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Research: Science and Education

Thermodynamics of Mixing Real Gases

Simeen Sattar
Department of Chemistry, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504-5000; sattar@bard.edu

Undergraduate physical chemistry textbooks commonly The change in the Gibbs energy on mixing is found by
treat the thermodynamics of mixing ideal gases but neglect subtracting eq 1 from eq 3:
that of mixing real gases. This often prompts students, who
∆ mixG = RT Σi ni ln (fi/fi*) (5)
are accustomed to considering the behavior of ideal and real
gases in tandem in a thermodynamics course, to ask about One way to evaluate this expression is to appeal to the
real gas mixtures. Although the thermodynamics of mixing empirical rule of Lewis and Randall, which states that fi/fi * = yi,
real gases can be subtle, it is worth considering inclusion of where yi is the mole fraction of component i. (Note that for
this topic in the syllabus. Not only does it complete the an ideal gas mixture, this rule reduces to Dalton’s law.) Although
parallel with ideal gases and anticipate the comparison between extremely convenient, this rule is not generally correct. For
ideal and real solutions, but students will find study of real instance, a pair of gases might obey it under some conditions
gas mixtures rewarding because it draws on their existing of temperature and pressure but not others (4 ). Substituting
knowledge of gases and intermolecular forces and connects the Lewis and Randall rule into eq 5 yields
to newly learned topics such as the relationships among
∆ mixG = RT Σi ni ln yi (6)
thermodynamic functions, fugacities, and virial coefficients.
Moreover, the abundance of experimental data on real gas which is identical to the expression for mixing ideal gases—
mixtures allows students to compare their expectations to an uninformative result.
actual behavior. An added benefit of the data is that it provides Thus a more accurate means of evaluating the fugacities
a rich and ready source of literature-based problems and class- required by eq 5 must be found. Examining the definition
room presentations. of fugacity is helpful here. For a pure gas fugacity is given by
Although mixtures of real gases are addressed in advanced the relation
treatises on thermodynamics (e.g., refs 1–3), the following p
discussion is designed to be continuous with the coverage of V m*
ideal gas mixtures usually found in undergraduate texts. It f i* = p exp – 1 dp′ (7)
draws heavily from recent experimental studies of gas mixtures, RT p′
with the goal of impressing upon students that gas-phase
thermodynamics is a vital and engaging subject that can test and for a component of a mixture it is given by the analogous
their understanding of molecular behavior. relation
Gibbs Energy of Mixing Real Gases V i,m
f i = p i exp – 1 dp′ (8)
The thermodynamics of mixing real gases at constant RT p′
temperature and pressure is approached in exactly the same
way as for the mixing of ideal gases. An expression for the Note that eq 8 is very similar to eq 7, except that a component’s
Gibbs energy of mixing, ∆ mixG, is the fundamental result, and partial pressure p i ≡ y i p and partial molar volume Vi, m ≡
from this, expressions for the entropy, enthalpy, and volume (∂V/ ∂ni )T, p, nj ≠ni replace the total pressure and molar volume. In
of mixing easily follow. both cases, the total pressure p is the upper limit of integration.
The Gibbs energy of a system of unmixed gases is given by Just as the fugacities in eq 7 are evaluated from p,V,T
measurements on pure gases, those in eq 8 may be evaluated
Ginitial = Σi ni µi* (1) from similar measurements on gas mixtures, with composi-
where ni is the amount of component i, µi* is its chemical tion as an added variable. These p,V,T data are then fitted to
potential (an asterisk denotes a pure component), and the an equation of state such as the virial equation, in which the
summation extends over all components of the system. For compression factor Z is expanded in powers of Vm1 :
a real gas at a temperature T and pressure p, the chemical Z ≡ pVm/RT = 1 + BVm1 + CVm2 + … (9)
potential is stated in terms of its ideal gas standard state
chemical potential µi° and fugacity fi *: B and C are the second and third virial coefficients, and they
are functions of temperature and composition. Virial coefficients
µi*( p,T ) = µi°(T ) + RT ln[ fi *( p,T )/p°] (2) for mixtures retain the same microscopic significance as for
Once the gases are mixed, the Gibbs energy of the system pure gases: B accounts for two-body interactions, C for three-
becomes body interactions, and so on. Therefore, for mixtures, B must
Gfinal = Σi ni µi (3) be an average of the second virial coefficients for all possible pairs
with of like and unlike molecules, each weighted by the probability
that the corresponding two-body interaction will occur:
µi( p,T ) = µi°(T ) + RT ln[ f i ( p,T )/p°] (4)
B = Σ Σ yi yj Bi j (10)
Here f i ( p,T ) refers to the fugacity of component i in a i j
mixture whose total pressure is p. A binary mixture, for instance, is described by one cross-term

