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Reading @ Read the text and answer the questions. 1. What is the Duke of Edinburgh's Award? 2. Would you like to do a programme? The Duke of Edinburgh's Award The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a charity which gives awards to young people between the ages of 14 and 24 who finish a programme of different activities. But the young people need to try new activities - they can’t just sit at home on the sofa and watch TV! Around 250,000 young people in the UK are doing a programme at the moment. ‘There are three © Read the text again. Find the verbs 1-6 in the text and match them with the words and birds, aici © Write questions for the answers about the text in exercise 1. Because she wants to take photos of animals and birds. levels of award: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Most people begin by taking the Bronze programme. The Bronze programme has got four sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. The great thing is that you can design your own programme, For example, Molly is very interested in animals and photography. Last year she did a photography course and she Jearnt about digital images (Skills). At the moment she’s helping in an animal hospital on Friday afternoons (Volunteering). Molly doesn’t like sports very much but she loves dancing, so she goes to jazz dance classes twice a week (Physical). For the Expedition section of the award, Molly is planning a camping trip to Wales to take photos of animals and phrases a-f. Fy eae reer eeeee ee eee eee 1. give fa a. atrip No, the charity gives awards to young people. 2. try Oo b, anew activity 2 ee 3. do Oo c. photos Three. 4. go o d. anaward Se st 5. plan = [J fe. acourse Yes. you can. 6 take = [J f. toaclass 4 2 Twice a week. She is going to Wales. 2 weds jo ypnes 24g oh atoses 275005 © *kdoo PUY ANOK ay pu YLOMINO{ DIU) ~@ “esneoag pue ing “pue asn nok auns aye yeIp e eILUM 04 Z ‘8512J9X9 U} japoul ayy pue SajOU NOK asp 4 {puaysam ayy) 40j sueyd anok ‘ae JEYA\ EMOU Bulop nos axe yeum EAP ‘Auana op nok op yeu EAYAA Z20eId ay) 2X1) NOK og ZaxN JayeaM au SIeUN LUNN Nok ‘212 OUM ZNOA aie eseyN\ SejoU eeu pue saunyaid ay) ul saved ayy jo auo asooyg isdoys esau moyjog “Auque 6o7q e a114M © 9E'ST ‘Woy Aq parsod iasay aq 0} pasoayd 70 aan, -rasfiaB snow] 0 23s 0} udm 3m uoouayfo aug UI ‘Bulysy ayam ~ (9) 240) 249 0) pou Bumps a.m uowow a4 yy ‘BuIWOW ‘s]u) 2414 Bu) sno sao pasy you Wg) pastuduns us “2A poo8 b Burnoy wy) "00} a10y says————— () Bujdwoo aan usaop apor uno i ‘piim ug ui sdwo9 uayo Bnog aqoun Rw “uno pub ajoun fu ——¢} ‘vino puo ysor ‘sulsno> uooliawy Aud uaien Ly i7S240J a4] Uy s4daq ap aay] ————— (2) panos ayn o Wy “2y] Big p puncuo uy st jnogo Burry ayam Aopoy “ySN au Ul YsOd Buosmor|aA Ul a4am —————— (1) Ropnoy Aw Jo Aop puny ayy sty EERE ONE “esnezaq 403ng ‘pue yum 601g a4} aja)dWIOg — “00} 1 u! Gurde9)s 21,2 ————uaye Bupyei arom “9 ‘AaBuny you ws.) ——— upjooo wi“ “poo sy] aay e Buipying spep AW “y “sureyunow BuIquins x .use0p ays —————— 6uryiy sano] ays “g “yS040) au ut Bunny a4, ————— Janu ayy ul BuIysy 24.9 °Z “euay Sayeus a1e auay] —————paueos wi] “1 “esne29q 10 3ng ‘pue YIM SeuEyUas ay) aiaydWOD solv <« SUNLAA Unit check O Write the letters to make survival skills. 6. %. 8. sl % £. 10. © Complete the sentences with the correct form of some of the verbs in exercise 1. 