Linking and Action Verbs Intro

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Teacher Candidate: Kelly Wall Date:

Cooperating Teacher: Fidler & Bertsch Coop. Initials

Group Size: 21 Allotted Time 30 mins Grade Level 4

Subject or Topic: Linking and Action Verbs Intro Section

Standard - CC.1.4.4.R

Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard

English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

 Students will classify action and linking verbs by completing a word sort.
 Students will use linking and action verbs to correctly complete a sentence.

II. Instructional Materials

 Verbs video from pearsonsucess
 Action and linking verbs smart board activity
 Action and linking word sort
 Action and linking intro worksheet
 Scissors
 Glue
 Smartboard

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
 Subject is who or what a sentence is about
 Verb is the “action word” or the action the subject is completing
B. Key Vocabulary
 Linking verbs are verbs that link a subject and the rest of the sentence
 Action verbs require action and tell what the subject is doing
C. Big Idea
 Linking verbs are verbs that link a subject and the rest of the sentence and
action verbs require action and tell what the subject is doing
D. Content
 Linking verbs are verbs that link a subject and the rest of the sentence
 Action verbs require action and tell what the subject is

IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
 Ask student to sit on the in front of the smart board
 Tell the students that today we will be learning about verbs.
 Play “Grammar Jammer: Verbs” video
 Tell students that we will be focusing on action verbs and linking

B. Development
 First, explain what an action verb is.
o Tell a student to stand up.
 Explain that stand is an action verb because it is
something you can do, it’s an action
o Ask students to raise their hands if they play a sport.
 Play is an action verb, play is something you do.
 Ask student to turn to their partner and think of another action verb, a
verb that talks about something you can do.
 Call on students to share their action verbs
o Ask if they can do that?
 If yes, then it is an action verb
 The other type of verbs that we are talking about today are linking
 Like the video said, linking verbs link, or connect, the subject to the
rest of the sentence.
 Pull up the linking verb power point.
o Read sentence, ask students for subject, underline subject,
o Circle the linking verb
o Ask can you was? No so it can be an action verb. It just links
the subject to the rest of the sentence so it’s a linking verb
 Go through examples and call on students to practice
 Have student go back to their seats.
 Hand out “Action and linking verb word sort” and “Action and linking
verb intro” work sheet
o Students should cut out and sort the words
o When they think they have them sorted correctly, they should
raise their hand and have a teacher check it.
o When the words are sorted correctly, they can glue them in
 Once they complete the word sort they can use the words to complete
the sentences on the action and linking verb intro work sheet.

C. Closure
 When student have completed worksheet, review the answers
o Call on students for answers
o Also ask them if it is an action verb or a linking verb
 If they don’t know refer them to their word sort.
 Collect papers for assessment

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
 Follow all IEPs
 Read sentences to students who have trouble reading them
 Have ESL student work on a page in her workbook

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
 Work sheet.
o Follow answer key, answers are either correct or incorrect.
 Word Sort
o Note which students cannot complete the word sort
independently on first try.

2. Summative

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective

answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)

VI. Resources (in APA format)

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