Z 8 Chief 1

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txt - Like basic monst, but this character spends all its time //
oscillating between its start and a nav point.// Memory Cells: // Cell 0 -
The nav point the character marches to.// Cell 1,2 - Stuff done flag. If both 0,
nothing. Otherwise when this is killed, set to 1.// Cell 3 - Dialogue node//
Cell 4 - If 1, this creature goes straight to the nav point immediately// and
never returnsbegincreaturescript; variables; short i,target; short did_meet = 0; short
last_walk; body; beginstate INIT_STATE; last_walk = get_current_tick();
set_name(ME,"Chief Chanakk"); set_char_unkillable(ME,1); if (gf(8,46)
> 0) erase_char(ME); break; beginstate DEAD_STATE; break; beginstate
START_STATE; if (did_meet == 0) { if ((get_nearest_party_char(5) >=
0) || (who_shot_me() >= 0)) { did_meet = 1; sf(8,46,1);
sf(8,37,1); talk_no_exit(250); }
else end(); } if (dist_to_nav_point(ME,0) > 1)
approach_nav_point(ME,0,1); else { erase_char(ME);
}break; beginstate 3; // attacking if (target_ok() == FALSE)
set_state(START_STATE); do_attack(); break; beginstate TALKING_STATE; if
(gf(8,46) > 0) end(); sf(8,46,1); sf(8,37,1);
talk_no_exit(250); break;

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