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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2017.2748938, IEEE
Communications Letters

Robust Beam-tracking for mmWave Mobile Communications

Suhanya Jayaprakasam, Member, IEEE, XiaoXue Ma, Jun Won Choi, Member, IEEE, and Sunwoo Kim, Member,

Abstract—We propose a robust beam-tracking algorithm to In this paper, we propose a joint minimum mean squared er-
maintain the communication link between a base station (BS) ror (MMSE) robust beamforming and EKF tracking strategy to
and a mobile station (MS) in a millimeter wave (mmWave) minimize the beamforming angle mismatch between a mobile
mobile communications system, with antenna arrays at both the
BS and MS. The channel is tracked with the extended Kalman device and a fixed infrastructure in an mmWave environment.
filter (EKF) at the static BS and the beamforming weight is
updated with a robust minimum mean squared error (MMSE) II. S YSTEM M ODEL
beamformer bounded by the array vector error which is fed from
the error variance estimated by the EKF. Results show that our Consider a scenario where a mobile station (MS) and a
proposed method is able to maintain a link with the MS with static base station (BS) are equipped with uniform linear arrays
a smaller mismatch error compared to existing beamtracking (ULA) of Nm and Nb antennas, respectively. Due to the high
method at moderate MS mobility and antenna array size. cost and power consumption of analog-to-digital converters for
Index Terms—robust beamforming, beam tracking, mmWave, mmWave frequencies, the MS is equipped with a single analog
extended Kalman filter, minimum mean squared error beam- radio frequency (RF) chain, limiting its beamforming and
forming combining capability. The back-haul BS has higher processing
capability and is not restricted by power constraints and hence
I. I NTRODUCTION a fully digital beamforming is possible at the BS, providing a
The key enabling technology of the milimeter-wave higher degree of freedom for beamforming and combining.
(mmWave) communications is beamforming at both the trans- In an mmWave channel with beamforming, the channel is
mitter and the receiver [1], [2]. However, challenges still characterized by a complex channel gain α, the beamforming
remain in mobilizing the mmWave which requires smart vector w, the angle of arrival (AoA) at the BS θb , and the
beamforming and beamtracking to avoid beam misalignment. angle of departure (AoD) from the MS θm [6]. In this paper,
Two common tracking methods for mmWave beamforming we assume that accurate initial channel values are already
are codebook-based method and perturbation method [3]–[5]. available at the BS via existing initial access method and
However, the codebook method is limited by the resolution of endeavour to maintain the link after the initial channel access
the codebook whereas perturbation method requires lengthy procedure.
beam training which incurs large overhead as well as delay, From the perspective of a downlink scheme, the array factor
rendering these approaches unsuitable for mobile environment. of the BS or MS with N antenna elements is 1
1 h iT
Recently, Zhang et al. and Va et al. proposed Kalman
a(θ, N ) = √ 1, ejkdcos(θ) , . . . , ejkd(N −1)cos(θ) (1)
filter based beam-tracking solutions in the mobile mm-wave N
communications [6], [7]. In Zhang et al.’s proposed Kalman where k = 2π/λ, λ is the propagation signal wavelength, d
filter based tracking for analog transmitter-receiver model, the is the distance between adjacent antenna elements in λ, θ ∈
number of measurements and time-slots needed for the estima- {θb , θm } and N ∈ {Nb , Nm }.
tion grows with the number of antennas at the transmitter and At every time-slot, the MS sends K samples of known
the receiver. Va et al. proposed an alternative solution which training symbols q ∈ R1×K using beamforming vector f ∈
requires only one measurement with the extended Kalman CNm ×1 , which the BS receives and combines with the weight
filter (EKF) estimation and a conditional beam-switching vector w ∈ CNb ×1 . We consider a case where the MS has
scheme. However, the proposed method assumes that the an estimation of θm via some localization technique and the
devices can switch the beampattern to any arbitrary direction value of f = a(θm , N ) is transmitted to the BS along with
as the system loses track, which is not possible in analog the training signals. It is assumed that the channel remains
beamforming where the number of unique beampattern is stationary during this observation interval, and the channel
limited to the number of antenna elements in the beamforming sparsity in the mmWave makes the paths to be likely separated
array. from each other. Hence, only a single path falls into the main
This work was partly supported by Institute for Information & Communi- beam direction [7]. Furthermore, in our model, we assume that
cations Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government the antenna arrays of the MS is always parallel to the antenna
(MSIT) [2016-0-00208, High Accurate Positioning Enabled MIMO Trans- arrays of the BS, hence θb = θm is assumed at the BS for
mission and Network Technologies for Next 5G-V2X (vehicle-to-everything)
Services] and by Samsung Research Funding & Incubation Center of Samsung the estimation thus we use θ to represent the estimated angle.
Electronics under Project Number SRFC-IT-1601-09.
Suhanya Jayaprakasam, XiaoXue Ma and Sunwoo Kim are with the Depart- 1 Notations: Throughout the paper, vectors and matrices are denoted by
ment of Electronics and Computer Engineering while Jun Won Choi is with lower and upper-case bold letters. The real and complex fields are indicated
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang- by R and C. The superscripts ∗, T and H denote conjugate, transpose matrix
dong, Seoungdong-gu, Seoul, 133-791, Korea ( and the Hermitian matrix operations, respectively.