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(B12) and two pure-component (B11, B 22) second virial co- Thus for slightly imperfect gas mixtures the problem of
efficients. determining the fugacities of its components devolves to ob-
Especially if students have encountered some statistical taining a complete set of second virial coefficients. Besides
mechanics, it is worth pointing out that virial coefficients compression factor measurements, second virial coefficients
are intimately related to molecular interactions through the may be derived from data such as pressure or enthalpy changes
equation on mixing. Reference 5 is an invaluable compendium of virial
∞ coefficients and the methods by which they were obtained. In
B ij = 2π NA exp  ui j r′ /kT – 1 r′ 2dr′ (11) the absence of experimental results, second virial coefficients
may be calculated from correlations based on the principle
where the function uij (r) is the pair potential for molecules of corresponding states (1–3) and pair potential functions (2).
separated by a distance r. Negative values of Bi j indicate that Substituting eqs 15 and 16 into eq 5 yields a general
attractive forces are predominant between species i and j, expression for the Gibbs energy for mixing slightly imper-
whereas positive values indicate that repulsive forces are pre- fect gases:
dominant. Of course, temperature plays a decisive role in
determining the sign of Bi j . By assuming a form for the ∆ mixG = RT Σ ni ln yi + Σ ni[Σ Σ yj yk (2Bij – Bjk ) – Bii ]p (17)
i i j k
potential energy function, it is sometimes possible to extract The first term on the right is the Gibbs energy for mixing
its parameters from knowledge of the second virial coefficients ideal gases ∆ mixG (0); it is necessarily negative. The second term
(5). Consequently, virial coefficients are quantities of both accounts for deviations; it may be positive or negative.
fundamental and practical import. Discussion is greatly simplified by considering two-com-
It is not difficult to deduce the form of a mixture’s third ponent mixtures. In this case, equation 17 reduces to
virial coefficient from eq 10:
∆mixG = nRT ( y1 ln y1 + y 2 ln y 2) +
C = Σ Σ Σ yi yj yk Ci jk (12) (18)
i j k ny1 y 2(2B12 – B11 – B22 )p
A term in the sum such as yi2yjCiij accounts for the likelihood where n is the total amount of gas. All the quantities on the
and strength of simultaneous interaction between two molecules right can be determined experimentally. Within the slightly
of species i and one of species j. The relationship between imperfect gas approximation, for (2B12 – B11 – B22)p/RT ≤ 2,
Ci jk and pair potentials can be found in books on statistical ∆ mixG attains its minimum value when an equal number of
mechanics (6 ). moles of the two components are mixed, just as is true for
Returning to the task of determining f i , the next step binary mixtures of ideal gases. For values of this ratio greater
would be to solve eq 9 for Vm and obtain the corresponding than 2, more complex behavior occurs, but such values are
Vi, m. However, even when the series in eq 9 is truncated after unlikely within this approximation.
the second term, it is still quadratic in Vm. To circumvent Before leaving this section, it is worth noting that in
this difficulty, Z is instead expressed as a polynomial in p: developing an expression for ∆ mixG, only deriving eq 14
Z ≡ pVm/RT = 1 + Bp/RT + (C – B 2)(p/RT ) 2 + … (13) might present a substantive difficulty to students; even this
difficulty vanishes if discussion is confined to binary systems
Now, solving for Vm is straightforward. The series on the right at the outset.
can be simplified by assuming that the gas mixture is only
slightly imperfect, a definition that omits all terms beyond Excess Thermodynamic Functions for Binary Mixtures
Bp/RT. Because the parameter B accounts for pairwise inter-
actions between the gas molecules, the approximation limits It is natural at this point to introduce excess thermody-
subsequent discussion to moderate pressures, a limit sensitive namic functions, which focus attention on deviations from
not only to the identity of the gases but also to the composition ideality. From eq 18, the excess molar Gibbs energy is given by
of the mixture. (From the familiar plot of Z( p), students might
anticipate that this should be true. At 273 K for example, Z G Em(1) = y1 y 2(2B12 – B11 – B22 )p (19)
is fairly linear to 10 MPa for hydrogen but to only 1 MPa for where the superscript (1) serves as a reminder that this is just
nitrogen. Mixtures of the two should, and do, show intermedi- a first-order correction. The term on the right merits close
ate behavior [7 ].) Truncating eq 13 after the second term, examination. Its magnitude increases with the pressure of the
substituting for B using eq 10, and evaluating the partial mixture, since increasing pressure at a fixed temperature in-
derivative (∂V /∂ni)T, p, nj ≠ ni yields an expression for the partial creases interactions, whether favorable or not, by bringing
molar volume of component i (8): molecules closer together. (Of course, this linear relationship
Vi, m = RT /p + Σ Σ yj yk (2Bij – Bjk ) (14) is not true at high pressures, where the slightly imperfect gas
j k approximation fails.) As p → 0, gas mixtures, like pure gases,
As before, the summations extend over all components of the behave ideally. The factor y1 y 2 weights deviations by the prob-
system, including species i. Substituting this intermediate result ability of interaction between unlike molecules. The term
into eq 8 yields 2B12 – B11 – B22 (henceforth the excess second virial coefficient
B E ) can be negative, zero, or positive, depending on whether,
fi = pi exp[Σ Σ yj yk (2Bij – Bjk )p/RT ] (15) loosely speaking, interactions between unlike molecules (1–2)
j k

