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Family Health Analysis Page 17 of 17

San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation, Inc. (College)

2772-2774 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City
1300 Metro Manila, Philippines


Submitted by:

Clarito, Rosa Zhanen D.

De Leon, Clarisse Angelica S.

BSN 4A- Group1

Submitted to:

Mrs. Banaria
Family Health Analysis Page 17 of 17

Table of contents

i. Introduction

ii. Statement of objective

iii. Methodology

iv. Plan of home visit

v. Initial data base

vi. Identified nursing problem

vii. Priority setting

viii. Family nursing care plan

ix. Summary and conclusion

x. Recommendation
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i. Introduction

The family is considered as the primordial beneficiary of the nursing effort, which is

contributory to the development, and progress of the community through active involvement and self –

responsibilities of each component. The participation and coordination of the people and health care

provider helps in achieving the goal which is to promote and preserve the health of each family in the

community. A certain study is conducted to know the weak points or the problem of each family and

also to monitor the progress taking place in the programs implemented.

Family Health Analysis is a determination of a problem occurring in families in the

community and involves some possible solutions about the problem, and to analyze some observable

cases of that particular family, who may be in need of medical intervention and attention. It is a tool in

determining the health status of a family through assessment and critical inspection. Through this,

health related problems are identified, thus giving the student nurse an indication on how to act and


The Family Health Analysis was conducted in San Dionisio, Parañaque City who caters

almost 5,000 families. The area is consisting of almost depressed families who have a livelihood of

employing themselves to small industrial unit, selling products and stuffs and the rest is very dependent

to the government programs.

The criteria we used in choosing the family to whom we will conduct the said analysis are as

follows: a member who belongs to vulnerable group (pregnant women, children and old-age adults), at

least 5 members in the family and a family who has a member with serious illness in the past or present.

ii. Statement of objective

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Short Term Goal

After 2 days of duty and home visits, the student nurse will able to:

• familiarize ourselves with the health center, its facilities, the community itself and its people

• establish rapport to the health care providers, community and chosen family

• assess demographic data, health condition, and environment of the chosen family

• give health teachings to different concerns of the family

After 2 days of duty and home visits, the chosen family will be able to:

• gain trust and confidence to the student nurse

• understand the purpose of home visit

• be aware in the present condition of the family

• obtain knowledge from the health teachings given by the student nurse

Long Term Goal

After 4 days of duty and home visits, the student nurse will able to:

• generate interventions considering the status of the family and their resources

• guide the family in identifying the problem which may be a hindrance in maintaining the family

•enhance our ability to interact with the community through learning exposure

•evaluate the changes of the family’s way of life after giving the interventions

After 4 days of duty and home visits, the chosen family will be able to:

• apply some health teachings given by the student nurse

• maximize the family’s resources

•cooperate and responsive in attaining the community goals and objectives

• allocate some of the health teachings given by the nurse to their neighborhood

iii. Methodology
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Community endowment is defined structurally. The community is a territorially bounded social

system or set of interlocking or integrated functional subsystems (economic, political, religious ...)

serving a resident population, plus the material culture of physical plant through which the subsystems

operate. The community concept does not include such characteristics as harmony, love, or intimacy ...

but it does include a minimum of consensus. (International Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences 1968, 3:163)

In order for our group to understand the community, we have to deal with them, be with them

and live like them. By means of this, we will be able to explore their way of living specifically their point

of view and principles in different aspects of their lives. Through observation and interview, we can

gather data that may seek help do determine their present condition and help them solve their different

issues especially when it comes to their health. Through this, we can see if the health center programs

activities are efficient enough it meeting the needs of the people in the community, if not modification

should be presented in order to meet the goals and objectives of the health center and that is to

promote and maintain wellness of the people.

iv. Plan of home visit


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• Knock at the door Knocking the door is a sign of Human One of the family member
respect to the home owner resources: opened the door
Time and
•Greeting the person Greeting shows reverence to Effort The family representative
who opened the door the home owner positive greeted us back and asked us
outlook in the activity to be Material to get inside
conducted and friendly resources:
approach to the family as well Leaflets

