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ENGLISH Scope and Sequence

Level 1
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading, listening,
1 Hello • Introduce yourself • Numbers • Present tense of My Classmates English Around the Interviews: Columbus and the New
Be: Statements, (description) World Introductions World
• Give personal • Countries questions
information Pronunciation:

2  The Classroom • Describe a • Classroom objects • Articles: A/An The Classroom Letter from a Teacher Interviews: Things at The Story of the Hula
classroom (description) Home
• Singular and plural
• Understand nouns Pronunciation: Plural
classroom directions nouns
• There is/There are

3  The Family • Describe your family • Family members • Questions with How Talking about Families Three Families Interviews: My Family Happy Elephants
old (conversations)
• Adjectives to
describe people • Yes/No questions Pronunciation:
with Be Statements and

4  At Home • Identify rooms and • Rooms • Prepositions of A Messy Bedroom Department Store Ad Interviews: Where I Don’t Believe Your Eyes!
furniture location (conversation) Live
• Furniture and
• Describe locations appliances • Where questions
with Be

• Yes/No questions and

answers with Be

5  I’m Talking on the • Describe actions • Actions • Present continuous Activities at Home Cell Phones Skit: How Do I Get Arctic Whale
Phone tense: Statements, (phone conversation) There? Danger!
• Talk on the phone Yes/No questions
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading, listening,
6  My City • Describe a city • Adjectives to • Or questions Sydney, Australia Seattle, Washington Interviews: The The Lost City of Machu
describe places (description) Weather Where I’m Picchu
• Because Writing sentences From
• Locations Pronunciation: Or
• Adjectives questions
• Weather

7 Downtown • Describe locations • Stores • Prepositions of What are Saturday Mornings Interviews: The Town Puffin Rescue
location People Doing? Downtown Where I Live
• Understand and give • Places downtown (conversations)

Checking information

8 Money • State amounts • Coins and bills • Questions with How I Need a Desk My Favorite Store Skit: Can I Help You? The Future of a Village
much (conversation)
• Ask for and give Using capital letters
prices Pronunciation: Saying
• Give instructions

9 Transportation • Describe kinds of • Kinds of • Present continuous The train Station Traveling by Bicycle Skit: Do You Live Giant’s Causeway
transportation transportation tense: Statements (description, Around Here?
and Yes/No questions conversations) Editing for
• Other things (review) capitalization and
found on a street spelling
(passengers, • Wh- questions with
sidewalk, etc.) present continuous

10  Clothing and • Describe clothing • Clothing • Present continuous The Clothing Store Spring in Sapporo Interviews: Clothing Alaskan Ice Climbing
Weather tense (review) (description) and Fashion
• Describe weather • Colors Editing for
and seasons • Questions with How capitalization
• Sizes much (review)

• Weather

• Seasons
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading, listening,
11  Daily Life • Describe everyday • Everyday activities • Prepositions of time A Daily Routine Strategies for Learning Interviews: Schedules Life on the Orinoco
routines (description) English and Routines
• Time • Simple present
• Say the time tense: Statements Pronunciation: Final
s in third person
present tense verbs

12 Food • Identify foods • Foods • Simple present Ordering in a Celebrating the Fourth Interviews: Breakfast, Monkey Party
tense: Statements Restaurant of July Lunch and Dinner
• Order food at a • Breakfast, lunch, (review) (conversations)
restaurant dinner Using commas
• Adverbs of frequency
• Talk about food from • Drinks
different countries
• Dessert

• Fruit

13 Jobs • Describe jobs • Jobs and • Simple present The Sunrise Hotel Hotel Jobs Interviews: My Job The Knife Markets of
occupations tense: Statements (description, Sanaa
(review) conversations) Capitalizing:
Companies, towns
• Simple present Pronunciation: Does and cities, days of the
tense: Yes/No he / Does she week
questions, Wh-
questions, Who

14  A Visit to the • Give health-related • Parts of the body • Simple present In the Waiting Room An Unhealthy Lifestyle Interviews: Sickness Farley the Red Panda
Doctor advice tense: Statements (description) and Health
• Health problems with hurt Using commas with
Pronunciation: but and and
• Remedies • Have/has Medical specialists

• Must/must not

15  Weekend Plans • Describe weekend • Daily routines • Future with be going A Trip to the Beach A Surprise Party Interviews: Keeping Water Sports Adventure
plans to: Statements (conversation) Strong and Fit
• Celebrations Using commas with
• Talk about hobbies Pronunciation: Going but and and (review)
and leisure activities • Chores to vs. /gonna/

