeare and the Sec- of the twentieth century.”
ond World War provides the first sustained interna-
Marvin Carlson, The Graduate Center, The City Uni-
tional, collaborative incursion into this terrain. The
versity of New York
essays demonstrate how the wide variety of ways in
which Shakespeare has been recycled, reviewed, and 296 pp / 34 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
reinterpreted from 1939–1945 are both illuminated Cloth 978-1-4426-4402-1 $65.00 (£45.99)
by and continue to illuminate the war today. 11
The Collected Works of Erasmus
The aim of the Collected Works of Erasmus is to make available an accurate, readable English text of Desiderius Erasmus’ (d. 1536) principal
writings. Erasmus was one of the leading architects of modern thought, whose influence over the intellectual life of his day was immense.
The series, 86 volumes in length, was launched in 1968.

“Academic publishing does not get any better than this: durably bound, expertly annotated, beautifully translated editions of the works of
one of the finest scholars in the illustrious history of the Christian Church. English readers will long continue to be in the debt of the University
of Toronto Press for its courage and foresight in undertaking the publication of the extensive Erasmian corpus.”
Michael Bauman, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

“The Collected Works of Erasmus project has long since established a new standard for scholarly translation series to emulate. Not only
have the English versions represented Erasmus’ writings in crisp and accessible language, but meticulous editorial scholarship has placed
the author’s thought and work in their proper intellectual contexts.”
Jerry H. Bentley, Renaissance Quarterly

Complete List of Published Volumes

(CWE 1): Letters 1–141 (CWE 27–28): Lit/Ed Writings 5,6 (CWE 56): Annotations On Romans
Cloth 978-0-8020-1981-3 $122.00 (£85.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-5602-3 $135.00 (£94.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2803-7 $135.00 (£94.99)

(CWE 2): Letters 142–297 (CWE 29): Lit/Ed Writings 7 (CWE 61): Patristic Scholarship
Cloth 978-0-8020-1983-7 $105.00 (£73.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-5818-8 $135.00 (£94.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2760-3 $105.00 (£73.99)

(CWE 3): Letters 298–445 (CWE 31): Adages Ii1–Iv100 (CWE 63): Expositions of the Psalms
Cloth 978-0-8020-2202-8 $105.00 (£73.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2373-5 $99.00 (£69.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-4308-5 $103.00 (£72.99)

(CWE 4): Letters 446–593 (CWE 32): Adages Ivi1–Ix100 (CWE 64): Expositions of the Psalms
Cloth 978-0-8020-5366-4 $105.00 (£73.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2412-1 $99.00 (£69.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-3584-4 $179.00 (£125.99)

(CWE 5): Letters 594–841 (CWE 33): Adages IIi1–IIvi100 (CWE 65): Expositions of the Psalms
Cloth 978-0-8020-5429-6 $105.00 (£73.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-5954-3 $122.00 (£85.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-9979-2 $114.00 (£79.99)

(CWE 6): Letters 842–992 (CWE 34): Adages IIvii1–IIIiii100 (CWE 66): Spiritualia and Pastoralia
Cloth 978-0-8020-5500-2 $105.00 (£73.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2831-0 $116.00 (£81.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2656-9 $99.00 (£69.99)

(CWE 7): Letters 993–1121 (CWE 35): Adages IIIiv1–IVii100 (CWE 69): Spiritualia and Pastoralia
Cloth 978-0-8020-5607-8 $105.00 (£73.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-3643-8 $179.00 (£125.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-4382-5 $152.00 (£106.99)

(CWE 8): Letters 1122–1251 (CWE 36): Adages IViii1–Vii51 (CWE 70): Spiritualia and Pastoralia
Cloth 978-0-8020-2607-1 $105.00 (£73.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-8832-1 $179.00 (£125.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-4309-2 $152.00 (£106.99)

(CWE 9): Letters 1252–1355 (CWE 39–40): Colloquies (CWE 71): Controversies
Cloth 978-0-8020-2604-0 $111.00 (£77.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-5819-5 $390.00 (£273.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2869-3 $105.00 (£73.99)

(CWE 10): Letters 1356–1534 (CWE 42): Paraphrases on Romans (CWE 72): Controversies
Cloth 978-0-8020-5976-5 $122.00 (£85.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2510-4 $64.00 (£44.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-3836-4 $179.00 (£125.99)

(CWE 11): Letters 1535–1657 (CWE 43): Paraphrases on Epistles (CWE 76): Controversies
Cloth 978-0-8020-0536-6 $137.00 (£96.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-9296-0 $182.00 (£127.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-4317-7 $152.00 (£106.99)

(CWE 12): Letters 1658–1801 (CWE 44): Paraphrases on Letters (CWE 77): Controversies
Cloth 978-0-8020-4831-8 $211.00 (£148.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-0541-0 $149.00 (£104.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-4756-4 $152.00 (£106.99)

(CWE 13): Letters 1802–1925 (CWE 45): Paraphrases on Matthew (CWE 78): Controversies
Cloth 978-0-8020-9059-1 $182.00 (£127.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-9299-1 $134.00 (£94.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-9866-5 $165.00 (£115.99)

(CWE 14): Letters 1926–2081 (CWE 46): Paraphrases on John (CWE 82): Controversies
Cloth 978-1-4426-4044-3 $175.00 (£122.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-5859-1 $105.00 (£73.99) Cloth 978-1-4426-4115-0 $175.00 (£122.99)

(CWE 15): Letters 2082–2203 (CWE 48): Paraphrases on Luke (CWE 83): Controversies
Cloth 978-1-4426-4203-4 $175.00 (£118.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-3653-7 $155.00 (£108.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-4310-8 $116.00 (£81.99)

(CWE 23–24): Lit/Ed Writings 1,2 (CWE 49): Paraphrases on Mark (CWE 84): Controversies
Cloth 978-0-8020-5395-4 $135.00 (£94.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2631-6 $75.00 (£52.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-4397-9 $208.00 (£145.99)

(CWE 25–26): Lit/Ed Writings 3,4 (CWE 50): New Testament Scholarship (CWE 85–86): Poems
Cloth 978-0-8020-5521-7 $135.00 (£94.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-0664-6 $116.00 (£81.99) Cloth 978-0-8020-2867-9 $146.00 (£102.99)

In Preparation
Correspondence 16–22; Adages 30, Apophthegmata 37–38; New Testament Scholarship 41, 47, 51–55, 57–60; Patristic Scholarship 62;
Spiritualia and Pastoralia 67–68; Controversies 73–75, 79–81

12 University of Toronto Press


The Correspondence of Erasmus

Letters 2082–2203
Edited by James M. Estes St Augustine, both monumental projects that had
Translated by Alexander Dalzell been underway for years. He also found time to
This volume contains the surviving correspondence engage in controversy with his conservative Catholic
of Erasmus for the first seven months of 1529. For critics, as well as to write a long letter lamenting the
nearly eight years he had lived happily and execution for heresy of his friend Louis de Berquin
productively in Basel. In the winter of 1528–9, how- at Paris.
ever, the Swiss version of the Lutheran Reformation James M. Estes is professor emeritus in the
triumphed in the city, destroying the liberal- Department of History at the University of Toronto.
reformist atmosphere Erasmus had found so Alexander Dalzell is professor emeritus in the
congenial. Unwilling to live in a place where Catholic Department of Classics at Trinity College, University
doctrine and practice were officially proscribed, of Toronto.
Erasmus resettled in the quiet, reliably Catholic
university town of Freiburg im Breisgau. (Collected Works of Erasmus 15)
Despite the turmoil of moving, Erasmus managed 528 pp / 6 ¾ x 9 ¾ / 2012
to complete the new Froben editions of Seneca and Cloth 978-1-4426-4203-4 $175.00 (£122.99)

Clarifications Concerning the Censures Published in Paris
in the Name of the Parisian Faculty of Theology
Edited and translated by Clarence H. Miller 1532, and that fall issued a second edition with sub-
Introduction by Clarence H. Miller stantial revisions and lengthy additions to his original
and James K. Farge text. With an extensive introduction and detailed
Erasmus’ humanistic approach to theology and commentary, this volume highlights the differences
biblical exegesis presented a shocking challenge to between the humanist and scholastic views of genuine
the theologians at the University of Paris, which had theology more fully and extensively than most of
been dominated by scholastic theology for centuries. Erasmus’ other polemical works.
Erasmus engaged in a decade-long controversy over Clarence H. Miller is a professor emeritus in the
his theological, exegetical, and ethical positions Department of English at St. Louis University. James
with the Theological Faculty, and especially with K. Farge is a senior fellow and librarian at the
their director, Noël Béda. Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies at the
This volume – which translates this crucial quarrel University of Toronto.
from Latin for the first time – details the formal,
wide-ranging attack on Erasmus’ theories printed (Collected Works of Erasmus 82)
by the faculty in 1531, along with his two replies. 560 pp / 6 ¾ x 9 ¾ / 2012
Erasmus published his first rebuttal in the spring of Cloth 978-1-4426-4115-0 $175.00 (£122.99)

Erasmus of Rotterdam
Advocate of a New Christianity

Christine Christ-von Wedel sources on Erasmus’ writing, the author provides

This book provides the first analysis of the devel- comparisons with theologians Agrippa, Lefèvre
opment of Erasmus’ historical methodology and its d’Étaples, Eck, Luther, and Zwingli to demonstrate
impact on Roman Catholic and Protestant theolo- not only the singularity of Erasmus’ intellect, but also
gians. Combining a biography of Erasmus with the the enormous impact he had on the Reformation.
larger theological debates and the intellectual his- The result is a lively picture of the man and his time,
tory of his time, Christine Christ-von Wedel reveals in which Erasmus emerges as both a devout Christian
many previously unexplored influences on Erasmus, and a critical seeker of truth who conceded the am-
as well as his influences on his contemporaries. biguities that he could not resolve.
Erasmus of Rotterdam is a revised and consider- Christine Christ-von Wedel is a fellow of the
ably enlarged translation of Christ-von Wedel’s well- Swiss Institute for Reformation Research.
received 2003 study, originally published in German.
Observing the influence of classical, biblical, patristic, (Erasmus Studies)
scholastic, and late medieval vernacular and popular 384 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
Cloth 978-1-4426-4508-0 $85.00 (£59.99) 13

The Unfolding of Words

Commentary in the Age of Erasmus
Edited by Judith Rice Henderson Judith Rice Henderson is a professor in the De-
Leading sixteenth-century scholars such as Martin partment of English and is active in the Classical,
Luther and Desiderius Erasmus used print technology Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Program at the
to engage in dialogue and debate with authorita- University of Saskatchewan.
tive contemporary texts. This critique challenged the “The Unfolding of Words is a well-focused collection
Middle Ages deference to authors and authorship of erudite essays on an unduly neglected subject. Of-
and resulted in some of the most original thought fering innovative approaches and keen insights into
– and most violent controversy – of the Renaissance the work of the editor and annotator, the contribu-
and Reformation. tions are, without exception, of high quality.”
The Unfolding of Words brings together interna-
Erika Rummel, University of Toronto and Wilfrid
tional scholarship to explore crucial changes in writ-
Laurier University
ers’ interactions with religious and classical texts.
This collection focuses particularly on commentaries (Erasmus Studies)
by Erasmus, contextualizing his Annotations and 272 pp / 16 illustrations / 5 ¾ x 9 / 2012
Paraphrases on the New Testament against broader Cloth 978-1-4426-4337-6 $65.00 (£42.99)
currents and works by such contemporaries as Fran-
çois Rabelais and Jodocus Badius.

Erasmus in the Footsteps of Paul

Greta Grace Kroeker the Catholic Church, his struggles with the Refor-
Erasmus’ religious beliefs continued to evolve in mation’s central issues were instrumental to his
response to the theological debates of the Reforma- growth as a theologian.
tion. In 1524 he gave in to pressure to respond to Greta Grace Kroeker is an assistant professor in the
Martin Luther’s position on free will, and by 1527 he Department of History at the University of Waterloo.
had begun to develop a theology of grace remarkably
similar to that of the key Protestant leaders. “The argument is well presented and will be of in-
Evidence of Erasmus’ changing theological views terest especially to biblical scholars.”
can be found in his interpretations of Saint Paul’s Charles Fantazzi, Renaissance Quarterly
teachings, particularly his Epistle to the Romans.
(Erasmus Studies)
Erasmus in the Footsteps of Paul is the first major
256 pp / 5 ¾ x 9 / 2011
study to investigate Erasmus’ Pauline theology in
Cloth 978-0-8020-9266-3 $60.00 (£41.99)
the context of the Reformation world. Greta Grace
Kroeker shows that although Erasmus never left

Contemporaries of Erasmus
A Biographical Register of the Renaissance and Reformation
Edited by Peter G. Bietenholz and people in the history of the Renaissance and the
Thomas B. Deutscher Reformation.
Contemporaries of Erasmus is a general dictionary “Erasmus himself would have thoroughly enjoyed it.”
of humanists containing 1900 biographies from the
Alastair Hamilton, Times Literary Supplement
period roughly between 1450 and 1550. Differing
substantially from the national biographical diction- Volume 1 (A–E): 480 pp / 6 ¾ x 9 ¾ / 1985
aries that restrict themselves to major figures, Con- Cloth 978-0-8020-2507-4 $122.00 (£85.99)
temporaries of Erasmus combines the famous with Volume 2 (F–M): 488 pp / 6 ¾ x 9 ¾ / 1985
the obscure – popes and politicians, artists and po- Cloth 978-0-8020-2571-5 $122.00 (£85.99)
ets, knights and theologians. Well-known figures
include Martin Luther, King Henry VIII, Machiavelli, Volume 3 (N–Z): 503 pp / 6 ¾ x 9 ¾ / 1986
Popes Nicholas V and Paul IV, and Emperor Charles Cloth 978-0-8020-2575-3 $122.00 (£85.99)
V. Dipping into the pages of this fully illustrated vol- Three volume set (A–Z): 1475 pp / 6 ¾ x 9 ¾ / 2003
ume will intrigue and delight the casual reader, but Cloth 978-0-8020-2648-4 $330.00 (£231.99)
the combined volume will also be an indispensable Paper 978-0-8020-8577-1 $118.95 (£83.99)
tool for those who wish to relate Erasmus to other

14 University of Toronto Press


The Letterbooks of John Evelyn
Edited by Douglas D.C. Chambers Boyle and Richard Bentley, political figures including
and David Galbraith Edward Hyde and Sidney Godolphin, and his friend
A prolific author and founding member of the Royal and fellow diarist Samuel Pepys. It also includes Ev-
Society, John Evelyn (1620–1706) was one of the elyn’s accounts of major events such as the restora-
most remarkable intellectuals in late seventeenth- tion of the monarchy in 1660, the “Glorious Revolu-
century English society. While his diary has long tion” of 1688, and the founding and early history of
been considered second only to that of Samuel the Royal Society.
Pepys in importance, until quite recently his papers Douglas D.C. Chambers is a professor emeritus
were inaccessible to scholars. in the Department of English at the University of
The Letterbooks of John Evelyn, a collection of Toronto. David Galbraith is an associate professor
more than eight hundred letters selected by Evelyn in the Department of English at the University of
himself, constitutes an essential new resource for Toronto.
scholars of seventeenth-century England. The book
gives modern readers access to Evelyn’s correspon- Approx. 1215 pp in 2 vols. / 30 images / 6 ¾ x 9 ¾ /
dence with scientists and scholars such as Robert August 2014
Cloth 978-1-4426-4786-2 $195.00 (£132.99)

Parlour Games and the Public Life of NEW

Women in Renaissance Italy

George McClure that has largely escaped the notice of modern histo-
Confined by behavioural norms and professional rians, and in so doing reveals a cohort of spirited,
restrictions, women in Renaissance Italy found a intellectual women outside of the courts.
welcome escape in an alternative world of play. This George McClure is a professor in the Department
book examines the role of games of wit in the social of History at the University of Alabama.
and cultural experience of patrician women from
the early sixteenth to the early eighteenth century. “Games and game-playing offer a rich window onto
Beneath the frivolous exterior of such games as the early modern world that is ripe for exploration
occasions for idle banter, flirtation, and seduction, and analysis. In his examination of this topic, George
there often lay a lively contest for power and agen- McClure adds a new facet to our understanding of
cy, and the opportunity for conventional women to the intersection of gender, literature, and culture in
demonstrate their intellect, to achieve a public iden- early modern Italy.”
tity, and even to model new behaviour and institu- Meredith K. Ray, University of Delaware
tions in the non-ludic world. By tapping into the
336 pp / 20 images / 6 x 9 / 2013
records and cultural artifacts of these games,
Cloth 978-1-4426-4659-9 $75.00 (£52.99)
George McClure recovers a realm of female fame

On the Causes of the Greatness

and Magnificence of Cities
Giovanni Botero ceived – is a must-read for anyone interested in the
Translated and with an Introduction by life of cities both historical and contemporary.
Geoffrey Symcox Geoffrey Symcox is a professor emeritus in the
The first treatise ever written on the sociology of Department of History at the University of Califor-
cities, On the Causes of the Greatness and Mag- nia, Los Angeles.
nificence of Cities (1588) marked a radical departure
from previous literature on urban centres. It provided “Giovanni Botero’s treatise sparkles with learning, co-
a revolutionary analysis of how cities function, and lourful scenes, a lively imagination, and a firm grasp
of the political, economic, demographic, and geo- of the material conditions of social life. Geoffrey Sym-
graphic factors that cause their growth and decline. cox has done an outstanding translation of the work,
Though seminally important to the history of urban and his fresh introduction is a model of brevity.”
studies, On the Causes of the Greatness and Mag- Lauro Martines, University of California, Los Angeles
nificence of Cities has not been available in a modern (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library)
translation until now. This edition of the treatise – 112 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
which includes an introduction by Geoffrey Symcox Cloth 978-1-4426-4507-3 $45.00 (£31.99)
on the intellectual context within which it was con- 15

Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas
Intercultural Transfers, Intellectual Disputes, and Textualities
Edited by Marc André Bernier, which are brought together here under the rubric of
Clorinda Donato, and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink modern ethnographic knowledge. Linking Jesuit
In recent years scholars have turned their attention to texts, the rhetorical tradition, and the newly emerg-
the rich experience of the Jesuits in France and Spain’s ing anthropology of the Enlightenment, this collec-
American colonies. That attention has brought a flow tion traverses the vast expanses of Old and New
of new editions and translations of Jesuit accounts of World France and Spain in fascinating new ways.
the Americas; it is now time for a study that examines Marc André Bernier is the Canada Research Chair in
the full range of that work in a comparative perspective. Rhetoric at l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Clorinda
Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas offers the first Donato is the George L. Graziadio Chair of Italian
JESUIT ACCOUNTS OF comprehensive examination of such writings and the Studies and professor of French and Italian at California
THE COLONIAL AMERICAS role they played in solidifying images of the Americas. State University, Long Beach. Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink
Intercultural Transfers, Intellectual Disputes, and Textualities
The collection also provides a much-needed re- is the chair of Romance Cultural Studies and Inter-
Edited by Marc André Bernier, Clorinda Donato, and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink

examination of the work of the Jesuits in relation to cultural Communication at Universität des Saarlandes.
Enlightenment ideals and the modern social scienc-
es and humanities – two systems of thought that (UCLA Clark Memorial Library Series 20)
have in the past appeared radically opposed, but Approx. 464 pp / 1 illustration / 6 x 9 / April 2014
Cloth 978-1-4426-4572-1 $80.00 (£54.99)

Redrawing the Map of

Early Modern English Catholicism
Edited by Lowell Gallagher Catholics to navigate with vigilance and diplomacy
The tumultuous climate of early modern England their status as “insiders” or “outsiders.”
had a profound effect on its Catholic popula- Lowell Gallagher is an associate professor in the
tion’s domestic life, social customs, literary inven- Department of English at the University of Califor-
tions, and political arguments. Redrawing the Map nia, Los Angeles.
of Early Modern English Catholicism explores the
broad spectrum of the early modern English Catho- “This valuable interdisciplinary collection sheds
lic experience, presenting fresh and often startling genuinely new light on a range of related topics
assessments of the most problematic topics in post- and represents advance and consolidation across a
Reformation English Catholicism. broad interpretive front.”
The contributors to this volume – all leading and Peter Marshall, University of Warwick
rising scholars of early modern studies – conceptualize
(UCLA Clark Library Series 17)
English Catholicism as a hazardous series of contested
360 pp / 7 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
territories divided by shifting boundaries, requiring
Cloth 978-1-4426-4312-3 $75.00 (£48.00)

The Calling of the Nations

Exegesis, Ethnography, and Empire in a Biblical-Historic Present
Edited by Mark Vessey, Sharon Betcher, Sharon Betcher is an associate professor of Theol-
Robert A. Daum, and Harry O. Maier ogy at Vancouver School of Theology. Robert A.
Interweaving elements of history, theology, literary Daum is an associate professor of Rabbinic Literature
criticism, and cultural theory, the essays in this vol- and Jewish Thought at Vancouver School of Theol-
ume discuss the ways in which biblical understandings ogy. Harry O. Maier is a professor of New Testa-
have shaped Western – and particularly European and ment and Early Christian Studies at Vancouver School
North American – assumptions about the nature and of Theology.
meaning of the nation. This collection moves from the “No other volume provides such a wide range of
earliest Pauline and rabbinic exegesis through Christian perspectives on post-colonial readings of the Bible,
imperial and missionary narratives of the late Roman, nor a self-critical reflection on the method itself.”
medieval, and early modern periods to the entangled
Richard Ascough, Queen’s University
identity politics of “mainstream” nineteenth- and
twentieth-century North America. (Green College Thematic Lecture Series)
Mark Vessey is a professor in the Department of 384 pp / 8 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2011
English at the University of British Columbia. Cloth 978-0-8020-9241-0 $75.00 (£52.99)

16 University of Toronto Press


Lorenzo di Filippo Strozzi and Niccolò Machiavelli
Patron, Client, and the Pistola fatta per la peste /
An Epistle Written Concerning the Plague
William J. Landon This book offers the first biography of Strozzi
Despite some serious setbacks, Niccolò Machiavelli available in English, as well as the first examination
(1469–1547) had attained considerable political of the patron-client relationship that developed be-
and personal success by 1520. His literary reputa- tween the two men. Through wide-ranging textual
tion was growing, and, following his removal from investigations, William J. Landon reveals Strozzi’s
the Florentine Chancery by the Medici family, he influence on Machiavelli. The volume also includes
had managed to regain their respect and patron- the first critical edition and English translation of
age. But within this history and legacy there is a Strozzi’s Pistola fatta per la peste – a work that sur-
hitherto neglected figure who played a significant vives as a Machiavelli autograph.
role in Machiavelli’s life and fortunes – Lorenzo di William J. Landon is an associate professor in the
Filippo Strozzi (1482–1549). A younger, fabulously Department of History and Geography at Northern
wealthy Florentine nobleman, Strozzi contributed Kentucky University.
to Machiavelli’s restoration and aided many of his
(Toronto Italian Studies)
post-1520 achievements.
296 pp / 6 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
Cloth 978-1-4426-4424-3 $70.00 (£48.99)
Punishment and Penance PU N I S H M EN T A N D PEN A NCE
Two Phases in the History of the Bishop’s Tribunal of Novara T WO P H A S E S I N T H E H I S TO RY O F T H E B I S H O P ’ S T R I B U N A L O F N OVA R A

