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Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry

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Application of Gas Chromatography to Analysis of

Spirit-Based Alcoholic Beverages
a a a a
Paulina Wiśniewska , Magdalena Śliwińska , Tomasz Dymerski , Waldemar Wardencki &
Jacek Namieśnik
Department of Analytical Chemistry, The Chemical Faculty, Gdańsk University of
Technology, Gdańsk, Poland
Accepted author version posted online: 30 Jun 2014.

To cite this article: Paulina Wiśniewska, Magdalena Śliwińska, Tomasz Dymerski, Waldemar Wardencki & Jacek Namieśnik
(2015) Application of Gas Chromatography to Analysis of Spirit-Based Alcoholic Beverages, Critical Reviews in Analytical
Chemistry, 45:3, 201-225, DOI: 10.1080/10408347.2014.904732

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Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (2015) 45, 201–225
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1040-8347 print / 1547-6510 online
DOI: 10.1080/10408347.2014.904732

Application of Gas Chromatography to Analysis

of Spirit-Based Alcoholic Beverages


Department of Analytical Chemistry, The Chemical Faculty, Gda
nsk University of Technology, Gda
nsk, Poland

Spirit-based beverages are alcoholic drinks; their production processes are dependent on the type and origin of raw materials. The
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composition of this complex matrix is difficult to analyze, and scientists commonly choose gas chromatography techniques for this
reason. With a wide selection of extraction methods and detectors it is possible to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis for
many chemical compounds with various functional groups. This article describes different types of gas chromatography techniques
and their most commonly used associated extraction techniques (e.g., LLE, SPME, SPE, SFE, and SBME) and detectors (MS,
TOFMS, FID, ECD, NPD, AED, O or EPD). Additionally, brief characteristics of internationally popular spirit-based beverages
and application of gas chromatography to the analysis of selected alcoholic drinks are presented.
Keywords: extraction techniques, gas chromatography, spirit-based alcoholic beverages, volatile compounds

Introduction matrix of such drinks. These studies allowed for a better iden-
tification of the drinks’ composition as well as their authenti-
Spirit-based beverages are alcoholic drinks destined for cation, particularly in the case of alcohols whose
human consumption that have specific organoleptic proper- geographical origin has been defined in the standard (Euro-
ties and contain at least 15% ethyl alcohol. Such drinks can pean Commission, 2006; Poland, 2002a). At present, gas
be produced directly or indirectly by the addition of other chromatography (GC) is most frequently used for analyzing
spirit-based beverages, ethyl alcohol, or distillate of agricul- matrices of spirit-based beverages. This is due to the many
tural origin, other alcoholic beverages, or a nonalcoholic advantages that this technique offers, such as high resolution
drink to the spirit-based beverage. Direct production may and sensitivity, which enable the identification of a large
include distillation of naturally fermented products with or number of analytes. Moreover, the possibility of coupling
without aromatizing substances; maceration or a maceration- GC to different detectors allows for the application of this
like process for processing plant materials in ethyl alcohol of technique to the analysis of a wide spectrum of alcohol prod-
agricultural origin, distillates of agricultural origin, and ucts. The vast volume of published articles on related subjects
spirit-based beverages; or the application of aromatizing sub- has inspired us to write a review article that would collate the
stances, sugars, and other sweeteners. There are many catego- maximum amount of information about the usage of gas
ries of spirit-based beverages with clearly defined chromatography in the analysis of spirit-based beverages.
requirements. For example, vodka, whiskey, rum, and
cachaça belong to separate categories based on the produc-
tion type and the raw material used; vodka and whiskey are Sample Preparation Procedures
produced from grain, while rum and cachaça are from sugar Depending on the subject of investigation, appropriate sam-
cane. In addition, some spirit-based beverages are classified ple preparation is often necessary. The most commonly used
based on their geographical origin as products specific to a methods of sample preparation in chromatographic analysis
given region. are liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), solid-phase extraction
Due to the large diversity of alcoholic beverages, a number (SPE), and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) (Barrio-
of articles have been published aimed at investigating the nuevo and Lanças, 2002).

Address correspondence to Paulina Wisniewska, Department of Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE)

Analytical Chemistry, The Chemical Faculty, Gdansk Univer-
sity of Technology, 11/12 Narutowicza St., 80-233 Gdansk, The LLE technique is one of the most popular methods of
Poland. E-mail: sample preparation. The condition under which the extrac-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be tion can be properly performed is the presence of two phases
found online at that are easily separated by mechanical means after the
202 P. Wi
sniewska et al.

finished extraction. The extraction process is based on adding  Washing out the substances retained by the sorbent.
solvent to the mixture that contains the component to be
extracted (extrahent). The extractant is chosen in such a way Organic solvents are mainly used for washing out analytes
as to secure the highest concentration of extrahent in the sol- from the bed. Instead of washing out, the analytes can be
vent and the lowest one in the mixture (raffinate). An equilib- thermally desorbed or removed by bed mineralization. The
rium is reached between the two phases. Next, the phases are desorbed analytes can be directly introduced into a gas chro-
separated mechanically (Ebeler et al., 2000). The extraction matograph together with the carrier gas. The disadvantage of
is repeated a number of times, and the pooled extracts are thermal desorption is that its application is limited to sub-
washed with pure liquid that was originally used for dissolv- stances that are thermally stable and not too strongly bound
ing the sample. The washed extract is dried by applying a dry- to the adsorbent bed.
ing agent, e.g., dehydrated sodium sulfate, and then SPE has many positive features, inter alia, the possibility
evaporated (Stepnowski et al., 2010). The main advantages of using this technique in the field; lower usage of solvents
of this method are simplicity of procedure, low cost of equip- than LLE; the possibility of using SPE for the isolation and
ment, and the possibility of automating the procedure and enrichment of volatile and nonvolatile compounds; bypassing
using it to extract samples that are highly contaminated. The problems connected to emulsification and foaming of the
usage of large amounts of expensive, toxic, and highly pure sample; possible automation of the process; and high selectiv-
solvents, and high loss of the obtained material, as well as ity due to a wide spectrum of solid sorbents to choose from.
a relatively low coefficient of enrichment, are considered Moreover, it is a relatively inexpensive method that can be
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disadvantageous (Augusto et al., 2000). performed with simple equipment. The disadvantages of SPE
are high time consumption, necessary bed regeneration
before the next extraction, and clogging of the bed due to the
Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) presence of suspension in the sample (Simpson, 2000).

Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is based on transferring the ana-

lytes from the liquid sample to the solid phase using the
Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME)
water/solid sorbent partition coefficient for the analyzed
organic compounds (Wasik et al., 2011). The initial develop- Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is based on the sorption
ment of solid-phase extraction techniques started in the 1970s of small amounts of samples onto a thin cylindrical layer of
when durable sorbents became easily accessible. Surface- stationary phase coating a glass or quartz fiber. The fiber is
modified silicone- and polymer-based materials are applied placed inside a rust-free tube, which is located in the syringe
as sorbents. It should be remarked that the silicon-based sta- needle. Such a setup enables mass exchange during the
tionary phases are stable at the pH range between 2 and 7.5. enrichment and release of the adsorbed compounds and pre-
In an alkaline environment silica gel may dissolve, while vents clogging. The extraction can be conducted by immers-
acidic pH may cause the hydrolysis of the bonds between ing the fiber directly in the liquid (DI-SPME) or by placing it
silane groups and the functional groups modifying the silica in the head space above the liquid or solid sample (HS-
gel (Simpson, 2000). Sample preparation by SPE can be per- SPME). SPME consists of two steps. The first step includes
formed in two ways. In one method the analyzed compound the partitioning of organic compounds between the station-
passes through the column, while the remaining substances ary phase coating the fiber and the matrix. After a specified
are adsorbed by the column packing. This option is used for time period, the fiber is pulled inside the needle for protec-
high analyte concentrations. In the second method the ana- tion. Next, the needle is introduced into the injector, and the
lyzed compound is adsorbed by the column packing, while fiber is pushed out. Under the influence of high temperature
other substances leave the column; the method is used in the partition coefficient of compounds retained in the station-
cases when the analyte concentration in the sample is low. ary phase changes in favor of desorption to the gaseous
SPE encompasses the following steps: phase, which is a properly selected carrier gas (Augusto et al.,
2000). The released molecules of analyte in the stream of car-
 Washing of packed column with a solvent that has a higher rier gas are dosed onto the chromatographic column. The
value of eluotropic strength than that of the eluent used; in extraction efficiency depends on the following factors:
this way, the substances that may get extracted from ready-
to-use columns (e.g., alkyl phtalates, alkanes, higher  Type of stationary phase, i.e.,
alkenes, silanes, and siloxanes) are removed. - Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
 Conditioning of the column bed, which prepares the sor- - Polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/
bent surface for an effective analyte isolation and enrich- DVB)
ment from the sample. - Polyacrylate (PA)
 Dosing of the analyte-containing sample onto the column - Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (Car/PDMS)
with the solid sorbent. - Carbowax/divinylbenzene (CW/DVB)
 Washing out the unbound substances with a small portion  Film thickness of stationary phase (7, 30, 65, 85, and
of specifically selected solvent. 100 mm)
 Removing the remnants of solvent by drying in a stream of  Sample volume
air.  Temperature of extraction
Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 203

 Fiber exposure time frequently use solvent (Janiszewska and Witrowa-Rajchert,

 Volume of extraction vial 2005). Supercritical fluid extraction can be conducted stati-
 Intensity of sample mixing during extraction (Ozcan et al., cally or dynamically. Static SFE consists of placing the liquid
2009). sample in a supercritical fluid and, after a defined period of
time, transferring the fluid together with analytes to the
The advantages of SPME are as follows: possible automa- receiving vessel. Dynamic extraction can be performed by
tion, the possibility of using portable equipment, simplicity of repeatedly redirecting extrahent back to the sample before it
performance, relatively low cost, high sensitivity, small size, reaches the receiving vessel, i.e., before the analytes are
and the elimination of solvents; the most important feature is extracted from the solution (Lang and Wai, 2001).
a relatively short time of sample preparation prior to analy- The advantages of this method are as follows: the possibil-
sis. In comparison to other techniques, SPME has many dis- ity of adjusting the dissolution of specific components in
advantages, for example, the partial degradation of dependence on temperature and pressure, the use of nontoxic
stationary phase during thermal desorption at high tempera- solvents, the complete removal of solvent from the extract,
tures (Augusto et al., 2000). high selectivity, and the possibility of solvent recirculation.
The use of expensive equipment and the costs associated
with energy spent to pressurize the solvent are considered
Stirring Bar Sorbent Extraction (SBSE) disadvantageous (Janiszewska and Witrowa-Rajchert, 2005).
Stirring bar sorbent extraction (SBSE) is based on the adsorp-
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tion of analytes onto a sorbent layer coating the sorptive ele- Chromatographic Techniques
ment. In this case, the magnetic stirring bar, which is the
sorbent-coated magnetic rod placed inside the glass housing, Chromatography is a technique based on the separation of a
plays the role of a sorptive element (Baltussen et al., 1999). mixture of components or component groups due to the dif-
Polydimethylsiloxane is the most commonly used station- ferences in the behavior of these substances in a two-phase
ary phase because it has specific diffusion-related properties system. One of the phases is immobilized (stationary phase),
that allow the analytes to penetrate the entire volume of the while the other one moves in a specific direction relative to
sorbent (Huang et al., 2002). The SBSE technique consists of the stationary phase (mobile phase). Based on the different
the following steps (Ochiai et al., 2011): mechanisms of mixture separation, the following types of
chromatographic techniques have been distinguished:
 Extraction: the analytes are retained in the entire volume of
sorbent  Adsorption chromatography; liquid is the mobile phase,
 Removal of the remnants of the matrix, i.e., salts, sugars,
while solid with adsorptive properties is the stationary
and proteins, by rinsing with water and careful drying phase; the separation of a mixture of components is a result
 Release of analytes from the sorbent by thermal desorption
of different coefficients of adsorption.
or solvation in solvent.  Separation chromatography; the mobile phase is liquid,
while another liquid retained on an appropriate carrier con-
The following parameters should be established in order to stitutes the stationary phase; the separation of components
secure the proper extraction: sample volume and the volume results from differing coefficients of separation.
of stationary phase, extraction time, stirring intensity, tem-  Ion exchange chromatography; liquid is the mobile phase
perature, sample pH, and the type and amount of organic and the ion exchange resin (bed) is the stationary phase;
modifier (Baltussen et al, 1999). the separation of a mixture of components results from dif-
The main advantages of this technique are the possibility ferent strengths of bonds between these components and
of using PDMS-coated stirring bars multiple times and the the ion exchange bed.
limited use of toxic solvents.  Gel chromatography; the mobile phase is liquid, while a
granulated homogeneous swollen gel is the stationary
phase; the component separation is a result of different dif-
Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE)
fusion capacities into the gel molecules.
Supercritical fluid is used as a solvent in supercritical fluid
extraction (SCF) (Augusto et al., 2000). Pure solvent is con- Another classification of chromatographic techniques is
sidered to be in a supercritical state when its temperature and based on the separation type, as follows:
pressure is higher than the critical values of both these param-
eters. After these critical values have been exceeded, the sol-  Paper chromatography (PC), in which special absorbent
vent properties gradually change. Supercritical fluids are paper serves as the stationary phase.
characterized by viscosity close to that of a gas, their densities  Thin layer chromatography (TLC), where a thin homoge-
similar to the densities of liquids, and high diffusion capaci- neous layer of stationary phase is dispensed onto a glass
ties. The density of a supercritical fluid can be manipulated plate, or a sheet of aluminum foil or plastic.
by changing its pressure and temperature. Usually, supercriti-  Column chromatography in which a column (mainly made
cal fluids are nonpolar solvents, therefore they preferentially of glass) is filled with the stationary phase, i.e., adsorbent,
dissolve nonpolar substances. Carbon dioxide is the most carrier soaked with the liquid stationary phase, ionite or
204 P. Wi
sniewska et al.