• Make and • Sports and physical

discuss plans activities
ENGLISH Scope and Sequence
Level 2
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading,
listening, video)
1 Welcome • Introduce yourself • Greetings, • Present tense of be: Affirmative Student Introductions Classroom Interviews:
A Special Kind of
Introductions and negative statements, Yes/No Expectations Describing
• Introduce a Pronunciation: Neighborhood
questions Yourself and
classmate Contractions Using capital letters Others
• Subject pronouns (I, you, he,
• Give personal she, we, it, they)
• Possessive adjectives (my, your,
his, her, our, their)

2  My School • Identify classroom • Inside the • Singular and plural nouns Times and Locations An Exchange Student Interviews: Study Making a Thai
objects classroom in the U.S. Plans Boxing Champion
• Articles: A/An Pronunciation: Final s in
• Describe a school • Inside the school plural nouns Checking plural
building • There is/There are: Statements, nouns
Yes/No questions

3  The Family • Describe family • Family members • Possessives adjectives (review) A family (descriptions) Families Skit: Where Are Gorilla Watching
relationships You From? Tours
• Jobs and • Present tense of be: Wh- Pronunciation: What’s Using possessive
• Talk about family occupations questions his/What’s her/What’s nouns
members your
• Simple present tense:

4 Home • Describe an • An apartment • Prepositions of location Locations (conversations) Immigrant Interviews: Dream Living with a
apartment building building Communities Houses Volcano
• Can: Statements Asking about an
• Identify rooms and • Rooms and apartment (questions)
furniture furniture • Where questions
Pronunciation: Syllables
• Describe locations • Places in a
on a map neighborhood
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading,
listening, video)
5  A Typical Day • Describe a typical • Daily activities • Simple present tense: A Daily Routine Walking: It’s Good Skit: My Schedule Birds in Paradise
day Statements (review) (description) for You Is Crazy

• Talk about • Time Expressions Pronunciation: Final s

schedules in third person present
• When and What time questions tense verbs

• Adverbs of frequency

6  Airport Jobs • Describe jobs • Jobs at the airport • Simple present tense: Yes/No A Job Interview Security Screeners Interviews: The Snow Magic!
and Wh- questions (conversation) Perfect Job
• Answer questions Checking subject-
about jobs Pronunciation: Does he/ verb agreement
Does she

7  A Day at Work • Talk about work • Work activities • Present continuous tense: A Day at Work Staying Healthy at Smokejumpers Peruvian Weavers
Affirmative and negative (description) Work School
Checking for
correct tense

8  Fast Food • Describe actions at • Working at a • Present continuous tense: Yes/ A Lunch Menu Regional Favorite Slow Food Dangerous Dining
a restaurant restaurant verbs No and Wh- questions (description) Foods

• Read a menu • I’d like Pronunciation: I’d like Explaining new

• Order lunch

• State prices

9  Food Shopping • Identify food items • Foods and drinks • Count and non-count nouns Making a Shopping List How to Make an Interviews: What Night Hunt
(conversation) Omelet Food Do You
• Talk about simple • A, some, any Buy?
recipes How to Make Pasta
• How much is/are Primavera (instructions)
• Identify containers
Talking about Prices
• Talk about prices (conversations)

Pronunciation: of
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading,
listening, video)
10  A Good • Talk about the • Adjectives • Past tense of Be: Statements, Who, What, Why, Where? Restaurant Reviews Skit: Do You Have Dinosaur Search
Weekend/A Bad weekend Yes/No questions, How questions (conversations) the Receipt?
Weekend Checking verb forms
• Describe good and Pronunciation: wasn’t/
bad service weren’t

11  Last Weekend • Describe past • Weekend • Simple past tense: Regular and The Wrong Directions A Busy Weekend Interviews: The Dreamtime
activities activities: Verbs irregular verbs (story) Shopping and Painters
(past tense) Checking time errands
• Describe a Pronunciation: Final -ed expressions
sequence of events in past tense verbs

12  Growing Up • Describe major life • Important events • Simple past tense: Yes/no Growing Up (narrative) Jackie Chan Interviews: Heroes One Boy’s Journey
events questions, Wh-, Who questions and Leaders
Pronunciation: Did you/ Using a comma after
• Talk about famous Did he a time expression

• Talk about growing


13  People and • Compare family • Adjectives • Comparative adjectives Comparing Movies Comparing Two Skit: It’s Faster Taiko Master
Places members (conversation) Aunts — and More
• Compare job Comparing Soups Using but and
performance (conversation) however

