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Minimum Wage

Rosaerlinda Ceja
Claim: Qualifier:

Minimum wage should not be Most people believe that a increase

increased. in minimum wage would make more
damage than good.

Support #1: Warrant:

Increasing the minimum wage would Increasing the minimum wage would
force businesses to lay off employees force businesses to lay off employees.
and will cause an increase in
unemployment levels. There has been a
survey that businesses will have to lay
off employees if the minimum wage
does increase since they won’t be able
to afford the change.
Support #2: Warrant:

Raising the minimum wage would Raising the minimum wage would
increase the price of consumers increase price of consumers goods.
goods. In 2015 Purdue University
study found that raising the wage of
fast-food restaurant employees would
result in a price increase of 4.3% to
25% rapidly.
Rebuttal: Counter- Argument :

The current minimum wage is not Raising the minimum wage would
high enough to allow people to just increase the housing costs.
afford housing. The national low Landlords know that you are able to
income housing coalition report in pay more so they are willing to raise
2015 that a worker must at least earn the price to make more.
$15.50 an hour to afford a one
bedroom apartment.

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