Workplace Ethic Problems

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Workplace Ethic Problems


ID : 55213115203



In the workplace today, employee are continuously face with ethical dilemmas. They are
confronted with situation which can influence them by these people which enter the work
force with differing backgrounds, values, goals, and perceptions of acceptable behaviours.
Many of them have career expectations that will be difficult, if not impossible, to realize in
today's society. This diverse, multicultural population of workers is being asked to work
together in a spirit of cooperation and respect for the good of the organization and the public
they serve. However, on the job, workers face decisions that have implications for their job
security, their salaries, and the success of their employing organizations-decisions that bring
pressures for them to protect their own interests, sometimes at the risk of losing their personal
and corporate integrity which make ethic problems can be dangerous for their career itself. At
work, some people may be called upon to do things that turn out to be unethical or even
illegal. These are some ethic problem at the work place:

1. Complete lack of respect for each other’s

Staff members that show a lack of respect for each other create breaks in company
communication. Employees that do not respect each other will not find it necessary to
exchange important information in an attempt to put each other behind on company
updates. The problem is that this prevents information to getting to other employees
and starts to affect company-wide communication.

2. Stealing time by arriving late and leaving early

Most of the employee is taking advantages and abuse the work time. Employees who
do not show up for their scheduled shift and have a friend clock in for them are
committing time card fraud. This can also include our reader’s co-worker who comes
in to work and clocks in but gets to work later than the start of their shift. Most of
employee are not being paid just to be in the building. They are paid to work and
produce results. Forging time sheets to show additional hours worked is another way
that unethical employees are trying to cheat the system.
3. Visiting inappropriate websites on company time

Literally millions of computers are connected to this vast resource. Every imaginable
type of information is available on the Internet if one knows where and how to search
for it. As with any kind of resource, it has its good and bad sides. Not surprisingly,
employers have had some problems with employees' use of the Internet:

 Unauthorized access into for-pay sites

 Sexual harassment charges from display of pornographic or obscene materials

found on some sites

 Trademark and copyright infringement problems from improper use or

dissemination of materials owned by an outside party

 Viruses in downloads of software and other materials from websites

4. Wearing unacceptable clothing to work

The manner of dress in workplaces can vary from uniforms to suits and everything in
between. Especially due to the now accepted casual dress in various types of
industries and businesses, including settings that formerly dictated formal business
attire, there are standards of appearance business owners want to maintain. This is
where a dress code comes in but some of the employee just ignored it and wear
anything which they felt comfortable for themselves.

5. Inappropriate use of cell phones

A generation of young workers have grown up with cell phones and social media. It’s
just second nature for them to share what’s going on in their lives with their friends,
whether it’s on Facebook or Snapchat. They may not be thinking about the
consequences of what they post. As more and more young people enter the workforce,
this issue must be addressed.


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