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S20 Gut 1993; supplement: S20-S25

Diagnostic markers of viral hepatitis B and C

C Trepo, F Zoulim, C Alonso, M-A Petit, C Pichoud, L Vitvitski

Abstract symptomatic or asymptomatic infection.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serology has Markers may be separated tentatively into two
become extremely refined. As well as groups: those that are mainly diagnostic and
the recognised hepatitis B surface (HBs), those that allow assessment of prognosis and
hepatitis B core (HBc), and hepatitis B e infectivity. HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc
(HBe) antigen-antibody systems, new should be used simultaneously for diagnosis.
markers have been introduced including Moreover, in contrast with HIV or hepatitis C
pre-Sl, pre-S2 for the envelope and the virus (HCV), it is often possible to confirm the
functional X protein. New automates have specificity of one test within the HBV marker
been introduced allowing flexibility in the spectrum itself. For example, the specificity of
different tests according to precise needs. HBsAg can be assessed by testing for anti-HBc
The monitoring of pre-SI antigen pro- or HBeAg/anti-HBe. This also applies to anti-
vides a relevant correlate of viral repli- HBs as a marker of immune elimination of
cation. The quantitative determination of HBV. In isolated anti-HBc, polymerase chain
HBV-DNA, pre-SI Ag, and IgM anti-HBc reaction (PCR) should be used to investigate
seem most useful for the decision to use, the possibility of low grade ongoing HBV
and the monitoring of, antiviral treat- infection. Western blot profiles and peptide
ment. Second generation ELISAs detect analysis also confirm the specificity and
antibodies to three sets of hepatitis C virus variability of the anti-HBc response.
(HCV) protein including the c22 core, and
c33, and clOO, which correspond to the
non-structural regions (NS3 and NS4, NEW AND POTENTIALLY USEFUL MARKERS OF
respectively). Second generation ELISAs HBV INFECTION
require confirmation by supplement Three additional coding regions leading to
assays, but their biggest limitation is the expression of protein during the life cycle of the
delayed appearance of anti-HCV after virus have been studied intensively: pre-Sl,
primary infection. In addition 10% of pre-S2, and X. The polymerase gene product
chronic infections with liver disease still has received least attention. With suitable
remain seronegative despite circulating antibodies, the product of the polymerase gene
HCV RNA in serum or liver, or both. can be shown in the liver of infected carrier
Much progress still has to be made before patients. In a study of renal dialysis patients,'
HCV serology can reach the level of anti-polymerase antibodies have been reported
sophistication of HBV. as the earliest marker of HBV infection. Both
(Gut 1993; supplement: S20-S25) in human and experimental hepadna virus
infection in the woodchuck, anti-pol antibodies
were constant in fulminant hepatitis and
Hepatitis B common in acute HBV infection as well as in
chronic infection, where they correlated
OVERVIEW directly with the existence of ongoing HBV
Although hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has replication. Remarkably, the occurrence of
now been recognised for more than 25 years, anti-pol antibodies in chronic hepatitis B
its serology has evolved constantly and has patients was about the same in those with
become extremely refined with the significant HBeAg and those with anti-HBe. This is
advances of molecular biology and monoclonal further evidence that ongoing viral replication
antibody technology. In addition to the well in such patients may well persist in the
Inserm U 271, Lyon known hepatitis B surface (HBs), core (HBc), presence of anti-HBe.
and Hepatology Unit, and e (HBe) antigen-antibody (Ag/anti-) Several groups, including ours, have looked
H6pital Hotel Dieu, systems, new markers have been recognised, for hepatitis B x antigen (HBxAg) in the tissue
Lyon, France including pre-S 1 and pre-S2 for the envelope and anti-HBx in the serum samples of patients
C Trepo
F Zoulim and the functional X protein. Moreover, with a variety of HBV-associated diseases.2`4
C Alonso original tests have been made more quanti- The results seem discrepant, but this is
C Pichoud tative and sensitive and therefore now have not surprising as different probes, either
L Vitvitski
a greater clinical relevance. Finally, new recombinant fusion protein or synthetic
Inserm U 131, 32 rue automates have been introduced which allow peptides, have been used by different authors.
des Carnets,
Clamart, France flexibility in the hierarchy between different Results are in agreement regarding the
M-A Petit tests according to precise requirements. transactivation function of the X protein.