As a check, note that eq 15 reduces to the correct expression are stronger than, identical to, or weaker than the average
for the fugacity of a slightly imperfect pure gas: interactions between like molecules (1–1 and 2–2). (Care
must be taken not to confuse this statement with averages of
f i* = p exp(Bii p/RT ) (16) pair potentials.) When B E < 0, there is an additional driving

1362 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 77 No. 10 October 2000 • JChemEd.chem.wisc.edu

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force that favors mixing beyond the larger volume available Table 1. Selected Thermodynamic Data for Equimolar
to each component, and conversely for B E > 0. Whether Mixtures of Various Gases
enthalpy or entropy effects are predominant is a question to be BE / G E m (1 )(p°)/ ∆m ix Gm (0 )/
Mixture T/K Ref
examined shortly. When BE = 0, the mixture is said to be ideal 3
cm mol 1
J mol 1 a J mol 1
(9, p 312), even though the gas molecules may be interacting CO/N2 303.2 1.5 b 0.038 1746 10
with one another. The concept that ideality for a gas mixture CH3 Cl/C2 H5 Cl 290.2 71 c
1.8 1672 11
includes molecular interactions aids students in developing a
CH3 CN/n-C4 H1 0 373.1 1822 d .
45.56 2150 12
definition of ideal solutions that is applicable to any phase.
Of the mixtures included in Figures 1 and 2 (10–16 ), B E C2 H5 OH/C6 H1 2 363.2 970 c .
24.3 2093 13
is most nearly zero for N2/CO, a system in which the compo- CH2 FCF3 /C3 H8 299.9 248.8 .
6.22 1729 14
nents are well matched in size, dipole moment, and polariz- CHCl3 /C6 H1 2 353.2 118 e .
2.94 2036 15a
ability. A second such example is the system CH3Cl/C2H5Cl. CHCl3 /C6 H6 353.2 274 e .
6.85 2036 15a
Even though both component molecules are polar, their similar
CH3 OH/(CH3 )3 N 308 11,980 c 299.5 1775 16
sizes and dipole moments (1.87 and 2.02 D, respectively)
give rise to fairly small values of B E. Systems consisting of
a Forthe 1st-order correction to the excess Gibbs function, p° = 1 MPa.
b± 2.1 cm3 mol 1.
disparate species tend to have large, positive excess second c Uncertainty not reported.