granulated gel, and first the analyzed solution and then the
mobile phase (eluent) is introduced into the column head.
 Gas chromatography, where gas is the mobile phase, while
the stationary phase is placed inside the column.
 Liquid chromatography, in which a liquid flowing continu-
ously under a pressure of up to tens of MPa through a col-
umn constitutes the mobile phase.

Capillary gas chromatography, and specifically its one- or

two-dimensional version, is mainly used for analyzing the
volatile fraction of spirit-based beverages (Witkiewicz and
Hetper, 2001). Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a gas chromatograph: 1. car-
rier gas; 2. flowmeter; 3. injector; 4. column; 5. column oven; 6.
detector; 7. waste; 8. data registration system.
One-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
Gas chromatography is an analytical method that allows for characteristic for too slow sample injection or too large sam-
separating complex mixtures as well as for conducting quali- ple volume being injected (Krawczyk, 1999). In order to
tative and quantitative analysis of substances that occur avoid such problems, the liquid or solid sample ought to be
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in the form of gas or vapor under analytical conditions. The vaporized inside the injector in the shortest possible time
separation of the analyzed mixture components takes place period. Therefore the injector temperature is usually set 20 C
due to the partitioning of these compounds between the higher than the boiling point of the sample components. In
mobile and stationary phases of the system. In gas chroma- gas chromatography there are four basic types of injectors,
tography the mobile phase is gaseous. Depending on the sta- namely, split injectors, splitless injectors (Figure 2), Mega-
tionary phase type, one can distinguish the following kinds of bore type direct injectors, and on-column inlet, which delivers
gas chromatography: the sample directly into the column. In the case of alcohol
analysis, the split and splitless injectors are usually used, and
 Adsorption chromatography, where gas is the mobile often one injector with an appropriate control valve for split-
phase, a solid with adsorptive properties serves as the sta- ting the stream of carrier gas is employed (Grob, 1993;
tionary phase, and the separation mechanism is based on Krawczyk, 1999).
the differences between the adsorption coefficients. Split injectors are used for processing samples that contain
 Partition chromatography, where the stationary phase is high analyte concentrations because only a small sample
the carrier-bound liquid in which the analytes flowing volume is injected into the chromatographic column. A large
through the column get dissolved; the partitioning of sub- volume of carrier gas pumped into the injector head under-
stances occurs due to the differences in analyte-specific sol- goes mixing with the volatile fraction of the sample and then
vation in the stationary phase.

The separation of chemical compounds by gas chromatog-

raphy is carried out by the following steps: sample evapora-
tion in the injector, separation of mixture components on the
specifically prepared column, and detection of each mixture
component in the detector (Witkiewicz and Hetper, 2001).
A gas chromatograph consists of an injector, column oven,
chromatographic column, and detector (Figure 1).

The injector enables the introduction of a sample into a
stream of carrier gas that will transfer the injected material to
the column. Hydrogen, nitrogen, argon, and helium are the
most frequently applied carrier gases. The type of carrier gas
used depends on the detector because gas purity influences
the detector’s performance and the condition of column sup-
port, as both can become disabled by impure carrier gas. The
injector temperature should not be too high because some
analytes are not thermally stable (Barrionuevo and Lanças,
2002). The proper choice of an injector is very important Fig. 2. Diagram of split/splitless injector: 1. septum; 2. septum
because it should provide repeatable sample injections into purge outlet; 3. carrier gas inlet; 4. glass tube; 5. split valve; 6.
the system and prevent the occurrence of fuzzy and asymmet- carrier gas outlet; 7. vaporization chamber; 8. heated metal
rical peaks resulting in decreased separation, which is walls; 9. capillary column.
Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 205

transports it further. The introduced stream of carrier gas When the layer is thinner the column has better efficiency
flows through the lined injector and exits through two sepa- and short retention time. A thicker layer results in larger
rate outlets. A small volume of carrier gas (1–4 mL/min) adsorption capacity of the column. Packed columns are filled
enters the column, while the larger part of it (10–100 mL/ with particles of the adsorbent or a carrier that is coated with
min) exits through a split vent (split outlet). Such partition of the liquid phase. The adsorbent or carrier particles should be
carrier gas enables the smaller portion of the sample to reach much less than 1 mm in size, spherical or close-to-spherical in
the column and the larger one to be purged. Split injectors shape, and have a narrow range of particle size distribution.
are characterized by high efficiency as well as requiring a In this way, the carrier gas flowing through the column
small volume of gas to operate; therefore, these devices are encounters low resistance, and the diffusion-related fuzziness
the ideal solution for columns with small diameters. of the chromatographic bands corresponding to the eluted
Another type of injector used for analyzing alcohols is a substances is limited, which results in narrow and sharp peaks
splitless injector. It is applied in cases when the analyte con- (Grob, 1993; Krawczyk, 1999).
centration in samples is very low or even at trace level. A
basic difference between the splitless injector and split injec- Detectors
tor is the volume of gas used. Another difference manifests The next element of the equipment is a detector, which is
itself in the shape of the first peaks corresponding to the early responsible for the detection of substances separated on a
elution of sample components. Moreover, splitless injectors chromatographic column. The underlying principle of the
are wider because the stream of carrier gas does not have to majority of GC detectors is based on the differences in phys-
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be split. Similar to the aforementioned injector, carrier gas is ico-chemical properties of the pure carrier gas and the gas
introduced onto the head of the column. The gas mixes with that contains the substance eluted from the column. The regis-
the volatile fraction of the sample inside the injector, and the tered changes may be proportional either to molar concentra-
mixture is transferred to the column. In a splitless injector the tion or to the mass flow rate of a substance present in the
stream of gas is not split, therefore the whole volume of carrier gas. Detector should be characterized by high sensitiv-
the introduced carrier gas together with the sample is directly ity, low detection limit, stability, good repeatability, and the
injected onto the column. wide linear range of readings. There are universal detectors
A splitless injector has lower efficiency, however, as has and selective detectors, the latter being used for detecting
been mentioned before; it can be used at very low concentra- only some groups of compounds, e.g., derivatives of halides
tions of analytes, which definitely is a big advantage (Grob, and sulfur-containing compounds. The following detectors
1993; Krawczyk, 1999). are used for analyzing spirit-based beverages: flame ionization
detector (FID), electron capture detector detector (ECD),
atomic emission detector (AED), flame photometric detector
Chromatographic Columns (FPD), nitrogen phosphorus detector (NPD, TID), olfactom-
A chromatographic column is another element of the chro- etry (O), and different types of mass spectrometry (MS).
matographic system in which the separation of mixture com-
ponents takes place (G orecki et al., 2004). There are packed Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
columns and capillary columns. At present, capillary col- A flame ionization detector (Figure 3) is a destructive-type
umns are the most frequently used; they are up to a couple mass spectrometry detector. The analyzed compounds pass
tens of meters long and have a diameter ranging between 0.2 through a column and are subsequently combusted in a
and 0.6 mm. Capillary columns are made of glass or fused hydrogen-air flame, which results in the formation of H, O,
quartz in the shape of a coil (Liu and Phillips, 1991). Com- OH, and HO free radicals. When the analyzed substances
monly used columns have internal diameters of 0.1, 0.25, contain carbon a series of reactions occurs, which results in
0.32, and 0.53 mm. Columns with a diameter of 0.1 mm are the creation of CHOC ions.
characterized by high resolution and short analysis times;
they are frequently coupled to mass spectrometry.
CH  C O  ! CHO C C e ¡
Columns with diameters of 0.25 and 0.32 mm display simi-
lar properties; they are used in routine procedures and have
high efficiency. Columns with a diameter of 0.53 mm are char- These ions are collected on the collector electrode and later
acterized by high repeatability and can be installed in any counted. The registered ions constitute a signal for the detec-
chromatograph. The column efficiency increases with decreas- tor. The FID detector belongs to the selective detectors, i.e.,
ing column diameter, while increased column diameter results the strongest signal is observed for compounds with a CH
in an increase of column volume without a change of film bond, a weak response occurs for compounds containing car-
thickness (Adahchour et al., 2006). Stationary phases in the bon without a CH bond, and a signal is lacking for carbon-
capillary columns can be both solid adsorbent and liquid. free compounds, which do not undergo combustion. The sen-
The GC columns are divided into smooth-walled columns sitivity of an FID ranges between 0.1 and 10 ng, while its
coated with the liquid stationary phase (WCOT); columns highest value is reached for hydrogen and an airflow rate of
with walls coated with a porous layer, i.e., adsorbent approximately. 40 and 400 cm3/min, respectively, and a car-
(PLOT); and columns with walls covered with a carrier satu- rier gas (usually helium) flow rate of 30–40 cm3/min. The lin-
rated with a liquid stationary phase (SCOT). The thickness of ear range of FID is 105–107. It normally operates at
the stationary phase usually ranges between 0.1 and 0.3 mm. temperatures ranging from 250 to 300 C, while in the case
206 P. Wi
sniewska et al.
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Fig. 4. Schematic representation of ECD: 1. capillary column, 2.

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of FID: 1. capillary column, 2. inlet of purge gas, 3. silicone liner, 4. cathode, 5. nickel source, 6.
air inlet, 3. hydrogen inlet, 4. polarized electrode, 5. burner, 6. anode, 7. outlet, 8. inlet for anode cleaning.
flame, 7. collector electrode, 8. collector electrode, 9. gas outlet.

of determinations performed at higher temperatures, it will specific elements in the sample components. The sample com-
still operate between 400 and 450 C. It is necessary to main- ponents separated on the chromatographic column are intro-
tain the temperature above 100 C in order to avoid moisture duced into microwave-induced helium plasma at a
condensation during combustion inside an FID detector temperature ranging from 3000 to 10000 K that results in the
(Grob, 1993; Krawczyk, 1999). production of excited atoms from the particles. The excited
electrons in the atoms jump back to the lower energy levels
Electron Capture Detector (ECD) while emitting radiation that is specific for a given element.
The radiation hits the optical part of the detector and under-
The operation of an electron capture detector (Figure 4) is
goes diffraction on diffraction grating, and the generated
based on changes in conductivity of the electron gas con-
characteristic wavelengths are registered by the configurable
tained in the ionization chamber, which is due to the presence
matrix of photodiodes (G orecki et al., 2004).
of electron-acceptor groups. Radioactive 63Ni, a source of
high-energy b particles, is housed in the detector cell where
the current is generated. These particles ionize the carrier gas,
which results in a constant electric current between the elec-
trodes. Negatively charged compounds that leave the column
pick up b particles and thus lower the ionization level of the
carrier gas; this results in a change of electric current between
the electrodes, which is registered by the detector as a signal.
ECD belongs to the selective detectors targeted on registering
the signals that come from halogens, nitrites, and conjugated
carbonyl groups. The sensitivity of ECD depends on the type
of analyzed compounds, i.e., for halogens, nitrites, and car-
bonyl compounds, it is 0.1–10 pg, 1–100 pg, and 0.1–2 ng,
respectively; its linear range is 103–104 (Grob, 1993; Krawc-
zyk, 1999).

