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Desalination 107 (1996) 75-81


Effect of magnetic treatment on Gulf seawater

Haitham Al-Qahtani
Chemical Engineering Department, University of Bahrain, Isa Town, POB 32038, State of Bahrain
Tel.: +973-681234, Fax: +973-688322

Received 27 June 1995; accepted in revised form 10 January 1996


Several samples of seawater (43,000 mg/l) were circulated at a high intensity (7,000 gauss) through a
permanent magnetic tube for several hours at fixed temperature, flow rates, and nitrogen concentration. The pH
and conductivity of all samples were increased during the circulation time. Using Reverse Osmosis (RO), both
treated and untreated solutions were desalinated in a seawater RO unit at several pressures. It was found that the
permeate salt concentrations of the treated solutions were usually lower than that for untreated ones. The effect of
the magnetic field on pH and conductivity were gradually eliminated when the treated solutions were circulated in
absence of the magnetic device.

Keywords: Permanent magnet; Reverse osmosis; Circulation; Seawater

1. Introduction and Gusev [5] found that in the presence of

oxides of iron, always found in the industrial
The subject of magnetic treatment is water, circulation process enlarged the center
controversial. This review summarizes the of the crystals of a certain type of salts after
studies which may provide some technical the magnetic treatment of the water solutions.
background on the magnetic treatment Also it was found that the effectiveness of
process and presents some of the diverse views magnetic treatment depended on several
prevailing. parameters such as temperature, type of salt,
Most studies by Russian scientists [l-3] flow rate, and magnetic intensity [5-71.
found that magnetic treatment enhances water On the other hand, Wilkes and Baum [8] as
filtration and purification by reducing the well as Eliassen, Skind, and Davis [9] reported
scale formation. They showed that the that no positive results were achieved when the
magnetic treatment processes accelerated the magnetic unit was applied. Duffy [lo]
coagulation-flocculation of the solid particles observed that Fe ions retarded calcium
suspended in the water and increased the carbonate crystallization and believed that the
crystal formation on the solution bulk instead scale reduction resulted from accelerated
of its deposition on the wall surfaces during corrosion caused by the magnetic devices.
the evaporation process [ 1, 3, 41. Martynova Hasson and Bramson [ll] found that the

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76 H. Al-Qahtani / Desalination 107 (1996) 75-81

magnetic treatment failed to suppress the scale an electrical dipole moment is created,
formation (CaCOs); Sohnel and Mullin [12] Dissolved salts such as calcium carbonate and
criticized magnetic treatment which they magnesium carbonate exist as dissolved
believed had no hard scientific evidence to calcium, magnesium (positive charges), and
approve its credibility. In addition, Limpert carbonate (negative charge) ions where these
and Raber [ 131 had also found that the ions are also attracted towards the water
magnetic treatment devices failed to prevent molecules. This attraction for water molecules
the scale formation in experiments in the 3M at the surface results in layers of oriented
industries. water molecules surrounding each salt ion.
However, Grutsch and McClintock [14] According to Faraday’s law, charged particles
conducted an extensive literature review on moving through a magnetic field with a
the magnetic treatment field and concluded velocity perpendicular to the field, create a
that those approving the techniques were due localized electrical field perpendicular to both
to proper application or experimental particle velocity and the magnetic field. If the
procedure. They felt that the failure of ion concentration, velocity, and magnetic
previous researchers to see the effect of strength are sufficiently large, the Lorentz
magnetic treatment was due to the improper effect can be observed. Therefore, whenever a
use of magnetic equipment such as magnetic conductive fluid is passed through a magnetic
intensity, polarity, material, and others. They field under the right conditions, an induced
also found that the magnetic treatment electrical current is generated and effectively
equipment could successfully control the salt oriented the charged particles suspended in
deposition during the circulation of alkaline the solution [16-l@.
cooling (tower) water solutions and the The following study investigates the effect
treatment had positive control over CaCOs of the magnetic field on dissolved ions in
and CaS04 scale. They indicated that the seawater solution by utilizing the sieving
proper parameter such as water velocity (6 mechanism of the RO membrane which is
m/s) could yield positive scale control. able to separate salt ions from water. Changes
Busch et al. [15] were the first to suggest in the salt content of the treated and untreated
that the changes in voltage and current of seawater solutions may provide some
conducting solutions passing through information on the physical and/or chemical
magnetic treatment devices might be due to effects of the magnetic device might be on the
the effect of Faraday’s law. They applied ions.
several precise magnetic field experiments
using commercial magnetic devices with
normal stainless steel and plastic pipe 2. Experimental set up and procedure
housing. They found that the voltage and the
current were both produced when the water Several seawater solutions were tested at an
solution passed through an orthogonal average concentration of 43,000 ppm. For
magnetic field. They also postulated that each sample, half of the seawater solution was
insoluble iron produced from the magnetic placed in the RO feed tank (Fig. l), and the
material might be the centers for calcium other half was kept in a separate tank and was
carbonate crystals which they believed might circulated by a pump through a magnetic
be the reason for suspension of CaC03 on the field for several hours where the conductivity
solution rather than depositing on the and pH values were recorded every 15 min.
plumbing surfaces. The membrane was always kept clean and
Hydrogen and oxygen atoms of the water washed with HCl at several pressures after
molecules consist of positive and negative each run to avoid the contamination from the
centers, respectively. Since the electronic previous runs, and the solution temperature
distribution of water molecule is asymmetric, was kept constant at 29°C. The permanent
H. Al-Qahtani /Desalination IO7 (1996) 75-81 77