virial coefficients. Negative values of BE are indicative of a d Minimum uncertainty is ± 57 cm3 mol 1, as error in B
22 is not available.
e Maximum uncertainty is ± 58 cm3 mol 1.
specific interaction between unlike species, such as complex
formation or hydrogen bonding. For instance, the strongly
negative values of B E for the system CH3OH/(CH3)3N arise
from formation of a hydrogen-bonded alcohol–amine complex. Since the excess molar entropy for a slightly imperfect
It is reasonable to expect that molecular interactions will become gas mixture is given by
less significant at high temperatures, causing the magnitude
S Em(1) = (∂G Em(1)/∂T )p, y 1 =  y1 y 2(dBE/dT )p p (20)
of BE to decrease with increasing temperature. Figures 1 and
2 bear out this expectation. Small discrepancies attributable then S Em(1) E
> 0 when dB /dT < 0. This suggests that mixtures
to uncertainties in B11, B22, and B12 may be noted. such as CH3CN/n-C4H10 have a greater entropy than they
An alternative way of gauging the significance of deviations would if they were ideal. When dBE/dT > 0, as is true for
from ideality is to compare the quantity G Em(1) to ∆ mixGm(0). CHCl3/C6H6, then S Em(1) < 0. To what can the excess entropy
Except for CH3OH/(CH3)3N, the magnitudes of G Em(1) given be attributed? For ideal gases, it is the larger volume available
in Table 1 are not more than 2% of ∆ mixGm(0) and they are to the individual components that accounts for all the entropy
frequently much smaller. It is important to bear in mind that of mixing at constant T and p, even though the net volume
G Em(1) is merely the first term in the complete expression for of the system does not change as a result of mixing (18). For
G Em. Phase separation (gas–gas immiscibility) has been observed real gases, then, one contribution to the excess entropy must
in some binary systems above the critical point of the pure come from any net volume change on mixing; it may be
components (17 ), implying that the excess Gibbs energy can positive or negative. A second (negative) contribution might
become significant in comparison to ∆ mixG(0). arise when unlike species form a complex that constrains the




B E / (dm3 mol −1)
B E / (cm3 mol −1)




-500 -18
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 295 300 305 310 315 320

Figure 1. BE
vs T for the systems ( 䊊) CH3CN/n-C4H10; (ⵧ) C2H5OH/ Figure 2. BE
versus T for CH3OH/(CH3)3N. B11, B22, and B12 are
C6H12); (䉫) CH2FCF3/C3H8; (䉭) CHCl3/C6H12); (䊉) CH3Cl/C2H5Cl; read from Fig. 5-28 in ref 2, which is based, in part, on ref 16.
(䉱) N2/CO; (䉬) CHCl3/C6H6. See Table 1 for references. Note the change in units from Fig. 1.

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freedom of motion of the individual components. Figures 1 Table 2. Selected Thermodynamic Data for Equimolar
and 2 show that because the rate of change of B E becomes Mixtures of CHCl3 /C6 H1 2 and CHCl3 /C6 H6 at pⴗ = 0.1 MPa
smaller with increasing temperature, the excess entropy becomes B E/ dBE /dT/ H E m ( p°)/ H E m ( p°) (1 )/ S E m ( p°) (1 )/
smaller as well. cm3 mol 1 a , b cm3 K1 mol 1 a J mol 1 c J mol 1 J K 1 mol 1
The temperature dependence of B E also has implications CHCl3 /C6 H1 2
for the excess enthalpy. (In practice, excess enthalpy 353 114 1.49 17.5 16.0 0.0372
measurements may themselves be the source of second virial 363 90 1.19 14.6 13.1 0.0299
coefficients.) For a slightly imperfect binary gas mixture 373 89 1.13 13.2 12.8 0.0283
H Em(1) = G Em(1) + TS Em(1) = y1 y 2[BE – T(dBE/dT )p ]p (21) 383 92 1.07 13.2 12.6 0.0267
393 66 0.84 10.8 9.9 0.0210
Since the ideal enthalpy of mixing is zero, H Em is identical
403 39 0.62 8.6 7.2 0.0155
to ∆ mixHm. It is reasonable that H Em(1) depends on the pressure,
413 64 0.76 9.0 9.4 0.0189
since increasing pressure is expected to increase interactions,
423 31 0.50 7.1 6.1 0.0125
whether favorable or not. Plots of H Em(p) for equimolar
mixtures of H2O/C6H12 up to p = 12.5 MPa (see Fig. 3)
CHCl3 /C6 H6
confirm this behavior only to an extent; at sufficiently high
353 274 3.55 40.9 38.2 0.0888
pressures, the excess enthalpy actually decreases with increasing
363 240 2.87 32.7 32.1 0.0718
pressure (19). Two additional features of Figure 3 are in-
373 206 2.30 28.0 26.6 0.0575
structive: (i) at the highest temperature, not only is H Em
smallest, but it is also most nearly linear, implying once again 383 189 1.94 24.2 23.4 0.0486
that the slightly imperfect gas approximation holds best at 393 172 1.66 19.9 20.6 0.0414
high temperatures; and (ii) at all temperatures, H Em→0 as 403 165 1.45 18.5 18.8 0.0363
p →0. Equation 21 predicts that the magnitude of H Em(1) will 413 136 1.11 16.4 14.9 0.0278
be largest for an equimolar mixture. Though this is apparently 423 145 1.09 9.4 15.2 0.0274
correct near atmospheric pressure, a plot of H Em( yCO2) for a Calculated from data in refs 15a (mixtures), 15b (chloroform), and
CO2/C2H6 at a near-critical pressure exhibits a slight asym- 15c (hydrocarbons).
b Maximum uncertainty is ± 58 cm3 mol 1 .
metry, as shown in Figure 4 (20). Figures 3 and 4 together c ± (0.7–2.0) J mol 1.
demonstrate that the slightly imperfect gas approximation
fails at high densities. Properties of gas mixtures at high
pressures are discussed in ref 1. side of eq 21. Further correction involves the term C(p/RT )2
Even near atmospheric pressure, values of H Em(1) generated and introduces third virial coefficients into expressions for
from eq 21 are not identical to measured values of the en- fugacity and excess thermodynamic functions (21).
thalpy of mixing (see Table 2). This discrepancy arises, of Like excess entropy, whether the excess enthalpy is
course, because eqs 19–21 are based on a truncated virial negative or positive, its magnitude diminishes as temperature
equation of state. At the next level of approximation, the term is raised, reflecting the fact that the kinetic energy (~kT ) of
(Bp/RT )2 in eq 13 is included in the derivation of an ex- the molecules begins to overwhelm their interaction energy
pression for f i , adding a term proportional to p 2 to the right (ui j (r)). From the observation that B E(dB E/dT )p < 0 (see

