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pete Galea! ileal! Joa! ol Stability of slopes Taterall Sell apane ¢ hall Geaighl LLG ll Daag! Slay! Ga e699 gl] SLAM oa gh aT aly. Gylaally ¢ ll gboliiny Gal al 4guaally i oblly Mut Calan pb LE pte Uy) ope Lee cr zeall ogg gl del + Jazall ys alpilg Jeaall usd Glolaa jl Gabe gh Zl olay cpa Lagi Eyl seas da dual gh stale! saad pl Gobel, ola beall oda oT oe pt lly. Finite efement Basel! jp poliall RUC BU ase Uys YY gligs yl aie lips fl ln spta gl pdm cl pe day Jat tal Tale ple aaa layed! — watts pad olalgn! lel Leste (all dal! Jala hull paige — «shag abs gall actaleny! (V0) Jt cps Lal sf lays calgary (VV) Ba = AA - Waa oes Ledgill lly yall Uke pb pakll ole (1-45) USS cay Mr terse Fetal aL fpr wire = wastes = eeeubent W, oem fer'morerent para lorce otaath mam eng CT Se aes SS layer oF toe ‘wanker fram enim! Sxpemure sn gourd mata or chemical meat leech (DY git any Joell JIS Ly (0) seidll ole (7-44) JS =e 1 pls Lag pall BS mg (pil hac copies (ple plicel caliph! ge Haji UES JLindll yay Slide Gap gl lia! ~ Boll Viny BysS Calg) pn Leyill ya La glde pool dole crtony isganill Nisny + gill SasSall lS all pd Samy pinta pew ple Ul! (ya US Slag) gay + Rotational slides il ull JGisyt - wets) US Lad asus US Lely! ya: Block or Wedge Failure (hS! jLigvl — Bh dots gh LASS yl East aps pe ceeeny MOSM Joely Bagless yoril SU LBS) LagGYl oe pyle aes ally Lie olde Ul LI Ol capes Mi 3 lee le Tapleg)! Be Gye Megha US Lae yall tC all ge lad: Flow ula! — + (FANN) JSt liad Baye I golll Ming TypueSe US) Gye pall lS pall Ge Lb! : Spreads a1 tv! - Teall glagily col lg) cpa g gill Ma ba ogee SYS GT LS Gla ja dplie |S JIGAY ye aly SL Leste! 0 pe Ul Cpl tess py base Failure dacldL jlysyvl— cli Lyall (p8 Fp gaST! Lyall pd Say yay : Toe Failure pail gal - ¥ pial! la tall ciscacy'| aay S dull yup Ls (T= N9) WLe yay Slope Failure Jal sgl gl : Face Failure pet! Lyeyl — 7 | (EVN) ISS. Cease gh Male ly Ledges pT gigs! oe Leal het g tpl (£11) Ja 1 all oH taal ses gh Lapel Jalal (S49) ge cae al pitew|l eae Jalge (1-11) Jaa FACTORS IN INSTABILITY { Increased Suesses Decreased Strength | *1, External loads such as buildings, wa- ler, oF snow, #2, Increase in unit weight by increased water content. 3. Removal of part of slope by excava hon, . Swelling of clays by adsorpuion of wa- ter. #2. Pore water pressure (neutral stress}. Tireakdown of loose or honeycombed soil structure with shock, vibration, ‘or seismic activity, Hair cracking from aliernale swelling: and shrinnking or from tension *4. Undermining, caused by tunnelling collapse of underground caverns, or seepage erosion. 5, Shock, caused by earthquake or hlast- w Swain and progressive fuilure in sensi- tive soils and brittle mocks. "6. Thawing of frozen soil or frost lenses, *7. Deteriorstion of cementing material. *8. Loss of capillary tension on drying, “9. Weathering-chemical or biochemical deterigraiion. ing. 6, Tension cracks. 