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Lamar is Social

Lamar is really finding her place at An-

Nur. She has made some good friends
and able to interact with all the
teachers mashaAllah. Over the month
of February, she was involved with
many activities with her peers and the
centre including harvesting potatoes
from the centre’s garden and Healthy
Heart day, learning more Quran and
speaking more Arabic.

On one particular day, I gathered the older children to play with the dominoes. Lamar really
fitted in with this group of Arabic-speaking children. She learned to recognise how many
dots there were on each side. Of course, she had to keep counting them until she could
recognise the dot patterns.
I think this was a fantastic opportunity to learn many things: good practice counting Arabic
numbers, practice taking turns, missing a turn, and waiting longer if more people joined the
game. She did a great job playing and was very patient. Alhamdulillah we managed to finish
all the tiles available.
Linking her learning to Te Whariki, we can see that Lamar is Contributing to her learning by
practicing and developing her communication skills, numeracy skills, information skills, and
social and co-opperative skills. (Te Whariki, Learning Media Limited, Ministry of Education,

Written by T. Nourah

(February 2018)

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