• Introducing To gain family’s trust and The family recognized us by

ourselves confidence repeating our names

• State the purpose To gain family’s trust and

of visitation confidence and making them
aware about the things that
will be done

•Start the interview To gather data that will be The head of the family and
proper needed to set goals and the eldest sibling shows
objectives for the analysis enthusiasm and active
participation in answering

• Give health To recognize the problem The head of the family ask
teachings to the raised by the family and for questions to clarify
raised problem them to gain knowledge in information relayed
giving in solutions to the

• Educate them in At least minimize the possible The pregnant woman shows
some preparations complications and for the puzzling gesture which implies
involved during early pregnant mother as well as her ineffective understanding
pregnancy and its the family be prepared in of the topic that’s why further
possible changes that may take place explanation is given
The pregnant woman shows
•Explain the To monitor the health status interest by asking question
importance of of the mother and the baby related to pregnancy
prenatal check up Giving enough nutrition The family finds way to
and proper nutrition needed by the mother and maintain their health status
of pregnant mother baby will help minimize since they have vulnerable
complication member of the family

The head of the family stated

•Let them be aware To maximize the utilization of some health center programs
of the health center the health center they participated
programs that
respond to their
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health problems
The head of the family
• Ask if we can go Keenly observing the house granted the request.
round the house with setting and at the same time Receiving, dining, living area,
one of the family with one family member to kitchen, balcony and comfort
member prevent mistaken assumptions room were observed

Family also said thank you

• Thanking them for Time is precious to them, and apologized for not
the time thanking them is a sign we preparing any snacks for us
value their time and we
appreciate their warm
They lead us in the entrance
• Saying good bye to To let them know that the door
the family home visit conducted ends

v. Initial data base

A. Family Structure, Characteristics and Dynamics

Members of Relationship to Age Sex Civil Position in Educational Occupation
the Family the Head of Status the family Attainment
the Family
Julie Mother (head 37 F Married Mother High school Housewife
Fernandez of the family) graduate
Orland Partner 42 M Single Father Elementary Painter
Cortez graduate
Chris Father 71 M Married Grandfather Elementary Tailoring
Fernandez undergraduate
Jubernlie 1st son 17 M Single 1st son 1st yr high Air
Calungsod school condtioning
Apple Adelfa Common law 14 F Single Common law 2 yr high
Prado wife of 1st son wife of 1st son school
Charlie 2nd son 13 M Single 2nd son Grade 2
Ma. Nina 1st daughter 11 F Single 1st daughter Grade 5
Patrick 3rd son 4 M Single 3rd son Not applicable

The Fernandez family is lead by Mrs. Julie Fernandez who is currently staying at Bonfacio St., San
Dionisio Parañaque City with his live in partner Orland Cortez. She is married with her first husband
wherein she has one son while from her second husband she has 2 children and one son for her current
partner. All her children are staying with her. The family is composed of eight members that can be
classified as matriarchal for the main existing fact that most matters relating to the judgement of the
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family such as financial plan, health decision, educational concerns and everyday life decisions are
vested upon more to the authority of the mother since the father only stay at home for weekends
because of work matters.

Since Mrs. Julie’s father, Chris Fernandez is staying with them; the family is classified under
extended type of family. It also fits the criteria of an extended family, and can be classified under this
category since her eldest son’s partner is residing with them who are pregnant to seek support.

Peace and harmonious relationship can be observed among the family members even if the
children have different fathers. No observable conflict among family members, and that there are no
impaired communications.

