Atributos Visuales y No Visuales en El Reconocimiento Visual de Objetos

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Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (2006), 12, 176–183.

Copyright © 2006 INS. Published by Cambridge University Press. Printed in the USA.
DOI: 10.10170S1355617706060279

The influence of visual and nonvisual attributes

in visual object identification


1 Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, The Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2 Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
(Received May 27, 2005; Final Revision November 15, 2005; Accepted November 16, 2005)

To elucidate the role of visual and nonvisual attribute knowledge on visual object identification, we present data
from three patients, each with visual object identification impairments as a result of different etiologies. Patients
were shown novel computer-generated shapes paired with different labels referencing known entities. On test trials
they were shown the novel shapes alone and had to identify them by generating the label with which they were
formerly paired. In all conditions the same triad of computer-generated shapes were used. In one condition, the
labels (banjo, guitar, violin) referenced entities that were both visually similar and similar in terms of their
nonvisual attributes within semantics. In separate conditions we used labels (e.g., spike, straw, pencil or snorkel,
cane, crowbar) that referenced entities that were similar in terms of their visual attributes but were dissimilar in
terms of their nonvisual attributes. The results revealed that nonvisual attribute information profoundly influenced
visual object identification. Our patients performed significantly better when attempting to identify shape triads
whose labels referenced objects with distinct nonvisual attributes versus shape triads whose labels referenced
objects with similar nonvisual attributes. We conclude that the nonvisual aspects of meaning must be taken into
consideration when assessing visual object identification impairments. (JINS, 2006, 12, 176–183.)
Keywords: Object identification, Semantics, Stroke, Herpes simplex encephalitis, Dementia

INTRODUCTION monkeys, who presumably have no nonvisual attributes asso-

ciated with line drawings, had more difficulty discriminat-
Objects in our world have both visual and nonvisual ing between entities drawn from categories with many
attributes. We not only know what violins look like but also
visually similar exemplars versus entities drawn from cat-
what they do (you play different notes by pressing the fin-
egories with very few visually similar exemplars.
gers of the left hand down on the strings and moving a bow
Damasio and colleagues have also advocated the impor-
across these strings with the right hand). All would agree
tance of structural similarity in accounting for visual iden-
that visual attributes play a key role in visual identification. tification impairments. As noted by Damasio et al., (1982,
The question of interest is whether nonvisual attributes play
p. 339) “the chance of an item being incorrectly identified
any significant role in visual object identification. The visual depends on the existence of other items with a relative visu-
discriminability hypothesis of Gaffan and Heywood (1993)
ostructural similarity.” More recently, Tranel et al. (1997b)
proposes that it is solely the visual attributes of objects that
have refined this construct of visuostructural similarity to
influence object identification. For patients who have prob-
include measures of curvilinearity and structural overlap—a
lems identifying line drawings of objects the key factor is combination that they refer to as “homomorphy.” Unlike
visual attribute similarity. That is, objects that come from
Gaffan and Heywood, these authors acknowledge that non-
categories with many visually similar exemplars are the visual semantic features (e.g., familiarity, value to the sub-
ones that pose difficulties for patients. They note that even ject, etc.) can also play a role in visual identification of
objects. However, similar to Gaffan and Heywood, they
acknowledge that visual discriminability plays a crucial role
Reprint requests to: Tom A. Schweizer, Ph.D., The Rotman Research
Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, 3560 Bathurst Street, Toronto, in determining the ease with which various types of objects
Ontario, M6A 2E1, Canada. E-mail: can be identified by patients.
Influences on visual object identification 177