Atomic Emission Detector (AED) Fig. 5. Schematic representation of AED: 1. capillary column, 2.
An atomic emission detector (AED; Figure 5) is a special inlet of carrier gas, 3. and 4. inlet and outlet of water and the
type of detector that can be used as both a universal and energy source, 5. plasma, 6. mirror, 7. converging lens, 8. diffrac-
selective detector; it allows for analyzing the content of tion grating, 9. set of diodes.
Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 207

Flame Photometric Detector (FPD) ions with a specific mass-to-charge ratio to pass into the elec-
In the case of FPD, the compounds are combusted in a tron multiplier. After all ions corresponding to a given mass
hydrogen-air flame. The substances containing sulfur and have been detected and counted, the whole procedure is
phosphorus produce particles emitting light (sulfur at repeated for other ions with a different mass-to-charge ratio.
394 nm, and phosphorus at 526 nm). The filter searches the given mass range a couple of times per
A monochromatic filter allows for the exiting of only one second. Such segregated and counted ions are registered by
wave with a specific wavelength. The photomultiplier column the detector, and their masses are plotted against their mass
is used to measure the amount of light and the generated sig- intensity or mass number by the computer to which the detec-
nal. Different filters are applied for each element being deter- tor sends data after the analysis.
mined. The flame conditions are very significant as they At present, all chromatographs coupled to mass spectrom-
influence the correctness of the analysis. Because the detec- etry are equipped with special libraries that include fragmen-
tion zone is above the flame, it is necessary to secure the tation models for some compounds. This is important
appropriate gas flow and burner diameter so the sample com- because each compound can undergo fragmentation in a
ponents combusted in the flame are emitted within the detec- number of possible ways therefore the spectra of different
tion zone (Grob, 1993; Krawczyk, 1999). compounds may look deceivingly alike. Thanks to the library
downloaded to a computer, the analysis of compounds is
Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector (NPD) based on comparing the obtained spectrum to those available
A nitrogen phosphorus detector (NPD), also called a therm- in the spectra library. A mass spectrometry detector can be a
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ionic detector (TID), is a flameless detector used in gas chro- selective detector depending on the mass range chosen, i.e.,
matography; its sensitivity is due to the presence of an alkali whether it is a total range or a range specific for selected ions
metal. The detector is sensitive to nitrogen- and phosphorus- (SIM). The linear range of this detector is 105–106, while its
based compounds. Its sensitivity oscillates within 1–10 pg, sensitivity depends on the mass range; for the full range
while the linear range is 104–106. A mixture of hydrogen gas search, the sensitivity varies between 1 and 10 ng, and for the
and air is used in the combustion process, while the working selected ions, from 1 to 10 pg (Krawczyk, 1999; Witkiewicz
temperature is 250 –300 C (Grob, 1993; Krawczyk, 1999). and Hetper, 2001).

Olfactometry Detector
Gas chromatography coupled to olfactometry employs con- Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
ventional detectors such as FID and MS that are connected In contrast to one-dimensional gas chromatography, during
to special auxiliary equipment that enables a sensory evalua- comprehensive two-dimensional GC the analytes present in
tion of the analyzed sample by a trained person or a group of the mobile phase leave the first chromatographic column
evaluators. A stream of eluate is split into two parts at an together with the phase to be collected in a modulator and
appropriate ratio so one part reaches the olfactometry detec- later to be transported as different fractions to the second col-
tor, while the other portion of the eluate ends up in the con- umn, which has a different separation mechanism than the
ventional detector. In this way, the two obtained signals can first one (G orecki et al., 2004). In 1991, John Phillips and
be compared. The olfactometry detector has the following Zaiyou Liu reported that gas chromatography employing
advantages: simplicity, speed, and the possibility of illustrat- two serial columns allows for obtaining much bigger peaks
ing the differences in sensory sensitivity of the evaluators. On and higher resolution than traditional one-dimensional GC;
the other hand, it also has disadvantages such as a necessity this statement gave rise to two-dimensional gas chromatogra-
of training the evaluators and the fact that the result depends phy (Liu and Phillips, 1991). In order to achieve the separa-
only on the actual intensity of the smell sensed for a given tion of volatile compounds present in the mixture, it is
concentration (Liu and Phillips, 1991). necessary to apply the orthogonality condition. This means
that the separation mechanisms in serial columns have to be
Mass Spectrometer independent of each other. In the case of comprehensive two-
A mass spectrometer enables the exact determination of the dimensional gas chromatography, this requirement has been
mass of each molecule that has been ionized in the ion source. fulfilled by using columns with different separation mecha-
There is a vacuum inside the detector, therefore the com- nisms (G orecki and Harynuk, 2002).
pounds reaching the detector, after leaving the chro- The GC £ GC system consists of two columns of different
matographic column, become bombarded by electrons or gas lengths, modulator, detector, and oven and, as an option,
molecules (Grob, 1993; Krawczyk, 1999). As a result of the another oven that heats the second column. Considering the
electron bombardment, the following reaction takes place: equipment used, the presented system differs only slightly
from the system applied in one-dimensional technique.
M C e ¡ ! M C  C 2e ¡
A molecular ion, in the form of cation radical, is generated Similar to one-dimensional gas chromatography, the sample
during the aforementioned reaction. Each of such ions may is introduced into the system by an injector and then
undergo further fragmentation. Next, the ions are focused transferred to the first column where the separation of
and accelerated in the mass filter, whose selectivity allows all mixture components takes place. A difference between a
208 P. Wi
sniewska et al.

one-dimensional and two-dimensional chromatography is The first thermal modulator, invented in 1991 by Phillips
that in the GC £ GC system the sample leaving the first col- and Ledford, consisted of gold-coated capillary column,
umn ends up in the modulator instead of the detector; it stays which had been filled with a thick film of stationary phase for
there together with the mobile phase for a short and constant retaining and collecting the analytes at the end of the first
period of time. Next, the sample is sent in portions to the sec- dimension separation. This construction allowed for narrow-
ond column, where it is separated again, and then it reaches ing the sample band and extended the time of analyte migra-
the detector. tion. Gold secured good conductance along the capillary so
A modulator is the main tool and, at the same time, the the moment the electric current was applied to the tube’s sur-
beating heart of the system; it retains the fractions leaving the face fast heating of the modulator occurred (Adahchour
first column, narrows the band, and introduces the portions et al., 2006b). The current was run through the capillary at
of fractions onto the second column. The modulation period constant intervals in order to desorb the analytes from the
has to be such as to avoid the contact between the two conse- stationary phase and then transfer them into the second col-
cutive bands inside the second column. Therefore the mod- umn. The next band-specific portion of the sample was intro-
ulator will not introduce the next sample portion onto the duced after the capillary had cooled down, which was a
second column before the band from the previous injection difficult task to perform. Therefore the analytes leaving the
clears it. Due to different separation mechanisms in both col- first column when the modulator was still hot were directed
umns, it is possible to separate the analytes that have joined to the second column.
again after leaving the first column. The components The problem related to the long cooling time of the capil-
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separated on the second column reach the detector and are lary column was solved by the same scientists; they designed
registered there (Gorecki et al., 2004; Herrero et al., 2009). another modulator in which a rotary heater traveling along
the length of the column forced the thermal desorption of
analytes. The heater maintained the temperature at a level
Columns 100 C higher than that of the chromatographic oven
Chromatographic columns used in the GC £ GC system must (Gorecki et al., 2004). However, similar to its predecessor, it
differ from each other by their dimensions and separation had moving parts, which was sometimes disadvantageous.
mechanisms, which strongly depend on the type of stationary The first modulator without moving parts was developed
phase. Therefore if the first column has a nonpolar stationary by G orecki, Harynuk, and Panic (2004). It consisted of two
phase then the second column should contain a polar station- rust-free serially connected microtraps containing porous sor-
ary phase. The first column is longer (15–30 m) and it usually bent. Heat to the microtraps was delivered by means of the
contains the stationary phase with a thicker film (0.25–1 mm) alternating electrical current from discharging capacitors.
than to the stationary phase in the second column. It is rec- Cryogenic modulators operate on the principle of a cold
ommended to use the nonpolar stationary phase in the first trap, while in the second dimension a constant temperature is
column because the separation mechanism for this phase is maintained (Dalluge et al., 2002). The first cryogenic mod-
mainly based on the volatility of analytes. The sample reten- ulator was a so-called longitudinal modulation cryogenic sys-
tion time during the separation in the second dimension tem (LMCS) designed by Marriot and his collaborators in
should be as short as possible and not longer than the modu- 1997 (Figure 6.). Liquid carbon dioxide is used in LMCS to
lation time, which usually equals 3–6 s. Because of that the cool the part of column that is placed inside a radiator. Thus
second column (0.5–1.5 m) is much shorter than the first one, the very volatile analytes are not retained, and fuzzy chroma-
and the film thickness of the stationary phase usually ranges tograms may result. The radiator moves along the length of
between 0.1 and 0.25 mm. Such film thickness shortens the the capillary from T position (Trap) to R position (Release).
retention time and increases the efficiency of the stationary In T position the radiator cools a certain part of the column,
phase. The internal diameters of both columns are compara- which results in the retention of analytes. Next, the radiator
ble, although sometimes a column with a smaller diameter is moves to R position and releases the analytes that had been
used for the separation in the second dimension (Adahchour
et al., 2006; Gorecki et al., 2004). As a rule, both columns
are housed inside the thermostatic cover. However, at times
it is advantageous to place the second column inside an
additional separate oven (Adahchour et al., 2006a; G orecki
et al., 2004).

Modulators used in the GC £ GC system are divided into two
main groups, thermal modulators and flow modulators. In
the case of thermal modulators, cryogenic and heated modu-
lators can be distinguished. The flow modulators are divided
into these equipped with a differential valve and those with a Fig. 6. Diagram of LCMS modulator: 1. injector, 2. first column,
membrane valve. In the analysis of alcohols cryogenic ther- 3. LCMS modulator, 4. inlet of liquid carbon dioxide, 5. second
mal modulators are the most frequently used. column, 6. detector, 7. oven.
Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 209

