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---By Zhijun Zhong

Table of Contents
Portfolio #1 Portfolio #2 Portfolio #3 Portfolio #4
Piece #1: I Come Piece #1: Abstract Piece #1: Found Piece #1: “Illustrated
From & I Noun poem Man” Story
Remember Piece #2: Group poem Piece #2: Magic Piece #2: Picture of
PIece #2: I Am Piece #3: Collage poem Realism Story Life Graph
Piece #3: Piece #4: Haiku Piece #3: Photo Piece #3: Life’s
Misunderstanding Piece #5: Shape poem Story poster soundtrack
on The Bus Piece #6: Villanelle Piece #4: Script Piece #4: Poem in a
Piece #7: Sestina Piece #5: A cat Bottle
Piece #4: If you can
Piece #8: In a World obsessed with men’s
be a houseware
Without Love undies
what you want to
Piece #9: In a World
Piece #10: Mirror poem
Piece #11: 16th
Portfolio #1
Piece #1 —— I Come From

I Come From I come from the sky

The blue color are my skin
I come from a dandelion
The white clouds are my clothes and
I belong to the wind
my adornment
Being unattached, desireless.
All kind of birds are flying in the sky.
They seem like they want to touch me
I come from fortuity, like a grain of a sad dust,
or kiss me.
I am a tiny object in the universe; no one cares
about me, and I don’t need to care about them.
I come from the pain
Gone with the wind, when the wind stops that mean I
Tears makes me braver
need to stop too and live right there for a while.
Heartbreak makes me stronger.
In every place, I feel different folk customs in different
And enjoy the unique scenery.
I remember when I jumping in the snow,
I Remember laying on the snow. My body felt cold, but
inside my heart was warm.

And my mother wearing her warm coat,

I remember the first time I came into this world, I standing by the front door, and taking a
felt cold and fear, but someone gave me a blanket picture of me .
and hugged me in her chest, now I feel warm and
safe. I remember the sky so blue and clean, many
clouds that looked like a sail boat. Then I
And I heard everyone so excited and say “OH, took a deep breath, I felt relaxed.
DON’T CRY!”. But I still cry. I feel very strange And running under the sky, the sunshine
about all the things in the world. falling on my body, the wind waving to me.

I remember when I first time saw the snow, the And now I start on my great adventure that
snow fell softly all night. It made a blanket soft will probably include contest, tragedy, and
and white, it covered houses and the ground, but did pain.
not make a single sound.
Piece #2 —— I AM
I seem to be a sky,
But really I am a tree branch waving in the wind.

I seem to be a red tomato ripening in the the sun,

but really I am a bright sun shining on a summer day.

I am not a light blue sky,

but really I am the smoldering red of a flame that I seem to be a fish swimming in the boundless sea.
burns ever without oxygen. but really I am a tiny object in the universe.

I am not a hot summer night in the mid of July,

I seem to be nine dead dandelions,
—— I AM
But really I am channeling in the new age.
but really I am a single bird soaring into the setting
Piece #3 — Misunderstanding on the Bus
Derek is a engineer who is working in New York. He lives in a big house by himself, Every night he looks at the photo
on the computer, showing his wife, his daughter and himself playing in the swimming pool, in the photo everyone was
laughing, then he is drinking his beer bottle after bottle.
He woke up with headache, sitting up on the couch, shaking his head. He went to the bathroom; when he finished
dressing, he took a look at his watch. “Oh my god, it’s too late. Hurry up! Hurry up!” he told himself. He put everything in his
briefcase and hurried out. He locked his door and started running, but then he bumped into his neighbor, Albert, his best
friend. He yelled at him. “Derek ! You late again?! Did you drink last night? I can smell it ! Why didn’t you tell me, huh?
Tonight I will go to your house, ok?”
Derek didn’t answer him, he just put his hand up and turned his head to look at him, blinked his eye. Then he ran
again but, even faster. Fortunately, he caught up with the bus and took a seat on the bus.
Then a well-dressed man stood next to him. Derek was aware that something was gonna happen, so he was on the
alert. As expected, the man almost put his hand into a old lady’s bag. Derek was still struggling about whether to tell the old
lady that the man was robbing her. But, then Derek thought that these things happen everyday, so he decided not to tell the
old lady. Turning his head to other side, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.
The bus stopped, Derek got off the bus, but then the man got off the bus too. Derek shook his head grudgingly and
walked faster. The man followed Derek into the lift. “I know you. We were just in the same bus and I saw what you did to
the old lady. If you want to do same thing to me, I advise you to give up. Otherwise I will call 911, It's your choice,” Derek
said drily.
At that moment, the lift’s door opened and Derek walked out, leaving the man in the lift with a stunned look on his face.
When the lift’s door almost closed, the man used his hand to prop open the door and walked out. He thought “What
happened? What did I do? I think he was drunk; that is why he talked so strange. Whatever, today is my first day of work, I
won’t let him to affect my mood.” Then he fixed his tie.
Derek walked into his office with a angry look on his face, his colleagues judged the look on his face and said, “ What’s
happened? Today must be a bad day.” At that time his secretary, Caroline, who was the most gorgeous women in the
company offered him a cup of coffee and said, “ What’s happened? Why do you look so angry? It seemed to be the office
almost on fire.”
“Nothing, I just saw a robber and he want to steal my stuff.”
“Oh my dear, I’m so sorry, are you ok? Are you missing something? Did you call 911?”
“No, I’m fine. I already warned him. ”
“You’re supposed to call 911 !”
“It’s ok. Let’s not talk about this thing anymore. I heard that today we will have a newcomer to work. Let him get familiar
with the business, I will check on him later.”
“Ok. I will do it.”
Caroline went back to her cubicle and she saw a man standing right there. and said,“Hey, How are you? Are you the new


“Oh, hey, yes, I’m the new guy. Nice to see you,”

“ What’s your name?”