7, Water pressure in cracks. * Wate: involved - Ute —_—$—<$§$§s $7 :iageae peell Jgugll OLS dwlj> Stabitity analysis of infinite slopes : b Uga ye Byadem Leyte GGT ot B ale apie pad hee iol GAS) 15) « Ugule SApUl cg gill Ung pctll ae cous (0-44) USudly Z elit ty Note For uniter sage at valeeta extent ett Aamsmad plane ef nding Ne ores eewer dl Se yeane + 7 wn fem g 0 = ope ange when mane inn warge of sliding pak al pe 11) as : Cohesionless soil Gall Uzil ( 1) dad Mall ple BABU cell Lely IF, =0 Scos P=Nsin B s=n SBN ianB cos 5 yeh BUG pul ple Lyall Usps Lat Lalla pally tT(Al = 0 (AD tan ES yr coheall ple SON Ths Meggan Syd pal gio Al gl cue 2 GAN GLE gpa Layla pall gl day phil Biel San (Al) Ntan B = N tan ale err ee ee 2 gph SUH Le daa Tayly cpaall GU Hy tan B= tan > fh = 0 (for dry cohesiontess soil) pel Lage gle 3S5gLI LW! falas Spins Ha GU 0 glad Leng GUM Lales G60 Aagll Lak e al UL casy Laing: glee cu dal SMU abs yb pak Ml yall dial Jbl g Lai DL 0 Ve ST 8 : Tabb oe ratane Tybll Ge jas tan i ld ty shee she pall gery Ce Sal ED! Gl Lyles Gas Whe sly 5 dow anny GY alae Fake u Cohesive Soil = 0 Beelall all ( » ) lypilly raph GhamigL, Alpha phate JSS le sll claes oof UGA Ih} eles (ye Fall all Layle cS GI'5¥! sie GL (W-19) $50 56 Ua VBiplalls pie jams ses! twats F F samy O lym pgball Blglanngy « eal! UagEid Gail, LAV! alae ga F tym Wa = Gir F gal _ Culbert Be 2ya Baska! Ul ell ola (HVS eee gall ules! Stability coefficient 4!5a¥! Galas Taylor y3L5 pad silly aT LNT abn Sagan Lagi lead LEN alee ld HT sel gt aly. daniel sig STipbdl, Ge saay Gar Le Fy lly D pant! okey fi all Lagly Uvas (V-V4) JS all oe ca Ny tue (8-11) USA iy Stability Number oll ply gpl Lalas youu aly = 0 ste «sla! ph aN, call oes] lime Ny Example 1-1 : A 45° slope is excavated to a depth of 8 m ina decp layer of saturated clay of unit weight 19 kN/m?: the relevant shear strength parameters are Cy = 65 kN/m? and 6, = 0. Determine the factor of safety for the trial failure surface specified in Fig. 11-7. In Fig. 11-7 the cross-sectional arca ABCD is 70 m?, Weight of soil mass = 70 x 19 = 1330 kN/m. ‘The centroid of ABCD is 4.5 m from Q. The angle AOC is 89} ° and radius OC is 12.1 m, The arc length ABC is calculated as 18.9 m, The fac- tor of safety is given by : paola Wd = O5x1R9x 121 — a tose sar ae ‘This is the factor of safety for the trial failure surface selected and is nol necessarily the minimum factor of safety. The minimum facior of sactor of safety can be estimated by the fol- lowing relation. From Fig. 11-6, = 45° and assuming that D is large, the value of N, is 0.18. Then ee O18 x 1928 =237 ae (VV Njis (A-1 ee - Ve Chait for stability number, Ap No oli el (4-11) Jes, Example 11-2 : An unsupported slope is planned as indicated by the sketch for an area where a deep uniform homogeneous clay-soil de- posit exists. What is the factor of safety against sliding for the trial page plane indicated 7 en, Cro. aye f Ri Meigs “Unitarm Now ger i oan ys Nae sed qa ‘Aran of widing mass * 2270 st (by planienwtert We (2270 of 1 mi(100 pef] = 260,000 Ib, cc lana = BE (r0 » S5 c.ray sa) = 112m (Vlas) tes = LA- Caleulations for Factor of Safety (i) FS based on ratio