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1. It is allowed for the Sauron player to play the combat card "Retreat (sideways)" when the
battle occur in a mountains region? If no, what if it's the only card left?
a. If the Sauron player is forced to play the "Retreat Sideways" card while in the
mountains, the card is discarded but the player cannot actually retreat that
character. (So the card has no effect.)
2. Yes, but if I play the Retreat card in the Mountains, would I still die if Noble Sacrifice is
a. Noble Sacrifice - If this card is played, both characters involved in the battle are
defeated - unless the Sauron player has played his "Retreat" card, in which case
neither character is defeated (but both cards are discarded).
3. Can Original Frodo or Faramir retreat against the River?
a. Yes
4. Can a dark Character?
a. No. Only the Fellowship player may use the river.
5. What happens if the last card left in the Sauron player's hand is the 'Retreat' but he cannot
use it (due to the adjacent field being full or occupied by an enemy piece)?
a. You can always play the card. You may not always be able to execute what the card
says. In this case you play Retreat but cannot move so the fight is resolved with your
combat strength being what is printed on the unit.
6. Can Light use the tunnel to bypass Moria regardless of who is occupying Moria?
a. Yes, it does not matter who is there, the passage is possible. But if it is the Balrog the
Light piece dies before getting to see who is in Fangorn (if any Dark piece there, and
if Dark player reveals the Balrog).
7. In the variant if Gandalf comes back to life as Gandalf the White (via the special power
card) and meets up with Saruman is he automatically defeated? Or do they battle it out
like in the book/movie?
a. Gandalf the White just brings Gandalf back onto the board. He's still the same
character and is still defeated in the same way. This means he's still automatically
defeated by Deluxe Sauron.
8. Can the Flying Nazgul fly backwards (towards Mordor) with his ability to go to any space
with a single Fellowship character?
a. The Flying Nazgul can move anywhere there is a single Good character, including
backwards or from one mountain to another.
9. What exactly happens if two players both use magic at the same time? Does one player
choose and reveal his card first, allowing the other player to react to it?
a. In the rules it says whose text card goes first if there are two text cards played- it is
Dark. So Dark gets to pick first. Of course, if Eye of Sauron is in the discards, he can
use that to cancel Light's play of Magic, which will normally allow Dark to win (Dark
has stonger characters). If Eye of Sauron is in Dark's hand he's probably not going to
win this particular fight...
10. When is Sam's ability revealed?
a. After the Sauron player moves a piece there to attack and Frodo or Sam is the target.
You must reveal them both to prove they are together. You may choose not to do so,
but then Sam's power doesn't apply.
11. When retreating backwards, do you have to go back to the region you cam from? Or you
can choose? The same with retreating sideways.
a. You can choose from any valid available retreat space.
12. Can also Shelob and Treebeard move through "full" regions too? I guess yes.
a. They are placed directly into their respective regions...they don't move through any
regions to get there. It is as if they are teleported.
13. Can Gollum retreat forward into the region from which his attacker has come or only into
another empty forward region?
a. Any retreat can be made into the territory just vacated by the attacker as long as
that region is now empty.
14. What happens when BOTH players play RETREAT?
a. If it is still as the old version (and it should be so!), the Dark card is resolved first.
Thus the Light Player can see where the Dark piece is whitdrawn and then he applies
his own "Retreat".
15. Can Gwaihir be used to get Gandalf rid of variant Saruman? I think it work like original Orcs
attacking original Frodo.
a. Gwaihir replaces the character text of the Light character. You resolve the character
text of the Light character first, than the character text of the Dark character (with
the exception of the Warg.). Yes, Gwaihir saves Gandolf.
16. If Gandalf reveals himself to add 1 to the strength of another card, does that apply before
or after the Dark player chooses a discarded card when using a Magic card?
a. Before. And Gandalf adds 1 to the value of a character - not the card. So Gandalf can
still use his power even if the Light player uses Elven Cloak.

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