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Outline for Research Paper

I. Introduction- sleep deprivation in teenagers causes a lot of

problems, and also a leading thing to sleep deprivation is sleep
disorders and depression.

A. Background-

B. Thesis Statement : Sleep Deprivation in Teenagers affects

them in all areas of their life including academically and socially.

II. Causes of Sleep Deprivation (First subtopic)

A. Technology (First Point)

1. Computers, cell phones, T.V (supporting evidence)

2. Parents don’t set limits on technologies so

teenagers can use them whenever they want. (Supporting


B. Depression and Sleep Disorders (Second Point)

1. Some sleep disorders are the cause of sleep
deprivation in teenagers. Also depression can be a cause of sleep

deprivation. (Supporting evidence)

2. Teenagers can have so much going on at one that it
causes anxiety which leads to sleep disorders and depression.

(Supporting evidence)

III. Effects of Sleep Deprivation (Second subtopic)

A. Bad for your health (First Point)

1. Can cause you to get into car accidents along with

other fatal incidents. (Supporting evidence)

2. Can cause you to have a weak immune system and

not let your body perform its proper functions. (Supporting


B. causes you to not perform your best (Second Point)

1. Teens who get less sleep tend to have lower grades

and not do as good in school. (Supporting evidence)

2. Without sleep you end up not wanting to have much
of social life or participate in extra curricular activities

(Supporting evidence)

IV. Solutions to Sleep Deprivation (Third subtopic)

A. Things you can do (First Point)

1. Going to bed an hour earlier, and making sure you
don’t have any bright lights or loud noises around you. Also naps

can be a quick fix to sleep deprivation. (Supporting evidence)

2. Don’t eat sugary foods before bed or drink
caffeinated drinks. Don’t exercise before bed or do anything that

will raise your heart rate. (Supporting evidence)

B. Seeing a Doctor (Second Point)

1. After trying the tings on your own then sometimes
you may need to go to a doctor for them to prescribe medication

to help you sleep. (supporting evidence)

2. You may also have another sleeping disorder that is

causing your sleep deprivation. (Supporting evidence)

V. Sleeping Disorders (Fourth subtopic)

A. Diagnosing your sleeping disorder (First Point)

1. To be able to treat your sleep disorder you’re going
to have to have it diagnosed by a doctor and there are several

that could be the problem. (Supporting evidence)

2. symptoms that show you that you have a sleeping

disorder (supporting evidence)

B. types of sleeping disorders (Second Point)

1. a list of the different types of sleep disorders and

their symptoms (supporting evidence)

2. more about the types of sleeping disorders and

their effects (supporting evidence)

VI. Conclusion: A restatement of the main points of your paper.

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