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Physiol Rev

84: 385– 410, 2004; 10.1152/physrev.00026.2003.

Pleural Mechanics and Fluid Exchange


Center for Biomedical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

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I. Introduction 385
A. Historical perspective: hydrostatic equilibrium versus viscous flow 386
II. Pleural Pressure 386
A. Regional lung volume and pleural pressure 386
B. The question of pleural contact 388
C. Measurements of pleural pressure 389
D. Pleural pressure at lobar margins and zone of apposition of rib cage to the diaphragm 390
III. Pleural Liquid Thickness and Lubrication 391
A. Ventilation, microvascular filtration, and energy dissipation 391
B. Pleural liquid volume and cell composition 393
C. Microvilli: spatial distribution 393
D. Hyaluronan as a pleural lubricant 393
IV. Circulation of Pleural Liquid 394
A. Gravity-dependent flows: absence of hydrostatic equilibrium 394
B. Upward flow along lobar margins 395
C. Transverse flows: the ventilatory pump 396
D. Fluid volume homeostasis 396
V. Microvascular Exchange 396
A. Pleural anatomy and blood supply 396
B. Transport equations: Starling and solute flux equations 396
C. Hydraulic conductivity, reflection coefficient, and diffusive permeability 397
D. Pleural filtration pressure and filtration and absorption rates 400
E. Regional absorption, role of lymphatics, and regional filtration 403
VI. Pleural Liquid Protein Concentration 404
A. Effect of body size, vascular pressure, ventilation, and regional differences 404
B. Active protein and solute-coupled liquid transport 405
C. Clearance by lymphatic stomata versus mesothelial absorption 406
VII. Concluding Remarks 406

Lai-Fook, Stephen J. Pleural Mechanics and Fluid Exchange. Physiol Rev 84: 385– 410, 2004; 10.1152/phys-
rev.00026.2003.—The pleural space separating the lung and chest wall of mammals contains a small amount of liquid
that lubricates the pleural surfaces during breathing. Recent studies have pointed to a conceptual understanding of
the pleural space that is different from the one advocated some 30 years ago in this journal (Agostoni E. Physiol Rev
52: 57–128, 1972). The fundamental concept is that pleural surface pressure, the result of the opposing recoils of the
lung and chest wall, is the major determinant of the pressure in the pleural liquid. Pleural liquid is not in hydrostatic
equilibrium because the vertical gradient in pleural liquid pressure, determined by the vertical gradient in pleural
surface pressure, does not equal the hydrostatic gradient. As a result, a viscous flow of pleural liquid occurs in the
pleural space. Ventilatory and cardiogenic motions serve to redistribute pleural liquid and minimize contact between
the pleural surfaces. Pleural liquid is a microvascular filtrate from parietal pleural capillaries in the chest wall.
Homeostasis in pleural liquid volume is achieved by an adjustment of the pleural liquid thickness to the filtration rate
that is matched by an outflow via lymphatic stomata.

I. INTRODUCTION mental concepts of the mechanics of the pleural space has

undergone a continual evolution. The previous review
Since the last review that appeared in this journal invoked hydrostatic equilibrium of pleural liquid as the
some 30 years ago (1), the understanding of the funda- fundamental principle. In the current review, surface 0031-9333/04 $15.00 Copyright © 2004 the American Physiological Society 385

forces due to the opposing elastic recoils of lung and pressure. The difference between the vertical gradient in
chest wall are the primary determinants of the pressure in pleural surface pressure and the hydrostatic value drives
the intervening pleural liquid. The pleural surface pres- a viscous flow of pleural liquid downward in the pleural
sure, defined as the force per unit pleural surface area, is space. This conception of the mechanics of the pleural
equal to the pressure in the pleural liquid. The difference space requires a continuous pleural liquid space with no
between the vertical gradient in pleural pressure and the pleural contact.
hydrostatic value (1 cmH2O/cm height) drives a viscous
flow within the pleural space. A function of the liquid in
the pleural space is to lubricate the pleural surfaces. The
uniform thickness of the lubricating layer is maintained
by recirculation of pleural liquid driven by gravity and A. Regional Lung Volume and Pleural Pressure
ventilatory and cardiogenic motions. Pleural liquid is a

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microvascular filtrate that is cleared by pleural lymphat- There is a consensus among investigators that re-
ics, a process similar to that in the interstitium of all body gional lung volume within the intact thorax varies with
organs. body position relative to gravity. Early bronchospirome-
The review is divided into the following sequence. A try studies in humans in the lateral decubitus posture
brief summary of regional volume and pleural pressure is demonstrated that the dependent lung has a smaller end-
presented, followed by a description of the different types expiratory volume, a larger tidal volume, and larger re-
of pleural pressure measurements. Then pleural liquid gional ventilation than the nondependent lung (111). Stud-
thickness is described within the context of pleural lubri- ies by Milic-Emili and co-workers (90, 123) using external
cation. Circulation of pleural liquid within the pleural scintillation counting of inhaled radioactive xenon in hu-
space is treated as part of viscous flow theory. The next mans confirmed that vertical gradients in regional lung
section describes the formation of pleural liquid as a volume and ventilation are also present in the upright and
microvascular filtrate and its absorption via lymphatic supine positions. Furthermore, in upright humans, the
stomata. Finally, pleural liquid protein and the factors that vertical gradient in transpulmonary pressure calculated
determine its concentration and absorption are discussed. from the vertical gradient in regional lung volume and the
lung pressure-volume curve was found to be consistent
with the vertical gradient of pleural pressure estimated by
A. Historical Perspective: Hydrostatic Equilibrium esophageal balloons (123). Differences in ventilation be-
Versus Viscous Flow tween the dependent and nondependent lung have also
been demonstrated in recumbent humans during mechan-
The transmission of forces between the chest wall ical and spontaneous ventilation (169), during anesthesia
and the lung across the pleural space has been explained and paralysis (171), and with diaphragmatic contraction
in two different ways. In the first, Setnikar et al. (180) and (174). The radioactive xenon technique, applied effec-
Agostoni et al. (14) proposed that pleural liquid, like the tively in humans, is not suitable for use in smaller animals
capillary blood, was in hydrostatic equilibrium with a because of its limited spatial resolution. A vertical gradi-
vertical pressure gradient equal to 1 cmH2O/cm height. ent in regional alveolar size was measured in dogs frozen
They proposed that hydrostatic equilibrium was achieved in the head-up (74) and supine (85) postures. Measure-
by absorption of pleural liquid into the blood until a ments of pleural surface pressure in experimental animals
balance of hydrostatic and osmotic forces between pleu- using a counter-pressure technique produced vertical gra-
ral liquid and the blood occurred. The absorptive pressure dients in transpulmonary pressure that were consistent
was calculated to be ⫺11 cmH2O, lower than the surface with vertical gradients in regional lung volume (8, 12,
pressure required to maintain the lung at its end-expira- 61– 63). Comprehensive reviews of these studies have
tory volume. The difference between pleural liquid and been written by Agostoni (1, 2).
surface pressures was attributed to points of contact Measurements of pleural pressure using a variety of
between the two pleural surfaces. This concept of the techniques (see sect. IIC) in experimental animals have
mechanics of the pleural space has been the focus of demonstrated vertical gradients in pleural pressure in the
several reviews by Agostoni and co-workers (1, 2, 9, 18). head-up (35, 57, 83, 87, 89, 99, 189, 191, 214), head-down
The second concept (97, 98, 103) is the one that I (57), supine (1, 2, 98, 159, 160, 175, 214 –216), prone (175),
emphasize in this review. The surface pressure acting to and lateral decubitus (1, 2) positions. With few excep-
expand the lung, equal and opposite to the pressure ex- tions, the results of these studies were generally consis-
panding the chest wall, is transmitted hydraulically across tent with regional pleural surface pressure inferred from
the thin pleural liquid space with the surface pressure studies of the vertical distribution in regional volume.
equal to the pleural liquid pressure. Thus pleural surface However, the measured vertical gradients in pleural pres-
pressure is the major determinant of the pleural liquid sure were often greater than the vertical gradient for a

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


fluid with the density of the lung (103). A structural (finite upright positions than in the prone and head-down posi-
element) analysis by West and Matthew (210) of the ef- tions. In the supine position, compression of the dorsal
fects of gravity on the lung modeled as a compliant solid lung regions by the weight of the heart produced a rela-
showed a vertical gradient in transpulmonary pressure of tively large vertical gradient in transpulmonary pressure
0.2 cmH2O/cm height, close to the value for a fluid having (112). This effect was absent in the prone position, where
the density of the lung. Thus vertical gradients in transpul- the weight of the heart was supported by the sternum and
monary pressure greater than the one predicted from the had little effect on regional lung volume (24). A structural
lung density implied the contribution of forces in addition analysis that included the abdomen with a compliant
to lung weight. This was supported by studies in experi- diaphragm, in addition to the lung and heart, showed a
mental animals that showed a reduced vertical gradient in caudal extension of the ventral region of the lung in the
pleural surface pressure on removal of the abdominal supine position that was absent in the prone position.
contents (1, 2). This cranial-caudal extension of the ventral regions to-

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The development of sophisticated imaging tech- gether with a cranial-caudal shortening of the dorsal re-
niques with high spatial resolution provided evidence of gions due to the weight of the heart and abdomen pro-
regional differences in lung volume that were not de- duced a change in shape of the diaphragm in the supine
tected by the previous techniques. Roentgenographic im- position from that present in the prone position (see Fig.
aging of intraparenchymal lung markers in supine dogs 1, insets), with only a relatively small effect on end-
showed vertical and cranial-caudal gradients of regional expiratory lung volume (73, 112).
lung volume (88). Computerized tomographic imaging of In the upright position, compression of the caudal
regional lung density in the dog (82, 84), sloth (84), and lung regions by the weight of the heart contributes to the
human (32) demonstrated vertical gradients of regional vertical gradient in transpulmonary pressure. This effect
lung volume in the supine position. These observations of the weight of the heart was predicted using a structural
were generally consistent with previous measurements of analysis of the lung and heart (36). This prediction was
pleural surface pressure. The imaging techniques also verified experimentally by esophageal pressure measure-
showed that lung volume was more uniform in the prone ments in the head-up dog in which the weight of the heart
than in the supine position (Fig. 1), a behavior that was was increased by filling it with mercury (89). In the up-
not detected in previous studies. The prone position was right position, inclusion of the abdomen with a compliant
also found to have a more uniform blood flow distribution diaphragm in the structural analysis showed a cranial-
(25, 66, 211). caudal lung extension by abdominal weight that increased
Following the structural studies of the effects of the vertical gradient in transpulmonary pressure and the
gravity on the lung (210), more complex models were end-expiratory lung volume (73). The structural analysis
developed to show the effects of the weight of the heart also showed a smaller vertical gradient in the head-down
and abdomen on the vertical gradient in transpulmonary than upright position. In the head-down position, the
pressure in different body positions. In addition to the weight of the heart and abdomen compressed the entire
weight of the abdomen (1, 2), the effects of gravity on the lung and reduced the end-expiratory volume to near the
heart have been shown to contribute to the vertical gra- residual volume, which resulted in a relatively small ver-
dient in transpulmonary pressure, more in the supine and tical gradient in transpulmonary pressure. This explana-

FIG. 1. Variation of lung air content

with height measured in the anesthetized
dog in the supine and prone position at
functional residual capacity (FRC). Note
the large variation of lung air content
with height in the supine position com-
pared with the constant value in the
prone position. Insets show the change
in shape in diaphragm surface from su-
pine to prone positions. [From Hoffman

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


tion for the relatively small vertical gradient in the head- of gravity are relatively small. In the head-down position,
down position contrasts to that for the prone position, vertical differences in regional volume are virtually ab-
where support of the weight of the heart and abdomen by sent in the highly compressed lung.
the sternum and spine, respectively, results in little Pleural pressure couples the lung to the rib cage and
change in regional lung volume. diaphragm via a thin liquid film that lubricates the pleural
Measurements of pleural liquid pressure using rib surfaces during breathing. Because the vertical pleural
capsules implanted in dogs showed a greater vertical pressure gradient is always less than the hydrostatic
gradient in the supine than prone position (99, 214) and value, part of the gravity force drives a small viscous flow
matched the behavior in pleural surface pressure inferred of liquid downward in the pleural space. This small flow
from measurements of regional lung volume (88) and does not affect the distribution of pleural surface pressure
density (82, 84). A similar behavior in pleural liquid pres- that is determined by the force balance between the lung
sure was measured in the pony (159) and rabbit (215, and adjacent structures.