A number of studies have suggested that when visually all stringed instruments, they are all played by pressing the
identifying an object, both the visual attributes and the non- fingers of the left hand down on a fret board, etc.) that lead
visual attributes of objects each play a role (e.g., Dixon to patients’ poor performance in this condition. When the
et al., 1997, 1999, 2002). Previously we have used the “ELM same shapes were paired to the labels carriage, wrench, and
paradigm” (patient ELM) to show how these different types kite, we assumed it was the lack of overlap in the nonvisual
of attributes contribute to visual object identification in attributes of carriage, wrench, and kite (the fact that these
patients with temporal-lobe stroke and Alzheimer’s dis- entities were used for entirely different things) that deter-
ease. In the ELM paradigm, simple computer-generated mined patients’ performance. However, we cannot rule out
shapes with empirically specifiable values on curvature, that it was the visual attributes within semantics that deter-
thickness, and tapering are generated. By combining these mined patients’ performance. That is, we cannot rule out
shape dimensions in different ways shape sets can be formed that patients performed differently in these two conditions
that are either visually similar or visually distinct. Shapes of the ELM task simply because within semantics people
from these different shape sets are then imbued with non- have knowledge that the stringed instruments look visually
visual semantic properties by pairing these shapes with labels similar, and that carriage, wrench, and kite all look very
that reference known entities. On learning trials, each shape different.
is accompanied by a spoken label (e.g., shape A 5 “banjo,” The present study sought to more clearly demonstrate
B 5 “guitar,” C 5 “violin”). On test trials patients are pre- that within semantics it is the similarity of nonvisual
sented the shape alone and asked to “name” it by generating attributes that determines patients’ visual identification per-
the appropriate label. For some shape sets, the labels refer- formance in the ELM task. We assessed the role of nonvi-
ence similar entities (as in the example above). For other sual attribute knowledge on visual identification performance
shape sets, the labels reference distinct entities (e.g., shape in three patients, each presenting with visual identification
A 5 “carriage,” B 5 “wrench,” C 5 “kite”). impairments as a result of different etiologies [stroke, demen-
By looking at the patterns of patients’ errors one can tia of the Alzheimer’s type, herpes simplex viral encepha-
independently assess the role of visual and nonvisual litis (HSVE)]. Our approach was to pair the same set of
attributes on object identification. For example, to assess visually similar computer-generated shapes with different
the role of visual attributes on object identification, Alzhei- sets of labels as in the ELM paradigm. In one condition, the
mer’s patients were presented with a visually distinct triad labels referenced entities that were both visually similar
of shapes paired with the labels carriage, wrench, and kite and similar in terms of their nonvisual attributes within
(Dixon et al., 1999). Patients made few identification errors. semantics. For this set the labels banjo, guitar, and violin
In a different session the same labels were applied to a were used. In separate conditions we used labels that refer-
visually similar triad of shapes. Here patients made more enced entities that were similar in terms of their visual
errors than with the visually distinct shapes. By holding the attributes but were dissimilar in terms of their nonvisual
labels constant, and manipulating the similarity of the shapes, attributes. There were two such triads: snorkel, cane, crow-
Dixon and colleagues were able to conclude that visual bar; and spike, straw, pencil.
similarity plays a role in patients object identification. According to a conservative version of the visual discrim-
To assess the role of nonvisual attributes on visual object inability hypothesis, if object identification is constrained
identification, patients who had been presented with the only by the forms of the presented objects, then perfor-
visually similar shapes paired with carriage, wrench, and mance should be the same for all three triads, because each
kite were then presented with exactly the same visually triad uses the same set of highly similar computer-generated
similar shapes, but now the shapes were paired with labels shapes. A more liberal version of the visual discriminability
referencing entities with highly similar nonvisual attributes hypothesis makes the same predictions. If the semantic sim-
(banjo, guitar, violin). In this condition patients made more ilarity effects in previous studies using the ELM paradigm
errors than when exactly the same shapes were paired with were attributable to the similarity of visual attributes, then
carriage, wrench, and kite. By holding the shapes constant, in the current study patients should have equal difficulty
and manipulating the similarity of the labels (carriage, identifying members of all three triads, because within each
wrench, and kite vs. banjo, guitar, and violin), Dixon et al. triad the labels reference objects that have overlapping visual
were able to conclude that nonvisual attributes also play a semantics (e.g., violin, guitar, banjo have forms that are
role in visual object identification. similar to one another, as do snorkel, cane, crowbar, and
Clearly the semantic similarity of the labels made a dif- spike, straw, pencil). By contrast, if it is the nonvisual
ference to performance in these tasks. What is unclear in attributes of object representations within semantics that
these studies is which aspect of semantics played a key role influence patients’ performance, then patients should per-
in driving patients’ performance. Consider the poor perfor- form poorly on the banjo, guitar, violin set, but fare much
mance for shapes attached to the labels banjo, guitar, and better when attempting to identify members of either the
violin and the relatively good performance for shapes snorkel, cane, crowbar triad or members of the spike, straw,
attached to the labels carriage, wrench, and kite. We sur- pencil triad. Performance on the stringed instrument set
mised that it was the overlap in the nonvisual semantic should be poor because within semantics there are few non-
attributes of the stringed instruments (the fact that they are visual features that serve to disambiguate triad members
178 T. Schweizer and M. Dixon

