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Beta-blockers and the thyrotoxic patient for thyroid and

non-thyroid surgery: a clinical review
Tay S1*, Khoo E1, Tancharoen C2, Lee I3

Abstract prior to surgery1. This is through a and the use of ATDs is therefore
Introduction combination of anti-thyroid drugs contraindicated.
Thyrotoxic patients presenting for (ATD) and beta-blockers. However, The symptoms of thyrotoxicosis
surgery should ideally be biochemi- in some circumstances, patients can are due to an excess of beta-adrener-
cally and clinically euthyroid. This is be adequately managed with beta- gic activity, and include hyperactivity,
conventionally achieved through the blockers and potassium iodide1. The nervousness, tremor, weight loss and
use of anti-thyroid drugs, beta-block- question remains though, how safe sweating3–6. Relevant to anaesthe-
er therapy and iodine. However, there is this therapy compared with the sia, an excess of thyroid hormones
are some circumstances where anti- conventional use of ATDs and beta- can affect cardiovascular physiology
thyroid drugs may not be a viable op- blockers? There have been several as shown in Figure 1. Importantly,
tion. The implications of this scenario studies in the past that have suggest- these cardiovascular effects predis-
are not widely reported in the litera- ed a role for sole beta-blocker ther- pose a patient to develop supraven-
ture. This clinical review looks at the apy in the preoperative management tricular arrhythmias. In patients with
evidence on the safety of beta-block- of thyrotoxic patients. This paper pre-existing cardiac disease, ischae-
er therapy without the use of anti- aims to review the current literature mia or failure may be precipitated 7.

All authors contributed to conception and design, manuscript preparation, read and approved the final manuscript.
thyroid drugs in the preparation of to evaluate the safety of this practice. Thyroid storm is a life-threatening
the thyrotoxic patient for surgery. We complication of uncontrolled and
also highlight key points in the patho- Discussion severe thyrotoxicosis that can be
physiology of thyrotoxicosis and the Thyrotoxicosis is a hypermetabolic triggered by various insults such as
management goals of these patients. syndrome secondary to elevated lev- surgery, anaesthesia, manipulation
Conclusion els of thyroid hormones. The most of the thyroid or sepsis. It carries a
In circumstances where the use of common causes of thyrotoxicosis are high mortality rate of 10–308,9.
anti-thyroid drugs is not possible Graves’ disease, toxic multinodular Its incidence, however, is rare due
in the preoperative management of goitre and toxic adenoma1,2. These to the widespread use of ATDs and
patients for thyroid or non-thyroid diseases cause hyperthyroidism or beta-blockers1–6,9.

All authors abide by the Association for Medical Ethics (AME) ethical rules of disclosure.
surgery, the use of beta-blockers has an increase in both the synthesis and Patients presenting for surgery
been shown to be safe and effective. secretion of thyroid hormones by the with thyrotoxicosis can be divided
Safety can be increased by using thyroid. Other causes of thyrotoxico- into those requiring emergent care
iodine with or without corticoster- sis include thyroiditis or iatrogen- unrelated to thyroid, or those that
oids up to the day of surgery in the esis. These causes do not increase are thyroid-related. The indica-
rapid preoperative preparation of a the synthesis of thyroid hormones, tions for thyroid-related surgery are Competing interests: none declared. Conflict of interests: none declared.
severely thyrotoxic patient.

A thyrotoxic patient undergoing sur-
gery should ideally be rendered bio-
chemically and clinically euthyroid

* Corresponding author
Department of Anaesthesia, Royal Darwin
Hospital, Darwin, Australia.
Department of Medicine, St. Vincent’s
Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.
Wellbeing & Preventable Chronic Diseases
Department, Menzies School of Health Figure 1: Effect of thyroid hormones on cardiovascular physiology (Adapted
Research, Darwin, Australia. from Klein et al. 2001)7.

