Faqs English - Regulation - Use of Social Media

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Q's onthe Regulation for the use of social media by federal employees This document sets forth FAQ's on the Regulation for the use of social media by federal ‘employees approved by the Cabinet at its session on 16 March 2014, for internal use in federal ‘entities. The contents were divided in accordance with this Regulation, Iti advisable however, to read the Regulation thoroughly to know all the details and guidelines for the safe and responsible use of the mean‘ of sola media General Questions 41, What are the means of socal media intended in this Regulation? The means of social media include any electronic communications network that allows a user to create persorl accounts and adel and publsh/post contents. These include the following ‘© Social media Networks: {All the websites used for communicating with others by expressing opinions and sharing ‘comments. Examples are Facebook, Twitter, My Space, ete ult Networks: ‘Websites used for publishing audio-sual materials or photos and sharing them with others. ‘Examples are You Tube, Flicker, Instagram, ete, + Blogs: Personal websites for immediate publication/posting of various materials by users, allowing, Interaction and responses from Blog visitors + Forums: ‘Websites providing platforms for discussion of specific issues + Wiki applicatior Websites that allow users to edit and amend the contents of pages therein, such as Wikipedia 2. What isthe scope of implementation ofthis Regulation? This Regulation shall be applcable to all federal government employees In the UAE who use means of social media from arivate accounts for the purpose of discussing various issues with the pubic to express personal opinion. '3. What isthe effective date of implementation of this Regulation? 1 May 2014, This Is due tothe key role of means of socal media and thelr impact on the local and International community, as well asthe impact of the comments and participation of {government employees in these open platforms on the image and reputation of the {government of which they are members. This Regulation aims to regulate the use of ‘means ofsocial medic and does not aimto restrictor prohibit employees from usingthese ‘means. Rather, the government encourages is employees to interact via socal media in a responsible and effective manner forthe individual and public interest, Does this Regulation include the offical and personal accounts of federal government employees? ‘The Regulation focuses on the personal accounts of federal government employees. Dfficial accounts are excluded for government employees who are authorized by their ‘employers to commucate via socal media in thei capacity as official spokesmen ofthe federal government. . Why does this Regulation focus on the personal accounts of federal government employees? |norder to avoid some violations by some federal government employees that may harm the image ofthe government and its employees, such as postion titles declared by some employees in their personal accounts, as this may insinuate to the publle that the ‘employees’ opinions represent that of the government. Means of social media and new ‘media should follow the steps of conventional medi, where only official spokesmen are ‘authorized to make statements . Have other countries preceded the UAE in issuing legislations regulating the use of ‘means of socal media by government employees? ‘Many governments worldwide have promulgated legislations forthe use of means of social media by its employees, e.g the Australian, British and US governments, The legislations included rules and guidelines onthe personal and official uses ofthese means ‘due to their impact en the image of the government and the employer. Ths policy is compulsory for government employees. All social media websites, lke Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ard others have a privacy policy that does not allow registration without acceptance ofthe terms therein so as to rogulate the appropriate use of these ‘pen platforms. 8. Does this Regulation restrict the freedom of information flow and sharing via means of social meta? This is mainly Regulation and does not impose any kind of restriction tothe freedom of Information flow and sharing va means of social media. Rather, i aims to safeguard the Interests of society and individuals by regulating the use of means of socal media by federal employees in amanner that reflects their sense of responsibilty. The government also aims to raise the awareness of government employees about the importance of the ‘means of socal media and their appropriate use inline with values and ethics and the national interest. 8. How will the enguities of government employees on this Regulation be handled? Its proposed thatthe contents of this Regulation would be mentioned in circulars and Internal orientation workshops, so as to ensure the awareness ofthe directorates of {government communication in all ministries and federal authorities ofthe Regulations objectives. Cooperation will be ensured with the Human Resources Directorates to deal with employee enquiies 10, How will violations be detected and how will be violators ofthe Regulation treated? The directorates of government communication in federal entities monitor what Is published via social media and submit reports on the comments and vilatons to the Human Resources directorates for taking the necessary administrative measures 11, How willbe the reporters’ enquities on the Regulation handled? ‘The office of government communication prepared an approved media message for this ‘purpose, explaining the causes for issung thls Regulation and the mechanism for Jmplementaion for use whenever necessary General rules or the use