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Cambridge Young Learners English Tests Cambridge Movers 4 Answer Booklet Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: English for Speakers of Other Languages CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi Cambridge University Press ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge’CB2 8RU, UK Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press 2007 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2005 Updated edition 2007 Reprinted 2009 Printed in Dubai by Oriental Press A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-0-521-69402-5 Answer Booklet ISBN 978-0-521-69401-8 Student’s Book ISBN 978-0-521-69403-2 cassette ISBN 978-0-521-69404-9 CD (audio) Cover design by David Lawton Produced by HL Studios Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such website or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work are correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Contents Introduction 4 Test 1 Answers 6 Test 2 Answers 12 Test 3 Answers 18 Combined Starters and Movers Thematic Vocabulary List 24 Introduction ‘The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests offer an clementary-level testing system for learners of English between the ages of 7 and 12. The tests include 3 key levels of assessment: Starters, Movers and Flyers. ‘Movers is the second level in the system. Test instructions are very simple and consist only of words and structures specified in the syllabus. The complete test lasts about an hour and has the following components: Listening, Reading and Writing, and Speaking. length umber of parts umber of tome Listening 2ppr0K 25 minutes ss 25 Reading and Writing ee 40 Speaking appi0n 5-7 minutes | 4 : : Candidates need a pen or pencil for the Reading and Writing paper, and coloured pens or pencils for the Listening paper. All answers are written on the question papers. Listening In general, the aim is to focus on the ‘here and now’ and to use language in meaningful contexts. In addition to multiple choice and short answer questions, candidates are asked to use coloured pencils to mark their responses to one task. There are 5 parts. Each part begins with a clear example. part ‘main sil focus input ‘expected response umber of tems 1 picture, names and dialogue | draw lines to match names to 5 people ina picture 2 | the main sk focus in al fue] form or page of notepad —_| ite words or numbers 5 parts ofthe Listening testis | with missing words and | in gaps listening for specific dalogue | | ——| information of various kinds, }- 3 | 2.9.numbers, describing | pictures, days of the week | draw lines trom days of 5 | paoplo, ote and dialogue week to correct pictures | 4 S-option multiple-choice | tick boxes next to correct 5 pictures and dialogues picture 5 | picture and dialogue: ‘catty out instructions to colour 5 and draw or write (range of Colours is: black, blue, brown, ‘green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow) Reading and Writing ‘Again, the focus is on the ‘here and now” and the use of language in meaningful contexts where possible. To complete the test, candidates need a single pen or pencil of any colour. There are 6 parts, each starting. with a clear example. Introduction pon | main sil focus input avpacted esponsetem ype | pumber of items + | reading short definitons and | labelled pictures and | copying the correct words 6 tnatehing to words ofintione next othe definitions wating words 2 | reading sentonces and witing | picture and sentences | wie 'yesno! 6 “yes! or na! as appropriate 3 | ating a datogue and choosing] short cialoguo with __| choose correct response 6 the correct responses, ‘iultplechoice responses | by cirling a letor 4 | reacing or specie Hore toe, words and | choose and copy missing 7 information and gist pictures words corecty ek & 80% to ‘hoase tho beste for the copying words story 5 | roading stoy and stony pictures and gapped | complete eaniances about 10 Completing sentences sentences the story by wing 1, 2 or About the story words 6 | reading and understanaing | gapped'vext ar 3-opion | completo text by solocting 5 text multiple choice | the correct words and copying | (Grammatical words) them in coresponding gaps eying words | Speaking In the Speaking test, the candidate speaks with 1 examiner for about 6 minutes, The format of the test is explained in advance to the child in their native language, by a teaches or person familiar to them. This petson then takes the child into the exam room and introduces them to the examiner. Speaking ability is assessed according to various criteria, including comprehension, the ability to produce an appropriate response and pronunciation. art] main sil foous ingut expected response + | describing two pletures by using short responses |two similar pictures identity four diferences between pictures 2 understanding the beginning ot = story and then picture gequence | deseribe each picture in turn continuing it based on a series of pictures 3 | suggesting a picture whichis diferent anc picture sets identity the odd one out and give explaining why reason 4 | understanding and responding to personal questions answer personal questions Further information “The topics, structures, wards and tasks upon which the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests ase based are comprehensively described in the Handbook, so teachers ot parents can know exactly what to expect. Further information about the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests can be obtained from the Local Secretary for Cambridge ESOL examinations in your area, or from: Cambridge ESOL (YLE Subject Officer) “Felephone: +44 1223 553997 Cambridge Assessment Pax: +44 1223 460278 1 Hills Road Cambridge e-mail: CBI 2EU www.CambridgeBSOL org United Kingdom Test 1 Answers Listening Part 1 (5 marks) Lines should be drawn between: 1 Daisy and the blonde girl eating sandwiches 2 Jim and the boy putting the chairs out 3 Jill and the girl in the red skirt queuing for lunch 4 Fred and the boy with the glasses in the blue sweater 5 Sally and the girl in green trousers reading at the table Part 2 (5 marks) 1 Friday 2 (a) story 4 (the) junglesfjungles| Part 3 (5 marks) 3 (about) 2wo 5 Lost (correct spelling) Tuesday Wednesday Monday Saturday Sunday Thursday Part 4 (5 marks) oy ieee 2 Cees Reena TAwEE SIC) Part 5 (S marks) 1 Colour the bottle next to the cakes ~ orange 2 Draw a ball next to the tree 3 Colour the dog asleep under the tree ~ black 4 Colour the big apple at the top of the tree ~ green 5 Colour the sweater of the woman in the chair ~ pink TRANSCRIPT Hello. ‘This is the Cambridge Movers Practice Listening Test, Test 1. Wow: Bor Part 1 Look at Part 1. Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. Woman: [pause] nats Woman: Hello, Sam. Are you hungry? Bor, Oh, hall, Miss Groon .. yes | am. Won: Are these chien in your class? 8 Bov: Yes, there's my friend Paul aa Worn: Is he the boy who's carrying his lunch to fOMANE the table? Gus Boy: Yes, he's got French fries and an apple. Me [pause] Can you see the line? This is an example, Now you listen and draw Bor: lines, Won [pause] Bow: Wo Poul say a Jn ‘Who's the git with the long, blonde hair? Do you mean the girl who's eating ‘sandwiches? Yes. ‘Thats Daisy, ke her {pause] 2 Look at Jim! {can't see him. Where is he? He's helping Mrs Cross. Oh, yos. Ho's carrying a chair for her. [pause] g ‘There's ull She's choosing something to eat, Oh... there are two girls there. Yes, but lls the one with the red skirt Oh, yes, can see now, Wows: Bor Women Bor: Bor: Wow Boy: Wows: Bor: Part 2 aw: Boy + Girt Moe Gr: Maw Girt: Maw Grn: Maw: Gin: Bor: Ma: Boy: Mai pause} 4 Uke Fred's new glasses. Where ise? There! Look, he's woaring a blue sweater. Oh, sory. diet see him there {pausel s ‘Who's the new gi? Do you know? Which one do you mean? She's siting there, reading « book, She's wearing green trousers. Oh, that’s Sally, I's her frst day at this school, Would you ike to sit with her? OK. can help her. [pause] Now listen to Part 1 again. {The recording is repeated.] {pauise] That is the end of Pant 1. [pause] Listen and look. There is one example. [pause] Good morning, children Good morning, Mr Brown. I have some homework to give you. | want you all to write this in your books. ‘OK. (sit our English homework? Yes, so write ‘English’ at the top ot your books. OK. pause} Can you see the answer? Now you listen and write. [pause] 1 Now. You must do the homework this week Which day hal! wo giv Ito you, Mr Brown? On Friday, please, x hen Fry Ipeutel 2 0, what do wo have 1 40? Well want you alo do some witing What taf wing? Astor, pease, Gn goed. wring stron, (pause| Gr: Maw: Girt: Ma Maw Bor: Maw: Bor: wane Girt: Maw: Girt: Girt: Part 3 Gre: Maw: Gir: Maw iru: Test 1 Answers 3 How-ong does it have ta be? ‘Ah, that's a good question. Um, about {wo pagos, please. But! can only write slowly! Can | do one page, please? No! | want you all to write two pages. [pause] 4 ‘What have we got to write about? Can we choose? No. | want you to write about the jungle. That's dificult | can’t 60 that. You must try, Nick. We saw a fim about Jungles yesterday. Well... Fan try [pause] 5 ‘Now, hare’s the name of a book. Write it in your books, please. Is this for nomework? Yes. | want you all to ty and read it. What's the name of the book? ‘The Lost Word’ ‘The Last World’? No. LO-S-T. OK, Mr Brown. pause} Now listen to Part 2 again, {The recording is cepeated.] [pause] That is the end of Part 2. [pause] Look at the pictures. What did Jane do last week? Listen and look. There is one example. pause] Hello, dane. ite goed to see you in ‘schoo! again. ‘Thanks, Mr Park. Would you like to tel the class about your holiday? (OK. The best day was Monday. 1 climbed a mountain! Wow! Did you? Yes. [pause] Can you see the line from the word Monday? On Monday, Jane climbed a mountain. Now you listen and draw lines. [pause] Test 1 Answers Maw: Gir: Maw: Gir Gare: Maw Gru: Maw Gin: Maw Gir: Ma Gir Mae Guru: Maw: iru: Maw: Gain: Maw: Gir: Maw: Gira: Part 4 Woman: Boy: 1 What about Thursday? “Thursday? Ohl Dad and went fishing Did you catch any fish? Nol We wanted some for inner but we dic catch any. [pause] 2 One day, we went on a river boat. (Oh, tll ust Which day was that? Friday | tink. Oh, no. it was Wednesday. We took a picnic with us. ‘So you enjoyed that day? Yes! My sister threw her sandwich inthe water forthe fish, It was funy. [pause] 3 ‘And did you go swimming? ‘Yes, on Tuesday. We swam in the sea on Tuesday. Hove doing that. ‘Me tool Was the water cold? Yes! [pause] 4 Did you have any bad weather? Yes. Sunday was the worst. It rained all day. Oh, dear! Did you go for a drive? No. We walked to a farm. The ducks liked the rain! We laughed at them! [pause] 5 ‘And when did you come home? (On Saturday. We were in the car all day. But did you stop for lunch? Yes. We stopped in a village. was a good holiday then? Oh, yes! We all enjoyed it. [pause] Now listen to Part 3 again, [The recording is repeated.) [pause] That is the end of Part 3. {pause} Look at the pictures. Listen and look. There is one example. {pause} What does Nick want for breakfast? [pause] Good morning, Nick! Would you lke some breakfast? Yes, please, Mum, Can | have some eggs? Wows: Bor: Woman: Girt: Woman: iru: Wouan: Maw: Gir: Maw: Gin: Maw Girt: Wonan: Bov: Wowat: Bor: Wowa Gru Gru: Gru: Woven: Wonan: Bor: Wow: Sorry, Nick. | haven't got any. You can have some fruit or some bread and cheese, No, thanks. | don’t want that [pause] Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box. [pause] Which girl is May's sister? Hello, May. What are you doing? {Ym trying to find my sister. She went to buy an ice cream and now I can't see her. ''can help you. Has she got fair hair ike you? Yes ... and she's wearing a blue coat. There she Is... look! [pause] Where did Kim play? What did you do at the weokend, Kim? We played with our kites. It was great. Did you go to the beach? No. | played in the fal. ‘Which one — behind your house? Yes, twas very windy up there. Its better than the one next to the river. [pause] Which animals did Sam like best at the zoo? Did you enjoy the zoo, Sam? Yes, thanks. We saw all the animals. Which did