(e.g., they are used for similar purposes, and are played in neurological findings related to cerebrovascular disease. Fol-
similar fashion, etc.). Performance on the snorkel, cane, lowing a neurology consult he was administered Acyclovir.
and crowbar set and the spike, straw, and pencil set should The presentation was consistent with herpes simplex viral
be much better because even though the labels within each encephalitis. Electroencephalography demonstrated abun-
triad reference entities that have similar forms, these labels dant epileptiform activity in keeping with diffuse, severe
refer to entities that differ from one another on a wide vari- viral encephalitis. A computed tomography (CT) scan taken
ety of nonvisual attributes (e.g., what they are used for, how six days post-onset demonstrated hypodensity in the right
they are used, etc.). In sum, equivalent performance on all anterior temporal lobe, left anterior temporal lobe, and right
three triads supports Gaffan and Heywood’s visual discrim- anterior frontal lobe consistent with herpes simplex enceph-
inability hypothesis (both conservative and liberal ver- alitis. Six months post-onset, the patient was seen again for
sions), whereas poorer performance on the banjo, guitar, a formal neuropsychological assessment. Psychometrically,
violin triad relative to the snorkel, cane, crowbar and the he had borderline performance in short-term retention and
spike, straw, pencil triads would support theories which recognition of geometric designs relative to a group of age-
enable nonvisual attributes of objects to play a role in visual matched peers. He was disoriented to place (thought he was
identification. at an insurance company as opposed to a hospital), date,
month, and year (reported year as 1993 rather than actual
year of 1998). He misidentified the city he was in and what
METHODS time of day it was. What used to be well-learned and0or
significant information for him premorbidly (e.g., Prime
Research Participants Minister’s name, FS’s own age) were incorrectly reported.
When information was presented to him and his memory
All participants gave their informed consent prior to inclu-
was challenged, he confabulated.
sion in the study. Ethical approval for this research was
Digit Span performance was Low Average with 6 digits
obtained from the Office of Research Ethics at the Univer-
forward and 5 backwards. Picture Arrangement and Block
sity of Waterloo.
Design performance was impaired (Wechsler, 1997). On a
standardized Visual Search Test (Trenerry et al., 1990) he
Patient Profiles did not show neglect. Verbal fluency for cued words was
severely compromised (4 words after five minutes) and
Temporal-lobe stroke (ELM) fraught with perseverations.
ELM is a 72-year-old man who was admitted to hospital for
heart failure in 1982. He was readmitted in 1985 and was Early dementia of the Alzheimer’s type (CS)
found to have bilateral lesions deep in the mesiotemporal
CS is a 60-year-old male, right-handed, retired engineer
lobes. Previous testing of this patient has revealed category-
with post secondary education. Since 2000, CS had been
specific visual recognition impairments (see Arguin et al.,
experiencing symptoms of cognitive decline. Neuropsycho-
1996 for complete patient profile).
logical assessment confirmed a number of impairments, with
Previous research using line drawings indicates that rel-
the most pronounced deficits relating to very impaired men-
ative to aged-matched controls ELM has deficits naming
tal tracking, multitasking skills, and cognitive flexibility;
common mammals, birds, common insects, fruits, and veg-
very compromised memory for novel visuospatial informa-
etables, but can quickly and easily identify most man-made
tion; very weak written arithmetic problem-solving skills
objects (in a confrontation naming task using line drawings
and mental manipulation of numeric information; and
he correctly named only 21% of the depictions of “biolog-
extremely impaired psychomotor performance. The pattern
ical” objects, but 92% of the depictions of man-made objects
of test findings and clinical history are suggestive of demen-
(Dixon et al., 1997). Importantly, however, he does have
tia of the Alzheimer’s type (DAT). Tests indicate no evi-
trouble identifying certain categories of man-made objects.
dence of depression and CS reported no family history of
He keeps a flag on his car to distinguish it from others in
neurological or psychiatric disorder.
the parking lot. Furthermore, an in-depth study of his
musical-instrument naming shows a profound deficit in nam-
ing stringed musical instruments (Dixon et al., 2002). Do FS and CS have Visual Identification
Herpes simplex viral encephalitis (FS)
Picture Naming Task
FS is a 55-year-old, right-handed male banker with 12 years
of formal English education. In June 1997 he developed flu- To assess our patient’s visual recognition deficits, we ad-
like symptoms including muscle aches, headache, wheez- ministered a standardized set of 260 line drawings from
ing, and dry cough. He experienced tonic0clonic seizures and Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980). Both patients were pre-
was admitted to hospital with a temperature. He was taken to sented with each line drawing, in random order, one at a
the intensive care unit with generalized seizures and focal time, and asked to name each one. No time limit was imposed
Influences on visual object identification 179