1. Peter is not in the tent. He likes in the open air and looking at the stars. 2. When we go camping, we usually. spaghetti and sausages. 3. You need an axe to ‘wood. a tent because | always insects in it. 5. It's really interesting to bya river ora lake. © How do you feel in these situa the corresponding adjective. 4. You have a very difficult test and you didn’t study enough yesterday, _ 2. Your history teacher gave you the last test back. Your mark is excellent! 3. You are watching the most terrible horror film ever! _ 4. It's your sister's birthday tomorrow and you are organizing a surprise party at home! 5. You receive a big box of chocolates with a lovely card saying, ‘Your friend forever’. Ws not your birthday today, © Correct the the text. Rewrite it in your folder. My sister not watching TV at the moment. She's ploy video games with a friend, She Love playing video and computer games. She spends Usually about three hours a day sitting at the computer. All her friends likes that. They always chat or play online, My parents usually get ‘angry with her because she doesn't never do her homework. fake: ns? Write © Write questions and answer them for you. 1. What / your classmates / do / now? 2. your teacher / write / board? 3. What / teacher of English / usually / wear? 4. she / wear that / today? 5. Where / you / go / free time? © Tom Stunton is the presenter of a TV programme about survival skills. Look at his schedule and complete the questions. Then answer them. ERE breakfast Geren acrobies lesson PETE lunch with with Johnny Iie producers tackwondo| lunch with Tuesday class | Steven Spielberg about our new Filla Eanes) “arvival in Nepal GMM Breakfast Tunch with at hotel cameramen Gey Mount Everest 1, What ____at eight o'clock on Monday? lunch with on Monday? 2. Who 3, What time on Tuesday? 4. When in Nepal? 5. Is ‘on Thursday morning? Ay eAAINS: ssoopino daeys ua} e dn nd / quid /ysy / 404 HOO} / OHI / HO. / 4y & pying / dures “seyewssey9 pue (5)1ay2e01 snok ‘ayy a4eys pue ayane anod ysgnd Sdals Mr “3 fe aulzeGew NOK ayeas9 pur aysgaMm ayy Uo SUORINAISU! Bt) Mo}}O4 *100) uoNEJBUEB auizeGew auyjuo ue asooy> pue aurju0 09 vdils {U0 0340 B09 0 oy soy rr PeMeTORd2ugoBbu os auende et a Ye ouy CeEMenTD Ne NX = 0 “spowsou fuse axa Joa ous b Jo} ‘eauatiadxe uvo no yasap ay) Uul2.0H “S}sunoy snosnguaapo ssa} au 10} suofiupd ay) ssoxo0 Buryly pu sys}sn0} Buyop 40] sounp aj umop Bulpsn0q-puos 5] 21a "uoow ay Jo Ray]OA ayy so uMOUy 2pimpyom ‘uopor Jo unos au Ut st 3 ) “SwiDaip aumyuanpo 1124 40) Jods jDap1 ayy 5 stung pom ~~sounp ata sso120 uoJos jawind 0 ‘51095 aly] sapun squay ul Budo iasap ay] Uy aunquanpo Jajesd mou siyow-Aopnon “eqonue anok aM, edais “ewobejeg ul s12}2e16 atp Ut Bury “> uy UJ uoKueg puelg ayy ui BuIdwie> °q “eOuY Ul eg Ja6nay ayy UI EJS e “e *Seopl awiOs aJe a0} “ynoge syspue sulzebew Ano4 2i14m 03 22e1d aumquanpe Ue 128185 @dals “sojoyd pue uorrew.iojur No puyj 0} auiGus youeas e asn pue or 3] 0p seq « Guesep au ul aouatiedxe nok ues yeuM “€ ‘yemsue nok Aynsne gApoqdsens 10} Kepnoy yeep! ue SIM S| “2 aanoge apie amp si yeUM “L aun eum Jemsue uays “epAse aunuo ayy peoy @ jazAjeue s,ja7 « dourzeBew auuo ue peas nok ues aseyyy -Z 20) Jes aulzeBew auquo ue S114 “L “cuamsue pue peay @ issnasip $387 « Vocabulary 1 Bem et Clay D> Verbs of discovery and invention © circle the correct words. © Order the letters to make verbs of discovery and invention. Then write the letters in the grey boxes below to make out the secret message. rraiev edisvroc rvatle ilsa ditcenrou orsnartpt dla Utceoc orses nienvt CLETTT) xoerlep CTT tT) O ttt) CTY © Complete the headlines with the correct form of some of the verbs in exercise 1. Beexegrene 1492 - Christopher Columbus _ travels with a group of sailors to the East Indies. 