“Hi Joe, I’m Caroline.” Then they shook hands, But Joe kept holding her hand and didn’t let her go. Caroline smiled
and said, “Ok, It’s time to work.”
“I’m sorry. You’re just so beautiful,” Joe said in a low voice.
“Uh, thank you. So are you, but this is not the time to about these thing, Let me take you to your seat and then come
with me to familiar with business,ok? ” Caroline said and smiled to him”
“Ok, Let’s work now !” he scratched his head, felt a little shame.

In the afternoon, everybody was eat their lunch in cafeteria, only Caroline and Derrick are not there. They came into
the office. Derek said, “How is the newcomer doing?”
“Very good, he worked hard.”
“Sounds great.”
“And I have another thing wanted to talk to you. Tomorrow is the anniversary of mom’s death, will you come with
Derrick didn’t say anything and sat there in a trance.
“Dad? Dad? Dady! Are you hear me? I know you don’t want to face the truth of mom’s death, but it already been over
four years and you never go to the cemetery to see her. I hope this year you will come, I want to come with you.” Tears fell
down from her face.
“Sweetheart, I will consider your suggestion. Are you hungry? you can go to eat lunch, I want to be alone.” Derek said very
slowly. he sat on his chair and looked at the picture next to his computer that is the first time they came to California and
their wedding was also held there. Derek shook his head, he wanted to let himself not to think about these thing.
In the cafeteria, Joe noticed that Caroline had cried. He was a little worried about her, so he walked to her side and
held her shoulder. “What’s happened? Are you ok? ” But Caroline doesn’t say anything and pushed Joe away. Caroline
walked out of the cafeteria and Joe followed behind her. But Caroline couldn’t hold it in anymore. She burst into tears. Joe
approached her and held her in his arms, patted her back and said, “It’s gonna be ok. Don’t cry.” At that moment, Derek
walked out his office, and saw Caroline crying; he wanted to hold her but Joe appeared in his sight and then he held
Caroline in his arms. Derek got so angry, he walked straight to him and punched Joe’s face, Joe fell down. Caroline looked
at her dad with surprise and stopped crying. “Oh my god. Dad, what are you doing! ”
“What the hell you doing here? What do you want to do to her?” Derek didn’t answer Caroline, he grabbed Joe
clothes and shouted at him.
“Dad, stop! why are you doing this.” Caroline held his hand and try to stop him, but Derek didn’t even acknowledge
“Me? I didn’t do anything, what’s wrong with you?” Joe said with a surprise, and looked at Derek, said again “I know
you, we just met in the lift in this morning and you said some strange thing to me, but now you do it again. What’s wrong
with you!!” Joe said loudly and angry too. then they both fight each other, Caroline tried to separate two of them but she can
not, she too weak. Then someone use his fist to punch Caroline’s face and she fell on the floor. Suddenly they both stopped
and looked at Caroline.
In the hospital, Caroline was slept on the bed. Derek sat next to the bed. Joe stood in the corner. They didn’t say a
word. After a while, Caroline was woke up and Joe walked to her side quickly and said “Hey, Did you feel better? I’m so
sorry,” he lower his head.
“I’m good. Don’t worry,” she said with a smile.
“Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you ”
“Dad, I’m good, Don’t be guilty. But I don’t understand why did you hit Joe and he is that new guy in our
company.”Caroline said softly.
But gradually, Derek got a little angry again and said in a low voice, “He is the newcomer?! Ok. You are fired.”
“Dad! What you doing? You can’t do that, he is a nice guy! He work very hard today?! Caroline said with anxiety.
“I don’t think so. I knew clearly what he did on the bus in this morning.” He took a scornful glance a Joe. Joe wanted
to say something. Derek noticed that Joe was going to say something, so he continue talking, “You don’t need to explain it. I
believe my own eyes. So, please, get out of my sight.”
“Dad! Why you mean to him.” Caroline said with a little angry.
“Caroline, It’s ok, I’m leaving now.” Joe said
“Joe, I’m sorry. I will call you later.” Caroline said with regret.
“What did you say?! You will call him?! No! You can’t! You don’t even know him.” Derek got angry again. Because
Derek only have one daughter, he promised his wife to take care of their daughter, don’t let anyone to hurt their daughter.
“Dad! You are just too unreasonable. I‘m an adult already. All these years you have always controlled of my personal
life. I want to do what I want to do. Please,” she stated firmly.
“Ok then. You want to do what you want, right? From now on, I will not bother you anymore. ” Derek turned and
walked away.
“Are you ok? You shouldn’t do that.” Joe said and putted his hand on her shoulder.
“Are you available tomorrow? I want you to go to a place with me.” Caroline said and then Caroline closed her eyes,
tears slowly flowing out of her eyes.
When the day’s work was done, Derek went home, disheartened. He took off his tie and took a few bottles of beer
from the fridge, drinking bottle after bottle. His best friend Albert was knocking the door, but Derek didn’t hear him, so Albert
