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. C .A . Wing Pre
b, C
Press Clu
Media &
Patron:: Prof.K.P. Singh
This Goonj...
President:: Dr.P.K.Mishra
Chairman C.C.A wing::
Dr.Satyabrata Jit
Secretary:: Shri Satish Kanaujia FACE to FACE
General Secretary C.C.A wing::
Praharsh Sharma Prof. K.
P. Singh
The Mah ....3
ant Ecol
Bhadra r
B. Gupta
Jees ieelr e iegveiegveeles Ûeues ieS...04
d God:my Dad....04
My Ideal,friend An
A for Apple....09
efoue keâe DeeF&vee....09
Jeòeâ....10 QUILLS
yeÛeheve....12 The Blind In
ceve keâe Évo....12 Haiku and
the art of Se
....12 nsual
Love Kept Me Alive
t Exist....14 ce....15
Road That did no
Goonj Fachc
Snmeeme....14 ha....22-26
adow Shine....28 Blogger....30
Sine, My wasted Sh
leeefueyeeve Dešwkeâ....31

Macaren Reminisces of asecy....8
Pagdand Einstein@BHU....10
Saturday 9 Pointers outcaste....11
Ghost Clubs....13
Hollow Fame....16
The Philantrophist....21

NISHABD IT BHU-The Proctor Protocol....29

The Law of Defiance....32
IT Day- A Sporty Affair....33
, +inf.
-inf., 34 IT Saftey Day....35
from us...

It has not been even a year and Goonj is getting all the love it had never dreamt of. Thank you IT for
the unconditional love and readership. The tremendous response to our call for write-ups has us humbled and firing
on all cylinders! We could only publish select pieces due to space constraint. But do keep writing, your articles/
poems/stories could be the highlight of our coming editions!
We as a team are expanding-with the inclusion of first years in the team. We give a heartfelt welcome to
them. Hope they're here to stay and work with the same energy and dedication as we do once that we are gone. We
had conducted a competition among the first years asking them to narrate their college experiences- the entries
ranged from hilarious and heartwarming to provocative and outright atrocious. Snippets of other fascinating
entries have also been posted. The response has been so enthusiastic that we have a section solely dedicated to the
On a closing note, we bid farewell to final year students, about to embark on an enthralling journey with
fond memories of IT-BHU in tow. If anything in the mag strikes a chord in you, we will know our work has made a

We would like to know what you feel about the mag- after all Goonj is by the students, for the students!
Forgive us for any errors that might have occurred and do write in your comments at

There are a lot of people who have contributed to the materialization of this issue. First and foremost, we
would thank our Hon. Director Dr. K .P. Singh, P . K. Mishra sir and Kanaujia sir. We would also like to thank Pt.
Veer Bhadra Mishra for sparing his precious time for the interview featured in this issue.

This edition is in many ways, a reflection of our IT lifestyle, its implications and the issues that
everyone takes for granted. After heaploads of controversies, altercations and hair-pulling,
we present Goonj's final edition for the academic year. Hope you enjoy reading Goonj as
much as we enjoyed creating* it.

Happy Reading!

2 *The Views expressed here are not necessarily that of GOONJ

Face to face - Prof K P Singh - Abhinav Pandey
Ram Gopal Varma
Goonj caught up with our new Director Prof. K P Singh. Excerpts from the short interview:
Goonj: Congratulations sir on the huge finances sanctioned for IT BHU. Where do you plan to
spend these funds?
Sir: These are going to be used for the overall development of the institute. Prime focus is on

Jees ieerle iegveiegveeles Ûeues ieS As a sibling, I was dull;
-Ankit Kumar Singh
- Oecexvõ Among the books, always lull. 3rd MNC
Those years were sad;
efÉleerÙe Je<e&, Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer And I felt bad.
jmceeW keâes Deepe nce Yegueeles Ûeues ieS Teachers frequently called my parents for meeting;
]peKce oj ]peKce ieues ueieeles Ûeues ieS~ I felt like they wanted me for eating.
Everywhere I had to face the music;
All seemed ugly, and the life was so tragic.
Gve DeeBKeeW ceW ueeves keâes Ûeej KegefMeÙeeB But something made it worth living;
nce Deheveer DeeBKeeW hej hejoe efiejeles Ûeues ieS~ There was pain, but something was soothing;
It was my Dad's hand on my shoulders, in the evening.

efvekeâues Les ketâÛes mes Ûebo DejceeB ueskeâj He said "You are my best son.
Your brain is dull, but your fault is none.
Gvekesâ efueS Kego keâe ef"keâevee Yegueeles Ûeues ieS~ A time would come, your brain would be bright as sun;
And proudly would I say, this is my son."

Slowly all my feelings died;

GuePeer ngF& Leer ef]peboieer keâer jmmeer henues mes ner Except for my Dad which deep reside.
Jees ieeB" hej ieeB" ueieeles Ûeues ieS~
Every evening my Dad says,
"To practice focus lets play chess."
We played few matches, till Mom made it a mess.
ef]peboieer mes nceW Lee Ùeejevee uesefkeâve keäÙee keâefjS I lost every game, and after each he said,
ef]peboieer keâer KegefMeÙeeB cewKeeves ceW GÌ[eles Ûeues ieS~ "How hard you tried! How good you played!
From my hands, the next game would certainly be swayed."

He said, "I have some dreams for you;

cesjs Jepeto keâe ngDee keâye GvnW Snmeeme I won’t tell you ,but watch you make them true."
cesjs pevee]pes ceW Jees ieerle iegveiegveeles Ûeues ieS~ I never know, what is his dream;
But Ifeel like I live for them.

From class 7th my life changed;

Depeerye meceeb Lee Ùeej Deheveer cenef]Heâue ceW I tried harder, and my results gained.
pees efieje Lee Gmeer keâes efiejeles Ûeues ieS~ I am an atheist, but I have heard;
"Things impossible can be done only by God."
If this is so, my Dad is my God.
CODEFEST For its impossible for a dull boy who detained even in class two;
There are no free lunches in the world! To reach a place so good and new;
The event Codefest proves this wrong completely. Ever wondered , Where reach only talented and still so few.
that there should be a technical festival where you do not need to give a
registration fee, do not need to go to a specific place to participate in Over here for an exam, I tried for weeks and I tried hard;
the event and yet win prizes worth more than Rs.2,60,000. Still yesterday my maths exam passed so bad;
This revolutionary thought has been executed for the first time, by the My spirits were fallen, I felt so sad.
Department of Computer Engineering, by hosting Codefest, the first At that time I remembered none of my friends except my Dad;
completely online international coding festival in Indian I had no option but to call my Dad.
Subcontinent. Promising free registrations, prizes worth more than With my voice griefstruck with sorrow,
I told him what occurred had.
2,60,000 INR and complete guidance from the core team members A bit upset yet soothingly he asked;
regarding all the events, this event has brought about a renaissance in "What do you think?'failed' or 'passed' ? "
the field of technical competitions related to computer science. There I said truly "I am certainly 'passed';
have been more than 2300 registrations from 40+ different countries But the grades can go as bad as D."
on the website from more than 550 different institutions round the
globe which includes more than 150 professional participants. Within He said "You are my best son.
just 2 months of website launch, it has registered a whopping Your luck went tough ,but your fault is none.
2,25,000 hits in more than 100 countries and 1000+ cities. A time will come, your luck will be good.
It included exciting competitions on Application Development, And you would not have to depend on me
Algorithms,Programming & Logic and Mathematics and or anyone else for clothes, shelter and food."
was open for participation from students & professionals all
He further said "I still have some dreams for you.
over the globe. I wont tell you, but watch you make them true."
4 Computer Science engg. department I never would know ,what is his dream;
But I feel like, I live for them.
-Abhinav Pandey

Veer Bhadra Mishra is a name that needs no introduction.

? The Mahant of Sankat Mochan - the second largest temple in Varanasi-the main destination
for Hindu pilgrims in India.
? Former professor and head of IT BHU Civil Engineering.
? Recognized on the United Nations Environmental Program's Global 500 Roll of Honour in
? Listed as one of the 10 “Heroes of the Earth” by TIME magazine in the year 1998.
At the age of 72, he is still dynamic, dazzling and ever busy. With the long queue of people
waiting to receive his blessings, we met him for this interview-

Goonj: Sir please tell us something about your childhood and early education.
SIR: I've spent all my life in Varanasi. I was born in September 1938 and have been here since then. Being the only son
in a very strict Hindu family, I was very important to the family too. I attended primary school at Durgakund – a
very primitive one where we would sit on the floor with slates and chalks. To be honest I never wanted to go to
school and would cling onto my sister (smiles).

Goonj: So how did you get into the science stream despite being from such an orthodox background?
SIR: Upto 8th standard I did not have English as a subject-not even science, only maths. In 1951 I was admitted to CHS
Kamachcha .We had a German principal at that time-Otto Wolf. With no science background, I was initially not
allowed to take science. But then one day the principal happen to meet me. He was quite impressed by me and
passed an order to allow me to study science .Finally I stood 7th in the merit.

Goonj: And how did technology happen?

SIR: In 1953 I started attending Central Hindu College. All good students from the college went to BENCO. I did the
same and completed my graduation in 1960. Then in1961, I joined as a lecturer at BENCO, became a reader in
1968, professor in 1979 and finally retired in 2001.

Goonj: Tell us something about BHU in your times.

SIR: (silently raises his hand to bless an old man bending over sir's feet.)We only had two hostels-Rajputana and
Limbdi- the hub of all activities. Our principal, Prof. M. Sengupta, was the first ever Indian principal of BENCO.
We generally called his house the “Whitehouse” (laughs) as at that time Rajputana, Limbdi and the Principal's
residence were painted in white contrary to the other university buildings. There were just three branches-
electrical, mechanical and civil. The classes would start on 9th July and we would be in the class at 7AM sharp.
The academics were not easy though -75%of the papers were external and very often we wouldn't find a single
thing taught in the class in the question paper! There was no provision of supplementary or back paper. It used to
be a straight year back and if you failed in more than 3 subjects in the first year, you would be expelled! Thus a
batch of 160 would become 125 by the end of final year! Almost everyone who passed from BENCO those days
left for America. I stayed in Varanasi though because my uncle didn't want me to leave.

Goonj: Some instances that you remember very well?

SIR: Of course. I remember the first time when I bought a pair of trousers (at Lanka)- because my teachers wouldn't
allow me to attend practicals and workshops in a dhoti. I even switched my branch thrice in my first year
(quite to the anger of the Vice principal)- from electrical to mechanical to civil and finally
sticking with it.

Goonj: Can you tell us something about Tulsidas, Sankat Mochan, your generations being the Mahants there and the link
between all these three.
SIR: (points to the staircase leading from his balcony into a gallery! Really!) Tulsidas lived here for 50 years and
completed Ramcharit Manas here itself. Lord Hanuman gave darshan to Swami Tulsidas in the nearby
jungles- where the Sankat Mochan temple now stands. No text in world mentions Hanuman as Sankat Mochan –It
was something that Tulsidas came up with. Right since its establishment, Sankat Mochan has been one of the places
with no restrictions. We have been associated with Sankat Mochan for the past 200 years (3 g e n e r a t i o n s ) . T h e
eldest son of the generation becomes the Mahant of Sankat Mochan. I took up the responsibilities at age 14 after my
father expired. My eldest son will be following me.

Goonj: So are you the first one to have done a job besides being the Mahant?
SIR: There is a rule in the temple that no temple offering will be used by the Mahant for his or his family's purpose .Thus
all my ancestors too worked for a living.

Goonj: You've been given many honors for your Ganga cleaning drives. When did the abhiyaan start and how has the
journey been so far?
SIR: It started with the Sankat Mochan Foundation and the Swatch Ganga Abhiyaan in 1983- one of the longest running,
most ambitious and comprehensive environmental campaigns in the world. Ganga action plan came up in 1986. In
1992 United Nations Environmental Program included me in the Global 500 Roll of Honour and the New
Yorker magazine covered our activities in 1998. These brought us into the international scene. Followed this
was the honour by TIME and also an invitation to share the podium with President Clinton during his 2000 visit of
India(at Agra). Mr. Clinton was very happy with our efforts which followed a path which is in accordance with both
science and faith.