Thomas B. Deutscher Enriched by stories drawn from the files, which

Punishment and Penance provides the first com- often allowed the accused to speak in their own
prehensive study of an Italian bishop’s tribunal in voices, Punishment and Penance provides a window
criminal matters, such as violence, forbidden sexual into the workings of a tribunal in this period.
activity, and offences against the faith. Through Thomas B. Deutscher is a professor in the Depart-
numerous case studies, Thomas B. Deutscher in- ment of History at St Thomas More College, Univer-
vestigates the scope and effectiveness of the early sity of Saskatchewan.
modern ecclesiastical legal system.
Deutscher examines the records of the bishop’s “Powerfully argued and thoroughly researched, this
tribunal of the northern Italian diocese of Novara is a first-class work that will be viewed as a sub-
during two distinct periods: the ambitious decades stantial contribution to the religious history of early
following the Council of Trent (1563–1615), and the modern Italy.”
half-century leading up to the French invasions of the William Hudon, Bloomsburg University
1790s. As the state’s power continued to rise during
(Toronto Italian Studies)
this second time span, the Church was often hum-
232 pp / 1 illustration / 6 x 9 / 2013
bled and the tribunal’s activity was much reduced. 
Cloth 978-1-4426-4442-7 $60.00 (£40.99)

Rituals of Prosecution
The Roman Inquisition and the Prosecution of Philo-Protestants
in Sixteenth-Century Italy
Jane K. Wickersham Jane K. Wickersham is an assistant professor in
During the Counter-Reformation, inquisition man- the Department of History at the University of Okla-
ual authors working in Italian lands adapted the homa.
Catholic Church’s traditional tactics of inquisitorial “Breaking new ground in her analyses of the Roman THE ROMAN INqUISITION ANd THE PROSECUTION OF
procedure, which had been formulated in the medi- Inquisition, Wickersham provides insights into many PHILO-PROTESTANTS IN SIxTEENTH-CENTURy ITALy

eval period, to the prosecution of philo-Protestants. areas – including urban religious behaviour and at-

Through a comparison of the texts of four such au- titudes to the orthodox and the unorthodox – that
thors to contemporary inquisition processes, Jane should appeal to a wide audience interested in reli-
K. Wickersham situates the Roman inquisition’s gious and social behaviour.”
prosecution of philo-Protestants within the larger
Christopher Black, University of Glasgow
framework of the complex religious upheavals of
the sixteenth century. (Toronto Italian Studies)
384 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
Cloth 978-1-4426-4500-4 $80.00 (£55.99) 17

The Alphabet of Galen

Pharmacy from Antiquity to the Middle Ages

A Critical Edition of the Latin Text Nicholas Everett is an associate professor in the
with English Translation and Commentary Department of History at the University of Toronto.
by Nicholas Everett
“The Alphabet of Galen constitutes a major step
The Alphabet of Galen is a critical edition and Eng- forward in understanding the richness and diversity
lish translation of a text describing, in alphabetical of ancient drug lore. With his excellent translation
order, nearly three hundred natural products – in- and illuminating notes, Nicholas Everett demon-
cluding metals, aromatics, animal materials, and strates a high calibre of scholarship and a detailed
herbs – and their medicinal uses. A Latin translation mastery of the literature on all subjects related to
of earlier Greek writings on pharmacy that have not the text.”
survived, it circulated among collections of “author-
Faith Wallis, McGill University
ities” on medicine, including Hippocrates, Galen of
Pergamun, Soranus, and Ps. Apuleius. This edition 480 pp / 8 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
includes a comprehensive scholarly apparatus and a Cloth 978-0-8020-9812-2 $95.00 (£60.00)
contextual introduction. Paper 978-0-8020-9550-3 $39.95 (£25.00)

A Platonic King at the Collapse of Ostrogothic Italy
Massimiliano Vitiello the events of Theodahad’s life and the contours of
Educated in Platonic philosophy rather than the mili- sixth-century diplomacy and political intrigues. Paint-
tary arts, the Ostrogothic king Theodahad was never ing a picture of an unlikely king whose reign helped
meant to rule. His unexpected nomination as co- spell the end of Ostrogothic Italy, Vitiello’s book not
regent by his cousin Queen Amalasuintha plunged only illuminates Theodahad’s own life but also offers
him into the intrigues of the Gothic court, and Theo- new insight into the sixth-century Mediterranean
dahad soon conspired to assassinate the queen. But, world.
once alone on the throne, his lack of political experi- Massimiliano Vitiello is an assistant professor in
ence and military skill made him ineffective at best the Department of History at the University of Mis-
and dangerously incompetent at worst. Defeated souri-Kansas City.
by the Byzantine emperor Justinian, Theodahad was
killed by his own subjects. Approx. 320 pp / 1 illustration, 1 figure / 6 x 9 /
In Theodahad, Massimiliano Vitiello rigorously in- September 2014
vestigates the ancient sources in order to reconstruct Cloth 978-1-4426-4783-1 $75.00 (£51.99)

The Mystical Science of the Soul

Medieval Cognition in Bernardino de Laredo’s Recollection Method

Jessica A. Boon sion meditation, and negative theology into one cog-
The Mystical Science of the Soul explores the unex- nitively adept path towards mystical union.
amined influence of medieval discourses of science Jessica A. Boon is an assistant professor in the De-
and spirituality on recogimiento, the unique Spanish partment of Religious Studies at the University of
genre of recollection mysticism that served as the North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
driving force behind the principal developments in
Golden Age mysticism. Building on recent research in “A highly original, interesting, and convincing study
medieval optics, physiology, and memory in relation of an early interface between science and theol-
to the devotional practices of the late Middle Ages, ogy, The Mystical Science of the Soul succeeds at
Jessica A. Boon probes the implications of an “em- opening up an area of interdisciplinary knowledge
bodied soul” for the intellectual history of Spanish with precision.”
mysticism. Boon proposes a fundamental rereading Dana Bultman, University of Georgia
of the key recogimiento text Subida del Monte Sión
(Toronto Iberic)
(1535/1538), which melds the traditionally distinct
320 pp / 7 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
spiritual techniques of moral self-examination, Pas-
Cloth 978-1-4426-4428-1 $70.00 (£48.99)
18 University of Toronto Press

The Matter of Mind

Reason and Experience in the Age of Descartes

Christopher Braider Forceful and provocative, The Matter of Mind

Winner of the Modern Language Association will encourage lively debate on the norms and dis-
Aldo and Jean Scaglione Prize for French and courses of seventeenth-century philosophy.
Francophone Studies Christopher Braider is a professor in the Depart-
What influence did René Descartes’ concept of ment of French and Italian at the University of Colo-
mind-body dualism have on early modern concep- rado at Boulder.
tions of the self? In The Matter of Mind, Christo- “All [readers] will most likely be impressed with the
pher Braider challenges the presumed centrality of intellectual range and critical acumen displayed by
Descartes’ groundbreaking theory to seventeenth- Braider throughout this highly stimulating study.”
century French culture. He details the broad opposi-
Edward Ousselin, French Studies
tion to rational self-government among Descartes’
contemporaries, and attributes conventional links 296 pp / 18 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
between Descartes and the myth of the “modern Cloth 978-1-4426-4348-2 $75.00 (£48.00)
subject” to post-structuralist assessments.

The Politics of Law in Late Medieval

and Renaissance Italy
Edited by Lawrin Armstrong and Julius Kirshner Lawrin Armstrong is an associate professor in the
Foreword by Lauro Martines Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto.
The Politics of Law in Late Medieval and Renaissance Julius Kirshner is a professor emeritus in the Depart-
Italy features original contributions by international ment of History at the University of Chicago.
scholars on the fortieth anniversary of the publication “Scholars of legal history will be grateful for The
of Lauro Martines’s Lawyers and Statecraft in Renaissance Politics of Law in Late Medieval and Renaissance
Florence, which is recognized as a groundbreaking Italy, a fitting introductory volume to the Toronto
study challenging traditional approaches to both Studies in Medieval Law series.”
Florentine and legal history.
William J. Connell, Seton Hall University
Essays by leading historians examine the professional,
social, and political functions of Italian jurists from (Toronto Studies in Medieval Law)
the thirteenth to the late fifteenth centuries. The 240 pp / 1 illustration / 6 x 9 / 2011
volume also examines the use of emergency powers, Cloth 978-1-4426-4075-7 $55.00 (£38.99)
the critical role played by jurists in mediating the
rule of law, and the adjudication of political crimes.

Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape

Second Edition
Edited by F.H.A. Aalen, Kevin Whelan, F.H.A. Aalen is a professor emeritus of Geography
and Matthew Stout in the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Dublin. Kevin Whelan is the director of the Keough
Naughton Notre Dame Centre in Dublin. Matthew
The second edition of the award-winning Atlas of the Stout is a lecturer in the Department of History, St
Irish Rural Landscape is a magnificently illustrated, Patrick’s College, Drumcondra.
beautifully written and thoroughly updated intro-
duction to the hidden riches of the Irish landscape. “This is one of the most accessible and engaging
The Atlas combines superbly chosen illustrations books you’re ever likely to read about Ireland.”
and cartography with a text amenable to a general Jonathan Wright, Geographical
reader. Hundreds of maps, diagrams, photographs,
and paintings present accessible information suitable “Summing Up: Essential.”
for any school, college, or home. New content in the C.W. Wood Jr., CHOICE
contemporary section takes into account the Celtic
Tiger and explores six fresh case studies. 360 pp / 800+ illustrations / 9 x 11¾ / 2011
Cloth 978-1-4426-4291-1 $75.00
North American rights only. Other rights held by Cork University Press. 19
Marsilius of Padua at the Intersection of Ancient
and Medieval Traditions of Political Thought
Vasileios Syros about the political dimension of religion, church-
This book focuses on the reception of classical polit- state relations, and the emergence and decline of
ical ideas in the political thought of the fourteenth- the state.
century Italian writer Marsilius of Padua. Vasileios Vasileios Syros is a Senior Research Fellow of the
Syros provides a novel cross-cultural perspective on Academy of Finland at the Finnish Centre of Political
Marsilius’s theory and breaks fresh ground by ex- Thought and Conceptual Change.
ploring linkages between his ideas and the medieval
Muslim, Jewish, and Byzantine traditions. “A serious advance in state-of-the-art research, this
Syros investigates Marsilius’s application of med- extremely important book breaks new ground in
ical metaphors in his discussion of the causes of demonstrating the Jewish and Arab backgrounds to
civil strife and the desirable political organization. Marsilius. It will provide a revolution in the way we
He also demonstrates how Marsilius’s demarcation see the development of Western political thought.”
between ethics and politics and his use of examples Antony Black, University of Dundee
from Greek mythology foreshadow early modern
320 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
political debates (involving such prominent political
Cloth 978-1-4426-4144-0 $70.00 (£48.99)
authors as Niccolò Machiavelli and Paolo Sarpi)

The Christ Child in Medieval Culture

Alpha es et O!
Edited by Mary Dzon and Theresa M. Kenney Mary Dzon is an associate professor in the Department
The cult of the Christ Child flourished in late medi- of English at the University of Tennessee. Theresa
eval Europe across lay and religious, as well as geo- M. Kenney is an associate professor in the Department
graphic and cultural boundaries. Depictions of of English at the University of Dallas.
Christ’s boyhood are found throughout popular cul- “An excellent collection! Readers of this book will
ture, visual art, and literature. The Christ Child in find that they can no longer pass over medieval im-
Medieval Culture is the first interdisciplinary investi- ages of the Christ Child without examining them
gation of how representations of the Christ Child carefully and fully.”
were conceptualized and employed in this period.
Josie Campbell, University of Rhode Island
The contributors to this unique volume analyze
depictions of the Christ Child through a variety of 360 pp / 47 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
frameworks. The collection also synthesizes various Cloth 978-0-8020-9894-8 $80.00 (£50.99)
approaches to interpreting the cultural meaning of
medieval religious imagery and illuminates the sig-
nificance of its most central figure.

The Body Legal in Barbarian Law

Lisi Oliver the body in terms of medical value, physiological
The sixth to ninth centuries saw a flowering of written function, psychological worth, and social significance.
laws among the early Germanic tribes. These laws Lisi Oliver is Greater Houston Alumni Chapter
include tables of fines for personal injury, designed Endowed Alumni Professor in the Department of
to offer a legal, non-violent alternative to blood English at Louisiana State University.
feud. Using these personal injury tariffs, The Body
Legal in Barbarian Law examines a variety of issues, “The study represents a real advance in understand-
including the interrelationships between victims, ing of the Germanic laws in general, and of per-
perpetrators, and their families; the causes and results sonal injury legislation in particular.”
of wounds inflicted in daily life; and the processes of Carole Hough, Law and History Review
individual redress and public litigation.
(Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
Lisi Oliver has produced a remarkable study that
320 pp / 43 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2011
sheds new light on early Germanic conceptions of
Cloth 978-0-8020-9706-4 $65.00 (£45.99)

20 University of Toronto Press

From Lawmen to Plowmen
Anglo-Saxon Legal Tradition and the School of Langland
Stephen M. Yeager Langland’s Piers Plowman and similar poems, Yea-
The reappearance of alliterative verse in the four- ger demonstrates that this legal and homiletical lit-
teenth and fifteenth centuries remains one of the erature had an influential afterlife in the fourteenth-
most puzzling issues in the literary history of medi- century poetry of William Langland and his imitators.
eval England. In From Lawmen to Plowmen, Stephen His conclusions establish a new genealogy for medi-
M. Yeager offers a fresh, insightful explanation for eval England’s vernacular literary tradition and offer
the alliterative structure of William Langland’s Piers a new way of approaching one of Middle English’s
Plowman and the flourishing of alliterative verse literary classics.
satires in late medieval England by observing the Stephen M. Yeager is an assistant professor in the
similarities between these satires and the legal- Department of English at Concordia University.
homiletical literature of the Anglo-Saxon era.
Unlike Old English alliterative poetry, Anglo-Sax- (Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
on legal texts and documents continued to be stud- Approx. 256 pp / 6 x 9 / September 2014
ied long after the Norman Conquest. By comparing Cloth 978-1-4426-4347-5 $65.00 (£44.99)
Anglo-Saxon charters, sermons, and law codes with

The King’s Body
Burial and Succession in Late Anglo-Saxon England

Nicole Marafioti royalty or relegated them to anonymous graves in

The King’s Body investigates the role of royal bodies, attempts to brand their predecessors as tyrants un-
funerals, and graves in English succession debates worthy of ruling a Christian nation. By delegitimiz-
from the death of Alfred the Great in 899 through ing the previous ruler, they justified their own acces-
the Norman Conquest in 1066. Using contemporary sion. At a time when hereditary succession was not
texts and archaeological evidence, Nicole Marafioti guaranteed and few accessions went unchallenged,
reconstructs the political activity that accompanied the king’s body was a commodity that royal candi-
kings’ burials, to demonstrate that royal bodies dates fought to control.
were potent political objects which could be used Nicole Marafioti is an assistant professor of history
to provide legitimacy to the next generation. at Trinity University.
In most cases, new rulers celebrated their prede-
cessor’s memory and honored his corpse to empha- (Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
size continuity and strengthen their claims to the Approx. 288 pp / 3 illustrations, 2 tables, 1 map /
throne. Those who rose by conquest or regicide, in 6 x 9 / April 2014
contrast, often desecrated the bodies of deposed Cloth 978-1-4426-4758-9 $65.00 (£44.99)

Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts
A Bibliographical Handlist of Manuscripts Written ANGLO-SAXON
or Owned in England up to 1100 MANUSCRIPTS
Helmut Gneuss and Michael Lapidge come the most important single-volume research tool a bibliographical handlist of
manuscripts written or owned
Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts is the first publication to to appear in the field since Greenfield and Robinson’s in england up to 1100
list every surviving manuscript or manuscript frag- Bibliography of Publications on Old English Literature.
ment written in Anglo-Saxon England between the Their achievement in the present book will endure for
seventh and the eleventh centuries or imported into many decades and serve as a catalyst for new research
the country during that time. Each of the 1,291 en- across several disciplines.
tries in Helmut Gneuss and Michael Lapidge’s Bibli- Helmut Gneuss is emeritus professor of English
ographical Handlist not only details the origins, con- at the University of Munich. Michael Lapidge is
tents, current location, script, and decoration of the emeritus professor of Anglo-Saxon at the University
manuscript, but also provides bibliographic entries of Cambridge. Helmut Gneuss and Michael Lapidge

that list facsimiles, editions, linguistic analyses, and

general studies relevant to that manuscript. Com- (Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
piled by two of the field’s greatest living scholars, the Approx. 718 pp / 6 x 9 / April 2014
Gneuss-Lapidge Bibliographical Handlist stands to be- Cloth 978-1-4426-4823-4 $175.00 (£119.99) 21

Writing Women Saints in Anglo-Saxon England
Edited by Paul E. Szarmach how saints’ lives that exist on the apparent margins
The twelve essays in this collection advance the of orthodoxy actually demonstrate a successful liter-
contemporary study of the women saints of Anglo- ary challenge extending the idea of a holy life.
Saxon England by challenging received wisdom and Paul E. Szarmach is an emeritus professor of Eng-
offering alternative methodologies. The work em- lish and Medieval Studies at Western Michigan
braces a number of different scholarly approaches, University and a visiting scholar at the University of
from codicological study to feminist theory. While California, Berkeley.
some contributions are dedicated to the descrip-
tion and reconstruction of female lives of saints and “Edited by a most distinguished Anglo-Saxonist, this
their cults, others explore the broader ideological collection features many thoughtful emerging and
and cultural investments of the literature. established scholarly voices in the field.”
The volume concentrates on four major areas: Clare A. Lees, King’s College, London
the female saint in the Old English Martyrology,
(Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
genre including hagiography and homelitic writing,
368 pp / 1 illustration / 6 x 9 / 2013
motherhood and chastity, and differing perspec-
Cloth 978-1-4426-4612-4 $85.00 (£59.99)
tives on lives of virgin martyrs. The essays reveal

Land and Book

Literature and Land Tenure in Anglo-Saxon England

Scott T. Smith of land tenure, showing how its social practice led
In this original and innovative study, Scott T. Smith to innovation across written genres in both Latin
traces the intersections between land tenure and and Old English.
literature in Anglo-Saxon England. Smith aptly dem- Scott T. Smith is an assistant professor in the De-
onstrates that as land became property through the partment of English at Pennsylvania State University.
operations of writing, it came to assume a complex
range of conceptual values that Anglo-Saxons could “Land and Book is an elegantly written, innovative, in-
use to engage a number of vital cultural concerns teresting, and impressive piece of scholarly work. Scott
beyond just the legal and practical – such as political T. Smith’s attention to texts that have often been ne-
dominion, salvation, sanctity, status, and social and glected as non-literary alongside well-known poems
spiritual obligations. is both timely and one of the book’s great strengths.”
Land and Book places a variety of texts – includ- Fabienne Michelet, University of Toronto
ing charters, dispute records, heroic poetry, homi-
(Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
lies, and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle – in a dynamic
288 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
conversation with the procedures and documents
Cloth 978-1-4426-4486-1 $65.00 (£45.99)

Stealing Obedience
Narratives of Agency and Identity in Later Anglo-Saxon England

Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe is a professor in the De-

Narratives of monastic life in Anglo-Saxon England partment of English and the director of the Medieval
depict individuals as responsible agents in the as- Studies Program at the University of California, Berkeley.
sumption and performance of religious identities. “O’Brien O’Keeffe offers an expert exploration and
To modern eyes, however, many of the “choices” analysis of the seemingly paradoxical coexistence of
they make would actually appear to be compulsory. individual agency and mandated obedience within
Stealing Obedience explores how a Christian no- narratives of Anglo-Saxon monastic life… Summing
tion of agent action – where freedom incurs re- Up: Highly recommended.”
sponsibility – was a component of identity in the
M.B. Busbee, CHOICE
last hundred years of Anglo-Saxon England, and
investigates where agency (in the modern sense) (Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
might be sought in these narratives. Katherine 296 pp / 1 illustration / 6 x 9 / 2012
O’Brien O’Keeffe brings a highly original approach Cloth 978-0-8020-9707-1 $65.00 (£44.99)
to the study of Anglo-Saxon narratives of obedience
in the adoption of religious identity.
22 University of Toronto Press

Traditional Subjectivities
The Old English Poetics of Mentality

Britt Mize exhibits. Mize synthesizes two previously discon-

Why is Old English poetry so preoccupied with nected bodies of theory – the oral-traditional theory
mental actions and perspectives, giving readers ac- of poetic composition, and current linguistic work
cess to minds of antagonists as freely as to those of on conventional language – to advance our under-
protagonists? Why are characters sometimes called standing of how traditional phraseology makes
into being for no apparent reason other than to em- meaning, as well as to illuminate the political and
body a psychological state? Britt Mize provides the social dimensions of surviving texts, through atten-
first systematic investigation into these salient ques- tion to Old English poets’ impulse to explore subjec-
tions in Traditional Subjectivities. tive perspectives.
Through close analysis of vernacular poems Britt Mize is an assistant professor in the Depart-
alongside the most informative analogues in Latin, ment of English at Texas A&M University.
Old English prose, and Old Saxon, this work estab-
lishes an evidence-based foundation for new think- (Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
ing about the nature of Old English poetic composi- 304 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
tion, including the “poetics of mentality” that it Cloth 978-1-4426-4468-7 $90.00 (£62.99)

Anglo-Saxon Psychologies in the Vernacular

and Latin Traditions
Leslie Lockett out most of the period, while the concept of the
Winner of the Sir Israel Gollancz Prize awarded mind-in-the-heart remained widespread.
by the British Academy for the Humanities and Leslie Lockett is an assistant professor in the
Social Sciences Department of English at The Ohio State University.
Old English verse and prose depict the human mind “Sure to become a standard work in the field, Anglo-
as a corporeal entity located in the chest cavity, sus- Saxon Psychologies in the Vernacular and Latin
ceptible to spatial and thermal changes correspond- Traditions is one of the most original and learned
ing to psychological states. While readers usually as- discussions of Anglo-Saxon literature of the past
sume the metaphorical nature of such literary images, generation.”
Leslie Lockett argues in this book that these depic-
Michael Lapidge, Cambridge University
tions usually served as literal representations of An-
glo-Saxon folk psychology. Lockett demonstrates (Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
that the Platonist-Christian theory of the incorporeal 472 pp / 6 x 9 / 2011
mind was known to very few Anglo-Saxons through- Cloth 978-1-4426-4217-1 $85.00 (£59.99)

Klaeber’s Beowulf, Fourth Edition

Edited by R.D. Fulk, Robert E. Bjork, R.D. Fulk is Class of 1964 Chancellor’s Professor
and John D. Niles of English at Indiana University. Robert E. Bjork
Winner of the International Society of is Professor of English and director of the Arizona
Anglo-Saxonists Best Edition Award Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Ari-
zona State University. John D. Niles is Frederic G.
Frederick Klaeber’s Beowulf has long been the stan- Cassidy Professor of Humanities in the Department
dard edition for study by students and advanced of English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
scholars alike thanks to its wide-ranging coverage
of scholarship, its comprehensive philological aids, “Every Beowulf scholar will want to have a copy of the
and its exceptionally thorough notes and glossary. new Klaeber at hand, so convenient are the superb
The fourth edition features a revised Introduction summaries of scholarship throughout the book.”
and Commentary detailing the vast store of scholar- Fred C. Robinson, Speculum
ship on Beowulf that has appeared since 1950, and the
lightly revised text incorporates the best textual criticism (Toronto Old English Series)
of the intervening years. Aids to pronunciation have 704 pp / 6 x 9 / 2008
been added to the text, and advances in the study of Paper 978-0-8020-9567-1 $42.95 (£30.99)
the poem’s language are addressed throughout. 23

Old English Metre

An Introduction
Jun Terasawa English translations, with glosses added in the first
Old English Metre offers an essential framework for three chapters to help beginners.
the critical analysis of metrical structures and inter- Jun Terasawa is a professor in the Graduate School
pretations in Old English literature. Jun Terasawa’s of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo.
comprehensive introductory text covers the basics
of Old English metre and reviews the current re- “Jun Terasawa is to be congratulated on having writ-
search in the field, emphasizing the interaction be- ten an illuminating work, clear, succinct, and rational
tween Old English metre and components such as ... I will happily recommend it to my students.”
word-formation, word-choice, and grammar. Mark Griffith, Notes and Queries
Each chapter includes exercises and suggestions
for further reading. Appendices provide possible an- (Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
swers to the exercises, tips for scanning half-lines, 176 pp / 6 x 9 / 2011
and brief definitions of metrical terms used. Exam- Cloth 978-1-4426-4238-6 $45.00 (£31.99)
ples in Old English are provided with literal modern Paper 978-1-4426-1129-0 $19.95 (£13.99)


Into the Ocean
Vikings, Irish, and Environmental Change in Iceland and the North

Kristján Ahronson zone and the Scandinavians who followed them.