you like best ~ the lions? No, my brother liked them, but I iked the pandas best. ‘Oh, yes... they're OK. But the bears are imy favourites. [pause] What did Jill buy at the shops? Hello, vill. Did you go to the shops after school? Yes. | wanted to buy something for Sue — its her birthday today. ‘Oh right. What did you choose ~ a CD? No, she didn’t want one. | bought a video. ‘That's good. Her mum and dad gave her ‘some new skates. [pause] What's Ben's mum cooking for supper? What are you doing, Mum? ''m cooking supper. Are you hungry? Yes, | am! Is it chicken? No, it's pasta today. Ohl Can wo have French fries? No, we can't have them every day! {pause} Part S Woman: Bor: Woes: Bov: Woma: Bow: Wowan: Bor: Wowtan: Bor: Wont: Bor Worn Wontan: Bor. ‘Woman Woman Wowan: Boy: Wouan: Wonan: Wouaw: Bow: Now listen to Part 4 again, [The recording is repeated.] [pause] ‘That is the end of Part 4. [pause] Look at the pictsre. Listen and look ‘There is one example. [pause] Hello, Tom. Do you want to colour ‘his picture? Yes, please. I'd lke to climb that tree! Well inthe picture there are two boys ho are climbing the tree. ‘One of thom has & hat. Right, can you colour that? (OK. The boy's hat. 'm colouring it red, Good. [pause] Can you see the red bat? This is an example. Now you listen ard colour and drav. [pause] 1 What now? Can you see all the picnic things on the Blanket? Mmm ... the cakes look good. Yes, | know. Well, next to them is a bottle. The bottle next to the cakos? ‘Yes, Colour it orange. [pause] 2 Would you like do some drawing now? ‘Well... is it something cifioutt? No. Can you draw a ball? Yes, that's easy. But where? Pua the ball nevtto the tree. [pause] 3 Now some more colouring. ‘Yes. What about the dogs? Which one do you lke best? The one that’s sleeping under the tree. Right. The dog that's cleoping. Colour that one black, {pause} 4 an I colour an apple now? OK, but which on0? There are a lot of apples on the tree. ‘Wall, there's one very big one these, at the top of the te. Test 1 Answers Wout: OK. The one at the top of the tree. What colour would you tke? Bor: Groen, | think {pause} 5 Wouan: Last thing now. There's a woman there. Boy: Do you mean the ono who's kicking the ball? iow Nol The older woman. She's siting in the chair. She's wearing a sweater and skit. Bor: OK. Can | colour her sweater? | want 10 colour pink. ‘wou, Fine, That looks good now. [pause] Now listen to Part 5 again. (The recording is repeated.) [pause] “That is the end of the Movers Practice Listening Test 1 Reading and Writing Part 1 (6 marks) 1 aforest 2 stairs 3 fields 4 doors § ariver 6 alift Part-2.(6 marks) Lyes 2no 3 yes Ayes S yes 6 v0 Part 3 (6 marks) 1A 2B 3C 4A SB GA Part 4 (7 marks) Lgrass 2 glasses 3 jumped 4 bat Safraid Gran 7 Sleeping in the garden Part 5 (10 marks) J tennis 2 computes 3 park 4 Sunday (morning) 5 his bike 6 bedroom 7 cheese sandwiches 8 (2/two) sisters 9 hot and sarmy/sunny and hot 10 table tennis Part 6 (5 marks) all 2 these 3 say 4 don't 5 in Test 1 Answers Speaking Part | Examiner does this: | Examiner says this: | Minimum response | Back-up questions: ‘expected from child: | Usher brings candiate in, | Usher to examiner: Hello This is (childs names | Examiner: Hello, *. My name's Jane/lds Smith, | Hello How old are you, *? ine ‘Are you nine/ten? 1 | Points to Find the Look at these pictures. | alifforence car, They look the same, but | some things are different. Hore there are two houses, but here there's ‘one house. What other different Deseribes four other Point o other differences | things can you see? | differences: the candidate does | + kite fyingikte on grass | not mention. * git standing/gil running * birdicat Give frst halt of response: | «+ rediyollow leaves Here the kite 1s | flying, but. 2 | Points to Story card, Now look at these pletures. They show story. It's called ‘Tom's ‘cake’ Just look at the pictures first. (Pause). Look at the first one. | Ws a sunny day. | Toms in the park with his| father. He's got a cake. ‘Now you tell the story. | (Many variations possible) | Questions to prompt (pointing atthe other other parts ofthe story: pictures) ‘Now there's another baby| Who's in the park now? in the park with her What has she got in ‘mother. Sho's got a hher hana? bottle of milk. ‘Now Tom's taking the | What's Tom doing? ‘milk. The git! has got his | What's the gil doing cake. The gir’s eating | now? the cake. Tom's drinking | What's Tom doing? the milk. Ho's happy. | Is he happy? The girt's mother is What's the girt's mother looking at the cake and | doing? Tom's father is fooking | And Tom's father? at the milk. They don't understand! * Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test. Test 1 Answers ~ i . : Part | Examiner does this: | Examiner says this. | Minimum response | Back-up questions: expected from child 3 | Points to Find the Now look at these four different ones card, plotures. One is different. The book Is diferent. A lemon, a pineapple and {an orange are fruit, You ‘bat them.You don't eat a book. You read it. Pols to the second, third | Now you tell me about | Candidate suggests a__| These people are ... and jour sete of pictures | these pictures. Which | itference (any plausible in turn cone Is different? (Why?) | diference is acceptable) (sad) Horo the weather's .. (sunny) ‘And here its... (cloudy) ‘Where aro these people? (island) ‘And these? (garden) 4 | Puts away alipicturos. | Now let's talk about you and the places you go to. Where do youge after | home Do you go home ‘school? after echool? Where do you like going | park } Do you lke going with your friends? tothe park? What games do you football Do you play football? | play with your friends? | “Folk me about yaur 1.90-t0:the beach: Do you goto the beach?’