1089-7798 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2017.2748938, IEEE
Communications Letters

Applying the distributive law of multiplication, the observed Algorithm 1 Robust Beamtracking Algorithm
received signal string y ∈ R1×K at the BS is Input: θ0 , α0 , q
Output: θ̂t , α̂t , wt
z }| !{ Initialization; t ← 0
Nb X
α X 1: repeat t ← t + 1
y(α, θ) = √ wb∗ fm ejkd(b−m)cos(θ) q +n State Prediction
Nb Nm b=1 m=1
(2) 2: x̂t|t−1 = Fx̂t−1|t−1 + ut
where α is the path gain, function h(α, θ) corresponds to the 3: Pt|t−1 = FPt−1|t−1 FH + Q
measurement model of the system and n is the zero-mean Received Signal Measurement
complex white Gaussian noise. 4: y = αt wtH a(θt )a(θt )H fq + n
Similar to [7], we adopt a first-order Gauss-Markov model State Correction and Update
for the path gain evolution over the time, given by 5: Kt = Ht P t|t−1HHt +Rt
t|t−1 t
6: x̂t|t = x̂t|t−1 + Kt (yt − ht (x̂t|t−1 ))
αt+1 = ραt + ζt (3)
7: Pt|t = (I − Kt Ht )Pt|t−1
where ρ is the channel correlation coefficient, t is the timeslot Robust Beamforming Weight Update; k ← 0; a0 ← â
index and ζt = CN (0, (1 − ρ2 )). 8: repeat k ← k + 1
(ak )H R−1 ∗
yy Yq −1
The evolution model for the AoA and AoD is represented 9: λk1 = (ak )H R −1
(ak )
by Gaussian process noise model [7] |λk |
10: λk2 = √1ε ||wk ||
θt+1 = θt + ξt (4) 11: wk = R−1 ∗ k k
yy (Yq − λ1 a )
2 2
where ξt = N (0, σ ) and σ is the angle variance in one time 12: ak = â − λ1k (wk )H
slot. 13: until ||wk − wk−1 ||2 ≤ 
14: wt ← wk
III. ROBUST B EAMTRACKING WITH E XTENDED K ALMAN 15: until E[|θt − θ̂t |2 ] ≥ ∆θ
The aim of this paper is to enable the BS to effectively assumed to be the same at all times for the model we have
track the MS for successful data transmission with small discussed, the state vector in our problem is
angle mismatch error between the MS and the BS after
x = [<(α), =(α), θ]T (5)
the initial channel acquisition [8]. The flow of the proposed
method is summarized in Fig.1 and consists of two stages, i.e., From (3) and (4), the target state evolves according to the
channel estimation via EKF and optimal beamforming weight discrete time stochastic evolution model
update via robust MMSE beamforming. We have detailed the
algorithm in Algorithm 1. xt = Fxt−1 + ut + zt−1 (6)

where F = diag([ρ, ρ, 1]). If the angle and the path gain

Initial values are assumed to be independent of each other, then ut ∼
Array Elements Phase shifters Re(α0) Im(α0) θb0 θm0 N (0, [(1 − ρ2 )/2, (1 − ρ2 )/2, σ 2 ]T ). The zt−1 is referred to
y1 EKF as a process noise sequence and caters for any mismodelling
1) Prediction
Re(α) Im(α) θb θm
effects of unforeseen disturbances in the target motion model.
y2 y From the measurement model (2), we see that while α
is linear to the measurement, θ is non-linear. The extended