That Gaelic monasticism flourished in the early me- Ahronson uses archaeological, paleoecological,
dieval period is well established. The “Irish School” and literary evidence to support his claims, analys-
penetrated large areas of Europe and contemporary ing evidence ranging from pap place names in the
authors describe North Atlantic travels and settle- Scottish islands to volcanic airfall in Iceland. An in-
ments. Across Scotland and beyond, Celtic-speaking terdisciplinary analysis of a subject that has intrigued
communities spread into the wild and windswept scholars for generations, Into the Ocean will chal-
north, marking hundreds of Atlantic settlements with lenge the assumptions of anyone interested in the
carved and rock-cut sculpture. They were followed in Atlantic branch of the Celtic world.
the Viking Age by Scandinavians who dominated the Kristján Ahronson is Lecturer in Archaeology at
Atlantic waters and settled the Atlantic rim. Prifysgol Bangor University in Wales.
With Into the Ocean, Kristján Ahronson makes two
dramatic claims: that there were people in Iceland al- (Toronto Old Norse and Icelandic Series)
most a century before Viking settlers first arrived c. AD Approx. 296 pp / 79 illustrations, 14 tables / 6 x 9 /
870, and that there was a tangible relationship between August 2014
the early Christian “Irish” communities of the Atlantic Cloth 978-1-4426-4617-9 $80.00 (£54.99)

Essays on Eddic Poetry
John McKinnell foolishly raises her dead father to demand the deadly
Edited by Donata Kick and John D. Shafer sword Tyrfingr from him.
Originally published between 1988 and 2008,
Essays on Eddic Poetry presents a selection of im- these twelve essays cover a wide range of mytho-
portant articles on Old Norse literature by noted logical and heroic poems and have been revised and
medievalist John McKinnell. While McKinnell’s work updated to reflect the latest scholarship.
addresses many of the perennial issues in the study
of Old Norse, this collection has a special focus on John McKinnell is an emeritus professor of Medi-
the interplay between heathen and Christian world- eval Literature at Durham University. Donata Kick is
views in the poems. an independent scholar with a PhD in medieval stud-
Among the texts examined are Hávamál, which ies from Durham University. John D. Shafer holds
includes an elegantly cynical poem about Óðinn’s a PhD from Durham University. He is a teaching as-
sexual intrigues and a more mystical one about his sociate in the School of English at the University of
self-sacrifice on the world-tree in order to gain mag- Nottingham.
ical wisdom; Volundarkviða, which recounts an elv- (Toronto Old Norse and Icelandic Series)
ish smith’s revenge for his captivity and maiming; Approx. 336 pp / 1 figure, 7 tables / 6 x 9 / May 2014
and Hervararkviða, where the heroine bravely but Paper 978-1-4426-1588-5 $34.95 (£23.99)

24 University of Toronto Press


The Legends of the Saints in
Old Norse–Icelandic Prose
Kirsten Wolf These features combine to make The Legends of the
Saints’ legends form a substantial portion of Old Saints in Old Norse–Icelandic Prose an invaluable re-
Norse–Icelandic literature, and can be found in more source for scholars and students in the field.
than four hundred manuscripts or fragments of Kirsten Wolf is a professor and Torger Thompson
manuscripts dating from shortly before the twelfth Chair in the Department of Scandinavian Studies at
century to the 1700s. the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
With The Legends of the Saints in Old Norse–Ice-
landic Prose, Kirsten Wolf has undertaken a complete “Wolf is one of the leading scholars of Old Norse-Ice-
revision of the fifty-year-old handlist The Lives of the landic hagiography, editing, and translation, and this
Saints in Old Norse Prose. This updated handlist orga- work reflects her intimate and broad knowledge of
nizes saints’ names, manuscripts, and editions of in- the field. The bibliography for each saint is exemplary.”
dividual lives with references to the approximate Marianne Kalinke, University of Illinois
dates of the manuscripts, as well as modern Icelandic
editions and translations. Each entry concludes with (Toronto Old Norse and Icelandic Series)
secondary literature about the legend in question. 424 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
Cloth 978-1-4426-4621-6 $80.00 (£55.99)
In Their Own Words
Practices of Quotation in Early Medieval History-Writing

Jeanette Beer thirteenth century, is the first work of ancient histori-

In Their Own Words examines early medieval history- ography and the first biography to appear in French.
writing through quotation practices in five works, Jeanette Beer’s work bridges the divide between
each in some way the first of its kind. Nithard’s Histo- the study of vernacular and Latin writing, providing
riae de dissensionibus filiorum Ludovici Pii is extraor- new evidence that the linguistic cultures were not
dinary for its quotation of vernacular oaths, the first isolated from each other. Her examination of quota-
recorded piece of French. The Gesta Francorum is the tion practices in early medieval histories illuminates
first eye-witness account of the First Crusade. Geof- the relationship between classical and contempo-
frey of Villehardouin’s La Conquête de Constantino- rary influences in the formative period of history-
ple, written by a leader and negotiator of the Fourth writing in the West.
Crusade, and Robert de Clari’s La Conquête de Con- Jeanette Beer is a professor emerita and a senior
stantinople, written by a common soldier in the same member of Lady Margaret Hall and St Hilda’s Col-
crusade, are the first extant French prose histories. lege, at Oxford University.
Li Fet des Romains, a translation and compilation of
all the classical texts about Julius Caesar (including Approx. 168 pp / 6 x 9 / April 2014
Caesar’s own Gallic Wars) that were known in the Cloth 978-1-4426-4754-1 $50.00 (£34.99)
Life in Words
Essays on Chaucer, the Gawain-Poet, and Malory

Jill Mann a way into the masterpieces of Middle English, includ-

Edited and with an introduction by ing The Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde, Sir Ga-
Mark David Rasmussen wain and the Green Knight, and the Morte Darthur.
This volume collects fifteen landmark essays pub- An extended introduction by Mark Rasmussen
lished over the last three decades by the distin- brings out the nature of the themes that run
guished medievalist Jill Mann. Bringing together her through the collection, analyses the critical methods
essays on Chaucer, the Gawain-poet, and Malory, in play, and assesses their significance in the context
the collection foregrounds the common interest in of Middle English studies over the last thirty years.
the semantic implications of key vocabulary such as Jill Mann is Emeritus Professor of English at the Uni-
“authority,” “adventure,” and “price” that links them versity of Notre Dame and a Life Fellow of Girton Col-
together. lege, Cambridge. Mark David Rasmussen is Charles
Mann, one of the finest critics of Middle English J. Luellen Professor of English at Centre College.
literature in her generation, uses the concepts sug-
gested by the language of medieval literature itself as Approx. 336 pp / 6 x 9 / July 2014
Cloth 978-1-4426-4865-4 $75.00 (£51.99) 25

Exchanges in Exoticism
Cross-Cultural Marriage and the Making of the Mediterranean
in Old French Romance
Megan Moore lens of medieval gender and postcolonial theory, Ex-
Charting important new territory within medieval changes in Exoticism demonstrates how the process
gender studies, Megan Moore explores the vital role of cultural exchange – and empire building – extends
that women played in transmitting knowledge and well beyond our traditional assumptions about gen-
empire within Mediterranean cross-cultural marriag- der roles in the medieval Mediterranean.
es. Whereas cross-cultural exchange has typically Megan Moore is an assistant professor in the De-
been understood through the lens of male-centered partment of Romance Languages at the University
translation work, this study, which is grounded in of Missouri.
the relations between the west and Byzantium, ex-
amines cross-cultural marriage as a medium of liter- “An important contribution to the field of Old French
ary and cultural exchange, one in which women’s studies, Exchanges in Exoticism combines history and
work was equally important as men’s.   literature in a fruitful way.”
Moore’s readings of Old French and Medieval Lynn Ramey, Vanderbilt University
Greek texts reveal the extent to which women chal-
Approx. 208 pp / 6 x 9 / February 2014
lenged the cultures into which they married and
Cloth 978-1-4426-4469-4 $65.00 (£45.99)
shaped their new courtly environments. Through the
A Sea of Languages
Rethinking the Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History

Edited by Suzanne Conklin Akbari reconsideration of prevailing assumptions regard-

and Karla Mallette ing the insularity of medieval European literature.
Medieval European literature was once thought to Reframing ongoing debates within literary studies
have been isolationist in its nature, but recent schol- in dynamic new ways, A Sea of Languages will be-
arship has revealed the ways in which Spanish and come a critical resource and reference point for a
Italian authors – including Cervantes and Marco Polo new generation of scholars and students on the
– were influenced by Arabic poetry, music, and phi- intersection of Arabic and European literature.
losophy. A Sea of Languages brings together some Suzanne Conklin Akbari is a professor in the De-
of the most influential scholars working in Muslim- partment of English and the Centre for Medieval Stud-
Christian-Jewish cultural communications today to ies at the University of Toronto. Karla Mallette is an
discuss the convergence of the literary, social, and associate professor in the Departments of Italian and
economic histories of the medieval Mediterranean. Near Eastern Studies at the University of Michigan.
This volume takes as a starting point María Rosa
Menocal’s groundbreaking work The Arabic Role 328 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
in Medieval Literary History, a major catalyst in the Cloth 978-0-8020-9868-9 $70.00 (£48.99)

The Lily and the Thistle
The French Tradition and the Older Literature of Scotland

William Calin didactic, and satirical texts; and Scots romance.

In The Lily and the Thistle, William Calin argues for Special attention is accorded to texts composed
a reconsideration of the French impact on medieval originally in French such as the Arthurian “Roman
and renaissance Scottish literature. Calin proposes de Fergus,” as well as to the lyrics of Mary Queen of
that much of traditional, medieval, and early mod- Scots and little known writers from the French and
ern Scottish culture, thought to be native to Scot- Scottish canons. By considering both medieval and
land or primarily from England, is in fact strikingly renaissance works, Calin is able to observe shifts in
international and European. By situating Scottish taste and French influence over the centuries.
works in a broad intertextual context, Calin reveals William Calin is a graduate research professor in
which French genres and modes were most popular the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cul-
in Scotland and why. tures at the University of Florida.
The Lily and the Thistle provides appraisals of
medieval narrative texts in the high courtly mode 432 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
(equivalent to the French “dits amoureux”); comic, Cloth 978-1-4426-4665-0 $70.00 (£48.99)

26 University of Toronto Press


Relics and Writing in Late Medieval England
Robyn Malo simulation, and consider the effect on the socially
Relics and Writing in Late Medieval England uncov- disadvantaged of lavish expenditure on shrines. The
ers a wide-ranging medieval discourse that had an work thus uses the literary study of relics to address
expansive influence on English literary traditions. issues of clerical and lay cultures, orthodoxy and
Drawing from Latin and vernacular hagiography, heterodoxy, and writing and reform.
miracle stories, relic lists, and architectural history, Robyn Malo is an assistant professor in the Depart-
this study demonstrates that, as the shrines of Eng- ment of English at Purdue University.
land’s major saints underwent dramatic changes
from c. 1100 to c. 1538, relic discourse became “An exceptional and beautifully written meditation
important not only in constructing the meaning of on shrines, relics, and their profound cultural signifi-
objects that were often hidden, but also for canoni- cance in the Middle Ages ... To be able to contribute
cal authors like Chaucer and Malory in exploring the to an important field well worked by some brilliant
function of metaphor and of dissembling language. historians is a remarkable achievement.”
Robyn Malo argues that relic discourse was em- David Aers, Duke University
ployed in order to critique mainstream religious
312 pp / 5 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
practice, explore the consequences of rhetorical dis-
Cloth 978-1-4426-4563-9 $70.00 (£48.99)

The Ends of the Body
Identity and Community in Medieval Culture

Edited by Suzanne Conklin Akbari and Jill Ross and the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University
Drawing on Arabic, English, French, Irish, Latin and of Toronto.
Spanish sources, the essays in this volume share a “The Ends of the Body represents a rare collection
focus on the body’s productive capacity – whether of learned, sophisticated, multi-disciplinary articles
expressed through the flesh’s materiality, or through that examines connections between individual and
its role in performing meaning. communal bodies in the Middle Ages. I strongly rec-
Together, the essays provide new perspectives ommend this book on account of its historical range
on the centrality of the medieval body and under- and intellectual verve.”
score the vitality of this rich field of study.
Holly Crocker, University of South Carolina
Suzanne Conklin Akbari is a professor in the
Department of English and the Centre for Medieval 344 pp / 12 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
Studies at the University of Toronto. Jill Ross is a Cloth 978-1-4426-4470-0 $70.00 (£48.99)
professor in the Centre for Comparative Literature

Author, Reader, Book

Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice

Edited by Stephen Partridge and Erik Kwakkel are more secular in focus come together in this volume
Bringing into conversation several kinds of scholar- to transcend linguistic and disciplinary boundaries.
ship on medieval authorship, the essays in Author, Stephen Partridge is an assistant professor in the
Reader, Book examine interrelated questions raised Department of English at the University of British
by the relationship between an author and a reader, Columbia. Erik Kwakkel is a lecturer in the Institute
the relationships between authors and their antecedents, for Cultural Disciplines at Leiden University.
and the ways in which authorship interacts with the
physical presentation of texts in books. “Author, Reader, Book is a resource of significant value
The broad chronological range within this volume to medievalists interested in narrative, authorship,
reveals the persistence of literary concerns that remain and manuscript culture.”
consistent through different periods, languages, Joan Grenier-Winther, Washington State University
and cultural contexts. Theoretical reflections, case
studies from a wide variety of languages, examinations 336 pp / 11 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
of devotional literature, and analyses of works that Cloth 978-0-8020-9934-1 $75.00 (£48.00) 27
The Ovidian Vogue
Literary Fashion and Imitative Practice in Late Elizabethan England
Daniel Moss as a way to map their own poetic development. Even
The Roman poet Ovid was one of the most-imitated poets such as George Chapman, John Donne, and
classical writer of the Elizabethan age and a touch- Ben Jonson, whose early work pointedly abandoned
stone for generations of English writers. In The Ovid as cliché, could not escape his influence. Moss’s
Ovidian Vogue, Daniel Moss argues that poets ap- research exposes the literary impulses at work in the
propriated Ovid not just to connect with the ancient flourishing of poetry that grappled with Ovid’s cul-
past but also to communicate and compete within tural authority.
late Elizabethan literary culture. Daniel Moss is an assistant professor in the Depart-
Moss explains how in the 1590s rising stars like ment of English at Southern Methodist University.
Thomas Nashe and William Shakespeare adopted
Ovidian language to introduce themselves to patrons Approx. 256 pp / 6 x 9 / September 2014
and rivals, while established figures like Edmund Cloth 978-1-4426-4868-5 $65.00 (£44.99)
Spenser and Michael Drayton alluded to Ovid’s works

Alien Albion
Literature and Immigration in Early Modern England

Scott Oldenburg Thomas Dekker, and Thomas Middleton, the po-

Using both canonical and underappreciated texts, etry of Anne Dowriche, and the prose of Thomas
Alien Albion argues that early modern England was far Deloney, Alien Albion challenges assumptions
less unified and xenophobic than literary critics have about the origins of English national identity and
previously suggested. Juxtaposing literary texts from the importance of religious, class, and local identi-
the period with legal, religious, and economic docu- ties in the early modern era.
ments, Scott Oldenburg uncovers how immigrants to Scott Oldenburg is an assistant professor in the
England forged ties with their English hosts and how Department of English at Tulane University.
those relationships were reflected in literature that
imagined inclusive, multicultural communities. Approx. 272 pp / 6 x 9 / September 2014
Through discussions of civic pageantry, the Cloth 978-1-4426-4719-0 $65.00 (£44.99)
plays of dramatists including William Shakespeare,

NEW The Library of the Sidneys of Penshurst Place

circa 1665
Edited by Germaine Warkentin, the resources of contemporary bibliography, print and
Joseph L. Black, and William R. Bowen digital, to identify the titles in the catalogue, and where
For two centuries (1540–1740) the Sidney family of possible to locate the Sidneys’ own copies still extant. In
Penshurst Place, Kent, produced poets, courtiers, col- addition, architectural analysis has been employed to
lectors, and at least one revolutionary. Increasingly identify and describe the library room at Penshurst, now
aware of the cultural ideal of the learned nobleman and lost to nineteenth-century renovations.
of libraries as representations of that ideal, the Sidneys Germaine Warkentin is professor emeritus of Eng-
amassed one of the largest gentry libraries in England of lish at the University of Toronto. Joseph L. Black is
their period. This edition of their library catalogue pro- professor and director of Graduate Studies in the
vides a vivid portrait of the birth, growth, and eventual Department of English at the University of Massa-
demise of the distinguished family’s library collection. chusetts, Amherst. William R. Bowen is Chair of
Comprising nearly 5,000 entries, the catalogue is the Department of Arts, Culture, and Media at the
presented with a full introduction describing the Sid- University of Toronto, Scarborough.
neys’ intellectual world and life, their reading and col-
lecting, the women collectors of the family, and the 420 pp / 11 illustrations / 8 ½ x 11 / 2013
dispersal of the library in 1743. The editors employ all Cloth 978-0-8020-4293-4 $185.00 (£126.99)

28 University of Toronto Press


Fair Copies
Reproducing the English Lyric from Tottel to Shakespeare
Matthew Zarnowiecki representations of song, midwives’ manuals, and
In the latter half of the sixteenth century, English po- commonplace books. Also included are more than
ets and printers experimented widely with a new liter- fifteen facsimile reproductions of poems in early
ary format, the printed collection of lyric poetry. They printed books, with explanations and discussions of
not only investigated the possibilities of working with their importance. Calling upon these diverse sources,
a new medium, but also wrote metaphors of human and examining lyric poems in their earliest manuscript
reproduction directly into their works. In Fair Copies, and printed contexts, Zarnowiecki develops a new,
Matthew Zarnowiecki argues that poetic production reproductively centred method of reading early mod-
was re-envisioned during this period, which was rife ern English lyric poetry.
with models of copying and imitation, to include re- Matthew Zarnowiecki is chair of the Department of
production as one of its inherent attributes. Languages and Literature at Touro College’s Lander Col-
Tracing the development of the English lyric during lege for Men and Lander College for Women, New York.
this crucial period, Fair Copies incorporates a diverse
range of cultural productions and reproductions – 272 pp / 15 illustrations, 1 table / 6 x 9 / 2013
from key poetic texts by Shakespeare, Sidney, Spens- Cloth 978-1-4426-4718-3 $65.00 (£45.99)
er, Gascoigne, and Tottel to legal breviaries, visual

Dire Straits
The Perils of Writing the English Coastline from Leland to Milton

Elizabeth Jane Bellamy Elizabeth Jane Bellamy is a professor and John

England became a centrally important maritime C. Hodges Chair of Excellence in the Department of
power in the early modern period, and its writers English at the University of Tennessee.
– acutely aware of their inhabiting an island – of- “A major contribution to early modern literary
ten depicted the coastline as a major topic of their studies, Dire Straits surfaces watery connections
works. However, early modern English versifiers had between familiar figures, including Spenser, Shake-
to reconcile this reality with the classical tradition, in speare, and Milton, and less well-known ones, in-
which the British Isles were seen as culturally remote cluding William Bourne and John Cleveland. Read-
compared to the centrally important Mediterranean ers interested in the fluvial shapes of English poetry,
of antiquity. As the first study of coastlines and early the influence of the classics, and the career paths of
modern English literature, Dire Straits investigates these writers will find much of value here.”
the tensions of the classical tradition’s isolation of the
Steven Mentz, St John’s University
British Isles from the domain of poetry.
216 pp / 2 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
Cloth 978-1-4426-4501-1 $55.00 (£38.99)

Looking into Providences

Designs and Trials in Paradise Lost

Raymond B. Waddington various kinds of discourse, ranging from military to

In Looking into Providences, Raymond B. Wadding- medical, and from political to philosophical.
ton explores the variety of implicit organizational Raymond B. Waddington is a professor emeritus
structures or “designs” that govern Paradise Lost, in the Department of English at the University of
and looks in-depth at the “trials,” or testing situa- California, Davis.
tions, which require interpretation, choice, and ac-
tion from its characters. Waddington situates the “Demonstrating an impressively detailed knowl-
poem within the context of providentialism’s cen- edge of scholarship in a number of fields, Raymond
trality to seventeenth-century thought and life, ar- B. Waddington’s Looking into Providences is thor-
guing that Milton’s own conception of providence ough, comprehensive, and a major contribution to
was deeply influenced by the theology of Jacob Ar- research.”
minius. Using Milton’s Arminian conception of free Warren Chernaik, University of London
will, he then looks at the providential trials experi-
312 pp / 10 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
enced by angels and humans. Finally, the work ex-
Cloth 978-1-4426-4342-0 $65.00 (£45.99)
plores the ways in which providentialism infiltrates 29

Milton and Questions of History

Essays by Canadians Past and Present

Edited by Feisal G. Mohamed and A.S.P. Woodhouse. Subsequent essays engage and
Mary Nyquist contextualize these works while incorporating fresh
Winner of the Milton Society Irene Samuel Award intellectual concerns.

