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Death of Duncan in the play Macbeth

Overview of the Murder

In the year 1606, a love triangle murder occurred. The death of Duncan occurred after

being killed Macbeth. The murderer, Macbeth killed Duncan claiming he was pushed to commit

the crime by three witches who pushed her to fulfill the prediction of him killing Duncan. The

deceased, was killed after the prophesies made by the witches of him becoming the king being

taken too far by his nemesis. The initial investigations of the cause of the death of Duncan

implicate his wife Lady Macbeth s being part of the conspirators who aimed at eliminating him.

The initial report indicates that Macbeth had intentions of killing Duncan. The motive of

killing the deceased was not clear with reports indicating that Macbeth was obsessed with the

idea of her being the queen with his husband being the king. It was however ascertained that

Macbeth changed her mind and played a crucial role in influencing Duncan to end his life

prematurely through using witchcraft that was controlled by Macbeth and the three witches. This

is as evidenced in this quote “Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man,

for none of women born shall harm Macbeth. The third apparition said that Macbeth never be

defeated until Birnam Wood marches to fight him at Dunsinane Hill”

The death of King Duncan occurred after the witches in collaboration with Lady Macbeth

colluded to murder the King. The King, Duncan died after all the three prophesies predicted by

the witches were fulfilled. It is the first time in Scotland the death of a king has occurred with

supernatural forces being blamed as being responsible for the murder of the King. The chief

culprit behind the murder of King Duncan, has been identified as Macbeth as evidenced in the

quote “Thou wouldst be great; Art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it."

(1.5.19-21) The offender has pleaded for leniency after claiming he was under duress of
supernatural forces of three witches whom she blames as the ones that should be held


Work Cited

Shakespeare William, Macbeth.

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