Goonj: In November 2008, the Indian Government declared Ganga as a national river. Any change in the official attitude
towards the problems after this step ?
SIR: There has been no improvement.

Goonj: So what keeps you going?

SIR: The Ganges. I am probably the only man along the entire length of Ganga who implies both science and spirituality
for its cleansing. It is a struggle and I'll continue till I can.

Goonj: And your views on politics.

SIR: Both politics and political support are important nowadays to expedite any work.

Goonj: So any plans to enter into politics?

SIR: (laughs it off ) No.

Goonj: How do you switch between the roles of a priest and an activist?
SIR: (with already a huge pile of work and devotees to handle) God has given us two faculties-the rational and the
spiritual. These are like two parallel lines, like the two banks of a river, they can never meet. And if at all they happen
to meet, blessed joy endows upon you!

(Blesses us as we get ready to leave.)

3rd Comp Sc.

It was eight years ago that I met a lady named Asha in an old age home in Dehradun. Sitting in her room
on a dull Wednesday afternoon and firing questions at her as a part of SUPW school assignment, I indifferently recorded her
answers in my notebook. Answering very enthusiastically about the kind of living conditions the place offered and her daily
routine she got up from her chair and approached an almirah. As she fumbled through the things in it, I noticed that her eyes
wandered somewhere in space and her palm kept shifting from one object to the other as if trying to analyse what the object was
without looking at it...It suddenly struck me that she might be blind. The thought left me dumbstruck for a moment and it took me
another phase of close observation to reconfirm my thought...she was offering me a pack of biscuits out of her elderly courtesy.
Still only half believing my thought, I got restless and instantly threw this bitterly rude question at her.
"Is there something wrong with your vision ma'am?”
And pat came the reply. "Yes beta...I turned blind 45 years ago"…. I fell silent after the reply and having gauged
my unease the lady forcefully began some conversation. How I regret having asked that question!. My heart still contracts at the
thought of my nonchalant behaviour. The lady was a living perfection. It would take the eyes of a fish to observe that she had no
vision. She moved so swiftly around her room and did not even stumble once while climbing down the staircase. She showed me
the place around the old age home without a stick or a support and whenever I offered her my hand out of courtesy, she detested.
She hated being pitied but I wonder what made her pour out her entire life story in front of me. I sat down listening to her in silent

She was a normal girl with the most conventional dreams and aspirations until this heinous incident shattered
her life to pieces. The cause of her blindness was her very own brother-in-law who raped her mercilessly and even tried killing
her. She feared to get into further details as the thought still caused a chill to run down her spine. After the incidence her fiancé who
was allegedly in love with her refused to accept her. Her parents had passed away sometime back and her only support was her
elder sister. As if all this was not enough she too turned her back giving into the pressure from her husband. Few known people had
dropped her to a charitable hospital where she managed to attain physical fitness after the treatments. She did not bother to think
what was next as she had been rendered too insensitive to weep in self pity. After few failed attempts to find work she joined an
orphanage for the disabled children and undertook a course in Braille. Today she is a teacher at a blind school imparting education
to hundreds like her.

Her past has filled her heart and soul with a strong sense of retaliation. She has already undertaken a judicial
procedure against her culprit and is also fighting for an equal share in her late father's property. The proceedings have seen a phase
of partial success. More than 50% of what she earns goes into the monetary requirements of the litigation and with the other part
she manages her life and the life of a girl she adopted from the orphanage. The only thing that jitters her is the thought of being
dependent. She has no regrets for not having a husband and kids because everyday she witnesses children abandoning their
helpless parents at this place. A sense of relief fills her heart thinking that she does not have to go through the tragic phase of giving
up a bondage. How she managed to rebuild a life that had shattered to bits makes her a living example of audacity and success.
Even at the age of 70 when anyone would aspire to lead a pleasant retired life, she is going strong inspiring everyone who has had a
peek into her life story. Her existence fills me with a sense of pride not because of feminism but because of the example of
courageousness she sets before us.
She is optimism personified and after all her name speaks
for her never say die attitude....Asha...

- Aviral Srivastava
Summer arrives and so does the circular for application of Gymkhana posts. Old
certis are dusted, achievements exaggerated and the flattery of seniors begins as everyone
starts dreaming to bolster his CV with a secretary/ joint secretary post.

To be frank, a post in the cultural wing earns a lot of respect. First years look upto
you, you become the face of your club, people recognize you on the streets…it’s an
e exhilarating experience.

Then come the workshops-first element in the stack of responsibilities.

Organising any event in IT is never easy(forget sports for a moment folks!) For
example, the literary club decides to hold a literary workshop. That requires a letter
forwarded by the Vice Chairman and Chairman of Literary Wing, Administrative
Officer and President of IT-Gymkhana. If any of these are out of station, you’re at a dead
end. Then of course, you need a room application and the caretaker might simply refuse to
grant you G11, claiming you’ll vandalise the room. So that application is wasted and
you go back through the same ol’ signature route for another room! Oh, but wait there are
3 more sets of permissions for mikes, mike stands and projector. Not to mention, a
straight cancellation of your event should any sports decide to hold their competition in
your time slot. And hey, a professor has to be present if a first year workshop is being
conducted- so that’s another application letter!
So if the workshop is planned a week in advance and this procedure takes four days (say), the organizing team has only 2
days for publicity. Printing costs of posters -obviously from their pockets.

On the day of the event, no one turns up on time. There are on-the-spot challenges: shortage of stationery, wires are too
short, mike isn’t loud enough or maybe the laptop isn’t compatible with projector!

Probably the less publicized side of posts! However, once the event is a success, the satisfaction and adulation that
follows is enough to egg you onto yet another day. At the end of the day, you’ve made a difference, a job well done is always
appreciated and then you realize it really isn’t about the CV or the certificate, it’s your passion that drives you, passion that
motivates your team-mates, pushes you towards excellence and most importantly,
brings in the participation (overhyping helps too!).

Changing the system is impossible, so we work within the boundaries of the
system and do our bit.

Gymkhana - @Bottom line: people applying for dummy posts for the sake of certis are in for a rough ride (first
of all what makes you sure you’ll get a certificate?).
If you take a post now and don’t work, that’s what you will do in your life and career as well.

you,“Rules are
these in practise, I would like to remind
As we all know and we sincerely put on the cont rary ther e are rules which we follow
nt to be br oken”, the olde st and the most effective words. But
unknowingly....”UNSAID RULES”
of talent ), seriously it does not
mechanical engineering (irrespective
1. Bid adieu to 9 pointer if you are a
matter. ned sports fest. (Don’t
ona l play er first y ea r ough t to be the ‘water boy’ to be a part of the renow
2. Even a nati
mistake it for monopoly its RESPECT
ies allow ed on the GAM CHA road.
3. Only couple entr perm itted the other way round.
but it s not
4. A senior boy can date a junior girl
Feel free to file in an entry.......
A for APPLE GÌ[eve
-Ankit Kumar Singh
3rd MNC
Some years ago,a child was born;
With an inborn habit of imagination; DeefYepeerle Megkeäuee
He could build castles in air; ÛelegLe& Je<e& efJeÅegleerÙe DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer
Even while someone was grabbing him by his hair.
For him such punishments were frequent; Deepe yebo keâjkesâ DeeBKeW,
Because he seemed among the disobedient. pees DeekeâeMe keâes osKee
lees efkeâleves ner Dee]peeo hebÚer efoKes
It was an english class on proceed; GÌ[les ngS Skeâ Ssmeer GÌ[eve,
Ma’am ordered everyone to learn a,b,c,d;
Everyone and him had their books opened; efpemekeâe ve keâesF& Deble Lee, Deewj ve keâesF& Meg®Deele,
And ma’am was waving a wooden scale in her hand. ve keâesF& keâoceeW kesâ efveMeeve Les Deemeceeve hej,
]peceerve hej Gvekeâes Ûeuevee heÌ[lee Lee
He read in his mind " 'a' for apple"; ve Leer Gcceero keâer yesefÌ[ÙeeB,
And the book showed a picture of a wonderful apple. pees yeebOeleer nes Gvekeâes ueesieeW kesâ meheveeW mes ~
While mugging up 'a' for apple,
And looking at the picture of the apple;
There came a moment, just an instant did imagination took; yeme Dee]peeoer Leer Deewj,
To take him away from the book. Gvekeâer Deheveer GÌ[eve
He never knew when his head turned away from the book; pees keâneR mes cegPes kegâÚ FMeeje mee keâjleer Leer ~
But he could see or rather feel the apple no matter where he had a look.

In the air the number of apples rising he saw; hej peye DeeBKe Kegueer,
Some were ripe while some were raw; lees Meece {ue Ûegkeâer Leer
In his mind he thought "I want that big red one"; Deewj Deemeceeve Keeueer Lee
With this in mind that when in morning mom cut a bit green one; ceQ JeneR ]peceerve hej,
He had a bite and thrown the rest, when looking on him was none. Deheves hewjeW mes Debpeeve
From nowhere but from air; YeerÌ[ ceW Keeslee pee jne Lee . . .
A knife came for sure;
Which cut the best one into quarters four.
The apple really would have been the best one;
because out of pieces four, the seeds were in none.
efoue keâe DeeF&vee
They looked so good, so fresh, so sweet;
With watery mouth, he wanted them in order to eat;
efJekeâeme kegâceej heeC[sÙe
But suddenly on his cheek and his ears, he felt a sound, pain and heat. le=leerÙe Je<e& efJeÅegleerÙe DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâera
For his ears were being plucked and a slap just been hit. DeeF&vee Jener nw, metjpe Jener nw,
jespe Mekeäue keäÙeeW yeoueleer nw ?
His ma’am suddenly had come from the real world; peerJeve keâer ie"jer Keesuees, efoue keâe neue Keesuees,
With an angry face and a question to be answered; lees meeBme keäÙeeW GKejleer nw ?
"Start telling me a, b, c, d; efoueeW kesâ ojJee]pes Fleves Úesšs keäÙeeW nw ?
Show me how much have you learned." FvnW Oethe nJee Yeer ve ueieleer nw ~
And obvious is what he answered; ÛesnjeW kesâ iegueeye cegjPeeÙes jnles nw,
Or whether he answered. Ûeeboveer jele keâer omlekeâ keäÙeeW veneR efceueleer nw ?
Fvmeeve DeewjeW keâes osKe keâj nBmelee nw, cegmkegâjelee nw,
For all other students he made laughing scenes; hej efoue ceW Ûeesš keäÙeeW efÚheeÙes jKelee nw ?
With tears from his eyes, hands on his ears he stood at the MeerMes keâes Kegues ceW ]peesj oes ojej veneR heÌ[leer
Door on his knees;
Inexpressible was his sadness as his sorrow was mixed; Flevee mecYeeueles nw hej efpemce hes Ùes PegefjÙeeB keäÙeeW heÌ[leer nw ?
It was for his ma’am’s angry face, efveMee keâes menj efceueleer nw, Gceü yeerle peeleer nw,
For his ears having been pulled, keäÙeeW efkeâmeer keâes Je]heâe veneR efceueleer ?
For his face been slapped, jes]pe Mekeäue keäÙeeW nw yeoueleer ?
For being laughingly disgraced,
And last but not the least,
-Abhinav Pandey
This year on the 14th of March -the pi day when people around the world
celebrated marking Einstein's 131st birthday, we here at Goonj, uncovered a surprising relationship
between Banaras Hindu University and Albert Einstein.

Now we must go to the late 30's when Einstein was working with a university in
Switzerland (while his family stayed back in Germany)–which had till then been neutral politically
although the scene in Europe was not quite encouraging. A war could rage anytime amongst the
political tension.

Back in India among all the political turmoil, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya was the rector of BHU and
Dr. S Radhakrishnan, the VC of the university (what a team!).