Licensee OA Publishing London 2013. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)

For citation purposes: Tay S, Khoo E, Tancharoen C, Lee I. Beta-blockers and the thyrotoxic patient for thyroid and
non-thyroid surgery: a clinical review. OA Anaesthetics 2013 Mar 01;1(1):5.
Page 2 of 6


summarized in Table 11,10. There are Table 1 Indications for thyroid-related surgery
currently three major forms of treat-
Rapid correction of thyrotoxic state
ment: medical therapy (ATD),131 I and
surgery1,11. All are safe and equally Failure, adverse side effects or non-compliance of medical therapy
as successful when comparing long- Avoidance of exposure to radioactivity to 131I (children or pregnant/breast-feed-
term quality of life12, but each with ing women)
their own advantages and disadvan- Large goitre (80 g)
tages. Choice of treatment must take
into account numerous factors—pa- Children 5 year of age
tient age, sex, desire to have children, Moderate to severe or sight threatening Graves’ ophthalmopathy
underlying comorbidities and the Presence of symptoms or signs of compression within the neck
personal “philosophies” of both the Substernal or retrosternal extension of thyroid
patient and physician or surgeon13.
Potential for coexisting thyroid cancer
Current preoperative preparation Coexisting hyperparathyroidism
of a thyrotoxic patient Thyroid-stimulating hormone producing pituitary tumours
Preoperative optimization of the Patient preference
thyrotoxic patient depends on its
aetiology. Targets for action are
pathways in thyroid hormone syn-
thesis, secretion and its peripheral Rare side effects include agranulocy- are not available in many countries1.
action1,14,15. The aim is to reduce the tosis and hepatotoxicity1,5,17. Common Use of iodine should be restricted
risk of perioperative thyroid storm. side effects include fever, arthralgia, in the preoperative period for no

All authors contributed to conception and design, manuscript preparation, read and approved the final manuscript.
For thyrotoxic patients secondary to rash and urticaria 1,5,17. Since ATDs longer than 10 days. This is because
hyperthyroidism (not thyroiditis or have no effect on the release of pre- of an “escape phenomenon” where
iatrogenesis), elective surgery should formed thyroid hormones, it takes an excess of iodine incorporates into
be postponed for 3–6 weeks so that several weeks of therapy to render a new thyroid hormones, leading to a
a euthyroid state can be achieved patient euthryoid5,16,17. This regimen, secondary rise in thyroid hormones
with an ATD and beta-blockers as however, has been reported to result and worsening of the thyrotoxic
indicated for symptomatic relief and in a larger, more vascular and friable state. This occurs after 10–14 days of
cardioprotection1,2,16. With emergent gland due to thyrotropin (TSH) stim- therapy15,21,22.
surgery, there is insufficient time ulation of the thyroid in response to Several clinical features of thyro-

All authors abide by the Association for Medical Ethics (AME) ethical rules of disclosure.
to allow ATDs to achieve euthyroid ATD-induced hypothyroidism15,13. toxicosis are due to sympathetic-
state. Therefore, a combination of This unwanted effect can be less- mediated stimulation relating to
beta-blockers, iodine and high-dose ened by increasing the duration of increased beta-adrenoreceptor up-
steroids is given to rapidly facilitate treatment13,18 or through the use of regulation and sensitization to cat-
safe surgery. iodine1. echolamines3,15,23. Since the 1960s,
Thionamides are a class of ATD In supra-physiological doses, Lu- propranolol has been the agent of Competing interests: none declared. Conflict of interests: none declared.
that include propylthiouracil (PTU), gol’s iodine inhibits thyroid hormone choice to attenuate the heightened
carbimazole and its active metabo- synthesis via the Wolff–Chaikov ef- beta-adrenoreceptor-mediated ef-
lite methimazole15. They act by halt- fect, and the release of preformed fects of thyrotoxicosis2,24,25. Other
ing thyroid hormone synthesis by hormones3,15. The anti-thyroid ef- beta-blockers have become available
blocking organification of iodine fects are seen within the first 24 since then, including more beta-1
and coupling of iodotyrosines. PTU hours and maximally at 10 days of selective agents (metoprolol), long-
additionally inhibits peripheral dei- therapy15,19. Iodine has also been re- acting agents (atenolol) and very
odination of thyroxine (T4) to trii- ported to reduce vascularity and fri- short-acting agents (esmolol). Each
odotyrosine (T3)6,15. Carbimazole or ability of the thyroid gland, thereby has their own advantages and dis-
methimazole, however, are generally possibly lowering surgical bleeding advantages in managing a thyrotoxic
preferred as they have the benefit of risk19,20. Oral iodinated radiographic patient. However, the main limita-
once-a-day administration and re- contrast agents such as ipodate and tion with all beta-blockers is that
duced side effects compared to PTU1. iopanoic acid can also be used. It has they do not alter the underlying hy-
The exception is during the first tri- the additional beneficial effect of re- permetabolic state. Therefore, long-
mester of pregnancy where PTU is ducing peripheral conversion of T4 term sole beta-blocker therapy is not
not considered to be teratogenic1. to T315. Unfortunately, these agents recommended15,26.