resisting to causing moments ; Fe Chet = 1 st) (102 fe) (15 MCF wid) wd (2s0*) (33 1.) Feliz (ii) FS based on soil shearing strength : let Tq ™ shear strength required for slope equilibrium. Wd =1,,, Lr = Wd - 250333 — 9.985 k'st Tea Le 2s 75h Po ien C= Ub 2112 Tee Teg 0.985 ket Example 11-3 ; Find the safety factor of a proposed slope of 30” ‘on an embankment 20 m (65 ft) high with rock 13 m (43 ft) below the base of the embankment. The soil weighs 19 kN/m? and the shear strength, t = 225 kN/m?, in both the embankment and the foundation. : Leng = M1 = 1.7 2..N, = 0.17 from chart. 3.5 4, F= 2 93s O17 x 19520 3 Jigeamdl Las ies yond at Le iy pe General method for analysis of stability of slopes : Capongy qptapeadl guatg Vg) gen gH pal lS Leal pal Label Li ll on Dall ving (VINNY ISAM Bla ce em OT le slag elas ily pall olka no ty pall Sly Overtaming Moment Mo glagall pj pa LY! Gene galt aie + Ub ge GLY alae caayy Resisting Moment Mr pylall F = Resisting Moment ‘Overtuming Moment = Mr Ma =-VAe- Mo = Why - Wun dy - Wow da + Vby + 8% M,=R E wAL =R (tp AL + tz AL + ....) Laght p13 Lael al Malad May pla! (V9) Bat Example 11-4 : Calculate the safety of the following assumed segment (Fig. 11-12) if the crack, kwhich is 1.5 m deep, is filled with wa- ter. The arc radius is 9. m. (EVN) eG) Bes 1, Divide the are into two segments, AB and BC. Determine the length of each. =. = AB =3.7 m BC = 13.4m 2. Calculate the resisting moment. M,=T3x3.7% 9.9 +97 x 13.4% 9.9 = 15,542 kN/m 3. Calculate the weight of the segment and find the centroid by methods of statics. W= 1109 kN a= 4, The moment caused by the weight is 1109 x 3.1 = 3439 kN/m. 5. The resultant force of water pressure in the crack, P is —LSad8x15 _ 1m = 11 KN. It acts horizontally at a distance of 3.3 m from the center of the arc; M = 36 kN/m. 6. The total moment tending io cause overturning is M, = 3438 + 36 = 3474 kN/m. 7. The safety factor F is given by : 7 = 15542 — Ee Mid 45 2 (idegamy gl hype |) ai] pall iy ple Method of slices (Swedish method) : Unslgs caaple pil pabll ia play Lyall Ld Last yal G pall pal a dis phil ode Bla Ge ep plage! poles ol ty Gh ll ada pay. Pellenius jutudha allel PAD ABCD ths) GAC sly pls yal nil ley r Lehi ia Lays aT cody (MT VN) SSS th pall Syyletis Lad ll al pel ye Le peene l/ Papal ie peli ye MpSsehi aw ld Lap ed (cy penne dad day ll Poel Resisting Moment pw LAY! balan i yey ‘Ovecturning Moment SS ple Bll (colilly . pil tl IST paglisce a) ple GLAYI alas idgay £ ge Lay We ybh : pay W taal guy ~ doe SS Eyl wdny (Ol ggslad alL5)IN Bare Lill ple Lasad JN Za pall cogil! — U abl bye lity ( al coglis) NY Ep! Sry eall Spill ge LVI: cathe = =. | £, + gel LU data 0 tun (UL yey) Ts ty het ty T bse le, pall Rl — + Ea By ceil! ple Letpaall og yall — My Xy celal ple Gall (gs — «Lala po 45 Gt ns Lea le co pal Jani gly cilebll tis h (VTNN) * GUO Use papell daly LTr= = Wrsina T=ty1="1 1 Guay + El = EW sino ee Fal oie ewe 1 geal Mayle ce coma Era ung)! — al eves Ag) Ghali Joma F eL+m¢EN = YWaea =Wr- BD

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