on responding to each picture. FS correctly named 1970260 probe pictures. For example, a picture of a wine bottle is
(75%) of the standardized line drawings while CS correctly presented as the target stimulus and the probe pictures include
named 2170260 (84%). a picture of grapes and an onion.
In summary, FS and CS appear to have few problems in
Tests of visual processing—Birmingham forming three-dimensional representations of visually pre-
Object Recognition Battery (BORB) sented objects. Both patients present with few problems
tests 7, 10, 11, and 12 accessing semantic knowledge about objects but do have
problems on an object decision test—a task traditionally
Components of the BORB (Riddoch & Humphreys, 1993) thought to assess the integrity of patients’ structural descrip-
were used to assess aspects of FS’s and CS’s visual object tions (Riddoch & Humphreys, 1993). Our goal in testing
identification difficulties. Patient performance was com- FS and CS with the BORB was to capture a general picture
pared to control data reported in the BORB and is summa- of their object identification capabilities. Such relatively
rized in Table 1. For each test, impaired performance is global assessments are not specifically designed to show
indicated when scores are two standard deviations away that their semantic attribute knowledge was preserved for
from control means. The following tests were administered. one class of objects (i.e., artifacts) and impaired for other
The Minimal Feature Match Task (BORB test 7) assesses classes of objects (i.e., animals), or conversely, to show that
the ability to match canonical with acanonical (unusual view- their visual attributes were more impaired than their func-
points) of objects. This task requires the participant to ana- tional attributes. The fact that both patients had relatively
lyze a target picture of an object taken from a standard unimpaired performance in accessing semantic information
viewpoint and then select from amongst distractors a pic- about the entities that comprise these subtests suggests, how-
ture of that same object taken from a different viewpoint. ever, that they do not have any such semantic-attribute
The remaining tests (10, 11, and 12) assess the patient’s retrieval impairments. Thus, patient FS’s and CS’s prob-
ability to access stored knowledge of objects. In the Object lems in the visual identification of objects appear to pref-
Decision Task (test 10), patients are presented with line erentially involve impaired structural descriptions as opposed
drawings depicting real and unreal objects and asked if the to an impaired semantic system. The goal of the current
presented item could exist in real life or not. The unreal experiments was to see whether the nonvisual attributes of
objects were created by having one feature of a real object objects that are stored in these relatively intact semantic
combined with a feature from another object. An example stores could aid patient’s performance in their visual iden-
of an unreal object would depict a swan’s body combined tification of the objects in the ELM task.
with a snake’s head.
In the Item Match Task (test 11) the participant is required
to choose which one of the two probe pictures comes from Visual and nonvisual similarity ratings
the same category as the target stimuli. For example, the Eight, healthy, elderly male participants matched on age
target picture of a daffodil is presented with the probe pic- and education to our patients were asked to rate the visual
tures of a leaf and a daisy. The correct response to this item and nonvisual similarity of the object triads referenced by
would be the picture of the daisy because it is from the the labels used in the study (banjo, violin, guitar; snorkel,
same class of objects (e.g., two different types of flowers). cane, crowbar; spike, straw, pencil) and is summarized in
Riddoch and Humphreys (1993) argued that successful per- Table 2. Each participant was provided with the list of labels
formance on this task can only be done by accessing some contained within each triad and asked to imagine each triad
stored semantic knowledge about the presented items. of concepts (i.e., snorkel, cane, crowbar) and rate how visu-
In the Associative Match Task (test 12) a target is pre- ally similar the triad of objects are to one another. In another
sented that is functionally associated with one of the two condition participants were asked to rate how similar the
same triads were in terms of their nonvisual attributes (i.e.,
what the object does, what the object is used for, etc.).
Table 1. Patient data versus controls on tests of visual
Participants were provided a 7-point Likert scale below the
processing from the Birmingham Object Recognition
Battery (BORB)