Licensee OA Publishing London 2013. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)

For citation purposes: Tay S, Khoo E, Tancharoen C, Lee I. Beta-blockers and the thyrotoxic patient for thyroid and
non-thyroid surgery: a clinical review. OA Anaesthetics 2013 Mar 01;1(1):5.
Page 3 of 6


Finally, high doses of dexametha- iodine in the preoperative treatment supervision is required, especially in
sone, hydrocortisone or betametha- and stabilization of the thyrotoxic pa- the first 24 hours post-surgery. Also,
sone are used as adjunct therapy tient. These results are summarized instead of weaning beta-blockers
when a severely thyrotoxic patient in Table 231–45. They show that this re- immediately after surgery like one
needs to be rapidly prepared for gime can safely provide rapid control would do if a patient were conven-
surgery27. They inhibit secretion of of the peripheral manifestations of tionally prepared with ATDs, they
thyroid hormone and peripheral hyperthyroidism, producing a clini- should be continued for 5–7 days
conversion of T4 to T33,17,28. cally euthyroid patient in a relatively post-operatively to prevent hyper-
short period of time. thyroid symptoms and avert the risk
Safety of beta-blockers as sole Given that beta-blockers do not of thyroid storm. This is because the
therapy interfere with the release of thyroid biological half-lives of the excess cir-
The use of ATDs may not be possible hormone, the fear remains that a clin- culating T3 is 1–2 days and T4 is 3–4
in patients undergoing emergency ically euthyroid patient treated with days in hyperthyroidism46.
surgery, non-compliant patients beta-blockers only remains exposed There have been several small ret-
and patients that are refractory to to high levels of circulating thyroid rospective case series which have
ATDs16,29,30. In view of the established hormone. This then increases the risk reported the occurrence of thyroid
safety of conventionally prepared of perioperative thyroid storm. It has crisis in patients undergoing surgery
thyrotoxic patients for surgery, it is been reported that the incidence of following sole preparation with pro-
essential that any deviation from this post-operative hyperthyroid symp- pranolol24,45,47–50. This is in contrast
is comparably safe and effective31. toms occurs in 5–20 of patients to the prospective studies shown in
During the 1970s to the mid-1990s, prepared with beta-blocker therapy Table 2. The circumstances in which
numerous studies were performed alone13,40–44. Many of these cases may thyroid storm occurred were either
with results advocating the use of be attributed to the short half-life of the dosage of propranolol being too

All authors contributed to conception and design, manuscript preparation, read and approved the final manuscript.
beta-blockers, in particular propran- propranolol and the need for regu- low (160 mg/day or less) or the re-
olol, alone or in combination with lar administration. Therefore, close sponse to beta-blocker therapy not

Table 2 Six hundred and eighty thyrotoxic patients for thyroidectomy prepared with beta-blockers ± iodine only
(Adapted from Lee et al. 1982)21
No. of
Author Year Beta-blocker Iodine Surgery Storm Results Country