Correspondence to: The hitherto overlooked genetic hetero- Expression of HBxAg in the liver has been
Dr C Trepo,
Hepatology Unit, geneity of HBV, recently disclosed by confirmed universally. The detection of
H6pital Hotel Dieu,
1 place de l'Hopital,
molecular biology, has necessitated recon- HBxAg on the plasma membrane of infected
69288 Lyon Cedex 02, sideration of the classic serological distinctions hepatocytes, together with a close correlation
France. between healthy carriers and progressive between HBxAg positivity and raised serum
Diagnostic markers of viral hepatitis B and C S21

alanine aminotransferase (ALT),5 implies that proteins.13 Even though the prevalence of such
the HBxAg may be implicated in the patho- mutants has been studied in various regions
genesis of HBV infection. Another possibly of the world, showing a high proportion
relevant phenomenon is the activation of the of mutations in Africa, Asia, and the
expression of major histocompatibility antigens Mediterranean countries, the biological and
by HBxAg. clinical consequences of the phenomenon
The detection of HBxAg in the serum has remain unclear. Several reports focused on the
been reported by only two groups"5 and is still severity of the infection with such mutated
awaiting confirmation. HBx antigenaemia strains, including propensity to fulminant
seems to be restricted mainly to chronic HBV hepatitis and rapidly progressing chronic active
infection with positivity for HBV-DNA in hepatitis. We have recently confirmed the
serum and HBcAg in liver tissue. replication capacity of this HBV mutant and
Anti-HBx is detectable earlier and is found successfully shown by transfection the
in both acute and chronic infection. Titres and infectivity for chimpanzees."4 Although our
prevalence correlate with the intensity of HBV results suggested decreased replication ability
replication. The correlation between anti-HBx of pre-core negative mutated HBV variants,
and liver cancer has not been seen universally they confirmed the ability to infect both in vivo
but this may be more a reflection of duration and in vitro. Remarkably, the infection with
and intensity of replication than of carcino- pre-core negative mutants is associated with
genesis in itself. Seroconversion of HBxAg to cytoplasmic rather than nuclear expression of
anti-HBx positivity occurs in most patients HBcAg. This provides indirect evidence of the
before HBeAg to anti-HBe seroconversion. It existence of HBeAg variant strains. The
is independent of the HBe antigen-antibody existence of several populations of wild type
markers. The importance of the presence of and mutated HBV strains in patients, as well
HBxAg in the absence of other HBV markers as fluctuation of such populations during the
requires further study. natural course of the disease or following
Many more groups have evaluated pre-S treatment, has already been reported.15 16
antigen as a marker of viral replication. All Whether some HBeAg negative variants are
studies seemed to find much higher values of true 'escape mutants' and a result of immune
pre-S antigen in HBV-DNA positive cases as selection, or whether they derive from direct
compared with HBV-DNA negative cases, but exogenous infection needs to be studied
the proportion of HBV-DNA cases reactive for further.
pre-S varied according to the technique used. It is important to emphasise that interferon
Both the pre-Sl and pre-S2 domains have acts, in part, by immunomodulation and thus
been shown to contain host receptor binding may contribute to the selection of such an
sites and to affect the attachment of HBV to escape mutant. The response of chronic active
hepatocyte receptors. It is believed that HBV hepatitis to interferon has been shown to be
may bind indirectly (by polymerised human related indirectly to the proportion of wild type
serum albumin as an intermediate molecule) and HBeAg negative mutants. Therefore, the
through the pre-S2 domain and directly to detection of these mutants is now necessary for
hepatocyte membrane through the pre-S 1 the successful management of HBV infection.