B. Socio Economic and Cultural Characteristics

Family Income and Expenses

Family Member Occupation Place of Work Income

Orland Cortez Painter Muntinlupa 400/day
Chris Fernandez Tailoring San Dionisio 300/day
Jubernlie Calungsod Air condtioning Quezon Ave. 250/day
Total Income per month: Php 5,000-8,000

Though Mrs. Julie Ann heads the family, the three male members of the family are the
source of income. But the grandfather, Chris Fernandez, does not give any of his income to Julie since his
job is seasonal. In terms of decision in the money, Mrs. Julie is in charged in allocating the income of the
family to electric bill, water supply and food. No money is allocated for emergency purposes or even
health matters. And when there’s instance that money is badly needed she just asks her partner to find
for money but as possible they avoid too much expense. The monthly expenses of the family are just the
same with their income. As the mother said, “What comes goes.”

The family is religiously hearing mass every Sunday except for the eldest son and his partner.
Mrs. Julie is a member of a women group association in the community but not that active. Even if the
family has a serious problem they just solve it alone without seeking help to others.

C. Home and Environment

Type of Housing Materials: Mixed

Home and environment greatly affects and reflects the family living in a particular area.

Fernandez family have been residing at this mixed type of housing at Bonifacio St., San
Dionisio, Parañaque City for almost 20 years. They own the house and the lot. They have 3 televisions, 2
electric fans, cellphone and 3 sawing machines as their home appliances that serve as their leisure and
fun especially during the afternoon. They have no appropriate means on food storage like refrigerator so
they have to cook immediately poultry or any fresh product from wet market. NAWASA serves as their
source of potable drinking water and artesian well or “poso” for bathing and cleansing. They discard
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their garbage in one plastic, or all in one without segregating biodegradable to non-biodegradable waste
everyday at 5:00pm. Their toilet facility is located inside the house with poor conditioning and
ventilation. Their drainage system is open so the wastes are exposed directly to the environment which
is not good for the people near the drainage system. Pests such as cockroaches, rats, lizards and ants
obviously cannot be avoided inside the house. They used jeepney as their means of transportation. For
their sleeping arrangement which they believe that there is adequate space for every each member of
the family.



D. Health Status of Each Family Member

Family Member Past Illness Current Illness Beliefs conductive to Remarks

health and Illness
Julie Fernandez NA
Orland Cortez NA
Chris Fernandez Tuberculosis NA Poor hygiene and Treated
sanitary condition
Jubernlie Chicken pox, NA
Calungsod measles, dog bite
Apple Adelfa Prado N.A. Boil (face) Poor hygiene and Healing stage
sanitary condition
Charlie Fracture in left NA Playtime with his Recovered
Montemayor knee brother
Ma. Nina Chicken pox, NA
Montemayor measles
Patrick Cortez Boil Boil (head, Poor hygiene and Healing stage
nose, face) sanitary condition

Infant Feeding
All children experienced breastfeeding and also given milk through bottle feeding when their
mother is not around.

Dietary History
The family eats at least 3 times a day and usually the head of the family do not prepare
vegetables and fish because the children show no interest in eating these kinds of food. They prefer
chicken, pork and beef in breakfast, lunch and even dinner.
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The father and the eldest son smokes, each of them can endure at least half pack a day and both
are alcoholic drinker. Walking serves as their exercise.

E. Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion, Maintenance and Disease Prevention

Family Member Type of Immunization

All family members Fully Immunized Child

The family sleeps from 9:00pm-9:00am and use bed net to protect them from mosquitoes that
bring dengue or malaria and other disease. For their relaxation and stress management, they watch
television, play card games and bonding among the members of the family.

According to the head of the family, as long as she can take care of her children, it is not
necessary for them to be brought in the health center. As soon as her children feel something unusual,
and show symptoms like colds cough and fever, she will just immediately give them paracetamol. In fact,
her children are just so afraid of taking medicines and brought in the center. But if the pain or symptoms
did not subside, that’s the time she will bring her child to health care providers.

