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Jacqueline Delgado

To become a transpersonal therapist that helps various individuals to discover 
there spirituality within there spirit. Pursuing a college or university to 
understand and familiarise myself with as much opportunities as possible.   


Saint Joseph High School​ — High School Graduate 

January 2014 - Present 

● Establish a grounded school life 

● Sought out the good in everyone 
● Created positivity towards student body  


Japanese Anime Manga Club ​— President 

January 2016 - January 2017, Saint Joseph High School 

● Clarified the Paint Tool Sai software to classmates 

● Designed a community system through communication 


Colorguard ​- Performer 
● Positive team member 
● Presentable  
● Punctual time management  
● Established a harmonic output of emotions into performing 
● Ahead of time to practice performances 
● Never let anyone give up 
● Won 2nd as a team out of 15 groups 


Saint Dominic Church/School ​- Secretary 

January 2013 - September 2017 

● Answered phone calls 

● Transferred phone calls 
● Guided adults to destinations of the church 
● Financial assistance  
● Organized papers into files 

● Conversationalist in Spanish 
● Playing the guitar 
● Fast learner 
● Drawer and painter  
● Familiar with Paint tool sai Software 
● Experienced in google slides and google docs 
● Creative thinker 

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