just opened the door and walked in the house. There was an overpowering smell of alcohol. He saw Derek was drinking
alone, “Hey bro, you looked so upset, What’s happened today?”
“Today? It was awful.” Derek said.
“Awful again?. Since Elena death, every time I have asked you this questions you have always said awful.” Albert let
out a sigh.
“No, today is very awful.” Then Derek told him what’s happened today.
“Oh my god, are you serious? Did you punch his face? You’re so cool. But why do you think Joe is a robber? He
works in your company, I don’t think your company is that stupid to hire a robber, so it probably was a misunderstanding
between you and Joe. You should go talk to Joe.”
Derek thought a while. Maybe he was right. But because of a false sense of pride, he said, “No. I believe what I saw.”
Joe shook his head with no alternative.
Next day, Caroline picked up her phone. “Hey, good morning. It’s me, Caroline. Did you wake up yet? Ok, I will come
to your house. Can you send your address to me? Ok bye, see you later”
She looked at the address and said, “It is same direction with the Cemetery. In this way we should be able to arrive
the company on time.”
Joe hung up the phone and got out of the bed quickly. “Oh my god, I didn’t even get up. Why am I forget. Why am I
so stupid.” Joe got into the bathroom, brushed his teeth, shaved his beard and took a shower. When he had almost finished
dressing, he saw there was a car parked in front of his house, he hurriedly picked up his briefcase, and ran out. Caroline
looked at him.It’s kind of silly so she couldn’t help but laugh. When Joe got into the car, Caroline stop laughing and said,
“Hey, Good morning.”
“Hey, good morning. You look so cute today.”
“Thanks, you look not bad today, too.” She smiled.
“Thanks. By the way, where are we going today?”
“You will see,” Caroline said slowly, with a little sadness.
When they stopped in the cemetery, Caroline said, “Today is the anniversary of my mom’s death. I hope you don’t
mind.” Joe looked at Caroline; he saw her eyes filled with the tears. Then he hugged her and said, “I don’t mind, no matter
when you want to go, I can come with you.”
“Thank you.” They got out of the car and went to her mom’s grave.
“Hi, mom. I so miss you. I am sorry that dad didn’t come see you again. I promise next time I will come see you with
dad. I know I have been saying this so many times, but I swear it is the last time. But, mom. I really really miss you. I feel so
When they walked out of the cemetery, Joe took the car keys from Caroline and said, “Let me drive, I don’t really
think you should drive right now.”
When they arrived the company and Derek saw them walked together, he felt little a worried. But he didn’t say
Everyone start working. Caroline still offered her dad a cup of coffee and brought a file to him. “Excuse me,this file
needs your signature,” Caroline said without emotion.
“OK, give it to me,” Derek said.
After working all day, Derek and Caroline still hadn’t talked to each other except for work. Also, Derek had been
observing Joe all day. Joe was conscientious,took initiative, and was diligent. There was a moment when he thought he was
wrong, maybe the man on the bus was not Joe.
After a few weeks, Derek noticed that Caroline and Joe were dating, so he decided to talk to them.
On that morning, Caroline, as usual, still offered him a cup of coffee. “Caroline, Are you free after work? I wanted to eat
dinner with you and that guy. I think we need to talk,” Derek said seriously
“Dad? What do you want to do? Do you want a fight again? If so, I won’t go.”
“No, What are you thinking? I know you are dating him, so I just want to talk with you both. I don’t want anyone hurt
“Dad. Joe is a good guy; he won’t hurt me. You can see that he was working so hard these days. I hope you like him.”
In the restaurant, Derek sat waiting for Caroline and Joe. Then he saw Caroline was holding Joe hand. Derek frowned.
“Hi, Dad.” Caroline hugged Derek. Joe wanted to shake hands with Derek. But Derek didn’t want to, so Derek just sat
down. Caroline saw that and said in Derek’s ear, “Dad, you said you wanted to talk to Joe. Why you don’t shake hand with
him. That is not good, dad.” Then Derek stood up very reluctantly and shook hands with Joe.
“Ok, Joe. Let’s get down to business”
“No, problem. Mr. Derek.” Joe was so nervous that he almost froze up. Then Caroline held his hand and gave him a
“Good. Did you remember a couple weeks ago, when we were in the same bus?” Derek wanted to make sure
whether the man in the bus was him or not.
“Yes. I remembered it perfectly. We were also together in the lift and you said something strange.”
“Ok then, but did you remember what you did in the bus? I hope you can tell me honestly.”
“Ummm.. I didn’t do anything, I just stood there and maybe fixed my tie.”
“Do you still want to lie to me? I saw everything you did in the bus!” Derek said loudly, everyone was looking at them.
“Dad, calm down. Joe said he didn’t do anything in the bus; you are confusing us. Why you just tell us what did you
see in the bus? ”
“Joe, This is the last chance! ” Derek said so seriously.
“I swear I didn’t do anything!” Joe said firmly.