Going back to Europe while the situation worsened and Jews everywhere were becoming the centre point of atrocities,
losing jobs and economically and socially paralyzed, it was then that quite a number of Jew scientists in Germany and German
speaking countries started to leave for foreign universities.

Albert Einstein, relying on the persuasion and suggestion of his friends (and a little worried by the political scene maybe)
did plan to leave too. And it will be quite surprising for many to know that Einstein applied for professorship at the department of
Physics, BHU. He wanted to teach and carry on research work here at BHU in Varanasi! And what is more astonishing is that his
application got rejected!

The University at that time could not go by personal (popular) opinion and needed some kind of reference from the home
country (Germany) before the appointment. The only report available was Einstein's school report-which as we all know was
beyond any hopes. He suffered from dyslexia, had a lot of useless imagination-it said and thus the application went rejected.
There is also a parallel opinion of the fellow professors at that time in the department not being very encouraging of him joining
here. Before BHU could reach him through mail he had already joined the University of Princeton in USA owing to a good friend
circle he had there.

Though Einstein could never teach here, what cannot be denied is that teaching at Banaras Hindu University was one of
his choices-he actually wanted to carry out his research in one of those (now) old and high ceilinged buildings of the university.
Though he could never visit this city ,this campus, somewhere in the old forgotten stacks in one of the university offices lies his
application -the person whose visions changed the way world thought-willing to be a professor in the place where we study

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India is a visiting professor of BHU. Dr Kalam said he was ready to
take classes of at least 60 students every year when he was here for the university convocation 2008.

Jeòeâ Jeòeâ lees Ûeue jne nw Gmeer j]heäleej mes

cesjer ef]peboieer ceW meyekegâÚ "nje keäÙeeW nw ~
oerhekeâ Jecee& ieerues efMekeâJes Deekeâj ™keâ peeles nw neW"eW hej
le=leerÙe Je<e& ]heâecee& nj ueheä]pe hej KeeceesMeer keâe henje keäÙeeW nw
efoue keânlee nw ceesnyyele veneR keâeÙeecele nw Ùes
lees efheâj efoue keâer oerJeej hej lesje Ûesnje keäÙeeW nw
10 ]peKce lees Deewj Yeer nw lesjs ]peKceeW kesâ efmeJee
lees lesjs ner ]peKce keâe oeie Flevee ienje keäÙeeW nw ...
9 Pointer
Outcasts -Aviral Srivastava
ust when we thought that the weather forecast of absolute grading would mean barren mark sheets, some
renegades have reaped bountiful harvests. While we have branches languishing with only a handful touching 7, there's metallurgy
overflowing with 8 pointers. Compare it to drought-stricken Andhra crying foul when Punjab is overflowing with grains, but that
woefully is a democracy. Another pen-down movement in our college will only wipe out careers, not mark sheets. In the words of
Godfather, students have got an offer they can't refuse: a gun to the head and either their brains or solutions will be on the answer
So what are the hallmarks of a 9 pointer? Simply bring in the topic of results and sense their urge to explode. Also watch
out for fake sympathy assurances to fellow 6 pointers, disparaging comments about their own efforts, the you-know-hamare-dept-
mein-padhai-kahaan-hoti-hai response and quite often- the G-factor. You can hardly blame the 9-pointer girls though- how long
can they gossip behind locked hostel gates; they probably turn to books out of sheer boredom! Nevertheless, G-toppers are still
hard for guys to digest- blame it on the ego or whatever you will. We guys in Goonj ought to know- we already feel like the black
sheep of the team, surrounded by toppers (namely Jayantika, Shriti, Mitali- take a bow people!)
The only respite seems to be internal choices in the question papers. Sadly students are still in denial mode, the library is
still empty and photocopy shops still overloaded. Some are clinging to the distant hope of an IIT conversion and a return to
relative. Sorry to burst your bubble, but every IIT is autonomous and free to choose its own grading system (absolute in ITBHU's
case). Last minute studies will no longer produce miracles and it's time to put those library cards to good use.
Many students conveniently forget to put their odd semester results while mass-mailing for interns. Others are praying for
summer semesters to wipe the slate clean and start afresh. The grading system has proved a blessing for the applied sciences and
small departments, while the core departments only shudder at the murky prospects ahead.
But at the end of it all, finally we are doing what we are meant to-Study!

Did u attend the class today..??

Scheduled working days in the calendar = 192(173 holidays)
Lets have a look at them, ‘ The Non-avoidable reasons’ – the cause
you had to miss the class you did not intend to.....
1. Health -
On an average an urban Indian falls ill for about 5%of the
working i.e 10 including us and our teachers it makes it,
10*2=20 days
2. Festivals- rich Indian culture.
Holi and Dusherra each break sweeping 5 days before and that sums upto 10 days. 5*2=10 days
3. College Fest – an integral part of college.
Three major ones, Friday’s off with Thursday spent in
preparation and the following Monday for rest after the gala fair
.... A fest at the cost of 3days. In total, 3*3=9 days
4. Class Tests – prequel to end sems.
Attending classes during, before and after CT’s is not permitted,
So, 4 days. And with 4 CT’s per year we miss :4*4 = 16 days
5. Nature – pouring rains(no umbrella or Beautiful weather!!!)
Only 4 days....
Mechanical 2nd year 6. Condolences = 2 per year.
7. End sems – preparation leave before the time table one....
4 days for theory paper and 6 days for 3 labs (credit
independent), so we have:(4+6)*2 = 20 days
8 26 -All Clear 8. Some minor but important details: proxies, morning classes(its too
33 -1 or 2 fakkas cold, hangovers, studying late night ;))....
15 -4 fakkas Proxies – will amount to 3% of 192 = 6 days.
15 26
08 -5 fakkas Morning class bunk equivalent to 3% of 192 = 6 days
Finally if u noticed we miss 93 days with an attendance of
51.56 % though we need 75% andabove to sit for the exams!

-Ram Gopal Varma

yeÛeheve Love kept me alive -Ayush Somani
DeefYeveJe Keb[sueJeeue 1st trical
le=leerÙe Je<e& OeelegkeâerÙe DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer No more than a corpse was I,
Lying lifeless under the clear sky.
Tired of life's desert and infernal heat
keâesF& nesleer hÙeejer vešKeš iegefÌ[Ùee, There was no one for whom my heart could beat.
šWMeve keâer ueÌ[er, Dee]heâle keâer hegefÌ[Ùee, I had lost hopes on earth to reside,
keâYeer cegPemes ueÌ[leer, keâYeer cegPes meleeleer, Left everything for nature to decide.
keâYeer cegPemes ™"leer, keâYeer cegPes ceveeleer, Even nature did not give me hopes.
Glued to the earth was I, as if tied with ropes.
LeesÌ[e cegPes mecePeleer, LeesÌ[e cegPes mecePeeleer,
efoue keâer yeele Gmemes keânlee, lees nbmekeâj ce]peekeâ GÌ[eleer, The nature began to execute its plans.
efheâj Oeerjs mes Deeleer Deewj hÙeej mes yeefleÙeeleer, To feed on me it sent down animal clans.
Leeches and fleas invaded my skin,
Deewj keânleer- Wishing to suck my veins clean.
‘lett yeeJeuee nQ js YeeF& ! ’’
Smelling my raw flesh,
mebie Kesueles, mebie Keeles-yeefleÙeeles, Jackals and hyena came along.
lees yeÛeheve kesâ Jen efove Fleves metves ve jn peeles.... Whoever thought I would live was wrong.
Soon vultures and eagles joined the feast,
I thought they would leave my bones atleast.
But then came wild dogs in the act,
Fought for every bone,
There could be no peace pact.

In the end there was only one thing left,

My heart that had always wept.
Why did the beasts leave it?
It would have been delicious
ceve keâe ÉJevo Or did they realise it was precious?
Yes, they realised it was a precious thing
And it had to be stabbed by no less
Øeceeso efleJeejer than the jungle king.
DevegmebOeeve DeOÙeslee, Fueskeäš^e@efvekeâ DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer
The lion was called from the jungle side.
cesjs efJeÛeejeW keâe Demhe<š mebmeej He walked towards my heart with full pride.
keâesnjs kesâ heej keâe pewmee iegyeej The beasts bowed their heads in his honour,
There was silence in every corner.
DeMeevle peue ceW ceÛeuelee Øeefleefyecye
DeveosKes osMe keâe pewmee efyecye ~ But there was still a strange sound,
the heart was throbbing he found.
OegvOe kesâ heej ve]pej [eueves keâer keâesefMeMe He licked the heart, it tasted sweet.
pewmes Ûeueleer heJeve keâes hekeâÌ[ves keâer Ûeen Love was mixed in its every bit.
Deme]heâue neslee cesje nj ØeÙeeme The 'Brave Heart' bowed his head
veerÙeefle keâe cegPe hej yeve Gheneme ~ before my feeble heart.
Ûeuelee ef]heâj Yeer Fme DeemeÙe kesâ meeLe Honouring Love he said,
"This heart will live."
efvekeâuesiee metjpe nesieer jewMeveer Skeâ yeej And went away finishing his part.
Úšsiee OegvOe efmLej nesiee Øeefleefyecye
ceQ yevetBiee DeKev[, efmLej Deewj efveefJe&Ûeej ~ My body was taken away from me
And taken away were my senses five.
But the love in my heart still kept me alive,
The love in my heart still kept me alive.

GHOST clubs -Aniruddh Vashisth
IT-GYMKHANA- the hub of all cultural and sports activities,
P1- Buzz-Public
announces loads of Student Activity Clubs every year- many of these nervous!!!! Awaiting the results.....
are existent on paper and certificates of their respective secys! These 4 people liked this- P1,P2,I have no work and P5
posts/clubs seem like a pack of cards distributed by Gymkhana where
the game doesn't seem to proceed. P2 : What happend??? Results out???.....Mar 27
The clubs start with a great zeal but as the academic year P3(wannabe buzzer): Why nervous???? Does not
progresses, the enthusiasm dies away. Reason- one person is entrusted suit a 9 pointer.... I m sure to flunk...Mar 27
with many key posts in different clubs. These secys find it very difficult P1: Kindly stop using your brains. Its something far
to manage more than one club and the scenario is more like a ”cat on hot more important, its about the post of Secy
tin” where secys are hopping from one club to the other , and usually for the club, ‘Create your own unique club’....Mar 27.
P2:Wish you need it man...and I am
unable to work out a strategy for this dual responsibility. Quite a lot of
sure you are the right person for this
time the post for such clubs is given to a least deserving person who important post.......8.30 pm
takes the post to get things related to other more functional(clubs) done. P3: You deserve it ...Can we yet file for Joint-
More importantly, new clubs are created with almost no infrastructure Secy????.....8.50 pm
(as if the previously existing ones have any), no constitution and no
guidelines. Person expected to bear the grunt of all this-the post holder-
who obviously has no external (or internal) support.
When things seem to be favouring the secy, a simple workshop
for their club asks them to fetch permissions from ten different places.
Frustrated people prefer remaining inactive. Ultimately the Gymkhana P2 – Buzz- Public
has to cancel a club for disfunctionality at the end of the year. My roomie is going to be the secy of -‘Create
Outcome of the entire exercise? your own unique club’ club .....8.51 pm
Ans- some more (new) clubs under the IT Gymkhana this year.
Goonj: More people should come forward to take posts rather than
the same bunch of overburdened people visible everywhere.
Because soft skills are twice more important than technical skills
Communication as defined in the Cambridge advanced learners dictionary is the art of sharing information with
others by speaking, writing, moving your body or using other signals.
Today's professional needs to be dexterous with both his verbal and non verbal communication skills and these
skills are most sought after by the recruiters. The placement season is abuzz with stories of how a deserving candidate lost
out on a job, just for sheer lack of communication skills or about how somebody “cracked it” owing to his communication
skills. The issue was always on the “chalta hai” list of itians as we have had no platform to hone these skills.
A student initiative under the name Speakerz Club was taken up with the sole purpose of bridging this gap and the
idea is starting to catch up with itians like a fire.
Prakhar jain, a regular attendee of speakerz club sessions expresses his experience as” The club activities has given
me an ease in facing the challenges on a day-to day basis, building up the etiquette level and has helped raising my
performance bar.”. Another member, an MBA aspirant Shobhit quotes, ” Club has provided me with opportunities to
ameliorate my performance and provided me with a platform to showcase my talents and further hone them through
guidance of seniors and guest lectures.”.
Speakerz club sessions include a wide array of activities such as GD, case studies, PI, guest lectures, professional
vocab. etc which grooms u into a complete professional.
Speakerz club works as a cohesive and informal group of enthusiastic individuals. One of the member, Rishi
personally feels “it is never too late to start from scratch or too difficult to learn”. It will benefit anyone and everyone who is
willing to participate and contribute.
Catch us on Facebook
Join Google Group 13
The Road That Did Not Exist ceefCe censMe
-Akshaye Ranade osKeer Skeâ ÚefJe cewveW le=leerÙe Je<e& mesjeefcekeâ DeefYeÙeebef$ekeâer
3rd EP
efveleeble Meeble meer,
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood efvejenej,
Oh! poor Robert only one he could
He took the one less preferred efkeâmeer kesâ hÙeej keâer hÙeeme ceW oew
~ Ì[ jner Deveble jeneW hej,
Down that beat inevitably he suffered. osKee Skeâ MÙeeceue, efkeâ ve peeves efkeâme osMe mes,
Pricks and pains it'd all be about keâefJe keâer DeeBKeeW ceW, efkeâme jen mes keâye,
Of this fact he had not a doubt yew"e meeiej, Dee peeS Jen
Never lost hope never lost confidence
And that made all the difference. ieeiej keâer Deeme ceW . . . Gmekesâ heeme ceW . . .

