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1. What is the watts output of a 25-hp motor at full load?

PO= hp x 746
= 25 x 746
=18 650 W
= 18.65 kW

2. A 150-kw generator has an efficiency of 91 percent at full load. Calculate the input in kilowatts
and the power loss.

PO = 150kw
Efficiency = 91%

Pi = PO / eff Ploss = (PO (100) / % eff) - PO

= 150000 / 0.91 = (150000(100) / 91) - 150000
= 164.84 kW = 14.84 kW

3. A 15-hp motor operates at an efficiency of 87.5 percent at full load. If the stray power loss is
approximately one-fourth of the total loss, calculate the copper loss.
PO = 15hp
Efficiency = 87.5%
stray power loss = ¼ of total loss
Pi = PO / eff = 15(746)/0.875 = 12.79 kW
Total P loss = Pi - Po
= 12788.6 – 11190
= 1598.6 W
Stray power loss = (1/4)(1598.6)
= 399.6 W
Copper loss = total loss – stray power loss
= 1598.6 – 399.6
= 1198.96 W = 1200W

4. The rotational loss in a generator was found to be 780 watts when the generated emf was 132
volts. Determine the rotational loss for generated voltages of 138 and 126 volts.
Rotational loss = 780 W
EMF = 132 volts
If EMF = 138 volts; rotational loss =?
If EMF = 126 volts; rotational loss =?
780/132 = x1/138 780/132 = x2/126
X1 = 815.45 volts x2=744.54 volts
5. Referring to examples 3 and 4, pages 189-190, make a table similar to the one there and
calculate the efficiencies for line currents of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 amp, assuming the following
changes: line volts = 500; shunt-field resistance = 500 ohms; armature and series-field resistance
= 1.6 ohms; brush drop (assumed) = 3 volts.

Line volts 500 500 500 500 500

Current A
Line 5 10 15 20 25
Shunt field 1 1 1 1 1
Armature 6 11 16 21 26
Generated volts 512.6 520.6 528.6 536.6 544.6
Losses Watts
Stray power 513 522 531 541 548
Armature 58 193 410 705 1082
Series field 58 193 410 705 1082
Shunt field 500 500 500 500 500
Brush contact 18 33 48 63 78
TOTAL LOSSES: 1147 1442 1899 2513 3290
Power output 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500
Power input 3647 6442 9399 12513 15790
%, efficiency 68.5 77.6 79.8 79.9 79.16

6. The output torque of a motor is 69.2 lb-ft when it operates at 950 rpm. Calculate the losses in
the machine and its efficiency if, under this condition, the power input is 10,900 watts.
T = 69.2 lb ft
Rpm = 950 rpm
Pi = 10 900 kW

Hp = 2π(rpm)(T)/33000
=12.5 hp
Po= 12.5 x 746 = 9325 W Ploss = Pi – Po = 10900 – 9325 = 1575 W
Eff = Po/Pi x 100 = 9325/10900 x 100 = 85.55%

7. What should be the full-load horsepower rating of a motor that drives a 50-kw generator whose
efficiency is 89.5 percent?
Generator: Po = 50 kW
Eff = 89.5%
Pi = Po/eff = 50000/0.895
= 55865.9 W
HPi = 55865.9/746 = 74.89 hp
8. If the over-all efficiency of the motor-generator set of Problem 7 is 78 percent, calculate: (a) the
efficiency of the motor; (b) the total losses in the motor-generator set; (c) the losses in each
a. Eff = 78% Hpi = 64102.6/746 = 85.93 hp
Eff=Po/Pi effm = (74.89)(746)/(85.93)(746) x 100
0.78 = 50000/Pi = 87.15%
Pi = 64102.6 W

b. Effg = 89.5% Effgen = Po/Po + Plossgen

Effm= 87.15% Plossgen = (Po – (effgen)(Po))/effgen
PoG = 50 000 W = ((50000)-(0.895)(50000))/0.895
HPoM = 74.89 hp =8200.8 W

Total Power loss = 8200.8 + 5865.92

= 14066.72 W

c. Plosses M = 8200.8 W
Plosses G = 5865.92 W

9. A 10-kw 220-volt compound generator is operated at no load at the proper armature voltage
and speed, from which the stray-power loss calculations are determined to be 705 watts. The
shunt-field resistance is 110 ohms, the armature resistance is 0.265 ohm, and the series-field
resistance is 0.035 ohm. Assume a 2-volt brush drop and calculate the full-load efficiency.