+ -
Kalman filter (EKF) tracks well in such case, given that the
yNb 2) Correction
3) Update non-linearity in the evolution and the measurement is not
w (updated Re(α) Im(α) θb θm severe [9].
ROBUST The objective of the EKF is to recursively estimate the
BEAMFORMING a(θb ), P(θb )
channel parameters from the observed signal y , yt (α, θ)
update w q (Reference signal )
and the measurement model h , ht (α̂, θ). ˆ At the time-slot t,
the new estimated state vector x̂t|t−1 and the estimated error
Fig. 1. The proposed tracking and robust beamforming system at the static covariance Pt|t−1 are predicted according to the state evolution
base station. model (see lines 2–3, Algorithm 1), where Q is a constant
state noise covariance matrix, Rt is the measurement error
covariance matrix, and Kt is the Kalman gain matrix. The Ĥ is
A. Channel Estimation via Extended Kalman Filter the local linearization of the non-linear function h. It is defined
In the mmWave channel, tracking the channel corresponds as Jacobian evaluated at x̂t|t−1 . To ensure that the state consists
to tracking four parameters: the θb , the θm and the real and of only real values, y and H are redefined as y = [<(y), =(y)]
the imaginary parts of the α [6]. Since both the θb and θm are and H = [<(h), =(h)]. The partial differentiation of ∂<(α) ,

1089-7798 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2017.2748938, IEEE
Communications Letters

∂h ∂h
∂=(α) and ∂θ are straightforward and are not detailed in this We show the beampatterns of a robust beamforming in Fig.
paper. 2. Robust beamforming predicts array vector which points to
the true angle from the prior information on estimated angle
and widens the mainbeam to cover both the estimated and the
B. Optimal Weight Selection via MMSE Robust Beamforming
true angle. Note that the capability of the robust beamforming
Ideally, if both the BS and MS are aware of each others to widen its mainbeam is limited by the number of antenna
location, the combining and the beamforming weight vector arrays N . As N increases, the beamwidth becomes narrower.
can be set at w = a(θb , Nb ) and f = a(θm , Nm ) to ensure Thus the possibility of the true angle to be located in the
that both the devices are in alignment at all times. The error cusp of the beampattern increases, which will cause poor
in the channel estimation as well as the inability of the analog measurement of the observed signal.
beamformer to direct mainbeam at any arbitrary location will
degenerate the BS-MS alignment. This in turn will result in 1

radiation power
estimated angle N=4
poor observed measurement y and cause further error in the true angle
delay-sum beamforming
estimation procedure in the next time slot. The misalignment 0.5
robust beamforming
will quickly accumulate over time.
Therefore, we propose to estimate the optimal beamforming 0
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
weight w with the information on the estimated state param- angle [o ]
eters as well as the known training symbols q. Due to the 1

