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Agfa says “Yes” to HANA :

The PoC and the 1st migration to HANA in 4


Erik Bollens (Agfa)

Your  logo   Tony Luckx (Exertum)

Eric Van Kerckhoven (Agfa)

Gunther Van Eyck (Cubis)
Agfa-Gevaert Group Your  logo  

Belgian  Companies     Agfa-­‐Gevaert  Group   GSS  

Agfa-­‐Gevaert  NV  
Parent  Company   Agfa  ICS  
Agfa  Healthcare  NV   Global  HR/  
CC and GSS
Agfa  Graphics  NV   CC = Corporate Center
GSS = Global Shared Services

Graphics   HealthCare   Specialty  Products  

World’s first large-area flexible OLED

Technology Optimization: For Graphics, Healthcare and Specialty Products alike, Agfa ICS
drives optimization to the enterprise by aligning our client’s technology and operations
strategies. Our professionals endeavor to improve client technological capacities while
cultivating operational efficiency, effective service delivery and optimal cost savings. TECHday ‘15 2

BI on HANA@Agfa Your  logo  

!   Scope is to speed up existing performance suffering BI-platform

•  First PoC to see whether SAP HANA is a solution
•  Then migrate BI-platform to HANA
!   PoC and project were done together with
!   Cubis
•  Independent consulting firm established in 2010
•  Brand name with strong connotation towards Business Intelligence, Analytics and
Analytics and Performance Management
•  Strong focus on SAP BW, BO, IP, BPC and HANA
•  Consists of a large team with average experience over 8 years
•  All consultants are certified in SAP BI
! Exertum
•  Independent consulting firm established in 2007
•  Specialized in SAP NetWeaver and Basis administration (SAP BC)
•  With a focus on tailor-made qualitative services
•  Active in the Benelux, with offices in Belgium and Luxemburg
•  Consists of a large dynamic and experienced team
•  SAP NetWeaver Partner
•  Long lasting Partner TECHday ‘15 3

HANA: Scope@Agfa Your  logo  

!   SAP systems DB replacement

•  All Agfa ICS SAP systems with Oracle are in scope
•  Priority (burning platform, major roll-in’s or not, …)
•  To HANA, TO Sybase OR stay on dedicated Oracle machine

!   New and future functionality

of SAP
•  Simple finance?
•  S4HANA?
•  … TECHday ‘15 4

PoC - Overview Your  logo  

!   Scope
!   Strategy
!   Workflow
!   Challenges
!   Results TECHday ‘15 5

PoC - Scope Your  logo  

!   Healthcare BW System
•  Rapidly growing out-of-bounds
•  30 min reports (with aggregates)
•  18h daily loading time (fully optimized)
•  Fast growing data volumes
!   Sales Funnel Domain
•  300 million lines (Volume)
•  26 sources from 8 different systems (Variety)
•  Daily (full) loading around the clock (Velocity)
•  Predictive reports
•  Preliminary check à Queries spend most time in the DB (90% to
!   4 Specific ‘slow’ Sales Funnel reports
•  Complex structure (CKF, RCK, Cells, Curr. Conv., Exc. Aggr., …)
•  High level of detail necessary for filtering/calculations
•  Huge amounts of data to query (historic snapshots) TECHday ‘15 6

PoC - Strategy Your  logo  

!   Requirements --What do we want to “proof”?

•  Replacing Oracle with HANA should make the performance of end-user
reports significantly better!

!   Tangible results --How will we accurately measure the success/failure?

•  Move an entire Agfa domain to a separate PoC environment
•  real-world data
•  real-world queries
(PoC System configuration is less powerful)

!   Modus Operandi --Process

•  Core-team of Cubis/Exertum consultants, @Agfa and @PoC-environment
•  Make use of our expertise w.r.t. the Agfa BW systems
è Easy to quickly make progress / adapt to unforeseen ‘bumps’ in the road
è Limited involvement of Agfa personnel needed (this was required due to
other projects) TECHday ‘15 7

PoC - Workflow Your  logo  

! PoC environment setup

!   Choose Agfa domain for the PoC

!   Copy Agfa data model towards PoC environment
•  SAP transport system (K-files & R-files)
!   Copy Agfa data towards PoC environment
•  .CSV files
•  OpenHub (APD for MD)
!   Perform tests and analyze results
!   Present results

!   Workshops (Landscape design / HA-DR / TCO / ...)