Pronunciation: -ier than

14  Goals and Plans • Describe future • Future goals • Future with be going to Problems and Plans What Motivates Interviews: A Real Winner
plans (conversations) Younger Workers? Planning for the
• Object pronouns (me, him, them) Future
• Plan steps to reach Pronunciation: going to Organizing your
a goal • Future with will/won’t vs. /gonna/ ideas

• Make predictions

15 Vacations • Describe vacation • Vacation • Future with be going to: Yes/No Vacation Plans Kyoto Interviews: My Mount Fuji
plans destinations questions, Wh- questions (conversations) City
Paying attention to
• Ask about a Pronunciation: Questions time expressions
vacation with /gonna/
ENGLISH Scope and Sequence
Level 3
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading,
listening, video)
1  The First Week • Meet classmates campus, semester, interests, • Simple present tense Locations at School Learning English Alex the Parrot Orangutan Language
team, photographer, alone, with Be and regular verbs: (description)
• Exchange personal get married Affirmative statements Checking
information Pronunciation: singular and
• There is/there are and Sentence stress plural nouns
• Learn about school prepositions of location

• Discuss classroom

• Talk about learning


2  The Average • Describe typical roommate, salary, typical, • Simple present tense: The Shaw Family The Average The World’s Bird Girl
American behavior public transportation, Affirmative and negative (description) Community Biggest Melting
average, earn, train (v), statements College Student Pot
• Talk about routines accept, affordable, transfer Pronunciation: Final s
(v) goal, complete (v) • Singular and plural subjects in third person present Checking verb
tense verbs forms
• Time expressions

• Adverbs of frequency

3  Spending and • Talk about how people withdraw, interest rate, • Simple present tense: Yes/ Laura’s Budget Tips for Saving Making a Deal The Black Diamonds
Saving spend money budget (n), loan (n), ATM, No questions, Wh- questions (conversation) Money in Fes of Provence
late fee, deposit (v), credit
• Share ideas about how card, account • Who questions Editing questions
to save money
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading,
listening, video)
4 Geography • Understand geography hill, valley, forest, mountain • Singular and plural Florida (description) Death Valley The Lost City The Missing Snows
terms range, lake, bay, seaport, quantifiers (each, every, National Park of Kilimanjaro
river, canyon, plain, coast, some of the, many of the) Pronunciation:
• Describe the desert, gulf, island, Syllables and stress Identifying
geography of a country ocean, sea • Quantifiers with count and supporting
non-count nouns details
• Label a map
• Count and non-count nouns

• How much/How many

• Too much/too many/not


5 Technology • Talk about electronic text (v), tablet, gaming • Present continuous Planning a Cruise Phone addiction Spacewalk Flying Pumpkins!
equipment console, application, tense: Statements, Yes/No (description)
keyboard, 3D printer, questions, Wh- questions,
virtual, online Who questions Pronunciation: Wh-
questions Checking verb
• Non-action verbs tenses

• Time expressions with

simple present tense and
present continuous tense

6  A Healthy • Describe health blood pressure, physical, eye • Future with be going The Accident Jenna’s Lifestyle Longevity Zoo Dentists
Lifestyle problems and injuries chart, temperature, elevate, to: Statements, Yes/No (description) Leaders
icepack, bandage, crutch questions, Wh- questions Verb + infinitive
• Understand a doctor’s Pronunciation: Medical
orders • Future with will specialists

• Talk about future plans

• Offer to help

• Make predictions

7   Around the • Compare countries populated, famous, noisy, • Comparative adjectives • The New York City The State Venice The Gauchos of
World humid, crowded, modern, Subway (description) Hermitage Argentina
• Talk about life in cities diverse, enjoyable • More/less/fewer + noun Museum
and towns • Comparing Subways
• Superlative adjectives Around the World Checking for
(description) commas
• Superlative adjectives
• As…as, not as…as Superlative adjectives
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading,
listening, video)
8   Moving • Describe a move rent (v), pack (v), lease (n), • Simple past tense: We Moved – Again! A Home on Mongolian A Chinese Artist in
sign (v), landlord, tenant, Statements with regular and (conversation) Wheels Herders Harlem
• Compare the present neighborhood, application irregular verbs
and the past Pronunciation: Linking Using so
• Past time expressions –ed + vowel sound
• Talk about important
life events • Past tense of Be:

9   Natural • Describe natural forest fire, volcano, • Past tense of Be: Yes/No Emergency Directions Tornadoes A Year of Tornado Chase
Disasters disasters flood, tornado, drought, questions, Wh- questions, Destructive
earthquake, snowstorm, Who questions Editing questions Weather
• Discuss disaster blizzard, hurricane and answers