With his destiny he had a tryst efÚheer meer DeeYee Gmekeâer

Penned his life,the great sonnetist efkeâ yew"er nw Jen DeYeer Yeer,
Of his poem and his life this was the gist DeeBÛeue keâer DeeÌ[ ceW,
But there was another! The one that did not exist! meefoÙeeW mes,
osKe jner efJejn keâer jeneW mes
lehe ceW lehe jner efove efove~
For ages and ages before Robert did pass MÙeece keâe Ûesnje,
efJejn ceW,
A deep and dark jungle it was mesnje nw pees
A traveller stood there that day
Gmekesâ peerJeve keâer Meeble,
With his bare hands carved a way.
Deblejbie DeeYee keâe ~ Skeâ ceboneme efKeuelee keâYeer,
And lost in wilderness here I stand
efkeâ Jener MÙeece MÙeece kesâ hÙeej kesâ efJeÕeeme ceW...
With my dreams the only tools in hand
I shape my way that one day would yemee nw,
Be the third road in the yellow wood.
MÙeecee kesâ peerJeve keâer efkeâ vener nw Ûeen Gmes,
nj Õeeme ceW. . . ogefveÙee ceW efkeâmeer Deewj keâer,
yeme MÙeece keâe veece yemee nw,
meeJeve yejme jne nw, nj heue ceW, nj meeBme ceW ~
MÙeecee keâer DeeBKeeW mes, peer jner Jen heue heue,
yen jner Oeeje OejCeer hej, cej jner Jen heue heue,
Útves keâes yeme Gmeer kesâ Snmeeme ceW...
efØeÙelece kesâ ÛejCe keâes ~
osKeer Skeâ ÚefJe
efkeâmeer kesâ hÙeej keâer hÙeeme ceW ~
yew"e hÙeej keâe meeiej
ieeiej keâer Deeme ceW...

Haiku and the Art of Sensual Maintenance
limericks for kids
sonnets for Shakespeare junkies
haiku transcend realms

Calling haiku (which is both the singular and plural form) a seventeen syllable Japanese poem (which structurally it is) is
akin to calling the Sistine Chapel's walls just another paint job.
You must all be aware of those rare moments which last for eternity, the flashes of insight, the seconds of untainted bliss –
the Satori in Jap speak - instances of enlightenment where everything makes sense and fits together (Think Kekule and snakes, for
one.). Even more rarely you will have words fit enough to describe the Satori .And if you are one of the few who can capture its
essence, you are a Haiku master.
Okay, so the primary requirement for writing true haiku is something intangible – a “haiku moment”. The kind of
moments which also gave us the Mona Lisa, benzene, the electric bulb, iPhone and Symphony No. 9. Yes. All products of genius
of the highest order. But we, lesser mortals, can at least start with haiku keeping the following pointers in mind and gradually hope
to reach some sophistication.
Though there is no one format or style that defines haiku, three elements are essential. The first, traditionally being three
lines of five, seven and five syllables, though this style, despite being popular worldwide with amateurs, is increasingly being
eschewed by writers whose only stipulation is that the creation be limited to seventeen syllables or less.
The second element is the use of a season word 'kigo' exempli gratia midsummer, waterfall, flood, snow storm, breeze,
rain. Kigo also includes words commonly not associated with seasons but nevertheless somehow (:-s) symbolise them viz.
jellyfish, mosquito, snake, cuckoo, lotus flower, orange blossoms, lily, sunflower etc. For a more exhaustive list, jobless people
can check the net.
The third and toughest to explain is 'kireji' – a 'break' or a 'cut' word. Used in the middle of a verse, it briefly cuts the stream
of thought, indicating that the verse consists of two thoughts half independent of each other. In English haiku however, the 'cut' is
most ably supplied by punctuation or may even be left unmarked.

Right. That is all there is to it. So here you are. All set to write your first bit of haiku. Just read the title of the piece again.
The most important part is to convey an entirety of senses in as succinct a manner as possible. Can't.Stress.That.Enough. More
imperative than the kireji, kigo, yadayadayada is the sensuality conveyed. And secondly, as much fun as it is grappling with words
to express your feeling, more is it to express it only partially so that the reader takes time to figure out the creation. As Matsuo
Bashô, the Milton of haiku put it “The haiku that reveals seventy to eighty percent of its subject is good. Those that reveal fifty to
sixty percent, we never tire of.”
So...Good luck! Get started. Try getting some haiku published in the next edition.
the zephyr is strong
her hair blowing in my face
Medusa's victim

Bookmark -Issac Asimov
“Nightfall'' is a story about a planet that does not experience nightfall except once in every 2,049
years. To describe a population to whom the appearance of stars would be a rare phenomenon, Asimov
creates the planet “Lagash” where there are six suns and perpetual daylight. With no nighttime, the stars
cannot be seen and therefore are not known. The concept of darkness is mysterious and frightening.
However, scientists at a university predict a total eclipse covering all the suns together. They are
aware, based upon archaeological studies, that civilization gets destroyed about every two thousand years-
occurrence of the eclipses follows the same frequency.
They fear that if the two are related, then the darkness could once again prevail and destroy the world.
As the scientists gear up for the calamity, they are joined by a newspaper reporter, and all hope to save future
generations from fear through a record of factual knowledge. However, a religious cult is also predicting the phenomenon as a
judgment against evil.
''Nightfall'' is a psychological thriller as scientists fight ignorance, zealotry, madness, and their own fears
of the unknown. The readers could find the terminology quite strange as Asimov uses terms he's used in some of
his other works. 15
- Aniruddh Vashisth
Presenting the 2nd season of the prestigious,
most revered Goonj Hollow Fame Honours
1. Best reason to have a pen down this semester:
• No stipend for IDD
• Its too HOT!!!(even the Talibaan costume is inefficient)
• Busy with job cum farewell treats
And the best reason is to support the IDD friends.(Afterall who else is gonna share the burden at

2. Most memorable ride in BHU :

• Bike ride(under the fear of 200/- fine)
• Bus(free for the cattle class :P)
• Cycle(phewwww...punctured)
• Hitchhiking the sumo
And the award goes to... yes you guessed it right... Ref: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Proctor Office.

3. Eating joint we miss the most:

• Flavours(AC/cakes/frappe and couch)
• `Orchids(Italian/Mexican/Continental and IT discount)
• Gaylord at the A.O. culvert..(words cannot explain..)
I scream, you scream, we all scream, for ice cream .(Hope to see him again this summer)

4. The most ‘Frustoo’ moment:

• Not being informed about the mass bunk.
• Losing at the hands of juniors in society matches.(by a margin of 7-2)
• Your best friend is the new love in ex’s life.(Its complicated )
• Your proxy is detected ?
Uuggghhh!! It was pretty frustrating to decide but we concluded it to be the loss of attendance.

5. Exhilarating party of college life:

• Getting freshers after PD to persuade seniors
• Time to pay back the juniors for running your errands.
• Dreading the commencement of last golden year with the compensation from seniors as job treat.
• The night we always dream of but ends in trepidation.
Cannot answer this one....

Special thanks to the Jury for the Honours: Mugdha, Mitali Shekhawat

-Aniruddh Vashisth
Infiniti - Salman Ahmad “ Junoon is in my blood!”

Salman Ahmad once had a dream where one of his teachers shook him and
said "Tumhey music ka Junoon hai!" what followed was Junoon and the
unforgettable experience, “Sayoonee” .
Junoon turned out to be South Asia's biggest and longest- lasting rock band.
In mid 2005, when rumors about the bands dissolution were flooding the news,
Salam commented, " Junoon is in my blood, then how can I ever get separated by it?”
Post the rejection of these rumors, he launched his first solo album, Infiniti.
Infiniti features 13 tracks displaying the pure genius of Salman Ahmad. "Alvida" became
the anthem for AIDS awareness, especially in India-Pakistan. A perfect blend of
Sufi and Rock,”nazar” and “saagar”, portray some exceptional lyrics. Some peppy Punjabi
numbers are also a part of the album.
For the musical genius and the kind of genre that Salman Ahmad has created for
himself-Infiniti-highly recommended.
So is the download complete?
Goonj would take this opportunity to pay tribute to Asheem Chakravarty from the band Indian Ocean
(which was here at IT in KY 09 and made quite a lot of us tap our feets to their exotic tunes).
Often referred to by fans as “the man with the golden voice”, Asheem passed away on the 25th of December
2009 at the age of 52. Amazingly, he sang and played the tabla simultaneously with remarkable clarity
and ease, a difficult feat almost never achieved by Indian percussionists. His rhythm structures were uniquely
his own, contributing in large part to Indian Ocean’s signature sound.
The musician, who quit a career in advertising to pursue his passion, played the tabla, tarang and other percussion
instruments while also being a vocalist for the band. May his soul find perfect harmony with the divine’s.

-Abhinav Pandey
One of the most eminent traditional folk dances of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Jhijhiya depicts a band of
young belles dancing to everyday life themes. Jhijhiya performers (strictly women) carry lanterns (pots made by
clay) with several holes and diyas (candles lit with mustard oil) inside, thus allowing light to come out through the
holes. On the lantern is a dhakkan (a cover made of clay) with fire burning .Normally the environment around the
performance is very bright with the lamps that the dancers carry in their hands in addition to the lighted pots on the
head. This aspect of the dance can be traced back to the tales relating to the return of Sri Ram after exile. (Mithila is
also believed to have housed the mythological Janakpuri.) The songs are mostly in Maithili and Bhojpuri centered
on celebration and around normal folk themes – such as the in-laws, fields and harvest, a playful husband etc. The
movements are graceful though very controlled because of the pot on the head. Performers wear ghungharoo and
put into use lot of leg movements supplying wonderful rhythm to the performance.