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216). However, these results in rabbits were supported by
estimates of pleural surface pressure inferred from alve- B. The Question of Pleural Contact
olar size (215, 216) but not by measurements of regional
lung density (158, 160). Rib capsule measurements in the The controversy regarding force transmission across
dog also showed a greater vertical gradient in pleural the pleural space was fueled by large differences between
liquid pressure in the head-up than in the head-down the vertical gradient of transpulmonary pressure and the
position (99) that was similar to the behavior in pleural vertical gradient of pleural liquid pressure measured by
surface pressure predicted from the structural analysis intrapleural catheters that was near the hydrostatic value.
(73). The noted exception notwithstanding, the agree- The first explanation of these differences was to postulate
ment among the results of regional lung volume and den- the existence of points of contact between the two pleural
sity, structural analyses and rib capsule measurements of surfaces to make up the difference between pleural sur-
pleural liquid pressure supports the concept that pleural face pressure and pleural liquid pressure (1, 2). In the
surface pressure is equal to pleural liquid pressure. Fur- absence of any experimental evidence of points of contact
ther support for this concept was provided by the rib (7, 11, 13), contact through cells present in pleural liquid
capsule studies in which the pleural liquid pressure inter- and microvilli was proposed (1, 2). Although some con-
polated to midlung height was equal to the mean lung tact most likely occurs in the pleural space, the relevant
static recoil measured by the airway pressure after oc- question is whether its magnitude is sufficient to affect
cluding the airway and opening the chest. substantially the equality between liquid and surface pres-
An unresolved issue is the effect of lung inflation on sures.
the vertical gradient in transpulmonary pressure. Some Perhaps the major objection to contact forces as an
studies showed a reduced or constant vertical gradient in explanation for the differences between pleural surface
transpulmonary pressure (12, 87) with lung inflation, pressure and pleural liquid pressure measured by in-
while other studies showed an increased gradient with trapleural catheters is the prohibitively large pressures
lung inflation (36, 89, 216). In evaluating the effects of that have to be attributed to pleural contact. In small
lung inflation, it is important to distinguish between the mammals of small lung height, such as the rat, contact
vertical gradient in regional volume and the vertical gra- pressures would be relatively small, of the same order of
dient in transpulmonary pressure. The vertical gradient in magnitude as pleural surface pressure (approximately ⫺2
regional lung volume disappears with lung inflation because cmH2O). However, in large mammals, such as humans,
lung compliance becomes progressively smaller at higher contact pressures would have to be much larger than
transpulmonary pressures even in the presence of mea- pleural surface pressure. For example, consider an up-
surable vertical gradients in transpulmonary pressure. right human with a vertical surface pressure gradient of
More detailed reviews of regional lung volume and 0.3 cmH2O/cm (122) and a hydrostatic gradient in pleural
ventilation distribution have been published (122, 170). liquid pressure (1 cmH2O/cm). With the pressures at the
For the present purpose, the important conclusion is that lung base of 0 cmH2O (6), the difference in pleural surface
regional lung volume distribution is determined by the and liquid pressures at the lung apex located 30 cm above
interaction among the forces in the lung, thoracic and the lung base would be 21 cmH2O, more than double the
abdominal cavities attenuated by the effects of gravity pleural surface pressure of 9 cmH2O. It is unlikely that
that change with body position (170). In the supine and cells present in pleural liquid (127, 177) and microvilli
upright positions, there is a relatively large vertical gradi- (198 –200) are numerous enough to account for this dif-
ent in regional lung volume that is produced by the com- ference, since they occupy ⬍1 and 3% of the surface area,
bined effects of gravity acting on the lung, heart, and respectively (see sect. III). Moreover, the required contact
abdomen. In the prone position, the regional lung volume pressure would have to be even greater in animals larger
along the vertical axis is more uniform because the effects than humans.

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


The concept of a hydrostatic gradient of pleural liq- suitable for measuring pleural pressure in humans (193).
uid pressure was accompanied by the need to postulate a Indeed, it has been used extensively for measuring pul-
net absorptive pressure for the pleural space to satisfy the monary airway resistance in clinical medicine and in ex-
Starling force balance for zero microvascular filtration perimental animals. Because the esophagus is oriented in
required for hydrostatic equilibrium. As with contact a cranial-caudal direction in the mediastinal space be-
points, there is little evidence for a net absorptive pres- tween the lungs, the vertical gradient in pleural pressure
sure in the pleural space (see sect. V). Accordingly, an can be measured by this method only in the upright and
alternative explanation based on viscous flow theory for head-down body positions (89, 191). The limitation of this
the difference between the vertical gradient in pleural method is that the pressure measured is often attenuated
surface pressure and the hydrostatic value seems more by the stiffness of the esophagus due to smooth muscle
plausible, particularly in view of evidence of flow redis- tone and by the weight of the surrounding mediastinal
tribution occurring within the pleural space. Before the structures. As a result, the pressure measured is a func-

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viscous flow theory is discussed as it applies to the me- tion of the balloon’s location within the mediastinal space
chanics of the pleural space, it is helpful to review various and of body position and often produces unreliable values
techniques for measuring pleural pressure because differ- for the lung static recoil (37).
ences between pleural surface and liquid pressures might Intrapleural liquid-filled catheters, rigid cannulas,
be attributed to the distortions introduced by the measur- and needles are relatively easy to implement and have
ing devices themselves. been extensively used to measure pleural liquid pressure
in experimental animals (1–3, 9, 7, 13, 20, 22, 23, 35, 57,
C. Measurements of Pleural Pressure 128, 129, 131, 139, 140, 175, 176). There are two reasons
why intrapleural catheters produce vertical gradients in
A definitive direct measure of pleural pressure has pressure near to the hydrostatic value (103). First, the
remained elusive because the pleural space is very thin, of liquid layer adjacent to a 1-mm-diameter intrapleural cath-
the order of 5–35 ␮m (7, 11, 13, 27, 100, 101, 204, 202). This eter is ⬃50-fold thicker than the normal pleural space and
is demonstrated in Table 1, a summary of the vertical forms a static liquid column along the catheter. A similar
pleural pressure gradients measured in the head-up dog at effect occurs at the relatively wide spaces adjacent to
end-expiratory lung volume by a variety of methods. Pleu- lobar margins (91, 98; Fig. 5). In practice, vertical gradi-
ral liquid pressure was measured by the first three methods, ents measured by intrapleural catheters were often less
and pleural surface pressure was measured by the remain- than hydrostatic (35, 57, 139, 175, 176), although some
ing four methods. The vertical gradients range from 0.2 to investigators have consistently measured a hydrostatic
0.9 cmH2O/cm height. The smaller values (0.2– 0.3 cmH2O/ gradient with this technique (1, 2, 7, 13). Second, an
cm) were obtained with flat pleural balloons (87, 96, 118, abnormally thick pleural space also would exist distal to
168), the larger values (0.7– 0.9 cmH2O/cm) with liquid- the tip of the catheter. Thus a catheter situated near a
filled intrapleural catheters and needles (35, 57, 189). lobar margin would be determined partly by the pressure
Intermediate values (0.4 – 0.5 cmH2O/cm) for the pleural at the lobar margin, where a hydrostatic gradient exists
pressure gradient were measured by other methods: (Fig. 2). Intrapleural wick catheters have been used in an
esophageal balloons (89, 191), counter pressure devices attempt to reduce the distortion of the pleural space, but
(1, 2), alveolar size measurements (74), and rib capsules like intrapleural catheters, they also spread apart the
(99, 214). The different methods will be discussed in turn pleural space and often produced results similar to those
with regard to their strengths and deficiencies. measured by intrapleural catheters (83).
The esophageal balloon is the only method that is A number of techniques have been developed to cir-
cumvent the problems associated with intrapleural cath-
eters. They each have advantages and disadvantages.
TABLE 1. Vertical gradient in pleural pressure measured Flat air-filled pleural balloons (87, 117, 118) have
in head-up dogs been used to measure the average recoil of the lung region
adjacent to the surface of the balloons. The placement of
Method Gradient, cmH2O/cm Reference Nos.
a flat balloon into the pleural space causes an indentation
Pleural needle 0.93 189 of the lung surface that reduces the recoil of the lung
Pleural catheter 0.72 35, 57 adjacent to the balloon and the vertical gradient in pleural
Rib capsules 0.53 99, 214
Alveolar size 0.50 74 pressure (78, 103, 214). Moreover, the chest must be
Esophageal balloon 0.42 89, 191 opened to install pleural balloons, and any residual air in
Counter-pressure device 0.40 1, 2 the pleural space that is not removed on closing the chest
Pleural balloon 0.20–0.30 87, 96, 118, 168
compresses nondependent lung regions. For the above
[Modified from Lai-Fook and Rodarte (103).] reasons, the vertical gradients in pleural pressure mea-

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


nique, pleural liquid pressure is measured in conjunction

with a servo-nulling device through a micropipette tip
(2–5 ␮m diameter) that is smaller than the pleural space
thickness. Like the techniques that measure a counter
pressure and alveolar size, the micropuncture technique
requires the removal of intercostal muscle to puncture the
parietal pleura, which would reduce the local lung elastic
recoil. Because the micropipette tip is difficult to visualize
in tissue, its exact location cannot be determined with
certainty. Furthermore, pleural pressure can be measured
only during apnea because the glass micropipette is easily

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In the rib capsule technique, a capsule is implanted in
a rib and a small hole is made in the parietal pleura to
allow pressure communication between the liquid in the
capsule and the pleural liquid. The rib capsule is similar in
concept to the intercostal capsule (10), but the rib capsule
technique avoids the reduced recoil caused by removal of
intercostal muscle. A limitation of the rib capsule tech-
nique is that measurements are confined to the pleural
space under ribs, where pleural pressure might be slightly
FIG. 2. Pleural liquid pressure measured in the prone dog at a lobar
less than that beneath intercostal muscle because of the
margin and costal surface in the nondependent thorax, and mean lung stiffer rib (86).
static recoil (Pst). Note that pressure at the lobar margin fell along the
line of identity that represented the hydrostatic gradient, while pressure
at the costal surface was less negative and equal to Pst. [Modified from D. Pleural Pressure at Lobar Margins and Zone
Lai-Fook (97).]
of Apposition of Rib Cage to the Diaphragm