Milton and Questions of History considers the con- Feisal G. Mohamed is an associate professor in the
tribution of several classic studies of Milton written Department of English at the University of Illinois.
by Canadians in the twentieth century. It contem- Mary Nyquist is a professor in the Department of
plates whether these might be termed a coherent English at the University of Toronto.
“school” of Milton studies in Canada and it explores “Milton and Questions of History is a thought-pro-
how these concerns might intervene in current voking volume, from its intellectually stimulating
critical and scholarly debates on Milton and, more introduction through to its stunning, tour-de-force
broadly, on historicist criticism in its relationship to afterword.”
renewed interest in literary form.
Rachel Trubowitz, University of New Hampshire
The volume opens with a selection of seminal
articles by noted scholars including Northrop Frye, 424 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
Hugh MacCallum, Douglas Bush, Ernest Sirluck, and Cloth 978-1-4426-4392-5 $80.00 (£54.99)

Spenser’s Ruins and the Art of Recollection

Rebeca Helfer Rebeca Helfer is an associate professor in the
What is the art of memory? Rebeca Helfer’s intertex- Department of English at the University of California,
tual study Spenser’s Ruins and the Art of Recollection Irvine.
offers a fresh perspective on the significance of this “Helfer’s memorable treatment of the topic and to-
ancient mnemonic technique to Edmund Spenser’s pos of memory is a major contribution to Spenser
writing and, through this lens, explores the art’s studies, Renaissance studies, and memory studies,
complex historical and literary reception. and in its astute observations on Milton and others
Through detailed, intertextual readings of The it opens up spaces on which subsequent critics will
Shepheardes Calender, The Faerie Queene, the want to dwell.”
Complaints, and other Spenserian works, Helfer
Willy Maley, Renaissance Quarterly
demonstrates how the art of memory shapes
Spenser’s theory and practice of poetry, as well as “Summing Up: Highly recommended.”
his political view, throughout his career. More D.M. Moore, CHOICE
broadly, Spenser’s Ruins and the Art of Recollection
points to new ways of understanding the importance 360 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
of this art within literary studies. Cloth 978-0-8020-9067-6 $85.00 (£57.99)

The Emblematics of the Self

Ekphrasis and Identity in Renaissance Imitations of Greek Romance
Elizabeth B. Bearden “other,” as well as new possibilities for early mod-
The ancient Greek romances of Achilles Tatius and He- ern identities, in an increasingly global Renaissance.
liodorus were widely imitated by early modern writers Elizabeth B. Bearden is an assistant professor in
such as Miguel de Cervantes, Philip Sidney, and Mary the Department of English at the University of Wis-
Wroth. Like their Greek models, Renaissance romanc- consin-Madison.
es used ekphrasis, or verbal descriptions of visual rep-
resentation, as a tool for characterization. “This rigorous comparative study of the ‘emblemat-
The Emblematics of the Self shows how the ics of the self’ is poised to make a major contribu-
women, foreigners, and non-Christians of these tion to the fields of Renaissance studies, rhetorical
tales reveal their identities and desires in their re- studies, gender studies, and postcolonial studies.”
sponses to the “verbal pictures” of romance. En- Bernadette Andrea, University of Texas at San Antonio
gaging and rigorous, The Emblematics of the Self
272 pp / 8 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
breaks new ground in understanding hegemonic
Cloth 978-1-4426-4346-8 $65.00 (£42.00)
and cosmopolitan European conceptions of the

30 University of Toronto Press


Colonial Virtue
The Mobility of Temperance in Renaissance England

Kasey Evans pansive methodology for literary studies through its

Colonial Virtue is the first study to focus on the role close readings and rhetorical analyses.
played by the virtue of temperance in shaping ethical Kasey Evans is an assistant professor in the Depart-
debates about early English colonialism. Kasey Evans ment of English at Northwestern University.
tracks the migration of ideas surrounding temper-
ance from classical and humanist writings through to “Colonial Virtue  has changed the way that I read
sixteenth- and seventeenth-century applications, texts that focus on, or even invoke, the virtue of
emphasizing the ways in which they have transcend- temperance. Kasey Evans’s analyses are detailed
ed the vocabularies of geography and time. and thoughtful, and her close readings are both
Colonial Virtue offers fresh insights into how deeply engaged and deeply engaging.”
English Renaissance writers used temperance as a Valerie Forman, New York University
privileged lens through which to view New World
264 pp / 15 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
morality and politically to justify colonial practices in
Cloth 978-1-4426-4359-8 $60.00 (£40.00)
Virginia and the West Indies. It also models an ex-

Magical Imaginations
Instrumental Aesthetics in the English Renaissance
Genevieve Guenther With this new understanding of early modern magic
In the English Renaissance, poetry was imagined to – a fresh context for compelling readings of classic
inspire moral behaviour in its readers, but the efficacy literary works – Magical Imaginations reveals the
of poetry was also linked to  “conjuration,” the theo- central importance of magic to English literary history.
logically dangerous practice of invoking spirits with Genevieve Guenther is an independent scholar with
words.  Magical Imaginations explores how major a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley.
writers of the period – including Spenser, Marlowe,
and Shakespeare – negotiated this troubling link “I recommend this book highly for its incisiveness
between poetry and magic in their attempts to and extraordinary scholarship.”
transform readers and audiences with the power of art. John D. Cox, Hope College
Through analyses of texts ranging from sermons
184 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
and theological treatises to medical tracts and legal
Cloth 978-1-4426-4241-6 $65.00 (£42.00)
documents, Genevieve Guenther sheds new light on
magic as a cultural practice in early modern England.

Lector Ludens
The Representation of Games and Play in Cervantes

Michael Scham and the evidence in Cervantes’s own works, Scham

In sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain, de- illuminates Cervantes’s intense fascination with
bating the acceptability of games and recreation games, play, and leisure, as well as the tensions in
was serious business. With Lector Ludens, Michael early modern Spain between the stern moralizing of
Scham uses Cervantes’s Don Quijote and Novelas the Counter-Reformation and the playfulness of Re-
ejemplares as the basis for a wide-ranging explora- naissance humanism.
tion of early modern Spanish views on recreations Michael Scham is an associate professor of Span- Lector Ludens
ranging from cards and dice to hunting, attending ish at the University of St Thomas in Minnesota.
the theater, and reading fiction.
T he Representation
Shifting fluidly between modern theories of play, (Toronto Iberic) of Games  Play
little-known Spanish treatises on leisure and games, Approx. 360 pp / 6 illustrations / 6 x 9 / August 2014 in C ervantes
Cloth 978-1-4426-4864-7 $70.00 (£47.99) michael scham 31

Christopher Columbus’s Naming in the diarios of
the Four Voyages (1492–1504)
A Discourse of Negotiation
Evelina Gužauskyte

the Spanish desire for an orderly empire, Colum-
In this fascinating book, Evelina Gužauskyte uses the
• bus’s collection of place names was fractured and
names Columbus gave to places in the Caribbean fragmented – the product of the explorer’s dynamic
Basin as a way to examine the complex encounter relationship with the inhabitants, nature, and geog-
between Europeans and the native inhabitants. raphy of the Caribbean Basin. To complement
Gužauskyte’s argument, the book also features the

Gužauskyte challenges the common notion that

Columbus’s acts of naming were merely an imperial first comprehensive list of the more than two hun-
attempt to impose his will on the terrain. Instead, dred Columbian place names that are documented
she argues that they were the result of the collisions in his diarios and other contemporary sources.
Evelina Gužauskyte is an associate professor in the

between several distinct worlds, including the real
and mythical geography of the Old World, Portu- Spanish Department at Wellesley College.
guese and Catalan naming traditions, and the
knowledge and mapping practices of the Taino in- (Toronto Iberic)
habitants of the Caribbean. Rather than reflecting Approx. 280 pp / 13 illustrations, 1 table / 6 x 9 / May 2014
Cloth 978-1-4426-4746-6 $65.00 (£44.99)
Garcilaso de la Vega and the Material Culture
G arcilaso de la Vega
and the Material Culture
of Renaissance Europe
Mary E. Barnard Mary E. Barnard’s study argues persuasively that
of Renaissance Europe the material culture of early sixteenth-century Eu-
Garcilaso de la Vega and the Material Culture of Re-
M A R Y E. B A R N A R D
naissance Europe examines the role of cultural ob- rope embedded within Garcilaso’s poems offers a
jects in the lyric poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega, the key to understanding the interplay between ob-
premier poet of sixteenth-century Spain. As a pio- jects and texts that make those works such vibrant
neer of the “new poetry” of Renaissance Europe, inventions.
aligned with the court, empire, and modernity, Gar- Mary E. Barnard is an associate professor in the
cilaso was fully attuned to the collection and circula- Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese at
tion of luxury artefacts and other worldly goods. In Penn State University.
his poems, a variety of objects, including tapestries,
paintings, statues, urns, mirrors, and relics partici- (Toronto Iberic)
pate in lyric acts of discovery and self-revelation, Approx. 224 pp / 33 illustrations / 6 x 9 / July 2014
reveal memory as contingent and unstable, expose Cloth 978-1-4426-4755-8 $70.00 (£47.99)
knowledge of the self as deceptive, and show how
history intersects with the ideology of empire.

Textual Agency
Writing Culture and Social Networks in Fifteenth-Century Spain

Ana M. Gómez-Bravo textual agency that pertains not only to writers, but
Textual Agency examines the massive proliferation to the inscribed paper. Gómez-Bravo also explores
of poetic texts in fifteenth-century Spain, focusing how authorial and textual agency were competing
on the important yet little-known cancionero poetry forces in the midst of an era marked by the institu-
– the largest poetic corpus of the European Middle tion of the Inquisition, the advent of the absolutist
Ages. Ana M. Gómez-Bravo situates this cultural state, the growth of cities, and the constitution of
production within its social, political, and material the Spanish nation.
contexts. She places the different forms of docu- Ana M. Gómez-Bravo is an associate professor in
ment production fostered by a shifting political and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies
urban model alongside the rise in literacy and ac- at the University of Washington.
cess to reading materials and spaces.
At the core of the book lies an examination of (Toronto Iberic)
both the materials of writing and how human 344 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
agents used and transformed them, giving way to a Cloth 978-1-4426-4720-6 $65.00 (£45.99)

32 University of Toronto Press


The Spanish Arcadia
Sheep Herding, Pastoral Discourse, and Ethnicity in Early Modern Spain

Javier Irigoyen-García how they inform other cultural manifestations. In do-

ing so, Irigoyen-García provides incisive new ideas
The Spanish Arcadia analyzes the figure of the about the social and ethnocentric uses of the genre, as
shepherd in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century well as its interrelation with ideas of race, animal hus-
Spanish imaginary, exploring its centrality to the bandry, and nation building in early modern Spain.
discourses on racial, cultural, and religious identity.
Drawing on a wide range of documents, including Javier Irigoyen-García is an assistant professor in
theological polemics on blood purity, political trea- the Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese
tises, manuals on animal husbandry, historiography, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
paintings, epic poems, and Spanish ballads, Javier “A fascinating and erudite book.”
Irigoyen-García argues that the figure of the shep-
Jean Dangler, Tulane University
herd takes on extraordinary importance in the re-
shaping of early modern Spanish identity. (Toronto Iberic)
The Spanish Arcadia contextualizes pastoral ro- 360 pp / 16 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
mances within a broader framework and assesses Cloth 978-1-4426-4727-5 $70.00 (£48.99)

Sins of the Fathers
Moral Economies in Early Modern Spain

Hilaire Kallendorf into aspects of early modern experience such as

Sins of the Fathers considers sins as nodes of cultural food, sex, work, and money. Finally, Kallendorf en-
anxiety and explores the tensions between compet- gages the theoretical terminology of Marxist literary
ing organizational categories for moral thought and criticism to demonstrate the inherent ambiguity of
behaviours, namely the Seven Deadly Sins and the cultural change.
Ten Commandments. Hilaire Kallendorf explores Hilaire Kallendorf is an associate professor in the
the decline and rise of these organizational cat- Department of Hispanic Studies and the Religious
egories against critical transformations of the early Studies Program at Texas A&M University.
modern period, such as the accession of Spain to
a position of world dominance and the arrival of a “Sins of the Fathers makes an important contribu-
new courtly culture to replace an old warrior ethos. tion to the field of early-modern Spanish theatre
This groundbreaking study is the first to consider studies.”
Spanish Golden Age comedias as an archive of mor- Elizabeth R. Wright, University of Georgia
al knowledge. Kallendorf has examined over 800 of
476 pp / 15 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
these plays to illustrate how they provide insight
Cloth 978-1-4426-4458-8 $90.00 (£59.99)

Objects of Culture in the Literature
of Imperial Spain
Edited by Mary E. Barnard and Frederick A. de Armas heads. The contributors emphasize how literature
Collecting and displaying finely crafted objects was preserved and transformed objects to endow them
a mark of character among the royals and aristocrats with new meaning for aesthetic, social, religious,
in Early Modern Spain: it ranked with extravagant and political purposes – whether to perpetuate cer-
hospitality as a sign of nobility and with virtue as a tain habits of thought and belief, or to challenge
token of princely power. Objects of Culture in the accepted social and moral norms.
Literature of Imperial Spain explores how the writers Mary E. Barnard is associate professor of Spanish
of the period shared the same impulse to collect, and Comparative Literature at The Pennsylvania
arrange, and display objects, though in imagined State University. Frederick A. de Armas is the Andrew
settings, as literary artefacts. W. Mellon Distinguished Service Professor in the
These essays examine a variety of cultural ob- Humanities, Spanish Literature, and Comparative
jects described or alluded to in books from the Literature at the University of Chicago.
Golden Age of Spanish literature, including cloth-
ing, paintings, tapestries, playing cards, monu- (Toronto Iberic)
ments, materials of war, and even enchanted bronze 352 pp / 14 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
Cloth 978-1-4426-4512-7 $75.00 (£52.99) 33

They Need Nothing

Hispanic-Asian Encounters of the Colonial Period

Robert Richmond Ellis “They Need Nothing is a path-breaking contribution

The first comprehensive study of Spanish writings to the emerging field of Transpacific studies. Any
on East and Southeast Asia from the Spanish colo- scholar interested in the subject of East-West en-
nial period, They Need Nothing draws attention to counters will find in Professor Ellis’s book a wealth
many essential but understudied Spanish-language of Hispanic discourses on East and Southeast Asia
texts from this era. Robert Richmond Ellis provides during the colonial period. Cultural critics and histo-
an engaging, interdisciplinary examination of how rians will be particularly enlightened by his incisive
these writings depict Asia and Asians as both similar close readings on Hispanic-Asian cultural exchanges.”
to and different from Europe and Europeans, and Christina Lee, Princeton University
details how East and Southeast Asians reacted to
240 pp / 7 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
the Spanish presence in Asia.
Cloth 978-1-4426-4511-0 $55.00 (£38.99)
Robert Richmond Ellis is Norman Bridge Distin-
guished Professor of Spanish at Occidental College.

Cervantes, Literature, and the Discourse of Politics

Anthony J. Cascardi Anthony J. Cascardi is the Dean of Arts and Human-
Renaissance Society of America ities, and Ancker Professor of Comparative Literature,
Phyllis Goodhart Gordan Book Prize Rhetoric, and Spanish at the University of California,
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Berkeley.
What is the role of literature in the formation of the “Cascardi adds to his impressive resume this study
state? Anthony J. Cascardi takes up this fundamental of Cervantes as a political thinker … Each of Cascar-
question in Cervantes, Literature, and the Discourse di’s nine chapters is rich, suggestive, and learned.
of Politics, a comprehensive analysis of the presence This book is a must. Summing Up: Essential.”
of politics in Don Quixote. E.H. Friedman, CHOICE
Cascardi convincingly re-engages the ancient roots
of political theory in modern literature by situating Cer- (Toronto Iberic)
vantes within a long line of political thinkers. He also 352 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
shows how Cervantes’ view of literature provided a Cloth 978-1-4426-4371-0 $75.00 (£52.99)
compelling alternative to the modern, scientific politics Paper 978-1-4426-1223-5 $32.95 (£23.99)
of Machiavelli and Hobbes, highlighting the potential
interplay of literature and politics in an ideal state.

Celestina and the Ends of Desire

E. Michael Gerli scholarship but is unique in its use of modern literary
Winner of the Modern Language Association and psychoanalytic theory to confront the problematic
Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize links between literature and life.
One of the most widely read and translated Spanish E. Michael Gerli is Commonwealth Professor of
works in sixteenth-century Europe was Fernando de Hispanic and Early Modern Studies at the University
Rojas’s Celestina, a 1499 novel in dialogue about a of Virginia.
couple that faces heartbreak and tragedy after being
“Gerli’s study is an eloquent, intelligent, thought-
united by the titular brothel madam. In “Celestina”
provoking analysis, making an excellent contribu-
and the Ends of Desire, E. Michael Gerli illustrates
tion to Celestina studies.”
how this work straddles the medieval and the modern
in its exploration of changing categories of human Ivy A. Corfis, Revista de Estudios Hispanicos
desire – from the European courtly love tradition to 248 pp / 8 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2011
the interpretation of want as an insatiable, destructive Cloth 978-1-4426-4255-3 $55.00 (£38.99)
force. Gerli’s analysis draws on a wide range of Celestina

34 University of Toronto Press

Philippe de Commynes
Memory, Betrayal, Text
Irit Kleiman of the memoir as an autobiographical genre. This
Philippe de Commynes, a diplomat who specialized study significantly deepens our understanding of
in clandestine operations, served King Louis XI during how historical narrative and diplomatic activities are
his campaign to undermine aristocratic resistance intertwined in the work of this iconic, iconoclastic
and consolidate the sovereignty of the French throne. figure.
He is credited with inventing the political memoir, but Irit Kleiman is an assistant professor in the Depart-
his reminiscence has also been described as “the con- ment of Romance Studies at Boston University.
fessions of a traitor”: Commynes had abandoned
Louis’ rival, the Burgundian duke Charles the Bold, “It is both a pleasure and a valuable intellectual
before joining forces with the king. experience to read Philippe de Commynes, a very
Drawing on diplomatic letters and court tran- well-written, erudite, and insightful work.”
scripts, Irit Kleiman examines the mutual connec- Daisy Delogu, University of Chicago
tions between writing and betrayal in Commynes’
304 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
representation of Louis’ reign, the relationship be-
Cloth 978-1-4426-4562-2 $65.00 (£45.99)
tween the author and the king, and the emergence

Courtesy Lost Kristina M. Olson

Courtesy Lost
Dante, Boccaccio, and the Literature of History
Dante, Boccaccio, anD the
Kristina M. Olson illuminates the ways in which Boccaccio expressed Literature of history

In Courtesy Lost, Kristina M. Olson analyses the lit- his deep ambivalence towards the political and social
erary impact of the social, political, and economic changes of his era. She illustrates this through an
transformations of the fourteenth century through analysis of Dante’s and Boccaccio’s treatments of the
an exploration of Dante’s literary and political influ- idea of courtesy, or cortesia, in an era when the chiv-
ence on Boccaccio. The book reveals how Boccaccio alry of the declining aristocracy was being supplant-
rewrote the past through the lens of the Commedia, ed by the civility of the rising merchant classes.
torn between nostalgia for elite families in decline Kristina M. Olson is an assistant professor of
and the need to promote morality and magnanimity Italian in the Department of Modern and Classical
within the Florentine Republic. Languages at George Mason University.
By examining the passages in Boccaccio’s Decam-
eron, De casibus, and Esposizioni in which the author (Toronto Italian Series)
rewrites moments in Florentine and Italian history Approx. 240 pp / 6 x 9 / November 2014
that had also appeared in Dante’s Commedia, Olson Cloth 978-1-4426-4707-7 $65.00 (£44.99)

Befriending the Commedia dell’Arte of Flaminio Scala
The Comic Scenarios

Natalie Crohn Schmitt craftsmanship as on improvisation and that Scala’s

The most important theatrical movement in sixteenth- scenarios are a treasure trove of social commentary
and early seventeenth-century Europe, the commedia on early modern daily life in Italy.
dell’arte has inspired playwrights, artists, and musi- In the book, Schmitt combines intensive research
cians including Molière, Dario Fo, Picasso, and Stravin- with insights drawn from studying with contempo-
sky. Because of its stock characters, improvised dia- rary commedia dell’arte performers and from di-
logue, and extravagant theatricalism, the commedia recting a production of one of Scala’s scenarios. The
dell’arte is often assumed to be a superficial comic result is a new perspective on the commedia
style. With Befriending the Commedia dell’Arte of dell’arte that illuminates the style’s full richness.
Flaminio Scala, Natalie Crohn Schmitt demolishes that Natalie Crohn Schmitt is Professor Emerita of Theatre
assumption. and of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
By reconstructing the commedia dell’arte sce-
narios published by troupe manager Flaminio Scala (Toronto Italian Series)
(1547–1624), Schmitt demonstrates that in its Gold- Approx. 336 pp / 4 illustrations / 6 x 9 / November 2014
en Age the commedia dell’arte relied as much on Cloth 978-1-4426-4899-9 $80.00 (£54.99) 35