1880 ~ Francis Drake is the first Englishman to. the world. around 2, 1969 Apolo 11 is the first rocket to onthe moon. S1999-Swiss climbers. fossils for DNA tests. 4. 2012 - For the first time in the history of mankind, a space laboratory Martian soil and takes pictures. In 2009, Jan Koum: WhatsApp®. 1, 1492~ Christopher Columbus crosses / sails across the Atlantic Ocean and discovers / arrives America by chance, 2. 1886~Thomas Stevens explores / travels around the world on his bicycle. 3. Inthe 15th century, European explorers travel / arrive in America and try to conquer the aborigines there. 4, 1919-The first passenger plane takes off from London and lands / explores in Paris. / discovers © Complete with some of the verbs in exercises 1 and 3. 1. My cousins usually alot Last week they were in Australia and now they're in Japan, 2. Itwas late and my bus didn’t until 10 pm. 3. Before Igo to university. | want to travel and new places. 4. Lwouldn’t like to around the world in a small boat. Its really dangerous! 5. Flight BA785 is at Heathrow at 7.50 am. Get ready to see Peter again! 6. Weare money for charity. We are going to donate it to the local church. 7. Scientists new bacteria every week. ‘awoyye 1 ‘2am pue fepsaysek puey Ayjea1——] “9 vee} s1eek maj e You auleseq aus “pIny uoI2e109 ey) Aueye.o9s uesuauly UY *g ‘uly pes Aan esq oe F2quen mes |uauM “7 “6961 Aine uy uoou ay) uo Buonjsuny HEN “e 2a} sajaud | MON “yj! aye}OI04> Supjuup 1 ui6 emp e sem | uayM *Z “u04y ysif6ug BulKoms SI 94 MON "YUOUL 1se} puey6ug 0} usu 3s2q AW “L @A0] © 1UAAU] @ AES « AD» ules » asojdxa ¢ Ae|d » 12A0SIp © YOEM » JAC] © LEIS © HEM. “moaq SquaA a4 Jo BULOS Jo LO} sed au ym seouaiuas ay) ariduieg {Butuans Kepsasox ‘asnoy Jnof ul pualay ysaq nok +7 depiaiseh paq ut 124 snok pue nok aw Jeu “E ENOK YIM OUM ‘7 quoouwiaye Aepiaysan nok eum “1 “49p}0} NO uJ nok ynoge JaMsue UY, ‘9g Jo ULJO} 322109 843 YIM SUoASENb ay} aye]dWOD (> paun Aran sem saysis fw asnevag “6 “yuseM oy ON +} “saypjew yeqiooy any pateyd | asnevag *2 “pally Kian 319m am'sa, “Pp “yuausn Kaun ‘ON “2 ‘winipe}s jJeq}00} }220] aut Ye 319M 9M “a “auemqje am *e o {uoowiaye Kepunjes ise} spuslsy nok pue nok alouM °S () chepsaysak pan nok AU "7 Oo ase) uoysiy ayy anoge pajsiom — oun “e o dAepsaupam 352] AL Uo Wd PeIG———————°% 2212] auloy panuie nok uayM paseoid sjuaied nok — *B-e suomsue au Jo awos YM g-| sUoNSaNb ayy ypyew uayy ‘azam Jo sem YyIM ayaydutog © queINe|Sa1 ay} apISUI SEM JeDY “G quesnejsou oun apisul ajdoad xIs a1am a1ou) “7 quesneysad 84} apisino asem JaysIs Jay pue WORN “¢ ‘Spual4j sno} YMA Sem XBT *Z ‘Aep Joye SEM *L aay a TOG 7A YOO D ANY FSO Fy “y90}2,0 Noy Sem pinbISOY| = a ‘sonuaques yy 3301402 pue aamaid aur ye 4007 ‘foys 0] way » payuom 24 fiddoyun asam / som (g) sovaduia ay) 3g auloy winyas 04 payuom Rau ‘pallor azam / som (1) appun puo sa4a0] Si ‘o}0d oosDWy puO Yous azam som (3) faua asn029q sojad 243 Yo snoyoaf aram / som (5) aydoad upw ‘si0af 40) noysBuo, Jo sourano8 aun azam / som (1) 24 0s ‘oulyg Jo sosadwa ayy yin s0}ndod fizan-asam / som (¢) 00,0" “pio sioaft Tz azam / som (2) 03,011 wayen OUND Ul panuuo no RaUL f suajjanoy osqp asam / spa (1) aj2un uo s24n0| sy fyO4 201499 wos) ‘21am KSdAPO|Od CouDWy 1210}dxe ay SAsesessssened “Sp10M 3321109 24) 312119 SqJ9A Jejndad pue ag :ajduuys ised <4 L 4BWwWwel5 OCC CLOSE OC OOE = © Look at the headlines from yesterday's © order the words to make questions and newspaper and write sentences in the answer them. past simple. 