All authors abide by the Association for Medical Ethics (AME) ethical rules of disclosure.
Lee et al.32 1973 20 Propanolol No Yes No Good USA
Michie et al.33 1974 37 Propanolol No Yes No Good Scotland
Michie34 1975 47 Propanolol No Yes No Good England
Toft et al. 1976 40 Propanolol No Yes No Good Scotland
Caswell et al. 36
1978 24 Propanolol No Yes No Good USA Competing interests: none declared. Conflict of interests: none declared.
Anderberg et al.37 1979 38 Propanolol No Yes No Good Sweden
Tevaarwerk et al.38 1979 20 Propanolol No Yes No Good Canada
Malliere et al. 1980 5 Propanolol No Yes No Good France
Feek et al. 1980 10 Propanolol Yes Yes No Good Scotland
Feely et al.40 1981 44 Propanolol No Yes No Good England
Lee et al. 1982 140 Propanolol No Yes No Good France
Peden et al. 1982 17 Nadolol Yes Yes No Good Scotland
Lennquist et al. 1985 93 Propanolol No Yes No Good Sweden
Gerst et al.26 1986 12 Atenolol/Nadolol No Yes No Good USA
Adlerberth et al. 1987 15 Metoprolol No Yes No Good Sweden
Vickers et al 1990 95 Propanolol No Yes No Good India
Hermann et al.45 1994 23 Propanolol No Yes No Good Austria

Licensee OA Publishing London 2013. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)

For citation purposes: Tay S, Khoo E, Tancharoen C, Lee I. Beta-blockers and the thyrotoxic patient for thyroid and
non-thyroid surgery: a clinical review. OA Anaesthetics 2013 Mar 01;1(1):5.
Page 4 of 6


being adequately assessed prior to Clinical evidence for specific beta- lugol’s iodine in 17 thyrotoxic pa-
the commencement of surgery. This blockers tients undergoing subtotal thyroid-
is important as there is large indi- Propranolol is the most commonly ectomy. All patients were clinically
vidual variability in response to pro- used beta-blocker to treat thyrotoxi- euthyroid by the time of surgery with
pranolol40,41,51. Therefore, targets of cosis and has been the mainstay beta- no episodes of thyroid storm or exag-
heart rates 90 beats per minute and blocker therapy to prepare thyrotoxic geration of the thyrotoxic state post-
absence of symptomatic thyrotoxi- patients for surgery21,22,32–40,42,44,45. operatively. Similarly, Gerst in 198626
cosis should be used as end points An advantage of propranolol com- studied 12 patients prepared with
prior to proceeding to surgery. pared to other beta-blockers is that either nadolol or atenolol without
A biochemically euthyroid state is it blocks peripheral conversion of iodine. No intolerance or side effects
generally considered mandatory pri- T4 to T3 at high doses. Intravenous to these medications were noted,
or to surgery because of the concern propranolol can also be given in the and surgery was performed without
that surgical manipulation of the hy- event oral intake is limited post-op- complication. While the use of these
peractive tissue may precipitate the eratively39. A disadvantage is its short long-acting beta-blockers is less
release of thyroid hormone into the half-life requiring high doses and fre- studied than propranolol, existing
circulation giving rise to a thyroid quent administration of up to four evidence demonstrates their safety
storm44. Hermann et al. in 1994 re- times daily to maintain therapeutic and efficacy in the preparation of the
ported a study of 23 patients with plasma levels. This can limit medi- hyperthyroid patient for surgery.
severe hyperthyroidism (defined as cation compliance and increases the Esmolol is a very short-acting
free T3 or T4 levels at least 300 the risk of perioperative thyroid storm cardioselective beta-blocker that is
maximum normal value) prepared or hyperthyroid symptoms if doses given as a continuous intravenous
with propranolol alone44. Hormone are missed or inadequate doses are infusion52. It is used primarily in the
levels were measured periopera- prescribed10. It also has a wide inter- intensive care setting to treat severe