retained in T position, while at the same time it retains the of injection), low cost, and simplicity of operation com-
analytes in R position. Consequently, the radiator moves to pared to thermal modules. The fact that only a part of
T position again and the analytes trapped in R position are the sample stream from one dimension is directed to the
released into the second column, while some analytes are second dimension (2–90%) is the main disadvantage of
retained in T position. This procedure is repeated until the valve modulators (Adahchour et al., 2006b; G orecki and
entire sample has been processed (Adahchour et al., 2006b; Harynuk, 2002; G orecki et al., 2004).
G orecki et al., 2004).
The moving parts have been eliminated from cryogenic
modulators developed in recent years. The first new design Detectors
employed two rust-free capillaries that were cooled with liq- An electrical signal is produced by the detector as a result of
uid nitrogen, which allowed for retaining even highly volatile the presence of analytes leaving the chromatographic col-
analytes. In this case, the analyte bands were retained in the umn. The signal is sent to the data registration system in the
traps not by sorption onto the stationary phase, but by freez- form of a series of chromatograms from the second dimen-
ing. The release of analytes was achieved by heating the capil- sion separation. A requirement that has to be fulfilled by the
lary by means of an electrical current from discharging detectors used in the GC £ GC technique is high-frequency
capacitors. The fault of this modulator was the leakage of data acquisition because the second dimension separation is
liquid nitrogen into the system. fast and the gas stream is introduced into the second column
Another modulator was built from (1) four nozzles that as a narrow band. The detectors used in classical gas chroma-
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alternately delivered liquid CO2 for cooling the first and then tography (which are described in a previous section) are also
the second part of the column, and (2) two nozzles that, in applied in GC £ GC systems. A flame ionization detector
the same way, transported hot air for heating the same parts (FID) is most commonly used, while an electron capture
of the column. In this way, the stream of the mobile phase detector (ECD), atomic emission detector (AED), and mass
with the analytes leaving the first column could be stopped spectrometer coupled to time-of-flight detector (TOF-MS)
twice, i.e., in the column part that was cooled first and then are less frequently employed (Adahchour et al., 2006b;
in the second part of the column together with the next por- G orecki et al., 2004).
tion of analytes. In order to avoid exceeding the sorption At present, it seems that the best detector for this tech-
capacity, the flow of hot air was directed to the first nozzle. In nique is TOF-MS as it is characterized by a much higher sen-
this way, the stream retained in the second part of the column sitivity level than other detectors and by high resolution. The
could be introduced into the second column. The first valve time-of-flight analyzers are based on the relationship between
modulator was developed by Bruckner and coworkers in the time-of-flight and the mass/charge ratio of the ions. Ions
1998. produced in the ionizer are accelerated in the electric field. It
The principle of the operation of a diaphragm valve mod- is the lighter ions that first reach the detector located at the
ulator (DVM) is based on concurrently directing one stream end of analyzer. The time-of-flight has been defined as time
of carrier gas from column I into the atmosphere, and elapsed from the moment an electrical impulse reaches the
another stream of the same gas delivered from a separate ionization chamber until the ions are registered by the detec-
source to column II. All the operations were controlled tor. Next, time-of-flight is recalculated as a ratio of mass-to-
by switching the valve in order to introduce a small band of charge (m/z) for a given ion (Adahchour et al., 2006b;
the sample from the one-dimension column to the second Rochat et al., 2007).
dimension; the consecutive switching of the valve allowed for
producing a chromatogram. Such a procedure was continued
until the entire sample was analyzed (Edwards et al., 2011;
G orecki et al., 2004).
Characteristics of Selected Spirit-Based Beverages
In 2000, Seeley constructed a valve modulator with closed-
Distillates of Agricultural Origin
loop dispensing that consisted of six membrane valves and a
closed-loop dispenser. A volume of 20 mL of carrier gas, con- A distillate of agricultural origin (raw spirit of agricultural
taining the analytes that had left column I, flows through the origin) is an alcoholic liquid obtained from the distillation
closed-loop dispensing system. The valve is switched at spe- process of agricultural products after alcohol fermenta-
cific time intervals to turn on the closed-loop dispensing sys- tion. It has the properties of neither agricultural ethyl
tem in the direction of column II, which results in the alcohol nor spirit-based beverages. However, it retains the
introduction of a narrow sample band into the second col- smell and flavor of the raw materials used in its produc-
umn. Despite many improvements in this device (i.e., increas- tion. A distillate of agricultural origin should fulfill spe-
ing the amount of sample reaching the second column), the cific requirements in relation to its transparency, color,
entire sample is still not analyzed (Edwards et al., 2011; smell, and the volume percent of ethyl alcohol (not less
G orecki et al., 2004). than 88%) as well as other impurities such as fusel, alde-
Valve modulators have the following advantages: no hydes, acetates, and acids. The raw spirit is produced by
exceeding of sorption capacity, no large differences in fermentation of (1) starch-containing raw materials,
temperature, the possibility of being used in fast two- mainly potatoes and grain, (2) sugar-containing products
dimensional analysis (1 s or less; due to fast switching of such as sugar cane, sugar beets, molasses, and fruits, and
the valve, the narrow bands are obtained at the moment (3) cellulose raw materials (Poland, 2002a, 2002b).
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Alcohol production consists of the following steps: higher than 10 g/hL. The fruits that are the most commonly
used in the production of alcohol are pit-containing fruits
 Washing and cleaning of raw materials (cherries, prunes, and apricots) and fleshy fruits (apples,
 Thermal treatment with water vapor at approximately pears, and oranges). Quince fruits and strawberries are used
140 C and under high pressure less frequently.
 Preparation of malt, i.e., germinated cereal grain Pear distillates are most popular in France, Germany, and
 Mashing Eastern Europe. The middle distillation fraction is collected in
 Alcohol fermentation; in alcohol production a yeast strain, order to avoid the presence of toxic compounds and undesired
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is used because these organisms flavorants. It has been scientifically proven that the characteris-
decompose sugars quickly and are resistant to organic acids tic pear taste is caused by ethyl hexanoate, ethyl decanoate,
and temperature, even above 35 C at times and etyl-2-trans-4-cis-decanodien. In the case of Bartlett pear,
 Distillation, which results in the production of agricultural a-farrnezen is generated during the ripening and storage of the
distillate fruits. Thanks to this finding, it has been demonstrated that
 Rectification, which results in the production of rectified the intensity of pear distillate mainly depends on fruit ripeness
spirit; this procedure is conducted in order to obtain con- (Christoph and Bauer-Christoph, 2006; European Commis-
centrated spirit, free of by-products (Bednarski and Reps, sion, 2008; García-Llobodanin et al., 2008).
2003; Jaroci nski and Jarosz, 1980 28, 29). France is the major producer of a cider known by the
name of Calvados, which is an alcoholic beverage made of
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Thai Spirits fermented ripe apples. The apples are specifically selected
because their size and ripeness influence the taste of this fruit
The traditional Thai spirit is produced from sticky rice or spirit. The fermentation of must continues for two months at
sugar cane molasses. These two raw materials are essential in low temperatures (10 –15 C) to limit the loss of volatile esters
the production of bio-ethanol. The origin of Thai spirit dates that influence the beverage aroma. Next, the alcohol is sub-
back to ancient times. The spirit, which comes from the jected to double distillation in a copper kettle called an alqui-
northwest part of Thailand, is the most popular alcohol tara. The last and the most important step is maturation in
among the inhabitants of this country. Unfortunately, the small oak barrels, which should add vanilla flavor to the dis-
Thai spirit produced from rice does not have any characteris- tillate. The aging period should not be too long in order to
tic flavor compounds (Wechgama et al., 2008a). retain the taste of apples. After a specific time, the distillate is
poured into sequentially older barrels. It has been demon-
Vodkas strated that 169 volatile compounds are responsible for the
aroma of cider, including, first of all, unsaturated alcohols,
Vodka is the most popular spirit-based beverage in Poland, aldehydes, phenol, and phenol derivatives (Christoph and
Russia, and other East European countries. It is made from Bauer-Christoph, 2006; García-Llobodanin et al., 2008).
ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin that is obtained during the Distillates from pit-containing fruits, inter alia, cherries
fermentation of potatoes, grains, or other agricultural raw (kirschwasser, cherry, and kirsch) and prunes (Zwetschgen-
materials. Such ethyl alcohol is distilled and rectified to assure 
wasser, Sliwowica), are also produced outside Europe; how-
the selective reduction of organoleptic properties of the raw ever, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Poland,
materials used and the by-products of fermentation (stan- Hungary, Czech Republic, and Romania are the biggest
dard). Grain vodka is produced by distillation of grain mash; manufacturers of such distillates. Occasionally, distillates
it exclusively displays organoleptic properties of the raw mate- made from figs can be found. Fig distillates are characterized
rial used. In Russia vodka is mainly produced from wheat, by intense aroma due to the presence of ethyl hexanoate,
while in Poland rye mash is most commonly used. The distilla- eugenol, and g-decalactone. Particularly aromatic are distil-
tion process takes place in distillation columns. Vodka’s neu- lates made from apricots, peaches, blackberries, and rowan
tral character is achieved by the separation of forerunnings berries, however, they do not contain enough sugar for pro-
(higher alcohols) from fusel oil (the least volatile esters). ducing ethanol. Therefore in some countries ethyl alcohol of
The soft taste of vodka is obtained by multiple filtering of agricultural origin is added to vodkas produced from these
alcohol through charcoal, which is followed by dilution with fruits (Christoph and Bauer-Christoph, 2006; European
water (Christoph and Bauer-Christoph, 2006; European Commission, 2008; Galego et al., 2011; Postel and Adam,
Commission, 2008). The minimum ethanol content in vodka 1989; Satora and Tuszy nski, 2008).
is 37.5% by volume. A distillate made from oranges is a novel fruit liqueur. The
aroma of orange juice changes during the fermentation pro-
Fruit-Based Vodkas
cess because of the interaction with yeast, metabolic processes
According to European Council regulations, flavored vodkas in oranges, and the reaction with ethanol during distillation
should be produced exclusively by alcohol fermentation and (Da Porto et al., 2003, 2006).
distillation of fleshy fruits or fruit must. In order to improve
the distillate’s aroma and taste, only 86% of the original vol-
Anise Alcohols
ume should be distilled at the most. The content of toxic
methanol cannot exceed 1000 g/hL. In the case of pit-con- Absinthe is a spirit-based beverage with a dominant bitter
taining fruits, the content of hydrogen cyanide should not be taste that belongs to the group of anise-flavored alcohols
Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 211

with high ethanol content. It is produced by aromatizing Depending on the targeted final product, fermentation may
ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin with anise and the flowers take 24 hours (light rum) or even a couple of weeks (heavy
and leaves of Artemisia absinthium L. (a medicinal plant rum). There is no one method of rum distillation, however,
known as wormwood). The main aromatic compounds that choosing the right distillation equipment influences the final
occur in absinthe are, inter alia, a- and b-thujones. The collo- taste of the alcohol. The aging process lasts at least one year
quial name of absinthe is “green fairy” because of its color and takes place in oak barrels as well as stainless steel tanks.
and psychoactive properties. Other popular anise-flavored The choice of material in which rum is stored influences the
alcohols include ouzo (Greece), rakı (Turkey), pastis final color of the beverage. Aging in wooden barrels causes
(France), sambuca (Italy), and anis (Spain). The production darkening of rum, while stainless steel tanks do not have an
of these alcohols is based on aromatizing the agricultural effect of the rum’s color. The last step of rum production is
ethyl alcohol with plant extracts that contain trans-anethole mixing in order to secure homogeneous taste and color of the
and other aromatic compounds, i.e., cis-anethole, estragole, product.
and anisaldehyde. Star anise (Illicium verum), anise (Pimpi- There are three basic types of rum, namely, white rum with
nella anisum), and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) are most fre- a soft and light taste, gold rum of amber color, and dark rum,
quently used in the production of anise-flavored alcohols. which has the most intense taste and color due to the longest
Pastis, which originated in the south of France, specifically in aging process. Dark rum contains large concentrations of
Marseille, must additionally contain natural extracts of lico- fusel alcohol and ethyl esters, which influences the pro-
rice (the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra), which implies the pres- nounced aroma of the drink (Christoph and Bauer-Chris-
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ence of dyes, so-called chalcones, and glycyrrhizic acid at toph, 2006; Pino, 2007).
concentrations of 0.005 or 0.5 g/L. For ouzo production, the Cachaça is a Brazilian spirit-based beverage produced
seeds of the mastic tree grown on Chios (Pistacia lentiscus from sugar cane that has been known since colonial times.
var. Chia or latifolia) are also added. The final product has to Juice prepared from raw materials is decanted, diluted, and
be colorless and should contain, at the most, 50 g/L of sugar fermented. The next step is distillation in a copper alembic
and 1 g/L of anethole. Both alcohols become turbid when followed by aging of the liqueur in wooden or steel tanks. As
diluted with water due to anethole precipitation. Because of in the case of other alcohols, the taste of cachaça is influenced
this phenomenon, Frenchmen call their liqueur “the milk of by the fermentation by-products, inter alia, higher alcohols,
Provence,” while Greeks consider it to be the “ouzo effect” carboxylic acids, and carbonyl compounds (Aquino et al.,
(Christoph and Bauer-Christoph, 2006; European Commis- 2008; Baffa J unior et al., 2011; Cardeal and Marriott, 2009;
sion, 2008; Jurado et al., 2007; Yucesoy and Ozen, 2013) Christoph and Bauer-Christoph, 2006).