!   Design migration plans / HANA training plans TECHday ‘15 8

PoC – Challenges Your  logo  

!   Time constraints
•  Initial estimate of 25 mandays
•  Estimate for reduced requirements of 14 mandays
•  Lead time of only 2 weeks (12 working days) available
•  Developer keys for the PoC environment were not yet available
when we started

!   Bigger Data è bigger challenges

•  How to get 240GB of data from ‘A’ to ‘B’?
•  How to load (or even open) 12GB .CSV files?

One of us actually picked up a hard-drive at Agfa, drove to

Brussels, and delivered it at our datacenter J TECHday ‘15 9

PoC – Results Your  logo  

•  Database : +- 75.000.000 records are selected from the database

•  Excel : 700.000 cells are transferred

•  SAP HANA works 6,4 x faster on all workbooks on average

•  SAP HANA works 20 x faster on all workbooks excluding FE + NW time on average

!   Extra test: Double the data (is HANA future-proof?)

•  Difference was negligible TECHday ‘15 10

Migration – Reason Your  logo  

!   Healthcare BW system is already beyond it’s capacity

•  Daily load takes 18h hours, and is thus often not ready on time
for business-hours

•  Several ‘DB-intensive’ reports run 20 to 30 min

(on specific optimized aggregates!)

•  Amount of data is growing fast

•  Almost all data needs to be kept (long-running projects)
•  Monthly snapshots for comparisons TECHday ‘15 11

Migration – Overview Your  logo  

!   Delivery & Installation of HW

!   Java-split
!   Creation of contingency system
!   Copy PRD to QUA
!   Pre-requisite tasks (housekeeping)
!   Upgrade/Migration (SUM/DMO)
!   Testing
! Hypercare
!   After-upgrade actions TECHday ‘15 12

Migration scenario Your  logo  

!   Landscape before

BD5   BQ5   BP5  

BW  77.30  
.30  SSP08  
P08   BW  
BW   7.30  
7.30   SP08  
BW  7.30  SP08   BW   BW  77.30  SSP08   Dual  Stack  system  
Dual  sstack  
tack   Dual  
Dual   stack  
Dual  stack   Dual   Dual   sstack  
Oracle   Linux  
Linux   5  
Oracle  Linux  5   Oracle  LLinux  
Oracle   inux  55     Oracle  
Oracle   LLinux   55  5    

Oracle   Oracle   Oracle  

Solaris  11   Solaris  11   Solaris  
Solaris  111  1 TECHday ‘15 13

Migration scenario Your  logo  

!   Landscape after


BW  7.30  SP08   BW  7.30  SP08   BW  7.30  SP08   Java  Stack  system  
Java  stack   Java  stack   Java  stack  
Oracle  Linux  6   Oracle  Linux  6   Oracle  Linux  6  

Oracle   Oracle   Oracle  

Solaris  11   Solaris  11   Solaris  
Solaris  111  1  

BD5   BQ5   BP5  

BW  7.40  SBP5  
BW   7.40  
7.40   SP10  
BW  7.40  SP10   P10   BW  77.40  SSP10   ABAP  Stack  system  
Abap   stack  
stack   tack  
Abap  stack   Abap  stack   Abap  
Abap   sstack  
RHEL   7  
RHEL  7   RHEL  7   RHEL   77  7   7    
3  HANA  Appliances,  each:  
HANA  Revision  96   HANA  Revision  96   HANA  Revision  96   1  Tb  RAM  
SuSe  11   HANA  
SuSe   11   Revision  96   SuSe  11   4*2  Tb  non-­‐SSD  
SuSe  11   800  Gb  SSD  
4  cpu  sockets  *  16  cores  2.5  GHz TECHday ‘15 14

Migration steps Your  logo  

!   Dual stack split

•  Java application servers on Oracle Linux 6
•  Java remains SAP BW 7.30 SP08
•  Database for Java stack remains Oracle
!   Creation Contingency system (BC5) BC5  7.3  
•  Copy from Development system (BD5)
•  ABAP stack only BD5  7.4   BQ5  7.3   BP5  7.3  

•  Used for emergency fixes

BC5  7.3  
!   Refresh BQ5
•  Copy from Production system (BP5) BD5  7.4   BQ5  7.4   BP5  7.3  
•  Provide most recent data to test
!   Migrate to RedHat
•  ABAP Stack application servers
!   SUM /DMO TECHday ‘15 15