Given: Po = 10 000W
V = 220 volts
Stray power loss = 705 W
RSH = 110 ohms
RA = 0.265 ohm
RSE = 0.035 ohm
EB = 2 volts

IL = 10000/220 = 45.45 A IA = ISE = 47.45 A

Ish = 220/110 = 2A

Stray power loss 705
Shunt field (220)(2) = 440
Series field (47.45)2(0.035) = 78.8
Armature (47.45)2(0.265) = 596.6
Brush (2)(47.45) = 94.9
Total: 1915.3 W

Eff = (1- (Ploss)/(Po + Ploss)) x 100

= (1 – (1915.3)/(10000+1915.3)) x 100

= 83.92 %

10. If the maximum efficiency of the generator of Problem 9 occurs when the sum of the copper loss
in the armature and series field is equal to the sum of the stray-power loss and the shunt-field
loss, calculate: (a) the armature current; (b) the line current; (c) the kilowatt output; (d) the
maximum efficiency.
Copper loss = total power loss – stray power loss
Copper loss = 1915.3 – 705 = 1210.3 W
Series field = stray power loss + shunt field = 705 + 440 = 1145 W

a. ISH = 220/110 = 2 amp

P = I2R
IA = √P/R = √1145/(0.265 + 0.035) = 61.78 amp

b. IA = IL + ISH
IL = IA – ISH = 61.7 – 2 = 59.7 amp

c. PO = vi

=(220)(59.78) = 13.1516 kW

d. Eff = Pi/Po

11. A 250-volt shunt generator has a rated armature current of 40 amp and the following losses at
full load: friction and windage = 200 watts; core loss = 260 watts; shunt-field loss = 100 watts;
brush contact loss = 80 watts; armature copper loss = 400 watts. Assuming that the maximum
efficiency occurs when the approximated constant losses are equal to those losses that vary as
the square of the load, calculate the armature current for the condition of maximum efficiency.
Given: 250 volts; 40 amp
Friction & windage loss = 200 W
Core loss = 260 W
Shunt-field loss = 100 W
Brush contact loss = 80 W
Armature copper loss = 400 W

Total losses = 200 + 260 + 100 + 80 + 400 = 1040 W

Power output = (250)(40) = 10000 W
Power input = PO + Plosses = 11040 W

Max eff = Po/Pi Po = VIA

Po = 11040 IA = PO/V
IA = 11040/250 = 442 amp

12. A 25-kw series generator has an efficiency of 85 per cent when operating at rated load. If the
stray-power loss is 20 per cent of the full-load loss, calculate the efficiency of the generator
when it is delivering a load of 15kw, assuming that the stray-power loss is substantially constant
and the other losses vary as the square of the load.

13. The following information is given in connection with a long-shunt compound generator; E = 220
volts; output = 20kw; stray-power loss = 705 watts; RSH = 110ohms; RA = 0.265 ohm; RSE = 0.035
ohm; brush drop = 3 volts. Calculate the efficiency.

Stray power loss = 705 W

RSH = 110 ohms
RA = 0.265 ohm
RSE = 0.035 ohm
EB = 3 volt
PO = 20 kW
V = 220 volts