| holidays. Iswim. ‘What do you do? Ok, thank you, « | Goodbye Goodbye. * Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test. W 12 Test 2 Answers Listening Part 1 (S marks) Lines should be drawn between: 1 Sally and the girl buying fruit 2 John and the boy in the orange shirt sitting under the tree 3 Jim and the boy on the bike eating an apple 4 Daisy and the gir! in the pink dress giving an ice cream to the boy 5 Jill and the girl looking in her bag, wearing a hat Part 2 (S marks) 1 Lleleven 2 Lowe (correct spelling) 4 Cane (correct spelling) $ (a) sandwich 3 Dolphins Part 3 (5 marks) Friday Monday Saturday Wednesday Sunday. ‘Thursday Part 4 (5 marks) 1B 2C 3A 4B SA Part 5 (5 marks) 1 Colour the rock with the girl standing on it ~ brown 2 Colour the coat of the girl skating on the lake ~ green 3 Colour the hat of the boy sitting on the ice ~ orange 4 Draw a cup of coffee in the hand of the bearded man 5 Colour the scarf of the boy carrying the skates ~ yellow TRANSCRIPT Hello. This is the Cambridge Movers Practice Listening Test, Test 2. Part 1 Look at Part 1. Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. pause} ‘Max: What alot of people in the market! Do you know any of them? Wonan: Yes, thats my friend Fred. He's wearing a red sweater. Man: Look! He's buying some sausages. Wonan: That's right. He likes eating them for breakfast. [pause] Can you see the line? This is an example. Now you listen and draw lines. Maw Wowan: Maw: Wowan: Wonean: Maw: Won: Maw Sohn [pause] 1 ‘Who's that git? Where? She's talking to that man who's wearing a blue T-shirt. ‘Oh, that’s Sally. She's buying some fruit, think, pause] 2 That's John there, What's he doing? He's sitting down, under that tree. Oh, yes. He looks hot and tired. {pause] Won: Maw Wow: Mane Wonan: Man: Wownn: Maw Gir: Mae Gin: Part 2 Maw Grr: Maw: Gru: Maw: Gur Gnu: Maw: Gira: Maw: Gra: Maw’ Gra: Maw Gen: 3 | can see Jim, He's riding his bike, What's that in his hand? Um, ne's eating an appl, | think, Oh, yes. [pause] 4 ‘Thore’s my friend Daisy. Where? She's standing next to that boy in blue Jeans. ‘Oh, yes. She's giving him an toe craam. {pause} 5 Who's that girl ~ the one who's looking in her bag? Oh, that’s Ji ‘Ck her hat. You need one én a sunny day like this Yes, you do! [pause] Now listen to Part 1 again. {The recording is repeated.] pause] That is the end of Part 1. [pause] Listen and look. There is one example. [pause] Hollo.| work here at the swimming pool. an | ask you some questions? Yes. “Trarik you. Fst, what's your name? Emma Carey. I that C-A-R-E-Y? That's right pause) Gan you see the answer? Now you listen and site. [pause] 1 Now, how old aro you, Emma? I'm eleven, Sorry? How old? Eleven. {pavse] 2 ‘And where do you live? Lowe Street How do you spell that? Lowe: Is that next to the library? Yes, pause! Mone Gur: Maw Ge: Maw Girt Man: Gr: Gea: Max Gir. Part 3 Wow: Bor: Wowan: Wouan: Wonas Bow Bor Woman: Bor Test 2 Answers 3 {iy next question is, do you go to any of ‘our swimming classes? Yes, on Thursday, Which one, Emma? What's the name of the class? Last year, | went to ‘Ducks’, but nove | go to Dolphins’, because I can swim better. Great! ‘Dolphins’ is a good class. {pause} 4 ‘Who's your swimming teacher? tis name's Paul Garna. ‘Oh. You mean Paul Cane. C-AN-E. Oh, yes. That's right. [pause] 5 Last question. After your class, do you buy any food atthe café here? Yoo, l buy @ sandwich, Do you always buy a sandwich? Yes, because after ewimming, Fm always very hung, {pause} Now listen to Part 2 again. (The secording is repeated.] {pause] ‘That is the endl of Part 2. [pause] Look at the pictures. What did Peter do last week? Listen and look. There is one example. pause] ‘Hello, Peter. Did you have a good holiday with your grandparents? Yes, it was great. Did you do lots of afferent things? Yes, It was my birthday on Monday and my grandparents bought me a nen Kite. Wow! ‘And its got a picture of a shark on it {pawsel Can you see the line from the word Monday? On Monday, Peter’s grandparents bought him a kite. Now you listen and draw lines. pause} 4 Did you go out on Thursday? Thursday ... oh, yes. It was hot and we ‘went to an istand, What did you do there? We went fishing in my grandpa’s boat, Was it good? B Yes! We caught lots of fish Test 2 Answers 14 Worn: Bor: onan: Bor: Wouan: Wowan: Wows: Bor: Wows: Bor. Woman: Bor, Wowan: Bor: Wowean: Wouan: Wowean: Part 4 Gru Box! Gia Boy: Girt Boy: {pause) 2 What about Saturday? ‘We wanted o go tothe park but we could. It rained So, what did you do? Wie went to the cinema and saw a fim about a boy and a whale {pause} 3 On Tuostlay, wo wont tothe 200! Oh no, | mean Sundey. On! Vonly went with Grandma. Grandpa wasn't very well ‘Oh dear. Which were your favourite animals? ‘The sharks. | ke ther big teeth {pause] 4 Did you go out on Wednesday, 100? Yes. We went tothe park Did you tly your kite there? No, We took a toy boat and sailed itn the lake Great! ‘And | played with a boy there who had a toy whale! [pause] 5 What about Friday? twas another wet day. Oh... So Grandpa wanted to watch television, What did you see? {An old fim about fishing. It was funny! Good. [pause] Now listen to Part 3 again. [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Part 3. [pause] Look at the pictures, Listen and look. There is one example, pause] What's the matter with Kim? [pause] Do you want to play football, Kim? No, | can't come out today. mm not very well Have you got a stomach ache? No, but Ive got a temperature Have you got a cold? No, | havent. Maw Grr: Ma Girt: Grr: Wowa: Girt: Wouan: Girt: Wousn: Gnu: Wows: Qt: Womans Maw: Bor: Maw: Maw: Boy: iru: Boy: Grr [pause] Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box. pause} What did Jane have for lunch today? Did you have pasta for lunch today, Jane? No, not today, ‘What did you have? ‘A.cheose sandwich, Dad. Mum had some ‘soup, but | didn't want any. Well, ike pasta for supper. Would you? [pause] Which girl is Ann? Look at these photos of my friends at the ‘school party, Mum. Is this Ann, dancing with a boy? ‘Where? No, that’s her sister Sally. ‘Oh, look, this is her with a glass in her hand NNo It isn't, Ann's the one choosing a CD. {pause] What does Mary choose 10 do? Would you lke to draw a picture, Mary? No, not today, Mum. And I don't want to read. What can | do? Would you lke 0 come to the supermarket with me? We can buy a cake. Oh, yes, please. A big chocolate one, (OK. Put on your cost, then. [pause] Which photo does Nick's dad choose? What a lot