4 1 GDPR What It Means The Practicalities of Implementation in A SAP Landscape Expertum

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GDPR - what it means & the practicalities of

implementation in a SAP landscape

Melissa Dielman

SAPience.be TECHday 2017

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Data Protection
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Data Breaches

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Reputational Risk

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Do you know which personal data you are storing?

Which data is GDPR relevant?

Where it sits?
Who can & is accessing it?

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Eén op de drie bedrijven is goed bekend met GDPR
De lage mate van bewustzijn bij
Belgische IT-professionals zijn slecht Belgische werknemers vertaalt zich
voorbereid ook in een gebrek aan vertrouwen
Belgische IT-professionals lijken om aan de GDPR te kunnen voldoen. Een op de vijf Belgische IT-
nauwelijks op de hoogte te zijn van 29 % van de IT-professionals in België professionals (19 procent) kan niet
de GDPR, die op 25 mei 2018 in gelooft niet dat hun organisatie zich met zekerheid zeggen of de
werking treedt. Van hen kent 32 in mei 2018 volledig aan de voorbereidingen binnen hun bedrijf
procent de naam, zonder te weten verordening zal kunnen houden al zijn begonnen. Dit is een serieus
wat het inhoudt, terwijl 16 procent er probleem, aangezien de bedrijven
zelfs nog nooit van heeft gehoord. minder dan een jaar hebben om
Gezien de mogelijke financiële Van de IT-beleidsmakers in België compliant te zijn en de kans op
sancties bij het niet naleven, is dit erkent respectievelijk 33% er geen zware financiële sancties en
zorgwekkend vertrouwen in te hebben dat de reputatieschade groot is als dit niet
verantwoordelijken voor de lukt.
verwerking van persoonsgegevens
binnen hun organisatie op de hoogte
zijn van de veranderende

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What is GDPR?
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Data is the currency of today's digital The new EU rules will offer flexibility The Regulation promotes techniques such
economy. Collected, analysed and
to businesses to make use of the as anonymisation (removing personally
moved across the globe, personal data
has acquired enormous economic business intelligence the data identifiable information where it is not
significance. According to some
offers, all while protecting needed), pseudonymisation (replacing
estimates, the value of European
citizens' personal data has the potential individuals' fundamental rights. personally identifiable material with artificial
to grow to nearly €1 trillion annually by
identifiers), and encryption (encoding
messages so only those authorised can
read it) to protect personal data. This will
encourage the use of "big data" analytics,
which can done using anonymised or
pseudonymised data

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What is GDPR?
The GDPR is intended to unify the privacyregulation in the whole of Europe. The processing of
European personal data will need to comply to the same regulations in every memberstate of
the EU as of may 2018. Thus simplifying and allowing closer control on cross-border data
BUT: each country define do its own specificities at ratification.

All companies that collect personal data: all information that allows to identify a person

In force as off 25/5/2018

Non-compliance Fines 4% of annual turnover, or 20mio€ whichever is the greater -> board
level concern

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Which information?
Personal data”: “any information relating to an identified or identifiable
natural person”
• ID card nrs, phonenrs, email, address, social media addresses, credit
cards, bank accounts,…
• Name, gender, age, date of birth, marital status, citizenship, languages
spoken, disabled status,…

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Key components
Right to be forgotten
Protection of sensitive data
Notification of Data breaches within 72 hours
Transparancy/approval of data subjects
Data Integrity

Data protection impact assesments

Data protection Officer

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Data integrity
Lawful, Fairness and Transparency
Purpose Limitation
Data Minimization
Integrity and Confidentiality
Storage Limitation

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Steps to take
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1. Identification
Data elements: map which data has been stored, the business reason, the origin,
storage location, risk impact, retention requirement, required data approval, who
has access, and data sharing parties.
(data protection impact assessment)

Partners: when you supply/exchange data, cloud providers,… It is your responsibility

to ensure GDPR is complied with.

What? Why? Where? Who?

Access Risk
Where used? User approval Change & remove
Management Management

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2. Datasubject approval (1/2)
Rights of the datasubject
• Right to review the stored data
• Right to request correction or deletion
• Right to refuse direct marketing
• Right to refuse automated decision making & profiling
• Right to move data from one service provider to another

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2. Datasubject approval (2/2)
Improve Privacy statements:
• Legal foundation for the data processing
• The duration for which you will keep the data
• Wether you share the data outside of the EUR
• Complaints are the be reported to and handled by the local Privacycommission

Faster access for data verification:

• Request needs to be processed within 30 days, instead of 45 days
• The person needs to be informed of the storage duration of the data
• Inacurate data should be corrected when requested

Request explicit consent (the right way)

Minors need to approve through legal guardian (verified)

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• Data Protection Impact Assessment is required to demonstrate your
• Evidence of compliance is your responsibility
• Regular updates needed

• Data privacy Officer for companies that conduct a large amount of data
processing on a daily basis – sensitive personal data or not. It doesn’t get more
specific than that.