Jhijhiya won BHU a lot of accolades with the performance put up by BHU students winning the East Zone Youth
Festival and standing second at the All India Inter University Youth Festival this time!
Mining Chemic
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SMST:: Perf rostructures Entropy will never be what it used
Handsome M to without you guyz!
Nothing s
succeeds Innovator
Applied Chemistry::
Civil:: Sk
Radical of Change,
Success 2 Formulae of time

t o f a ce it al
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:: T h e P orcelain G with
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fe!! s insi
Hope the last pagdandi that led to the Jantar Mantar at Gadaulia
was a pleasurable experience. Mystical Kashi will never be short of
intimate destinations awaiting exploration. On one such quest, we set
foot on the muddy tracks that ramble through the Kajoohe village in
Sarnath, and as we advanced myriad surprises unfolded en route the
VajraVidya Tibetan Monastery.
After hopping down the auto at Sarnath we started towards the
temple having zero idea about the route to our destination. Following the
response to the random enquiries made by us we finally hit the
destination and what awaited us is simply undescribable.
The fantabulous sight of the temple left us wondering if it was
surreal. This must be the finest example of Tibetan architecture amongst
the plethora of temples situated in Sarnath and ofcourse the most
beautiful temple of the city! The design of the monastery is the
actualization of the ancient mandala principle which symbolises that the
"circle with a center" pattern is the basic structure of creation. Mandala,
meaning circle, appears in all aspects of life: the celestial circles we call
earth, sun, and moon, as well as conceptual circles of friends, family, and
The roof of the temple has been done in golden with traditional
Tibetan dragons greeting us at the main entrance. The frescoed walls
depict every minute detail of the intrinsic patterns they carry. Every inch
of the temple comes alive with the warm colours used. In the middle of
the temple stands a colossal statue of Buddha filling our beings with the
majestic presence of the supreme. The ambience in contrast to the loud
architecture is inconceivably calm and serene. The silence is so
empowering that it compels you to relax leaving you completely
thoughtless for a while-an excellent place to meditate.
The place is inhabited by students who attain deeksha here.
There stand two sandalwood trees planted by the H.H. Dalai Lama and a
room consisting of thousands of lamps where you can light your own.
There is a small canteen at the main entrance which is an excellent place
to interact with the student lamas and the tourists.
With great equanimity we left the temple premises. On our way
back we had baffled thoughts about which way to take. After having
picked up a random path we ended up visiting a Burmese temple and a
beautiful rural meditation centre. Not to miss the mention of the fact that
the meandering path also led us to a Korean temple with no statue and a
tortoise rehabilitation centre where the most happening species was by
the name “Sundari”! The haphazard travel to the Monastery helped us
visit places which we would never have otherwise seen. (pagdandi side
effects-highly recommended!) Our twelve hour tour finally ended with a
repose at Brownie and then a struggle to reach college with a punctured
Though the heat of the day left us completely exhausted, to think
of all the pain taken then, all we have go to say is …it was simply worth it.
-Shriti Raj
Abhinav Pandey
The Philanthropist -Ambuj Srivastava

“What makes you a Christian is whether or not you really are in

accord with Biblical theology and whether you know Jesus Christ as your saviour”. If
Walter Martini knew Paundy Baba he would have modified the sentence as “What makes
you a good student is whether or not you really are in accord with Paundy's notes and
whether you know Paundy Baba as your saviour.”
Prasad Uncle, fondly(or notoriously)called as Paundy Baba is cited as the most
important person in a first-yearite's life. He is the sole reason the students avoid
failing(and perform well) despite their laid back attitude towards studies and lectures.
Come CTs and END-SEMS and its “ALL HAIL PAUNDY BABA”. As soon as the dates of
examinations are announced, students start expecting the individual clad in white carrying
a khadi bag on his bicycle. This bag contains the medication for pre-exam anxiety which is
bound to exist (considering the attention one pays to studies throughout). Right from
second hand text books to class notes to previous question papers(most useful as same
questions are bound to be repeated every time), he sells it all. Spending few bucks is never
an issue when one gets a chance to accentuate one's grade card with good grades without
any considerable efforts. How he knows about teachers(he advices whose class to attend
and whose to attend),how he knows about which subject is of greater importance and from
where does he arrange beautifully written notes, remains a mystery.
. But Baba himself is extremely popular. Even the teachers at IT are aware of the role he plays in the students' academic
performance. Prasad uncle prevents us from crouching in front of the nerds of the class. He even supplies LAN-wires,something
one can't do away with in today's DC-era. Many may term him as a businessman with excellent marketing skills, but the fact
remains that his presence in IT is a boon for the students. He is the one who allows the first yearites to live life IT-STYLE.Come ain't exaggeration ......he deserves an IT-BLUE....for his contribution in our academics and otherwise.

Lost and waiting to be found @ insti ID

100 mails per day and each single one from a different person not from your stalker down the
lane or some lame forward for “bueno suerte”. On Cloud no 9???...but with being famous and busy comes
along the ‘Brain rupturing’, ‘demanding’ work of spamming. (in case you ever care to log in ).
We bring to you the unnoticed, untouched and some of the most creative, innovative, artistic
and beautifully elaborated work which you may have been inconsiderate about....

** Since confidential information therefore identities not disclosed. ;)

1. “A Black NOKIA-1600 Mobile phone having BSNL SIM was lost near IT-CAFETARIA on the main road.
Anyone who has found it Please return it to me.
A Handsome Reward will be given.”

2. “Good day everyone !

This is to inform one and all that on 27th Januray, 2010, between 1:30PM to 4:30PM,my BICYCLE ( HOT
WHEELS ) was lost from the Applied Physics Department.

(1) A chain with yellow-coloured lock, tied below seat.
(2) A dirty-white cloth was also tied along with the lock, below the seat.
(3) Because of the chain being rusted, the cycle was making a typical noise.
(4) The right-hand side holder part of the handle was loose.
If anyone spots such a bicycle, please contact me at :
+91-9000209890 ”

3. “lost a hand written copy having notes of 5 subjects lost btwn G-13 and small gate to H.G on 29 january.
if any one finds it. contact me on...(Classmates blue copy 400pages)”

Hope after being bestowed upon by the knowledge you would have learnt a lot...especially about your
cycle...and if you find any of the “respectable lost things” let us know about it as you will be
awarded handsomely(yet to be decided... )
-Mitali Shekhawat
Goonj conducted a competition among the first years where they had to write an
article on their experiences ,here at IT BHU now that their first year is coming to an end. The response
was overwhelming .Though we couldn’t put all the stuff here ,the best ones and snippets of some
other good ones have been put up!


Coming to metallurgical engineering @ IT BHU was never my choice. But on the very first day when
I was filled with enormous conflicting thoughts of sadness, fear and excitement, BND sir came 2 teach us. With his
each word I was rejuvenated. I thought there is something definitely in IT BHU following which, I met my cousin who
is in 4th yr now. The drastic change in his personality in three years filled me with an enthusiasm to do something. It
didn't take long for the predominant tradition over here to hit my core. Bunking classes, going to cafeteria in every
possible break , taking treats from anyone around out of no reason, proxying even for guys, sitting on the last bench.
Even sleeping in between classes became so usual. I still remember when I entered just ten minutes before our P.C class
was going to end. When sir asked- “ Why are u so late?”, everyone in the class shouted-“ She has come for the next
class sir”…that was embarrassing but I like it now;).Classes are always a fun. Getting linked with someone, having
fights with friends, ignoring them intentionally, then getting ignored-all hurts a lot but then these are the sugar and
Apart from classes, in the hostel, gossiping for hours, bitching about someone or the other , playing silly
pranks, thinking to get up early in the morning for morning walk but getting up just 10 minutes before the class , sitting
at LC for hours doing vellapanti, going to IP every 2nd day, taking lunch at VT daily but not visiting the temple ever,
having night outs doing nothing… are some regular stuffs but still I have started singing to the melodious rhythm of
this type of life.
Studies are like, gone with the wind -gone are the days. We never think of studying. But the grisly subjects of
mechanical dept i.e thermo, ME and especially ED has left a horrifying effect on each and every fahccha. Entering the
ED class “20secs” late leads a student missing his lectures. My results are not yet out and I am having Goosebumps
thinking of thermo”!!!!
The Faccha dance n skit are the best times I have experienced here yet. Though dancing is not my cup of tea,
grumbling over each dance step that was taught I did dance and we won 2nd prize also. During faccha we got the chance
to interact with our seniors. Without any ragging , they were so good to us. Telling us all their experiences .Particularly,
fattebazi was something which I enjoyed everytime I met them. And I did learn a lot from them during this period.
The new year celebrations in our hostel for which the first year had to organize everything was the 1st time
when I felt I was doing something by myself. The kindergarten theme, DJ system, lights, snacks, dance everything was
liked by the seniors and we enjoyed a lot too. Kashiyatra time was also marvelous. Though the time restriction
prevented us from seeing the complete( magnificent) Kavi Sammelan yet entering hostel at 11PM for the first time in
college made us feel we are free from all restrictions. Each day of KY was mindblowing. On contrary I didn't enjoy
Spardha at all as we had our C.Ts from the next day. :(
Eight months have passed and I have had great experiences till now. I learnt one needs to be very diplomat over
here, being frank won't make any good. People over here don't have broad vision, they pick up trivial points, hype it and
keep grumbling over the same. Moreover we didn't have much of technical workshops yet, therefore technically I have
made very less improvements. In other IITs there are no time restrictions where as the entry time for girls is too
bothering over here which is quiet justified considering the atmosphere (but still the timing should be increased up to
9PM at least). The security needs to be improved as I have faced severe consequences twice or thrice. Moreover hostel
problem is there due to which girls at Triveni are all most isolated from the institute and even till now I am not knowing
all the first year girls. We don't have24 hours canteen unlike boys hostels, therefore the administration needs to be
At the end I would say just as I wrote in my first article I still have hopes that IT BHU would soon be converted
to an IIT. :)

Far from the glittering crowd.

- Ayush Somani, Manish Kumar Singh.

“Seniors pretended to be cool but I think that Anti-Ragging Committee did come in their nightmares. ...
“Two books I issued from Library are still kept inside my cup-board covered with dirt.”
“The things which kept happening during the whole semester were studies(dominant earlier; dormant later),
cricket(dominant throughout) and movies(dormant earlier; dominant later).”
“I came to know about various social, cultural, literary and educational events being organised by the seniors of
my college. I was greatly inspired by their relentless spirit and endeavour in organising these events for grooming
our personality. There is a whole raft of opportunities in IT-BHU which perhaps I could not have got in any other
college, I was beginning to realize.”

-R..Sukanaya. Meta
A kind request! Be patient enough to read..I may seem to be rambling but it's hard to verbalize
billions of emotions.)
Strolling through the hostel corridors,
I never expected this day,
As I sit near a window peacefully and pen something of
my own...
As I look back,
I feel "Life never manifests what we expect!".
I never thought I would end up here,
The first time i reached GSMC, Where people speak Hindi,
stepped out of auto, Me not knowing even a bit of it...
And struggled to read, The struggle is still on
“GANDHI SMRITI MAHILA CHHATTRAVAS.” Facing the jabs, bearing the taunts.
Waited for the warden nearly an hour,
Just to be informed about no more vacancies. At first, i was too much depressed,
We were the first to leave for TRIVENI... many a times thought of going back home,
Despite the hard knocks but later got used to it...
Quite excited to live with other faculties of BHU, After all,I was the one who decided to come here,
Though I didn't expect to live here, despite all "NO's", even from parents.
I love it a lot- not for the rooms, So, i have to live here, however it is, adapting
Not for the mess or the canteen, myself...
Not for the trees, not even for the small shiva temple,
I love it for the roses... Having passion for singing, sang a HINDI SONG,
Waking up every morning, obviously couldn't win, felt bad and cried!
looking down at them in the garden, Expected to win 1st prize in group-dance,
Glistening with dew, ready for another day but was disappointed getting second!
A mesmerizing sight! Couldn't win even a single volley ball match in
Dreaded ragging, Surprisingly won FINALS in SPARDHA ( thanks
Everyone had dire warnings at home, for the exams which MODI's had! )...
Be careful of the horrific North India brand of ragging! Participated in robot-making,
Ironically, the Anti-Ragging squad came to us the very struggled with it in the dark,
first day Clustered in a corner of G-11 till 7,
When there are no IT seniors, no classes And the bot didn't even start!
No classmates, only homesick flashes.
In mix-cricket, bowled out 5 times in 6 balls
But, when we met seniors, Scored a negative half-century and a new record!
They kept asking, "Do you know me? ",
I didn't know what they expect us to answer! Everything, everything, which i wished a lot to
Either a lie -a YES which would make them feel proud, happen didn't happen...
Or a truth with a NO which would irritate them! But now, I'm very much happy with the
I don't know how life would have been, if it had
gone the way i expected,
But the twist and turns which the unexpected
are the real wonders to be treasured in one's life...
I now realize, "Life gives birth to a new self of
ours! "
24 So, welcome and enjoy your life with its

Transformations -Parth Agarwal. Biomed

NOTE:THE First condition is sem1
THE Second condition is sem2

Never in the bed after 6 AM.

ohh...!! its 6 o'clock ...let's sleep a lil bit before the class.
I don
A mile long line in front of the bathrooms early in the morning. remem 't even files get tho
that wo er what you done a se
Bathrooms are deserted nowadays. rd mea
ns mig nd
re!! your ht even
Thinks 10 times before bunking a class. hers get

Thinks 10 times before attending a class.