of photos, Nick! Did you take thom all? ‘Yes, and I've got to choose the best one and take It to school. Can you help mo? ‘OK. This photo of tha moon is good. Hmm, What about this one of the ‘mountains? Mmm, no. This is the best one. The one of the waterfall, pause] How does Sue’s mum go to work? Does your mum go to work on her bike, ‘Sue? No, she doesn't lke riding Doos she catch a bus then? Yes, because Dad needs the car. the town, pause} Now listen to Part 4 again, [The recording is repeated.) [pause] That is the end of Part 4. Part 5 Maw: Gru Gin Maw wee Gia: Maw Gru: Mew Maw Gi: Maw Gi: Max Maw: Maw Gra Maw: Max Girt: Ma Gi: Maw: Gre: Maw: Gn Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. [pause] Look at this picture of children playing on a lake. (Oh, yes. Can | colour something? ‘OK. Gan you see the woman who's standing by the lake? Yes. Shall | colour her sweater? Fine. Colour her sweater blue. [pause] Can you see the woman's blue sweater? This is an example. Now you listen and colour and draw. [pause] 1 ‘Can you see the girl who's standing on a rock? Yes. Would you tke to colour the rock? Yes, please. OK. Colour it brown. [pause] 2 Now you can colour something different OK. Can you see the gist who's skating on the lake? Yes, she's wearing a coat. ‘That's ight, Well, colour her coat green. [pause] 3 Now find the boy who's sitting down Right. He's not very good at skating. No, tient! ‘Shall | colour his hat? (OK. Colour his hat orange, please. [pause] 4 Naw for some drawing. Good. Find the man who's watching the children fon the lake. ‘The man with the beard? ‘That's right. Draw a cup of coffee in his hand cup of cotfee? OK. I's a cold day. He needs a hot drink [pause] 5 ‘What shall | do now? Can you see the boy with his skates in his hand? Yes, He's wearing a scart Test 2 Answers Fight. Now, colour his scart yellow. Girt: Good! Its a beautiful picture now. {pause} Now listen to Part 5 again. {The recording is repeated. [pause] That is the end of the Movers Practice Listening Test 2. Reading and Writing Part 1 (6 marks) Tapark 2 asupermarket_ 3 a video 4 ashoulder $a cinema 6 a 200 Part 2 (6 marks) Lyes 2no 3no dyes S yes 6 yes Part 3 (6 marks) 1A 2B 3A 4B SA 6C Part 4 (7 marks) A carties 2 ticker 3 eat 4 feet $ laughed 6 world 7 Kim’s picture Part 5 (10 marks) 1 L0/ten/someflots of 2 the grass 3 sailing 4 Blue Bird 5 island 6 sharks (and dolphins)’ dolphins (and sharks) 7 rock 8 afraid 9 fruit 10 an old shoela shoe Part 6 (5 marks) A kick 2 it 3 some 4 they 5 on Test 2 Answers Speaking Part | Examiner does this: | Examiner says this: Minimum response ‘expected from child: Back-up questions: Usher brings candidate in. | Usher to examiner: Hello, This Is (child's name’). Examiner: Hello, * My name's Jane/Ms Smith. | Hello How old are you, *? ine ‘Are you nine/ten’? 1 | Points to Find the Look at these pictures. difference card They look the same, but ‘some things aro different This parrot Is red, but this parrot is gr ‘What other different Describes four other Point to other dtforences things can you see? —_| ifferences: the candidate does + bagimap ‘not mention. * big havsmal hat * spider on noselspider cn back + toethino tooth Give first half of response: This is a bag, but 2 | Points to Story card. Now look at these pictures. They show a story. It's called ‘Peter's ‘now bike’. Just look at the plotures first. (Pause). Look at the first one. Peter's riding his new bike, He's very happy. Now you tell the story. (Gointing atthe other pletures) (Many variations possible) Peter can't understand It Peter isn’t looking at the road. There's a lake in front of him, Poter's in the water. He's very dirty and wet. He can see a girl in the tree. She's laughing at him. ‘Questions to prompt ‘other pars ofthe story: What's Peter doing now? ‘What can he see In the tree? Is Poter looking at the road? What's in front of him? ‘Where's Poter now? Is he happy? ‘Who can Peter see in the tree? What's the git doing? | | L » Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test. 16 Test 2 Answers an orange are fruit. You ‘eat them. yau don't eat 1 book. You read it. Pols to the second, third | Now you tell me about and fourth sets of picturas. | these pictures. Which In turn, cone Is different? (Why?) Candidate suggests @ difference (any plausible sdiference is acceptable. Part | Examiner does this: | Examiner says this: | Minimum response | Back-up questions: expected from child: 3 | Poirtetcthe Find the | Now look at these four | | diferent ones car. pictures. One is diferent. ‘The book is different. A lemon, a pineapple and These ‘And this is a {swimming post) (shops) What colour are these? (yolow) And this? (oink) What are they doing? (singing) ‘And this git? (reading) 4 | Puts away allpictures. | Now let's talk about your family and friends. How many people ara | four ‘Are there four people there in your family? ‘in your family? ‘What do you tike doing | going fo the park Do you like going to the with your family? park with your family? What games do you play | tennis Do you play tennis? with your friends? Tel me-about yourbest | Hishher name's. What's your tiene’ friend. name? HelShe's-nine. How old Is he'she? OK, thank you, « I : Goodbye. Goodbye. * Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test. 7 18 Test 3 Answers Listening Part 1 (5 marks) Lines should be drawn between: 1 Peter and the man in the white T-shirt, under the clock 2 Sue and the legs sticking out of the water 3 John and the boy with the ball in his hands 4 Pat and the woman in the pink swimming bat 5 Ben and the man in the blue T:shirt and blue trousers Part 2 (5 marks) 1 Spear (correct spelling) 2 Plants 3 Tennis 4 Film 5 week Part 3 (5 marks) "Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Thursday Friday Monday Part-4-(5-marks) 1B 2C 3A 4C SB Part S (5 marks) 1 Colour the square robot ~ red 2 Draw rain under the cloud which is above the flowers 3 Colour the round moon between the two stars ~ blue 4 Colour the plane flying in the sky ~ yellow 5 Colour the tallest tree ~ pink TRANSCRIPT Hello. This is the Cambridge Movers Practice Listening Test, Test 3. Part 