1. Lobar margins
sured by flat pleural balloons are relatively small (0.2– 0.3
cmH2O/cm). Although a hydrostatic gradient in pleural pressure is
In the counter-pressure method for measuring pleu- not generally attained in the pleural space, there are
ral surface pressure, a negative pressure is applied to a spaces such as at lobar margins where a hydrostatic
parietal pleural window located in the intercostal space gradient is established (91, 98). A cross-section of a lobar
until the lung surface becomes flat (1, 2, 8, 12). This margin in the rabbit measured using the light micro-
method assumes that the undisturbed lung surface is scopic-focusing technique (101) is shown in Figure 5 (see
usually flat, whereas the intercostal lung surface is nor- sect. IV). Note that the pleural liquid thickness adjacent to
mally depressed inwards due to the smaller intercostal the margin of the middle lobe is much greater than that on
muscle recoil compared with the ribs (86). Thus the mag- the flat costal surface. The reason for the hydrostatic
nitude of the counter pressure taken as the pleural sur- gradient, within the context of viscous flow concepts (see
face pressure would differ from that required to produce sect. IV) is that at lobar margins the pleural space is wide
a normally curved pleural surface. enough so that the viscous losses are negligible, similar to
Pleural pressure can be estimated by comparing re- the effect observed in blood capillaries. Also at lobar
gional alveolar volume measured in vivo to the pressure- margins the vertical gradient in pleural liquid pressure is
volume behavior measured in the isolated lung (61, 215, matched by the appropriate vertical variations in lung
216). The measurement of alveolar size through parietal surface curvature and pleural membrane tension that are
pleural windows also requires the removal of intercostal not possible on the relatively flat costal lung surface.
muscle, and therefore, the lung region beneath the win- Micropuncture measurements of pleural liquid pressure
dow has reduced elastic recoil. In spite of these limita- in the nondependent region of prone rabbits (98) and
tions, these techniques for measuring pleural pressure prone dogs (91) showed the pressure at the lobar margin
produced results that were in general consistent with to be more negative than on the costal surface (Fig. 2).
measurements of lung volume distribution. Similar results were obtained using rib capsules (194).
Two methods, the micropuncture (98, 129) and rib Under conditions of apnea in nondependent regions,
capsule techniques (99, 159, 160, 214, 216), have been where pleural liquid pressure at the lobar margin is more
used to measure pleural liquid pressure with minimal negative than the pressure on the adjacent costal surface
distortion of the pleural space. In the micropuncture tech- (Fig. 2), pleural liquid flows from the costal surface to the

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


lobar margin regions. The difference between the costal chest wall during breathing are given by Newton’s law of
surface pressure and the lobar margin pressure decreases viscosity (46)
with distance down the lung. This should result in an
increased pleural space thickness down the lung, a be- ␴ ⫽ ␯ V/h (1)
havior not substantiated by the uniform pleural space
thickness measured (7, 27, 101). However, the costal sur- The shear stress (␴) in pleural liquid is related to the
face-to-lobar margin flow that occurs during apnea is lung-chest wall relative velocity (V), pleural liquid viscos-
offset by a ventilation-induced reverse flow (see sect. IV). ity (␯), and pleural liquid thickness (h). The advantage of
fluid lubrication is that resistance to motion arises from
2. Zone of apposition of rib cage to the diaphragm
fluid viscosity, and friction on the pleural surfaces is
In the zone of apposition of the diaphragm to the rib virtually absent.
cage, pleural pressure increases during spontaneous in- Pleural liquid thickness measured by a variety of

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spiration (3, 166, 194). This behavior resembles that of techniques is extremely thin, varying between 5 and 35
abdominal pressure (1, 2) and is opposite to that of pleu- ␮m. These techniques included light microscopic imaging
ral pressure on the lung surface, which decreases on of frozen samples (7, 11, 13), electron microscopy (27),
inspiration. Thus the vertical gradient in pleural pressure light microscopic focusing (100, 101), and fluorescent
in the zone of apposition is near the hydrostatic value and imaging (204, 202). Generally pleural liquid thickness was
similar to the vertical gradient in abdominal pressure (3, uniform with respect to height in the thorax, except for a
113). slight gradient in the sheep (27), and at lobar margins (27)
and the lung base where it was much thicker (101). In our
III. PLEURAL LIQUID THICKNESS study (101), pleural liquid thickness during apnea in-
AND LUBRICATION creased with animal size, ranging from 7 ␮m in the mouse
to 23 ␮m in the dog. The allometric relationship (182, 183)
In terms of lubrication of the pleural surfaces, pleural between pleural liquid thickness and animal mass (M)
liquid thickness is important to the evaluation of pleural was (101): h ⬀ M0.20 (Fig. 3).
contact and of the magnitude of shear stress induced
during ventilation. Two types of pleural lubrication have 1. Effect of ventilation
been postulated. One is fluid lubrication based on viscous
shear stresses developed in a fluid layer interposed be- The imaging of fluorescent dye injected into the pleu-
tween sliding surfaces (46). The second is boundary lu- ral liquid of rabbits showed that pleural liquid thickness
brication where the fluid layer thins so that part of the increased with ventilation (204, 202). In this technique,
surfaces comes into contact. the thickness of the pleural space was measured from the
fluorescent light emitted by the pleural liquid through a
A. Ventilation, Microvascular Filtration, parietal pleural window made in the intercostal space.
and Energy Dissipation Pleural liquid thickness measured from the fourth inter-
costal space was minimal (11 ␮m) during apnea and
For fluid lubrication in its simplest form, the forces increased to ⬃35 ␮m with increases in tidal volume (202).
that are generated by the sliding between the lung and A similar behavior was observed with increases in venti-

FIG. 3. Pleural liquid thickness (h)

versus body mass (M) measured by light
microscopy in five laboratory species
during apnea. Note that thickness in-
creased with body mass during apnea:
h ⬀ M0.20, consistent with pleural liquid
filtration that scales with body mass
(solid line). Dashed line is the allometric
relation (h ⬀ M0.08) predicted for ventila-
tion with the assumption of a constant
pleural liquid shear stress among spe-
cies. Point (open circle) is the value mea-
sured in rabbits during mechanical ven-
tilation. [Modified from Lai-Fook and
Kaplowitz (101).]

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


lation frequency. This behavior was qualitatively consis- load (46) where the load (Po) caused by lung buoyancy
tent with a ventilatory pump (see sect. IV) that drives (76) forces the lung against the chest wall. By fluid lubri-
pleural liquid from the lobar margins to the flat costal cation theory (46), the distance of nearest approach of the
surfaces, a behavior opposite to that expected during lung to the chest wall is proportional to ␯V/Po so that
apnea (54). In subsequent studies, the thickness of the pleural liquid thickness increases with relative velocity
pleural space was measured using the fluorescent dye (V) which increases with cranial-caudal distance.
technique at three pleural windows located along the A limitation of the microscopic focusing and fluores-
cranial-caudal axis (204). These studies showed that pleu- cent dye techniques is that a parietal pleural window is
ral liquid thickness increased along the cranial-caudal required. Accordingly, pleural liquid thickness measured
axis from a minimal value of 5 ␮m in the second inter- through pleural windows might be affected by the re-
costal space to a value of ⬃30 ␮m in the fifth intercostal duced lung static recoil beneath the window (204). Given
space (Fig. 4A). This cranial-caudal gradient in pleural the small size of the window (2 mm diameter), the local

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liquid thickness increased with ventilation, primarily due recoil would depend more on the membrane tension and
to an increased thickness in the caudal regions. The am- less on the intercostal muscle dissected (78). Further-
plitude of lung velocity relative to that of the rib cage also more, since any reduced recoil was constant, it is unlikely
showed a similar gradient that increased with frequency to account for the measured changes with frequency or
(Fig. 4B). This behavior is predictable from a uniform lung cranial-caudal position.
expansion caused predominantly by diaphragmatic con- Under apneic conditions pleural liquid thickness in-
traction (119). Since the increase in pleural liquid thick- creased with animal size, h ⬀ M0.20 (Fig. 3). This allomet-
ness offset the increase in relative velocity (Eq. 1), shear ric relationship was explained by a pleural liquid filtration
stress amplitude in pleural liquid was constant with cra- rate that scaled with body mass (101), with the assump-
nial-caudal distance but increased with ventilation fre- tions of a constant net driving pressure gradient and a
quency (Fig. 4C). downward flow of pleural liquid that represents the filtra-
Three factors might contribute to the cranial-caudal tion rate (see Eq. 2, sect. IV). A pleural liquid filtration rate
gradient in pleural liquid thickness and constant shear of 0.01– 0.02 ml䡠h⫺1䡠kg⫺1 (see Table 7) has been estimated
stress. First, redistribution of pleural liquid associated in the sheep (212), dog (124, 152), and rabbit (48).
with a ventilation-induced flow from lobar margins (see With the assumption that during ventilation shear
sect. IV) would be greater for the caudal lobe with a stress in pleural liquid is constant among species, the
greater lung-chest wall relative velocity than for the cra- allometric relationship is (104) h ⬀ M0.08 (Fig. 3). Thus,
nial lobe. Second, a cranial-caudal gradient in pleural during ventilation, the increase in pleural liquid thickness
liquid thickness might be matched by a cranial-caudal with body mass would be smaller than that measured
gradient in filtration (see sect. V). Third, the lung within during apnea.
the chest wall might act like a shaft in a cylinder under Based on the pleural space thickness of the rabbit

FIG. 4. Pleural liquid thickness (A), lung-chest wall relative velocity amplitude (B), and pleural liquid shear stress
amplitude (C) versus cranial-caudal distance. Note that both thickness and velocity increased with cranial-caudal
distance. This behavior produced a constant shear stress with cranial-caudal distance. [Modified from Wang and
Lai-Fook (204).]

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


measured with mechanical ventilation (Fig. 4B), the two TABLE 2. Volume of pleural liquid
allometric curves converge as body mass increases (Fig.
Body Weight, Pleural Liquid Volume, Reference
3). This is because as breathing frequency is reduced with Species kg ml/kg Nos.
body mass (frequency ⬀ M⫺0.25; Refs. 182, 183), condi-
tions of apnea are approached. The intersection of the Rat 0.45 0.6 137
two curves occurs at an h value of ⬃60 ␮m and M of Puppy 0.8 1.33 137
Cat 1.7 0.28 137
⬃2,000 kg. This suggests that very large animals with a Rabbit 2.3 0.22 137
relatively low breathing frequency have a thickness dur- Rabbit 2.2 0.20 19, 127
Rabbit 3.3 0.13 48, 177
ing breathing equal to that of apneic conditions. The adult Rabbit 3.7 0.09 207
elephant and whale fall into this category. In one study Dog 14 0.10 120
(53), the pleural space of an adult elephant was found to Dog 9 0.06 127
Dog 9 0.06 137
be filled with interstitial-like tissue, in contrast to the fetal

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Pig 24 0.04 137
elephant with a normal pleural space (67). The need to Sheep 32 0.13 49, 212
breathe with the thorax submerged in water has been
proposed as the reason for the liquid-to-tissue transfor-
mation of the elephant’s pleural space (209). However, 2. Cell composition
anecdotal accounts describe the whale’s pleural space to Similar to interstitial liquid of other organs (34), pleu-
be similar to most mammals, except for the cranial region ral liquid contains protein (mainly albumin, globulin, and
where the pleural surfaces are fused (186). fibrinogen) and a few cells (mainly mesothelial cells,
monocytes, and lymphocytes) (127, 177). Albumin (⬃50%)
2. Microvascular filtration comprises most of the protein followed by globulin
(⬃35%). The cell concentration found in dogs and rabbits
The relationship between pleural liquid thickness is ⬃2,000 cells/mm3 volume of pleural liquid. These cells
and filtration was examined in spontaneously hyperten- would occupy only ⬃1% of the pleural surface area. This
sive rats (100). Pleural liquid thickness measured in the value was based on a mean cell radius of ⬃10 ␮m (196,
hypertensive rats was 40% greater than the thickness 199), a lung surface area of 300 ␮m2 occupied by one cell,
measured in normotensive rats (10 ␮m). The increased a pleural liquid volume in rabbits of 0.4 ml (Table 2), and
thickness together with a reduced pleural liquid protein lung surface area of 200 cm2 (127). Thus cells present in
concentration was attributed to increased filtration pleural liquid would have a negligible effect on the force
caused by the higher vascular pressure in the hyperten- balance across the pleural space and could not account
sive rats (45, 100). for the large contact stresses postulated.

