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The Northcap University, Gurugram

Project Verification Form (Team Activity)

 This form is for verifying Final Year Project Presentation with your respective Internal

 All the Teams must produce this verification form duly signed by your Internal guide at
the time of your Project Evaluation.

Project Title

Team members 
Team Members 
Roll No.
Name Of Internal 
Type of 

Name of 
(if IDP)

(To Be Filled by Internal Guide Only)

By appending your signatures to this form, you acknowledge and agree that:

 This form would serve as the official document between the project supervisor and Project
evaluation committee regarding verification of the student’s project work
 The students have completed the assigned project objectives to a satisfactory level.
 Falsely, consciously & deliberately over-stating the reach, impact and/or
qualitative/quantitative results of any project is an offence.
 In case of violation of any of the above rules, the evaluation committee reserves the
right to take necessary action including de-registering the project.

Signed …………………………………….. Date……………………………


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