Memorizes the course to get a good grade.

Memorizes the professor's habits to get a good grade.

Shows up at a morning exam clean, perky, and fed.

Exams..!!! There are lot more to give...will study for the next one.

IT Library full of first yearites on computers.

Everyone has a lappy with DC and your freedom.
Lines up for an hour to buy his textbooks in the very first week. i ors

sig s
as ior ’
Starts to think about arranging notes a day before the exams.

Is proud of his A+ in 1st CT.
Is proud of not quite failing.

Regularly completes all homework, including optional questions

Homework? I knew I forgot to do something last night. Somebody might
for sure will do it. Lets do mass bunk.

Takes meticulous four-color notes in class.

Occasionally stays awake in all the classes.

Afraid of his seniors and fears going even to LC.

Usually found with seniors asking for treats in Mc'donalds and Pizza Hut.

Maintains the rooms very well.

The trash is overflowing and the bank account isn't.

Eates in the mess.

Eates everywhere except the mess.

Goes to play outdoor games like Cricket, Football in order to make a place in the college
The attempt to come into the college team continues but the games now become PC
games and plays only mixed cricket.

P.S. : There's one thing that every first yearite fears in both the sem "THE MECH

“At first they too threw some attitude but at the end of the interaction we could imagine them as our elder siblings.
Till this day,we have been taught many things by our seniors;be it about the boldness or airing our views or be it
academics or non-academic skills. In short they have personified our personality with their aura.”
“I was completely blown away by its beauty.(BHU)” -Akshat Modi

“I cracked JEE, but in the process, JEE cracked me into pieces. After 2 years of sedentary work of burning the midnight
oil, these pieces got fixed together again in IT-BHU and I started my life anew.”...“I was sweating a lot, more because of
anxiety than humidity…”
... “My foremost experience as a 'fuchcha' has been my interaction with seniors. I met three kinds of seniors: the Good, the
Bad and the Ugly…”
“Altogether, it has been a nice start to my journey from a boy, with a typical 10+2 JEE aspirant moustache,who solved
questions even in dreams, to a relaxed and fun loving guy who tries to make the most of whatever life offers. As they say ,
“When life throws lemons at you, make lemonade.” Well, I'm making my lemonade. Just don't know how much I need to
quench mythirst. As for now, IT or IIT, I am having a blast!” -Arjun Bhatia

Enemies of Art -Ahirnish Pareek. Comp Sc.

The hype of KY was at its peak, it had been days since a proper bath, edible food or even a decent
sleep. We were painting Gymkhana walls with the “Red Indian” theme of Kashiyatra. With all these thoughts, it
was no surprise as I crashed onto my bed one day, I had this vivid dream:

Our Highly enthusiastic fine arts team was busy giving final touches to what IT junta would never expect
to see....a series of graffiti. Then an 'EVENT CURBING VEHICLE' stopped and asked us to leave our Weapons
of Mass Imagination. We are in an educational institute and whatever we do beyond this is a violation of rule. The
POORA BHU ART EXHIBITION ME CONVERT HO JAYEGA."(Phew!!).They asked to paint it again back to
yellow, which we obviously didn't. The DHOLAKia of our Nukkad Natak team was passing by with his
DHOLAK and the security personnel caught hold of him and confiscated his dholak. Arguments and counter-
arguments go like:



I recall the personnel well-equipped with their staple diet, 'Paan' and doing their most frequent
activity...'PURRR!!!' (spitting paan everywhere).They were like: TUM LOG...(PURRR!!!)...YEH SAB
The students could only look on incredulously at this spectacle. But there was more to this dream: I was
standing next to the mural of Mirage (the fashion show). One security incharge swooped over me.
only stammer in response. Just then, my senior lost his temper and.... I woke up!
I was still laughing as I recalled the dream on my way to painting the
Gymkhana walls. “I really shouldn’t be stereotyping BHU security personnel in
my head”. As I gave the final touches to the Mirage wall, I thought to myself,
“I really shouldn’t be stereotyping BHU security in my head”.
Just then, a jeep screeched to a halt in front of us.
Out stepped Khaki men with grim faces... and all hell broke loose!
26 23
-Abhilasha Purwar

A love story built alongside the political turmoil
of the 1970's, Hazaron Khwahishein Aisi is a story about
unfulfilled dreams and unrequited love. With real incidents of

its here.......SATURDAY NIGHT

emergency and naxalite movements in background, HKA
revolves around lives of three young characters Siddharth (Kay
Kay Menon), Geeta (Chitrangda Singh) and Vikram (Shiney
Ahuja). Siddharth and his other rich friends discuss Marx and
Castro over dope and their communist leanings appear more of
amusement for the spoilt rich than serious revolutionary spirit.
Geeta is in love with Siddharth, but is lost between romantic love
and practicality until she finally decides to join Siddharth.
Vikram is hell bent at climbing the economic ladder, is
hopelessly in love with Geeta and has no time for ideal talk.
The performances by the lead actors and the others are splendid but the real stars of the movie seem to be director
Sudhir Mishra and co- writer Ruchi Narain. The characters are so real that anyone could feel and sympathise with their
dilemmas and confusions and the decisions that they take and the lives that they choose are justified by their own histories.
There is no attempt to justify any character or build heroes. It is a plain slice of life caught in extra ordinary circumstances.
Although the movie excels in almost all technical departments, a special mention is needed for the music by Shantanu
Moitra which more than adds to the mood of the movie. All in all it is a must watch for anyone who wants to see world class
cinema coming out from India.

Chator Kebabs -Aviral Srivastava

Chator- the new kebab joint in town, is only a few months
old. Located between Sigra Chauraha and IP Mall, this joint might as
well be labeled a non-veggie's paradise. Though boasting of only a
limited variety on the menu, each dish is exotic and leaves you
craving for more! The tandoori chicken is not dry but has
exceptional flavour in every bite. Do check out their speciality
galawati kebab (Minced lamb kebab tenderized by raw Papaya) that
literally melts in your mouth. Legend has it that the recipe was
developed for aging Nawab who could not chew meat having lost
the teeth.
The mutton gravy is commendable as well. Other dishes
worth trying out are boti kebab and mutton korma. These dishes
don't have any definite test and tickle all your taste buds! We
especially liked the fast service The menu is limited but reasonably
priced. On the downside, the joint offers only two descent vegetarian
dishes- veg kebab and haryali kebab.There is no BHU discount
either and the place has a modest seating arrangement. We
recommend you don't wait till late night to check this joint as the
dishes tend to get over soon.
Home delivery is also available.
Shine, My wasted shadow shine
2nd Mech
Rage, a sage, divine grace and says it over
Time, a mime, that fights a lie and destroys a die
Cast in a ruby, shadowed by red, spent in a time of futility
That comes back to haunt the hand that wasted it. -Chandra Prakash
What waits for me is an honour, a donor in my need 4th Civil
From the pain of the world being evil's seed. I learn, I grow
I gather, I throw
I was born to be built upon, used as a block, to shock I build, I break
Inaction into action, a contraption, that fought to provoke a reaction. I bear the pain
To storm the world with a power so fierce it brought you to your knees, But I gather the pieces
So please, let me be delivered from this hearse And I rise again
So i can curse my fate , and leave no room for debate. I grow new wings,
And hate the same hate that made me a date with the pain that has met my fate. Again I fly
Keener, faster, stronger...
A hollow filled with trouble, a body bent double. And higher, towards the sky.
The shadow of an image formed by a bubble, rising in boiling water I wave my new dreams
Like some Hubble, which nibbles through the universe in search I chase new suns
For worse men than those that formed it to lurch in silent trepidation Joining new flocks,
Waiting signs of something that fuels this fire, high up in the spire New companions
Of desire, a liar born to submit to a mire of thought and ego. I face new storms....
A few tough bends
Like it or not, this world is here to stay and say And a few dead ends
What a shame it seems to spend everyday, broken and unused like an arrow that remains in My dreams are shattered
Destiny's quire and shivers for its time to come, And I lose my friends.
But when its the last in the bower the essence divides a thought process I am weak, I am lost,
That follows no feeling of mine, the bow shoots true but the arrow And I feel so low
Snaps in two. And my life is caught in an unending strife. I am all alone.
I have nowhere to go.
But I'm here to fight, what's right is right, whats mine is might and But that is life I know.....
Into the black night, there shines an unlikely light, like a serpents delight It is all part of the game
Like an amorphous blight, like a cobra poised to strike with venom in its bite. And I bear pain.....
A kite in the sky with its shadow on the ground, like a spectrum in the dark on an unholy I gather the ashes,
mound. And I rise again...
I make friends with my tears
Logical behaviour seems so easy, but don't you go get queasy. I overcome my fears,
When Morpheus lays you down, and Diosynous gives you wine after wine I learn to enjoy
Till you're no more mine, but a shadow of mine, a shadow of a mind. Wrist wrestling with my fate.
That refuses to shine, even in the place of the shadow of mine that shines. I adopt, I struggle and I create
A brand new world
Will I live to regret the day i was born, or will my body be torn? On a brand new day.
Will I lie wasted, or will my death be hasted. Lets face it, New colours, new brushes....
Its basic, a principle of knowledge which wants someone to taste it. And I paint a new way.
Let me live my life, and let that life on which i based it, New dreams, new sky, new
Take my hand and let my shadow be wasted, horizon
Bring this fire of mine, to the edge of time And I continue my journey
and salute my spirit for shadow gone, it is my turn to shine. Towards the sun.

IT BHU- The Proctor Protocol -Abhinav Pandey
Ramgopal Varma
(Out of curiosity)We planned to invade the proctor office to discuss the excessive free rides we are being shoved
upon by the men in uniform on wheels. The conclusions drawn:

1.The recruitment of the force…..

First and foremost to clear about the members of the Proctorial board including the Chief proctor BHU, they are all
teachers and its in their hands to take decisions and reach conclusions if you are lucky to hitch a ride on Sumo. While the people
you interact (without words mostly) are - Sr. Security Officer, Security Officer, Security Inspector and other daily wage based
employees consisting of the Sr. Supervisor, Supervisor and the Security Guards.
The selection procedure: Men enrolled in the security force are retired military people who are shortlisted by security agencies
commissioned by the University before they face the honourable men of the University for an Interview with, “scrutiny of
character” , carrying quite a weight.

2.The duty of a security in charge?

As they put it, “to maintain peace and security outside the hostel premises”.
Our side, “when and on what grounds are we liable to questioning and further action by them?” To understand this we need to
focus on the often neglected, 'Basic Rules' that we need to follow:
? An ITian should not be found outside the hostel after the gates are shut.
? . If a student is found drunk, he/she should be immediately expelled (so if the sumo brigade finds you in a fishy/fizzy state
don't be surprised when you are back to normal- you may have lost your I card or spent some time in proctor office).
We are aware that the above offences very often go unnoticed. So , another question…. do they do this voluntarily or
Well, minor offences are forgiven –the proctorial board (we know who they are….) knows how and what college life is.
Nevertheless if a report reaches the chief proctor office regarding serious offences (such as possession of weapons, drugs, cyber
crime to name a few) you are liable to immediate expulsion.