“Bullshit! I saw you steal something from a old lady! I wanted to give you a chance but you made me disappointed.
Caroline, please break up with him.”
“What ?!”
“What ?!” Caroline and Joe said at the same time.
“Dad, are you kidding me? This is not funny.” Caroline stared at Derek.
“Mr.Derek. Are you kidding me, too? It is not funny at all.”
“Joe, you don't need to continue to play the fool?”
“Oh my god. I already told you I didn’t steal anything.”
“I saw you put your hand in a old lady’s bag.” Derek said.
“Old lady? ” Joe thought about it, then he burst out laughing.
“Why are you laughing?” Caroline said.
“Nothing. The old lady is my mom!”
“What ?!”
“What ?!” Caroline and Derek were said at same time.
“Are you kidding me?” Derek was shocked.
“No, It’s real ! I have a photo. I can show you.” Then Joe took his phone out and showed the photo to them. “Is that
lady you saw in the bus?”
“Umm. Yes, it is. But why did you put your hand in that lady’s bag?” Derek asked suspiciously.
“It was the first day of my new job and my mom wanted to see my new company, so she came with me. But it was
also my mom’s birthday, so I purchased a necklace for my mom. I was putting that necklace into her bag quietly. Did you
see that when I put my hand into her bag, I was also hugging her.”
“No, I didn’t see it. I think at that moment I was turned my head and side and went to sleep.” Derek felt ashamed of
what he had to Joe.
“Dad, look at that. It's really a big joke,” Caroline said.
“Yes. Joe, I am so sorry about that. It was my fault,” Derek said.
“Mr.Derek, it’s ok,” Joe said with a smile
“Now all the misunderstandings have been solved. You two should have a hug,” Caroline said.
Then Derek stood up and said, “Joe, I’m so sorry, can we have a hug?”
“Of course! Mr. Derek.”
After one year, Caroline came in the cemetery with Joe, holding a baby. “Hey, mom. Look, I have my baby now. It’s a
little girl. Her name is Katherine. And this is my husband, Joe. I think you knew him. Mom, you know what? I have a surprise
for you.”
“Hey. Elena. It’s me, Derek. I am coming to see you. Sorry about that I have never come to see for four years. Cuz I
don’t want to admit the truth that you were dead. Now, I am realized that it’s wrong. But Elena, I miss you so much. I hope
you can come back,” Derek started crying.
“Dad, it’s gonna be ok.” Caroline held her dad's shoulders.
Later they left. Caroline holding her baby, Derek and Joe walking next to her, Derek and Joe holding Caroline’s
shoulder. The sun was shining on them. Then they just walked out of the cemetery.
Piece #4 —— If you can be a houseware what
I want to be a Heater. you want to be?
I always have a rest through the long boring summer. I can hear the children laughing out loud on the
outside. They yell with the fullness of enjoyment; my heart has been infected, I hope I can play with them,
but I can’t; I can only stay at home quietly through the WARM summer.
Finally, winter is coming, the leaves are falling down, and the wind blows in sharp with cold. It is time to
wake up and work. The kids are around me, they wish I could bring the warmth to them; actually I can.
When the adults and children come back from outside, their faces are red so they rubbed their hands to
keep them warm. From that moment they step foot in the house, they can feel the warmth that I bring to
them, The kids jump into the air and say, “ OMG, it’s so warm in here, so warm!” Every time I see the
smiles on their faces, my heart is full of happiness. When evening comes, everybody is sleeping. Only I
am still awake. I exist in every corner of the house, warm every corner of the house. I see them sleep
sweetly, and a warm feeling rushes through my soul. I gently stroke their faces, kiss their lips, gently say
good night.
Reflection #1
1. My favorite poem is I Am. It let me think about who am I and where we come
2. My short story need more work. I should make the sentence more concise.
Improving my story writing skills. Practice describing people, animals, things,
landscapes and practice how to writing out the emotions, feeling and
reactions. Be grammatically correct.
3. I learned how to improve my sentence, how to engage the audidence.
Portfolio #2
Piece #1 —— Abstract Poem
Hope is what keeps life going, hope makes up
dreams, hope teaches not to despair, even in the Nothing shows a person’s
darkest hour, because after that night there is a new happiness more than what he smiles
day waiting for us. at.
A new day will come and tell us what matters, Every time you think of giving
what doesn’t and what never will. up, remind yourself to keep smiling
and holding on
Perhaps the easiest way to find our happiness
is to just go through the thing that make us sad. Smell the rain, feel the wind, live
our life with happiness and smile
People are as happy as they make up their
minds to be. So, let’s smile at this present
and fight for our dream.
I think we should laugh at least once in a day; it
can help us overlook the unattractive, cope with the
unexpected, and go through the day with a beautiful
Piece #2 —— Group Poem_ by Brittany Wrigley and Zhijun Zhong
We come from small towns, We aren’t much alike
but in a different places. but we have the same interests

