Mini Lesson 3 Ethical Use

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Mini Lesson 3

Ethical Use and Evolution

SS7L5. Students will examine the evolution of living organisms through inherited
characteristics that promote survival of organisms and the survival of successive
generations of their offspring. 

a.Explain that physical characteristics of organisms have changed over successive

Common Core State Standards:

RH-8, 2.c Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in text.
RI-8, 2.b Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, distinguish
claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not.

ISTE Standards for Students

3. Research and information fluency
3.b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a
variety of sources and media
3.c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the
appropriateness to specific tasks.

5. Digital citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and
practice legal and ethical behavior.

1. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and

2. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity 

3. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning 

4. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship 

6. Technology operations and concepts

Students demonstrate a sound understanding
of technology concepts, systems, and

1. Understand and use technology systems 

2. Select and use applications effectively and productively 

Authentic, engaging, guiding question:

How do we know if what we find on the internet is accurate or inaccurate?
Digital Information Fluency
2.B Learners evaluate the quality of a search result to determine the reliability of its
Investigate internal content reliability (accuracy)
2.B Learners evaluate the quality of a search result to determine the reliability of its
Investigate author/publisher reliability (authority, bias)
3.A Learners ethically use digital information
Learners cite the source and/or author for the selected digital information

Principles of Inquiry-Based Learning

 -Students will care about this topic because they often browse the internet for
answers to their questions, more so than asking a parent. They will need to know
how to determine whether or not the information they find is accurate.
 using the website to gather news information and adding citations for the
newsletter will provide students with the opportunity to apply what they have
learned. The discussion boards posts and in class discussions will help students
express what they have learned.
Assessment- peer, teacher, and self-assessment occur frequently throughout the lesson,
when determining the validity of websites and when to cite an author for their work. This
reinforces what the student has learned.
Appropriate Use of Technology- collaboration of ideas, students continue to learn and
work at home, and technology provides access to learning resources that could otherwise
be cost prohibitive.
Learner Success- provides opportunities to facilitate discussions through the discussion
board posts and responses.

Engage, Enhance, Extend:

By using technology students are able to extend their knowledge beyond the classroom.
The knowledge of how to determine the validity of a website or when a source should be
given credit are things that bridge school learning with everyday life experiences.

Authentic, engaging, guiding questions:

How do we know if what we find on the internet is accurate or inaccurate?
What are some ways for schools to encourage honesty and integrity?
How can I avoid plagiarism?

Curated Resources-

Step 1- Introduce students to the digital citizen poster from the curated content and go
over each block and explain the concepts mentioned. Explain the ‘Is Pinterest a Source?’
block last and use it to introduce methods for content and author reliability. As an
additional example, open a Wikipedia page on Justin Beiber and edit it to. Do not save
the edit. Explain why this is possible and how it means an additional level of scrutiny
should be used for sites like Wikipedia.

Step 2- explain plagiarism and have students watch the plagiarism video from curated

Step 3- In groups of three have students discuss with a partner some of the reasons giving
credit or submitting one’s own work, content and author reliability are important. Each
group will then post their reasons to the class discussion board for the class to review.
Students will then take time to review what their classmates have posted and respond.
Students should respond why they agree or disagree with their classmates’ reasons.

Step 4- Students will watch video from curated site about plagiarism on websites.

Step 5- Students will then work in the same groups to practice evaluating digital data by
perusing the webpage dedicated to saving the “Tree Octopus.” Project the CRAAP
infographic, from curated content onto the board for students to have access to while
looking over the site. Once students realize the site is a hoax, discuss with students how it
is possible.

Step 6- Discuss with students the various forms of media they come into contact with.
Remind students about newspapers, television reports, news sites. Ask about the
importance of content and author reliability.

Step 7- Assessment
Students will work in groups of three and gather information to present as a newscast
with an accompanying newspaper, that has citations, about the physical characteristics of
an animal or plant that have changed.

Directions: In a group of three design and record a newcast that is 2-3 minutes in length
about the evolution of a specific animal or plant. With your newscast you must submit a
newspaper with the same information, but with citations. All sources must be cited and
there should be no less than five sources that contribute information for the newscast.
Your classmates will respond to your video through the discussion board. You will need
to be able to answer their questions as they relate to the information you present.
Remember to cite the use of any photographs or images as well.


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