1 Look at Part 1. Look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. {pause} Wouan: Can you see Jim? Is he in the water? Bor: No, he isn't He's sitting down. ‘WowaN: Is that him, with the yollow towel on his shoulders? Bor: Yes, that’s him, [pause] Can you see the line? This is an example, Now you listen and draw lines. {pause] 1 Wouan: Who's the man in the white Tshirt? ‘Wowan: Bor: Wowan: Bor: Wowaw: Wowan: Bow Wows: Tho one who's standing under the clock? Yes, He's a swimming teacher. What's his name? Do you know? Thats Peter. [pause] 2 I'm looking for Sue now, Can you see her? No, I can't - oh, yes | can! She's standing fon her hands under the water! Where? How can you see that? Look, you can only see her legs and feet! (Oh, yes! I can see her. [pause] 3 Those two boys are enjoying their game, Yes. | know the bigger one. His name's Jobn, Is he the one withthe ball in his hands now? Bov: Woman: Boy: Wout Bor: Womans Bor: Wouas: Bor Wout Won Part 2 Maw Girt: Gr: Maw: Gare: Maw: Girt: Maw: Gru: Maw: Maw: Gru: Man ‘ire. Maw: ‘Ys, thats right. [pause] 4 ‘Where's Pat? Is she here? ‘Ys. | saw her in the water. There she is, She's swimming, Where? She's wearing a pink swimming hat. (Oh, yes. Sho can sivim very well [pause] s Does Ben work here? Yos, he’s here now. | can see him. the water? No. He's walking next to the poo! In a blue Tshirt and blue trousers? Yes. pause} Now listen to Part 1 again. [The recording is repeated.] {pause] That is the end of Part 1. Ipause} Listen and look. There is one example. [pause] Hello. You're new here, aren't you? Shell I help you? Yes, please. | want to take these things out of the library Right. Which class are you in? Seven. Well, write seven here, took. x. {pause] Can you see the answer? Now you fist: and eit. (pause) 1 Now, what's your name?” Daisy Spear. How do you spoll that? Its S-P-EAR. Right [pause] 2 Now, which book have you got? This one. It's name is My Plants’ (OK. Then we write ‘My Aunts’ here ‘Um, not ‘Aunts’ ~‘Plants'! ‘Oh, yes, sorry. [pause] Gre: Maw: Girt: Maw Gru: Maw Gr: Max: Gru: Maw Gir: Gin: Mo Girt: Maw: Part 3 Test 3 Answers 3 Have you got & video there?” Yes. Is thore a name on the box? I's @ sports video. t says Tennis’ on the box. ‘OK. Put ‘Tennis’ here. Can you play well? No, not very well. want to play better. [pause] 4 Have you got a CD player at home? You can take @ CD. 17 like to take this one. 1s that OK? Yes. It says ‘Music’ on the outside. Shall! write that? What kind of music is i? Film music, | see, | write film music here. [pause] s How many days do you need them all for? Can Ihave them for one week? ‘es. That's fine. So, can you write ‘one week at the bottom, there, ploase? Oh, yes, | see. Good, Now you can take all your things. Enjoy them! [pause] Now listen to Part 2 again, Uhe recording is repeated. [pause] ‘That is the end of Part 2. [pause] Look at the pictures, What did Bill do last week? Listen and look. There is one example. [pause] Hilo, Aunt Janet Hello, Bll. | saw you in the pet shop on Wednesday. Oh! We were there because Mum ‘wanted to get a cat for Us. Did you find one? Yes! We've got a beautiful black and white cat at home now! Wow! [pause] Can you see the line from the word Wednesday? On Wednesday, Bill and his mother bought a cat. listen and draw lines. [pause] 19 Test 3 Answers Bor: Wowan: Bor. Woan: Bor: Wouan: Bor: Woman: Bor! Bor: Wowan: Bor: Wouan: Bor: Wowean: Bor: Wowean: Bor: Wowan: Bor: Part 4 1 (On Friday, my bestfriend came to sleep at our house, Did he? Did he sleep in your bedroom? Yes. He had my bed and | slept on tho floor. Did you sleep well? Not We played games for most of the night! [pause] 2 ‘And | had a good day on Saturday. ‘Oh? What did you do? | went with my school to the 200. Great! What did you lke best? All the big cats, like the lions and tigers! [pause] 3 Did your friend come again on Tuesday, Bu? (On Tuesday ... no, !had a temperature and a headache. Oh dear! Yes, | was in bod all day. [pause] 4 Dad painted my bedroom last week. ‘Oh! When did he do that? ‘On Monday. He did three walls and I did Well done! Yes. It's great now. Its all purple! {pause} 5 ‘What did you do on Sunday, Bil? | don't know. But Thursday was a good day. What did you do on Thursday? | id @ painting ofa lion. | enjoy painting alot. Mo too! ‘And Mum put it on the wall, Hove it [pause] Now listen to Part 3 again. [The recording is repeated.) [pause] That is the end of Part 3. (pause) Look at the pictures. Listen and look. There is one example. [pause] does Nick want? Maw Wowean: Maw Wouan: Maw: owen: Wouan: Won: Maw: Maw: Maw: Wowean: Wows: Gir: [pause] That pasta was very good. Thank you. Now, what can | gyve you, Nick? I've got {uit orice cream. Vd like some frit, please, Here you are. Would you like a cup of coffee with it? Thank you, but | cant drink coffee. It gives me a headache. [pause] Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box. [pause] Which animal is Tom's favourite pet? ike all my pets a tot | know, Tom. ike the snake. It's very beautiful. Which one is your favourite? ike my big, black spider best. Mm, Wel, don't take him out of the box, please. (OK. Would you like to see my mouse? Ys, please. | like mice. {pause} Which girl is Fred’s cousin? Hello, Fred, Is your mother here in the park? No. I'm here with my cousin, but I can't find her now. Is that her, in the biue dross? No. She's got straight black hair. I isn't curly, ike mine. What's she wearing? AA yoliow shirt and trousers. [pause] What's Kim doing? Where's kim? Is she in the kitchen, cooking the supper? No, she's in the bathroom, washing her bait. Why? ‘There's a film about dolphins on the TV. ‘She wanted to watch it. Right. [pause] What can Paul have for his game? Can | have this old map for my game? "No, but you can play with that old camera. Oh, yes! Thank you. And can | have that box? Vim sorry, Paul, | need it pause} What does Sally always do on Monday evening? { don't like Monday mornings, We have hockey. But | ike the evenings. We always go to the supermarket Do you ike that? | don't. | ike Tuesday ‘evenings better co Bor: Part 5 Gru Maw Gir: Gru: Gin: Maw