3. Energy dissipation C. Microvilli: Spatial Distribution

The magnitude of the energy loss during breathing is
The pleural surfaces are lined by a layer of microvilli,
crucial to any theory of force transmission across the
1– 6 ␮m long depending on species and 0.1 ␮m thick (28,
pleural space. If only viscous losses due to sliding be-
29, 33, 115, 196). The physiological importance of mi-
tween uniformly spaced pleural surfaces were consid-
crovilli in relation to pleural liquid filtration and pleural
ered, a piston-in-cylinder model of the lung within the
lubrication, and the role of microvilli in reducing pleural
thorax would predict a power loss that is 1–2% of the
liquid shear stress, continue to be speculative. It is of
work of breathing (101). Much higher energy losses (35%)
interest that more microvilli are found in the caudal than
have been estimated due to frictional forces of pleural
in the cranial regions of the lung and chest wall surface
contact (47). Fluid lubrication affords the more efficient
(196), in parallel to the changes in lung-chest wall relative
mechanism for force transmission across the pleural sur-
velocity during ventilation (Fig. 4A). Microvilli have been
faces during breathing.
postulated to support contact forces between the pleural
surfaces, and thus account for part of the difference
B. Pleural Liquid Volume and Cell Composition between liquid and surface pressures (1, 2). Like the cells
in pleural liquid, the number of microvilli (average of 300
1. Pleural liquid volume per 100 ␮m2, Ref. 33) seems too small to occupy a signif-
icant contact area (⬃3% of the total area).
The volume of liquid collected from the pleural space
in several adult species is listed in Table 2. Pleural liquid D. Hyaluronan as a Pleural Lubricant
volume per unit body mass (Vpl) was found to decrease
with body mass (M) according the allometric equation: Hyaluronan has been identified as a coating on pleu-
Vpl ⫽ 0.39M⫺0.63 (n ⫽ 11, R2 ⫽ 0.68, P ⬍ 0.001). ral mesothelial cells (70, 107) and has been proposed as a

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


boundary lubricant (1, 2). A similar function has been from dependent to nondependent regions. A model of
attributed to surfactant present in pleural liquid (80, 81). pleural liquid recirculation has been proposed (54) with
The turnover of hyaluronan in the rabbit pleural space is the following elements: a gravity-dependent downward
⬃1 day (30). Pleural liquid hyaluronan does not contrib- flow of pleural liquid on the flat costal surfaces, an up-
ute to fluid lubrication because its concentration in pleu- ward flow along lobar margins, and a transverse flow from
ral liquid (0.7 ␮g/ml) is too small to change pleural liquid lobar margins to the flat costal surfaces.
viscosity significantly from that of water (30). The amount
of hyaluronan present in the pleural tissue measured by
A. Gravity-Dependent Flows: Absence
lavage in rabbits was 0.1 mg/kg body wt (207), consider-
of Hydrostatic Equilibrium
ably greater than that present in the pleural liquid. Hya-
luronan in pleural liquid probably originates in the me-
sothelial cells and pleural tissue (207), although other The forces driving flow downwards in the pleural

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sources, such as lung liquid, are possible (51, 52). space result from the vertical gradient in surface pressure
The effect of ventilation on hyaluronan present in distribution determined by the opposing recoils of the
pleural liquid was studied in anesthetized and conscious lung and chest wall and the force of gravity acting on the
rabbits (205). In conscious rabbits placed in a box, the pleural liquid. Consider steady unidirectional viscous flow
increase in hyaluronan concentration in pleural liquid of liquid between the two pleural surfaces modeled as two
measured over 24 h was faster with a hypercapnic-in- vertical parallel plates separated by thickness h. The fol-
duced increase in ventilation than with room air ventila- lowing equation relating pressure (P) in the liquid to flow
tion. In the anesthetized rabbits, hyaluronan concentra- (Q) downwards in the direction of gravity is known from
tion in pleural liquid doubled with a twofold increase in fluid mechanics (97, 98, 103)
ventilation. The increase in hyaluronan concentration was
attributed to an increase in the production of hyaluronan ␳ g ⫺ dP/dz ⫽ 12␯Q/共Lh3兲 (2)
from pleural tissue rather than to a washout effect of
increased filtration, an effect that has been demonstrated where dP/dz is the gradient in pressure in the downward
in lung lymph studies (109). In studies of rabbits venti- z-direction, ␳g is the gravitational force per unit height
lated post mortem with no filtration, pleural tissue hyalu- acting on the liquid, and L is the lateral dimension. The
ronan doubled in conjunction with a 30% reduction of left-hand side of Equation 2 represents the net force
pleural liquid volume (207). The increased hyaluronan driving flow downward. It is balanced by the term on the
was attributed to the increase in pleural liquid shear right-hand side of Equation 2, the viscous pressure losses
stress imposed on the mesothelial cells with a reduced due to flow per unit height. When the viscous losses are
pleural liquid thickness. Because hyaluronan recovered negligibly small, Equation 2 reduces to dP/dz ⫽ ␳g, Pas-
by lavage was ⬃1,000-fold greater than that present in the cal’s law for a liquid at rest.
normal pleural liquid, most of the increased hyaluronan Consider the plates to be the lung and chest wall with
was probably sequestered within the tissue or trapped on the opposing elastic recoils that produce a pleural surface
the mesothelial cell surface and between microvilli. pressure gradient dP/dz. Because the compliance of the
The role of hyaluronan in pleural lubrication remains lung and chest wall is relatively large and the pleural
speculative. One proposal is that glycoprotein rich in space volume is extremely small, changes in pleural space
hyaluronan and enmeshed in microvilli (33) acts like a thickness have a negligible effect on the pleural surface
boundary lubricant in the event of depletion of pleural pressure. Thus the net pressure gradient, ␳g ⫺ dP/dz, is
liquid. The unique properties of hyaluronan-rich solutions unaffected by the flow or thickness. A change in flow
(156) that resist motion at low shear rates but lower must therefore be accompanied by a change in thickness
viscosity and shear stress at high shear rates might be to maintain the viscous pressure losses constant. For
crucial during breathing (1, 2). However, the shear mod- example, in the prone position, where the pleural pres-
ulus (⬃1 cmH2O) of hyaluronan solutions (156) seems too sure gradient (dP/dz) is zero, the viscous flow and pleural
small to support the large contact stresses that have been space thickness adjust so that the viscous pressure losses
postulated. exactly balance the gravitational force on the liquid.
These conditions were simulated in a model of the pleural
space consisting of a cylindrical-shaped balloon ex-
IV. CIRCULATION OF PLEURAL LIQUID panded within a rigid cylinder (102). Pleural pressure of
the model, equal to the balloon recoil, was uniform along
In the absence of pleural contact, gravity drives a the height of the balloon, where the balloon was ex-
flow of pleural liquid downward in the pleural space. panded to a uniform diameter and the pleural space was
Since all studies show a uniform pleural space thickness, extremely thin, but varied by 1 cmH2O/cm height at the
there must be a continuous redistribution of pleural liquid two ends of the balloon, where the space was relatively

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


wide and the balloon recoil was nonuniform. If the pleural the pleural space as a porous material (142) does not
pressure gradient (dP/dz) were to equal 0.6 cmH2O/cm, as match the physical characteristics of the pleural space,
measured in the supine position of many species (1, 2), except perhaps in the case of the adult elephant, whose
the net driving pressure would be 1 ⫺ 0.6 ⫽ 0.4 pleural space reportedly becomes filled with an intersti-
cmH2O/cm and the viscous losses would be 0.4 tial-like tissue (53).
For a constant driving pressure, the flow (Q) depends
directly on h3. If h is halved, Q is reduced eightfold. Thus B. Upward Flow Along Lobar Margins
the flow vanishes as the space thins to small values. In
Equation 2, the channel is assumed to be uniform in Redistribution of pleural liquid from the lung base to
thickness. However, as applied to the real pleural space, the upper regions of the pleural space occurs through the
nonuniformities in thickness may significantly increase widened pleural space formed at lobar margins. The pleu-

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the flow resistance. For example, in the balloon-in-cylin- ral liquid thickness profile measured by light microscopic
der model of the pleural space (102), the measured flow focusing (97) is shown in Figure 5, inset. Note that the
was two orders of magnitude less than that predicted for pleural space is considerably wider immediately adjacent
a uniform channel. Thus nonuniformities in thickness to the lobar margin, ⬃100 ␮m, and falls off monotonically
resulting in a vanishingly small pleural liquid flow might with distance from the margin to a value of 15 ␮m at the
explain in part why under apneic conditions the measured costal surface. At lobar margins, the increased pleural
pleural liquid thickness appeared to reach a minimum space ensures that viscous forces are negligible, resis-
value and was uniform with respect to height (102). The tance to flow is small, and the vertical gradient in pleural
presence of microvilli and cells in the pleural liquid would pressure approaches the hydrostatic value. The small flow
also serve to increase flow resistance in the pleural space resistance is the reason why the distribution of an in-
(1, 2). jected bolus into the pleural space occurs primarily via
Other models of viscous flow within the pleural space lobar margins (140). Studies in rabbits using fluorescent
include the buoyancy forces exerted on a rigid chest wall microbeads (6 ␮m diameter) to visualize flow demon-
by a rigid lung of density lower than the pleural liquid (76, strated that cardiogenic and ventilatory motions act like a
77). This model predicts a vertical gradient in pleural pump to move pleural liquid upwards at lobar margins
liquid thickness that is not supported by the uniform while downward motion occurs on the costal surface
thickness with height measured (7, 27, 101). The model of distant from the lobar margin (Fig. 5, Ref. 201).

FIG. 5. Upward (positive) and downward (nega-

tive) velocity of 6-␮m fluorescent latex microspheres at
lobar margins caused by cardiogenic motion. Inset
shows profile of pleural space measured in the vicinity
of a lobar margin by light microscopy in the rabbit. Note
that microspheres moved upward along the lobar mar-
gin where the pleural space was relatively wide and
downward where the pleural space was narrow. [Mod-
ified from Lai-Fook (97) and Wang and Lai-Fook (201).]