1. to/ Marco Polo / sail / did / America? ‘SCIENTISTS DISCOVER NEW PLANET Scientists discovered a new planet. - 1. YOUNG SAILOR ARRIVES HOME AFTER 300 2. you/ did / watch / what / yesterday / TV DAYS AT SEA programme ? 2. 90-YEAR-OLD-WOMAN WALKS 20 KM TO. Eee FIND HER DOG 3. at / arrive / time / school / mot you/ this / did? 3. 700 MILLION PEOPLE WATCH MANCHESTER UNITED LAST MATCH eee 4, did / sail / on / fast / explorers / ships / 15th 4. NEW CRUISER SAILS INTO BARCELONA century / the /in? CARRYING 1.269 PASSENGERS. pee @ Look at the pictures of Martha and complete [yates the text with the affirmative or negative past simple form of the verbs below. Write the questions to complete the * interview with Robert MacDonald, a scientist. IT EN cerns ests Robert —_| was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1962. Reporter (2) rab aeiictaeet lide Robert My first expedition? It was in 1990. rain © be (x2) ¢ shout e stay arrive © cook * watch ¢ want ¢ study 3 Mondeg Reporter ) — __ 2 Robert My team and | travelled to the Himalayas. Reporter (4) 7 2 Robert We wanted to find human fossils. Reporter ©) 2 z Robert No. it wasn't very successful because we didn’t discover Martha (1) __ Late for school on Monday. - The teacher (2) happy; he was really prying ioporiant ‘angry but he (3) ___ at her. On Tuesday, Martha (4) _______for a maths exam all day. She (5) __ TV or play computer games. (On Wednesday, Martha's cousin (6) from Holland. He (7) _____ to go for a walk and buy souvenirs, n the evening, it (8) ___a lot, so they (9) ___ at home to take photos of the family, At about seven, Martha (10) ___some traditional food. tt was delicious! “ease ayy Ul Bupjiom ‘aie sanmuas Aouabiou ayy jajiaiebi9 © uu payie)s 41 Ayuaseddy “aiayy aynptim Bun}p] pue seas) ayy Jo ysou BurAoyjsep s1 09019 Ul 189104 4) Ul au *9 jsoeya Buysneo exe pue 61g Aneas axe ‘soUoys 291 all ‘plipeyy Jo autuad auy Buloaye ‘mou s] © yey sn swuojut asia Jauyleam TeuoneN 24) wos) odes MoU y “g “BuISts s)19Aa J9}em 94) ‘Aaqeunpoyun “sioyoys ul Buidaays axe o\doad ‘Auews pue Asjunoo ayy 1210 12 mai ave a1ou) “senunuod ujer eu “ooKKe\ UL “y “sewoy slau) ul suaynys poomAyd Bunjeysut aie ajdoad ay) pue juawow ay ye asayy Auyes pue Apuirs Kran! “epLuo} Bulssox ‘MoU s1 YDIYA, ~~ ayy ynoqe au1u29 J0uyeayy JeUONeN au wow Bujwos s! odes y “Ee +F8qEM pue Poo} Woy) BUIAIG aie uaLIUsEAOB ayy UE sjooyos pue Satuoinyp UI Mou axe ajdoad UL iBuiyrArane pafossap pue Aj jeyides ayy. 72 pane sanem snowioua sy) “ueder UL — ‘2uy INoge patuom ase spedxg, _/Pa180s Sem | jpanow! Jooy ayy puE Yay) 94) Ul Sem |, ‘ssaud ayy oy pauterdxe AxsmyOW ‘BUEL “EIWOJNED YINos UI — yeeu6 aup ynoge Bupyje} axe aydoog onde 2IUeD]0A » 1LWeUNS} » opewoy @ QUBDLLINY « WLIO|SIIEY * SPOOY e aul e eyENbyLES “mo}2q Sp1OM ayy Jo alos yyIm spiodas smau a4) a}a)dWOD uy 2 aueouuny -q —opewioy -e “Spooy arquuso) arom aiouy pue A> eu paKouisep eas aun wou, BujWloo spulm Bucs UL "9002 UI SUBSLIO MAN Ul e Sem azayL vuondnsa Wuo}syey “> opewso) “q aILleDIOA “e “otydonyseye SM“ SIU “CY 6/, UI paydnua sniAnsop qUNoW ayenbyyes “2 aueoWuny “q jweuns, -e ‘spU02as Ue} UeY) 40 Jo) PeAOW puNoUB ayy “oDsiouedd UBS Ut” (U)E Sem a1au “9061 Ul Pool “> ayenbyuez “q —auly “e “Sy20q s1auy Uo Sewey Ly WO.) padeose ajdoad jo jo] e pue “IyBlu ye Aayeq ® UI payie}s YJ ‘Sasnoy pue sBulpling Auew ofosisap UOpUo Jo“ Je219 BY -9991 Ul SUUOIs!eH “> sKweUNS| “q sopewio) “e ieonarequy uy senou Ing YSN ay) Uy WHEY PUY UED oA, ‘aFauI9 e UL ‘BAOW! JU} SPUIM sNoJaBueP pue Buo.|s ue *SP40M 3394409 B42 219419 @ ei 7% 1 tfola[n|vjajolalala alwiifulalsfalalol» O/H /ALXlA|SIWI NI) yv tfols|alalalylaloln alifafolulalnalalvio alsfolufilalali[nin alafrlalals[alolila alilwlalrfalwinfola olvialalvlalvlalav| wlu[afalalilolv[n|a afalolv[rlalafalyya ‘lao oO) arenbspiom 94} Ul SJaqSesip Jesnjeu UaAas puly @ jeanjen <« z Asejngeson, siaqsesy Grammar 2 > Past simple: irregular verbs @® Complete with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1. The ancient Greeks bread with garlic. 2. This morning, | eat flat (leave) home at 7.30am. 31 (do) a tot of homework yesterday afternoon. 4. Myfriends and!__(see) a very good film last Saturday. 5. The first European explorers (come) to America in the 15th century and _— (find) tomatoes and cocoa beans. 6. My parents___ (go) to the cinema last weekend. 7. My family (have) a continental breakfast at the hotel last Saturday. 8. Animportant designer _____ (make) the dress for my last birthday party. 9%. I played video games for two hours and then (take) a short break. @ Correct the sentences using the information in brackets. JK Rowling wrote Romeo and Juliet. (the Harry Potter saga) YK Rowling didn't write Romeo and Juliet? She wrote the Harry Potter’ saga. 1. The Spanish explorers found Mayan ‘synagogues. (temples) 2, The ancient Greeks ate a lot of pizza. (fish) 3, The Vikings drank fizzy drinks. (special beer) 4, Marco Polo took books to the old continent. pices) 5. Ed Sheeran grew up in Switzerland. (England) © Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs below. take © go © begin * hear e get ® leave ® find © have Yesterday was not a very good day for my sister ‘Jessica, $he (1) hame early to go to ‘work as usual but she missed the 8.10 bus. So she (2) the train instead. She wos sitting comfortably when she (3) somebody call her name, It was Tyler, her ‘ex-boyfriend. He sat next to her ond (4) to talk and didn’t stop. Twenty minutes Later, when the train (5) to the station, Jessica stood up and got off without saying goodbye. That wos not a nice experience! ‘afternoon, she (6) —___—__an enormous Goareccion her desk. It was horrible. At about 4pm, she (7) a terrible headache and decided to return home. When she arrived home, she (8) straight to bed without having dinner. © Order the words to make questions. 1. where / explorers / did / the / buildings / old / find /? 1 Romans / ancient / eat / what /the / drink / and? 3. Spanish / explorers / did / make / ships / their / wood / with ? 