Gin Whiskey
Gin is a dry alcoholic beverage that is popular in England. Whiskey is a spirit-based beverage distilled from mash con-
Distilled gin is made from rectified rye alcohol that has been sisting of malted grain or grain that has been malted by dia-
subjected to additional distillation. During the second distil- stase of the starch. Distillation is conducted until the
lation the evaporated spirit permeates through a cotton sack distillate volume reaches 94.5% or less in order to retain the
hung inside the apparatus or into a chamber containing dried flavor and taste of the raw materials used. Whiskey has to be
juniper berries (Juniperus communis) and other aromatic sub- aged for at least three years in oak barrels with an individual
stances, e.g., anise, cardamon, and orange and lemon peel. volume of less than 700 L. The final distillate retains the
The alcohol prepared this way has a very delicate aroma and color, smell, and taste that has formed during the production
taste of juniper. A medium-quality gin (compound gin) is process. Only water and pure caramel (coloring agent) can be
produced by adding juniper oil and other plant materials to added to the distillate. It is forbidden to add any other color-
regular rectified alcohol. The most popular type of gin is Lon- ing and aromatizing agents. Scotch whiskey is a popular type
don gin, or dry gin, which has a sugar content of less than of whiskey. It is produced 100% from malted barley and
0.1 g/L. The main compounds identified in gin are monoter- undergoes double distillation in large copper containers. Vol-
penes, i.e., a-pinene, b-mircen, limonene, g-terpinene, and atile phenolic compounds that form during the burning of
p-cymen, that originate from the juniper berries (European malt, inter alia, cresol and guaiacol, are responsible for whis-
Commission, 2008; Vichi et al., 2007). key’s typical taste. Whiskey originating from the northern
U.S. is produced from a mixture of corn, rye, wheat, barley,
and other grains. After distillation, it is aged in oak barrels
Rum and Cachaça for at least two years (Christoph and Bauer-Christoph, 2006;
European Commission, 2008; Rhodes et al., 2009).
Rum is an alcoholic beverage made by distillation of either
fermented sugar cane juice, molasses, or a mixture of both
these raw materials. The majority of rum is manufactured
Tequila and Mezcal
from molasses, which mostly comes from Brazil. The French-
speaking territories are an exception because there sugar cane Traditional spirit-based alcohols made in Mexico are tequila
juice constitutes the basic raw material. Yeast and water are and mezcal. They are produced from fermented agave nectar.
the components that enable the onset of fermentation. In accordance with Mexican law, tequila can be made only
212 P. Wi
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from the fruits of the agave species Agave tequilana, which is meaning “burnt wine,” because in the 16th century wine was
also known as “blue agave.” Moreover, these legal regula- burned or boiled during distillation. In the case of high qual-
tions specify a region in Mexico where the production of ity brandy, it should be kept in mind that the distillation pro-
tequila is allowed. The alcohol was named after the city of cess has to be slow and gentle in order to extract the aroma
Tequila in the Jalisco region, in western Mexico (Christoph compounds from raw material in the best possible way.
and Bauer-Christoph, 2006; Lachance, 1995). Mezcal can be Aging is the most critical process. Brandy is aged in oak bar-
produced from other agave species, among others, A. sal- rels, which results in change of the color, taste, and smell of
mina, A. angustifolia, and A. patatorum (De Le on-Rodríguez this beverage. At times, aromatizing agents are added, e.g.,
et al., 2006). Tequila and mezcal are made from the fruits of extract of dried prunes, almonds, and walnuts. In many coun-
agave called pi~ na, which are baked in large ovens, or auto- tries region-specific brandy varieties are produced, for exam-
claves, until the starch has been converted to sugar. Pi~na used ple, Weinbrand in Germany, and brandy de Jerez in Spain.
for producing mezcal is baked in the presence of charcoal, However, cognac is considered the most popular alcohol pro-
which gives the beverage a smoky flavor. Next, the fruits are duced from grape pomace. The name originated from the
mashed and ground in order to separate the sweet juice called town of Cognac in the Charente region, France. Three types
aquamiel (honey water). The last production stage is fermen- of white grapes are used in cognac production, although the
tation of the juice. In the case of tequila and mezcal, two ugnic blans variety is preferred. Grapes are mashed and
products are manufactured, one based on 100% agave juice pressed and then fermented for about one week. Next, the
and another that is a “mix” consisting of 49% sugar cane obtained wine undergoes double distillation in copper alem-
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sugar (Christoph and Bauer-Christoph, 2006). Besides this bics. After the first stage, a distillate containing 30% of etha-
division, there are five types of tequila: silver, blanco/white, nol is produced. The second distillation results in a 70%
gold, reposado, and a~ nejo. The first two types are pure tequi- distillate. The final product is called eau-de-vie in French,
las that mature in stainless steel tanks not longer than which means “water of life.” The most important step in the
60 days. Gold tequila is made from silver tequila that under- production of cognac is aging in new barrels made from
goes aging and coloring with caramel. Tequila reposado is French oak. The wood porosity and moisture level in the
aged in wooden barrels for a minimum of 2 months, however, storage room influence the quality of cognac. The interac-
the best quality is achieved after 3 to 9 months. The fifth type tions between the wood and alcohol continue for three years,
of tequila, the so-called a~nejo, has to be aged for a minimum which results in the lightly yellow color of the beverage.
of 12 months (Aguilar-Cisneros et al., 2002; Christoph and Next, the drink is transferred into older barrels to gain an
Bauer-Christoph, 2006). Mezcal’s three varieties are white, amber color, while its ethanol content is decreased to 50%.
reposado, and a~ nejo. White mezcal is bottled immediately The aging of cognac takes over 25 years. The last and the
after distillation, while reposado is aged in oak barrels from 2 most critical stage of production is blending of eaux-de-vie
to 6 months, and tequila a~ nejo, up to 12 months. It is worth from different barrels. The mixture obtained this way is
mentioning that one to four larvae of the butterfly feeding on called cognac (Christoph and Bauer-Christoph, 2006; Leaute,
agave are added to white and reposado tequilas. That is the 1990).
reason mezcal is sometimes called a “worm drink” (De Le on-
Rodríguez et al., 2006).
Liqueur is a spirit-based beverage produced by aromatization
Spirit-Based Alcohols from Grape Pomace of ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin, agricultural distillate,
According to the EU norm, orujo should be produced from or one or more spirit-based beverages; it is sweetened and
grape pomace of a specific grape variety and exclusively in mixed with agricultural or food products such as, cream,
Galicia (northwest Spain). The concentration limits of differ- milk, other milk products, fruits, wine, and aromatized wine.
ent volatile compounds, e.g., ethanol (50–37, 5%, v/v), meth- The minimum ethanol content in a liqueur should be 15%.
anol (1000–200 g/hL a.a.), higher alcohols (600–225 g/hL a. Fruit liqueurs made of cherries, black currants, blueberries,
a.), ethyl acetate (250 g/hL a.a.), and copper content (maxi- pineapples, and citrus fruits are prepared by adding natural
mum 10 mg/L) are also defined in order to assure the high aromas and juices. The produced bitter liqueurs contain
quality of the product. Grape pomace is subjected to sponta- added spices, herbs, or medicines. The legally regulated con-
neous fermentation. To this end, it is stored for a couple of tent of artificial aromas is not higher than 0.1% (2, Christoph
days in closed containers. Depending on the storage condi- and Bauer-Christoph, 2006; European Commission, 2008).
tions, characteristic compounds form that are responsible for
the product’s quality. Next, the fermented fruits are distilled
in copper vats. The following spirit-based alcohols are also Application of Chromatographic Techniques
produced from grape pomace: grappa (Italy), eau-de-vie de to the Analysis of Spirit-Based Beverages
marc (France), bagaçeira (Portugal), and tsipouro (Greece)
(Christoph and Bauer-Christoph, 2006; Cortes et al., 2005; Chromatographic techniques are often used for analyzing
García-Martín et al., 2010; Lopez-V azquez et al., 2010). spirit-based beverages. This is due to the fact that such drinks
Brandy is defined as an alcohol produced from distilled have complex matrices and the specific groups of compounds
wine. The name has Dutch roots, from “brandewijn,” play different roles.
Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 213

Examples of the application of gas chromatography in nonanal-2-ol), multidimensional gas chromatography with
studies of spirit-based beverages are presented in Table 1. The mass spectrometer coupled with olfactometry (MDGC-MS-
first described group of alcohols is raw spirits, which have O) was used. This technique enabled the identification of
been analyzed mostly in order to identify their botanical char- compounds present at low concentration levels (Wanikawa
acteristics (Bauer-Christoph et al., 1997; Jele n et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2002).
and Jiang, 2002; Zi o»kowska and Jele n, 2012). The matrix In comparative studies of whiskey, rum, and cachaça,
composition of the spirits was also investigated to detect aro- quantitative and qualitative analysis of selected esters (among
matic compounds (Plutowska and Wardencki, 2009; Plutow- others, ethyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, ethyl lactate, and ethyl
ska et al., 2010) and determine fatty acids (Plutowska and decanoate) was conducted; these esters are responsible for the
Wardencki, 2008). Also, the influence of mycotoxin contami- aroma of the aforementioned alcohols (Nascimento et al.,
nation in the used raw materials on the presence of aldehydes 2008). The applicability of two extraction methods, i.e.,
and higher alcohols was researched (Kloskowski and Mikul- SPME and SBSE, for identifying the highest possible number
ski, 2010). Most commonly, the SPME (Plutowska and War- of volatile compounds in samples of whiskey was compared
dencki, 2009; Zi o»kowska and Jele n, 2012) and HS-SPME (Demyttenaere et al., 2003). Often rum and cachaça were ana-
(Biernacka and Wardencki, 2012; Wardencki, 2008; Plutowska lyzed simultaneously because of the type of raw material used
et al., 2010) techniques were employed to analyze volatile frac- in their production. In this case, aromatic compounds (de
tions. Information related to the studies of volatile compounds Souza et al., 2006) and, among others, alcohols, esters, and
in Thai spirits made from sticky rice can be found in the pub- metals (Cardoso et al., 2004b) were analyzed. In Cardoso
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