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


C. Transverse Flows: the Ventilatory Pump The gravity-induced drainage of pleural liquid down-
ward in the pleural space also ensures that any excess
Two studies using fluid mechanics to describe the liquid accumulates in the most dependent part of the
flow in thin channels have modeled recirculation of pleu- pleural space, which is the dependent part of the costo-
ral liquid by ventilatory motion. In the first study (54), a phrenic sulcus forming the zone of apposition of the rib
ventilatory pump moves liquid from lobar margins to the cage to the diaphragm (119). This excess fluid does not
flat costal surfaces in a direction that is opposite to what directly participate in lubrication of the lung surface and
occurs under apneic conditions due to the static pressure has no effect on regional ventilation.
gradient (Fig. 2). The analysis showed that pleural liquid
thickness (h) on the flat costal surface is related to lung
velocity amplitude (U) and the costal surface-to-lobar
margin pressure difference (⌬P)

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A. Pleural Anatomy and Blood Supply
h ⫽ 共T/⌬P兲共␯U/T兲2/3 (3)
The parietal and visceral pleura have a common ori-
where T is membrane tension. The prediction from Equa- gin during development (75). The structure of pleura is
tion 3 was reproduced in a balloon-in-cylinder model of that of extracellular matrix, including collagen and elastic
the pleural space in conjunction with vertical strings to fibers (157), covered by a layer of mesothelial cells. Me-
simulate lobar margins. The thickness of the model’s diastinal pleura and pericardium are continuous with pa-
pleural space increased with velocity amplitude and de- rietal and visceral pleura and in part are free standing.
creased with the pressure difference. This behavior is The free-standing parts have two layers of mesothelial
qualitatively consistent with in vivo studies that showed cells.
pleural liquid thickness to increase with ventilation (Fig. McLaughlin et al. (116) classified mammals into three
4A). groups according to their visceral pleural thickness.
In the other study (96a), the change in thickness of a Those with thick pleura include the pig, sheep, and cow.
fluid layer between two membranes with a local decrease Those with intermediate thickness include the horse and
in spacing was studied in response to relative sliding of human. Those with thin pleura include the mouse, rat,
the membranes. The presence of the decreased spacing rabbit, cat, and dog. In the sheep, the visceral pleural
increases the local fluid pressure, which causes the mem- thickness ranges from 25 ␮m in the cranial regions to 85
branes to separate into a more uniform spacing. The ␮m on the diaphragmatic surface (28). This spatial varia-
results suggest a mechanism based on ventilation-induced tion might be related to movement with breathing (186) in
shear stress to prevent contact between the two pleural view of the cranial-caudal gradient in lung-chest relative
surfaces as the surfaces approach each other. velocity measured in rabbits (Fig. 4B). In sheep, the pari-
etal pleura is of fairly constant thickness, 23 ␮m (29). In
humans it is 30 – 40 ␮m (167).
D. Fluid Volume Homeostasis The blood supply to the visceral pleura depends on
its thickness group. The thin visceral pleura of the small
Homeostasis in pleural liquid volume considered mammals have a pulmonary circulation. Intermediate and
within the context of viscous flow concepts (97) comes thick visceral pleura of the larger mammals have a bron-
about by a matching of the microvascular filtration rate to chial (systemic) circulation (65). The drainage of the
the flow within the pleural space. In the steady state, bronchial circulation occurs via the veins of the pulmo-
microvascular filtration or pleural liquid flow equals the nary circulation (38). In the sheep, the blood supply is
outflow by lymphatic stomata. Pleural liquid flow that located 10 –15 ␮m from the parietal pleural surface (29).
results from gravity, for example, is related to pleural
liquid thickness through the viscous pressure losses that
balance the net driving pressure (Eq. 2). Any change in B. Transport Equations: Starling and Solute
filtration would result in a new equilibrium value for Flux Equations
pleural liquid thickness and pleural liquid volume (100).
This concept of homeostasis of pleural liquid volume Pleural liquid originates from pleural capillaries
based on flow is different from that based on hydrostatics through the normal processes of microvascular filtration,
(1, 2). According to homeostasis based on hydrostatics, similar to those that occur in other organs (34, 185, 190).
pleural capillaries absorb pleural fluid until there is con- Transport of pleural liquid and protein occurs across two
tact between the two pleural surfaces, at which point barriers, the capillary endothelium in series with the pleu-
pleural liquid pressure attains a hydrostatic equilibrium ral interstitium (membrane). The location of the capillary
and a minimal pleural liquid volume is reached. within the pleural membrane in relation to the pleural

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


space is illustrated schematically in Figure 6. As in other Q s ⫽ C m 共1 ⫺ ␴ d 兲Q b ⫹ DA共Cc ⫺ Cpl兲/l (5)

organs, the endothelium provides the major flow resis-
tance and restriction to protein. However, the relative where Cm is the mean solute concentration in the mem-
contribution of the interstitium to the overall barrier prop- brane, ␴d is the solute drag reflection coefficient, D is
erties is still debated. Pleural membrane transport prop- apparent diffusion coefficient, A is total membrane sur-
erties are summarized within a framework of two phe- face area, l is membrane thickness, and C is solute con-
nomenological equations, the Starling equation and the centration. For the flow of a single solute, ␴o equals ␴d
solute flux equation. Both equations are commonly used (173). The first term on the right-hand side of Equation 5
to describe the transport of liquid and solutes across describes the solute flux due to bulk flow given by the
biological membranes (60). The transport constants of the Starling equation (Eq. 4), while the second term describes
two equations derived for the two-membrane system are the solute flux due to diffusion.
used to separate the contribution of the pleural intersti-

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tium from the combined endothelium-interstitial barrier
properties. C. Hydraulic Conductivity, Reflection Coefficient,
and Diffusive Permeability
1. The Starling equation
1. Hydraulic conductivity
The Starling equation (184) relates the filtration rate
(Qb) across the capillary endothelial barrier in series with Since the flow across the endothelium and intersti-
the pleural membrane (interstitium) to the hydrostatic (P) tium are in series, their flow resistances (inverse of con-
and protein (colloid) osmotic pressure (␲) difference be- ductivity) add (assuming ␴o⌬␲ ⫽ 0 in Eq. 4)
tween capillary blood and pleural liquid
1/L o ⫽ 共1/Lc兲 ⫹ 共1/Li兲 (6)
Q b ⫽ LA关共Pc ⫺ Ppl兲 ⫺ ␴o共␲c ⫺ ␲pl兲兴 (4)
where subscripts o, c, and i refer to overall, endothelial,
where subscripts c and pl refer to microvasculature and
and interstitial parameters, respectively.
pleural liquid, respectively, L is hydraulic conductivity, A
Table 3 lists values of hydraulic conductivity (L)
is surface area, and ␴o is the reflection coefficient to
measured for the endothelial-interstitial barrier of the
protein of the combined endothelial-interstitial barrier.
visceral pleura of dog lungs and values of visceral pleura,
LA is the filtration coefficient.
parietal pleura, mediastinal pleura, pericardium, and dia-
phragm measured in a variety of species. The pericardium
2. The solute flux equation
and diaphragm are considered alongside the other pleural
The mass flux of a solute (Qs) across the endothelial- membranes because they are parts of a continuous sac
interstitial barrier is given by the solute flux equation lining the chest cavity, while the mesentery has morpho-
(60, 190) logical and transport properties similar to pleura.

FIG. 6. Schematic diagram of the path-

ways for normal pleural liquid turnover. In all
mammals, pleural liquid is mainly a filtrate
from capillaries in the parietal pleura lining the
chest wall (left). Arrows indicate direction of
flow. In large animals with thick visceral
pleura, some pleural liquid is filtered from the
bronchial capillaries of the visceral pleura lin-
ing the lung (bottom right). In small animals
with thin visceral pleura, a small amount of
pleural liquid might be reabsorbed by pulmo-
nary capillaries (top right). Drainage of pleural
liquid from the pleural space occurs via lym-
phatic stomata in the parietal pleura. The pleu-
ral space, visceral pleura, and alveoli are
thicker in large animals than in small animals.

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


TABLE 3. Hydraulic conductivity

Tissue Species Thickness, ␮m L K Reference Nos.

Visceral pleura Sheep 80* 1.6 1.3 92

Visceral pleura Dog 15† 39 5.9 164
Parietal pleura Dog 15† 190 29 164
Parietal pleura Dog 15† 2.6 0.38 153
Parietal pleura (in situ) Dog 15† 0.4 0.06 154
Parietal pleura (in situ) Dog 15† 0.3 0.045 155
Parietal pleura (in situ) Rabbit 13‡ 0.6 0.078 155
Mediastinal pleura Pig 130 20 21 162
Pericardium Human 550 0.75 4.1 69
Pericardium Dog 150 1.6 2.4 69
Pericardium Rabbit 30 2.8 0.85 165

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Pericardium Dog 150 3.0 4.5 165
Pericardium Pig 400 0.4 1.7 217
Pericardium Rabbit 32 0.6 0.2 145
Diaphragm Rat 600 0.4 2.4 143
Mesentery Rabbit 32 90 27 163
Capillary/visceral pleura Dog 0.5 14
Capillary/visceral pleura Dog 0.03§ 64
Capillary/visceral pleura Dog 1.1 93
Capillary/visceral pleura Dog 0.57 94
Capillary/visceral pleura Dog 0.50 95
Single capillaries Many 1 0.1–6 0.001–0.06 121

L, flow (cm3/s) per unit ⌬P (cmH2O) per unit surface area (cm2), expressed in 10⫺6 cm 䡠 s⫺1 䡠 cmH2O⫺1; K, L ⫻ thickness (cm), 10⫺8 cm2 䡠
s⫺1 䡠 cmH2O⫺1. * Data from costal part of caudal lobe (28). † Data from Payne et al. (164). ‡ Data from Lai-Fook and Kaplowitz (101).
§ Order of magnitude estimate.

Studies by Kinasewitz and co-workers (164) showed dissection of intercostal muscle and endothoracic fascia.
that the overall conductivity measured in the whole lung Flow across the pleura into the capsule from the pleural
was much smaller than interstitial conductivity measured space was measured as intracapsular pressure was var-
in vitro (94). Thus the endothelial conductivity is almost ied.
equal to the overall conductivity, and the resistance to In general, the results of hydraulic conductivity (K)
flow from the capillaries to the pleural space is predom- fall into two groups: values of relatively high conductivity
inantly caused by the endothelium (Eq. 6). Almost the (0.2–29 ⫻ 10⫺8 cm2䡠s⫺1䡠cmH2O⫺1) and values of an order
entire pressure drop occurs across the endothelium, and of magnitude smaller conductivity (⬃0.05 ⫻ 10⫺8
thus interstitial pressure is virtually equal to pleural liquid cm2䡠s⫺1䡠cmH2O⫺1). The high conductivity values were as-
pressure. sociated with in vitro measurements of parietal (164, 153),
Membrane thickness varies from 15 ␮m for the dog visceral (92), and mediastinal pleura (162), diaphragm
pleura (101) to ⬃80 ␮m for the sheep visceral pleura (28) (143), and pericardium (69, 145, 165, 217). Parietal and
and giant rabbit pericardium (42, 43) to 130 – 400 ␮m for visceral pleural membranes that were stripped from the
the pig mediastinal pleura (162) and pericardium (217). chest wall and lung, respectively, produced values similar
Therefore, for comparison purposes, the appropriate to those of free-standing mediastinal and pericardial
measure of conductivity is K ⫽ L ⫻ l. K is then the flow membranes. Thus trauma caused by stripping was un-
per unit area per unit pressure gradient (⌬P/l), whereas L likely the reason for the high conductivity values. A sim-
is flow per unit area per unit pressure difference. In the in ilar conclusion applies to the effect of stripping on reflec-
vitro studies, a piece of tissue was mounted between two tion and diffusion coefficients (see below). Similar values
chambers in an Ussing-type apparatus. The flow of Ringer for hydraulic conductivity were obtained for pig pericar-
solution across the membrane was measured in response dium with mesothelial layers removed (217) and for dog
to a hydrostatic pressure difference. Measurements of (69, 165), human (69), and rabbit (165) pericardium with
visceral and parietal pleura required stripping the mem- intact mesothelium. Thus the mesothelial layers were not
brane from the lung and rib cage, respectively, a proce- the major contributor to the measured conductivity.
dure that has been criticized on the grounds that it causes The low hydraulic conductivity values were associ-
trauma to the tissue. Mediastinal pleura, pericardium, ated with the in situ studies. In these studies, the resis-
diaphragm, and mesentery are free standing, and no strip- tance to flow into the capsule might have been artifactu-
ping was required for the in vitro studies. In in situ stud- ally increased by the thinning of the pleural space beneath
ies, a capsule was bonded to a pleural window made by the capsule as the negative pressure in the capsule was