4, Columbus / men / have / did /his /and/ exciting / America / to /trip / an? “49 ]04 AMOK UI 9z14M pUE LAIST] al» © ( anphat uone| | pip atdosd | Auew Moy Slaloy, eemareyL — SEMALOUL “LL | honsep ‘feu op feu Pip pip Aa “OL UPIP EU you yusem 2UpIP “6 Quaddey | jou qusem upp “g aeak Kayjuado —uado ayy pauado hay “2 yaya uy 1am sem are “9 _ j e et 49A0D5Ip pIp —paienodsip ——senodsip “g | | ayy sem neq ueBeq uboq “y veUM aq arom sem “g JeAeN Sem ——payanesy ane pip °Z ESET ACE e EEC ipa) pey ram een) 3 a v “yoda y>ee ynoge UoNewLOUL -quioy suaweyyuerny sem 3] syalqo 40 ]]1y woos e(1)) {Loop ai pauado Kay ‘ways puy * (0)) 32 saryBMep siy YK 10/63 wt panuse ay 212) syaare ge.y) a1ayp (6) wortewte> pio7 asnesaq s00p arp, uado ~ (g) Aaya ‘on c400p aya (2) pig payoxe Aion qe (9) Ay] Yop e~ (g) wear sie), "ZL JAqUAAON YA UO "WY 10} 440% 03 ~ (p)49ueg 11061 Ut pue 14469 qUaIoUe UL pasaiayut osje * (¢) uewysyoug youe ‘wonseuse) p10} "3dA63 JUaIDUe Inoge a10WL No puy 0} 44463 0] ~ (z) 8U4e} pueMop ysiBojoaeyaue ystfbug ayy | ~ (I) ay Uy “sueMsUe 3924409 @U} 8]2419 pue 3x9} ay) Peay Bavesdn ¢ Yum 21923 aun erarduio> pue UreBe UaISI] [ @enbyes ] weuns) - pooy o auy EF) epewoy =) aueotuiny “pauonuau ‘ue Jey) S49]SESIp JAMEL BY [A] HILL “susode, smau 99.4) 0} UE}S!] woh © Sujua}si] Wo] puaLy sy mes AJeUy * yensn se }0o49s oj sng sup ‘pafgo ayy dn ypid 0} yeas yeUy 0} ‘poseaddesip yoalgo ayy “Aepsaysek souatiadxe Auuny & ipueY sty Ul Jaqulod Jase} e ureBe }2a/qo 1yBiiq oxy mes UBL “sjeas ay} Jo auo Uo jyB11q BuIyjauios * pey aH * pue yeas Jey) 0} UBM eyS ue ees 194 0} pauimas e]neq "J288 ay} 0} 06 ays uaym ing quam pue dn poojs ays “mes eine ‘sng ayy UD 400) 84S “ pey eIned pualiy AW “hoy & yeu! 0} Y-e SGuIpuS au) IM g=1 s6ulUUIbeq OM UIE! BOOoO00000 Had Sra Reading @ Read the text and find: a. four geographical names. b. three dates. c._ names of ships and airships. © Read the text again and answer. 1. Who was Amundsen? Roald Amundsen was a Norwegian explorer. He was bom on 16th July 1872. He explored the polar regions. In 1897, Amundsen was a ‘member of the Belgian Antarctic Expecition, the first expedition to winter in the white continent. They travelled on a boat called The Belgica but they didn’t fake alot of food and drinks, so the men had some serious problems. They hunted animals and fished for food, This was an Important lesson for Amundsen. In 1910, the explorer travelled to Antarctica on his ship called Fram. This time he had good ‘equipment, warm clothes and ‘enough food and drinks. The ‘expedition arrived in January 1911 and camped in the Bay ‘of Whales. The base was called Framheim, But Amundsen did not stay in their base. They explored the area using sledges and dogs for transportation. December 1911, five ‘men and sixteen dogs arrived at the South Pole. They left 2 tent and a letter there and retumed to Framheim, ‘Amundsen's explorations did not stop. In 1926, he flew across the Arctic on an airship called Norge. Experts have no concrete evidence of previous arrivals at this area, so Amundsen was probably also the first to reach the North Pole. ‘This Norwegian man disappeared on 18th June 1928, when he tried to rescue the men ‘on the airship tralia that crashed retuming from the North Pole. ~ © Correct the wrong information. 1, Amundsen was born in the USA. 2. Why was the Belgian Antarctic Expedition not areal success? 2. ‘The Antarctic expedition was Amundsen's first experience in the south. 3. What did Amundsen take on his ship Fram? 4, Were the dogs useful? Why? 5. Was Amundsen a brave man? Justify your answer. 3. The Norwegian explorer travelled alone on his ship Fram, 4, There is proof that some English sailors arrived in the North Pole before Amundsen. 5. Amundsen died in a hospital in Norway.

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