domain. It is important to remember that because of a
Several studies using antibodies in com- lower HBV replication capacity, HBeAg
petition experiments have identified the negative infection is often associated with
specific 21-47 region of the pre-Sl sequence progressive liver disease with evidence of HBV
(which involves 174 amino acids) as the replication in the liver, even though serum
receptor binding site. A double radioimmuno- HBV-DNA tests are negative. Such infections
assay using specific monoclonal antibody may represent 50% or more of the cases
recognising 21-47 has been developed on the studied at one time. The management of anti-
envelope of HBV.9 Using this assay, the HBe positive liver disease is extremely difficult
expression of pre-S1 antigen correlated well with the markers currently available as HBeAg
with levels of HBV replication in patients with is dismissed and HBV-DNA is present in less
chronic active hepatitis B. than half of the patients at a titre detectable by
To date, none of the new markers, anti-pol, conventional hybridisation techniques. We
HBxAg, anti-HBx, pre-Sl, and pre-S2 anti- have shown that, in such cases, study of the
gens or antibodies have been made commer- pre-Sl/HBsAg ratio is invaluable.9 Indeed, the
cially available, although some prototypes have pre-core negative mutation does not affect the
been developed. viral envelope. Table I lists the investigations
required for the management of chronic liver
disease associated with HBeAg negative
In 1989, several groups, including ours, TABLE I Specific investigations for the management of
reported the identification of a pre-core chronic liver disease associated with HBeAg negative
defective HBV variant in patients with anti- mutants
HBe positive chronic active hepatitis. 1-2 The HBeAg disqualified
pre-core mutation inhibits expression of 2 HBV-DNA on PCR (undetectable by conventional tests
HBeAg. Anti-HBe positivity may result from 3 inAnti-HBc IgM/ultrasensitive (correlates with disease
earlier infection with the wild type virus, or activity)
may represent a response to degraded core 4 High Pre-S1/HBsAg ratio (correlates with replication)
S22 Trepo, Zoulim, Alonso, Petit, Pichoud, Vitvitski

IMPORTANCE OF SERUM IGM ANTI-HBC IN higher in patients with high replication (>100
CHRONIC HEPATITIS VIRUS B INFECTION pg/ml). As mentioned before, monitoring of
Although the classic pattern of antibody anti-HBe positive chronic active hepatitis
response to acute viral infection is charac- requires the use of additional markers. Pre-
terised by an early IgM response and the S1/HBsAg ratios were found to correlate with
appearance of secondary IgG-specific anti- both the replication and severity of liver disease
body, it is also known that IgM antibodies to in anti-HBe positive patients.8
viral antigen often persist in chronic viral The quantitative measurement of serum
infection with ongoing viral replication. It is HBV-DNA, IgM anti-HBc, and pre-S antigen
still not clear whether fluctuation of low values titres is needed to discover if a patient is
of IgM anti-HBc antibody can be correlated suffering from chronic liver disease with repli-
with the intensity of HBV replication or cating virus and may therefore be infectious,
severity of histological liver disease. 720 It especially in anti-HBe-positive chronic HBsAg
should be emphasised that ultrasensitive tests carriers. It is important that an excellent
are required to assay monomeric IgM anti- correlation has been found between the
HBc titres in chronic infection. It is notable detection of pre-Sl protein by radioimmuno-
that, in one study,20 although no correlation assay (RIA) and HBV-DNA by PCR in HBsAg
could be found between IgM anti-HBc and carriers.2' PCR in itself, however, is not yet
serum markers of active viral replication or readily quantifiable, even though it can detect
HBsAg titres in 49 patients with chronic HBV up to five genomes in a single specimen. Most
infection, a significant association was seen HBsAg carriers with a healthy liver will be
between intrahepatic expression of cytoplasmic positive on PCR, as shown in Table II. Until
HBcAg and active liver histology. By including the cut off point for pathological significance
the samples only slightly reactive for IgM anti- has been determined, PCR will remain an
HBc, a significant difference was found investigative tool for research and one that
between cases of chronic hepatitis and must be supplemented with other assays for
asymptomatic carriers.'9 That is, patients with routine use.
chronic hepatitis were more likely to be IgM
anti-HBc positive than asymptomatic carriers
Given the many tests available, it is critical It is important to integrate the relevant new
to select only the minimum necessary to allow markers of clinical heterogeneity of hepatitis B
assessment of the clinical situation, including into the routine management of patients and to
HBV variants. The need for accurate pro- distinguish between the profiles listed below.