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


transmitted to the lung. The lower parietal pleural con- capillaries (0.9). Thus, on this basis, the endothelium is
ductivity (0.05– 0.08 ⫻ 10⫺8 cm2䡠s⫺1䡠cmH2O⫺1) measured the primary barrier to the transport of protein into the
in situ was about the same as the highest value measured pleural space.
for the endothelium (0.001– 0.06 ⫻ 10⫺8 cm2䡠s⫺1䡠cmH2O⫺1) Because the reflection coefficient of the endothe-
and indicated a significant pressure drop across the inter- lium is greater than that of the interstitium, for any
stitium. This behavior was supported by parietal intersti- value of Lc/Li, the overall reflection coefficient is less
tial pressure measured by cannulas and micropuncture than the endothelial reflection coefficient (Eq. 8).
that showed a 2– 6 cmH2O interstitial-to-pleural liquid Equation 8 shows that for Lc ⬍⬍ Li, ␴o tends to ␴c, and
pressure difference (129, 150); that is, 10 –20% of the total for Lc ⬎⬎ Li, ␴o tends to ␴i. Thus a small interstitial
pressure drop was assigned to the interstitium (133). reflection coefficient always reduces the overall reflec-
In summary, the results of the conductivity studies tion coefficient of the endothelial-interstitial barrier
showed that most (⬎80%) of the flow resistance of the

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from the value for the endothelium. For example, for an
pleural endothelial-interstitial barrier was associated with
interstitial reflection coefficient of 0.2, endothelial-to-
the capillary endothelium.
interstitial conductivity ratio of 0.1 and endothelial re-
flection coefficient of 0.9, the overall reflection coeffi-
2. Reflection coefficient
cient is reduced to 0.68.
The protein osmotic pressure exerted across the cap- Reflection coefficients near zero were measured in in
illary endothelium and pleural interstitium depends on vitro studies of both stripped dog parietal pleura (153,
the overall reflection coefficient of the two components. 164) and free-standing pig mediastinal pleura (162). Val-
From the Starling equation (Eq. 4) with ⌬P ⫽ 0 and A ues of reflection coefficient measured in rat diaphragm
constant (143) and rabbit pericardium (145) decreased from 0.3–
0.5 with Ringer solution to 0.15 with an albumin concen-
1/共L o␴o兲 ⫽ 1/共Lc␴c兲 ⫹ 1/共Li␴i兲 (7) tration of 1–2 g/dl. In the mesentery (163) and mediastinal
pleura (162), reflection coefficients (0.02– 0.14) increased
With the use of Equation 6 with flow. Thus differences in both albumin concentration
and flow might be responsible for the variability in the
␴ o / ␴ c ⫽ 共1 ⫹ L c/Li兲/关1 ⫹ 共Lc/Li兲共␴c/␴i兲兴 (8) reflection coefficients among the studies.
In the in situ studies (155), the albumin reflection
Table 4 lists albumin reflection coefficients of pleural coefficients of the parietal pleural interstitium, 0.3 in the
membrane (interstitium) measured in several species. dog and 0.4 in the rabbit, were greater than the in vitro
The measured interstitial reflection coefficients (0 – 0.5) measurements. These higher values would lower the over-
are much smaller than those measured for the capillary all reflection coefficient of the endothelial-interstitial bar-
endothelial-interstitial barrier (0.61– 0.93) and for single rier (Eq. 8), reduce the protein osmotic pressure gradient
opposing filtration, and increase the net filtration pressure
into the pleural space. Applied to the visceral pleura, a
TABLE 4. Albumin reflection coefficients (␴) small interstitial reflection coefficient would reduce any
reabsorption from the pleural space.
Tissue Species ␴ Method Nos. In experiments using intercostal capsules bonded to
parietal pleura of rabbits (155), the transport of labeled
Parietal pleura Dog 0 Excised tissue 164
Parietal pleura Dog 0.11 Excised tissue 153
macromolecules from pleural liquid to the parietal pleural
Parietal pleura Dog 0.4 In situ 155 capsule was consistent with two sets of pores in the
Parietal pleura Rabbit 0.3 In situ 155 parietal pleura, 8.5 and 19 nm. Based on the theory of
Mediastinal pleura Pig 0.02–0.05* Excised tissue 162
Pericardium Rabbit 0.42 Excised tissue 165 restriction of solutes through cylindrical pores (60), the
Pericardium Rabbit 0.1–0.3† Excised tissue 145 smaller pore is consistent with an interstitial reflection
Diaphragm Rat 0.1–0.5† Excised tissue 143 coefficient of 0.4, similar to the value found in rabbit lung
Mesentery Rabbit 0.02–0.14* Excised tissue 163
Capillary/visceral interstitium (195) and rat diaphragm (143) for low albu-
pleura Dog 0.61–0.93 In situ: lung in bag 94 min concentrations.
endothelium Many 0.9 Single capillaries 121 In summary, all studies showed reflection coeffi-
cients that were smaller for the interstitium than for the
* Reflection coefficient increased with flow. † Reflection co- endothelium. Thus restriction of protein by the pleural
efficient decreased with albumin concentration measured using flow-
independent sieving ratio. All other studies used osmotic transient capillary endothelial-interstitial barrier was largely asso-
method. ciated with the endothelium.

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


3. Diffusive permeability diffusion coefficients are usually associated with the ex-
tracellular matrix because nearly similar values were ob-
Table 5 summarizes albumin permeability and diffu- tained from a wide range in tissue thickness (30 – 600 ␮m).
sion coefficients measured in a variety of tissue mem- In contrast, diffusive permeability measured in pericar-
branes of several species. Permeability is the parameter dium has been attributed to the mesothelium because
required to estimate the relative contribution of pleural scraping the mesothelium from the tissue increased per-
interstitium and capillary endothelium to the overall en- meability 10-fold (43). However, the scraping might also
dothelial-interstitial barrier. Permeability (Pe) is equal to have increased tissue permeability.
diffusion coefficient divided by membrane thickness In vitro values of albumin diffusion coefficient (0.4 –
(D/l). The overall permeability (Peo) is related to intersti- 22 ⫻ 10⫺8 cm2/s) were two orders of magnitude greater
tial (Pei) and endothelial (Pec) permeability, with the as- than the in situ values (2–12 ⫻ 10⫺10 cm2/s). Diffusion
sumption of zero bulk flow and constant surface area (A, coefficients might be somewhat greater in the in vitro

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Eq. 5), as follows studies because isolated tissue immersed in solution al-
ways increases hydration spontaneously by ⬃50% (56,
1/Pe o ⫽ 1/Pec ⫹ 1/Pei (9) 143).
Diffusion of albumin in mediastinal pleura (162) and
If interstitial permeability were much greater than rat diaphragm (143) increased with concentration. This
endothelial permeability, the overall permeability would behavior is consistent with the reduced reflection coeffi-
almost equal endothelial permeability, and the major dif- cient measured with an increase in albumin concentration
fusive resistance would be associated with the capillary and implies an enhanced absorption of interstitial albu-
endothelium. That the endothelium dominates the overall min under conditions of increased microvascular perme-
barrier to diffusion was supported by permeability values ability.
of the capillary-interstitial barrier of the visceral pleura In summary, the results of most studies showed that
measured in perfused dog lungs (94, 95) that was two the diffusive resistance to protein was much smaller for
orders of magnitude smaller than that of visceral pleural the interstitium than for the endothelium. This indicated
interstitium (164). In contrast, the permeability of parietal that the major barrier to diffusion was associated with the
pleura measured in rabbits by intercostal capsules was endothelium.
lower (155) than that measured for the endothelial-inter-
stitial barrier of dog visceral pleura (94, 95). This implied
D. Pleural Filtration Pressure and Filtration and
that the pleural interstitium contributed the major resis-
Absorption Rates
tance to the diffusion of albumin across the endothelial-
interstitial barrier.
1. Pleural filtration pressure
Almost all data of the in vitro studies (Table 5) sup-
port a relatively small contribution of interstitial diffusive Whether the Starling force balance across the pleural
resistance to the overall diffusive resistance. Because the microvascular barrier favors filtration or reabsorption is
pleural membrane thickness varies considerably among still debated, with the evidence strongly in favor of an
species, diffusion coefficient D ⫽ Pe ⫻ l is the appropriate overall net filtration into the pleural space. There is a
parameter for comparison among species. The measured general consensus that pleural liquid is a microvascular

TABLE 5. Albumin permeability and diffusion coefficients

Tissue Species Thickness, ␮m Pe, 10⫺6 cm/s D, 10⫺8 cm2/s Reference Nos.

Visceral pleura Dog 15* 34 4.4 164

Parietal pleura Dog 15* 130 20 164
Parietal pleura Dog 15* 10 1.5 153
Parietal pleura (in situ) Dog 15* 0.8 0.12 154
Parietal pleura (in situ) Rabbit 13† 0.15 0.02 155
Mediastinal pleura Pig 130 2.3 3 162
Pericardium Rabbit 30 73 22 165
Pericardium Rabbit 32 1.3 0.4 144
Pericardium Rabbit 70 0.9 0.63 42, 43
Diaphragm Rat 600 0.75 6 143
Capillary/visceral pleura (lung) Dog 2.4 94
Capillary/visceral pleura (lung) Dog 4.3 95

Permeability coefficient (Pe) ⫽ diffusion coefficient (D)/thickness. * Data from Payne et al. (164). † Data from Lai-Fook and Kaplowitz

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


filtrate from the parietal pleural capillaries. The debate are minimal estimates since respiration reduces the pleu-
centers on the contribution of visceral pleural capillaries ral pressure below the values used at end-expiration.
and interstitial lymphatics to the absorption of pleural The forces favoring filtration or reabsorption in the
liquid and protein. visceral pleura are arguable because the blood supply to
Table 6 shows the values of the Starling forces used the visceral pleural capillaries has a systemic source in
to evaluate the net filtration pressure published in several the larger mammals, including humans, but a pulmonary
reviews (18, 133, 186) and other sources (100). The values source in smaller mammals (116). Although a systemic
for parietal pleura and visceral pleura are listed sepa- (bronchial) circulation supplies the visceral pleura of the
rately. Hydrostatic pressures in the microvasculature larger mammals, the bronchial arteries drain into the
(capillary) and pleural space are given for midlung height. pulmonary veins (65) and the magnitude of the pressure
Since capillary pressure varies as 1 cmH2O/cm height, in the visceral pleural capillaries is somewhat uncertain.
whereas pleural pressure is uniform for the normal prone Accordingly, in the visceral pleura, a net filtration pres-