Sandbox Your  logo  

!   Copy from Development system ApplicaCon  server  

•  ABAP only BW  7.40  SP10  
Abap  stack  
!   To test RHEL  7  
•  System rename
•  Revision update (95 => 96)
BS5  –  morsuvxxx   BS5  –  morsuvyyy  
•  Back-up / Restore
HANA  Revision  96   HANA  Revision  96  
•  Backint (EMC Networker) SuSe  11   SuSe  11  
•  System Replication
•  Doesn’t work over dedicated network TECHday ‘15 16

Go-Live BP5 Your  logo  

BD5  Dual  stack  split   BQ5  Dual  stack  split   BP5  Dual  stack  split  
Appliances  ordered  
&   &   &  
Migrate  to  RedHat   Migrate  to  RedHat   Migrate  to  RedHat  
Appliances  installed  
in  the  datacenter   BQ5  Refresh  
BD5  SUM  /  DMO  
on  Revision  95  
BQ5  SUM  /  DMO  
HP  prepares  Virtual  server   on  Revision  96  

BP5  SUM  /  DMO  

on  Revision  96  

Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec TECHday ‘15 17

Good to know … Your  logo  

!   A refresh of a BW system is ‘heavy’ stuff

!   System Replication
•  Use a recent back-up
•  Keep the *.ini files in sync
•  No automatic replication possible
•  Alerting available
•  Take-over requires a switch of the virtual IP-address
!   Back-up (to file)
•  Back-ups with same name are overwritten
•  /hana/shared/<SID> & /usr/sap/<SID> are not in the HANA back-up
•  Regularly clean the Backup Catalog
!   SAP Note 1979600 contains a nice set of SQL statements
!   SAP HANA Academy video’s are very useful TECHday ‘15 18

Migration – Overview Your  logo  

!   Delivery & Installation of HW

!   Java-split
!   Creation of contingency system
!   Copy PRD to QUA
!   Pre-requisite tasks (housekeeping)
!   Upgrade/Migration (SUM/DMO)
!   Testing
! Hypercare
!   After-upgrade actions TECHday ‘15 19

SUM/DMO Your  logo  

!   SUM/DMO procedure:

•  Based on known tool SUM

•  Database migration and SAP upgrade are combined
•  Only database server is changed
•  Original database is kept, can be reactivated as fallback at reset TECHday ‘15 20

SUM/DMO Your  logo  

!   SUM/DMO at AGFA:

•  Netweaver 7.3 SPS8 à 7.4 SPS10

•  ORACLE 3.8 TB à HANA 480 GB (rev 96)

•  Technical downtime for production of 20h TECHday ‘15 21

SUM/DMO Your  logo  

! Lessons learned at AGFA:

•  SUM SP13 does not support multiple database containers

(MDC) for SAP HANA DB (SAP Note1813548)

•  Make sure your SAP instances (incl. OS) are supported for
HANA according to the PAM

•  If you plan to use 3rd party backup tools, make sure the tools are
updated (HANA agents are often only supported by the latest
versions of the backup tools)

•  Make sure you have an updated Solution Manager available TECHday ‘15 22

Migration – Overview Your  logo  

!   Delivery & Installation of HW

!   Java-split
!   Creation of contingency system
!   Copy PRD to QUA
!   Pre-requisite tasks (housekeeping)
!   Upgrade/Migration (SUM/DMO)
!   Testing
! Hypercare
!   After-upgrade actions TECHday ‘15 23

Migration - Pre-requisite tasks Your  logo  

!   We first only performed the “upgrade” task lists, but it needed to be the
“upgrade+migrate” (SUM/DMO) task lists (ASU Toolbox)
!   We also needed some tasks from the non-DMO upgrade list
!   FYI: We were already using the new ‘analysis authorizations’ concept TECHday ‘15 24

Migration - Pre-requisite Your  logo  

!   Some extra tools exist (

•  We used them specifically for finding ABAP-related changes TECHday ‘15 25

Migration - OSS Notes Your  logo  

!   39 notes to resolve !   39 notes for using HANA-

Upgrade/Migration issues optimized objects
•  during ASU Toolbox •  Imported after actual
•  during Testing upgrade TECHday ‘15 26

Migration - Testing Your  logo  

!   Tests
•  All BEx workbooks were opened and refreshed
•  For a list of important workbooks, we checked the numbers
before and after the upgrade

•  The most important process chains were run

•  IP functionality was checked thoroughly, as we heard this could be

impacted and we have a lot of specific IP reports

BW  7.4  Issue   HANA  Issue  

!   14 issues
Stricter  rules   5   N/A  
•  9 found during testing
•  5 found when already live BUG’s   3   2  