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4. Right to be forgotten
• The right to be forgotten implies that data that is no longer business
relevant, is to be removed from the records*

• Taking into account legal requirements on identification &

✓ Block/Anonymize data after certain period of inactive time – limited access only
✓ Delete data after legal retention term

• Specific to data elements

* or if subject objects to the processing, or the processing was unlawful

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5. Protection of Sensitive Data
• Identify sensitive data elements

• Prevent access through authorizations

• Scramble data in test systems

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6. Data breach notification
• Within 72hours
• Identify scope & cause
• Asses relevance
• Inform Privacy Commission

• Define reaction process, involved persons,…

• Define controls to identify data breach

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7. Define & Document Processes
• Storing data
• Processing data
• Accessing data
• Responding to data requests
• Responding to data breaches
• Archiving personal data
• Periodic update of data log

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8 key steps

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Identify: Which Data?
• Most Data in SAP Business Suite and SAP S/4HANA might become personal data.
A Sales Order is linked to the Business Partner (ID). The sales order itself contains
additional personal data –so the whole Sales Order is to be protected.

• Combinations of attributes might become personal data –as soon as it is

possible to identify the person behind.


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Where used?
• Once the relevant master data fields are identified, the storage and (business)
usage of these data fields needs to be mapped
• For standard & custom developments (fields, tables, programs)
• For protection and for “right to insight”
• Keep in mind impact of system upgrades, new developments,…

SAP solution
• SAP ABAP: list all the tables containing fields with personal information in the program
Where-Used List for Domain in Tables
• Custom development to identify, link & report on data elements
• 3rd party solutions

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Insight in data use

• Data subjects have the right to see which data is stored on them
• Request corrections

• Manual process /automated tool?

SAP solution
• Custom report
• 3rd party solutions

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Consent Management

• New SAP tools using social media integration, Hybris, HR Tools and ILM have
consent documentation included

SAP solution
• Process Control- Policies
• Process Control – Documentation
• Your CRM/SRM?
• Any database

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Limit your scope

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• Limit the available data to the required minimum
• TCO reduction
• Less data to protect
• Selective Archiving on objects, filter criteria
• For test & productive systems
• Secure access to archive through authorizations

SAP solution
• SAP archiving

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Limit access to sensitive data:
• Use a solid, flexible and clear authorization concept
• Define a strict access management policy and process
• Consistent across SAP applications & dbase layer (ECC, S/4HANA, HANA, BW, HR, FIORI, CRM,…)

• Restrict access to blocked data elements

• Restrict access to data reports
• Store data extracts at secure locations
• Implement sufficient security parameters to prevent unauthorized access

SAP solution
• SAP Access Control

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Sensitive data access
Production Data: Test Data:
• Authorized data processers • All users are “GDPR unauthorized”
(selective end-users) • Data must remain meaningful & fit
• Authorized data consultants: end- for testing
users & IT
• Restrict access to PRD-alike
• Unauthorized users
• Anonymize test data, consistently

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Protect personal data in productive systems

• In case the subject requests so

• Field based
• Selective, finetuning of authorization
• Does not change underlying data
• Keeping historical data in reporting SAP solution
• Regardless of access path
• Multiple systems in sync • SAP UI Masking
• Mass maintenance

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Protect personal data in non productive systems
• No business need -> needs to be handled differently
• Pseudonymization/scrambling
• Data can still be used, without link to persons
• Needed for test systems & development systems
• Respecting syntax/configuration requirements

• Recognizable by situation/combination of data elements needs to be removed !

• Make test data a selective set/ data copy

SAP Solution:
• SAP TDMS: Test Data Migration Server

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Data blocking/removal
• When data is no longer active or needed for its primary purpose, the data needs to be
“inactivated”. Yet legal retention periods require traceability of interactions.
• Per organization per document type, data type, diff retention periods will be taken into

SAP Solution:
• SAP ILM (Information Lifecycle Manager)
• Define data specific policies (blocking & retention)
• Trace data lifecycle
• Inactivate data
• Archive & delete
• Delete from archived data (based on timestamp)

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Data Breach notification
• Continuous monitoring of who accesses specific data elements
• Insight to data usage – authorization finetuning
• Alert when not compliant to predefined rules
• Document data breach
• Impact analysis – cause & extent of breach
• Inform data owners

SAP Solution:
• Read Access Logging, UI Logging or SAP Process Control to identify possible data breach
• Identify access to data elements
• Define all possible approaches
• SAP Process Control/Risk Management for response follow-up

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DPIAs, Processes,…
Data Privacy Impact Assessments
• Show compliancy
• Document controls
• Test controls
• Process & Policy Documentation
• Issues & action plans

• Controls on user access (role based)
• Controls on data reading

Consent management
• Automated for internal use
• Documentation for external
• Response policies Data breach

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Other SAP Solutions to explore
• Fraud Management: big data analysis on complex patterns to identify breach
• Data Services / Information Steward
• Tagging and profiling of data across SAP and non-SAP landscapes
• Analyze repositories for types of data
• Leverage lineage analysis to create transparency on data flows
• Manage personal data accuracy & consistency
• Process Mining by Celonis: Powered by HANA, understand and visualize in real-
time which business processes ‘touch’ personal data
• Enterprise Threat Detection: Security monitoring of your SAP business systems

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Thank you!

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