10 Wedding Plans • Describe a wedding bride, wedding gown, groom, • Have to / has to: Affirmative Where’s My Dress? A Chinese Nubian Wedding One Woman’s Choice
tuxedo, photographer, maid and negative statements, (conversation) Wedding
• Discuss wedding plans of honor, best man, band, Yes/No questions
guests, wedding cake, Pronunciation: Have to/ Giving reasons
• Describe obligations reception, honeymoon • Had to/Didn’t have to Has to and results: So
and because
• Give advice • Should/shouldn’t

11  At Work • Describe job skills hairdresser, cable installer, • Could you/would you A Confident Employee How to Lose Your Butler School Opal Town
website developer, nurse, (description, Job in Four Easy
• Make polite requests plumber, car mechanic, • Must/must not/can’t conversations) Steps
florist, accountant, marketing
• Describe work rules manager, civil engineer, • May and might Pronunciation: Would Adding details
and policies hotel front desk receptionist, you/Could you
caterer • Modal contrast
• Talk about possibilities

12  Busy Lives • Talk about daily eat out, get in, get off, get on, • Present time clauses School Days (narratives) Disciplining The Science of Chuckwagon Racing
routines, responsibilities get out of, get up, hang up, Children Stress
look at, pick up, put on, take • Two-word verbs
off, turn on, turn off, wake up Using quotes
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore 
Pronunciation Writing (reading,
listening, video)
13 Crime • Discuss types of shoplifting, shoplifter, • Past time clauses A Robbery at the The Moving Van Beagle Patrol Killer Bees!
crimes shoplift, steal, mugging, Jewelry Store (story)
mugger, mug (v), robbery, • Past continuous tense Using quotes
• Describe past events robber, rob, burglary, burglar, Pronunciation: Word (review)
car theft, car thief • Past continuous tense with stress

• Past continuous tense with

simple past tense

14 Careers • Describe jobs police officer, administrative • Future time clauses: Career Choices Careers of The Last of the The Life of a Geisha
assistant, lab technician, Statements and questions (narrative) the Future: Woman Divers
• Discuss career goals computer engineer, home Application
health aide Pronunciation: Design
• Talk about future plans Question intonation
Career Tips

15  City Life • Describe life in the city clothing shop owner, • For and since Harry, the Doorman Smart Growth Urban Art Wild Animal Town
construction worker, (description) Communities
• Describe occupations doorman, server, sanitation • Present perfect continuous
worker, window washer, tense: Statements and How Pronunciation: ‘ve Stating an
customer, parking violations long questions been/’s been opinion
officer, hot dog vendor,
dog walker, firefighter,
delivery person, mail carrier,
travel agent, taxi driver,
ENGLISH Scope and Sequence
Level 4
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore (reading,
Pronunciation Writing listening, video)
1 Education • Talk about your appear, believe, • Simple present tense: The University of Texas The Open University Earth Capoeira: The
school/college belong, feel, hate, Statements, Yes/No questions, (description) University Fighting Dance
hear, hope, like, look, Wh- questions
• Talk about school miss, prefer, sound
facilities • Present continuous tense:
Statements, Yes/No questions,
• Talk about school Wh- questions

• Compare your daily


• Talk about your


2  In the Past • Talk about history ancient, • Simple past tense: Statements, Pompeii (description) Secrets of the Past The Lost The Lost Temples of
archaeologist, questions World of the Maya
• Talk about life in the artifacts, site, Pronunciation: Used Providing Examples Angkor Wat
past discover, system, • Past tense of Be to
traditional, uncover, • Used to
historic, build,
lifestyle, original,

3  Changing Lifestyles • Talk about future focus (v), improve, • Future with be going to: After the Baby Comes Advice for Studying Enduring Saving the Amazon
plans apply for, impress, Statements, Questions (conversation) Abroad Voices Together
achieve, request (v),
• Make promises and succeed, set up, • Present continuous tense with Pronunciation: I’ll Transition Words
offers sign up future meaning

• Make predictions • Will for promises and offers

• Will for predictions

• Future time clauses

Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore (reading,
Pronunciation Writing listening, video)
4  We Should Meet! • Discuss blogging must, must not, have • Must/must not, Rebecca’s Plans for Distracted Driving Making Fire Extreme Skydiving
to, don’t have to/ Today (narrative)
• Describe obligations doesn’t have to, can, • Have to/Don’t have to/doesn’t
can’t, could, couldn’t have to
should, shouldn’t, had
better, had better not • Can/Can’t

