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TERM/WEEKS: Term 3 – Weeks 2 YEAR LEVEL: Pre-Primary LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Health – Healthy wellbeing
to 4

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinking Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

- Individual access – one to one - Headphone access – there will be verbal recorded instructions to cater for reading difficulties and more complex instructions

Notes about rotational running in the classroom:

- Students do not have prescribed groups or timings with rotational work (other than explicit teacher rotation in Mathematics and English). We have completed a
high degree of focus on making sensible decisions with the people we work with and how we can be responsible and social in the classroom environment.

Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 2 Students can: - Videos Introduction –

– Lesson ACOOS006 – - Create a short video should - Everyone to the mat. “Have you got your whispering
1 Actions that through which they identify include “I” voice?” etc.
promote health, how they related to the - Explore what does looking after our minds look like?
safety, &
mindfulness rotations. What is wellbeing? What is a mindset? Student have
wellbeing. Vedre, S, Reynolds, P.H.
discussed this prior. (2017). I am Peace. New
ACTDIP006 – - Read “I am Peace” to the class. York: Abrams: The art of
- Verbally evaluate how each - Anecdotal - “Do you ever feel worried? What kind of things can books.
Engage with
information station effects their mood notes make you worried?” Protective intervention and
known people and label the emotion they throughout interruption needs to be displayed in the case of extreme
have shared in are feeling. rotations and disclosure. “How do you make your worries pop and
online conclusion disappear like the character in the book?
environments session.
- This week in our rotations we are going to investigate
things that make can help calm us down and promote a
healthy wellbeing. Remind students about saving their
work. iPads needed for video
Body – Rotations –
Rotation One –
Sensory table – coloured rice, kinetic sand, plain playdough
with different herbs and pestle and mortar.
Questioning should include – “do any of these help your
- Record a short video of yourself explaining how
engagement with their materials made you feel.

iPads, headphones, apps

Rotation Two – need to be pre-
Using their iPads and the class website – students should downloaded on to their
explore different guided meditation applications including – iPads.
headspace, smiling mind, mindful powers.
- What do these apps have in common? What is
- How do they make you feel?
- Record a short video of yourself explaining this and
upload it.

Rotation Three –
Online yoga – available on the website and available on the
interactive whiteboard.
- Does the yoga make you calmer? Does it give you more

Conclusion –
- “Have you got your loud voice?” Tidy your rotation areas
and come back to the mat please.
- How did the sensory table make you feel? Were you
calm? – prompt students for mindfulness vocabulary.
- Continue this questioning for each station.
- As a class create a word salad with mindfulness and Word Salad.
wellbeing vocabulary – calm, peaceful etc. This word
salad should be printed, laminated and displayed in the
classroom as well as uploaded to the webpage.

General Capabilities
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinking Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
Cross-Curriculum Priorities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3 ACOOS006 – Students can: Introduction –

– Actions that - Identify which foods are good - Everyone to the mat. “Have you got your whispering
Lesson promote health, for their bodies and which voice?” etc.
2 safety, & foods should be eaten in Vedre, S, Reynolds, P.H.
- Read I am Peace to the class – bring focus and think
wellbeing. moderation. (2017). I am Peace. New
alouds toward being outside and how that affects our
- Use book creator to display York: Abrams: The art of
mood and wellbeing. books.
their findings.
- Last week we talked and explored a lot about how to
look after our minds through mindfulness and wellbeing.
Today we are going to talk a lot about how to look after
our bodies.
- Identify that physical activity and healthy eating/drinking
both largely affect our health and our wellbeing.
- Today all together we are going to cut up and taste
many different foods and try to identify what could be
healthy and what might not be healthy.
- I want you to all take photos of the foods you like and
don’t like and after we will make a book in book creator.

- Students need to wash their hands – explain that this is
a safe and healthy food safety procedure.
- Gather around the large table in the wet area. Each
student will get different foods to slice with butter
knives. Explicitly demonstrate how to hold your hands
whilst cutting. Food should include: apples, watermelon
(with the rind cut off), lamingtons sliced, sandwiches,
carrots, tomatoes, LCM bars, pizza rolls. Assign foods
according to gross and fine motor skills – if a student
doesn’t have the strength for an apple – don’t give them
an apple.
- While we are cutting, in a circle format we should
discuss who has healthy foods and who has foods that
are needed in moderation. Bring up that there isn’t
anything wrong with eating unhealthy foods as long as
there is balance and moderation! iPads should be away
- Once cut, before eating, students should take photos of until this point. To
ensure safe eating
all the food on their iPad. Using a chart worksheet –
practices and the
students should record what they like and dislike as they safety of the iPads.
are eating to help them with their books. - Book creator
- Find a space in the classroom and use the app book (free) needs to be
creator. Make a book that describes which foods you pre-downloaded
like and which foods are healthy or need to be used in on all iPads.

- Re-join on the mat – “Have you got your singing voices?”
etc. Bring iPads to the mat.
- Look at a few students’ books on the interactive iPad/TV connector.
- We are going to play a game that’s a bit like our sight Kahoot needs to be
words. On the website, click on “Being Mindful” and premade – two
scroll down to this picture and we’re going to do a quiz. answers per question,
questions should be
read aloud

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinking Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 4 Students can: - Students to Introduction:

– Lesson ACOOS006 – - Identify features of the submit their - Everyone to gather on the mat – “Have you got your
3 Actions that outdoor environment that Pic Collages loud voice?” etc. Vedre, S, Reynolds, P.H.
promote health, promote health & wellbeing - Read I am Peace to the class – bring a specific focus to
to me, I will (2017). I am Peace. New
safety, & York: Abrams: The art of
using Pic Collage upload them how features of the outdoor environment makes the
wellbeing. books.
to our class protagonist feel – the wind, the grass etc.
website and - Can you think of times where the outdoors has calmed
assess the you down? Protective interruption may need to be used
features. – keep a specific focus on that the features of the
- Students outdoors calmed the students rather than what they
should needed calming down from.
include - “Today we are going to take our lunches and go for a Excursion notes and
walk to ____ (nearest bush area or park). On the way, I approval needed.
images of
features of want you to concentrate on how the sun feels on your
the outdoor skin, how the breeze feels and listen to all the noises
environment you can hear. When we get to ___, we will take some
(preferably photos of the features of the outdoors, like the trees,
labelled – that make us feel peaceful and put them into a Pic
with Collage”.

- Walk to the park/bushland.
- Think alouds should be used throughout the walk –
“Wow, the warm sun on my skin feels lovely.” “The
breeze is so calming” etc. Depending on class
- Once arrived, set boundaries. Be very explicit and firm. group, bring cones to set
Invite students to sit, consider how they are feeling and the boundaries.

how the features of the outdoors are affecting their

mood/wellbeing. iPads and Pic Collage
- Take photos of these features (different for each already installed
(students are already
student), put them in a pic collage and label them.
familiar with Pic Collage).
- Students to eat lunch and return back to the classroom, Bring a whiteboard and
continue think alouds throughout the walk home and markers for the sounding
question students on their experiences. words out together.

- View some pic collages using iPad/tv connector. iPad/tv connector
- Question children and get them to explain to you why
they picked each feature – what do the trees mean to
you? How does the grass affect you?
- Bring session back to the three components –
Mindfulness, healthy eating, outdoor environments. Do
they work together? How?

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