cessing of a large number of samples prompted
us to evaluate fully automated enzyme
immunoassays (IMX Abbott, Chicago, IL, Primary infection
USA) for the assessment of both HBsAg and Once exposure to HBV has been shown and
IgM anti-HBc. HBV-DNA titre was also infection proved, it is necessary to distinguish
assessed quantitively using a solution a recent infection from an exacerbation
hybridisation test.'9 occurring in a chronic carrier. This can be done
To assess the clinical relevance of these by IgM anti-HBc titre. The increased sensi-
assays, they were compared with anti-HBx, tivity of this test, which allowed the
pre-S1, and pre-S2 antigen detection. Three introduction of a cut off value to distinguish
groups of patients were studied, corresponding accurately between chronic and acute infec-
to the main clinical situations in chronic tions, has redefined its significance. To date,
infection: (a) healthy asymptomatic chronic we have assumed that all primary infection was
HBsAg carriers with normal liver function of the wild type but, in future, we should
tests; (b) chronic hepatitis B patients with consider whether pre-core negative mutant or
active replication and progressive liver disease, mixed infections are present.
with two subgroups: (i) patients with HBeAg
and high HBV-DNA, and (ii) those with anti-
HBe and low HBV-DNA values in serum. Prolonged hepatitis B
Serum HBsAg values detected by IMX were Prolonged hepatitis B is defined as the
higher in HBeAg positive cases than in anti- persistence of abnormal serum ALT activities
HBe positive carriers. In all subgroups, serum for more than six weeks but less than six
HBsAg values correlated with those of serum months. The condition has to be monitored
HBV-DNA. The detection of low levels of IgM carefully and treated adequately. Evidence
anti-HBc by IMX was associated with the indicates that, whenever HBeAg and HBV-
presence of liver disease but not with the level DNA persist, the chances of spontaneous
of viral replication. The prevalence of anti- recovery are almost non-existent. In contrast,
HBx was slightly, although not significantly, interferon treatment may be highly successful
at this stage, as suggested by an interim analysis
TABLE II Correlation between detection of pre-Sl protein by RIA and HBV-DNA by of an ongoing controlled study.22
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in HBsAg carriers (Adapted from Chemin et al.)2'
Pre-SI Ag PCR/ethidium bromide staining PCR/southern blot hybridisation
Chronic HBV infections
Positive Negative Positive Negative Chronic HBV infections are those which last
Positive (n=24) 24 (100%) 0 24 (100%) 0 more than six months and are classified into
Negative (n=23) 5 (22%) 18 (78%) 19 (83%) 4 (17%) wild type or mutated genotype. One of the
Diagnostic markers of viral hepatitis B and C S23

TABLE III Prevalence ofserum HBV markers in different clinical categories of chronic but only in cases of immunodeficiency after
HBV infection (%o) (Adapted from Zoulim et al.) 9
HIV infection or immunosuppressive
Markers Anti-HBe positive, Anti-HBe positive, HBeAg positive, treatment. In cases of infection with mutated
asymptomatic chronic hepatitis chronic hepatitis
HBe(-) variant, many flare ups are seen and are
(n=23) (n=25) (n=40)
part of the natural history of the infection. The
HBsAg 100 100 100
term 'reactivation' should not be used loosely
Pre-SlAg* 61 100 100
Pre-S2Ag 100 100 98 for every exacerbation in cases such as these.
IgM anti-HBc 17 24 18
Anti-HBx 45 29 47
HBV-DNA* 9 44 80
*p=0-0001. CONCLUSIONS
We have carried out extensive analysis of the
most common mutations is the HBeAg existing HBV markers, which have been im-
negative variant, which may be associated with proved by quantitative determination methods,
different types of mutation in the pre-core to assess accurately HBV replication and to
region, all of which inhibit HBeAg expression monitor its fluctuation in chronic HBV
and release. In this case, the HBeAg/anti-HBe infection with both wild type or HBeAg
system is invalidated as a prognostic and negative variants before, during, and after anti-
replication marker. An updated definition of viral treatment. The results indicate that, in
the healthy HBV carrier state is therefore addition to HBsAg, the most critical variants
crucial, with careful distinction between are pre-S 1 antigen and HBV-DNA. In general,
healthy HBsAg carriers and those with the quantitative determination of HBV-DNA,
asymptomatic or symptomatic liver disease, pre-S 1 antigen, and IgM anti-HBc seems most
assessed according to the new assays (Tables useful for the decision to treat, and the
III and IV). Obviously, the liver function tests monitoring of, antiviral treatment. This is
must be normal, anti-HBe should be positive, especially true for anti-HBe positive carriers
and HBV-DNA should be negative at least by with liver disease, as HBV-DNA values are
conventional methods. IgM anti-HBc and pre- often too low to be readily detectable.