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posture, the hydrostatic pressure difference across the sure similar to that for the parietal pleura (9 cmH2O) is
barrier would be reduced in nondependent regions and calculated for a systemic source in sheep (186) and for a
increase in dependent regions. pulmonary source in the rat (11 cmH2O). In contrast, a
The effective protein osmotic pressure difference zero or net absorptive pressure is calculated for a pulmo-
across the endothelial-interstitial barrier, ␴o(␲c ⫺ ␲pl), nary source in the sheep (186), dog (18), and rabbit (133).
favoring plasma retention of liquid varies from 23 cmH2O However, the magnitude of the net absorptive pressure
in sheep (186) and dog (18) to 10 –13 cmH2O in the rat (⬃0 to ⫺4 cmH2O) into the visceral pleura is much
(100) and rabbit (133). The value of ␴o used (⬃0.9) was smaller than the net filtration pressure (8 –21 cmH2O)
appropriate for the endothelium (121). The smaller values from the parietal pleura, which by itself indicates an
of protein osmotic pressure difference across the endo- overall net filtration into the pleural space of all species.
thelial-interstitial barrier are mainly due to relatively high The lower pleural pressure with breathing would reduce
values of protein colloid osmotic pressure for pleural the small absorptive pressure in the visceral pleura esti-
liquid coupled with relatively low values for blood plasma mated at end-expiratory lung volume (sheep and rabbit).
measured in the smaller mammals. These estimates of Net filtration pressure by itself is not sufficient to
protein osmotic pressure difference are maximal, since determine whether net filtration or absorption occurs
any significant reflection coefficient and hydraulic con- from the parietal and visceral pleural membranes because
ductivity for the interstitium would reduce the overall filtration is the product of hydraulic conductivity and net
reflection coefficient and osmotic pressure difference for filtration pressure (Eq. 4). Given about the same hydraulic
the total barrier (see sect. VC2). conductivity for visceral and parietal pleura (Table 3) and
The parietal pleura has a systemic circulation, and its the same blood flow in both pleura, the much larger net
capillary pressure ranges from 17 to 34 cmH2O. Pleural filtration pressure for the parietal pleura compared with a
pressure at end-expiratory lung volume varies from ⫺2 to smaller net absorptive pressure for the visceral pleura
⫺4 cmH20 (1, 2). The hydrostatic pressure difference would support an overall net microvascular filtration into
(Pc ⫺ Ppl) favoring filtration has a range of 21 cmH2O in the pleural space. An exception in the data (Table 3) is the
the rabbit (133) to 31 cmH2O in the rat (100), which parietal pleural hydraulic conductivity measured with in-
together with a 10 –23 cmH2O osmotic pressure difference tercostal capsules (154, 155) that is 1–2 orders of magni-
opposing filtration, produces a net filtration pressure tude smaller than that measured in the other studies and
[(Pc ⫺ Ppl) ⫺ ␴o(␲c ⫺ ␲pl)] of 8 –21 cmH2O. These values similar to that of the visceral pleural endothelium-inter-

TABLE 6. Filtration pressures (cmH2O) for parietal and visceral pleura

Species Pc Ppl Pc ⫺ Ppl ␴o ␲c ␲pl ␴o(␲c ⫺ ␲pl) Net Reference Nos.

Parietal pleura
Sheep 28 ⫺9 37 0.9 30 4 23 14 186
Rabbit 17 ⫺4 21 0.8 25 8 13 8 133
Rat 34* ⫺3 37 0.9 20 9 10 21 100
Visceral pleura
Sheep (systemic) 23 ⫺9 32 0.9 30 4 23 9 186
Sheep (pulmonary) 11 ⫺9 20 0.9 30 4 23 ⫺3 186
Rabbit 10 ⫺4 14 0.7 28 8 14 0 133
Rat 14 ⫺3 17 0.9 17 10 6 11 100
Dog 10 ⫺9† 19 0.9 29 3 23 ⫺4 18

Net ⫽ [(Pc ⫺ Ppl) ⫺ ␴o(␲c ⫺ ␲pl)]. ␲c is derived from protein concentration using Landis and Pappenheimer’s equation (106). * Data from
Bohlen et al. (45). † Data are mean pressure during breathing cycle (18).

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


stitial barrier. However, the low parietal pleural conduc-

tivity is offset by a relatively high interstitial reflection
coefficient (Ref. 155; Table 4) that would reduce the os-
motic retention by plasma and increase filtration.
The absorption of water from the pleural space into
the lung visceral pleural capillaries (93) was observed
with the appropriate manipulation of the Starling forces
(Eq. 4). In contrast, with pulmonary edema, lung edema
crossed the visceral pleura into the pleural space (52, 213)
because the pressure in lung interstitium is above the
pleural pressure (41, 68, 71, 72).
Physiological studies have provided evidence that

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the source of pleural liquid is the systemic capillaries of
the parietal pleura. Mellins et al. (120) elevated systemic
and pulmonary venous pressure separately or together in
dogs and found that the accumulation of pleural liquid
was much larger with systemic than with pulmonary ve-
FIG. 7. Ratio of total protein concentration in pleural liquid to that
nous hypertension. Further evidence for a parietal source in plasma (Cpl/Cc) versus body mass (M) in several species. Note that
of pleural liquid is that the pleural effusions produced by Cpl/Cc decreases with body mass, according to the allometric relation-
an increased pulmonary venous pressure in dogs were ship (solid line): Cpl/Cc ⫽ 0.34 M⫺0.23 (R2 ⫽ 0.78, n ⫽ 16, P ⫽ 7 ⫻ 10⫺6).
[Modified from Lai-Fook (97).]
derived from pulmonary edema and not from the capillary
hypertension of the visceral pleura (31).
Other physiological evidence supports the conclu-
Interstitial protein concentration measured in the pa-
sion that there is an overall net microvascular filtration
rietal pleura of rabbits by implanted wick catheters (148)
into the pleural space. First, tracer studies showed that
was 2.6 g/dl, somewhat smaller than that in pleural liquid
pleural liquid and solute absorption were primarily asso-
(3.1 g/dl). The calculated interstitial-to-pleural liquid pro-
ciated with lymphatic stomata on the parietal pleural
tein osmotic pressure difference was 3.5 cmH2O or 27% of
surface with little evidence for visceral pleural absorption
the total difference between the capillary and pleural
(28, 29, 40, 50, 58, 59, 206). Second, imaging studies indi-
liquid (13 cmH2O). The interstitial-to-pleural liquid hydro-
cated that lymphatic absorption increased toward the
static pressure difference measured by micropuncture
caudal regions where the lymphatic stomata are concen-
was 1.8 cmH2O (129). These differences in protein os-
trated (152). Third, anatomic and morphological studies
motic pressure assigned to the parietal pleural membrane
in sheep showed that the microvessels in the parietal
can be questioned because of the uncertainty of the loca-
pleura were located 15 ␮m from the pleural surface (29),
tion of the wick used for collecting the interstitial liquid
whereas the microvessels in the visceral pleura were
(18). In spite of the objections, the small differences in
located much deeper (20 –50 ␮m; Ref. 28). Accordingly, in
hydrostatic and protein osmotic pressures do not substan-
sheep hydraulic conductance from the pleural space to
tially change the overall net filtration pressures and thus
the microvessels would be less in the visceral than in the
do not invalidate the assumption that protein concentra-
parietal pleura, and filtration from or reabsorption into
tion of pleural liquid largely reflects that of the microvas-
the visceral pleural capillaries would be inhibited. Thus
cular filtrate.
pleural anatomy, at least in sheep, supports the physio-
In summary, the pathways for normal pleural liquid
logical evidence that pleural liquid filtration occurs via the
turnover are illustrated schematically in Figure 6. Pleural
parietal pleura (186). However, in the smaller mammals
liquid is derived mainly from capillaries in the parietal
with a visceral pleura similar in thickness to the parietal
pleura lining the chest wall of all mammals. Some pleural
pleura, any reabsorption of pleural liquid into visceral
liquid is filtered from bronchial capillaries in the thick
pleural capillaries with a high reflection coefficient would
visceral pleura of large mammals. Pleural liquid is re-
concentrate pleural liquid protein and perhaps account
moved by lymphatic stomata in the parietal pleura. A
for the greater protein concentration in the smaller mam-
small reabsorption of pleural liquid might occur into the
mals (see sect. VI, Table 8, Fig. 7). Finally, reabsorption of
pulmonary capillaries of the thin visceral pleura of the
pleural liquid by the lung interstitium, though possible, is
smaller animals.
unlikely in view of subpleural interstitial pressures that
were slightly (1 cmH2O) above the pleural pressure (41,
2. Filtration and absorption rates
68, 71, 72). These results contrast to a negative lung
interstitial pressure of ⫺10 cmH2O measured in situ at Table 7 summarizes the pleural liquid filtration and
locations 200 ␮m below the pleural surface (134, 135). absorption rates estimated in several species. The esti-

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


TABLE 7. Pleural liquid filtration and absorption rates

Species Rate, ml 䡠 h⫺1 䡠 kg⫺1 Method Reference Nos.

Rabbit 0.017 Catheter drain 48

Dog 0.020 Tracer kinetics and lymph clearance 124
Dog 0.019 Imaging of tracer in ⬃1 ml hydrothorax 152
Sheep (awake) 0.01 Tracer kinetics into pleural space from blood 212
Rabbit 0.22* 2 ml hydrothorax 136
Rabbit 0.22* 1 ml hydrothorax 15
Dog 0.57* 12 ml/kg hydrothorax 188
Dog 0.47‡ 12 ml/kg hydrothorax 188
Sheep (anesthetized) 0.02† Tracer in lymph, 10 ml/kg hydrothorax 212
Sheep 0.22* 10 ml/kg hydrothorax 212
Sheep 0.28* 10 ml/kg hydrothorax 52

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Human 0.36* Heart failure/malignant effusions 187
Human 0.11* Effusions 110

* Absorption rate was calculated from the volume of hydrothorax recovered. † This value proved to be a gross underestimate by a
subsequent study (52). ‡ Filtration rate.

mated filtration rate measured without hydrothoraces lymphatics do not participate in pleural liquid absorption
scales approximately to body weight. In unanesthetized (50, 206). The concentration of lymphatic stomata in the
sheep, the appearance in pleural liquid of tracer 125I- caudal regions of the pleural space was supported by
albumin injected into the blood produced a protein filtra- imaging studies in dogs, which showed a lower absorp-
tion rate of 0.01 ml䡠h⫺1䡠kg⫺1 (212). Somewhat greater tion rate of radioactive tracer from cranial regions than
values (0.02 ml䡠h⫺1䡠kg⫺1) for pleural filtration have been from caudal and mediastinal regions (152). The distribu-
estimated in the dog (124, 152) and rabbit (48). In con- tion of lymphatic stomata concentrated in the intercostal
trast, studies using large hydrothoraces produced much spaces rather than on the rib surfaces (29) was supported
higher pleural liquid absorption rates (0.11– 0.57 by fluorescent studies that showed a greater absorption in
ml䡠h⫺1䡠kg⫺1) in sheep (50, 212), rabbits (15, 136), dogs the intercostal muscle than in the rib (206).
(188), and humans (110, 187). Thus, with large hydrotho-
races, absorption of pleural liquid can increase 10- to 2. Role of lymphatics
30-fold above the normal turnover rate (18, 50, 125, 126, Lymphatic drainage from the pleural space occurs
133, 186). Accordingly, absorption of large hydrothoraces via the stomata in the parietal pleura (29, 181). The ultra-
is not a reliable measure of normal filtration into the structure of stomata has been described in the parietal
pleural space or of the normal turnover rate of pleural pleura (108, 197) and the peritoneum (108). The mecha-
liquid. nism by which lymphatics absorb pleural liquid remains
The volume of pleural liquid divided by the filtration speculative. One model postulated that the pleural liquid
rate provides an estimate of the pleural liquid transit time, pressure was set by the lymphatics and that the absorp-
that is, the time required to turnover the entire pleural tion rate was determined by the pressure-volume relation-
liquid volume. From values provided in Tables 2 and 7, the ship of the pleural space (141). As the volume of the
turnover time for pleural liquid is 10 –13 h for rabbits and pleural space was reduced, the pleural liquid pressure and
sheep. the pressure gradient for lymphatic absorption decreased.
The pressure generated by parietal pleural lymphatics
E. Regional Absorption, Role of Lymphatics, was estimated to be ⫺7 cmH2O relative to pleural pres-
and Regional Filtration sure (138). This absorptive pressure for pleural lymphat-
ics is below the mean values (⬃0 cmH2O) measured in the
1. Regional absorption intercostal pleural lymphatics of rabbits (149) and in
other organs (179). However, the pressure associated
Regional absorption of pleural liquid has been stud- with the absorption of liquid via lymphatics might be
ied by histological identification and external imaging of generated by cardiogenic and smooth muscle contractile
tracers injected into the pleural space. Anatomical studies oscillations in conjunction with unidirectional valves
showed that absorption sites via lymphatic stomata are (146, 149, 179).
concentrated in the ventral-caudal and dorsal-caudal re- The postulate (130, 131) that an absorptive pressure
gions of the parietal pleura of the rib cage in sheep (29, in pleural lymphatics below the pleural liquid pressure
115) and rabbits (197) and in the diaphragm of rabbits determines the pleural liquid pressure seems unlikely
(151). Tracer studies showed that the visceral pleural based on the following considerations. First, the distribu-