6000 500


HmE / (J mol −1)

HmE / (J mol −1)






0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

p / MPa y CO2
Figure 3. Measured values of H Em vs p for H2O/C6H12 at different Figure 4. Measured values of H Em vs yCO2 for the system CO2/C2H6
temperatures: ( 䊊) 498.2 K; (ⵧ) 598.2 K; ( 䉭) 698.2 K. Points are at 3.10 MPa and 291.6 K compared with H Em(1) calculated from a
connected solely to guide the eye. Adapted from ref 19. fit to the data using eq 21. Note that the data are skewed toward
ethane-rich mixtures. Adapted from ref 20.

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Figs. 1 and 2) and the relation In light of the preceding discussion, under what condi-
tions do two slightly imperfect gases form an ideal mixture?
H Em(1)S Em(1) = ( y1 y 2 p) [B (dB /dT )p – T(dB /dT
2 E E E
)p2 ] (22)
Using the criterion that for an ideal mixture G Em(1) = 0, eq 19
it follows that S Em(1)
and H Em(1)
have the same sign. Thus when requires that at least one of the factors y1 (or y 2), BE, or p
mixing is endothermic, the excess entropy is positive (owing to must be zero, provided the remaining two are finite. That is,
a net increase in volume) and vice versa. Positive excess enthal- the mixture should be very dilute in one component or the
pies occur when components are ill matched with respect to the temperature very high or the pressure very low, where the
forces that dominate interactions between like components. precise meaning of “very” depends on the particular system.
An instance of this situation is C2H5OH/C6H12, which has a All these conditions minimize interactions between unlike
relatively large excess enthalpy: H Em( p°) = 182 ± 9 J mol1 at molecules. When the mixture is ideal, the excess volume will
363.2 K (13). be found to be zero. However, this statement is limited to
A smaller excess enthalpy is observed for CHCl3/C6H12, slightly imperfect gases, because V Em(1) is independent of
with H Em( p°) = 17.5 ± 1.4 J mol 1 at 353.2 K (15a). It would pressure. More generally, for a gas mixture to be ideal at any
seem that CHCl3/C6H6 ought to behave similarly, but here the given composition and temperature, the excess volume must
enthalpy of mixing is exothermic: H Em( p°) =  40.9 ± 2.0 J mol 1 be zero throughout the pressure range [0, p] (1):
at 353.2 K (15a). Indeed, in spite of the resemblance be- p

tween the hydrocarbons (their enthalpy of mixing is less than G Em p,T, y 1 = V Em p′,T, y 1 dp′ (24)
0.5 J mol 1 at 363 K (22)), H Em and S Em are both positive 0

for the first system and both negative for the second. Calculated
values of H Em(1) and S Em(1) for equimolar mixtures are reported
in Table 2. Although the magnitudes of S Em(1) appear to be I thank Robert J. Olsen for a critical reading of this
negligible, those of T S Em(1), which are the apt comparison to manuscript.
H Em(1), are not. Their comparable sizes indicate that enthalpy
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