3.So who decides what's wrong and what's not? Who frames the laws?
The proctorial board has nothing to do with framing laws and churning out rules –its not their business. Rules are framed
by the university administration and in our case the IT administration too. It includes everything from the hostel timings to other
rules regarding festivals and anti-ragging drive are framed by the IT-administration. The proctorial board is only there to assist the
administration ensuring rules are followed and peace and security is maintained.
Then can I be locked up in the CPO if I'm discovered breaking a rule? Yes!! You can if the offence is found to be grave enough.
A major Loophole (beware…) - Very often decisions are entirely situational- for cases which do not require reporting or
reference, it is up to the security officer in the Sumo to decide if the student's offence is serious enough to be questionable. This has
many a times lead to extremely normal things being tagged offensive (for instance, a boy and girl roaming together, carrying a dhol
for the nukkad natak or painting the Gymkhana walls).
And often we are traumatized in the name of moral policing, Why?
As we heard from them that IT used to be a serene sector not long back but of the recent increased complains of
indiscipline, thefts, fights etc. This has caused the administration to give strict orders to the proctorial board regarding security in
IT, supplemented by rules such as the boy's hostel timings(girls as well). Lopsidedly ,ITians (of which the major section is
disciplined) face the consequences of the overactive security force.

4.The major issue of concern, can people of opposite gender roam freely in the campus together? Any protocols on that?
The university obviously cannot oppose it, and it does not. You can (should) go to the shops, VT, library etc. but why go to
the agricultural farm-That may lead to (situational again) consequences (your safety is in your hand…) .The expected behaviour is
one which suits the moral standard.

5.So is the proctorial board responsible for moral policing as well?

Yes it is. Though there is no such mention in the rulebook, over the time the board seems to have adopted this
responsibility as well. And the moral standards expected from us are the normal clauses keeping in mind the campus and its
And coming to IT –we are under the most strict surveillance- Expectations (of a disciplined
and morally groomed behaviour) are critically high.
Blog updated : Blogging about the types of blogs

1. I, me , and only myself: my love, my life, my desperation, my broken pencil, my profs, my foes , my...................
No. Of visitors : 0
#.......................................................(spell bound :P )
2. Sarcasm and cynicism : Genius engineers, true love, clean Varanasi, spacious hostel rooms, yummy mess food.........
No. Of visitors: 3
3. Anything on stunning backgrounds:
Blah blah blah .................more blah blah
No. Of visitor:15
#No. Of visits directly proportional to the creativity displayed in colour selection(neglecting the words).....ranging
from soul stirring black and white to VIBGYOR
4. Social/political/economic views
Telangana, Kashmir, Inflation, National budget, Maoist, terrorism, natural disasters, poverty, food act..................
No. Of visits:7
#Pheww!!! Never realised that people are concerned about it..
5. Meaningful creations :
Experiences worth sharing, feelings moulded in words, emotions brushed on the canvas, reality caught on reel...........
No. Of visits: 12
#Connects to everyone...Real sense of blogging... -Mitali Shekhawat

we decided to pick up something from one of the prolific bloggers in IT chechk out -
by Bitin Nath (3rd SMST)
The Last Post...and why I miss hostel life

Yeah, you read it right. This is, in effect, the last post of my rather short lived, but prolific blogging career... for
February. For those of you breathing a sigh of relief, at not having to put up with my absurd fecundity, calling a stud(short for
studious) a nihilist... and odd wordplay(odd in the same way a three headed dragon sitting on Hans Stoehr road would be called
odd...) and the general load of bullshit I so effortlessly drop. And yes, come March, I will take up the cudgels once again, and
resume with my curmudgeonly blogs. And of course, for those who steadfastly ignore my writing, I have only this to say, good for
you. Now... getting on with it..
The thing about this post is... it's an ode to you, patient reader.. So, without further ado... presenting the five things I miss
about my hostel... tara ra tat taraaaa...

1.The BATHROOMS: Yeah, my hostel has unparalleled loos. What sets them apart... is the stink emanating from their dark
recesses, simply has no equal. And I even experimented with dead lizards at home. Believe me, the bathrooms are simply
2.The ROOMS: Nice, warm and cosy. After all, it's hard to imagine anything cosier that a 4ft*8ft room... inhabited by 2 people,
and sometimes, by a whole dozen.. Not even DLF could come up with a similar architectural marvel
3.The ROOM-MATE:Serves as a nice prelude to married life of course...and steels us against the possibility that our wives might
be... Himesh fans, homicidal maniacs, or just plain old quirky.
4.The INTERNET:Blazingly fast of course, and provides a wide range of sites... like google, google news, and the front page of
wikipedia. And of course, certain minor problems cause it to crash, for the better part of a week, but those are just minor
problems, totally inconsequential.
5.The FOOD: The variety is mindboggling. From chili potato to fried potato to potato chips, we have it all. And of course, for
proteins, assorted insects and maggots. The mess people believe in a complete balanced diet. And we thank them for their
And after reading this, if you can't wait to get back to your hostels(and I share that sentiment) then I would
suggest you don't. Yeah, run away from home, back to your beloved hostel. After all, you know what they say...
30 home is where the hostel is..
leeefueyeeve Dešwkeâ
efÉleerÙe Je<e& Fb[mš^erÙeue kesâcesmš^er

DeØewue keâe cenervee Meg™ nes Ûegkeâe Lee ~ efheÚues mescesmšsj keâe kegâÚ ]hetâue ieF&, Ûeeue ceW DekeâÌ[ Dee ieF& Deewj yeekeâer oesveeW efce$e kegâÚ
efj]peuš DeeÙes kegâÚ ner efove ngS Les, efpemekeâer ieceea DeYeer lekeâ nceejs heerÚs jn ieS ~ ieJe& mes meervee ]hetâueekeâj DeeocÙe meenme kesâ efueÙes efoÙes
efouees-efoceeie hej ÚeF& ngF& Leer Deewj Yeues ner kegâÚ meceÙe kesâ efueS, peeves Jeeues Jeerjlee hegjmkeâejeW ceW oes-Ûeej kesâ ner veece Ùeeo keâj heeÙee
hejvleg efJeefÛe$e ™he mes nceejs keäueeme peeves efkeâ FÛÚe cegPee&F& Deewj Lee efkeâ yeieue ceW Deekeâj hegefueme efkeâ Jener ieeÌ[er KeÌ[er nes ieF& ~ Deboj
metKeer ngF& yesue keâes heesef<ele keâj jner Leer ~ hejvleg metÙe& osJelee Yeer keâneR Jener KegbKeej Deelebkeâer yew"e Lee Deewj Deheveer peueleer nggF& DeeBKeeW mes cegPes
heerÚs jnves Jeeues Les ? Jes Yeer nceejs Devle&ceve keâer Ûes‰e ceW, ÛeÌ{les heejs Ssmes Ietj jne Lee ceevees DeYeer keâÛÛee Ûeyee peeSiee ~ cewveW ceve efn ceve
keâer j]heäleej keâes yeveeS ngS Les ~ meesÛee efkeâ osMe keâer lej]heâ Gbieueer G"eves Jeeues nj Deeoceer keâe Ùener nße
Ssmeer ner Skeâ OeOekeâleer ngF& oeshenj ceW nce leerve efce$e ncesMee nesvee ÛeeefnÙes ~ ojJee]pee Kegueles ner MeeyeeMeer keâer Gcceero ceW
keâer lejn Devlele: nesmšue kesâ leceece PevPešeW mes heerÚe ÚgÌ[eles, kegâÚ ve hegefuemeJeeues keâes osKee, hej Fleveer osj ceW Jen JeerYelÙe leeefueyeeveer
kegâÚ Yetueles Yeeueles keäueeme keâjves Ûeue efoS ~ efvekeâueves ceW ]peje osj nes onMeleieoe& vekeâeye Gleej keâj Skeâ mebgoj keâvÙee ceW yeoue Ûegkeâe Lee ~
ieÙeer Leer Deewj ieg®osJe meceÙe kesâ yeÌ[s heeyevo Les, mees keâoce mevkeâesÛe ceW Gmeves Glejles ner cesjer lej]heâ Gbieueer G"eÙeer Deewj yeesueer ‘‘mej, Ùener nw
yeÌ{ jns Les ~ meÌ[keâ kesâ oesveeW Deesj jnmÙeceÙeer heæefle cesb ueies ngS hesÌ[eW Jees’’ ~ Fmemes henues ceQ kegâÚ mecePe heelee nJeueoej ves cegPehej
keâer FOej GOej heÌ[leer ÚeÙee keâe, efkeâmeer metoKeesj cenepeve efkeâ lejn uehekeâkeâj cesje efiejsyeele hekeâÌ[ efueÙee, yeesuee ‘‘keäÙeebs yes, yeerÛe meÌ[keâ
DeefOekeâlece ueeYe kesâ Ûeekeäkeâj ces, FOej mes GOej meÌ[keâ keâes heej jns hej ueÌ[keâer keâes ÚsÌ[lee nw ? DeYeer ce]pee ÛeKeelee ntB ~’’
Les ~ Ssmeer ner Skeâ Ûes‰ kesâ ceOÙe peye ceQ Lee, kegâÚ ner otj Skeâ Fmekesâ yeeo keäÙee ngDee ?...
jnmÙeceÙeer Dee›eâefle Deeleer ngF& efoKe heÌ[er ~ mej mes ueskeâj heeBJe lekeâ Jen Deepe Yeer Skeâ [jeJeveer Ùeeo nw, efpemes ceQ Yeguevee
Depeerye-Depeerye Deewj Deueie-Deueie jbie kesâ keâheÌ[eW mes {keâer ngF&, ÛeentBiee ~
Ûebõkeâevlee kesâ efkeâmeer efleefuemceÙeer DeÙÙeej efkeâ lejn ngle ieefle mes Deye osMeØesce LeesÌ[e "b[e heÌ[ ieÙee nw, Jeerjlee hegjmkeâej keâer
yeÌ{leer pee jner Leer ~ DeeBKeeW hej keâeuee ÛeMcee ueieeS pewmes ner Jen kegâÚ DeekeâeB#ee Yeer ceefæce heÌ[ ieF& nw Deewj keâesefMeMe keâjlee ntB efkeâ
heeme DeeF& cegPes DeÛeevekeâ Skeâ KÙeeue DeeÙee -’’nes ve nes Ùes keâesF& kesâ]hesâšsefjÙee Ùee kewâefcekeâue ef[heeš&ceWš kesâ meeceves mes keâce ner iegpe™B,
leeefueyeeveer keâójhebLeer oue keâe meomÙe nw pees efkeâmeer Ketef]heâÙee efceMeve keäÙee helee ef]heâj keâye efkeâmeer ‘‘leeefueyeeveer’’ mes cesje meecevee nes peeS ?
keâes Debpeece osves efvekeâuee nw ~ ‘‘ ùoÙe ceW osMe mesJee Deewj yeefueoeve keâer
Skeâ TBÛeer uenj G"er Deewj efyevee kegâÚ meesÛes mecePes ceQ Gmehes štš heÌ[e ~
henues lees Jen IeyejeÙee hej ef]heâj DeÛeevekeâ ner cesjs Thej
Deheveer meeFefkeâue yeÌ{e oer ~ ‘‘meerceehej mes DeÛÚer lejn š^sefvebie ueskeâj
DeeÙee nw’’ - ceQ meesÛee, mees kegâÚ osj ueÌ[KeÌ[e keâj ef]heâj mecYeue ieÙee ~
hej škeäkeâj mes cegPes keâe]heâer Ûeesš ueieer ~ Fmemes henues efkeâ ceQ G"keâj
oesyeeje Gme hej Pehešlee, Jen oes iegveer ieefle mes mej hej hewj jKe keâj
Yeeie ieÙee ~ Kewj, PeeÌ[ heesÚ keâj Deheves meenme hej IeceC[ keâjlee
ngDee KeÌ[e ner ngDee Lee efkeâ meeceves mes hegefueme keâe ieMleer oue Dee
ieÙee ~ yeÛeheve mes osMe kesâ efueÙes kegâÚ keâjves keâer FÛÚe Leer, meesÛee
Fmemes DeÛÚe ceewkeâe keâneB efceuesiee ~ ]heâewjve ner ieeÌ[er ™keâJeekeâj Deheves
meenmeer keâejveceeW kesâ yeejs ceW yeleeÙee ~ ieeÌ[er kesâ peeles ner Úeleer mJele:

The Law of DEFIANCE -Shriti Raj
Abhinav Pandey

The third law of Newton states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The most notable aspect of
this law is that it is as much applicable to the emotional and intellectual attributes of a living being as it is to the world of physics.
Have you ever observed the response of a 5 year old kid towards the non acceptance of his wishes by his parents? The more he is
forbidden to do things the more he wants to explore them. Its almost the same with adults too. What then justifies the imposition
of arbitrary rules and regulations over the students, rules which are restrictive to the extent that they curb the development of a
healthy social environment and also create a sense of resentment and retaliation amongst the victims? IT has always been the
favourite hangout of the security personnel (guess who??). Our college has been constantly subjected to strict surveillance by
them. Many people have had the opportunity to enjoy a SUMO ride too. Our sophisticated behaviour gives them more excuses
to ruin things.