SI/HBsAg ratio should also be negative by Persistence of pre-S 1 antigen and IgM anti-
ultrasensitive assays. Chronic hepatitis may HBc, or both confirm ongoing HBV repli-
differ from the above profile in that ALT may cation, as shown by PCR, and rule out the true
be raised at anytime. Inflammation can be healthy carrier state. Therefore, there is a much
tested for by liver biopsy, a procedure that is smaller proportion of cases than previously
unnecessary in patients with the previous thought that fall into this category. Strict
profile. Pre-S 1 antigen and IgM anti-HBc will criteria should be maintained, however, to
be positive, while positivity will vary for identify a much larger proportion of patients
HBeAg, in cases of wild type infection, or anti- with minimal liver disease who should be
HBe, and in cases of pre-core negative variant monitored to recognise early reactivation or
infection. emergence of mutants. Such cases could be
treated more effectively if treatment was
started earlier.
The hepatitis B immunity profile
The hepatitis B immunity profile after natural
infection requires the simultaneous positivity Hepatitis C
of both anti-HBs and anti-HBc and, possibly, The real breakthrough in terms of sensitivity
of anti-pre-S. In cases of vaccination, only anti- was achieved when it became possible to add
HBs and, eventually, anti pre-S (depending on a second adjacent non-structural protein (NS3
the type of vaccine) are found. or c33) and a structural protein from the viral
capsid or core (c22) to the c 100-3 NS4
protein. This set of three proteins was selected
Reactivation carefully after extensive testing, and two major
This term should be restricted mostly to a diagnostic companies (Ortho and Abbott) are
specific situation in which patients with wild presently distributing second generation
type infection have transiently cleared HBeAg ELISAs based on the association between the
and HBV-DNA and, in a limited number of three. Other manufacturers which use distinct
cases, pre-S Ag antigen; second phase recombinant proteins (Pasteur Diagnostic and
replication then resumes with the reappearance Wellcome) or combined synthetic peptides
of HBeAg and HBsAg, or both, as well as (UBI Organon) are accessing the market, but
HBV-DNA. Reactivation can even be seen they have yet to offer strong competition with
after seroconversion from HBsAg to anti-HBs, the market leaders. Results from second
generation assays are only beginning to be
reported in studies and most references still
TABLE IV Updated definition of the healthy HBVcarrier document first generation assays. The
state principle of anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Chronic HBsAg with: ELISA, first and second generation, is based
- constantly normal ALT and liver function tests on a 'sandwich' antiglobulin assay in which
- anti-HBe positive
- HBV-DNA negative (spot or genostic) recombinant proteins or synthetic peptides
- IgM anti-HBc negative (including ultrasensitive assays)
- pre-S 1/HBsAg negative
fixed on a solid phase bind the antibodies
and eventually: present in the serum. Those antibodies are
- HBV-DNA negative in polymerase chain reaction shown by anti-human IgG. As for HIV tests,
- (that is, without pre-core mutant)
this type of assay is associated with specificity
S24 Tripo, Zoulim, Alonso, Petit, Pichoud, Vitvitski

problems; any antibody to protein which may samples anti-HCV positive by second
be fixed together with HCV specific protein generation tests can be confirmed as positive by
will also react and will need to be assessed second generation recombinant immunoblot
further by supplementary testing. Therefore, assays (RIBA-2), with about one third truly
HCV screening must include initial assays with confirmed and 25% with indeterminate
maximum sensitivity followed by confirmatory (single-band) patterns.5
assays providing the necessary specificity. Another common cause of false positives is
Sensitivity and specificity in HCV infection are hypergammaglobulinaemia occurring, for
still limited, as will become apparent. example, in serum samples from patients of
The increased proficiency associated with African origin and those with rheumatoid
the use of second generation assays is factors, as well as from patients with myeloma,
important, although variable, and depends on hepatocellular carcinoma or chronic liver
the clinical setting. For example, in the disease, but especially from those with auto-
screening of blood donors in France, the immune chronic active hepatitis.28 In this last
number of positive samples in low prevalence group, superoxide dismutase antibodies have
areas almost doubled when second generation also been found. As the HCV proteins are
tests were used. In high risk groups, such as cloned in yeast with superoxide dismutase
drug addicts, an increase in true positives from antibodies as a fusion protein, the false positive
5 to 40% was seen with second generation cross reaction is conceivable.0 In addition,
assays. Among patients with chronic non-A, false positives have been reported following
non-B (NANB) hepatitis, the increase of 5 to repeated freeze thaw cycles or when stored for
15% brought the final anti-HCV reactivity rate long periods at unstable temperatures. Other
to over 85%. Among patients with acute questions need to be answered, such as the role
sporadic NANB hepatitis, the improved rate of of anti-idiotypes, immune complexes, and
detection was about 20%. In prospective other, as yet unidentified, factors which modify
studies after transfusion, anti-HCV was the physicochemical properties of seric
detected 30-90 days earlier with second proteins and may increase their interaction
generation assays, and it is now clear that all with gammaglobulins and with the solid phase
cases seroconverted within five months after of the assay, or both.