IL = 20000/220 = 90.91 amp ISH = 220/110 = 2 amp

IA = ISE = 92.91 amp
Stray power loss 705
Shunt field (2)2(110) = 440
Series field (92.91)2(0.035) = 302.13
Armature (92.922)(0.265) = 2287.6
Brush contact (3)(92.91) = 278.73
TOTAL: 4013.46
Efficiency = (1-Ploss/ (Po + Ploss)) x100
= (1-4013.46/(20000 + 4013.96)) x 100
= 83.29%
14. A 250-volt shunt generator has a full-load armature current of 40 amp, under which condition
the losses are: friction + windage = 200 watts; shunt field = 100 watts; core = 260 watts; brush
contact = 120 watts; armature copper = 400 watts. For operation at maximum efficiency, when
the constant losses are equal to those losses that vary as the square of the load, calculate: (a)
the armature and line currents; (b) the load power; (c) the maximum efficiency.
15. Referring to Example 7, p.192, make a table similar to the one given and calculate the
efficiencies for armature currents of 11, 22, 33, 44, and 55 amp, assuming the following
changes: line volts = 460; shunt-field resistance = 230 ohms; armature and interpole resistance =
0.72 ohm; series field resistance = 0.12 ohm; brush drop = 3 volts.
Line volts 460 460 460 460 460
Current A
Line 11 22 33 44 55
Shunt field 2 2 2 2 2
Armature 9 20 31 42 53
Generated volts 469.5 477.4 485.3 493.2 501.2
Losses Watts
Stray power 1168 1135 1110 1088 1064
Armature 58 288 692 1270 2022
Series field 10 48 115 212 337
Shunt field 920 920 920 920 920
Brush contact 27 60 93 126 159
TOTAL LOSSES: 2183 2451 2930 3616 4502
Power output 5060 10120 15180 20240 25300
Power input 2877 7669 12250 16624 20798
%, efficiency 56.86 75.78 80.7 82.13 82.2

16. A 20-hp motor has an efficiency of 88.5 per cent and operates continuously to drive a ventilator
at full load. Calculate: (a) the power loss; (b) the energy loss per month, assuming operation for
200 hours during that period; (c) the cost of the energy loss at 1 ½ cents per kilowatt-hour.
PO = 20 hp x 746 = 14920 W
Eff = 88.5%

a. Ploss = (Po)(100)/eff – PO = (14920)(100)/88.5 – 14920 = 1.94 kW

b. Hours used per month = 200 hours

Kwh loss = (Wlosses)(hours)
= (1938.8)(200) = 387.76 kwh

c. Cost of energy loss = (388 kwh)(0.015 cents / kwh ) = $5.82

17. What saving would be made per year in energy cost if the motor in Problem 16 had an efficiency
of 91.5 per cent?
Ploss = (Po)(100)/eff – Po = (14920)(100)/91.5 – 14920 = 1.386 kW
Kwh = 1386(200) = 277.2 kwh
Cost of energy loss = (277.2 kwh)(0.015 cents/kwh) = $4.158
$5.82 - $4.158 = $1.662 x 12months = $19.944
18. An enclosed motor has a rating of 50 hp. The cover plates are removed, and the machine is
located where it is capable of cooling itself extremely well. If tests show that it can carry 28 per
cent more load without excessive heating, what rating should be given the motor?
Hpo = 50 hp
28% more load
Rating of motor = 50(0.28) = 14 hp
14hp + 50 = 64 hp

19. A 230/115-volt three wire generator delivers the following loads: 65kw at 230 volts; 35kw at 115
volts between the positive and neutral lines. Calculate: (a) the total kilowatt load delivered by
the generator; (b) the current in the positive line; (c) the current in the negative line; (d) the
current and its direction in the neutral line.

Given: 230 volts = 65 kW

115 volts = 35 kW
115 volts = 25 kW
a. Total kW = 65 + 35 + 25 = 125 kW
b. Ipositive = I230 + I115 = 65 kW/230 volts + 35 kW/ 230 volts = 586.96 amp
c. Inegative = I230 + I115 = 65 kW/230 volts + 25 kW/115 volts = 500 amp
d. Inegative = Ipositive – Inegative = 586.96 – 500 = 86.96 amp (towards the coil)

20. If the generator in Problem 19 delivers the same total load, except that the two 115-volt loads
are balanced with respect to each other, calculate the line and neutral currents.
65 kW = 230 volts
35 kW = 115 volts; between positive and neutral lines
25 kW = 115 volts; between negative and neutral line

I230 = 65000/230 = 282.61 amp

I115+ = 35000/115 = 304.35 amp
I115- = 25000/115 = 217.39 amp

IL = (I115+ + I115-)/2 + I230 = (304.35 + 217.39)/2 + 202.61 = 543.48 amp

IN = 0 amp
21. The generator in Problem 19 delivers a total of 160kw. If the current in the positive wire is equal
to the sum of the currents in the negative and neutral wires, calculate the three kilowatt loads.