I come from China Sort of ...

And I come from America I like history and hate math;
We met in a small school I love math .

I was shy and so was she We met almost by chance,

We don't look alike but I’m glad we did
I have black hair because she’s my best friend,
and I have red hair and she’s mine.
My eyes are blue
and mine are brown
Piece #3

—— Collage
Piece #4 —— HaiKu Poem
Smell the rain, feel them.

They touch my body gently,in drops

Wash away the pain.

Piece #5

——Shape Poem
Piece #6 —— Villanelle
Fight for your dream, keep it in sight.
Go through the thing that will make you fail
You’ll see, it’ll be alright
Just don't forget that in the end it’ll
With me by your side, you have nothing to fight be alright
But right now, you have to do something you have never Training yourself to live in the
done. present, without regretting the past or
Fight for your dream, keep it in sight fearing the future
You’ll see, it’ll be alright
When it seems all is darkness, search for the light
It will lead you to the right things You will end the fight
You’ll see, it’ll be alright Be yourself, do everything you want
Fight for your dream, keep it in
Everything will come into sight sight
Try to become a man of value You see it’ll be alright
Fight for your dream, keep it in sight
Piece #7 —— Sestina
The warmth,
like sunshine covering the whole
world, lets the dark sadness
What is the definition of family? have nowhere to hide. Family
I think most people will say it is full of happiness is the power in happiness
it will let us feel warmth. and more strength make us go together.
Sometime it will bring us sadness,
when it all goes together Love holds all things together.
as a whole. Love make family warmth
and make everything seem at happiness
For me, in my whole I believe the whole
life, the most important thing is my family. world is one big family.
When we just sit together Everyone is fighting with the sadness
around the little table, I can feel happiness
around me, and the sadness We build a wall to keep sadness
goes away; our hearts are full of warmth. out, also to keep us together
to make a family
The power of warmth
can makes all things whole
and bring together all types of happiness.
But sometimes the family will not have happiness,
only have sadness,
but as a whole
when we all go together
we can bring your heart warmth;
That is the definition of family

It is seen now that happiness can create two different families,

both equally warm and sometimes delivering of sadness,
but when this goes together, it is a whole.
Piece #8 Mourning —— In a World Without Love
If there is no love in the world.
The world will become tedious. What is love?
The world will become full of hostility; Love is kind of dedication;
Full of indifference. A selfless dedication.
Those AIDS patients won't have the hope of
Love is a kind of help;
A help without need for anything for anythi
The homeless orphans won't have a warm for return.
At that time, Love is a sympathy;
Just like the spring without the sun. A genuine sympathy.
At that time,
The world will be cold. Love is like a light
That illuminate the uncertain road.

When we walk on the road of our lives,

Sow the seeds of love.
Piece #9 Celebratory ———— In a World Without War
In a world without a war. In a world without a war,
People won't bleed to death, they The ambassador of peace will disassemble the
won't feel the pain when they lose nuclear bomb easily as a doll, use the energy
family. sources that inside of the boom applied to the
The children won't become entirely life, bring the benefit to the mankind.
undernourished or displaced.

Once the world started, people lost

their family, houses, food, clothes, In a world without a war,
and happiness. The only things we Borders of each country will be useless.
get is the blood, disease and pain. The people from different countries as close as a

In a world without a war, The scientists from different countries will use
The army will protect the people, rather than their knowledge into the daily life. To make full
large-scale fighting. use of the resources of the earth.
Piece #10 —— Mirror Poem
I suddenly noticed that mirror In that side it seemed like she was facing
toward the ocean, with spring all the year around.
An extraordinary mirror Feeling warmth and comfort.

I stared with my eyes But in this side it seemed like I was facing
toward the desolate desert, feeling so lonely and
Then I saw a girl in the mirror cold.

And she was staring at me Her complexion was ruddy; her eyes were
alive, and her hair was well-groomed and shiny.
But, there is a difference between me
and her But in the image’s reflection, I look pale,
melancholy, and as thin as a paper.
I can see her eyes are filled with
happiness, In the mirror, everything will be wonderful.

But my eyes are filled with infinite So I eagerly reached out my hand to touch
disappointment, with monotonous colors the fragile beauty.
—— Black and white
But suddenly a crack extended from my fingertips.

That person and that beautiful scene were gone.

Shards of glass scattered on the floor.

I reached out my hand to touch the broken glass,

but the shards injured my hand and the world

The blood flowed out slowly

Dark red.

I cried, tears dropped on the glass.


I told myself it was a dream.

It’s always so awkward when people sing to me and I
“Happy 16th Birthday! You are a big girl have to make a smiling face to show my appreciation.
And why does everyone keep looking at me?
So what is the big deal to this? Am I the center of attention?

I don't care it’s my birthday or being a big

But I don't want to be the center of attention, it
girl. Everytime on my birthday, they always say
feels kind of weird. I just want to be the person who is
that to me. That all I know is I can't sleep with my beyond the center of attention and can sing a birthday
mom and dad any more, ‘cause I am a big girl song to someone else.
now, and I can't hear them sing lullabies to me
“OK, It time to make a wish and blow the
anymore, only on my birthday they will sing a kind candle.” I don't want to make a wish, I know it is not
of lullaby or maybe it is not even a lullaby. gonna be come true. All I care is, is it time for the
delicious vanilla ice-cream cake yet?

“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to

my dear, Happy Birthday to you! ”
Reflection #2
1. My favorite piece my Group poem, cuz it was written by Brittany and I. It shows our
different character in that poem, and it was fun when we do the poem together.

2. “Words, words were truly alive on the tongue, in the head.Warm, beating, frantic, winged;
music and blood” From “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman

3. I know that sometimes we don't need that much “and, but, or, because” this kind of word
in the poem. Sometimes without using this word can make our poem more stronger.


