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cm/s. The height of the constricted tube is specified as h2 = cm.


The kinetic energy densities at the two locations in the tube can now be calculated, and the Bernoulli
Bernoulli equation applied to constrain the process to conserve energy, thus giving a value concepts
for the pressure in the constriction. First, specify a pressure in the inlet tube:
Inlet pressure = P1 = kPa =
lb/in2 =
mmHg =
The energy densities can now be calculated. The energy unit for the CGS units used is the
Inlet tube energy densities Constricted tube energy densities
Kinetic energy Kinetic energy
= erg/cm3 = erg/cm3
density density
Potential energy Potential energy
= erg/cm3 = erg/cm3
density density
Pressure energy = Pressure energy =
density erg/cm3 density erg/cm3
The pressure energy density in the constricted tube can now be finally converted into more
conventional pressure units to see the effect of the constricted flow on the fluid pressure:

Calculated pressure in constriction =

P2= kPa =
lb/in2 =
mmHg =

This calculation can give some perspective on the energy involved in fluid flow, but it's
accuracy is always suspect because of the assumption of laminar flow. For typical inlet
conditions, the energy density associated with the pressure will be dominant on the input
side; after all, we live at the bottom of an atmospheric sea which contributes a large amount
of pressure energy. If a drastic enough reduction in radius is used to yield a pressure in the
constriction which is less than atmospheric pressure, there is almost certainly some
turbulence involved in the flow into that constriction. Nevertheless, the calculation can show
why we can get a significant amount of suction (pressure less than atmospheric) with an
"aspirator" on a high pressure faucet. These devices consist of a metal tube of reducing
radius with a side tube into the region of constricted radius for suction.

*Note: Some default values will be entered for some of the values as you start exploring the
calculation. All of them can be changed as a part of your calculation.

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HyperPhysics***** Mechanics ***** Fluids R Nave

Curve of a Baseball
A non-spinning baseball or a stationary baseball in an airstream exhibits symmetric flow. A
baseball which is thrown with spin will curve because one side of the ball will experience a
reduced pressure. This is commonly interpreted as an application of the Bernoulli principle[13/03/2018 2:00:20 PM]

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