lished literature (Wechgama et al., 2008a, 2006b). In both et al. (2004b) the authors presented the analysis of results by
cases, the compounds responsible for the aroma of alcohols, means of statistical methods such as principal component
among others, were identified. For example, in Wechgama analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), partial
et al. (2008a) 11 main compounds that influence the smell of least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), and k-nearest
beverages were identified, i.e., ethyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, neighbors algorithm (KNN). For example, thanks to the use
ethyl decanoate, acetaldehyde, ethyl caprylate, 2-phenethyl of PCA, it was possible to identify the compounds, inter alia,
acetate, ethyl laureate, 1-hexanol, phenethyl alcohol, isoamyl propanol, izobutanol, and protocatechuic acid (Cardoso et al.,
alcohol, and 2-furaldehyde. In the aforementioned research 2004b), which are used for discriminating between rum and
the methods of GC-FID and GC-MS were used (Wechgama cachaça. The analysis of cachaça matrix allowed determining
et al., 2008a, 2006b). the changes taking place in the matrix composition during spe-
In the case of vodkas, carbonyl compounds (Sowi nski cific stages of distillation (de Souza et al., 2009). In addition,
et al., 2005; Wardencki et al., 2003) and alcohols (inter alia, content analysis of compounds belonging to alcohols (Nonato
ethanol, methanol, and 2-propanol) were investigated (Char- et al., 2001; Timmer et al., 1971), higher fatty acids (Pino
apitsa et al., 2013; Savchuk et al., 2006). Mostly, SPME was et al., 2002), and dimethyl sulfides (Fitzgerald et al., 2000)
used (Cardoso et al., 2004a; Sowi nski et al., 2005); however, was also performed. The conducted analysis allowed for distin-
there also are reports on the application of liquid-liquid guishing rums of different age (three and seven years old)
extraction (Sowi nski et al., 2005). GC-MS (Savchuk et al., (Pino, 2007) as well as determining the concentration of higher
2006), GC-FID (Charapitsa et al., 2013; Savchuk et al., fatty acids (Pino et al., 2002). The techniques used during the
2006), and GC-ECD (Sowi nski et al., 2005; Wardencki et al., aforementioned analysis were GC-MS (Baffa J unior et al.,
2003) systems were used for the analysis. The GC-ECD tech- 2011; Cardoso et al., 2004a, 2004b; de Souza et al., 2006; Nas-
nique was employed in investigations of carbonyl com- cimento et al., 2008; Nonato et al., 2001), GC-FID (Cardoso
pounds, and particularly of aldehydes such as methanal, et al., 2004b; Pino, 2007; Pino et al., 2002), and GC-GC/
ethanal, propanal, isobutanal, propenal, butanal, isopenta- TOF-MS (Cardeal et al., 2009).
nal, 2-butenal, pentanal, and hexanal ((Sowi nski et al., 2005; The volatile fraction of orujo was analyzed to identify its
Wardencki et al., 2003). botanical characteristics (Dieguez et al., 2005; García-Martín
The next presented group of alcohols is whiskey, which has et al., 2010) and selected volatile compounds (L opez-
been analyzed in relation to ethanol content and ethanol Vazquez et al., 2010; Pe~ na et al., 2008), for example, 1-prop-
derivatives (Rhodes et al., 2008). In addition, the aroma pro- anol, 2-methyl-1propanol, 3-methyl butanol, ethyl hexa-
files of different whiskey varieties were determined (C^amara noate, geraniol (Pe~ na et al., 2008), methanol, ethyl butyrate,
et al., 2007; Fitzgerald et al., 2000); volatile congeners were 1-butanol, and allylic alcohol (L opez-Vazquez et al., 2010).
identified (Fitzgerald et al., 2000); and the quantitative analy- In addition, analysis aimed at distinguishing between home-
sis of ethyl carbamate was performed (Brumley et al., 1988). made and commercial orujo was performed. It was demon-
Haloanisoles, inter alia, 4-chloroanisole, 2-chloroanisole, 4- strated that the concentrations of, among others, ethanol and
bromoanisole, pentachloroanisole, and 5-bromo-4-chloroani- methanol in commercially available orujo are a couple times
sole were also identified by applying GC-AED on samples higher than in the homemade orujo. It was also proven that
prepared by using SPME. Different fibers were employed, allyl alcohol occurs only in commercial orujo. In order to
and DVB/Car/PDMS fiber (Campillo et al., 2008) turned interpret the obtained results, analysis of variance (ANOVA)
out to be the best choice. For identifying green note com- was applied (Cortes et al., 2005). HS-SPME with CW/DVB
pounds, specifically for detecting two aldehydes (E,Z-2,6, fiber (García-Martín et al., 2010; Pe~ na et al., 2008) and direct
nonenal and E-2-nonenal) and three compounds belonging to injection (Cortes et al., 2005; Dieguez et al., 2005; L opez-
the group of alcohols (1-octen-3-ol, 4-hepten-1-ol, and Vazquez et al., 2010) was used to conduct chemical analysis.
214 P. Wi
sniewska et al.

Table 1. Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of selected alcoholic beverages

Alcohol Subject of Extraction and
type investigation equipment Columns Reference

Raw spirit Identification of SPME Car/PDMS/ CP Wax 57B (0.2 mm, Jele
n et al., 2010
botanical DVD; GC-FID 50 m, 0.25 mm)
Raw spirit Investigation of the HS-SPME; GC-MS Stabilwax-DA (0.5 mm, Plutowska et al., 2001
volatile fraction 30 m, 0.25 mm), HP-
(aromatic 5MS (0.25 mm,
compounds) 30 m, 0.25 mm)
composition in spirits
in relation to
organoleptic qualities
of grains
Raw spirits, brandy, Identification of GC-MS DB-WAX i DB5 Bauer-Christoph et al.,
and whiskey characteristics typical (0.5 mm, 30 m, 1997
for a given raw 0.32 mm)
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

Corn distillates Influence of mycotoxins GC-FID CP WAX 57 (50 m, Kloskowski and
on the presence of 0.32 mm) Mikulski, 2010
aldehydes and higher
Raw spirits made from Comparison of HS-SPME (DVB/Car/ DB-WAX (0.5 mm, Biernackaand
different raw distillates’ PDMS); GC-MS 30 m, 0.25 mm) Wardencki, 2012
materials, i.e., corn, composition
wheat, and rye obtained from
different raw
Raw spirits Detection of aromatic SPME (DVB/Car/ Stabilwax-DA (0.5 mm, Plutowska and
compound PDMS); GC-O, 30 m, 0.32 mm) Wardencki, 2009
Raw spirits Determination of fatty HS-SPME (PDMS); SPB-20 (1 mm, 30 m, Plutowska and
acids GC-FID, GC-MS 0.25 mm) Wardencki, 2008
Raw spirits Discrimination of SPME (PDMS/PA/ GC-FID CP-Wax 57B o»kowska and Jele
Zi n,
spirits based on their Car, Car/PDMS, (20 mm, 50 m, 2012
origin DVB/PDMS, Car/ 0.25 mm), GC-MS
DVB/PDMS); Supelcowax-10 (0.25
GC-MS, GC-FID v, 30 m, 0.25 mm)
Thai spirit made of Identification of volatile GC-FID Stabiwax (Restek) Wechgama et al.,
sticky rice compounds (0.2 mm, 60 m, 2008b
responsible for the 0.25 mm)
spirit’s aroma
Spirits made of Thai Analysis of selected GC-MS Stabiwax and Wechgama et al., 2008a
rice compounds Stabiwax-DA
0.25 mm, 60 m,
0.25 mm)
Vodkas and rectified Determination of LLE, HS-SPME; DB 1301 (0.25 mm, Sowi
nski et al., 2005
spirits carbonyl compounds GC-ECD 30 m, 0.32 mm)
Vodka Detection and the GC-FID, GC-MS HP-FFAP (0.52 mm, Savchuk et al., 2006
concentration 50 m, 0.32 mm)
measurement of
selected compounds
Vodka Analysis of volatile SPME (100 mm Rtx-5 (3 mm, 30 m, Wardencki et al., 2003
carbonyl compounds PDMS) GC-ECD 0.32 mm)
“Krystal super-luxury” Content determination GC-FID Rt Wax 60 m Savchuk et al., 2006
rectified ethyl alcohol of selected

(Continued on next page)

Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 215

Table 1. Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of selected alcoholic beverages (Continued)
Alcohol Subject of Extraction and
type investigation equipment Columns Reference

Whiskey Comparison of two SPME (PDMS, DVB/ HP-5MS (0.25 mm, Demyttenaere et al.,
extraction methods, Car/PDMS SBME; 30 m, 0.25 mm) 2003
i.e., SPME and SBSE GC-MS
for identifying the
largest possible
number of volatile
Whiskey Analysis of ethanol and GC-C-IRMS CP WAX 57 CB (1 mm, Rhodes et al., 2009
related compounds 30 m, 0.53 mm)
Whiskey (Irish and Identification of 17 SPME (PA), GC-MS CP Wax 57CB (50 m, Fitzgerald et al., 2000
Scotch varieties) taste congeners 0.2 mm, 0.25 mm)
containing fusel
alcohols, acetates,
and esters
Investigation of flavor
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

Scotch whiskey SPME (Car/PDMS), DB Waxter (30 m, C^

amara et al., 2007
profiles in different GC-MS 0.25 mm, 0.5 mm)
kinds of whiskey
Whiskey Identification of green MDGC-MS-O DB-1701 (30 m, 1 mm, Wanikawa et al., 2002
note compounds in 0.25 mm), DB-Wax
malt whiskey (25 m, 0.25 mm,
0.25 mm)
Whiskey Quantitative analysis of GC/MS/MS SP-10 (60 m, 0.25 mm, Brumley et al., 1988
ethyl carbamate 0.25 mm)
Whiskey and brandy Detection of 12 SPME (DVB/Car/ HP-5 (0.25 mm, 30 m, Campillo et al., 2008
haloanisoles PDMS); GC-AED 0.32 mm)
Cachaça, whisky, and Quantitative and GC-MS HP-FFAP (0.33 mm, Nascimento et al., 2008
rum qualitative analysis 50 m, 0.2 mm)
of selected esters that
are responsible for an
aroma in chosen
Cachaça Determination of ethyl GC-MS DB-Wax (0.50 mm, Baffa J
unior et al., 2011
carbamate content at 60 m, 0.25 mm)
different stages of
alcohol production
Rum Possibility of SPME (PDMS); GC- SPB-5 (0.25 mm, 30 m, Pino, 2007
distinguishing rum FID 0.25 mm)
samples in relation to
their age, namely, 3-
and 7-year-old rums
Cachaça Determination of the SPME (PA), LLE; GC- HP-INNOWAX Nonato et al., 2001
content of FID, GC-MS (0.4 mm, 50 m,
compounds 0.2 mm)
belonging to 1-
propyl, isobutyl, 1-
butyl, and isoamyl
White rum Determination of HS-SPME (PDMS), SPB-5 (30 m, 0.25 mm, Pino et al., 2002
higher fatty acids GC-FID 0.25 mm)
Rum and cachaça Determination of LLE, GC-O, GC-MS HP5-MS (30 m, de Souza et al., 2006
aromatic compounds 0.2 mm), DB-5
(13.5 m, 0.32 mm)

(Continued on next page)

216 P. Wi
sniewska et al.

Table 1. Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of selected alcoholic beverages (Continued)
Alcohol Subject of Extraction and
type investigation equipment Columns Reference

Rum and cachaça Comparison of the GC-MS, GC-FID Among others, HP- Cardoso et al., 2004b
composition of FFAD (50 m,
alcohol matrices; 0.33 mm, 0.2 mm)
analysis of selected
compounds and
Cachaca, tiquira, Sample analysis with GC-MS HP-FFAP (0.3 mm, Fitzgerald et al., 2000
grappa, whiskey, regard to the 50 m, 0.20 mm)
rum, brandy, tequila, presence of dimethyl
and vodka sulfide
Cachaca, rum, fruit Comparison of the SPME (85 mm PA); BPX5 (0.25 mm, 30 m, Cardeal and Marriott,
liqueurs, gin, composition of GC £ GC/TOF-MS 0.25 mm) and 2009
whiskey, tequila, and alcohol matrices BPX20 (0.1 mm,
vodka 1.5 m, 0.1 mm)
BPX5 (0.25 mm, 30 m,
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

Cachaça Comparison of the HS-SPME (PA); Timmer et al., 1971

composition of GC £ GC/TOF-MS 0.25 mm) and BP20
alcohols from (0.1 mm, 1.5 m,
different distillation 0.1 mm)
Orujo Analysis of volatile HS-SPME (65 mm HP-Innowax (0.25 mm, García-Martín et al.,
compounds CW/DVB); GC-MS 30 m, 0.25 mm) 2010
characterized by their
botanical and
geographical origin
and the distillation
Orujo Quantitative analysis of HS-SPME (CW/DVB); HP-Innowax (0.25 mm, Pe~
na et al., 2008
selected volatile GC-MS 30 m, 0.25 mm)
Orujo Discrimination of GC-FID Chrompack CP-Wax Dieguez et al., 2005
varieties based on the 57CB (0.25 mm,
quantitative and 50 m, 0.25 mm)
qualitative analysis
of selected
Orujo Quantitative analysis of GC-FID CP-WAX-57 CB L
azquez et al.,
33 volatile (2 mm, 50 m, 2010
compounds in order 0.32 mm)
to distinguish the
orujo varieties
Orujo Analysis of the main GC-FID CHROMPACK CP- Cortes et al., 2005
volatile compounds WAX 57CB
in order to (0.25 mm, 50 m,
discriminate between 0.25 mm)
homemade and
industrial alcohols
Orujo Quantitative analysis of GC-MS CHROMPACK CP- Dieguez et al., 2003
selected aromatic WAX 57B (0.25 mm,
compounds 50 m, 0.25 mm)
Chinese liqueur Content analysis of HS-SPME (PDMS) Do GD-FPD – HP-1 Liu and Jiang, 2002
mono-, di-, and 100 mm, LLE; GC- (0.17 mm, 25 m,
tributyltin FPD, GC-MS 0.32 mm) Do GC-
MS HP-5 (30 m,
0.25 mm, 0.25 mm)