The Decameron Third Day in Perspective
Edited by Francesco Ciabattoni the whole Decameron together.
and Pier Massimo Forni The second of the University of Toronto Press’s
Divided into ten days of ten novellas each, Giovanni interpretive guides to Boccaccio’s Decameron, this
Boccaccio’s Decameron is one of the literary gems collection forms part of an ambitious project to ex-
of the fourteenth century. The ‘Decameron’ Third amine the entire Decameron, Day by Day.
Day in Perspective is an interpretive guide to the Francesco Ciabattoni is an associate professor of
stories of the text’s Third Day. For each novella, a Italian at Georgetown University. Pier Massimo
distinguished Boccaccio scholar offers an essay Forni is a professor of Italian literature at Johns
that both reviews the current scholarly literature Hopkins University.
and advances new and intriguing interpretations of
the work. The whole collection reflects the series’s (Toronto Italian Studies)
guiding principle of examining the text “in perspec- Approx. 288 pp / 6 x 9 / June 2014
tive,” revealing the connections among the novel- Cloth 978-1-4426-4824-1 $70.00 (£47.99)
las, the Days, and the framing narrative that holds

NEW Writings on the Sober Life

The Art and Grace of Living Long
Alvise Cornaro in English, and includes his Aggionta (“Addition”),
Introduction by Marisa Milani translated here for the first time. The introduction
Translated by Hiroko Fudemoto and a second essay by the late Marisa Milani offer
Foreword by Greg Critser biographical background to his theory and discuss
Alvise Cornaro (c.1484–1566), born into a wealthy the English publication history of the Vita sobria. A
family in Venice, was a highly ambitious and talented foreword by award-winning health journalist Greg
man involved in business, architecture, writing, and as Critser speaks to the continuing relevance of Corna-
a patron of the arts. At around age 40, after being ro’s fascinating and seminal work.
critically ill – possibly with diabetes – he resolved to Marisa Milani (1935¬–1997) was the author of
abandon his decadent ways. The rules he adopted re- several acclaimed critical works on Cornaro. Hiroko
garding the “quantity and quality” of food and drink Fudemoto is a translator living in Los Angeles, Cali-
that restored his health are outlined in this, his most fornia.
famous treatise, the Vita sobria (1558). The work, fea-
turing maxims for living to 100 years – by following a (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library)
suitable lifestyle and diet – was a global success. Approx. 288 pp / 6 x 9 / March 2014
This edition offers the most comprehensive ver- Cloth 978-1-4426-4509-7 $55.00 (£38.99)
sion of Cornaro’s early modern classic ever available

The Pleasant Nights

Volumes 1 and 2

Giovan Francesco Straparola This full critical edition of The Pleasant Nights
Edited with an Introduction by Donald Beecher presents these stories in English for the first time in
Renowned today for his contribution to the rise of over a century.
the modern European fairy tale, Giovan Francesco Donald Beecher is Chancellor’s Professor and a
Straparola (c. 1480–c. 1557) is particularly known for professor in the Department of English at Carleton
his dazzling anthology The Pleasant Nights. Originally University.
published in Venice in 1550 and 1553, this collection
features seventy-three folk stories, fables, jests, and (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library)
pseudo-histories, including nine tales we might now Volume 1: 792 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
designate for “mature readers” and seventeen proto- Cloth 978-1-4426-4426-7 $110.00 (£76.99)
fairy tales. Together, the tales comprise one of the Volume 2: 688 pp / 6 x 9 / 2012
most varied and engaging Renaissance miscellanies Cloth 978-1-4426-4427-4 $95.00 (£66.99)
ever produced. Its appeal sustained it through twenty-
six editions in the first sixty years.

36 University of Toronto Press


The English Boccaccio
A History in Books
Guyda Armstrong Drawing on the disciplines of book history, transla-
The Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio has had a long tion studies, comparative literature, and visual studies,
and colourful history in English translation. This new the author focuses on the book as an object, examining
interdisciplinary study presents the first exploration how specific copies of manuscripts and printed books
of the reception of Boccaccio’s writings in English lit- were presented to an English readership by a variety of
erary culture, tracing his presence from the early fif- translators. Armstrong is thereby able to reveal how the
teenth century to the 1930s. Guyda Armstrong tells medieval text in translation is remade and re-authorized
this story through a wide-ranging journey through for every new generation of readers.
time and space – from the medieval reading commu- Guyda Armstrong is a senior lecturer in Italian in
nities of Naples and Avignon to the English court of the School of Arts, Languages, and Cultures at the
Henry VIII, from the censorship of the Decameron to University of Manchester.
the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, from the world of
fine-press printing to the clandestine pornographers (Toronto Italian Studies)
of 1920s New York, and much more. 496 pp / 26 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
Cloth 978-1-4426-4603-2 $95.00 (£66.99)

The World beyond Europe in the Romance Epics The World beyond Europe in the

of Boiardo and Ariosto Romance Epics of Boiardo and Ariosto

jo ann cavallo
Jo Ann Cavallo The World beyond Europe is an important work
Winner of the Modern Language Association of scholarship that affirms the cross-cultural signifi-
Scaglione Publication Award for a Manuscript cance of Italian Renaissance epic poetry.
in Italian Literary Studies Jo Ann Cavallo is an associate professor in the De-
This study offers the first sustained examination of partment of Italian at Columbia University.
the representation of eastern Asia, the Middle East, “Continuing from her fascinating previous study, Jo
and northern Africa in two of the most important chi- Ann Cavallo introduces an international and geo-
valric epics of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, graphic perspective to uncover the ideology behind
Matteo Maria Boiardo’s Orlando Innamorato (1495) Ariosto’s rewriting of Boiardo’s plots”
and Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso (1516). Com-
Charles S. Ross, Purdue University
paring the narrative strategies used to depict non-
European characters in these stories, Jo Ann Cavallo (Toronto Italian Studies)
argues that Boiardo’s cosmopolitan vision of human- 392 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
kind increasingly became replaced by Ariosto’s ideol- Cloth 978-1-4426-4683-4 $85.00 (£59.99)
ogy of the crusades, which emphasized polarization
of the Christian and Saracen worlds.

The Poetics of Imitation in the Italian Theatre

of the Renaissance
Salvatore Di Maria society looks to old modes for lessons and suggestions
In response to the enthusiasm with which human- on meeting new challenges. Through a critical ap-
ism revived and idealized classical antiquity — and proach to the humanist poetics of imitation, Di Maria
in search of worldly entertainment to satisfy evolv- shows how the imitation and use of classical source ma-
ing secular tastes — dramatists in Renaissance Italy terial led to the production of works that were original
turned to the classical stages of Greece and Rome in both form and content, and ultimately to the creation
for inspiration. These writers endeavoured to meet of a newly autonomous theatrical tradition in Italy.
a growing scholarly and popular demand for theatri- Salvatore Di Maria is a professor in the Depart-
cal works through translations of the classics into the ment of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
vulgare, and later through the borrowing and adap- at the University of Tennessee.
tation of classical material for their own purposes.
This book challenges the traditional view that Italian (Toronto Italian Studies)
dramatists of the cinquecento were by and large slavish 256 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
imitators of the classics. Building on the premise that Cloth 978-1-4426-4712-1 $70.00 (£48.99) 37
On the Heroic Frenzies
Giordano Bruno Rowland provides detailed annotation that sheds
A Translation of De gli eroici furori light on the philosophical sources, biblical allusions,
by Ingrid D. Rowland and biographical elements that make Bruno’s work
Text edited by Eugenio Canone both richly conceived and challenging to understand.
Giordano Bruno (1548–1600) has long been an enig- Ingrid D. Rowland is a professor in the School of
matic figure in the history of early modern European Architecture at the University of Notre Dame, Rome.
philosophy. An itinerant Dominican friar, philosopher,
mathematician, and astronomer, Bruno was burned “If anyone is capable of rendering the import and
at the stake after the Roman Inquisition found him subtleties of Bruno’s philosophy into English, it is In-
guilty of heresy. In De gli eroici furori, his longest, grid D. Rowland. ... Readers will benefit from this
most complex vernacular dialogue, he presents his extremely valuable work’s crisp, lucid translation,
groundbreaking cosmological theories in the form of informative notes, and balanced introduction.”
passionate love poetry and pungent prose. Walter Stephens, Johns Hopkins University
This new bilingual edition presents the text in its
(The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library)
original Italian along with a precise yet elegant Eng-
448 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
lish translation in rhymed verse and prose by Ingrid D.
Cloth 978-1-4426-4389-5 $95.00 (£66.99)
Rowland. Along with her substantial introduction,

John Florio
A Worlde of Wordes
A Critical Edition with an Introduction and scientific terminology, colloquial phrases, and
by Hermann W. Haller proverbs – along with Florio’s learned, yet often co-
A Worlde of Wordes, the first-ever comprehensive lourful, English translations. Haller’s commentary
Italian-English dictionary, was published in 1598 by reveals Florio as a brilliant English translator and cre-
John Florio. One of the most prominent linguists ative writer, as well as a grammarian and language
and educators in Elizabethan England, Florio was teacher. This definitive scholarly edition clearly dem-
greatly responsible for the spreading of Italian let- onstrates Florio’s love of words and learning, and is
ters and culture throughout educated English so- a tribute to his lifelong dedication to promoting Ital-
ciety. Especially important was Florio’s dictionary, ian language and culture abroad.
which – thanks to its exuberant wealth of English Hermann W. Haller is a professor of Italian at
definitions – made it initially possible for English Queens College and in the PhD Program of Com-
readers to access Italy’s rich Renaissance literary and parative Literature at The Graduate Center, The City
scientific culture. University of New York.
Hermann W. Haller presents the first critical edi-
tion of A Worlde of Wordes, which features 46,000 (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library)
Italian entries – among them dialect forms, medical 856 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
Cloth 978-1-4426-4580-6 $125.00 (£87.99)
Dantean Dialogues
Engaging with the Legacy of Amilcare Iannucci

Edited by Maggie Kilgour and Elena Lombardi Maggie Kilgour is Molson Professor of English
Dantean Dialogues is a collection of essays by some Language and Literature in the Department of Eng-
of the world’s most distinguished Dante scholars in lish at McGill University. Elena Lombardi is Paget
honour of Amilcare Iannucci (1946–2007), one of Toynbee Lecturer in Italian Medieval Studies and a
the leading Dante scholars of his generation. fellow of Balliol College at the University of Oxford.
The essays focus on the major areas of Iannucci’s “Dantean Dialogues is an original, substantial, and fit-
research. These include the development of Dante’s ting tribute to one of the leading figures in contempo-
early poetry, his use of classical and biblical sources, rary Dante scholarship.”
and his influence and critical reception. The contribu-
Vittorio Montemaggi, University of Notre Dame
tors cover a wide range of topics, from the authority
of the Vita nuova and the Rime to key episodes in the (Toronto Italian Studies)
Commedia and the poem’s afterlife in other great 352 pp / 1 illustration / 6 x 9 / 2013
works of literature. Intercultural and interdisciplinary Cloth 978-1-4426-4561-5 $80.00 (£55.99)
in nature, the volume is both a testament to Iannuc-
ci’s legacy and a cohesive and engaging dialogue on
crucial aspects of Dante’s work.
38 University of Toronto Press

The Phoenix Pre-Socratic Series

Series Editors: David Gallop and T.M. Robinson

The Phoenix Pre-Socratic Series aims to make an important portion of Pre-Socratic writings accessible
to those interested in ancient philosophy and European natural science. Each volume presents extant
fragments from one major Pre-Socratic figure or groups of figures. A Greek text with a new, facing-page
translation is provided, together with an introduction or commentary outlining the main problems of in-
terpretation and philosophical issues raised by each thinker’s work.

Complete series now available in paperback!

Get all six volumes at a special price:
Paper 978-1-4426-1262-4 $159.95 (£112.99)

1. Parmenides of Elea – Fragments 4. The Atomists: Leucippus and Democritus –

David Gallop Fragments
144 pp / 6 x 9 / 1984 C.C.W. Taylor
Paper 978-0-8020-6908-5 $26.95 (£18.99) 328 pp / 6 x 9 / 2010
Paper 978-1-4426-1212-9 $30.95 (£21.99)
2. Heraclitus – Fragments
T.M. Robinson 5. The Poem of Empedocles
214 pp / 6 x 9 / 1987 Brad Inwood
Paper 978-0-8020-6913-9 $31.95 (£22.99) 360 pp / 6 x 9 / 2001
Paper 978-0-8020-8353-1 $41.95 (£29.99)
3. Xenophanes of Colophon – Fragments
J.H. Lesher 6. Anaxagoras of Clazomenae –
264 pp / 6 x 9 / 1992 Fragments and Testimonia
Paper 978-0-8020-8508-5 $37.95 (£26.99) Patricia Curd
298 pp / 6 x 9 / 2010
Paper 978-1-4426-1163-4 $30.99 (£21.99)

The Acropolis Sanctuary
Volume 1
Edited by Gerald P. Schaus A modest sanctuary in a modest Arcadian city-
The buildings and artefacts uncovered by Canadian state, the acropolis sanctuary at Stymphalos will be
excavations at Stymphalos (1994–2001) shed light a major point of reference for all archaeologists and
on the history and cult of a small sanctuary on the historians studying ancient Arcadia and all southern
acropolis of the ancient city. Greece in the future.
The thirteen detailed studies collected here illu- Gerald P. Schaus is a professor in the Department
minate a variety of aspects of the site. Epigraphical of Archaeology and Classical Studies at Wilfrid Lau-
evidence confirms that both Athena and Eileithyia, rier University.
goddess of childbirth, were worshipped in the sanc-
tuary between the fourth and second centuries “Stymphalos: The Acropolis Sanctuary is a volume
BCE. The temple and service buildings are modest in that will quickly take its place as a standard and
size and materials, but the temple floor and pillar seminal work of reference in the field ... An essential
shrine suggest that certain stones and bedrock out- acquisition for any major research library.”
crops were held as sacred objects. Earrings, finger John Papadopoulos, University of California,
rings, and other jewelry, along with almost 100 Los Angeles
loomweights, indicate that women were prominent
(Phoenix Supplementary Volumes LIV)
in cult observances. Many iron projectile points (ar-
Approx. 560 pp / 200 illustrations, 4 graphs /
rowheads and catapult bolts) suggest that the sanc-
8 ¼ x 10 ¾ / May 2014
tuary was destroyed in a violent attack around the
Cloth 978-1-4426-4529-5 $145.00 (£98.99)
mid-second century, possibly by the Romans. 39

Thalia Delighting in Song
Essays on Ancient Greek Poetry
Emmet I. Robbins “There is no other book I know of that can teach
Edited by Bonnie MacLachlan the reader so much about what it means to read
Emmet I. Robbins earned an international reputation Greek lyric poems literately, sensitively, and passion-
as a scholar of ancient Greek poetry, possessing a ately as Thalia Delighting in Song. These essays are
broad cultural background and a command of many among the very best writings on Greek lyric poetry
languages that allowed him to present sensitive and from the last decades of the twentieth century, and
informed readings of poets from Homer to the tra- to read through them all is not only profoundly in-
gedians. Thalia Delighting in Song assembles for the structive, but also profoundly moving.”
first time his work from 1975 through 1999, reflecting Glenn W. Most, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
his close reading of the Greek texts and his firm grasp and University of Chicago
of their literary, historical, and mythological contexts.
(Phoenix Supplementary Volumes LIII)
Emmet I. Robbins (1939–2011) was chair of the 352 pp / 6 x 9 / 2013
Department of Classics at the University of Toronto. Paper 978-1-4426-1343-0 $32.95 (£23.99)
Bonnie MacLachlan is an associate professor emer-
ita in the Department of Classical Studies at Western

Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture
Edited by Michele George tions concerning the slave trade, manumission,
Replete now with its own scholarly traditions and slave education, containment and movement, and
controversies, Roman slavery as a field of study is the use of slaves in the Roman army.
no longer limited to the economic sphere, but is Michele George is an associate professor in the
recognized as a fundamental social institution with Department of Classics at McMaster University.
multiple implications for Roman society and culture.
The essays in this collection explore how material “Providing an important and unrivalled perspective
culture – namely, art, architecture, and inscriptions on Roman slavery, this sophisticated volume is in a
– can illustrate Roman attitudes towards the insti- perfect position to introduce state-of-the-art ap-
tution of slavery and towards slaves themselves in proaches to the study of slavery and material culture.”
ways that significantly augment conventional tex- Marc Kleijwegt, University of Wisconsin-Madison
tual accounts.
(Phoenix Supplementary Volumes LII)
Providing the first interdisciplinary approach to
304 pp / 49 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
the study of Roman slavery, the volume brings to-
Cloth 978-1-4426-4457-1 $75.00 (£52.99)
gether diverse specialists in history, art history, and
archaeology. The contributors engage with ques-

Belonging and Isolation in the Hellenistic World
Edited by Sheila L. Ager and Riemer A. Faber Sheila L. Ager is an associate professor in the
The Hellenistic period was a time of unprecedented Department of Classical Studies at the University of
cultural exchange. In the wake of Alexander’s con- Waterloo. Riemer A. Faber is an associate professor
quests, Greeks and Macedonians began to encounter in the Department of Classical Studies at the University
new peoples, new ideas, and new ways of life; conse- of Waterloo.
quently, this era is generally considered to have been “This volume is a significant contribution to an ex-
one of unmatched cosmopolitanism. For many indi- citing area of scholarly exploration. Representing a
viduals, however, the broadening of horizons brought mix of accomplished scholars from a variety of dis-
with it an identity crisis and a sense of being adrift in a ciplines, this stimulating book is an enjoyable read
world that had undergone a radical structural change. with gems throughout.”
Belonging and Isolation in the Hellenistic World
Joan Burton, University of Maryland
presents essays by leading international scholars
who consider how the cosmopolitanism of the Hel- (Phoenix Supplementary Volumes LI)
lenistic age also brought about tensions between 416 pp / 17 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
individuals and communities, and between the Cloth 978-1-4426-4422-9 $80.00 (£55.99)
small local community and the mega-community of
oikoumene, or “the inhabited earth.”
40 University of Toronto Press

Bringing in the Sheaves
Economy and Metaphor in the Roman World

Brent D. Shaw is documented in his funerary epitaph. The work fea-

CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title tures an edition of the reaper inscription, and a com-
mentary on it. It is also lavishly illustrated to demon-
The annual harvesting of cereal crops was one of the strate the important iconic and pictorial dimensions of
most important economic tasks in the Roman Empire. the story.
Not only was it urgent and critical for the survival of
state and society, it mobilized huge numbers of men Brent D. Shaw is Andrew Fleming West Professor
and women every year from across the whole face of of Classics at Princeton University.
the Mediterranean. In Bringing in the Sheaves, Brent “I have really enjoyed reading Bringing in the
D. Shaw investigates the ways in which human labour Sheaves. Both the subject and its handling are out-
interacted with the instruments of harvesting, what standingly original.”
part the workers and their tools had in the whole
Nicholas Purcell, Oxford University
economy, and how the work itself was organized.
Both collective and individual aspects of the story (Robson Classical Lectures Series)
are investigated, centred on the life-story of a single 480 pp / 93 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2013
reaper whose work in the wheat fields of North Africa Cloth 978-1-4426-4479-3 $90.00 (£62.99)

Apuleius and Antonine Rome

Historical Essays

Keith Bradley remarkable serio-comic novel Metamorphoses (bet-

Apuleius and Antonine Rome features outstanding ter known as The Golden Ass).
scholarship by Keith Bradley on the Latin author Keith Bradley is the Eli J. and Helen Shaheen Pro-
Apuleius of Madauros and on the second-century fessor of Classics and Concurrent Professor of His-
Roman world in which Apuleius lived. Bradley dis- tory at the University of Notre Dame.
cusses Apuleius’ work in the context of social rela-
tions (especially the family and household), religios- “This impressive, eye-opening book is of the great-
ity in all its diversity and complexity, and cultural est importance to the quickly growing field of Apu-
interactions between the imperial centre and the leian studies. It is a creative, thoughtful work, based
provincial periphery. on vast amounts of hard research; I both learned a
These essays examine the Apology, the speech great deal from it and enjoyed reading it.”
Apuleius made when he defended himself on the Benjamin Lee, Oberlin College
criminal charge of having enticed a wealthy widow
(Phoenix Supplementary Volumes L)
to marry him through magical means; the frag-
408 pp / 10 illustrations / 6 x 9 / 2012
ments of his speeches known as the Florida; and the
Cloth 978-1-4426-4420-5 $75.00 (£50.99)

Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and Its Times –

Regards sur la Seconde Sophistique et son époque
Edited by Thomas Schmidt and Pascale Fleury Thomas Schmidt is professeur ordinaire de philol-
The Second Sophistic (50 to 250 BCE) was an ogie classique, Institut des Sciences de l’Antiquité et
intellectual movement throughout the ancient Greek du Monde byzantin, Université de Fribourg (Suisse).
and Roman world. Although it can be characterized Pascale Fleury is professeure agrégée, Départe-
as a literary and cultural phenomenon of which ment des littératures, Université Laval.
rhetoric is an essential component, other themes and “With each article shedding new light on different
values such as peideia, mimesis, the glorification of aspects of the movement, this collection is a major
the past, the importance of Athens, and Greek contribution to research and scholarship.”
identity pervade the literature and art of this era.
Alain Billault, University of Paris–Sorbonne
These essays explore the Second Sophistic and
describe how the intellectual elites of this period (Phoenix Supplementary Volumes XLIX)
perceived and defined themselves, how they were 304 pp / 2 tables / 6 x 9 / 2011
judged by later authors, and how we understand Cloth 978-1-4426-4216-4 $75.00 (£52.99)
them today. 41


These books are specially selected and designed to keep in print
the very best medieval scholarship and translation, modestly priced for student use.

Old Norse-Icelandic Literature Selections from English

A Critical Guide Wycliffite Writings
Edited by Carol J. Clover and Edited by Anne Hudson
John Lindow Selections from English Wycliffite Writings is a
With a new Preface by collection of twenty-seven often-ignored pri-
Theodore M. Andersson mary texts written between 1385 and 1425
The current revival of interest in the rich by members of the Lollard sect in England.
and varied literature of early Scandinavia Through a variety of tracts, sermons, and sat-
has prompted a corresponding interest in ires, this edition illuminates the wide range of
its background: its origins, social and his- Lollard interests and preoccupations. The text
torical context, and relationship to other is in Middle English with extensive supplemen-
medieval literatures. The essays of six dis- tal notes that help to fully explain the context
tinguished scholars summarize and comment on scholarly work in of each work. This new edition comes with a revised and updated
the major branches of the field. bibliography by the editor.