All authors contributed to conception and design, manuscript preparation, read and approved the final manuscript.
tively—including from the middle individual variation range40. Being a and uncontrolled thyrotoxicosis,
thyroid vein before and after surgi- non-selective beta-blocker, it is con- and also to control haemodynamics
cal manipulation of the gland, and traindicated in patients with revers- intra-operatively1. Compared with
from the cubital vein after removal ible obstructive airways disease4. other beta-blockers, this agent has a
of the thyroid lobes. There were no Difficulties surrounding the use of faster onset and offset of action and
episodes of thyroid storm, and levels propranolol led to a number of stud- is much easier to titrate due to its
of free T4 and T3 were not shown to ies of other beta-blockers, in par- short half-life. This is advantageous
change with the manipulation of the ticular, more cardioselective agents in controlling severe thyrotoxicosis
gland. These findings raise the possi- such as metoprolol4. In a double- or storm, which are dynamic clinical

All authors abide by the Association for Medical Ethics (AME) ethical rules of disclosure.
bility that biochemical euthyroidism blind crossover trial by Murchison situations1.
may not be an absolute prerequisite in 1979,51 each patient received 4
for thyroidectomy. weeks of treatment with proprano- Conclusion
Use of beta-blockers is also lol and 4 weeks with metoprolol. In circumstances where the use of
associated with reduced thyroid All showed improvement in clinical ATDs is not possible in the preop-
gland vascularity, allowing for safe symptoms and signs. These results erative management of patient pre- Competing interests: none declared. Conflict of interests: none declared.
mobilization and resection of the suggest that metoprolol is as effec- senting for thyroid or non-thyroid
gland by the surgeon. This minimiz- tive as propranolol. Furthermore, surgery, the use of beta-blockers
es the risk of excessive blood loss there is also a stronger association has been shown to be safe and effec-
and damage to nerves or parathy- between plasma metoprolol levels tive. However, to increase safety, we
roid glands18,40–43. On the contrary, and clinical efficacy than with pro- recommend the use of iodine with
studies by Lennquist in 198542 and pranolol. These findings are support- or without corticosteroids up to the
Adlerberth in 198743 reported no dif- ed by Adlerberth 198743 and Vickers day of surgery in the rapid preop-
ference in the consistency and vas- in 1990.44 Metoprolol also offers a erative preparation of the severely
cularity of thyroids prepared with simpler twice-daily dosing regimen thyrotoxic patient. This should not
beta-blockers compared with those and can be given intravenously when be continued for longer than 10
prepared with ATD. Importantly, oral administration is limited. days. The choice of beta-blocker is
they also documented no significant Nadolol and atenolol, long-acting clinician-dependent and should be
difference in post-operative compli- beta-blockers, have also been sug- titrated to ideally achieve a heart rate
cations of haemorrhage, hypocal- gested as possible alternatives to of 90 beats per minute and the ab-
caemia or recurrent laryngeal nerve propranolol26,41. Peden in 198241 re- sence of symptomatic thyrotoxicosis
injury between the two groups. ported the use of daily nadolol and prior to proceeding to surgery. If this

Licensee OA Publishing London 2013. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)

For citation purposes: Tay S, Khoo E, Tancharoen C, Lee I. Beta-blockers and the thyrotoxic patient for thyroid and
non-thyroid surgery: a clinical review. OA Anaesthetics 2013 Mar 01;1(1):5.
Page 5 of 6


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Licensee OA Publishing London 2013. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)

For citation purposes: Tay S, Khoo E, Tancharoen C, Lee I. Beta-blockers and the thyrotoxic patient for thyroid and
non-thyroid surgery: a clinical review. OA Anaesthetics 2013 Mar 01;1(1):5.
Page 6 of 6


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All authors contributed to conception and design, manuscript preparation, read and approved the final manuscript.
All authors abide by the Association for Medical Ethics (AME) ethical rules of disclosure.
Competing interests: none declared. Conflict of interests: none declared.

Licensee OA Publishing London 2013. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)

For citation purposes: Tay S, Khoo E, Tancharoen C, Lee I. Beta-blockers and the thyrotoxic patient for thyroid and
non-thyroid surgery: a clinical review. OA Anaesthetics 2013 Mar 01;1(1):5.

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