Birmingham Object Recognition Battery Tests

Table 2. Control participant ratings of the visual and nonvisual
Minimal Object Item similarity of the object triads
Feature Decision Match Associative
Match Task Task Task Match Task Visual Non-visual
Label triads similarity similarity
FS 24025 16032* 28032 25030
CS 20025 22032‡ 30032 26030 Banjo, Violin, Guitar 6.0 6.1*
Controls 23.5025 30.5032 30032 27.5030 Snorkel, Cane, Crowbar 5.6 1.8
Spike, Straw, Pencil 5.3 2.0
*Indicates severe impairment (10 SDs below control mean).
‡Indicates severe impairment (6 SDs below control mean). *p , .001
180 T. Schweizer and M. Dixon

printed words, where 1 was labelled “not similar” and 7 and similar non-visual features comprised the “banjo” (2, 0),
was labelled “very similar.” The mean visual similarity rat- “guitar” (19, 550), and “violin” (11, 468) triad.
ings were 6.0 for the banjo, violin, guitar triad; 5.6 for the
snorkel, cane, crowbar triad; and 5.3 for the spike, straw, Shape label matching—Learning trials
pencil triad. These differences were not statistically signif-
Shapes were presented one at a time accompanied by a
icant ( p . .4). The mean nonvisual similarity ratings were;
digitized recording of their preassigned label. Shapes were
6.1 for the banjo, violin, guitar triad; 1.8 for the snorkel,
centrally presented while the name was simultaneously
cane, crowbar triad, and 2.0 for the spike, straw, pencil
played over the computer’s speakers. Each shape remained
triad. Planned comparisons indicated that the latter triads
on-screen for 2000 ms, followed by a blank screen intertrial
did not differ from one another t(7) 5 .607, p 5 .56, but the
interval of 3000 ms. Six such learning trials were presented
banjo, guitar, violin triad had higher nonvisual similarity
(two of each shape-label pairing). Learning trials were pre-
ratings than either the snorkel, cane, crowbar triad, t(7) 5
sented in pseudorandom order.
13.5, p , .001 or the spike, straw, pencil triad t(7) 5 10.4,
p , .001.
Test trials