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


tion of lymphatic stomata even where they are most con- showed a cranial-caudal gradient in filtration (206). Albu-
centrated is sparse. In sheep (29), one stoma of 1–3 ␮m min filtration was lowest at the cranial ribs and increased
diameter is found per 25 ⫻ 25 ␮m surface area. In the with rib number to reach a maximum at the seventh rib.
rabbit diaphragm (151), one stoma is found per 60 ⫻ 60 This cranial-caudal distribution matched the regional dis-
␮m surface area. The primary mechanism for fluid ab- tribution of lymphatic absorption sites measured anatom-
sorption into lymphatic stomata from adjacent sites is ically (29, 197) and the regional distribution of an ab-
redistribution of pleural liquid by ventilatory and cardio- sorbed bolus (152). Perhaps not coincidentally, the cra-
genic motion, not a flow driven by a difference in hydro- nial-caudal gradient in filtration matched that in pleural
static pressure. Second, lymphatic stomata are concen- liquid thickness (Fig. 4A). The cranial-caudal gradient in
trated in the caudal regions of the pleural space with few protein filtration seems at odds with the uniform blood
in the cranial regions, a spatial distribution that is not flow measured in the parietal pleura in dogs by radioac-
matched by a cranial-to-caudal difference in pleural liquid tive microspheres (192).

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Since the absorption rate of hydrothoraces is consid-
erably greater than the normal turnover rate of pleural
liquid, experiments using the absorption of hydrothoraces
comprising saline or plasma (136) do not provide reliable
evidence for lymphatic absorption under normal condi- A. Effect of Body Size, Vascular Pressure,
tions. Indeed, the results of these experiments proved to Ventilation, and Regional Differences
be not reproducible (19). These results are difficult to
interpret because the changes in visceral pleural capillary The concentration of protein present in the pleural
filtration with protein concentration of the hydrothorax liquid is important for the following reasons. First, it is
and in lymphatic absorption with the size of the hydro- one of the variables in the Starling equation that deter-
thorax are difficult to estimate. The concept that pleural mines filtration. Thus its changes with body size might
lymphatics can concentrate protein does not have direct indicate differences in filtration and absorption of pleural
experimental support. The usual assumption based on liquid. Second, changes in pleural liquid protein concen-
data from other organs is that lymphatics do not restrict tration with ventilation might indicate shear stress-in-
the passage of protein from interstitial liquid (34, 179). duced changes in pleural membrane permeability. Third,
regional changes in protein concentration might indicate
3. Spatial variation in filtration regional changes in filtration.
In contrast to the anatomic and physiological studies
1. Effect of body size
of the pleural liquid absorption sites, there is a paucity of
studies of regional pleural liquid filtration. Fluorescence Table 8 lists values of pleural liquid-to-plasma (cap-
of Evan’s blue-dyed albumin emitted from the parietal illary) protein concentration ratio (Cpl/Cc) from several
pleura of rabbits 6 h after injection into the circulation sources. Figure 7 is a plot of Cpl/Cc versus body mass.

TABLE 8. Pleural liquid-to-plasma total protein concentration ratio

Species Cpl, g/dl Cc, g/dl Cpl/Cc Weight, kg Reference Nos.

Rat 2.5 6.4 0.39 0.45 137

Rat (WKY) 2.4 4.3 0.55 0.27 100
Rat (SHR) 2.0 4.8 0.42 0.30 100
Cat 1.4 6.5 0.21 1.7 137
Dog (pup) 2.3 6.0 0.38 0.8 137
Rabbit 1.33 6.2* 0.21 2.2 127
Rabbit 1.4 6.2* 0.23 3.5 177
Rabbit 1.9 6.2 0.31 2.3 137
Rabbit 2.0 6.2 0.32 3.5 207
Rabbit 2.3 6.6 0.34 3.5 205
Sheep (fetus) 1.7 3.4 0.50 3.5 49
Sheep (newborn) 1.5 5.5 0.27 7.7 49
Dog 1.1 5.8 0.18 9 137
Dog 1.06 6.0* 0.18 11 127
Pig 1.2 6.3 0.19 24 137
Sheep (adult) 0.88 6.2 0.15 27 50
Sheep (adult) 0.96 6.2 0.15 28 212

Cpl, pleural liquid concentration; Cc, plasma total protein concentration. * Data from Miserocchi et al. (137).

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


Experiments by Miserocchi et al. (137) in several mam- behavior has been reported for pulmonary interstitial pro-
malian species showed that Cpl/Cc decreased with an tein as measured in visceral pleural lymphatics (26) but
increase in animal size. In sheep, where the vascular not for parietal pleural lymphatics. Studies in hyperten-
supply to the visceral pleura is systemic rather than pul- sive rats showed an increased pleural liquid thickness and
monary, Cpl/Cc is ⬃0.15 (50, 212). This low Cpl/Cc value lower protein concentration with a hypertension-induced
points to a microvascular barrier that is relatively imper- increase in filtration (100). Thus the lower pleural liquid
meable to protein with a reflection coefficient approach- thickness in the cranial region (Fig. 4A) in conjunction
ing 1. with a lower protein filtration (206) suggests that a rela-
tively small filtration and a relatively high pleural liquid
2. Effect of vascular pressure protein concentration would be found in the cranial re-
The decrease in Cpl/Cc with animal size has been

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explained on the basis of a vascular-to-pleural difference
in hydrostatic pressure that increases with animal size B. Active Protein and Solute-Coupled
(137). This explanation is supported by two other obser- Liquid Transport
vations. Studies in the spontaneously hypertensive rat and
its normotensive control rat showed that Cpl/Cc was re- 1. Active protein transport
duced in the hypertensive rat, consistent with a wash-
down effect caused by a higher microvascular pressure Studies (5, 42) reporting active transport of protein
and greater filtration (100). A similar decrease in Cpl/Cc by mesothelial cell vesicles have challenged the view that
occurred in sheep with development from the fetus to the primary route of protein absorption from the pleural
adulthood as systemic vascular pressure increased with space is via lymphatic stomata. The anatomy of the me-
age (49). sothelial cell does not exclude such a mechanism (39,
An alternative explanation for the decrease in Cpl/Cc 199). In vitro permeability studies of rabbit pericardium
with animal size is that smaller mammals with a pulmo- showed a reduced diffusive transport of albumin and
nary blood supply to the visceral pleura have a small net dextran with the vesicular inhibitor nocodazole (42). Sub-
absorptive pressure into the visceral pleural capillaries sequent studies in anesthetized rabbits suggested that the
that would increase the protein concentration in pleural vesicular inhibitor nocodazole reduced the absorption of
liquid. Another possibility is a change in pleural mem- tracer albumin and dextran measured 3 h after injection
brane permeability with body size (97). into the pleural space (5). However, in the latter study, the
effect of the inhibitor on macromolecular absorption
from the pleural space was measured with a hydrothorax,
3. Effect of ventilation
a condition that increases the pleural liquid absorption
In vitro studies of pleural mesothelial cells in culture 10-fold above normal (Table 7). Thus this method cannot
showed a viscous flow-induced increase in permeability provide reliable information for normal conditions. Re-
(208). Accordingly, the question whether an increased cent attempts to reproduce the permeability studies in
ventilation-induced shear stress can increase pleural rabbit pericardium showed an increased diffusion and
membrane permeability to albumin was addressed in both hydraulic conductivity by nocodazole (144, 145) rather
anesthetized and conscious rabbits (205). In the anesthe- than a reduced transport. Moreover, other studies showed
tized rabbits, an increase in mechanical ventilation for 6 h an increased microvascular permeability in response to
resulted in an increase in Cpl/Cc measured using Evan’s vesicular inhibitors (55, 172). Thus mesothelial transcyto-
blue albumin injected into the circulation, consistent with sis as a mechanism for pleural liquid protein transport
an increased permeability. However, subsequent studies does not yet have conclusive supporting evidence.
in conscious rabbits showed no change in pleural liquid
protein kinetics or systemic arterial pressure between 2. Active liquid absorption
breathing either room air or a hypercapnic gas mixture
that increased ventilation. Thus the studies in conscious Studies in anesthetized rabbits (16 –18, 218 –224) and
animals did not confirm the increased permeability ob- in excised human (178) and sheep pleura (79, 178) pro-
served in anesthetized animals and cultured cells. vided indirect evidence of a solute-coupled liquid absorp-
tion from the pleural space. The results of these studies
4. Regional differences have been summarized in a recent review (18). In the in
vitro studies, significant but small (⬃10%) increases in
In the absence of effective interregional mixing, a electrical resistance were measured in response to Na⫹
consequence of a greater dependent microvascular pres- and K⫹ transport inhibitors. There is a need to relate
sure and filtration would be a lower pleural protein con- these small changes in electric resistance to liquid trans-
centration in the dependent regions of the thorax. Such a port. In the in vivo studies, decreases in the absorption

Physiol Rev • VOL 84 • APRIL 2004 •


rate of pleural liquid containing Na⫹ transport inhibitors liquid reabsorption. Although pleural liquid and protein
were extrapolated from values of the absorption rate with absorption via lymphatic stomata is the straightforward
0.5–5 ml hydrothoraces. A limitation of this approach is way to explain the available data, the contribution of
that the rate of absorption of 1–2 ml hydrothoraces in active transport across the mesothelium to absorption
rabbits most likely overestimated the normal rate by 10- under normal conditions remains to be evaluated.
fold (Table 7). Thus the contribution of active liquid ab-
sorption relative to that of lymphatic absorption remains This research was supported by National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute Research Grants HL-36597 and HL-40362.
to be measured under normal conditions.
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence:
S. J. Lai-Fook, Center for Biomedical Engineering, Wenner-Gren
C. Clearance by Lymphatic Stomata Versus Research Laboratory, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-
Mesothelial Absorption 0070 (E-mail:

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