t t
3rculatlon Feed flow
‘ank tank meter

heat ng
elea ent

uRO High

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the reverse
osmosis unit and the circulation tank.

from PVC. The RO system consisted of a 1.1

kW ceramic piston pump with maximum flow
rate of 540 l/h. The membrane utilized was a
seawater spiral wound type with length and
internal diameter of 455 and 59 mm,
respectively. The membrane material was
made by FilmTec FT30 (Dow Chemical Co.)
and consisted of three layers, polyester
support web 120 pm, microporous poly-
sulfone interlayer 40 pm, and metaphenylene
diamine ultra thin barrier 2 pm. Conductivity
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the magnetic device where
B and V are the magnetic field and the flow directions, and pH measurement during circulation
respectively. period were monitored directly by on-line
meters. To avoid temperature variation of the
solution during the circulation time, heat
exchanger was placed in the circulation tank
magnetic intensity was 7,000 gauss, its internal to maintain the temperature at 29°C.
diameter and length were 1.0 in, and 12 in, As shown in Fig. 1, when the solution
respectively (Fig. 2). The linear velocity passed through the membrane, two outlet
inside the magnetic device was about 5 ft/s. streams were obtained: the purified water
The device was installed vertically to (permeate) and the rejected water
maintained the perpendicularity of the (concentrate). To evaluate the ions
magnetic field to the flow directions. transported through the membrane, the salt
The apparatus consisted of a RO system passage, Sp%, was determined according to
and circulation tank (Fig. 1). Nitrogen gas the following equation:
was purged in the circulation and feed tanks.
All the fittings and tank materials were made Sp% = rcp/cfl x 100 (1)
78 H. Al-Qahtani /Desalination 107 (1996) 75-81

where C, and C’,were the permeate and feed showed no significant difference between
concentrations (mg/l). circulated and uncirculated solutions. Both of
their salt passages reduced slightly with
The composition of the Gulf seawater pressure. These experiments were repeated
studied (about 43,000 ppm) is given in Table several times at the same conditions, and
1. results were reproduced. This set of
experiments indicated that the seawater
circulation without the presence of a magnetic
Table 1 device did not affect the pH, conductivity, and
Seawater analysis of the northern coast of Bahrain salt passage significantly.
When the magnetic device was installed in
PH 7.75 the system, both the conductivity and the pH
Conductivity, pmhoslcn 51,700 were increased from 65.5 ms to 68.0 ms and
Dissolved oxygen, ppm -
from 7.75 to 8.14, respectively (Fig. 5). All
Suspended solids, ppm 0.4
Chloride, ppm 23,075
operating conditions such as water solution
Alkalinity P, ppm CaC03 6.2 flow rates, nitrogen concentrations,
Alkalinity M, ppm CaCO3 116 temperature, and others were kept as similar as
Total hardness, ppm CaCO3 7,400 in the previous set of experiments. Both the
Calcium, ppm CaC03 950 conductivity and pH of the circulated
Magnesium, ppm CaC03 6,300
Total dissolved solids, ppm 43,234
solutions increased by an average of 2.5 ms
Silica, ppm SiO2 0.005 and 0.39, respectively. Comparing these
Sulfate, ppm 2,828 results to those shown in Fig. 3, it seems that
Potassium, ppm 450 the magnetic device had influenced the pH
Iron, ppm -
and the conductivity readings. The solution
Copper, ppm
conductivity’s were more influenced with the
magnetic device than the pH. As shown in
Fig. 6, the salt passages of the untreated
seawater solutions were higher than that for
3. Results and discussion the treated ones. Compared to Fig. 4, there
were significant differences in terms of their
The first set of the experiments were Sp% magnitudes when the magnetic device
conducted in the absence of a magnetic was installed. The Cp (permeate salt
device. The purpose of by-passing the concentration mg/l) of the treated and
magnetic field was to investigate the variations untreated solutions were given in Table 2.
in the water solution properties during the
circulation period. There were no significant
differences in pH and conductivity of
Table 2
circulated and uncirculated seawater solutions Variation of pressure (P), permeate concentration (Cp),
(Fig. 3). When the same solutions processed and salt passage (Sp) in RO for seawater at con-
in the RO unit, salt passages values of the centration = 43,000 mg/l with magnetically treated (Tr.)
circulated solutions were close to those of the and untreated (Ut.) solutions at 29’C.
uncirculated ones (Fig. 4). There were slight
increment in the pH and the conductivity ut. Tr. ut. Tr. Ut. Tr
measurements. The conductivity and pH were
increased by 0.4 ms and 0.15, respectively, P, bar 40 40 50 50 60 60
when the solutions circulated for 5 hours. Cp, mg/l 1.18 0.95 1.10 0.71 0.95 0.49
These increments might be due to the release sp, % 2.75 2.20 2.50 1.65 2.20 1.15
of the CO2 from the seawater. Salt passage
H. Al-Qahtani /Desalination 107 (1996) 75-81 79