Maw: Girt: Mav: Girt: Maw: Grr: Ma Gin Ma Gru: Bhan: \what do you do then, Bill? We go swimming [pause] Now listen to Part 4 again. [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Part 4. [pause] Look at the picture. Listen and look. ‘There is one example. [pause] Hello, Ann, Look a his picture Would You lice to Wve hero? No, because It isn't our word. But | ike looking at it ‘Sha we cole? (Ok. Can | colout the monster with four ams? Yos, Colour the monster with four are geen {pause] Can you see the green monster? This is an example. Now you listen and colour and draw. pause] 1 - - - | can see two robots in this picture. Thafs right. Now, | want you to colour the ‘square one. (OK. What colour? Colour the square robot red, pause} 2 Now I want you to draw something. Is it dificut? ‘No, but listen carefully. Can you see cloud? |'can see two of them. (Goad. Find the one which is above the ffowars, and draw some rain under that ‘loud. understand. ts raining on the flowers! [pause] 3 Now look at the stars, |'ean soe some stars and two diferent moons. “That's right, Find the rourtd moon which Is between two stars, Can | colour the round one blue? Yee, That's a good colour fori [pause] Tost 3 Answers 4 Girt: tke the planes. Can | colour one of them? Max: OK. Which one do you want to colour? Gir ike to colour the one that's ying Man: Right, Colour the plane thats fying yellow. {pause} 5 Man: There are trees inthis world. Can you see them? Giru: Yes, can see them, but they are not tke the ones in our word. Max: Well, | want you to colour the tallest tree inthe picture. Gru: OK. Im colouring the tallest one. rm colouring it pink ‘Maye Very good! I lke that! pause] Now listen to Part 5 again. (the recording is repeated] {pause] That is the end of the Movers Practice Listening Test 3. Reading and Writing Part 1 (6 marks) t-abar 2-shoulders 3a forest a 4 plants 5 beards «6 whales Part 2 (6 marks) ~ 1m yes 3yes 4 yes Sno 6 no Part 3 (6 marks) 1B 2A 3C 4A SA 6C Part 4 (7 marks) Lcey 2 jacket 3 round 4 road § bottle 6 taoghed 7 Sally’s game of football Part 5 (10 marks) 1 toys 2 Anna 3 (long) (curly) hair 4 dinner § oldcomic 6 cat 7 Anna'sther sister’s bedroom (quietly) 8 bookcase 9 bed/bedroom 10 went to sleep/slept Part 6 (S marks) they 2have 3 in 4 work 5 which ai Test 3 Answers Speaking Part | Examiner does this: | Examiner says this: | Minimum response | Back-up questions: expected from child: Usher brings candidate in. | Usher to examiner: Hello. This is (child's name’. Examiner: Hello, *. My name's Jane/lls Smith. | Hello How old are you, *? nine ‘Are you nine/ten? 1 | Points to Find the Look at these pictures. difference card ‘They look the same, but ‘some things are different, Here the man is riding a bike, but here he's riding a motorbike. ‘What other diferent things | Describe four othor Point to other diferences can you see? diferences: the candidate does not + happyisad ‘mention * sunieloud | two ducksthree ducks | Give fist half of response: | + red coavgrey coat This git is happy, but... 2 | Points to Story card Now look at these: pictures. They show a story. Its called Th windy day’. Just look at the pictures first. (Pause). Look atthe first one. Daisy and her brother _ tor are waiting for a bus. it's very cold and windy. They're thinking about sunny days on the beach. Now you tell the story. | (Many variations possible) | Questions to prompt other (Gointing atthe parts ofthe story: other pictures) The wind Is very strong. | ls the wind strong? Their hats are flying. They are happy. Now the | Do the children ike the children are flying above | wind? ‘the houses. The people | Where are the children ‘on the ground are now? Pointing at them. ‘What are the people on | the ground doing? | The children are.ona | Where are they now? | beach. They are very | Is it hot and sunny? I happy. Are they happy? * Remember to use the child's name throughout the test. Test 3 Answers Part | Examiner does this: | Examiner says this: | Minimum response | Back-up que: expected from child: 3 | Points to Find the [Now look at these four different ones card, pictures. One is afferent. The book is different. ‘A lemon, a pineapple and ‘an orange are fruit. You feat them.You dan't eat a ‘book. You read it. Points o the sacond, third | Now you tell me about | Candidate suggests a___| These arealt.. (smal) land fourth sets of pictures. | these pictures. Which one | diforence (any plausibve | And this is .. (big) intum, Ie different? cwhy?) diference is acceptable). j What is the boy doing | hore? (writing) ‘And heret (stoning) ‘These things are on. the ... (head) ‘And this? (lea) 4 | Puts away allpictures. | Now let's talk about your | ‘evenings. Who cooks your supper? | my mum/mother Does your mother/imum ‘cook your supper? What do you eat tor ‘chicken and rice Do you eat chicken supper? ‘and rico? What do you do efter | homework Do you se your supper? homework? Tell me more about your |1 wateh TW. Do you watch TV? _ _[ evenings. play. computer games.—|-Do-you play computer — games? _ ‘OK, thank yous", = Goodbye, Sooetye. * Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test. COMBINED STARTERS AND MOVERS THEMATIC VOCABULARY LIST For ease of reference, vocabulary is arranged in semantic groups or themes. Some words appear under more than one heading. In addition to the topics, notions and concepts listed for the syllabus, the following categories appear: # adjectives © pronouns © determiners © verbs adverbs © modals © prepositions question words © conjunctions ‘s~ first appears at Starters m ~ first appears at Movers ANIMALS. s sheep (5 & pO. CLOTHES s animal ame s bac m bat s spider s ate ‘m bear aa ‘m coat 5 tiger Pb + ae dies ” 5 glasses —— = ———s-handbag —— pacers THE BODY &FACE ae sco" = jacket ———— 5 roeodile 5 arm 5 jeans 5 dog m back nascar ‘m dolphin m beard shirt s duck m blond) s shoe elephant s body shirt $ fish (s & pO m curly ene m fly sear m sweater s frog s eye trousers giraffe s face ss T-shirt goat m fair 8 watch hippo Ss footlfeet swear s horse s hair i im kangaroo 5 hand COLOURS sm ten s head ‘m tion 5 leg 5 pack s tzard m moustache pee ‘monkey