Dear Future Generations: Sorry.
This poem is talking about the nature.This is really deep, i think this is a good message to all
ages. I like how it has repetition and really gets this stuck in my head.
Portfolio #3
Piece #1 —— Found Poem
Piece #2 Magic Realism Story —— You and I
Amanda was sat in the damp basement of an abandoned factory. The basement air was filled with the overpowering
stench of decomposing bodies. Amanda’s mouth was taped shut and she could hardly breathe, her hands and feet were
tied up by a rope. The wound on her knees began to fester. Her eyes were full of hopelessness. Then she heard footsteps
getting close to her. She wanted to shout for help, but she couldn’t; only a whimper came out when she tried. She slowly
moved to the corner. Finally, the rust-covered door opened. The dazzling light made it so she couldn't open her eyes. Soon,
a fat, ugly man, came to her, pinched her chin vigorously, and said, “I don't want to do this, but your dad was owes me a
bunch of money.” Then the ugly man reached out his hand and touched her and said, “Why are you so gorgeous?” She
struggled desperately to keep the man away from her, but she was too weak to move.
A few days earlier, Amanda’s dad, Jeremy had just gotten out of the bar with a bottle of beer in his hand. Drunk, he
staggered on to the road. Suddenly, there was a group of people behind him and everyone was holding a gun or a knife. He
started running away at once. Soon he saw there was a alley in front of him, so he ran quickly into it, until they passed him.
Jeremy knew they were loan sharks, and if he didn’t pay back money to them, they would kill him. He crouched down,
terrified to leave the little alley.
The loan sharks went to Jeremy’s house. They broke the door and entered the house with knives and hammers. As
Amanda walked up the driveway from walking she heard some loud noises coming from her house. She thought it was
strange, so she run to open the door. When she saw a bunch of people in her house, she was frozen with shock, then
shouted at them, “Who the hell are you? What the hell did you do in here? STOP! RIGHT NOW. No one can leave from
here. I will call the police and all of you need to pay the damages.”
She took out her phone and pressed the button, but at that moment, the fat man took her phone and threw it on the
floor. The man pinched her chin harshly and said, “Pay the damages? Are you kidding me? Who the hell do you think you
are, talking to me like this?” Amanda shook off his restraining hand and slapped his face. The man was so surprised at that
and yelled, “How dare you slap my face!”
“WHY NOT! Don't you think you are going too far? I didn't do anything to you, I didn't even know who you are! Why
are you guys doing this to my house?”
“Is it your house? I thought it was Jeremy’s house!”
“Jeremy Johnson? He is my dad!”
“Your dad? ” The man felt so surprised, then a strange smile passed over his face.
“Yes! But why are you doing these things to my house? What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? That’s funny. But now I want to say what’s wrong with your dad.”
“My dad?” Amanda felt a little confused.
“Your useless father owes me a lot of money and now he ran away and he hasn’t paid me yet”
“What? That isn’t true! My dad never told me this before! You are a liar.”
“I am a liar? Then tell me what is true!” The man turn his head without her noticing, and whispered a word to a
person that stood behind him. The person nodded. A few men walked behind Amanda. Soon one man was covering her
mouth with his hand, the other man was holding her arms so that she couldn't move. Her eyes were covered by a black
cloth. A man punched her back so hard that she passed out.
When Amanda woke up, she was lying in her bed. She stared at the ceiling numbly and later she felt a little ache in
her back. She wrinkled her brow and talked to herself. “It was a dream, why does it feel so real to me?”
“Amanda! Amanda! Amanda! Wake up. Let’s go! It’s time to work. Last night I told you that you needed to wake up
early. You are lazy!” Chris knocked on the door incessantly.
That made Amanda felt very uncomfortable “Stop knocking the door! I'm coming!” Amanda sat on the edge of the
bed and, shaking her hand, slowly walked to the door.
“Amanda, you know what? We found something!” Chris exclaimed.
“Calm yourself. What happened?” Amanda said, her head leaning against the wall.
“Did you remember the guy who escaped from couple days ago?.”
“Yes. So?”
“We found some clues. Nick saw him in the alley yesterday and he followed him. He figured out he was hiding in the
“Basement? What basement?” Amanda felt a little weird.
“Yes, it was an abandoned factory. No one will come there. It’s very good place to hide himself. But unfortunately
Nick found it. So proud of Nick. Let’s go.” Chris was so excited.
Amanda and Chris both are hitmen, They were working in the stealth company. One day a magnate came to their
company told them to kill a man stealthily, and after that he would pay for them. Then Amanda and Chris started to search
for information about him. Amanda and her partner went to the man’s house and took him to a secret room. They decided to
kill the man on the next day. But when they went to the secret room, the man was gone. Amanda and Chris felt a little
wierd,be cause it was the first they let the person run away. So they started to search everywhere. Finally they got some
Amanda dressed up quickly and went to the factory with Chris. They stood in front of the factory, holding hands.
Suddenly a white light through her mind gave her a headache. Chris turned her hand, saw Amanda look a bit wrong and
said, “Amanda. You don't look well. Do you feel OK? ”
“I’m good. Let’s go.” Amanda shook her hand and walked into the factory stealthily. As she walked into the factory,
she thought about all the scene that had appeared in that dream. It somehow felt so real to her.
Amanda followed her mind, walking straight. Soon she stood in front of the door taking deep breaths, then put her
hand on the door handle. Finally she turned the handle and saw a woman whose mouth taped shut, her hand and feet tied
by a rope. Then Amanda made eye contact with her. Amanda slowly walked to her and reached out hand to wiped off the
tape. They both got frozen shock, their eyes wide open. They both are Amanda, they look exactly the same.
“Who are you?”
“Who are you?” they both said at the same time.
“Why are you here?”
“Why are you here?”
Suddenly a fat man stood in the door; he saw a woman standing there, so he quickly took out his gun and shot in
Amanda’s heart. As Amanda slowly fell down, she still stared at the other Amanda. Soon the Amanda who was on the floor
felt her heart getting hurt; soon the blood flamed out. She slowly slumped on the floor, too. The fat man felt that something
wrong and went toward them. He put his hand on Amanda’s chest. There were dead.
Piece #3

——Photo Story Poster

Piece #4 —— SCRIPTS
INT. A Basement of abandoned factory -- Morning.