Shape-Label Identification Task After a 500-ms READY prompt and a 500-ms blank inter-
stimulus interval, shapes were centrally presented without
(“ELM Paradigm”)
their labels. Participants attempted to “name” the shape (give
Apparatus the label associated with the shape on learning trials). Nam-
ing was not under time pressure. Shapes remained on-screen
The experiments were presented using a Macintosh Power- until an answer was provided. Participants were provided
book (170) computer controlled by Psychlab software (Bub with a printed list of that session’s three possible labels to
& Gum, 1990). refer to as needed. All answers including “don’t know” were
recorded, and participants were encouraged to guess if they
Shape stimuli were not sure. Six such test trials were presented (two of
Three computer shapes were generated, such that within each shape). A 1000-ms intertrial interval separated test
this triad, shapes had multiple overlapping visual attributes. trials.
Shapes A, B, and C were all equally tapered. Shapes B and This interleaved six-learning-six-test trial pattern was
C were equally curved (103 the curvature of Shape A); repeated until 144 learning and 144 test trials were com-
Shapes A and B were equally thick (30 mm) and were both pleted in each of the three shape-label conditions. The crit-
twice the width of Shape C (15 mm along the horizontal ical data is the number of errors participants made on test
axis) (see Figure 1). trials for the various shape-label set pairings. Testing was
conducted over three separate sessions for each patient with
Verbal label frequencies and familiarity a minimum of 24 hours between sessions. The presentation
of shape-label set pairings was counterbalanced across
The triad of shapes shown in Figure 1 were associated with patients.
three sets of labels. Label names are presented along with
their word frequency, familiarity ratings (freq, fam), which
were obtained from the MRC Psycholinguistic Database RESULTS
(2004). Labels referencing entities with visually similar
forms but distinct nonvisual features included the “snorkel” Shape-Label Identification Task
(0, 0), “crowbar” (0, 0), and “cane” (12, 442) triad; and the (“ELM Paradigm”)
“spike” (2, 471), “straw” (15, 508), and “pencil” (34, 598)
triad. Labels referencing entities with visually similar forms Comparison group performance
Six, healthy age (mean age 64.5, SD 5 5.0) and education-
matched male participants performed the shape-label iden-
tification task. As expected, healthy participants had few
problems with the task. The mean number of confusion
errors made by our participants were 3.7 (SD 5 1.4) for the
banjo, violin, guitar triad; 1.8 (SD 5 .75) for the snorkel,
cane, crowbar triad, and 1.2 (SD 5 1.2) for the spike, straw,
pencil triad. Planned comparisons indicated that perfor-
mance on the latter triads did not differ from one another
t(5) 5 .933, p 5 .39, but participants made more confusion
errors on the banjo, guitar, violin triad than either the snor-
kel, cane, crowbar triad, t(5) 5 3.1, p , .05 or the spike,
Fig. 1. The computer-generated shape set. straw, pencil triad t(5) 5 2.7, p , .05.
Influences on visual object identification 181

Temporal-lobe stroke (ELM) Early dementia of the Alzheimer’s type (CS)

As illustrated in Figure 2, ELM’s error rate was 28% (410 As illustrated in Figure 2, CS’s error rate was 32% (460
144) on the banjo, guitar, violin triad and 8% (110144) for 144) on the banjo, guitar, violin triad, and 15% (210144) for
the snorkel, cane, crowbar triad, and 13% (190144) for the the snorkel, cane, crowbar triad, and 16% (230144) for the
spike, straw, pencil triad. Performance on the latter two spike, straw, pencil triad. Performance on the latter two
triads was not significantly different (x 2 (1) 5 2.13, p 5 ns). triads was not significantly different (x 2 (1) 5 0.11, p 5 ns).
As expected, ELM made more errors on the banjo, guitar, As expected, CS made more errors on the banjo, guitar,
violin triad, than on the snorkel, cane, crowbar (x 2 (1) 5 violin triad, than on the snorkel, cane, crowbar (x 2 (1) 5
17.31, p , .001) or the spike, straw, pencil triad (x 2 (1) 5 12.4, p , .001) or the spike, straw, pencil triad (x 2 (1) 5
8.07, p , .005). 10.24, p , .001).