• Could/Couldn’t

• Should/Shouldn’t

• Had better/Had better not

5  Leisure Activities • Talk about leisure cards, photography, • Yes/No questions review A Trip to Vancouver Olympic Pin Collecting Adventure The Great Kite Fight
activities cooking, fishing, (description) and Trading Capital of
traveling, • Questions with who, whose, the World
gardening, dancing, who, how Pronunciation: Tag Using the correct verb
scrapbooking questions form
• Tag questions

6 Travel • Talk about travel exhausted, • May and might for possibility Planning a Vacation A Visit to Argentina Indian Gliding Across the
enthusiastic, (conversation) Railways Gobi
• Express preferences homesick, nervous, • Must for deductions
relieved, frustrated,
worried, upset, • Would rather and would prefer to
stressed out
• Modals review

7 Sports • Talk about sports amateur, • For and since A Soccer Game The History of the Cheese The Olympians
professional, athlete, (description) World Cup Rolling
• Describe famous fan, announcer, • Present perfect continuous Races
athletes coach, concessions, tense: Statements, Yes/No Pronunciation: ‘ve Combining sentences
official (n) questions, How long questions been / ‘s been with and, but, and so
• Understand a
description of a
soccer game

8 Changes • Talk about changes reunion, committee, • Present perfect tense for the Gossip (conversations) Kingsbury College Crossing Koalas
from the past to the invitation, recent past : Statements Events and America
present decorations, nuclear Pronunciation: Announcements
family, immediate • Already and yet Surprise intonation Page
family, extended
family, relative • Contrast: Present perfect,
present perfect continuous, and
simple past tenses
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore (reading,
Pronunciation Writing listening, video)
9  Job Performance • Discuss job skills raise (n), shift (n), • How long and how many Job Performance Franchises Destroyers Dinosaur Builder
performance, (narrative)
• Evaluate job evaluation, promotion, • Present perfect for repeated Checking for verb
performance supervisor, applicant, actions Pronunciation: ‘ve errors
overtime and ‘s
• Present perfect: Word order

• Contrast: Present perfect and

present perfect continuous

• Contrast: Simple past and

present perfect tenses

10  Regrets and • Talk about regrets pay attention, • Should have for regret, In the Counselor’s Language and Culture Crop Circles Giant Cave Crocs!
Possibilities turn down, dress expectation Office (conversation) Programs
• Discuss possibilities appropriately, sign up
for, driver’s license, • May have, might have, could Pronunciation: Word Using quotation marks
• Discuss stay out late, label have for past possibility stress
expectations luggage
• Must have for deduction,
• Make a deduction empathy

• Express empathy

11   Business and • Talk about products manufacture, produce • Present passive: Statements, T-shirts – From The Hybrid Cars The The Art of Making Silk
Industry in different countries (v), raise (v), catch (v), Wh- questions Field to Your Closet Business of
grow, mine (v), design (description) Business and Industry Cranberries
• Talk about (v), perform • Passive with by in Japan
companies and their Pronunciation:
products Syllable stress Using for example,
such as and including
• Describe a process to introduce

12 Technology: • Talk about anti-shoplifting • Past passive Shopping Technology Cell Phones: Then and Solar Cooking Para-Life Rescue!
Yesterday and inventions and device, video game, (narrative) Now
Today technology compact fluorescent • Active vs. passive
light bulb, artificial Pronunciation: Summarizing a
• Express opinions heart, vaccine, • Passive with by Compound nouns paragraph
space shuttle, laptop
computer, personal • The passive: Other tenses
human transporter
Unit Learning Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening and Reading and Video Explore (reading,
Pronunciation Writing listening, video)
13 Music • Talk about types of upbeat, uplifting, • Adjective clauses with who, Bono and U2 The History of Country World Music The Exciting Streets of
music and musicians easy-listening, mellow, which, whom, and whose (narrative) Music Barcelona
soothing, catchy,
• Express musical irritating, aggressive, • Adjective clauses with that
preferences deafening, dramatic
• Adjective clauses with when
and where

14   Let’s Get • Talk about home advise, encourage, • Verb + infinitive The Procrastinator Active Learning Memory Man Aquarium on Wheels
Organized organization allow, expect, (conversations)
manage, convince, • Verb + object + infinitive
• Discuss urge, remind, require Pronunciation:
procrastination • Be + adjective + infinitive Stressed syllables

• Give advice

15 Volunteering • Talk about admit, anticipate, • Verb + gerund Volontourism My Experience as an Bio Blitz: Life Cupid the Dolphin
volunteering appreciate, consider, (conversation) Eco-Volunteer in 24 Hours
imagine, postpone, • Preposition + gerund
quit, recall (v), Writing complete
recommend, regard, • Contrast: Infinitives and gerunds sentences (avoiding
regret, resent fragments)

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