The members of the family are all Roman Catholic and they religiously hear mass every Sunday
except for her eldest son and its partner. Mrs. Julie’s faith to God keeps her going and gives her courage
to whatever challenge that comes along her way. Her positive approach in life’s events serves as a good
example to her children and helps to draw them closer to Mrs. Fernandez.

vi. Identified nursing problem


“Laging may pigsa Unhealthful lifestyle Health Threat •Inability to recognize the
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yan c patrick kaya and personal possibility of cross

ng napopoknat na habits/practices-Poor infection to other
yan” as verbalized Personal hygiene members of family due to
by the mother lack of knowledge about
health personal hygiene
Presence of abscess • Inability to make
in the head and face decisions with respect to
of the child and also taking appropriate health
the pregnant action due to inadequate
mother knowledge of community
resources for care
Tidy appearance of • Inability to provide a
the children who home environment
are about to go to conducive to health
school maintenance due to:
a. ignorance
b. different family
c. family resources
(financial and
physical facilities)

“Pasensya na kayu, Accidents hazards- Health Threat • Inability to provide

mahirap tlga Steep and broken stairs home environment
bumaba dyan” as conducive to health
verbalized by the maintenance and personal
eldest son development due to
inadequate family
(financial resources)
• Inability to recognize the
presence of the condition
due to lack of knowledge

14 year-old mother Early Pregnancy Presence of Stress • Inability to recognize the

of G1P0, 14 weeks points/Foreseeable Crisis presence of the condition
AOG, with BP of or problem due to
90/60 mm Hg inadequate knowledge

vii. Priority setting

Unhealthful lifestyle and personal habits/practices- Poor Personal Hygiene
Nature of the 3/3 x 1 1 Presence of abscess is an important implication of failure
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problem in health maintenance.

Modifiability 2/2 x 2 2 The health center gives free consultation and medication
of the if available to its community to promote and maintain
problem wellness.
Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Good hygiene will help prevent occurrence of diseases
Potential and infections.
Salience of the 0/2 x 1 0 The Family do not perceived it as a problem either a
problem condition needing to change


Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 The problem is a health threat since family has elderly,
problem pre-schooler, and pregnant member.
Modifiability ½ x 2 1 The family has limited income allotted for electric bill,
of the water supply, and food. Thus, house facilities not given
problem attention.
Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Fall can be prevented if steep stair is fixed.
Salience of the 0/2 x 1 0 The family does not perceive the stairs as a problem that
problem needs immediate intervention.
TOTAL 2.67
Accidents hazards- Steep and broken stairs

Presence of Stress points/Foreseeable Crisis- Early Pregnancy

Nature of the ½x1 0.33 It is a foreseeable crisis that requires immediate
problem attention.
Modifiability 0/2 x 2 0 The problem can’t be modified since it can’t be
of the terminated due to life involved.
Preventive 2/3 x 1 0.67 It can be moderately prevented since early pregnancy is
Potential very dominant among teenagers and proper counseling in
adults especially adults in a relationship and non/pre-
marital sex.
Salience of the 2/2 x 1 1 The problem needs immediate attention since the health
problem of the mother and the baby is involved.

ix. Summary and conclusion

From the data we gathered, we have determined their family condition in terms of their home
& environment, health condition, values, habits/practices concerning to their health and other aspects
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of them as a member of the community. And by the effort of the proponents, we have prioritized the
problem of the selected family by the nature, magnitude, modifiability, preventive potential and
salience of the problem. As a health care provider, we have to be responsive to the condition our people
because this problem might be a hindrance for the family to respond and cooperate to the programs of
the health center. Also, the people in the community reflect the qualities of service given to them as
part of a certain district or barangay. They mirror how efficient and capable the health care providers
are in achieving their goal which is promote and maintain the health of each people.

In the study conducted, hygiene and proper sanitation should be prioritizing to the selected
family even the problem that should be emphasizing to the whole community. It gives the health care
provider an idea to reinforce that cleanliness should always be observe among the family members
since it helps to break the transfer of cross infection in the community.

x. Recommendation

As this study was conducted for three days, we suggest having more time being with the
community to explore more about them and respond to their needs. Moreover, the proponents will
monitor the real trending taking place in the community. With regards to the problem of the selected
family, the health center and the school should linked together to be able to instill in the children the
importance of proper hygiene and sanitation.

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