Herpes simplex viral encephalitis (FS) DISCUSSION

As illustrated in Figure 2, FS’s error rate was 54% (780144) The primary purpose of this experiment was to elucidate
on the banjo, guitar, violin triad, and 15% (220144) for the the role of nonvisual attribute knowledge on visual identi-
snorkel, cane, crowbar triad, and 8% (120144) for the spike, fication performance. The results reported here suggest that
straw, pencil triad. Performance on the latter two triads was nonvisual attribute knowledge plays a critical role in deter-
not significantly different (x 2 (1) 5 3.37, p 5 ns). As mining visual identification performance. All three patients
expected, FS made more errors on the banjo, guitar, violin (ELM, FS, and CS) demonstrated significantly poorer iden-
triad, than on the snorkel, cane, crowbar triad (x 2 (1) 5 tification performance on the banjo, violin, guitar, triad as
48.6, p , .001) or the spike, straw, pencil triad (x 2 (1) 5 compared to the triads of snorkel, cane, crowbar and spike,
74.6, p , .001). straw, pencil. These results, albeit to a much lesser degree,
were also apparent in our healthy participants. For each
triad, the visual similarity of the computer-generated shapes
was equated by using the same shapes within each triad.
Furthermore, the similarity among the visual attributes of
the objects referenced by the labels was also equal across
all three triads (i.e., healthy participants gave equivalent
visual similarity ratings for banjo, guitar, violin; snorkel,
cane, crowbar; and spike, straw, pencil). However, the prox-
imity of the nonvisual semantic attributes differed across
the three triads (i.e., healthy participants gave high similar-
ity ratings for banjo, guitar, and violin, but low ratings for
the triads of snorkel, cane, crowbar and spike, straw, pen-
cil). Since the computer-generated shapes were the same in
all three triads and the visual semantic information among
the entities were also similar, then the differences in iden-
tification performance must be attributable to the nonvisual
semantic information associated with the shapes in each
These results are inconsistent with the idea that in visual
identification only the visual attributes of the objects being
identified play a significant role. Rather, they support theo-
ries that advocate for the contribution of both visual and
nonvisual attributes in visual identification, such as the psy-
chological distance account.
The psychological distance account by Dixon and col-
leagues (Dixon et al., 1997, 1999) proposes that semantic
similarity effects are due to the proximity of nonvisual
attributes within semantics. Since the snorkel, cane, crow-
bar, and the spike, straw, pencil set have disparate nonvi-
sual attributes, then Dixon and colleagues would predict
better performance on these triads than on the triad where
the nonvisual attributes are similar. The performance of
patients on the shape-label task provides empirical support
Fig. 2. Patient performance on the ELM paradigm. for theories that emphasize the importance of both visual
182 T. Schweizer and M. Dixon