As far as rules (or restrictions, whatever you call them) are concerned, the most talked about topic is the early locking
time of girls and now the boys too. This becomes quite itchy when any kind of activity apart from the institute curriculum is
concerned. Girls face problems in getting involved in any extracurricular work be it cultural or educational because all activities
take place after college hours. All of us know very well that all the technical stalwarts among the students are boys--no prizes for
guessing the reason--all work starts after the class--the very call of which gets the girls all locked up. The provision of a locking
time is certainly important from the point of view of security but this leads to girls being alienated from the institute activities
which certainly is not good. Talking of security there have been incidents where people misbehave with the girls walking on the
roads even during the day time. This explains the failure of the above rule to provide security.

This does not all end here. Let us have a look at something which may not seem so explicit, something regarding the
development of a student's personality. Restricted interaction between the two genders is hampering the framing of correct
attitude towards each other. Even people in the same class do not feel comfortable enough to speak to each other. This
consequence is far more serious than any of the ones discussed above. This is causing the development of another dangerous
factor -something we very well know-desperation.A very vivid example of this is our cultural fest KY. The kind of response the
minority on stage gets from the majority in the audience reflects the current state of affairs. Authorities thus, are forced to take
action in order to discipline the students who suddenly get juvenile and girls are simply sent back to their hostels disallowing
them to attend the pro-nites beyond a specific time (alienation again!!).The dream of a healthy society in the campus is nowhere
to be seen even years down the road from now.

And it is just not regarding gender related issues. All the postholders and anybody else who has ever tried conducting
workshops or events would agree that it’s not the preparation for the event but the dreaded permissions which saps away their
enthusiasm as they have to hit their heads with the entire procedure to get approvals from several places. There are stringent
rules and restrictions-all these only end up frustrating the involved person who owing to the talent and caliber he possesses is
expected to deliver results- which doesn't happen always. These bundles of energies just get wasted. Something which could
actually be a source of motivation becomes frustrating.

But let us not ignore the other side of the coin. The basic reason for having rules is the creation of a disciplinarian
environment. As a part of an intellectual race of humans we need to realize our responsibility towards abiding by the rules. There
are certain destructive minds amongst us who tag it as cool to be against the system. As a result the authorities are forced to
impose stringent rules. But the picture that we see is not a disciplined one. Our sense of discipline starts deteriorating right from
day one of college. The difference between the culture at any IIT and IT is known to all of us. We are not recognized or referred
by an 'I' less (something we've been crying about) but by the way we are.

What could possibly be a solution to such a chaos?? Discipline of course is of utmost importance. But what needs to be
realized is that an overdose of restrictions does not bring about discipline. It leads to retaliation and the entire purpose of
imposing rules is defeated. It becomes a recursive process whereby restrictions lead to negative behaviour of the students and
this in turn leads to more restrictions being imposed. The intensity of restrictions should be lessened. The only solution to such a
disharmony is students realizing their responsibility and the imposed rules being humane enough.

IT DAY -a sporty affair -Feanor
Xerox shops were overbooked with certi photocopies weeks ago, ever since news of IT Colour was announced. For the
record, IT Colour is an annual award given to students for excellence in a particular field (sports, music, technical etc) at the
national or state level. The nominations are decided by a committee of esteemed faculty who peruse through every application
before finalizing the awards.

Results-It was no surprise when 18 out of 22 IT Colours were awarded to students for sports activities. Out of the
remaining four, two were bagged for literary events, one for music and one for theatre. Spare a thought for these cultural
protagonists- the profile of the winners indicates that the bare minimum qualification for an IT Colour in cultural field was a
medal at the All India Inter University YouthFest (that means competing with the Music and Performing arts faculties to
represent BHU, competing against 30 universities at the zonal level, and then against 61 universities at the National level!)
Eighteen sportspersons were awarded ITBHU this year, up from 12 last year. All the winners had displayed exemplary
performance in the Spardha editions. Still it’s always a wonder why the very same teams that romp through Spardha (widely
publicized as India’s largest sports fest), come back empty handed from other college sport fests. No disrespect to IT girls who
bagged a sizeable medal tally at BOSM 2009 and ITBHU students who scored a gold in Inter University Basketball Competition
(widely applauded by other universities for its fairplay) or to Kashi Vidyapeeth (standing second), but did anyone know that
BHU, with ITians as an integral part of that team, bagged first position in western music at the all India Inter University
youthfestival? And that ITBHU students also bagged the overall literarychampionship at the National youth festival, besides
winning quizzes at several IITs?

Many have won laurels in the technical field as well- students have written papers with Nobel Laureates, worked on
path-breaking projects,filed for patents and won competitions in technical fests throughout India. ITBHU is among the top 10
institutes worldwide in GSoC (Google Summer of Code). But we suppose they first need to be appreciated and known in the
student circles. Then the students have to make an effort and apply for such awards as well! With the institute appreciating and
honouring achievements in co-curricular events, we look forward to the emerging talent creating waves next semester!

With exams round th

e corner...
Frustration, i past experiences may
the end sems
rrita tion, confusi be of some help.
week cycle) be e here. Telling the truth,the on and all the -ions I can
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Ravi Chand
face 2 face
2nd Civil Dr .Ram B. Gupta
-Mitali Shekhawat
Swarnim Ranjan


Goonj: How did you decide to come here? Was it worth?

Sir: (smiles) Making this decision was not tough as I always had BHU in my mind and my purpose to come here was to induce thinking
and research and my thought took shape when I was invited by Dr.P.K.Mishra who was my batchmate in IIT Roorkee. I am glad
about the involvement as I have delivered lectures all over the world and in India- I have been to NIT Jalandhar, IISC- Bangalore
and the IITs... and I feel that the students here have a comparatively more balanced personality because they are a part of a university

Face 2 face------------------------------Dr. Ram B. Gupta

with cross disciplinary interaction unlike other engineering institutes. But I was surprised by the low number of PG
students here because that is what indicates the extent of research.

Goonj: Sir, now that IT BHU is on the verge of adding the much awaited ,'I' to its name....what are your views on it?
Sir: I am happy for ITBHU since it will lead to an increment in funds, the system will be more transparent and conducive. But, I
must say that if it results in isolation, it might be a loss to both BHU and IT, since knowledge can be created only when intellectuals
from different fields come together. And I think even Mahamana had a foresight that BHU would be at par with the likes of Stanford
and Harvard.

Goonj: After this even I am bent on thinking in this direction (confused a bit).... So, sir any message for the students who want to pursue
research and the ones already in it?
Sir:Its very simple, staying in your core and being a part of every wave of innovation is a long term interesting profitable
investment. Most of the students go for short term investment which is, though attractive, but not progressive as after few
years when you will be 40, your accumulation of knowledge will count and you will never regret it and can be seen as there
are several international companies who want to hire Ph.D's. You have to like knowledge and learn more at every step. In our
batch, there were 34 of us, out of which 15 opted for post-graduation.
Some Sparks
were coming from
her plug Socket IT Saftey Day
GSMC near misses reported today....
did she .......hoping for a better tomorrow
jump?? -Jayantika Soni
Mitali Shekhawat
Parth Agarwal
The nation celebrated the Safety Day on 4th March and so did we, not
exactly in the same fashion but then again in our own unique way.

It was rumored that the management was going to organize a fire
show in GSMC premises!!!(Sorry boyz, the entry was restricted to girls
Soute! only).The management ,as a precautionary measure conducted a survey of the
C Limbdi hostel {first time ever in the history of hostels} and found out that in case of any
fire emergency the only way left for the gals would be to jump from the
balcony!!!{the interior channel gates are all locked up}. This too would take a lot
him de
of time owing to the over optimization of space in the hostel. Now they certainly
could not allow this with 'the ratio' being in such a dismal state.They took the
necessary precautions-they canceled the fire show. Thereby saving the girls and
the boys.

Boys' Hostel
It is just a matter of time that the highly efficient 'dog patrol' of
the boys' hostel be counted among the world's elite security forces. It has been
TRICAL LAB reported that the LSF (Limbdi Security Force) had 5 new recruits-2 coffee,2
is Going black and 1 white in the previous month. It is thanks to their presence in our
on my corridors that we feel overwhelmingly safe in our rooms.

de ot
du u n t!!
old t w
Those few of you who are dying to have few adventures under
I ge
to their belt might start with this-be fully drenched in water and walk in any of the
electrical labs a.k.a the safest labs in IT. IMP-Tell your friends to relay your
Counter strike Terrorist experiences at In case you don't make it out
alive, sad but not entirely unexpected. We assure you your martyrdom won't go
in vain. You will be remembered forever as the pioneer of a new revolution.

Even IT LAN could not remain untouched with the safety day's
effect. People celebrated the day by being counter terrorists in CS for one full
Its Safety day!
and I’m not a terrorist Hostel Mess
Many of us complain, yell and rant of
the food being unhygienic and unsafe to eat.
dint This actually displays our shallow thinking
They ysentry
the d and our age old belief that the administration is
make ns today! Diarrohea Rajma Food Poisoning Salad responsible for all this. In reality they are
bea Jaundice rice
making us immune to diseases like jaundice,
typhoid, food poisoning and what not. So
Safety Day would be the best for all of us to
put an end to our baseless protests.

T h e G o o n j Te a m w i s h e s a l l i t s
readers a happy and safe
life at IT BHU.
Anant Raman Abhinav Pandey
Ram Gopal Varma Mitali Shekhawat

Nakul Manocha
Jayantika Soni
Aayush Agarwal Vineet Hansaria
Prashant Tambey

Mohit Pundir


Aniruddh Vashisth
Aviral Srivastava Ambuj Kanupriya
Shriti Raj Parth Ahirnish Pareek

Abhinav Pandey 3rd Trical
Nakul Manocha 2nd Mech
? ?
? Ram Gopal Varma 3rd Trical ? Prashant Tambey 2nd Mech

e ? Aviral Srivastava
Creative Team
2nd Mech
? Mitali Shekhawat 3rd Biochem ? Mohit Pundir 2nd Mech
T ?
Shriti Raj
Jayantika Soni
3rd CompSci
3rd Trical
? Kanupriya 1st Biochem

e ? Mugdha
Anant Raman Sharma
3rd Trical
3rd Meta
? Aayush Agarwal 2nd Civil
? Aniruddh Vashisth 2nd Civil ? Vineet Hansaria 1st Civil
Parth Agarwal 1st Biomed
? Ambuj Srivastava 1st Meta Post your comments, suggestions and
? Ahirinish Pareek 1st CompSci criticism to
? Nikhil Jain 1st Meta
Don't forget to visit the new intranet college
36 website

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