of means of socal media 12,18 any government employee forbidden to mention his/her professional achievements con his/her personal page? This Regulation does not prohibit publishing any information on an employee's oF ‘employer's professional achievements, provided that there is no confidential information ‘or information intended for internal us, in accordance with the regulations applicable in fesleral entities 43.18 the approval of the employer required before opening an account on social media websites? Every employee has the right to open a personal account on social media websites, without reporting to his/her employer, provided that contact details ae not published in his/her personal account, ike postion title, employer name, telephone number or mal, ‘without official approval 14, Are there restrictions on the employee use of social media during offical office hours? Yes. An employee must comply with the human resources laws and regulations which stipulate that an emgloyee must not engage In personal activities during official office hours without authorbation CContros for publishing information and comments 15. How Is it possible to know whether the Information that the government employee ‘wishes to publish is confidential or private? Allthe information acquired by an employee in performance of his/her duties may not be shared or published for purposes not related to work without oficial approval Employees are also prohibited to sommunicat via means of socal media for work purposes. Rather, ‘employees must use professional methods, ike email and internal mall. Issues related to court cases 16, May 2 government employee comment on public opinion cases and parte analysis and public discussion? It is permissible to hive discusions in general, but an employee must refrain from commenting on court cases via means of social media or influence Investigation procedures and decisions and decrees isued by the concerned judiciary systems, ‘The use of the state logo and official identity 17, Does the Regulation prohibit the use of the state logo by employees asa profile picture Instead of the employee's personal picture in a personal account? Itis not permisibletouse the offcial state logo and logos f federal entitle for personal purposes without ating an oficial authorization, Controls of the use of occupational capacity 48, n accordance withthe new Regulation are all employees of federal entities considered offical spokesmen insocial media? No. This Regulation Is applicable to the personal accounts of federal government ‘employees, An employees forbidden to present himself/herself as an offical spokesman authorized by the employer without an official approval 19, How should an employee deal with direct questions received regarding the nature of his/her work or any news related to his/her employer and the federal government in ‘eneral? ‘Any enquires received from the media or other entities should be referred to the ‘concerned parties, and an employee must not make any promises or commitments tothe public without obtaining authorization and approvals from the employer. 20. How should an employee deal with criticism or negative comments on the employer or the federal government in general? ‘Any enquities or omrients recelved from the media or other entities should be referred tothe concemed directorates in the place of employment. Public Opinion issues and political dimensions 21. Does this Regulation forbid a government employee to express politcal opinions on local and foreign isues via means of social media? No, but whatever is published by an employee via socal media must not harm the reputation of the state or its firm stance and standing in the local, regional and International community, especialy In cases with political, sovereign and diplomatic dimensions. Information Security 22. {sit prohibited to use the employee's work emall address in means of social media? ‘An employee may not use an official email address or password for registration or login to socal media accounts. Penalties 23. How willbe the violators ofthe Regulation treated? ‘The Human Resources Directorate In the federal entity of the employee will conduct an Investigation In the event of receiving complaints or negative comments on an femployee’s account via social media. A violating employee will be subject to administrative penaltes depending onthe nature of vielation made. The administrative Procedures and penates applicable inthe appropriate federal entity willalsobelmposed ‘on the employee violating this Regulation, 24, Mention some examples of violations and penalties. ‘Some examples of the voltionss when an employee playsthe role of offical spokesman or presents himslffherself as an official spokesman of the employer without authorization. Other examples are when an employee is offensive in comments oF discussions via social media, Such violations will be looked into by the “violations committe" in the appropriate entity (appointed by a decision of the minister fr the ‘purpose of looking into such violations and imposing the administrative penalties asset ‘utintherelevant laws which include written notices or warnings or other administrative procedures 25, Will employees be menitored on the means of socal media forthe purpose of detecting their violations? Detection and monitering occurs atthe level of issues raised on social mela and not Individuals. The purpose of this Regulation is to ensure safe and responsible use by ‘employees and gue government employees and raise their awareness to avoid any legal liabilities resulting from personal misuse, Federal entities only monitor cases and issues ‘of importance and relevance and in so doing the users’ comments and participations become evident.

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