(Continued on next page)

Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 217

Table 1. Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of selected alcoholic beverages (Continued)
Alcohol Subject of Extraction and
type investigation equipment Columns Reference

Chinese liqueur Characterization of GC £ GC-FID, DB-Petro, DB-1701 Zhu et al., 2007

volatile fraction GC £ GC-TOFMS
Chinese Yangue Daqu Investigation of HS-SPME (DVB/Car/ DB-Wax (0.25 mm, Fan and Qian, 2005
liqueur aromatic compounds PDMS 50/30 mm); 30 m, 0.32 mm) DB-
GC/O, GC-MS 5 (0.25 mm, 30 m,
0.32 mm)
Chinese Yanghe Dary Analysis of 70 aromatic LLE; GC-O, GC-FID, GC-O, GC-FID (DB- Fan and Qian, 2006a
compounds GC-MS Wax (0.25 mm,
30 m, 0.32 mm) and
DB-5 (0.25 mm,
30 m, 0.32 mm) GC-
MS the same
Chinese liqueur Analysis of aromatic GC-MS, GC-O, GC- GC-MS: DB-wax I DB- Fan and Qian, 2006b
compounds and the FID 5 (30 m, 0.25 mm,
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

comparison of 0.25 mm) GC-FID:

matrices in DB-wax (30 m,
Wuliangye and 0.25 mm, 0.32 mm) I
Jiannanchum DB-5 (30 m, 1 mm,
liqueurs 0.32 mm)
Chinese liqueur Detection of pyrazine LLE, GC-MS DB-Wax (30 m, Fan et al., 2007
compounds 0.25 mm, 0.25 mm),
HP-5 (30 m,
0.25 mm, 0.25 mm)
Spirits, whiskey, and Investigation of GC-FID CP-Wax 58 CB Wang et al., 2004
Chinese medicinal methanol (1.5 mm, 30 m,
liqueur concentration in 0.53 mm)
Cognac Investigation of aroma GC-O, GC-MS CP Wax (50 m, Lablanquie et al., 2002
profiles 0.2 mm, 0.25 mm)
Cognac and calvados Identification of GC-MS ZB-Wax (30 m, Ledauphin et al., 2006
carbonyl volatile 1.5 mm, 0.25 mm)
compounds at trace-
level and sulfur in
fresh distillates
Cognac Analysis of selected GC-MS HP-INNOWAX (60 m, Panosyan et al., 2001
volatile compounds 0.5 mm, 0.25 mm)
French brandy Comparison of the GC-MS BP-20 (50 m, 0.25 mm, Yilmaztekin et al., 2011
(armagnac, cognac, volatile fraction 0.25 mm), BP-5
calvados, and composition in (60 m, 0.25 mm,
mirabelle) different brandy 0.25 mm)
Cognac Investigation of the HS-SPME (PDMS/ HP-5ms (30 m, Watts and Butzke, 2003
relationship between DVB), GC-MS 0.25 mm, 0.25 mm)
the concentration of
methylketones and
aging time in cognac
Cognac Identification of aroma GC-O, GC-MS CP-WAX57CB (50 m, Ferrari et al., 2004
compounds in fresh 0.2 mm, 0.25 mm)
cognac not aged in a
Calvados Analysis of volatile LLE, GC-MS, GC- SPB-5 (30 m, 0.25 mm, Ledauphin et al., 2004
fraction in order to FID, GC-O 0.32 mm), BP-10
identify the (25 m, 0.25 mm,
compounds 0.25 mm)
influencing the
aroma of alcohol

(Continued on next page)

218 P. Wi
sniewska et al.

Table 1. Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of selected alcoholic beverages (Continued)
Alcohol Subject of Extraction and
type investigation equipment Columns Reference

Anise-flavored alcohols Analysis of volatile HS-SPME (Car/ ZB-5 (0.25 mm, 30 m, Jurado et al., 2007
(anis, pastis, fraction based on PDMS); GC-MS 0.25 mm)
sambuca, raki) selected compounds,
aimed at
different types of
anise alcohols
Turkish raki Investigation of HS-SPME (Car/ DB-WAX (30 m, Yilmaztekin et al., 2011
differences in raki PDMS); GC-MS 0.32 mm, 0.5 mm)
Whiskey, anisette, and Analysis of sulfur and HS-SPME (Car/ DB-624 (1.8 mm, 30 m, Campillo et al., 2009
vermouth selenium compounds PDMS); GC-AED 0.32 mm)
Gin Investigation of volatile SPME (DVB/Car/ HP-5MS (0.25 mm, Vichi et al., 2007
compounds in the PDMS), SDE; GC- 30 m, 0.25 mm)
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

berries of J. MS
Tequila Authentication of GC-IRMS SE 54 (1 mm, 25 m, Bauer-Christoph et al.,
tequila 0.32 mm) 2003
Tequila, rum, and Authentication of HS-SPME (PDMS/ HP-PLOT Q (0.32 mm, Aguilar-Cisneros et al.,
vodka tequila DVB); HRGC- 30 m, 0.32 mm) 2002
Tequila Discrimination of SPME (PDMS); GC- HP-5 (0.25 mm, 30 m, Vallejo-Cordoba et al.,
tequila types by MS 0.32 mm) 2004
quantitative analysis
of ethyl esters
Tequila Investigation of GC-FID, GC-MS GC-FID: DB-WAX Benn and Peppard,
aromatic compounds (30 m, 0.25 mm, 1996
0.32 mm); GC-MS:
DB-WAX (50 m,
0.25 mm, 0.25 mm),
DB-1 (30 m, 0.1 mm,
0.25 mm)
Tequila Determination of SPME (PDMS/DVB), ZB-5M (30 m, Pe~
na-Alvarez et al.,
terpenes GC-MS 0.25 mm, 0.32 mm) 2006
Mezcal Analysis of fatty acids GC-MS, GC-FID (GC-FID) Carbowax/ Martínez-Aguilar and
BTR (0.25 mm, Pe~ 
na-Alvarez, 2009
30 m, 0.25 mm),
Zebron (0.1 mm,
15 m, 0.25 mm)
Mezcal Analysis of compounds SPME (Car/DVB) GC- GC-MS: HP-FFAP De Leon-Rodríguez
found in mezcal MS GC-FID (25 m, 0.25 mm, et al., 2006
made from Agave 0.25 mm), GC-FID:
salmina HP-Innowax (30 m,
0.25 mm, 0.25 mm)
Mezcal Quantitative and GC-FID HP-INNOWAX Vera-Guzm
an et al.,
qualitative analysis (0.25 mm, 30 m, 2010
of the main 0.25 mm)
compounds present
in alcohols made
from two different
Tequila, mezcal, sotol, Analysis of selected GC-FID CP-WAX 52CB Lachenmeier et al.,
and bacanora compounds in order (0.5 mm, 60 m, 2006
to compare the 0.32 m)

(Continued on next page)

Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 219

Table 1. Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of selected alcoholic beverages (Continued)
Alcohol Subject of Extraction and
type investigation equipment Columns Reference

Spirit made from Investigation of the SPME (DVB/Car/ GC-FID Supelcowax Da Porto et al., 2003
oranges matrix and its PDMS); GC-FID, 10 (0.3 mm, 30 m,
composition in GC-MS 0.32 mm) and GC-
dependency on MS EC-WAX
ethanol (0.25 mm, 30 m,
concentration 0.25 mm)
Spirit made from The influence of SPME (DVB/Car/ GC-FID Supelcowax Da Porto et al., 2006
oranges sweeteners on PDMS); GC-FID, 10 (0.3 mm, 30 m,
volatile compounds GC-MS 0.32 mm) and GC-
in spirits MS EC-WAX
(0.25 mm, 30 m,
0.25 mm)
Pear distillate Identification and GC-FID TR-MetaWax (0.5 mm, García-Llobodanin
quantitative analysis 30 m, 0.25 mm) et al., 2008
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

of methanol, ethanol,
and the main
aromatic compounds
Fig spirit Identification and HS-SPME (PDMS/ GC-MS AT-WAX MS Galego et al., 20011
quantitative analysis DVB); GC-MS, GC- (0.25 mm, 30 m,
of the main aromatic FID 0.25 mm) GC-FID
compounds DB-WAX (0.25 mm,
30 m, 0.25 mm)
Mulberry spirit Analysis of volatile GC-FID CP-Wax 57 CB (50 m, Soufleros et al., 2004
compounds 0.22 mm)
Melon distillate Comparison of volatile GC-MS BP21 (50 m, 0.25 mm, Hernandez-G omez
fractions in 0.31 mm) et al., 2005
homemade and
Fruit-based spirits Analysis of selected SPME (Car/PDMS); GC-FID CP-WAX Spaho et al., 2013
(brandy) volatile compounds GC-FID, GC-MS 57CB (0.2 mm, 50 m,
in order to 0.32 mm) GC-MSD
distinguish different DB-WAX (0.25 mm,
brandy types 30 m, 0.25 mm)
Slivovitz Determination of GC-FID Carbowax 20 M (4 m Caldeira et al., 2004
ethanol, higher £ 2 mm) Carbopack
alcohols, and esters B80/120
Slivovitz and prune Determination of the GC-MS HP-INNOVAX (1 mm, Satora and Tuszy
brandy composition of 30 m, 0.53 mm) 2008
Sliwowica and
a comparison with
other types of
Cider Detection of volatile LLE; GC-MS FFAP (0.33 mm, 50 m, Mangas et al., 1996
compounds 0.22 mm)
originated during the
aging process in oak
Cider Investigation of the GC-FID TR-FFAP (1 mm, Rodriguez Madrera
influence of cider 30 m, 0.53 mm) et al., 2010
aging on its
Cider Analysis of volatile GC-FID MetaWax (30 m, Rodríguez Madrera
compounds 0.5 mm, 0.25 mm) and Su
arez Valles,

(Continued on next page)

220 P. Wi
sniewska et al.

Table 1. Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of selected alcoholic beverages (Continued)
Alcohol Subject of Extraction and
type investigation equipment Columns Reference

Cider Analysis of volatile HS-SPME Car/PDMS; DB-Wax (0.5 mm, Villiere et al., 2012
compounds that are GC-O, GC-FID, 30 m, 0.32 mm) I
responsible for cider GC £ GC-TOF-MS DB-5MS (0.25 mm,
aroma 2 m, 0.25 mm)
Cider Analysis of volatile GC-FID TR-FFAP (30 m, Picinelli et al., 2000
compounds 1 mm, 0.53 mm)
Lemon liqueur Quantitative analysis of GC-MS SE 52 (25 m, 0.25 mm, Se~
ans et al., 2001
(limoncello) volatile compounds 0.25 mm)
Brandy Quantitative and SPME (DVB/Car/ DB-Wax (30 m, Zhao et al., 2009
qualitative analysis PDMS) GC-MS 0.25 mm, 0.25 mm)
of volatile
Brandy Determination of GC-SFE, GC-FID Carbowax 20M (30 m, Se~
ans et al., 2001
ethanol content 0.25 mm, 0.25 mm)
DB-5 (30 m, 0.25 mm,
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

Brandy and whiskey Analysis of organic SPE, GC-MS Park et al., 1999
acids 0.25 mm)
Brandy Analysis of main GC-IR-MS HP-20M (Carbowax Laber et al., 1995
groups of volatile 20 M)
Brandy Analysis of aromatic GC-FID, GC-MS GC-FID: DB-WAX Caldeira et al., 2004
compounds (30 m, 0.25 mm,
0.32 mm); GC-MS:
DB-WAX (30 m,
0.25 mm, 0.25 mm)
Brandy Analysis of volatile LLE, SPME (PDMS); DB-Wax (30 m, Ebeler et al., 2000
compounds GC-FID, GC-MS, 0.25 mm, 0.32 mm)
Cupuassu liqueur Identification of volatile Different SPME fibers HP-1 (0.17 mm, 25 m, De Oliveira et al., 2004
compounds and (PDMS, Car/ 0.32 mm), HP-Wax
quantitative PDMS, PDMS/ (0.3 mm, 25 m,
determination of DVB); GC-AED 0.32 mm)
alkyl pyrazine
Tsipouro Quantitative analysis of GC-MS DB-Wax (0.25 mm, Apostolopoulou et al.,
main volatile 30 m, 0.32 mm) 2005

