Ceng 242 - HW2

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CENG 242 Water Supply and Wastewater Management

Homework #2

Due Date: Tuesday March 13, 2018

Problem 1

A settling test was performed in the settling column of height 2.5 m. Four numbers of ports were
provided to the column at the height of 0.5 m from bottom. Samples were collected from these
ports every 30 min and the results obtained are plotted in the figure below. Determine the overall
removal of solids after 1.0 h of settling.

Problem 2

Design a sedimentation basin with the following specifications (Using Excel):

• Flow: 75,000 m3/day

• Rectangular basin
• Depth: 3-6 m
• Width: 3-15 m
• Length: 4 × width
• Detention time: 4-8 hours
• Flow through velocity: <0.15 m/min
• Surface Overflow Rate: 30-50 m/d
• Weir Overflow Rate: 200-350 m2/d

CENG 242 – Spring 2018
Follow the steps below:

1. Divide flow into at least eight tanks.

2. Calculate the required surface area.
3. Calculate the required volume.
4. Calculate the tank depth.
5. Calculate the tank width and length.
6. Check flow through velocity.
7. If velocity is too high, repeat calculations with more tanks.
8. Calculate the weir length.

CENG 242 – Spring 2018

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