s- mouth cao § mouse/mice m neck $ green ‘m panda nose § grey (or gray) ‘m parrot ‘m shoulder $ orange m pet s smile eeu om puppy mm stomach spurte m rabbi fm straight ae m shark 1m toothiteeth ee 24 ‘Thematic Vocabulary List a m fie AMILY & FRIENDS _ scat m fe m ours ¢ chicken mm hosp! 5 baby chips (US fries m hurt tay 5 ches cs Sree sm matter Guhats the matter?) coe, os ane Sacer eo ahaa cousin ® dimer m temperature ata ae eersaa vn dagher ae s family ee THE HOME - 5 father 3 fh elie fiend 5 food & apartment s girl 5 fries (UK chips) es ee ae sane grandfather m glass of im basement ate eee ea ee ronan sm hungry s bathroom = grandpa eieiacm al m grandparent S juice bedroom lem ol «ben Some fess ees ae i feo + ante ee 5 ox 3 Miss ‘$ mango s chair smother roe pea s Mr ss milk ‘S$ computer 5 Mes 5) onion 5 cupboard # munny) peor 5 dae _ sacl a me. dining room oe ; = ai : £ personipeople — — it ao m picnic im downstairs hee pineapple m dream ee 5 potato im elevator ae ees ae 5 they rai fe m uncle m sandwich fie sus $ sausage $ flower am mee cas pceeeane! aoe 5 om $ you m tea m home # young m thirsty ss house your S$ somato: s kitchen FOOD AND DRINK reece ae ent eae a aaa ed cea HEALTH ae ara ea eae eal ed eee ec ate ena 4 irae alan aes fos piers ae pea Thematic Vocabulary List sm shopping SCHOOL 5 tick &V) Pee 5 alphabet or 2a eee 5 window om stair 5 wor stable board 5 mee television/TV $s book sm voothbrush, a SPORTS & LEISURE __ a 5 classroom badminton peas 5 close salt upstairs 5 colour baseball ear 5 computer basketball eaten 5 correct m bat ae = cross beach ae = cupboard s bike ss desk 's boot NUMBERS = door 5 book Sarr — s draw = bounce s Cardinals: 1-20 English 5 camera m Cardinals: 21-100 $ eraser s catch m Ordinals: 1st-20th 5 example m CD places apinections | few im comieleomie Book m above 1m homework 5 drawing) m bank = know 3 dive behind 5 learn m DVD 5 between lesson = enjoy nbs station = ‘s—letter-(as-in-alphabew)— -s—favourite- =— i m café 8 Mine m film mre iste 7 —— m farm look = fly s here m mistake $ football (US soccer) ‘m nospital $name 5 game sin $ eumber guitar in front of 5 open shit m library $s page 5 hobby m map Ss part 5 hockey sm mathe pen sm holiday Ss next to ss pencil 's jump son Ss plcture kick Eero 5 playground im kick (© : m place 5 question s kite ‘m playground s read 5 listen (to) ‘m toad $s right (as in correct) m movie 's- shop (US store) $ rubber m music m square = ruler painting) $store (UK shop) s school ‘m party sm straight 5 sentence = photo street 5 spel 5 plano am supermarket = story 5 picture m swimming poot 5 teacher 5 play (with) s there 5 tell im present 5 under 5 tet &v) 5 radio ‘m 200 m text 5 read Thematic Vocabulary List Ss story shite THE WORLD AROUND US: oo ‘m jungle ean meansPont i + ware 2 tet moe = = TIME te bos ation ane birthday s helicopter shell a i ¥lock starry (US truck) m star s day s_ motorbike street. ‘send ‘s— plane = sure ‘sometimes struck (UK lorry) m world swatch USEFUL WORDS & m week WEATHER, EXPRESSIONS _ etry m cloud bye Cbye) The days of the week m rain m excuse me m Sunday m rainbow: ss goodbye m Twesday ssun s [don’t know ms Wednesday m sunny sno mm Thursday m weather s oh m Friday m wind s oh dear mt Saturday m windy s OK TOYS ___ WORK = please s- ball m clown 5 right ar Thematic Vocabulary List ‘m see you! sorry thank you thanks then well well done yes ADJECTIVES afraid all allright angry awake back bad beautiful best better big boring bottom busy careful -clean clever elosed- cloudy cold correct different difficult dirty double easy English every exciting famous fat favourite fine first unny good great happy her his hot hungry its SPsssecss*ssscsss m s m m m m s m m s s 2B last long loud most my naughty old quick quiet Fight (correct) round sad second short slow small sorry square straight strong surprised tall terrible zeoeeseagacg shale thin ty tired top ugly weak wall wet windy worst wrong young your eoRR ERR E ETRE Selo ssazsEo esses DETERMINERS alan alt alot of another any both every lots of many soessgegeee Se CORPS TPT T SSSI OSSSLI SSSI Sse sssssss allright always back badly best better carefully down, downstairs first here how how much how often—— inside last lots loudly most not off often only out outside quickly quietly round slowly sometimes then there today too “ upstairs very well ‘when worst yesterday geass" PREPOSITIONS. about above after at before behind below ‘between by down for from in (prep of place) in front of inside Uke eer ext to am gE Hn mem nnw nang gee annnaaa wypeoggses gears er areersgeacss see hers him his 1 ie its mine more most nothing one ours she something thet thelrs them these they this those us which who you yours opposite Irvegular: out-of s--be outside m oring round m buy than ss cotth (a ball to ‘m catch (a bus) under s choose wth s do s draw s. drink s drive seat 5 find s fy 5 get sm get (undiressed m get up PRONOUNS, — 3 on m all ‘m go shopping sm another 5 have m both have got) she 1m have (got) to her m hide Thematic Vocabulary List hit hold hurt know earn lose make must put put on rain read ride say sing sit (own) sleep spell stand (up) take take (a bus) take (a photo) take off tell think throw understand wake up wear wte nO ge Heo ge gg nun geneunonnzsgnggegnngun Regular: add answer ask bounce call carry clean climb close cook colour complete F085 ey dance dream drop email enjoy ag SER RC HME Et ggeeee 2g Thematic Vocabulary List ‘m film 5 start 5s who mycn fe Ae m help stalk m vy ‘m hop s test am invite m text NAMES. s jump stick Are s kick sy ia m laugh m video A 5 lear m wait a slike ss walk s Bill 5 listen (0) = want im Daly s live m wash m Fred 5 look = watch rae 5 look at 5 wave wr ne 1m look for ‘m work a 5 love cm m move MODALS: m John pelnea s can/cannot/can't s Kim $ open m could s Lucy S$ Paint m must im Mary papi ‘m shall = May pick up m would 5 Nick m plant pepe play Gwith) QUESTION WORDS m Paul $ point he m Peter m rain show mee tea ices mm Say ration m how much ‘m shout ~~ m7 Row often pion = how old m skate s- what i m when aa = where m snow 5 which

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