“Indispensable as a bibliographic source.” (MART 38) 245 pp / 6 x 9 / 1997

Medieval Literature Research Guide Paper 978-0-8020-8045-5 $23.95 (£16.99)

(MART 42) 390 pp / 6 x 9 / 2005

Paper 978-0-8020-3823-4 $42.95 (£30.99)
Nature, Man, and Society
in the Twelfth Century
A Concise Dictionary of Essays on New Theological
Old Icelandic Perspectives in the Latin West
Geir T. Zoëga M.-D. Chenu
A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic has long Selected, edited, and translated
been the foremost reference source for the by Jerome Taylor and Lester K. Little
Icelandic language. The dictionary has helped The nine essays in this collection, selected
to bring about a wider interest in the lan- from La théologie au douzième siècle, inquire
guage and literature of Iceland and is consid- into the historical context and origins of me-
ered an essential complement to the study of dieval scholasticism. They are representative
medieval Nordic literature. of Chenu’s finest work.

(MART 41) 560 pp / 6 x 9 / 2004 (MART 37) 384 pp / 6 x 9 / 1997

Cloth 978-0-8020-8705-8 $113.00 (£79.99) Paper 978-0-8020-7175-0 $23.95 (£16.99)
Paper 978-0-8020-8659-4 $36.95 (£25.99)

Arthurian Chronicles
Medieval Families Wace and Layamon
Perspectives on Marriage, Translated by Eugene Mason
Household, and Children with an Introduction by Gwyn Jones
Edited by Carol Neel The spread of the Arthurian legend during
the course of the twelfth century is one of the
Medieval Families brings together essays by
most remarkable phenomena in literary histo-
historians, art historians, and literary schol-
ry. In this English language prose translation of
ars about the structures, social functions,
the Wace and Layamon Arthurian poems, the
and emotional characteristics of families in
folk-tale ferocity of Arthur is made as exciting
the middle ages. The volume’s introduction
to the readers as to the poets who contrib-
and bibliography enable readers to set the
uted so much to Arthur’s legend. A reprint of
articles gathered here in the context of the
the 1962 edition.
later twentieth-century transformation of medieval studies and, more
broadly, historical scholarship. (MART 35) 282 pp / 6 x 9 / 1996
Paper 978-0-8020-7176-7 $23.95 (£16.99)
(MART 40) 320 pp / 6 x 9 / 2003
Cloth 978-0-8020-3606-3 $94.00 (£65.99)
Paper 978-0-8020-8458-3 $36.95 (£25.99)

42 University of Toronto Press


Feudalism The Medieval Book

F.L. Ganshof Illustrated from the Beinecke Rare
Translated by Philip Grierson Book and Manuscript Library
A reprint of the third edition, Barbara A. Shailor
published in 1964. A beautifully illustrated study of medieval
manuscript books that details how they
“Professor Ganshof’s book answers the prayer were made and their place in society. It fea-
of every teacher and student of medieval his- tures 106 examples, most with illustration,
tory for a lucid, concise, and authoritative ex- many in colour.
position of feudal institutions.”
George Holmes, The Cambridge Review (MART 28) 115 pp / 8 x 11 / 1991
Paper 978-0-8020-6853-8 $37.95 (£26.99)
(MART 34) 176 pp / 6 x 9 / 1996
Paper 978-0-8020-7158-3 $20.95 (£14.99)

The Birth of Popular Heresy Modern Perspectives in

R.I. Moore Western Art History
Until the publication of The Birth of Popular An Anthology of Twentieth-Century
Heresy, little was known about the many ordi- Writings on the Visual Arts
nary men and women who dissented from or- Edited by W. Eugene Kleinbauer
thodox Christianity in the middle ages. Moore
A collection of essays that illustrate the vari-
analyses the development of popular heresy
ety of methods scholars have developed for
using edited collections of letters, chronicles,
conveying the unfolding of the arts in the
and sermons written, in the main, by clerics
Western world. A reprint of the edition first
and other highly placed church officials during
published in 1971.
the eleventh and twelfth centuries. A reprint
of the 1975 first edition. (MART 25) 528 pp / 6 x 9 / 1989
Paper 978-0-8020-6708-1 $36.95 (£25.99)
(MART 33) 166 pp / 6 x 9 / 1995
Paper 978-0-8020-7659-5 $23.95 (£16.99)

Fables The Medieval Experience

Marie de France Francis Oakley
Edited and translated by Harriet Spiegel
This far-ranging study examines five critical
Comprising the 103 tales that form the earli- areas in which medieval civilization departed
est vernacular collection of fables from west- from earlier civilizations, and thereby contrib-
ern Europe, this edition captures the fresh and uted to the development of a unique Euro-
lively tone of Marie de France’s text. This is a pean culture. A reprint of the 1974 edition.
reprint of the first edition published in 1987.
(MART 23) 228 pp / 6 x 9 / 1988
(MART 32) 282 pp / 6 x 9 / 1994 Paper 978-0-8020-6707-4 $22.95 (£16.99)
Paper 978-0-8020-7636-6 $27.95 (£19.99)

The Origins of Change in Medieval Society

European Dissent Europe North of the Alps 1050–1500
R.I. Moore Sylvia L. Thrupp
Moore traces the roots of the rejection of the The nineteen essays in this collection reflect
Western church in the eleventh and twelfth the importance of change as an aspect of
centuries and argues that heresy had less to medieval society. They are arranged in six
do with faith than with the changing world of subject areas: Communities; Reformers; Ca-
the time. A reprint of the corrected edition first reers, Rank, and Power; The Communica-
published in 1985. tion of Ideas; Money; and Views of Society.
A reprint of the 1964 edition.
(MART 30) 322 pp / 6 x 9 / 1994
Paper 978-0-8020-7566-6 $26.95 (£18.99) (MART 22) 324 pp / 6 x 9 / 1988
Paper 978-0-8020-6699-2 $20.95 (£14.99) 43

The Crisis of Church and State Early Medieval Art 300–1150

1050–1300 Sources and Documents
Brian Tierney Caecilia Davis-Weyer
A clear narrative that presents and interprets This anthology of medieval texts on art in-
the major documents of the centuries-long cludes descriptions of lost monuments, theo-
struggle between kings and popes of me- retical and technical texts that reveal inten-
dieval Europe over the separation of church tions of artists and patrons, liturgical texts
and state. Few controversies have so indelibly which describe the use of medieval artifacts,
influenced the course of western civilization. and others that reflect the tastes of the liter-
A reprint of the 1980 edition first published ate public. First published in 1971.
in 1964.
(MART 17) 182 pp / 6 x 9 / 1986
(MART 21) 210 pp / 6 x 9 / 1988 Paper 978-0-8020-6628-2 $22.95 (£16.99)
Paper 978-0-8020-6701-2 $22.95 (£16.99)

Gothic Art 1140–c 1450 The Art of the Byzantine

Sources and Documents Empire 312–1453
Teresa G. Frisch Sources and Documents
Gothic Art 1140–c 1450 is a chronologically Cyril Mango
arranged collection of both secular and more An anthology of translated histories, chron-
pious original texts, selected from a wide va- icles, saints’ lives, theological treatises, and
riety of sources. These records include the accounts present an in-depth analysis of Byz-
personal observations of professional artisans antine art focusing on Constantinople. First
and contemporary observers, as well as the published in 1972.
less personal records left in legal contracts,
agreements, inscriptions, and other sorts of “The prevailing view of Byzantine authors
documentation. First published in 1971. is that their art was highly true to nature.
A perusal of the texts collected here will confirm this statement
(MART 20) 181 pp / 6 x 9 / 1987 … To us, such views appear rather perplexing, for we regard Byz-
Paper 978-0-8020-6679-4 $19.95 (£13.99) antine art as being abstract rather than naturalistic, and we expect
to find in the written sources some reflection of our judgment.”
The Discovery of the Individual From the Introduction
(MART 16) 272 pp / 6 x 9 / 1986
Colin Morris
Paper 978-0-8020-6627-5 $24.95 (£17.99)
Morris traces the origin of the concept of
the individual, not to the Renaissance where
it is popularly assumed to have been invent-
ed, but farther back, to the spirituality and
Self and Society in
intellectually dynamic world of Europe in the Medieval France
twelfth century. First published in 1972. The Memoirs of Abbot Guibert
of Nogent
(MART 19) 188 pp / 6 x 9 / 1987
Paper 978-0-8020-6665-7 $19.95 (£13.99) Edited and with an Introduction by John
F. Benton
Byzantium A revised edition (1970) based on C.C.
The Imperial Centuries AD 610–1071 Swinton Bland’s translation

Romilly Jenkins “An exemplary addition to [the MART] series

A student and general reader guide to the … [Guibert’s memoirs] provide precious in-
middle period, or the most imperial era, of sights into French culture of the eleventh and
Byzantium’s history. Jenkins provides a con- twelfth centuries. As he describes himself, he also chronicles contem-
nected account of what actually went on in porary events such as the 1112 revolt of the Laon commune. Given
the East Roman Empire between the acces- the complexity of Guibert’s historical maze, the reader will appreciate
sion of Heraclius and the Battle of Manzikert. Benton’s annotations. What emerges is an engaging portrait of a man
First published in 1966. and his times.”
The Reprint Bulletin
(MART 18) 400 pp / 6 x 9 / 1987
Paper 978-0-8020-6667-1 $30.95 (£21.99) (MART 15) 260 pp / 6 x 9 / 1984
Paper 978-0-8020-6550-6 $22.95 (£16.99)

44 University of Toronto Press


A Concise Anglo-Saxon Constantine and the

Dictionary Conversion of Europe
Fourth Edition A.H.M. Jones
J.R. Clark Hall, with a Supplement by A study of politics and religion during a key
Herbert T. Merritt era (284–337 BCE) when Christianity estab-
This classic dictionary deals carefully and ex- lished itself as the dominant force shaping
haustively with all the words which occur in government and civilization. Reprinted from
Anglo-Saxon poetry and prose. Variant dia- the 1962 edition, first published in 1948.
lectic forms are given, together with variant
(MART 4) 222 pp / 6 x 9 / 1978
forms found in the same dialect. Purely poetic
Paper 978-0-8020-6369-4 $25.95 (£18.99)
words and words not common in prose are
indicated, and references are given to the passages in which they occur.
First published in 1894, this is a reprint of the fourth edition (1960).

(MART 14) 432 pp / 6 x 9 / 1984

Paper 978-0-8020-6548-3 $30.95 (£21.99)

William Marshal A Guide to Chaucer’s

Knight-Errant, Baron, and Pronunciation
Regent of England Helge Kökeritz
Sidney Painter The authoritative reconstruction of Chaucer’s
For the first forty years of his life, Marshal was pronunciation – indispensable to all readers
a landless knight, but by his marriage to the of his poetry. Reprinted from the 1962 print-
daughter of Earl Richard of Pembroke in 1189, ing, first published in 1961.
he became a great feudal lord. His biography
(MART 3) 32 pp / 6 x 9 / 1978
depicts the two extremes of feudal society.
Paper 978-0-8020-6370-0 $9.95 (£6.99)
This edition was first published in 1933.

(MART 13) 305 pp / 6 x 9 / 1982

Paper 978-0-8020-6498-1 $25.95 (£18.99)

Ancient Writing and The Story of Troilus

Its Influence Translations and Introductions
B.L. Ullman, with an Introduction by by R.K. Gordon
Julian Brown The only collection in English of the major
First published in 1932, this book is a sound, medieval versions of the story of Troilus and
concise, and expert introduction to the his- Criseyde – from Benoit de Sainte-Maure, Boc-
tory of the alphabet, Greek palaeography caccio, Chaucer, and Henryson. Reprinted
and epigraphy, Latin palaeography and epig- from the 1964 edition, first published in 1934.
raphy, and the origins of printing. B.L. Ull-
(MART 2) 383 pp / 6 x 9 / 1978
man, one of the master palaeographers of
Paper 978-0-8020-6368-7 $23.95 (£16.99)
the twentieth century, covers the origins of
western writing and the forms that it took in
antiquity and the Middle Ages.

(MART 10) 240 pp / 6 x 9 / 1980

Paper 978-0-8020-6435-6 $21.95 (£15.99)

Mission to Asia The Carolingian Empire

Edited and with an Introduction by Heinrich Fichtenau
Christopher Dawson Translated by Peter Munz
Narratives by Franciscans sent to Central and A classic account of Charles the Great and
East Asia in the thirteenth and fourteenth the heyday of Frankish rule in Europe, evalu-
centuries in a heroic but failed attempt to ating the achievements and failures of the
maintain contact with Christians there and empire which has been called “the first Eu-
convert the Mongols. Reprinted from the rope.” Reprinted from the 1968 edition,
1966 reprint of the 1955 edition. translation first published in 1957.

(MART 8) 246 pp / 6 x 9 / 1980 (MART 1) 196 pp / 6 x 9 / 1978

Paper 978-0-8020-6436-3 $25.95 Paper 978-0-8020-6367-0 $21.95 (£15.99)
North American rights only. 45

Matthew Bailey’s edition of Las Mocedades de Rodrigo

is now available in paperback for just $19.95!
See page 5 for more information.

Three Cartularies from Thirteenth-Century Auxerre

Edited by Constance Brittain Bouchard
This edition presents the recently rediscovered episcopal cartulary of Auxerre, composed in the 1280s but
assumed lost since the French Revolution. Along with confirmations by popes, quarrel settlements with
counts, and agreements with the bishop’s tenants, the cartulary contains documents that were previ-
ously unknown, notably several papal decisions. Auxerre was unusually well documented for the period
800–1200, but little information on the bishopric’s history after 1200 has been available until now. The
text contains a wealth of information about relationships between church leaders and other churches,
between churches and secular leaders, and details on peasant rights and obligations.
This edition also includes the short thirteenth-century cartularies of the nuns of St.-Julien and of the
cathedral chapter, the latter existing only in fragmentary form. With full annotation of people and places
and English-language summaries, these cartularies make a valuable contribution to our understanding of
this significant episcopal centre’s history.

(Medieval Academy Books) 272 pp / 1 map / 6 x 9 / 2012

Cloth 978-1-4426-4528-8 $90.00 (£62.99)

Medieval Conduct Literature

An Anthology of Vernacular Guides to Behaviour for Youths, with English Translations
Edited by Mark D. Johnston
Conduct literature is a term used to identify writings that address how one should “conduct” oneself
in social situations. In the medieval period conduct literature was essential reading for nearly all literate
children and adolescents to educate them in the expected social behaviours for their culture, gender, and
status. Using a comparative approach, this anthology pairs together pieces of male-directed and female-
directed medieval conduct literature, many being translated into English for the first time, to present an
illuminating picture of medieval gender norms, parenting, literary style, and pedagogy. Containing texts
written in six vernacular languages, each section is also accompanied by textual notes, an introduction,
and an English translation.

(Medieval Academy Books) 360 pp / 5 photos / 6 x 9 / 2009

Cloth 978-0-8020-9832-0 $73.00 (£51.99)

The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne

Edited by Theodore Evergates
The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne examines the countess’s twenty-one-year regency
(1201–22) through her cartulary – a manuscript copy of legal and otherwise public documents usually
intended as an archival aid and as a security duplicate. Surviving intact to this day, the 1224 volume is
unusual in that it was commissioned as a personal, commemorative document for the countess in retire-
ment, after a successful career in which she preserved the county from a divisive civil war, expanded the
county’s borders, and transformed comital-baronial relationships. The 443 letters contained in the cartu-
lary deal with practical matters of governance such as homages, fiefs, and the rights of lordship, and are
here used by Theodore Evergates as a dossier for observing the practices of a major French principality
and its aristocracy.

(Medieval Academy Books) 416 pp / 6 x 9 / 2009

Cloth 978-1-4426-3995-9 $95.00 (£66.99)

46 University of Toronto Press


Three Treatises from Bec on the Nature of Monastic Life

Edited with Introduction and Notes by Giles Constable
Translated by Bernard S. Smith
The abbey of Bec was founded in the eleventh century and was one of the best known and most influ-
ential monasteries in Normandy. The three treatises collected and translated in this volume – Tractatus de
professionibus monachorum (“The Profession of Monks”), De professionibus abbatum (“The Profession
of Abbots”), and De libertate Beccensis monasterii (“On the Liberty of the Monastery of Bec”) – are a
striking statement of the position of Bec in relation to episcopal and ducal (later royal) authorities.
This volume is an important contribution to understanding not only monasticism in Normandy, but
also the conflict between church and state in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.

(Medieval Academy Books) 208 pp / 6 x 9 / 2008

Cloth 978-0-8020-9260-1 $54.00 (£37.99)

The Mirroure of the Worlde

A Middle English Translation of the Miroir du Monde
Edited by Robert R. Raymo and Elaine E. Whitaker with Ruth E. Sternglantz
The Mirroure of the Worlde makes available for the first time the unique text in the fifteenth-century
British manuscript, ms. Bodley 283, which is among the last and largest works in the tradition of lay
religious instruction mandated by the Fourth Lateran council. This edition is one of the only books of
virtues and vices that contains Latin text, an inclusion that points towards a more widespread knowledge
of the language among the laypeople than previously thought. Complete with explanatory notes and a
glossary, The Mirroure of the Worlde widens the understanding of medieval moral instruction, religion,
reading practices, and education.

(Medieval Academy Books) 664 pp / 6 x 9 / 2003

Cloth 978-0-8020-3613-1 $105.00 (£73.99)

The Cartulary of Montier-en-Der, 666–1129

Edited by Constance Brittain Bouchard
The monastery of Montier-en-Der, on the border between Champagne and Lorraine, was one of the
most important monasteries of the Middle Ages. Its cartulary, put together in the Ilzos at the height of
the monastery’s prestige and wealth, is a crucial source of information for the history of west Francia
before the twelfth century and is here published in full for the first time. With information on popes,
kings, and counts, on manorial structures and the obligations of peasant tenants, and on monastic re-
form, the cartulary will be an essential resource for the study of religious history and of the middle ages
in France.

(Medieval Academy Books) 440 pp / 6 x 9 / 2004

Cloth 978-0-8020-8807-9 $94.00 (£65.99)

Littere Baronum
The Earliest Cartulary of the Counts of Champagne
Edited by Theodore Evergates
The cartulary of 1211 is the oldest surviving register produced by the chancery of the counts of Cham-
pagne. This first edition of the cartulary contains 121 letters received from the barons and prelates of
the county during the rule of Count Thibaut III (1198–1201) and the first decade of the regency of his
widow, Countess Blanche (1201–22). Since only one-third of the original letters survive, the cartulary
copies are particularly valuable in capturing the range of written records entering the chancery of a
major French principality around 1200.

(Medieval Academy Books) 300 pp / 6 x 9 / 2003

Cloth 978-0-8020-8762-1 $64.00 (£44.99) 47


These books are specially selected and designed to keep in print the
most treasured works in Renaissance studies, modestly priced for student use.

The World of the Florentine Tudor Historical Thought

Renaissance Artist F.J. Levy
Projects and Patrons, Workshop Tudor Historical Thought is a revealing
and Art Market account of vital changes in intellectual
orientation. F.J. Levy’s seminal work ex-
Martin Wackernagel
plores the factors – humanism, theology,
Translated by Alison Luchs
antiquarianism, Machiavellianism – that
This classic of Italian Renaissance historiog- brought about the changes in historical
raphy explores the impact of patronage and thinking from the time of Caxton to that
function, widespread demand for art, work- of Bacon, Raleigh, and Camden.
shop techniques, and business practices on
artists’ lives and the results they achieved. (RSART 15) 320 pp / 6 x 9 / 2004
Paper 978-0-8020-3775-6 $33.95 (£23.99)
(RSART 18) 488 pp / 6 x 9 / 2011
Paper 978-1-4426-1184-9 $39.95 (£27.99)

The Social World of the Soldiers of Christ

Florentine Humanists, Preaching in Late Medieval and
Reformation France
Larissa Taylor
Lauro Martines
Winner of the John Nicholas Brown Prize of
Lauro Martines’s exhaustive search of manu- the Medieval Academy of America
script material in the state archives of Flor-
ence is the basis for a fascinating portrayal In an age when the printed book was still
of representative humanists of the period. in its infancy, the pulpit was the mass me-
The Social World of the Florentine Human- dium. Larissa Taylor examines over 1,600
ists explores the wealth, family tradition, civic sermons given by the leading lay preachers
prominence, and intellectual achievements in France between 1460 and 1560, while
of these individuals while assessing the atti- reconstructing popular attitudes towards
tudes of other Florentines towards them. original sin, free will, purgatory, the Devil,
the sacraments, and the magical arts.
(RSART 17) 440 pp / 6 x 9 / 2011
(RSART 14) 352 pp / 6 x 9 / 2002
Paper 978-1-4426-1182-5 $35.00 (£24.99)
Paper 978-0-8020-8557-3 $33.95 (£23.99)

The Renaissance in Jews in the Canary Islands

Historical Thought Being a calendar of Jewish cases
extracted from the records of the
Five Centuries of Interpretation Canariote Inquisition in the
Wallace K. Ferguson collection of the Marquess of Bute
Originally published in 1948, Wallace K. Translated from the Spanish and
Ferguson’s The Renaissance in Histori- edited with an Introduction and
cal Thought is a key piece of scholarship Notes by Lucien Wolf
on Renaissance historiography. Fergu- In 1504, the Office of the Inquisition was
son examines how the Renaissance has set up in the remote Spanish holdings on
been viewed from successive historical the Canary Islands to seek out crypto-
and national viewpoints, and by canoni- Jews, sorcerers, and other heretics. Jews
cal thinkers over the centuries, including in the Canary Islands is a calendar of
François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire and Jewish cases brought before the Canari-
Jacob Burckhardt. ote Inquisition between 1499 and 1818,
when the Inquisition was discontinued.
(RSART 16) 450 pp / 6 x 9 / 2006
Paper 978-0-8020-9415-5 $33.95 (£23.99) (RSART 13) 320 pp / 6 x 9 / 2001
Cloth 978-0-8020-3585-1 $81.00 (£56.99)
Paper 978-0-8020-8450-7 $33.95 (£23.99)

48 University of Toronto Press


Venice On Assistance to the Poor

A Documentary History, Juan Luis Vives
1450–1630 Translated with an Introduction and
Commentary by Alice Tobriner, SNJM
Edited by David Chambers and
Brian Pullan, with Jennifer Fletcher The urban problems of sixteenth-century
Bruges are very familiar to the modern
This is a sourcebook of primary materials,
reader: poverty, overcrowding, crime, the
almost none previously available in English,
problems of the mentally ill, and the issue
for the history of the city-state of Venice.
of the responsibility of government for the
The time period covers the apogee of Ve-
care of the poor. Published in 1526, On
netian power and reputation to the begin-
Assistance to the Poor was Vives’s effort to
nings of its decline in the 1630s. Sources
bring these questions to the attention of
used include diaries, chronicles, Inquisitorial
the City Council of Bruges, and have them
records, literature, legislation, and contem-
addressed by local government.
porary descriptions, and are organized in
sections by theme and accompanied by (RSART 9) 71 pp / 6 x 9 / 1999
brief introductions. Paper 978-0-8020-8289-3 $19.95 (£13.99)

(RSART 12) 484 pp / 6 x 9 / 9 illustrations / 2001

Paper 978-0-8020-8424-8 $42.95 (£30.99)
The Society of
More’s Utopia Renaissance Florence
Dominic Baker-Smith A Documentary Study
This book prepares the reader for the Edited by Gene Brucker
challenge of Utopia: it places the work in First published in 1971, this book is an
the context of early sixteenth-century Eu- invaluable collection of 132 original Flo-
rope and the intellectual preoccupations rentine documents dating from the four-
of More’s own humanist circle, and clari- teenth and fifteenth centuries and cover-
fies those sources in Classical and Chris- ing a wide range of subjects from taxes to
tian political thought which provoked his social mobility, to family, death, and civic
writing. Dominic Baker-Smith also surveys life, to violence, crime, and morality.
the varied critical reception accorded to
Utopia over the last four centuries. (RSART 8) 282 pp / 6 x 9 / 1998
Paper 978-0-8020-8079-0 $27.95 (£19.99)
(RSART 11) 270 pp / 6 x 9 / 2000
Paper 978-0-8020-8376-0 $30.95 (£21.99)

Dolce’s Aretino and The Vespasiano Memoirs

Venetian Art Theory Lives of Illustrious Men of the
of the Cinquecento XVth Century
Mark W. Roskill Vespasiano da Bisticci
Translated by William George
First appearing in 1557, Ludovico Dolce’s
and Emily Waters
L’Aretino consists of a three-part dialogue
Introduction by Myron P. Gilmore
between two Venetians, Aretino and Fab-
rini, on the particular merits of works of Vespasiano da Bisticci (b. 1421) was a Flo-
art and artists, including Michelangelo, rentine bookseller known as the most cele-
Raphael, and Donatello. The edition is brated dealer of books and manuscripts of
presented in the original Italian with Eng- his generation. His memoirs are a valuable
lish facing-page translation. resource in the history of politics, warfare
and intellectual history, written from the
(RSART 10) 368 pp / 7 x 9 / 2000 perspective of an intelligent man who was
Paper 978-0-8020-8333-3 $37.95 (£26.99) able to watch and comment on the events
of his age from a privileged position.