and nonvisual semantic similarity as being critical factors investigating the retrieval of what they refer to as “concep-
in understanding visual object identification. tual knowledge” in brain-damaged patients. Conceptual
Dixon and colleagues assumed that because in the ELM knowledge referred to attributes such as what an object
paradigm the computer-generated shapes are provided to the does, what it is used for, familiarity, value to the perceiver,
participants, these shapes stand for, and replace the actual characteristic sounds that objects make, etc. They reported
forms of the objects referenced by the labels. As such, Dixon that patients with impaired concept retrieval for a particular
and colleagues assume that when participants access seman- item were unable to visually identify that item, suggesting
tics of the labels from the computer-generated shapes that that intact retrieval of conceptual knowledge is crucial to
are provided to the participant, they access only the nonvi- identifying visually presented objects.
sual attributes (when shown the “guitar” computer-generated A number of studies have demonstrated that patients’iden-
shape, they access nonvisual attributes such as what it is used tification performance in a number of different domains can
for, how it is played, etc.). It could be argued, however, that be influenced by nonvisual information. Providing nonvi-
in addition to accessing nonvisual attributes (e.g., how it is sual semantic information about faces can play a facilitating
played), participants also access visual attributes (i.e., the form role in later face identification (Klatzky et al., 1982; Dixon
of a guitar). If participants accessed both nonvisual and visual et al., 1998). Further support for the notion that nonvisual
attributes when performing the ELM task, then one would semantic information influences visual discrimination comes
expect superior performance on a triad in which the labels from research on neurologically intact individuals. Gauthier
referenced objects that are distinct in terms of both their visual and colleagues (2003) had participant’s associate arbitrary
and nonvisual semantics. Although such a triad was not pre- nonvisual semantic features (i.e., sticky, heavy, sweet, etc.)
sented in the current study, in an earlier paper by Schweizer with novel creature-like objects called “YUFOs.” One group
and colleagues (2001), patient FS was tested using exactly of participants were trained to associate each YUFO with dis-
the same shape triad used in this experiment but paired with similar nonvisual features while the other group associated
the labels of bell, eraser, cane—a set of labels that reference each YUFO with similar nonvisual features. After receiving
objects with nonoverlapping, nonvisual semantic attributes, equivalent amounts of training, each group performed a
as well as nonoverlapping, visual semantic attributes. If sequential matching task with the YUFOs. The results sug-
patients accessed visual attributes as well as nonvisual gest that associating YUFOs with semantically dissimilar non-
attributes, then one would predict superior performance on visual features translated to better performance on a sequential
this set relative to the snorkel, cane, crowbar or spike, straw, matching task than associating the same objects with seman-
pencil set because the differing visual features of bell, eraser, tically similar nonvisual features. That is, participants were
and cane would further separate these entities in multidimen- more likely to notice that YUFO 1 was different from YUFO
sional psychological space, rendering them less prone to 2, if the two YUFOs were highly distinct in terms of their
errors. FS’s error rate was 10% (140144) on the triad of bell, nonvisual features (e.g., one was sticky, heavy, and sweet,
eraser, cane—an error rate which was comparable to his per- and one was smooth, light, and sour). By contrast, if the two
formance in the current experiment using exactly the same YUFOs had the same nonvisual features, participants were
shapes paired with snorkel, cane, crowbar (15%) and spike, less likely to notice that two YUFOs were actually different.
straw, pencil (8%). These results are compatible with the idea Interestingly, Gauthier et al. (2003) pointed out that this effect
that, at least for this patient, the computer-generated shapes was obtained with a task that could be performed exclu-
do indeed stand for, and replace the forms of the objects ref- sively by using the visual information alone—it was never a
erenced by the labels, and that only the nonvisual semantic requirement on the matching task that participants explicitly
information was critical in determining identification per- retrieve the nonvisual features. As a result, they conclude that
formance. Further research is necessary, however, before con- access to semantic information may be an automatic process
cluding that all participants in the ELM paradigm only access during visual discrimination because the nonvisual semantic
the nonvisual features of objects referenced by the labels. Pos- features associated with the novel objects significantly
sibly, only patients like FS who have sustained damage to influenced visual discrimination judgments that could have
higher-order visual centers will limit their access to the non- been made by the visual properties alone. A recent neuro-
visual attributes of the objects referenced by the labels. By imaging study utilizing the same paradigm revealed that the
contrast, healthy observers, for whom higher aspects of vision brain regions involved in the processing of conceptual knowl-
are fully functional, may access both the nonvisual and visual edge were activated when participants visually processed
aspects of the entities referenced by the labels in performing novel objects paired with arbitrary concepts (James & Gauth-
the ELM task.At present, what is unequivocal is that for these ier, 2004).
patients identifying these particular triads, the nonvisual Other research implicating the importance of nonvisual
attributes of the objects referenced by the labels clearly played object attributes in visual object identification comes from
a key role in patient’s visual identification performance. neuroimaging studies. Martin et al. (2000) suggest that for
Other researchers have also acknowledged the impor- successful visual object identification to take place, one
tance of nonvisual knowledge in visual object identifica- needs to access prior knowledge about the viewed object. A
tion in patients with category-specific deficits. Tranel et al. number of researchers have reported that naming tools selec-
(1997a, 1997b) reported results from a large-scale study tively activates the left middle temporal gyrus and the left
Influences on visual object identification 183

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ble for storing knowledge about how particular objects are Object identification deficits in dementia of the Alzheimer
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