Fig. 3. Variation of pH and

conductivity during the circula-
tion of seawater without the
0 1 2 3 4 5 presence of the magnetic device.
limo (hr)

2.6 2.6

2.2 2.2

1.8 - Q- - SpK (after) 1.3

. . 0. SpK (boforo)
1.4 1.4

Fig. 4. Variation of salt passage

1 1 of seawater solutions before and
30 3s 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 after circulation during the ab-
Proosuro (bar)
sence of the magnetic device.


67.5 -_

67 -

05.5 -y

65-f I I I I 7.7 Fig. 5. Variation of conductivity

and pH during the circulation of
0 1 2 3 4 5
the seawater under the presence
lima (hr)
of the magnetic device.
80 H. Al-Qahtani /Desalination 107 (1996) 75-81

3 I I I

I.... . .
.. bolora
2.5 - ‘L...

H\ .‘.P
Z 2-
: \

0 aftw
f 1.5 - \

I t I I I I I
1 I I I I Fig. 6. Variation of salt passage
of treated and untreated seawater
30 36 40 45 50 65 60 66 70
solutions at several pumping
Prossure (bar)
I I ’ 6.2

I Fig. 7. Variation of conductivity

and pH with circulation time after
0 2 4 6 6 10
removing the magnetic device.
Tlmo (hr)

As shown in Table 2, the average Fig. 5, the effect of magnetic device was more
difference of the treated and untreated salt obvious in terms of the conductivity of the
passages was about 35%, where the difference solutions than pH. Therefore, the increment in
increased with the increase in the pressure. the pH values during the presence of the
In this set of experiments, the treated magnetic device and the slight reduction on
seawater solutions were circulated without the its values during the absentee of the magnet
presence of the magnet device. As shown in were most probably due to the release of the
Fig. 7, seawater solutions, which were CO2 from the solutions. The changes in the
circulated in the presence of the magnet salt passage values might be due to the
device, were circulated for several hours physical alteration such as clustering or
without the magnet device. Both the nucleation of certain types of ions. From the
conductivity and pH were decreased during molecular sieve mechanism, this alteration
the circulation time. However, the might hinder the transportation of those ions
conductivity values were more influenced through the microporous structure of the
than those for the pH. membrane. The other mechanism which
Comparing the results of Fig. 7 to those in might describe the effect of magnetic device
H. Al-Qahtani /Desalination 107 (1996) 75-81 81

is the chemical interaction between certain 131 V. Klassen, Water and Magnet, Nuaka, Moscow,
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interactions, In this work, circulation under a u21 0. Sohnel and J. Mulliin, Chemistry and Industry
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1151 K.W. Busch, M.A. Busch, R.E. Darling, J.L.
4. Conclusion McAtee, and D.H. Parker, Proceedings of the 45th
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Passing seawater solutions through a
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permanent magnetic device increased the on Simulated Brine Properties Pertaining to
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[I71 W.S. Vicki, Magnetic Fluid Conditioning,
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chemical changes to the nature of the ions V81 V.A. Boichenko and L.G. Sapogin, Theory of
which might have a lower possibility of Magnetic Water Treatment, Inzenemo-Fizicheskii
Zhumal, (translated) 33 (1977) 350-355.
passing through the membrane.
iI91 W. Abdelrahman, Division of Water Resources &
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University of Petroleum & Minerals.
[l] T. Vermeiren, Corrosion 5 (1958) 215.
[2] V. Soloveva, Med. Tekh. 3 (1970).

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