(RSART 7) 476 pp / 6 x 9 / 1997

Paper 978-0-8020-7968-8 $31.95 (£22.99) 49

Habits of Thought in the Religion and Economic

English Renaissance Action
Religion, Politics, and the The Protestant Ethic, the Rise of
Dominant Culture Capitalism, and the Abuses of
Debora Kuller Shuger Scholarship
Debora Kuller Shuger examines ortho- Kurt Samuelsson
dox, rather than subversive, methods of Translated by E. Geoffrey French
thought in the English Renaissance. In- Edited and with an Introduction
stead of finding a monolithic, unified by D.C. Coleman
body of thought, she reveals a remark- Max Weber first proposed, and R.H. Taw-
ably nonuniform “orthodox” ideology ney did much to promote, the idea that
containing a wide range of views. capitalism grew out of Puritan values.
Shuger’s approach also re-examines In this bold essay, Kurt Samuelsson con-
and re-legitimizes the investigation of vincingly challenges that hypothesis and
the connections between religion and literature. First published in reassesses the spirit and ethics of both capitalism and Puritanism, ef-
1990, Habits of Thought in the English Renaissance presaged an ex- fectively dismantling any notion of a functional relationship between
panding and progressively more popular mode of inquiry in English Christianity and capitalism.
Renaissance scholarship.
(RSART 3) 170 pp / 6 x 9 / 1993
(RSART 6) 284 pp / 6 x 9 / 1997 Paper 978-0-8020-7733-2 $21.95 (£15.99)
Paper 978-0-8020-8047-9 $26.95 (£18.99)

The Italian Renaissance

Vittorino da Feltre and Edited by Werner L. Gundersheimer
Other Humanist Educators An anthology of the writings from the
W. H. Woodward fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries
designed to illustrate the life and thought
“A book that has remained for almost
of Italians for students and the general
seventy years the fundamental study of
reader. It offers a broad sampling of hu-
early Renaissance educational theory and
manist work by educators, statesmen,
philosophers, churchmen, and courtiers
From the Foreword by Eugene F. Rice Jr.
translated into English.
(RSART 5) 264 pp / 6 x 9 / 1996
“This collection of humanistic prose is in-
Paper 978-0-8020-7157-6 $24.95 (£17.99)
valuable to all those who contemplate the
history of western civilization, but most es-
pecially to students of Italian Renaissance history, literature, philosophy,
and art history who will greatly benefit from this engaging scholarly
survey of hard-to-find original texts of important works.”
The Ash Wednesday Supper Christiane L. Joost-Gaugier, Sixteenth Century Journal
Giordano Bruno (RSART 2) 184 pp / 6 x 9 / 1993
Edited and translated by Edward A. Paper 978-0-8020-7735-6 $22.95 (£16.99)
Gosselin and Lawrence S. Lerner
Giordano Bruno, a possibly mad, cer- The Treatise of Lorenzo
tainly brilliant, itinerant Italian friar was
burned at the stake in 1600 for heresies,
Valla on the Donation of
which included his rejection of the Ptol- Constantine
emaic cosmology. Using Copernican Text and translation into English
theory as both a foundation of and a by Christopher B. Coleman
metaphor for his own vast philosophi-
The most famous forgery in European his-
cal-theological-political-social program,
tory, the Donation of Constantine was ac-
Bruno united his own conflicting be-
cepted as genuine for seven centuries and
liefs in “La Cena de le ceneri” (The Ash
was cited by at least ten popes. Lorenzo
Wednesday Supper). It was one of the first works in which Coper-
Valla’s 1440 treatise established the Dona-
nican theory had impact outside the sphere of the natural sciences.
tion of Constantine was forged, and made
(RSART 4) 238 pp / 6 x 9 / 1995 him a pioneer of modern historical criticism.
Paper 978-0-8020-7469-0 $32.95 (£23.99) The reprint is of the 1922 edition of Valla’s
treatise and presents the Latin text and Eng-
lish translation of it and the forged donation document on facing pages.

(RSART 1) 183 pp / 6 x 9 / 1993

Paper 978-0-8020-7734-9 $33.95 (£23.99)
50 University of Toronto Press

Lexicons of Early Modern English is a growing historical database offering scholars

unprecedented access to early books and manuscripts documenting the growth
and development of the English language. With more than 600,000 word-entries
from 186 monolingual, bilingual, and polyglot dictionaries, glossaries, and linguistic
treatises, encyclopedic and other lexical works from the beginning of printing in
England to 1702, as well as tools updated annually, LEME sets the standard for
modern linguistic research on the English language.
LEME provides exciting opportunities for research for historians of the English
language. More than a half-million word-entries devised by contemporary speakers
of early modern English describe the meaning of words, and their equivalents in
languages such as French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and other tongues
encountered then in Europe, America, and Asia.
Ian Lancashire Use modern techniques to research early modern English!
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Recently added to LEME:
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Subscription Prices:
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$1,220.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 Institutions (FTE < 10,000)
$75.00 $150.00 $225.00 Individuals 51
ART AND ARCHITECTURE Between France and Flanders The Historical Source Book for Scribes
Manuscript Illumination in Amiens in the Michelle P. Brown and Patricia Lovett
The Apocalypse and Fifteenth Century Cloth 978-0-8020-4720-5 / $41.95 / 1999
the Shape of Things to Come Susie Nash North and South American rights
Edited by Frances Carey (The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture)
Cloth 978-0-8020-4776-2 / $94.00 How the Page Matters
Cloth 978-0-8020-4114-2 / $111.00 / 1999
Paper 978-0-8020-8325-8 / $51.95 / 1999 Bonnie Mak
North and South American rights
North American rights (Studies in Book and Print Culture)
The Book of Cerne Cloth 978-0-8020-9760-6 / $55.00 / £37.99
Artistic Integration in Gothic Buildings Prayer, Patronage, and Power in Ninth-Century Paper 978-1-4426-1535-9 / $24.95 / £17.99 / 2012
Edited by Virginia Chieffo Raguin, Kathryn L. Brush, England
and Peter Draper llluminating the Book
Michelle P. Brown
Paper 978-0-8020-7477-5 / $34.95 / £24.99 / 1995 Makers and Interpreters
(The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture)
Edited by Michelle P. Brown and Scot McKendrick
Art on the Jesuit Missions in Asia Cloth 978-0-8020-4113-5 / $105.00 / 1996
(The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture)
and Latin America, 1542–1773 North and South American rights
Cloth 978-0-8020-4411-2 / $94.00 / 1998
Gauvin Alexander Bailey The Book Unbound North and South American rights
Paper 978-0-8020-8507-8 / $44.95 / £31.99 / 1999 Editing and Reading Medieval Manuscripts
The Jesuit Series
Between Renaissance and Baroque and Texts
Edited by Peter M. Daly and Richard Dimmler, S.J.
Jesuit Art in Rome, 1565–1610 Edited by Siân Echard and Stephen Partridge
(Corpus Librorum Emblematum)
Gauvin Alexander Bailey (Studies in Book and Print Culture)
Part Two (D–E)
Paper 978-1-4426-1030-9 / $41.95 / £29.99 / 2009 Cloth 978-0-8020-8756-0 / $61.00 / £42.99 / 2004
Cloth 978-0-8020-4748-9 / $152.00 / £106.99 / 2000
Courtly Love in Medieval Manuscripts Bookbinding Part Three (F–L)
Pamela Porter History and Techniques Cloth 978-0-8020-3570-7 / $152.00 / £106.99 / 2002
Paper 978-0-8020-8599-3 / $25.95 / 2004 Philippa Marks Part Four (L–P)
North and South American rights Paper 978-0-8020-8176-6 / $26.95 / 1998 Cloth 978-0-8020-3853-1 / $161.00 / £112.99 / 2005
North and South American rights Part Five (P–Z)
Early Christian Chapels in the West Cloth 978-0-8020-9264-9 / $199.00 / £139.99 / 2007
Decoration, Function, and Patronage The de Brailes Hours
Gillian Mackie Shaping the Book of Hours The Lindisfarne Gospels
Cloth 978-0-8020-3504-2 / $122.00 / £85.99 / 2003 in 13th Century Oxford Society, Spirituality, and the Scribe
Claire Donovan Michelle P. Brown
English Tilers (Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations) Cloth 978-0-8020-8825-3 / $101.00
Elizabeth Eames Cloth 978-0-8020-5951-2 / $105.00 / 1991 Paper 978-0-8020-8597-9 / $53.95 / 2003
Paper 978-0-8020-7706-6 / $30.95 / 1992 North American rights North and South American rights
North American rights
The Egerton Genesis Magic in Medieval Manuscripts
The Medieval Garden Mary Coker Joslin and Carolyn J. Watson Sophie Page
Sylvia Landsberg (The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture) Paper 978-0-8020-3797-8 / $25.95 / 2004
Paper 978-0-8020-8660-0 / 30.95 / 2003 Cloth 978-0-8020-4758-8 / $94.00 / 2001 North and South American rights
North American rights North and South American rights
Manuscripts from the Anglo-Saxon Age
Painters The English Emblem Tradition, Volume 3 Michelle P. Brown
Paul Binski Emblematic Devices of the English Civil Wars, Cloth 978-0-8020-9096-6 / $58.00 / 2007
Paper 978-0-8020-6918-4 / $30.95 / 1991 1642–1660 North American rights
North American rights Alan R. Young
Medieval Birds in the Sherborne Missal
Rochester Cathedral, 604–1540 (Index Emblematicus)
Janet Backhouse
An Architectural History Cloth 978-0-8020-5739-6 / $116.00 / £81.99 / 1995
Paper 978-0-8020-8434-7 / $25.95 / 2001
J. Phillip McAleer The English Emblem Tradition, Volume 4
Cloth 978-0-8020-4222-4 / $84.00 / £58.99 / 1999 The Medieval Church in Manuscripts
Remaines of a Greater Worke Concerning
Justin Clegg
Britaine, William Camden
Paper 978-0-8020-8598-6 / $25.95 / 2004
The Mirrour of Maiestie, H.G. Amorum
BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS Emblematta, Otto van Vee
North and South American rights
Andreas Alciatus Edited by Peter M. Daly and Mary V. Silcox Medieval Herbals
Volume I: The Latin Emblems Indexes and Lists (Index Emblematicus) The Illustrative Traditions
Edited by Peter M. Daly, with Virginia M. Callahan Cloth 978-0-8020-4367-2 / $135.00 / £94.99 / 1998 Minta Collins
Assisted by Simon Cuttler (The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture)
The English Emblem Tradition, Volume 5
Volume II: Emblems in Translation Cloth 978-0-8020-4757-1 / $99.00
The Manuscript Emblem Books
Edited by Peter M. Daly. Assisted by Simon Cuttler Paper 978-0-8020-8313-5 / $46.95 / 2000
of Henry Peacham
(Index Emblematicus) North and South American rights
Edited by Alan R. Young
Cloth 978-0-8020-2425-1 / $211.00 / £148.99 / 1985 (Index Emblematicus) Medieval Rural Life in the Luttrell Psalter
Art, Identity, and Devotion in Fourteenth- Cloth 978-0-8020-0987-6 / $146.00 / £102.99 / 1998 Janet Backhouse
Century England Paper 978-0-8020-8399-9 / $25.95 / 2000
Flowers in Medieval Manuscripts
Three Women and Their Books of Hours North and South American rights
Celia Fisher
Kathryn A. Smith Paper 978-0-8020-3796-1 / $25.95 / 2004 Medieval Warfare in Manuscripts
Cloth 978-0-8020-3920-0 / $90.00 North and South American rights Pamela Porter
Paper 978-0-8020-8691-4 / $36.95 / 2004 Paper 978-0-8020-8400-2 / $25.95 / 2000
North American rights The Future of the Page
North and South American rights
Edited by Peter Stoicheff and Andrew Taylor
Astrology in Medieval Manuscripts (Studies in Book and Print Culture) Monsters and Grotesques in
Sophie Page Paper 978-0-8020-8584-9 / $36.95 / £25.99 / 2004 Medieval Manuscripts
Paper 978-0-8020-8511-5 / $25.95 / 2004 Alixe Bovey
North and South American rights A Guide to Western Historical Scripts from
Paper 978-0-8020-8512-2 / $25.95 / 2004
Antiquity to 1600
North and South American rights
Michelle P. Brown
Paper 978-0-8020-7206-1 / $41.95 / 1990
North American rights

