Task 7 Prop List

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Music Video title: 7 years


Prop List

Prop Scene Date(s) Needed

Cardboard box This prop is used throughout Throughout filming period

scene 9, which is the scene
when Dan’s mum is looking
through old pictures of Dan
from a Cardboard box.
Photos and videos of young This prop is used throughout Throughout filming period
Dan various scenes such as scene
9 which is when Dan’s mum
is looking through old
photos of Dan, scenes 10, 12
and 15 which are all
montages of photos and
videos of Dan from his life
before he died in the video,
the final scene that photos
and videos of young Dan are
used in is scene 16 which is
when we see Dan’s mum
looking at a video of Dan
swimming in a pool when he
was younger which is shown
on an old video camera.
Clear table and chairs This prop is used throughout Throughout filming period
scene 7, which is the scene
when Dan and his mum are
eating dinner together whilst
chatting at the table.
Fred Perry bag This prop is used throughout Throughout filming period
scene 5, which is the scene
when Dan sets down his bag
and shoes after returning
home after a day of school.
House Keys This prop is used throughout Throughout filming period
scene 3, which is the scene
when Dan opens his front
door (and includes a close-
up of the key entering the
key hole) using his house

Plates and Cutlery This prop is used throughout Throughout filming period
scene 7, which is the scene
when Dan and his mum are
sitting down at the table
eating their dinner with
plates and cutlery.
Old fashioned video camera This prop is used throughout Throughout filming period
scene 16, which is the scene
when Dan’s mum is grieving
about her son who has
passed away by looking at a
video of him swimming in a
pool when he was younger
on an old fashioned video
Watch This prop is used throughout Throughout filming period
a variety of scenes which
are scenes 1 which is the
scene that shows Dan
walking up the concrete
steps to his house when he is
returning from school, the
next time this prop is used is
scene 2 which is the scene
that shows Dan walking to
the front door and drops his
bag on the floor just before
the front door, the next
scene that this prop is used
in is scene 3 which is the
scene that entails Dan
opening the front door of his
house, the next scene that
this prop is used in is scene
4 which is the scene that
shows Dan walking through
the front door of his house,
the next scene that this prop
is used in is scene 7 which is
the scene when Dan and his
mum are sitting at the table
eating their dinner and
chatting, the final scene that
this prop is used in is scene
8 which is the scene when
Dan falls off his chair and
collapses and passes away.

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