Most frequently applied techniques in the analysis of orujo 2007). GC-MS (Fan and Qian, 2005, 2006b; Liu and Jiang,
were GC-FID (Cortes et al., 2005; Dieguez et al., 2005; 2002; Wang et al., 2004) and GC-FID (Campillo et al., 2008;
Lopez-V azquez et al., 2010) and GC-MS (García-Martín Fan and Qian, 2006b; Wang et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2007)
et al., 2010; Pe~
na et al., 2008). In some cases, the data analy- were mainly employed. In addition, GC-O (Fan and Qian,
sis was conducted by using statistical methods such as 2005, 2006a, 2006b) was used to analyze volatile compounds.
ANOVA (Cortes et al., 2005; Dieguez et al., 2005), PCA, lin- Moreover, as reported in Liu and Jiang (2002), GC-FPD was
ear discriminant analysis (LDA), and cluster analysis (CA) used to analyze the contents of mono-, di-, and tributyltin. It
(García-Martín et al., 2010). was shown that the aforementioned compounds are present
Chinese liqueur was also the subject of investigation. Its in Chinese liqueurs at low concentration levels that are com-
volatile fraction was analyzed to investigate aromatic sub- parable to those measured in dry wines (Liu and Jiang, 2002).
stances (Fan and Qian, 2005, 2006a, 2006b) and compare the Moreover, the modern technique of GC £ GC-TOF-MS was
compositions of different Chinese liqueurs, i.e., Wuliangue used in the analysis, which allowed for identifying 528 com-
and Jiannunchum (Fan and Qian, 2006b). The contents of pounds (Zhu et al., 2007).
mono-, di-, and tributyltin (Liu and Jiang, 2002), pyrazine The volatile fraction of cognac was analyzed in order to
compounds (Fan and Zhang, 2007), and methanol (Wang determine the aroma profile (Ferrari et al., 2004; Lablanquie
et al., 2004) were also investigated. Two types of extraction et al., 2002) and the concentration of methylketones (Watts
were applied, HS-SPME (Fan and Qian, 2005; Liu and Jiang, and Butzke, 2003). Calvados was analyzed together with
2002) and LLE (Fan and Qian, 2006a; Fan and Zhang, cognac to identify the trace amounts of carbonyl and sulfur
Analysis of Alcoholic Beverages 221

compounds (Ledauphin et al., 2006). The compounds influ- and quantitative analysis was conductedfor the main volatile
encing the aroma of calvados were investigated (Ledauphin compounds, inter alia, esters (De Le on-Rodríguez et al., 2006,
et al., 2003). The matrices of French alcohols such as, arma- 104). In order to discriminate volatile fractions of mezcal alco-
gnac, cognac, calvados, and mirabelle were comparatively hol made from two different agave species, ANOVA was
analyzed. A total of 207 volatile compounds was identified. used. The analysis was conducted by GC-FID technique using
The statistical method PLS-DA was applied to perform data direct injection (Vera-Guzman et al., 2010). A comparative
analysis. It was demonstrated that aldehydes occur at higher analysis of the volatile fractions of selected Spanish alcohols
concentration levels in mirabelle, while the high concentra- (tequila, mezcal, stool, and bacanora) was performed (Lachen-
tion of butan-2-ol is characteristic for calvados. On the other meier et al., 2006). Differences between the two varieties of
hand, many furan compounds are present in cognac, and tequila were demonstrated. In “100% agave” tequila com-
armagnac is characterized by the presence of 1-(ethoxye- pounds such as methanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-
thoxy)-2-methylbutane and g-eudesmol (Ledauphin et al., butanol and 2-phenylethanol are present at concentration lev-
2010). For analyzing these beverages, GC-MS (Ferrari et al., els lower than those in “mixed” tequila. In the samples of sotol
2004; Ledauphin et al., 2003, 2002, 2006, 2010; Panosyan the measured concentrations of nitrogen compounds were
et al., 2001; Watts and Butzke, 2003) and GC-O (Ferrari higher, while the concentrations of 2-methyl-1-butanol and 3-
et al., 2004; Ledauphin et al., 2002, 2003) were mostly methyl-1-butanol were lower. High concentrations of acetalde-
employed. In particular, the GC-O method was used to ana- hyde were characteristic for samples of bacarole, while the
lyze aromatic compounds. composition of mezcal did not show significant differences
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

The application of gas chromatography also allows for (Lachenmeier et al., 2006). The SPME (Benn and Peppard,
distinguishing the volatile fraction of anise alcohols (Jurado 1996; De Le on-Rodríguez et al., 2006; Vallejo-Cordoba et al.,
et al., 2007; Yilmaztekin et al., 2011). In Jurado et al. (2007) 2004) and HS-SPME (Vallejo-Cordoba et al., 2004) techni-
and Yilmaztekin et al. (2011) the compounds characteristic ques were used in the analysis of Spanish alcohols. Mostly the
for anise alcohols, e.g., b-himachalene, b-pinene, b-elemene, GC-MS (Benn and Peppard, 1996; De Le on-Rodríguez et al.,
and ledene, were collated in tables. All the obtained results 2006; Pe~ na-Alvarez et al., 2006; Vallejo-Cordoba et al., 2004)
were analyzed by means of statistical methods such as PCA and GC-FID (De Le on-Rodríguez et al., 2006; Kloskowski
(Jurado et al., 2007; Yilmaztekin et al., 2011), LDA, and and Mikulski, 2010; Martínez-Aguilar et al., 2009; Vera-
artificial neural network (ANN) (Jurado et al., 2007). In Guzman et al., 2010) systems were applied. Moreover, in Val-
Campillo et al. (2009) the authors presented the results of lejo-Cordoba et al. (2004) the use of GC-IRMS (isotope ratio
analysis of the sulfur and selenium compounds present in mass spectrometry) to authenticate tequila from the Jalisco
anisette, whiskey, and vermouth. It was demonstrated that region was reported.
the combination of HS-SPME with GC-AED is reliable in Fruit alcohols are a very large group of spirit-based bever-
the case of analyzing, inter alia, dimethyl sulfide, ethyl methyl ages. The matrix composition, in particular ethanol content,
sulfide, diethyl sulfide, and methionol. In the aforementioned was investigated in orange spirits (Da Porto et al., 2003). In
articles the previously mentioned HS-SPME method with addition, the influence of added sweeteners on volatile com-
Car/PDMS fiber (Campillo et al., 2009; Jurado et al., 2007; pounds was also researched (Da Porto et al., 2006). In both
Yilmaztekin et al., 2011), and GC-MS technique (Jurado aforementioned cases, the SPME method with DVB/Car/
et al., 2007; Yilmaztekin et al., 2011) was employed. PDMS fiber was applied. The GC-MS and GC-FID techni-
For gin samples, analysis of only the volatile fraction in ques were employed (Da Porto et al., 2003, 2006). Pear distil-
J. communis berries, used in gin production, has been per- lates were analyzed for their identification and the
formed. Two extraction methods, i.e., SPME with DVB/ quantitative analysis of methanol, ethanol, and the main aro-
Car/PDMS fiber and single drop extraction (SDE), and GC- matic compounds, inter alia, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl dec-
MS technique were employed in these investigations. The anoate, and ethyl-2-trans-4-cis-decadienoate; the latter are
numbers of compounds identified by means of the two extrac- responsible for a pleasant fruity flavor of the alcohol. The
tion methods were similar. The following compounds were results were analyzed by using ANOVA, PCA, and LDS
included: monoterpenes (among others, tricyclene, a-pinene, (García-Llobodanin et al., 2008). In fig spirits the main com-
a-terpinene, limonene, o-cymene, and b-myrcene), oxidized pounds, e.g., ethanol, ethyl acetate, methanol, isopentanol,
monoterpenes (among others, camphor, cuminal, myrtenal, and ethyl laureate were identified and quantitatively deter-
linalool, and verbenone), and sesquiterpenes (among others, mined. The analysis was performed by HS-SPME with
a-cubebene, a-humulene, a-selinene, g-elemene, and g-muur- PDMS/DVB fiber, and by means of GC-MS and GC-FID
olene) (Vichy et al., 2007). techniques (Galego et al., 2011). On the other hand, samples
There are numerous published studies on volatile fraction of mulberry spirit were analyzed for volatile compounds
analysis in tequila and mezcal. Mostly the investigations con- exclusively by GC-FID (Soufleros et al., 2004). Researchers
sidered the authentication of tequila (Aguilar-Cisneros et al., also compared different volatile fractions of homemade and
2002; Bauer-Christoph et al., 2003) and discrimination of its commercial distillates produced from melon by applying the
varieties based on the quantitative analysis of ethyl esters (Val- GC-MS technique (Hernandez-G omez et al., 2005). In addi-
lejo-Cordoba et al., 2004). Terpenes (Pe~ na-Alvarez et al., tion, compounds such as acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, metha-
2006) and aromatic compounds (Benn and Peppard, 1996) nol, and higher alcohols were analyzed in order to
were also determined. For mezcal, fatty acids (Martínez-Agui- discriminate among fruit spirits. To this end, SPME with
lar and Pe~ 
na-Alvarez, 2009) were analyzed, and qualitative Car/PDMS fiber together with the GC-MS and GC-FID
222 P. Wi
sniewska et al.

techniques were employed (Winterov a et al., 2008). For slivo- advantages such as good resolution and high sensitivity GC
vitz samples originating from various countries, the contents is becoming increasingly more popular in the analysis of sam-
of methanol, esters, and higher alcohols were determined ples with complex matrices. Despite high costs and the need
(Spaho et al., 2013), and the matrix composition was identi- to have well-trained personnel, the development of gas chro-

fied in order to discriminate among Polish Sliwowica ºacka,
˛ matography is dynamic, as confirmed by numerous publica-
Slovak Prav a Bosacka Slivovica, and Romanian Tzuica from tions. At present, scientists more frequently employ 2-D gas
Clej-Napoca (Spaho et al., 2013). To identify the differences chromatography, which allows the identification of a couple
in slivovitz composition, the statistical method ANOVA was of hundreds of compounds. The following alcohols have been
applied. It was demonstrated that Polish slivovitz has the analyzed: vodka, whiskey, cachaça, tequila, mezcal, brandy,
highest ethanol concentration; the lowest methanol concen- cognac, cider, spirits of plant and fruit origin, anise alcohols,
tration was determined in the Slovak variety of slivovitz. gin, calvados, and liqueurs. Mostly esters and alcohols were
Moreover, a distinct characteristic of Romanian slivovitz determined in the spirit-based beverages. The most popular
was detected, namely, the highest concentration of ethyl ace- extraction method was SPME due to its high sensitivity and
tate (Satora and Tuszy nski, 2008). The techniques of GC-MS small size of equipment, but primarily because of the short
(Mangas et al., 1996; Versari et al., 2003), GC-FID (Picinelli time needed for sample preparation prior to analysis. The
et al., 2000; Rodriguez Madrera et al., 2007, 2010; Villiere GC-MS and GC-FID techniques were most frequently
et al., 2012), GC-O (Villiere et al., 2012), and GC £ GC- applied in the analysis of spirit-based alcohols. Undoubtedly,
TOF-MS (Villiere et al., 2012) were used to analyze volatile gas chromatography will continue to be widely used in the
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 12:11 11 April 2015

fractions in samples of different ciders in relation to volatile analysis of spirit-based beverages in the future.
compounds (Picinelli et al., 2000; Rodriguez Madrera et al.,
2007; Villiere et al., 2012), aromatic compounds (Villiere
et al., 2012), and the influence of the aging process on cider References
composition (Mangas et al., 1996; Rodriguez Madrera et al.,
2010). For the Italian lemon liqueur limoncello, the quantita- Adahchour, M.; Beens, J.; Vreuls, R. J. J.; Brinkman, U. A. Th. Recent
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