52 University of Toronto Press

The Murthly Hours ‘Bring furth the pagants’ The History of Morris Dancing, 1458–1750
Devotion, Literacy and Luxury in Paris, Essays in Early English Drama Presented John Forrest
England, and the Gaelic West to Alexandra F. Johnston (Studies in Early English Drama 5)
John Higgitt Edited by David N. Klausner and Cloth 978-0-8020-0921-0 / $81.00 / 1999
(The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture) Karen Sawyer Marsalek World rights less UK and Europe
Cloth 978-0-8020-4759-5 / $99.00 / 2000 (Studies in Early English Drama 9)
Kent, Diocese of Canterbury
North and South American rights Cloth 978-0-8020-9107-9 / $69.00 / £48.99 / 2006
James M. Gibson
Music in Medieval Manuscripts Bristol (Records of Early English Drama 16)
Nicolas Bell Mark C. Pilkinton Cloth 978-0-8020-8726-3 / $595.00 / 2002
Paper 978-0-8020-8432-3 / $25.95 / 2001 (Records of Early English Drama 13) World rights less UK and Europe
Cloth 978-0-8020-4221-7 / $149.00 / £104.99 / 1997
The Myth of Print Culture Lancashire
Essays on Evidence, Textuality, and Cambridge David George
Bibliographical Method Alan Nelson (Records of Early English Drama 10)
Joseph A. Dane (Records of Early English Drama 8) Cloth 978-0-8020-2862-4 / $152.00 / £106.99 / 1992
(Studies in Book and Print Culture) Cloth 978-0-8020-5751-8 / $211.00 / £148.99 / 1989
Cloth 978-0-8020-8775-1 / $75.00 / £52.99 / 2003
Cataloguing Discrepancies James Stokes
Pleyn Delit The Printed York Breviary of 1493 (Records of Early English Drama 21)
Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks, Andrew Hughes in collaboration with Matthew Cloth 978-1-4426-4000-9 / $442.00 / 2009
Second Edition Cheung Salisbury and Heather Robbins World rights less UK and Europe
Constance B. Hieatt, Brenda M. Hosington, Cloth 978-1-4426-4197-6 / $55.00 / £38.99 / 2011
Liturgies in Honour of Thomas Beckett
and Sharon Butler
Cheshire, including Chester Kay Brainerd Slocum
Paper 978-0-8020-7632-8 / $25.95 / £18.99 / 1996
Elizabeth Baldwin, Lawrence M. Clopper, Cloth 978-0-8020-3650-6 / $94.00 / £65.99 / 2004
Printing and David Mills
Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office
History and Techniques (Records of Early English Drama 19)
A Guide to Their Organization and Terminology
Michael Twyman Cloth 978-0-8020-9326-4 / $451.00 / 2007
Andrew Hughes
Paper 978-0-8020-8179-7 / $26.95 / 1999 World rights less UK and Europe
Paper 978-0-8020-7669-4 / $45.95 / £32.99 / 1995
North and South American rights
Cumberland, Westmorland, Gloucestershire
The Outrageous Juan Rana Entremeses
The Roman Vergil and the Origins of Audrey Douglas and Peter Greenfield
A Bilingual and Annotated Selection of Plays
Medieval Book Design (Records of Early English Drama 6)
Written for This Spanish Golden Age Gracioso
David H. Wright Paper 978-0-8020-5669-6 / $115.95 / £81.99 / 1986
Peter E. Thompson
Cloth 978-0-8020-4819-6 / $42.00 / 2001
Devon (University of Toronto Romance Series)
North and South American rights
John Wasson Cloth 978-0-8020-9363-9 / $68.00 / £47.99 / 2009
Saints in Medieval Manuscripts (Records of Early English Drama 7)
Oxford (University and City)
Greg Buzwell Cloth 978-0-8020-5706-8 / $122.00 / £85.99 / 1986
John Elliott, Alan Nelson, Alexandra F. Johnston,
Paper 978-0-8020-3795-4 / $25.95 / 2005
Dorset/Cornwall and Diana Wyatt
North and South American rights
Rosalind C. Hays/C.E. McGee and (Records of Early English Drama 17)
Scribes and Illuminators Sally Joyce/Evelyn S. Newlyn Cloth 978-0-8020-3905-7 / $356.00 / 2004
Christopher de Hamel (Records of Early English Drama 14) World rights less UK and Europe
Paper 978-0-8020-7707-3 / $33.95 / 1992 Cloth 978-0-8020-4379-5 / $182.00 / £127.99 / 1999
Playing a Part in History
North American rights
Drama, Performance, and Polity in The York Mysteries,1951–2006
The Sherborne Missal Pre-Cromwellian Ireland Margaret Rogerson
Janet Backhouse Alan J. Fletcher (Studies in Early English Drama 10)
Cloth 978-0-8020-4743-4 / $41.95 / 1999 (Studies in Early English Drama 6) Cloth 978-0-8020-9924-2 / $68.00 / £47.99 / 2009
North and South American rights Cloth 978-0-8020-4377-1 / $135.00 / 2000 Finalist for the Theatre Library Association George
World rights less Australia and Europe Freedley Memorial Award
St. Cuthbert
His Life and Cult in Medieval Durham Dramatic Texts and Records of Britain Recycling the Cycle
Dominic Marner A Chronological Topography to 1558 The City of Chester and Its Whitsun Plays
Cloth 978-0-8020-3518-9 / $46.00 / 2000 Ian Lancashire David Mills
North and South American rights (Studies in Early English Drama 1) (Studies in Early English Drama 4)
Cloth 978-0-8020-5592-7 / $105.00 / 1984 Cloth 978-0-8020-4096-1 / $42.00 / £29.99 / 1998
The Trinity Apocalypse
World rights less Europe and British Commonwealth,
Edited by David McKitterick REED in Review
but including Canada
Cloth 978-0-8020-9009-6 / $101.00 Essays in Celebration of the First
Paper 978-0-8020-4893-6 / $48.95 / 2005 Ecclesiastical London Twenty-Five Years
North and South American rights Mary Erler Edited by Audrey Douglas and Sally-Beth MacLean
(Records of Early English Drama 20) (Studies in Early English Drama 8)
Writing and Scripts
Cloth 978-0-8020-9858-0 / $316.00 / 2008 Cloth 978-0-8020-3827-2 / $84.00 / £58.99 / 2006
History and Techniques
World rights less UK and Europe
Michelle P. Brown Reformers on Stage
Paper 978-0-8020-8172-8 / $26.95 / 1998 Father Lee’s Opera Quiz Book Popular Drama as Media in the Low Countries
North and South American rights M. Owen Lee of Charles V, 1515–1556
Paper 978-0-8020-8384-5 / $25.95 / £18.99 / 2000 Gary K. Waite
Cloth 978-0-8020-4457-0 / $94.00 / £65.99 / 2000
Fathers and Sons in Shakespeare
DRAMA AND MUSIC The Debt Never Promised Saints and the Audience in Middle English
Athena Sings Fred B. Tromly Biblical Drama
Wagner and the Greeks Cloth 978-0-8020-9961-7 / $68.00 / £47.99 / 2010 Chester N. Scoville
M. Owen Lee Cloth 978-0-8020-8944-1 / $61.00 / £42.99 / 2004
Herefordshire and Worcestershire
Cloth 978-0-8020-8795-9 / $41.00 / £28.99 David Klausner A Season of Opera
Paper 978-0-8020-8580-1 / $20.95 / £14.99 / 2003 (Records of Early English Drama 9) From Orpheus to Ariadne
Cloth 978-0-8020-2758-0 / $152.00 / £106.99 / 1990 M. Owen Lee
Paper 978-0-8020-8387-6 / $25.95 / £18.99 / 1998 53
Shakespeare/Adaptation/Modern Drama Editing Texts from the Age of Erasmus The Case Against Johann Reuchlin
Essays in Honour of Jill L. Levenson Edited by Erika Rummel Social and Religious Controversy in
Edited by Randall Martin and Katherine Scheil (Conference on Editorial Problems) Sixteenth-Century Germany
Cloth 978-1-4426-4174-7 / $65.00 / £45.99 / 2011 Cloth 978-0-8020-0797-1 / $46.00 / £32.99 / 1996 Erika Rummel
Cloth 978-0-8020-3651-3 / $64.00 / £44.99
Shakespeare’s Comedies of Love Encounters with a Radical Erasmus
Paper 978-0-8020-8484-2 / $31.95 / £22.99 / 2002
Essays in Honour of Alexander Leggatt Erasmus’ Work as a Source of Radical Thought
Edited by Karen Bamford and Ric Knowles in Early Modern Europe Chronicles of the Vikings
Cloth 978-0-8020-3953-8 / $70.00 / £49.99 / 2008 Peter G. Bietenholz Records, Memorials, and Myths
(Erasmus Studies) R.I. Page
Cloth 978-0-8020-9905-1 / $70.00 / £49.99 / 2009 Paper 978-0-8020-7165-1 / $33.95 / 1995
J. Alan B. Somerset
North American rights
(Records of Early English Drama 11) Erasmus and Voltaire
Cloth 978-0-8020-0648-6 / $211.00 / £148.99 / 1994 Why They Still Matter Constant Minds
Ricardo J. Quinones Political Virtue and the Lipsian Paradigm in
Socrates on Trial
(Erasmus Studies) England, 1584–1650
A Play Based on Aristophanes’ Clouds and
Cloth 978-1-4426-4054-2 / $57.00 / £39.99 / 2010 Adriana McCrea
Plato’s Apology, Crito, and Phaedo Adapted
(The Mental and Cultural World of Tudor
for Modern Performance Erasmus in the Twentieth Century
and Stuart England)
Andrew D. Irvine Interpretations 1920–2000
Cloth 978-0-8020-0666-0 / $81.00 / £56.99 / 1997
Cloth 978-0-8020-9783-5 / $46.00 / £32.99 Bruce Mansfield
Paper 978-0-8020-9538-1 / $21.95 / £15.99 / 2008 (Erasmus Studies) The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito
Cloth 978-0-8020-3767-1 / $87.00 / £61.99 / 2003 Edited and translated by Erika Rummel with
Subject Stages
the assistance of Milton Kooistra
Marriage, Theatre, and the Law Erasmus on Women
Volume 1: 1507–1523
in Early Modern Spain Edited by Erika Rummel
Cloth 978-0-8020-9017-1 / $113.00 / £79.99 / 2005
María M. Carrión Paper 978-0-8020-7808-7 / $26.95 / £18.99 / 1996
Volume 2: 1524–1531
Cloth 978-1-4426-4108-2 / $57.00 / £39.99 / 2010
The Erasmus Reader Cloth 978-0-8020-9955-6 / $172.00 / £120.99 / 2009
Sussex Edited by Erika Rummel
The Court Book of Mende and the
Cameron Louis Paper 978-0-8020-6806-4 / $31.95 / £22.99 / 1990
Secular Lordship of the Bishop
(Records of Early English Drama 15)
Exploiting Erasmus Jan K. Bulman
Cloth 978-0-8020-4849-3 / $182.00 / £127.99 / 2000
The Erasmian Legacy and Religious Change Cloth 978-0-8020-9337-0 / $54.00 / £37.99 / 2008
Teaching with the Records in Early Modern England
The Culture of Profession in
of Early English Drama Gregory D. Dodds
Late Renaissance Italy
Edited by Eliza C. Tiner (Erasmus Studies)
George W. McClure
(Studies in Early English Drama 7) Cloth 978-0-8020-9900-6 / $88.00 / £61.99 / 2009
Cloth 978-0-8020-8970-0 / $77.00 / £54.99 / 2004
Cloth 978-0-8020-9082-9 / $90.00 / £63.99 / 2006
Holy Scripture Speaks
Decentring the Renaissance
The Triumphant Juan Rana The Production and Reception of Erasmus’
Canada and Europe in Multidisciplinary
A Gay Actor of the Spanish Golden Age Paraphrases on the New Testament
Perspective, 1500–1700
Peter E. Thompson Edited by Hilmar Pabel and Mark Vessey
Edited by Germaine Warkentin
(University of Toronto Romance Series) (Erasmus Studies)
and Carolyn Podruchny
Cloth 978-0-8020-8969-4 / $54.00 / £37.99 / 2006 Cloth 978-0-8020-3642-1 / $99.00 / £69.99 / 2003
Cloth 978-0-8020-4327-6 / $75.00 / £52.99
Wagner Man on His Own Paper 978-0-8020-8149-0 / $33.95 / £23.99 / 2001
The Terrible Man and His Truthful Art Interpretations of Erasmus, c. 1750–1920
Early Modern Catholicism
M. Owen Lee Bruce Mansfield
Essays in Honour of John W. O’Malley, S.J.
(The 1998 Larkin-Stuart Lectures) (Erasmus Studies)
Edited by Kathleen M. Comerford
Paper 978-0-8020-8291-6 / $20.95 / £14.99 / 1999 Cloth 978-0-8020-5950-5 / $94.00 / £65.99 / 1992
and Hilmar M. Pabel
Wagner and the Wonder of Art Patronage and Humanist Literature in Cloth 978-0-8020-3547-9 / $87.00 / £61.99
An Introduction to Die Meistersinger the Age of the Jagiellons Paper 978-0-8020-8417-0 / $36.95 / £25.99 / 2001
M. Owen Lee Court and Career in the Writings of Rudolf
Eradicating the Devil’s Minions
Paper 978-0-8020-9573-2 / $22.95 / £16.99 / 2007 Agricola Junior, Valentin Eck, and Leonard Cox
Anabaptists and Witches in Reformation Europe
Jacqueline Glomski
Wales Gary K. Waite
(Erasmus Studies)
David Klausner Paper 978-1-4426-1032-3 / $30.95 / £21.99 / 2009
Cloth 978-0-8020-9300-4 / $85.00 / £59.99 / 2007
(Records of Early English Drama 18)
Fishers’ Craft and Lettered Art
Cloth 978-0-8020-9072-0 / $296.00 / 2005
Tracts on Fishing from the End of
World rights less UK and Europe
HISTORY the Middle Ages
Wanton Words Richard C. Hoffmann
‘A Great Effusion of Blood’
Rhetoric and Sexuality in English (Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations)
Interpreting Medieval Violence
Renaissance Drama Paper 978-0-8020-7853-7 / $33.95 / £23.99 / 1997
Edited by Mark D. Meyerson, Daniel Thierry,
Madhavi Menon
and Oren Falk The Gallery of Memory
Cloth 978-0-8020-8837-6 / $64.00 / £44.99 / 2004
Cloth 978-0-8020-8774-4 / $77.00 / £54.99 / 2004 Literary and Iconographic Models in
the Age of the Printing Press
Anti-Italianism in Sixteenth-Century France
Lina Bolzoni
ERASMUS Henry Heller
Translated by Jeremy Parzen
Cloth 978-0-8020-3689-6 / $75.00 / £52.99 / 2003
The Adages of Erasmus (Toronto Italian Studies)
Selected by William Barker After Rome’s Fall Cloth 978-0-8020-4330-6 / $94.00 / £65.99 / 2001
Cloth 978-0-8020-4874-5 / $99.00 / £69.99 Narrators and Sources of Early Medieval History
Gender and Memory in Medieval Europe
Paper 978-0-8020-7740-0 / $42.95 / £30.99 / 2001 Edited by Alexander Callander Murray
Elisabeth van Houts
Cloth 978-0-8020-0779-7 / $70.00 / £49.99 / 1999
Conversing with God Cloth 978-0-8020-4698-7 / $64.00
Prayer in Erasmus’ Pastoral Writings Byzantine Hermeneutics and Pedagogy Paper 978-0-8020-8277-0 / $26.95 / 1999
Hilmar M. Pabel in the Russian North North American rights
(Erasmus Studies) Monks and Masters at the Kirillo-Belozerskii
Hierarchies and Orders in Late Medieval
Cloth 978-0-8020-4101-2 / $75.00 / £52.99 / 1997 Monastery, 1397–1501
and Renaissance Europe
Robert Romanchuk
Jeffrey Denton
Cloth 978-0-8020-9063-8 / $108.00 / £75.99 / 2007
Paper 978-0-8020-8264-0 / $26.95 / 1999
North American rights

54 University of Toronto Press

History, Literature, and Music in Scotland, Medici Women Words and Deeds in Renaissance Rome
700–1560 Portraits of Power, Love, and Betrayal in Trials before the Papal Magistrates
Edited by R. Andrew McDonald the Court of Duke Cosimo I Thomas V. Cohen and Elizabeth S. Cohen
Cloth 978-0-8020-3601-8 / $58.00 / £40.99 / 2002 Gabrielle Langdon Paper 978-0-8020-7699-1 / $30.95 / £21.99 / 1993
Paper 978-0-8020-9526-8 / $40.95 / £28.99 / 2006
Holiness and Masculinity in the Middle Ages Working in the Vineyard of the Lord
Edited by Patricia Cullum and Katherine J. Lewis Medieval Virginities Jesuit Confraternities in Early Modern Italy
Paper 978-0-8020-4892-9 / $33.95 / 2005 Edited by Anke Bernau, Saah Saligh, and Ruth Evans Lance Gabriel Lazar
North American rights Cloth 978-0-8020-8960-1 / $61.00 Cloth 978-0-8020-8854-3 / $96.00 / £67.99 / 2005
Paper 978-0-8020-8637-2 / $30.95 / 2003
The Illustrated Old English Hexateuch, The World in Venice
North American rights
Cotton Ms. Claudius B.iv Print, the City, and Early Modern Identity
The Frontier of Seeing and Reading Medieval Women in Their Communities Bronwen Wilson
in Anglo-Saxon England Edited by Diane Watt (Studies in Book and Print Culture)
Benjamin C. Withers Paper 978-0-8020-8122-3 / $25.95 / 1997 Cloth 978-0-8020-8725-6 / $84.00 / £58.99 / 2005
(Studies in Book and Print Culture) World rights less UK and Europe
Cloth 978-0-8020-9104-8 / $97.00 / 2007
A Mirror for Magistrates and the
World rights less UK and Europe
de casibus Tradition
The Jesuits Paul Budra The Aesthetics of Nostalgia
Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts, 1540–1773 (The Mental and Cultural World of Tudor Historical Representation in Old English Verse
Edited by John W. O’Malley, S.J., Gauvin Alexander and Stuart England) Renée R. Trilling
Bailey, Steven J. Harris, and T. Frank Kennedy, S.J. Cloth 978-0-8020-4717-5 / $58.00 / £40.99 / 2001 (Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
Volume I Cloth 978-0-8020-9971-6 / $73.00 / £51.99 / 2009
The Monstrous Middle Ages
Cloth 978-0-8020-4287-3 / $99.00 / £69.99 / 1999 Winner of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
Edited by Bettina Bildhauer and Robert Mills
Volume II Best First Book Prize
Cloth 978-0-8020-8719-5 / $61.00
Cloth 978-0-8020-3861-6 / $113.00 / £79.99 / 2005
Paper 978-0-8020-8667-9 / $27.95 / 2004 Authors, Audiences, and Old English Verse
A Jew at the Medici Court North American rights Thomas A. Bredehoft
The Letters of Benedetto Blanis Hebreo (Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series)
Padua and the Tudors
(1615–1621) Cloth 978-0-8020-9945-7 / $68.00 / £47.99 / 2009
English Students in Italy, 1485–1603
Edward Goldberg
Jonathan Woolfson The Beginnings of English Law
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Cloth 978-0-8020-0946-3 / $75.00 / 1998 Lisi Oliver
Cloth 978-1-4426-4383-3 / $85.00 / £59.99 / 2011
World rights less Europe and British Commonwealth, (Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations)
Jews and Magic in Medici Florence but including Canada Paper 978-1-4426-1483-3 / $34.95 / £24.99 / 2012
The Secret World of Benedetto Blanis
A Renaissance Education The Dating of Beowulf
Edward Goldberg
Schooling in Bergamo 1500–1650 Edited by Colin Chase
(Toronto Italian Studies)
Christopher Carlsmith (Toronto Old English Series)
Cloth 978-1-4426-4225-6 / $70.00 / £48.99
Cloth 978-0-8020-9254-0 / $78.00 / £54.99 / 2010 Paper 978-0-8020-7879-7 / $26.95 / £18.99 / 1997
Paper 978-1-4426-1333-1 / $32.95 / £23.99 / 2011
Winner of the International Ennio Flaiano Award Romanesque Architecture and Its Sculptural Early English Metre
for Italian Culture Decoration in Christian Spain, 1000–1120 Thomas A. Bredehoft
Exploring Frontiers and Defining Identities (Toronto Old English Series)
John Selden
Janice Mann Cloth 978-0-8020-3831-9 / $82.00 / £57.99 / 2005
Measures of the Holy Commonwealth
Cloth 978-0-8020-9324-0 / $78.00 / £54.99 / 2009
in Seventeenth-Century England Families of the King
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Reid Barbour Writing Identity on the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Historical Studies Eleanor Tufts Book Award
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King Death
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Late-Medieval England Isidore’s Synonyma in Anglo-Saxon England
Cloth 978-0-8020-9369-1 / $78.00 / £54.99 / 2009
Colin Platt Claudia di Sciacca
Paper 978-0-8020-7900-8 / $26.95 / 1996 Sex Crimes, Honour, and the Law (Toronto Old English Series)
North American rights in Early Modern Spain Cloth 978-0-8020-9129-1 / $92.00 / £64.99 / 2008
Vizcaya, 1500–1750
Last Judgment Iconography in the Carpathians Gold-Hall and Earth-Dragon
Renato Barahona
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Cloth 978-0-8020-3694-0 / $75.00 / £52.99 / 2003
Cloth 978-0-8020-9809-2 / $78.00 / £54.99 / 2009 Alvin Lee
Sexual Hierarchies, Public Status Paper 978-1-4426-1312-6 / $29.95 / £20.99 / 1998
Letters from Heaven
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Popular Religion in Russia and Ukraine Hrotsvit of Gandersheim
Cristian Berco
Edited by John-Paul Himka and Andriy Zayarnyuk Contexts, Identities, Affinities, and Performances
Cloth 978-0-8020-9139-0 / $63.00 / £44.99 / 2007
Cloth 978-0-8020-9148-2 / $72.00 / £50.99 / 2006 Edited by Phyllis R. Brown, Linda A. McMillin,
Twilight of the Renaissance and Katharina M. Wilson
Lodovico Dolce
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Renaissance Man of Letters
Daniel A. Crews
Ronnie H. Terpening Latin Learning and English Lore
Cloth 978-0-8020-9867-2 / $75.00 / £52.99 / 2008
Cloth 978-0-8020-4159-3 / $70.00 / £49.99 / 1997 Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature for
The Unfinished Mechanics of Giuseppe Moletti Michael Lapidge, Volumes I & II
The Making of Medieval Forgeries
An Edition and English Translation of His Edited by Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe
False Documents in Fifteenth-Century England
Dialogue on Mechanics, 1576 and Andy Orchard
Alfred Hiatt
W. R. Laird (Toronto Old English Series)
Cloth 978-0-8020-8951-9 / $75.00 / 2004
Cloth 978-0-8020-4699-4 / $70.00 / £49.99 / 1999 Cloth 978-0-8020-8919-9 / $179.00 / £125.99 / 2005
North and South American rights
Women, Property, and the Letters of the Law The Narrative Pulse of Beowulf
Marriage, Family, and Law in Medieval Europe
in Early Modern England Arrivals and Departures
Collected Studies
Edited by Nancy E. Wright, Margaret W. Ferguson, John M. Hill
Michael M. Sheehan, CSB
and A.R. Buck (Toronto Old English Series)
Edited by James K. Farge
Cloth 978-0-8020-8757-7 / $77.00 / £54.99 / 2004 Cloth 978-0-8020-9329-5 / $43.00 / £30.99
Paper 978-0-8020-8137-7 / $30.95 / 1996
Paper 978-1-4426-1087-3 / $22.95 / £16.99 / 2009
World rights less UK and Europe 55
New Readings in the Vercelli Book Words and Works Chaucer’s Queer Poetics
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(Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series) Literature in Honour of Fred C. Robinson Susan Schibanoff
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(Toronto Old English Series)
Old English Glossed Psalters Pss. 150 Chaucer’s Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale
Cloth 978-0-8020-4153-1 / $75.00 / £52.99 / 1998
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(Toronto Old English Series) Edited by Peter G. Beidler and Elizabeth M. Biebel
Cloth 978-0-8020-4470-9 / $122.00 / £85.99 / 2001 (Chaucer Bibliographies)
LITERATURE – OLD NORSE Cloth 978-0-8020-4366-5 / $105.00 / £73.99 / 1998
On the Aesthetics of Beowulf and
Other Old English Poems AND ICELANDIC Controlling Readers
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Cloth 978-0-8020-9944-0 / $68.00 / £47.99 / 2010 Icelandic Medieval Texts His Late Medieval Audience
Magnus Fjalldal Deborah McGrady
Preaching the Converted
(Toronto Old Norse and Icelandic Series) (Studies in Book and Print Culture)
The Style and Rhetoric of the Vercelli
Cloth 978-0-8020-3837-1 / $72.00 / £50.99 / 2005 Paper 978-1-4426-1554-0 / $34.95 / £24.99 / 2012
Book Homilies
Samantha Zacher Einar Skulason’s Geisli Editing Robert Grosseteste
(Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series) A Critical Edition Edited by Evelyn A. Mackie and Joseph Goering
Cloth 978-0-8020-9158-1 / $78.00 / £54.99 / 2009 Edited and Translated by Martin Chase (Conference on Editorial Problems)
(Toronto Old Norse and Icelandic Series) Cloth 978-0-8020-8841-3 / $52.00 / £36.99 / 2003
Pride and Prodigies
Studies in the Monsters of Cloth 978-0-8020-3826-5 / $77.00 / £54.99 Interstices
the Beowulf Manuscript Paper 978-0-8020-3822-7 / $36.95 / £25.99 / 2005 Studies in Middle English and Anglo-Latin Texts
Andy Orchard Grettir’s Saga in Honour of A.G. Rigg
Paper 978-0-8020-8583-2 / $45.95 / £32.99 / 2003 Translated by Denton Fox and Hermann Palsson Edited by Richard Firth Green and Linne R.Mooney
Paper 978-0-8020-6165-2 / $25.95 / £18.99 / 1974 Cloth 978-0-8020-8743-0 / $64.00 / £44.99 / 2004
Satan Unbound
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Cloth 978-0-8020-4839-4 / $64.00 / £44.99 Edited by Daniel Anlezark Jamie C. Fumo
Paper 978-0-8020-8369-2 / $31.95 / £22.99 / 2001 (Toronto Old Norse and Icelandic Series) Cloth 978-1-4426-4170-9 / $73.00 / £51.99 / 2010
Say What I Am Called Cloth 978-0-8020-9947-1 / $65.00 / £45.99 / 2011 The Letters of Robert Grosseteste,
The Old English Riddles of the Exeter Book Perilous Realms Bishop of Lincoln
and the Anglo-Latin Riddle Tradition Celtic and Norse in Tolkien’s Middle-Earth Translated with Introduction and Annotation
Dieter Bitterli Marjorie J. Burns by F.A.C. Mantello and Joseph Goering
(Toronto Anglo-Saxon Series) Paper 978-0-8020-3806-7 / $33.95 / £23.99 / 2005 Cloth 978-0-8020-9813-9 / $140.00 / £98.99 / 2009
Cloth 978-0-8020-9352-3 / $78.00 / £54.99 / 2009 Winner of the Canadian Society of Medievalists
Sanctity in the North Margaret Wade Labarge Prize
Source of Wisdom Saints, Lives, and Cults in Medieval Scandinavia
Old English and Early Medieval Latin Studies Edited by Thomas A. Dubois Marco Polo and the Encounter of East and West
in Honour of Thomas D. Hill (Toronto Old Norse and Icelandic Series) Edited by Suzanne Conklin Akbari and
Edited by Charles D. Wright, Frederick M. Biggs, Cloth 978-0-8020-9130-7 / $85.00 / £59.99 Amilcare A. Iannucci
and Thomas N. Hall Paper 978-0-8020-9410-0 / $36.95 / £25.99 / 2007 Cloth 978-0-8020-9928-0 / $70.00 / £49.99 / 2008
(Toronto Old English Series)
Snorri Sturluson and the Edda Medieval Christian Literary Imagery
Cloth 978-0-8020-9367-7 / $85.00 / £59.99 / 2007
The Conversion of Cultural Capital in A Guide to Interpretation
Striving with Grace Medieval Scandinavia R.E. Kaske in collaboration with Arthur Groos
Views of Free Will in Anglo-Saxon England Kevin J. Wanner and Michael W. Twomey
Aaron J. Kleist (Toronto Old Norse and Icelandic Series) (Toronto Medieval Bibliographies)
(Toronto Old English Series) Cloth 978-0-8020-9801-6 / $75.00 / £52.99 / 2008 Paper 978-0-8020-6663-3 / $30.95 / £21.99 / 1988
Cloth 978-0-8020-9163-5 / $97.00 / £68.99 / 2008
Tools of Literacy Medieval Latin Palaeography
Textual Histories The Role of Skaldic Verse in Icelandic Textual A Bibliographic Introduction
Readings in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Culture of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries Leonard E. Boyle
Thomas A. Bredehoft Gudrún Nordal (Toronto Medieval Bibliographies)
Cloth 978-0-8020-4850-9 / $87.00 / £61.99 / 2001 Cloth 978-0-8020-4789-2 / $99.00 / £69.99 / 2000 Paper 978-0-8020-6558-2 / $32.95 / £23.99 / 1984
Unlocking the Wordhord Playing the Hero
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Memory of Reading the Irish Saga Táin Bó Cúailnge
Edward B. Irving, Jr. LITERATURE – MEDIEVAL Ann Dooley
Edited by Mark C. Amodio and Before Malory Cloth 978-0-8020-3832-6 / $90.00 / £63.99 / 2005
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Verbal Encounters Cloth 978-0-8020-3722-0 / $75.00 / £52.99 / 2003 Essays in Honour of John V. Fleming
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Name Title Page Bouchard Three Cartularies from Thirteenth-Century
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Ackerman Seeing Things..................................................... 57 Medieval Manuscripts........................................ 52
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Aretino Aretino’s Dialogues............................................ 58 Brown, M.P. Manuscripts from the Anglo-Saxon Age............. 52
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