LONG SHOT on the factory.

ESTABLISHING SHOT on the basement. (In the basement there have some decomposing bodies.)

Angle on AMANDA. Medium shot on her then close on her mouth, hands feet, the wound and finally
close up her eyes. Amanda’s mouth was taped shut. Her hands and feet were tied up by a rope.

Then a man was walking to the basement. Tracking that follow the feet.

Shot back to Amanda.

She slowly moved to the corner.

The rust-covered door was open. Backlighting on that man. Then he walked to Amanda.
I don't want to do this, but you dad owes me a bunch of money..

Why are you so gorgeous?

He pinched her chin vigorously and reached out his hand to touch her face.
Her tears slowly fell down on her face.
Piece #5 —— A cat obsessed with men’s UNDIES
Hi, My name is Brigit. I’m a six-year-old cat. I don't really like playing with my owner, Sarah Nathan
. Cause she is very busy. She go back home very late everyday. So I walked around the house, find
something that I can do. I went to the living room, turned on the TV, but I'm not a couch-potato. Soon
I felt it was so bored. I went to my her bedroom, got into his closet. I saw some men and women’s
undies. Um, I got a good idea. Maybe I can go collecte undies, I know it sound very cliche, but it’s
true. By the way, I can explore the world outside.
The next day. When she was went to work. I went to the balcony and jumped into the street.
First, I went to my neighbor house stealthily. I saw they were sat in the living room. So I slowly went
to their bedroom, and start to do my work — collecting undies.
So far, I has collected 11 pairs of pants and 50 socks and 60 men’s undies, etc. But someday
Sarah was cleaning the house, and she found out my cache. She felt very surprised. When I finished
my work and went back to home. Sarah saw me bring a undies to home. I got a strange feeling.
Later, she got very angry, she said to me I can’t do this anymore, and we need to return my
collection to its origin owner. So placed all the undies on the floor, put me next to the undies. She took
out her cellphone, took a pictures for me, pose on facebook. Soon I realized I did something wrong. I
slowly put my head down. I swear I won't do this anymore.
Portfolio #4
Piece #1 —— Suits
It was a warm morning, I was listening to music
and running in the forest. It was the first time that I
know there have four kind of tattoo on wrist. The shapes of tattoo look like the four suits of cards — spades,
hearts, clubs, and diamond.
I didn’t know I have a tattoo on my wrist until I got lost in the forest and met a woman. I have no signal on my
phone, so I started felt worried, kept walking aimlessly in the forest. Suddenly, I saw a young, tall lady who was
taking a pictures of the trees, flowers, and grasses. It seemed like she was enjoying the magnificent views. I slowly
walked toward her.
“Hi. Excuse me,” I said.
“Oh, hey.” She turned her head slightly toward me.
“Can you help me? I was got lost in this forest. I don't know which way I should go and I don't have signal on
my phone either.”
“Sure, I can help you. I’m very familiar with this forest. I come here everyday, and remember all the paths.
You can follow me.”
“Really? Thank you so much!” I was so excited and held her hand firmly. Soon I felt something moving on my
wrist — it was a shape of a heart. I felt so weird. Then there have some images in my head, it’s about the young
lady; she is a college student. Extremely intelligent and very capable. She had taken part in many charity activities.
One day, she was helped the poor children, taught them how to read and write. She is a very caring person, after she
graduates, she will become a very professional doctor. So I thought the heart represented her wisdom and
helpfulness. I made me believe that I can trust her, and we talked a lot along the way.
When the young lady and I walked out of the forest. We said goodbye to each other and walked in a different
direction. As I walked past the lottery station, I saw a man who won a $1,000,000,000 prize. He looked so excited
and happy. So I went toward him and said, “Congratulations, man”. The man looked so happy and he held my
hand, said, “Thank you”. Soon I felt something moving on my wrist again, this time I have two images on my wrist
—— The diamond and the clubs. It also have some images: He is a clever person but working in a tiny factory with a
very low salary, After a few day a man will come to him and say, “Excuse me. Do you want to work for our
company? We will pay you a high salary.” He accepted it. After a year, his life would better and better. So this time
the diamond represented the fortune, and the clubs represented good luck and happiness. I slowly put my hand back
and smiled at him. I’m so glad that he will have a better life. Soon we said goodbye to each other.
I kept walking down to the bus station. There have a lot of people standing there waiting for the bus. A
suspicious man stood behind me, but I didn’t pay him much attention. The suspicious man slowly put his hand into
my purse, took my phone and my wallet out. Another man appeared and held the suspicious man’s hand vigorously.
My phone and my wallet were dropped out of my purse. I turned my head and looked at them in shocked silence;
then I realized that the suspicious man has stolen my phone and wallet. The surprise made my eyes pop out, and I
started to yelled at him. But the other man said, “Miss, keep calm. I already took a video when he was trying to steal
your phone and wallet, and I’ve called the cop. So right now, all you need to do is wait for it.”
I slowly calmed down and said, “Thank you so much. You are very nice.” As I held his hand, I could felt the
image moving on my wrist; it was a spades, representing the peace and sense of justice. At this time I had some
images in my head, too. He worked in the police station, so absolutely he was a cop. But later I saw I had a heart
images on my wrist. I lifted my head and looked at him. In my head it had a images about the two of us was holding
hands together and at a wedding. I smiled at him and swore he was the man that I had been looking for in my life.
Piece #2—— Picture of Life Graph