transfusion. Despite these benefits, between 20 Thus, because of their limited specificity,
and 40% of cases of presumed acute hepatitis each anti-HCV assay must be followed by a
C remain anti-HCV negative on tests carried complementary 'confirmation' test. Several
out at the start of symptoms or at peak ALT such complementary assays are now available
activity. The higher reactivity rate associated and are described below. To date, the
with sporadic acute hepatitis may partly be a immunoblot type tests have been used most
result of misinterpretation of established commonly, in which the structural protein c22
chronic infection. In contrast with the delayed and non-structural proteins c33 and c100 are
appearance of anti-HCV, detection of HCV- coated as separate bands on nitrocellulose
RNA on PCR is an early event, occurring as strips (RIBA, Ortho; Raritan, New Jersey,
soon as five to 10 days after transfusion. In USA) or disks (MATRIX, Abbott, Chicago,
addition, 1 0% of patients with chronic IL, USA). These tests have excellent specificity
hepatitis C may be seronegative for anti-HCV; but lack sensitivity. Among blood donors, they
in such cases, only HCV-RNA can be shown yield too many indeterminate results; 30%
by PCR. The prevalence of anti-HCV detect only one of the proteins (c22 or c33
negativity is increased in cases of immuno- antibodies) and yet two proteins are required
deficiency linked to either HIV infection or for a true positive result. The supplemental
transplantation. These findings are similar to 'two beads' assay (Abbott) consists of two
those reported in studies of maternal separate beads coated with c22 (structural) and
transmission of HCV from mother to child, in c33+c 100 (non-structural) proteins. This
which HCV viraemia was seen in the absence assay has good sensitivity and specificity, and
of any antibody. Moreover, a recent study scores positive if the sample is reactive with
comparing all commercially available HCV only one bead.
screening tests (ELISA second generation) The conflicting interpretations of serological
found that 32% of blood donors with raised data require clarification. Some suggest that a
ALT greater than 100 IU/l had detectable blood donor positive for only one protein may
HCV-RNA in the absence of any detectable well be truly infected with HCV, whereas
antibody.23 others suspect a false reaction as a likely cause
of this commonly seen pattern. Indeed, most
blood donors with only one protein are not
SPECIFICITY infectious, but this does not mean that they
Many papers have reported a very high have not been exposed to HCV. They may
frequency of false positives associated with retain a residual anti-c22 reactivity resulting
anti-HCV testing.21-3 Despite the improved from the sequential loss of c33 and, later, c100
sensitivity of the second generation tests, they antibodies, as the c22 antibody seems to be the
remain subject to the same specificity problems most persistent. In liver disease patients, how-
as those of the first generation, as their ever, most cases of anti-c22 or anti-c33 single
configurations are identical. In prospective reactivity are hepatitis C viraemic, as indicated
epidemiological surveys, only 50% of anti- by PCR. Thus, it seems important to assay
HCV positive blood donors were actually RIBA-2 indeterminate samples by PCR to
found to be infectious. Only 50-75O/o of serum confirm HCV infection.
Diagnostic markers of viral hepatitis B and C S25

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