radiation power
uncertainty in the array vector as only estimated angle θ̂ is estimated angle
true angle
available, the problem is formulated as robust beamforming 0.5 delay-sum beamforming
robust beamforming
problem with the goal to minimize the mean squared error
(MSE) between the beamformer output y and the known 0
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
transmission data q subject to wH a = 1 where w and a angle [o ]
are the optimal weight and array vector obtained with the
estimated array vector â , a(θ̂, Nb ) information. Fig. 2. Beampattern of the robust beamforming and beampattern of a
Note that due to the uncertainty in θ̂, only an estimated conventional beamforming when there is an error in the estimated angle.
steering vector â is available at the BS and the true steering
vector a is unknown. In this paper, we endeavour to minimize
error between a and â and hence ε is set to ε = ||a(θ̂ + IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS
σθ̂ ) − a(θ̂ − σθ̂ )||2 where σθ̂ is the standard deviation of The initial values of the states, process error and the weight
the estimated angle which can be obtained from the error are set to x̂0|−1 = [<(α0 ), =(α0 ), θ0 ], and P0|−1 = diag[(1 −
covariance matrix Pt|t . Under such uncertainty conditions, the ρ2 )/2, (1 − ρ2 )/2, σ 2 ]T , respectively, where α0 and θ0 are
problem is formulated as a constrained robust beamforming obtained via initial channel acquisition method, which is not
problem [10]: considered in this paper. The state covariance matrix is fixed
at Q = [(1 − ρ2 )/2, (1 − ρ2 )/2, σ 2 ]T . The distance between
minimize ||wH Y − q||2 (7a)
w, a each element at both antenna arrays is d = 0.5λ.
subject to wH a = 1, (7b) The initial combining vector at the MS is w0 = a(θ0 , Nb ).
||a − â|| ≤ ε, (7c) Subsequent values of the w is obtained from the robust
beamforming. The time-slot is the time taken for measurement,
where the received signal matrix Y comprises of the individual which is 45ms [2] for an outdoor 28GHz mmWave channel.
received signal at each antenna element before subjected to The number of samples K is set to Nm which has been proved
the combining weight multiplication at the BS such that to be sufficient for beamforming [1]. For simplicity, we assume
Y = [a1 , · · · , ab · · · aNb ]T αt a(θt , Nm )fq, where ab refers to Nm = Nb in our simulations. The path gain correlation ρ is
the array response at the b-th element of the BS. set to 0.995 as the mmWave channel is mostly free from time
Solutions to Eq (10) in the manuscript is obtained by varying small scale fading [7].
solving the Lagrangian of Eq(10) with the Karush-Khan- We compare our results to the results of Va et al. [7].
Tucker (KKT) conditions, and yields solutions provided in The work in [7] also applies EKF to track the channel with
lines 9-12 in the Algorithm 1, where the λ1 and λ2 multipliers the aid of beamswitching at the analog bearmformers at the
are the Lagrange multipliers and Ryy = E[yyH ] is the auto- transmitter and the receiver. The beam is switched to adjacent
correlation matrix of the received signal. Note that solving for beam when the difference between the difference between the
w (line 11 of Algorithm 1) requires the value of a whereas estimated angle and the true angle is larger the the the half
solving for a (line 12 of Algorithm 1) requires the value of w. power beamwidth (HPBW) of the beamformer.
Hence, w and a cannot be solved discretely as the equations We show that our proposed EKF tracking with robust
are recursive. Therefore, the values of a and w are estimated beamforming at the BS is able to track the AoA/AoD more
using an iterative method as shown in lines 8-13 in Algorithm accurately. However, over the time, the system will lose its
1 where the iteration is continued until the difference between tracking ability as the error exceed a preset threshold ∆θ and
the two successful iteration of w is smaller than a threshold channel acquisition will be needed again to realign the BS and
value  [10]. In this paper, the value of  is set to 0.01. the MS, which is not covered in this paper. We show in Fig.

1089-7798 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LCOMM.2017.2748938, IEEE
Communications Letters

10-2 10-1 10-1 10-1

Va et. al. [7] Va et. al. [7]
robust tracking (proposed) robust tracking (proposed)

MSE of θ [rad 2]
MSE of θ [rad 2]
MSE of θ [rad 2]

MSE of θ [rad 2]

10-2 10-2 10-3

Va et. al. [7]
Va et. al. [7] robust tracking (proposed)
robust tracking (proposed)
10 -5 10-3 10 -3
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 10 15 20 25 30 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
time-slot SNR [dB] N σ 2 ( o)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 3. MSE of the angle defined by E[|θt − θ̂t |]2 , (a) for the first 100 time-slot (b) at the 100-th time-slot at N = 16, σ 2 = 0.5 for various SNR (c) at
the 100-th time-slot for various antenna elements Nm and Nb at SNR = 30dB, σ 2 = 0.5, and (d) at the 100-th time-slot for various angle variance σ 2 at
SNR = 30dB, N = 16.

3(a) and (b) that the error accumulation of our proposed model V. C ONCLUSIONS
is much lower in both low and high SNR regime and hence In this paper, we proposed a robust beam-tracking method
channel acquisition can be done less frequently compared to in the mmWave mobile communications to enable a static,
the model proposed in [7]. BS equipped with a digital beamformer to effectively track
However, the proposed EKF tracking with robust beam- a mobile MS equipped with an analog beamformer after the
forming starts losing its edge over Va’s EKF tracking with initial channel acquisition. The method jointly applies EKF
beam-switching as the number of antenna elements in the for tracking and robust MMSE beamforming for beamforming
arrays increases, as can be seen in Fig. 3(c). The error stems weight estimation. We show that proposed method can effec-
from the cusping issue we have discussed in Fig. 2. This tively reduce the alignment error in the beamforming angle
phenomenon becomes more pronounced when the mobility and thus engage a longer BS-MS communication link without
variance of the θ increases, as shown in Fig. 3(d). However, the need for channel re-acquisition, provided that the mobility
the mobility of 1◦ per time-slot accounts to 22◦ /s. Hence we of the MS and the antenna sizes are moderate.
argue that in practical mobility of a MS device, our proposed
method performs quite well. The error propagation caused R EFERENCES
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1089-7798 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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