Piece #3 ——Life’s Soundtrack
Song #1 → Photograph by ED Sheeran
I chose this song that represent me before my experienced change, because I think this song at some point can
represent my family.
My dad always work in difference place that it's very far way from home and he went home every half year,
sometimes he went once a month. I miss my dad so much when he is go to work every time. I remembered when I
was little. Dad came home, and we had a vacation at Guang Zhou, it is a big city, when we get there. We were
walked in the street. I was so exciting to look at beautiful views, so I just kept walking without holding my dad hand.
And in that city, it’s really crowded place, when I turned my head around, I didn’t see my parent, I kept looking
around. but I still didn’t see my parent, and I can’t figure which way I should go. Then I saw a police in front of me,
so I run to him and asked for help, but the police didn't want to help me and told me go away. I was so sad, and
started to cry, just kept walking. Then I saw my dad and my mom were in front me and kept asking people, I wanted
to run toward them but my feet were stuck on the ground, I couldn't even move. Soon my dad saw me. He ran
towards me and hugged me. I can see his eyes were filled with tears. I felt so sorry for them. This made me
understand how much my parents love me and it let me know how important to have a family. So after that, I holding
my parent firmly. Never let go.
“We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Our hearts were never broken
And time's forever frozen, still”
I really like the lyrics of this song, we always take pictures together. And photos cannot be faked, it memorizes our
growths, our happinesses and our memories.
Song #2 → History by One Direction
I chose this song for my second song, because represent me in middle school. In my middle school I had to live
in school for three years. That mean I had to leave home and live by myself. So at that time, I found my best friends
in my whole life, they are all nice person, and they help me a lot. So my friends are like my family member, too. We
stick together all day. We went to class, played game, studied and do everything. I remembered when I first time
lived in the dormitory; everything was new to me and I was so miss my family so I started to cry. Then they all came
to me and asked me what happened. So I told them I was so miss my family, and they said they miss their family, too.
Everyone were so sad. Later, one girl said, "Girls, Don't cry. From now on, We will be a family and I will be with
you." Then we hugged each other.
I was so glad that I have them. And it also started to change my life at that
“You and me got a whole lot of history
We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen
you and me got a whole lot of history
So don't let it go
we can make some more, we can live forever
Minibars, expensive cars, hotel rooms and new tattoos, good champagne
and private planes
But we don't need anything
Cause' the truth is out,
I realize that without you here like there's just a lie
This is not the end”
From this lyrics, it reminded me of an experience with them. It’s the best time in my life that I won’t never have it
again. I was so miss them when I wrote this. I wish one day we could all go back to my middle school.
Song #3 → Lost Stars by Adam Levine
During a certain period, I was sort of lost myself,I was being rude; arguing with my friend and my parents. I
didn't know what to do and how to control myself.
So one day, I was arguing with my friend about a teacher. but I didn't quite remember what happened, but we
both said some bad words to each other. We both were so angry. So when I got home I was still angry, my parents
didn't noticed that, and they were taking me for a joke. So I got angry again, then I arguing with them, too.
At that time, I didn’t listen to anybody, do what I want, say what I want, but at that time my parents and my
friends were tried so hard to help me through the situation, then I realized I am wrong. I felt so sorry about them.
It was the worst time that I haven't been in my life.
“And god, tell us the reason
Youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season
And this lamb is on the run
We're searching for the meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark
Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy?
Woe is me if we're not careful, turns into reality
But don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow?
Yesterday, I saw a lion kiss a deer
Turn the page maybe we'll find a brand new ending
Where we're dancing in our tears”
When I was struggle with myself, I always ask myself, what am I doing, who I am. And I really need someone to help
me, to tell me what to do.
Song #4 → Hall of fame by The Script
I chose this for my future song, because this song encourages me to move forward. I used to want to be
engineer, but when I grew up, I want to be language teacher. And go back to China live with my parent in our old
house. I hope I can take them to travel around the world as many as I can before when they get older and they can’t
walk any more.
For me, it is great/fulfilling challenge: stimulating the next generation to become lifelong learners. I have
always been grateful to the educational system for implanting values in me and at this juncture, I feel I should
contribute what I have learnt and experienced over the years. This way I will be paying back and at the same time
can fulfill my desire of enhancing the education system. I hope I can be a good teacher in the future.
“Yeah, you can be the greatest
You can be the best
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest
You can beat the world
You can beat the war
You can talk to God, go banging on his door
You can throw your hands up
You can beat the clock (yeah)
You can move a mountain
You can break rocks
You can be a master
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself”
It let me think about if I want to be successful and dedicate myself to my goals, success will always within reach. and
this kept striving for success and kept striving toward my goals.

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