Agfa  specific  cases   4   0  

•  1 issue still open Total   12   2 TECHday ‘15 27

Migration - Issues Your  logo  

!   BW 7.4 - Stricter rules

•  ABAP changes

•  Creation of records without proper

counter in start/end-routine

•  Empty start/end-routines (specifically towards write-optimized

DSO’s) TECHday ‘15 28

Migration - Issues Your  logo  

!   BW 7.4 - Stricter rules (continued)

•  BEx option “Calculation Before Aggregation”
èLuckily we have exception aggregation on multiple objects now J

•  Cube with DB-partitioning and an inconsistent time-dimension

•  e.g. 0CALMONTH = filled, 0CALDAY <> filled
•  Optimal solution is fixing the time-dimension
•  Instead, because of the huge amounts of data, we chose to use

Migration - Issues Your  logo  

!   BW 7.4 - BUG’s
•  Values with a hyphen (-) treated as a range in BEx query

•  BEx error “Client out-of-memory” for reports with large result sets
•  Due to CHAR250 extension (more memory used for same
amount of objects)
•  OSS-note 2201034 can partially fix this
•  It’s better to re-consider the report design (e.g. why more
than 30.000 rows visible?)

•  SUMCT() function + conditions gives wrong figures

è Still an open issue (OSS request created) TECHday ‘15 30

Migration - Issues Your  logo  

!   HANA - BUG’s
•  HANA-indexes not OK when activating a cube under a multicube
•  Do not use the ‘ignore’ option from OSS note 1955263!
(transports will work, but you get weird behavior in the reports)
•  Run program “RSDDB_LOGINDEX_CREATE” instead

•  Occasional dump in FM “RSSM_GET_TIME”

•  The FM checks the alignment of the timestamps between the
application servers and DB
•  OSS note 2149600 TECHday ‘15 31

Migration - Results Your  logo  

!   Most queries run under 1 or 2 seconds

! 30 minute queries reduced to less than 30 seconds (without

•  Business can now (finally) quickly check the reports and run them for
different filter-values in a matter of minutes

!   Daily load goes from 18 hours to 6 hours

•  business users have their data on time
•  No more nightly support for the BI team (for now, only HE)

!   Monthly snapshot load goes from 24 hours to 6 hours

•  Business can start their forecast 1 day earlier and thus have 1 extra day to
complete it

Loads from the Healthcare BW system towards other systems had to be

adjusted because the HE system was finished too early! J TECHday ‘15 32

Migration – User Reactions Your  logo  

“The  result  of  this  is  "very"  significant  -­‐  makes  me  happy  (and  less  stressed)  
to  run  reports  again  :-­‐)  
Thanks  to  all  who  made  this  happen.”  

“...  thanks  for  informing,  indeed  the  already  used  reports  are  very  fast  !!!”  

“It  is  working  now  and  definitely  faster.”  

“Speed  is  much  improved!” TECHday ‘15 33

Migration – Manual Your  logo  

! BEx
•  The “repair” function made a huge difference for
the client-time of certain workbooks

•  Non-standard query settings in RSRT were


•  Optimizing the filter-range for IP functions (e.g.

‘only perform on changed data’ option)

!   Loads (still several hours ‘won’)

•  Custom ABAP tuning
•  HANA optimized Cubes (only in specific cases)
•  DTP package size TECHday ‘15 34

Migration – Project Your  logo  
!   4 months lead-time
•  +-100 man days for BACC team
•  Take your time for the pre-requisites
•  A lot of time needed for testing on DEV/QUA
(low data quality, leftovers from testing, …)
!   4 different teams involved
•  Timing & Availability
•  Who does what?
•  Communication
!   Business-involvement
•  Development Freeze
•  Business testing
•  Go-live procedure
•  Loading-stop vs system-downtime
!   Dependencies with other projects
•  3 projects (1 kept developing via contingency system)
•  5 changes
•  2 tickets TECHday ‘15 35

Migration - TODO Your  logo  

!   Convert all cubes to HANA-optimized cubes

!   Investigate HANA-optimized transformations
!   Experiment with HANA-views (HANA-studio)

!   Investigate on new 7.4 options

•  Long(er) info-objects (CHAR250)
•  IP in-line comments

!   Research LSA++ architecture TECHday ‘15 36

Migration - Lessons Learned Your  logo  

!   All-in-all, the actual upgrade went smoothly

!   The results were very well received, and align with


!   For BW it’s “business as usual” after the upgrade

!   Testing, testing, testing

!   A higher SP might diminish the large amount of OSS Notes TECHday ‘15 37

Thank you!

Your  logo  

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