I+ = I- + IN …eqn 1
160000 = 230I+ + 115IN …eqn 2
160000 = 230I+ + 230I- …eqn 3

Eqn 2 – eqn 3 eqn 1 x 230 – eqn 2 eqn 4 – eqn 5

160000 = 230I+ + 115IN 0 = 230I+ - 230I- + 230IN 0 = 115IN – 230I-
160000 = 230I+ + 230I- 160000 = 230I+ + 115IN -160000 = -230I- - 345IN
0 = 115 IN – 230I- …eqn 4 -160000 = -230I- - 345 IN …eqn 5 160000 = 460IN

IN = 347.83 amp I- = 115(347.83)/230 = 173.93 amp I+ = 173.93 + 347.83 = 521.75 amp

Using KCL:

I+ + I230 – I115+ = 0 I115+ - I115- - IN = 0 I115- - I230 = I-

I115+ - I230 = 521.75 - eqn a I115+ - IN = 347.83 – eqn b I115- - I230 = 173.92 – eqn c

Eqn a – eqn b 160000 = 230I230 + 115I115+ + 115I115-

I115+ - I230 = 521.75 160000 = 230I230 + 115(521.75 + I230) + 115(173.92 + I230)
I115+ - IN = 347.83 160000 = 460I230 + 80000
-I230 + I115- = 173.92 I230 = (160000-80000)/460 = 173.91 amp

I115+ = 521.75 + I230 = 695.66 amp

I115- = 123.92 + I230 = 347.83 amp

Final answers:

P230 = 230I230 = 230(173.91) = 40 000 W

P115+ = 115I115+ = 115(695.66) = 80 000 W

P115- = 115I115- = 115(347.83) = 40 000 W

22. A dynamometer has an output rating of 0.16 amp at 500 volts, under which condition it takes 11
amp from a 12-volt storage battery. Calculate the efficiency.
I = 0.16 amp V = 500 volts
11 amp from 12 volts

PO = (0.16)(500) = 80 W
Pi = (11)(12) = 132 W

Eff = Po/Pi x 100 = 80/132 x 100 = 60.61%

23. A dynamometer has low-voltage input and high-voltage output windings whose resistances are,
respectively, 0.1 ohm and 4 ohms, and the high-voltage winding has 7 ½ times as many
conductors as the low-voltage winding. If the machine delivers a current of 0.5 amp at 180 volts,
under which condition the core + friction + windage loss is 35 watts, calculate the input current
and voltage.
Output: R = 4 ohm Input: R = 0.1 ohm
I = 0.5 amp I=?
V = 180 volts V=?
P = 35 W

V = E – IR = 180 – (0.5)(4) = 178 volts

P = VI
I = 35/178 = 0.19662(7.5)

Iinput = (0.19662)(7.5) = 1.4746 amp

V = IR = (1.4746)(0.1) = 0.14746 volts

24. A 35-hp 230-volt shunt motor has a full-load armature current rating of 135 amp and an
armature resistance, including brushes, of 0.125 ohm. The accelerating resistors in the
automatic starter to which the machine is connected have a total resistance of 0.73 ohm.
Calculate the ohmic value of a plugging resistor that should be placed in series with the
acceleration resistors to limit the inrush armature current to 1.5 times its full-load value at the
instant the motor is plugged. Assume that the counter emf is 80 per cent of the impressed

Rp = (230 + (0.8)(230))/(1.5)(135) = 2.044 – 0.125 – 0.73

= 1.19 ohms
25. For the motor of Problem 24, calculate the ohmic value of a dynamic-braking resistor that will
limit the inrush armature current to 2.5 times its rated value.
Rdynamic-breaking = Ec/Ia – Ra = 0.8(230)/2.5(135) – 0.125 = 0.42 ohm

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