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Chulalongkorn University Department of Civil Engineering

Survey Questionnaire
Topic: Construction Project Risk Allocation by using Contract in Cambodia

Objective: This questionnaire survey aims to get the information related to

 The current condition of risks and risk allocation perception occurring in Cambodia
construction project
 The current practice of construction contract, especially related to risk allocation in
public construction project in Cambodia in order to develop a guideline for effective
risk allocation in road construction project for using in Cambodia.
Risk: can be defined as hazard or threat that has the negative effect to the project objective.

Risk Allocation: refers to the responsibility dividing to cover the risk within all parties
involved in the project. Risk can be allocated to contractor, employer and share between
contractor and employer.

The information collected will be confidential and will be used only in this study. Your
identity will not be revealed.
Your participation is very valuable and appreciated.

Please answer the questions below by completing in the provided gap, and make your
choice by crossing in the box
 Select the risks that occur in the project, evaluate its main impact to time, cost,
quality or scope, and give your idea that the risk should be allocated to
contractor (C), or employer (E), or shared between contractor and employer (S)
or need the discussion according to the real situation of the project (D)
 The level of frequency of occurrence ( Probability of Occurrence) of each risk

Scenario Rating

Not expected to happen 1

Small likelihood but could well happen 2

Quite often Occurs 3

More than even chance 4

Very frequent occurrence 5

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Chulalongkorn University Department of Civil Engineering

 The level of impact of each risk to cost, time quality and scope are:

Scenario Very low Low Moderate High Very high

Rating A B C D E

Cost Insignificant < 10% cost 10-20% cost 20-40 % cost > 40% cost
cost increase increase increase increase increase

Time Insignificant < 5% time 5-10% time 10-20% time > 20% time
time increase increase increase increase

Scope Scope Minor areas Major areas Scope Project end item
decrease of scope of scope reduction is effectively
barely affected affected unacceptable useless
noticeable to sponsor

Quality Quality Only very Quality Quality Project end item

degradation demanding reduction reduction is effectively
barely applications requires unacceptable useless
noticeable are affected sponsor to sponsor

Example of the answer:

Delay payment

Exist or Yes
not No
Probability 2
Time D
Cost B
Impact to
Quality No
Scope No
Risk Employer
allocation Share

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Chulalongkorn University Department of Civil Engineering

Internal Risk

Exist or Yes
not No
Impact Cost
to Quality
Risk Employer
allocation Share

Capability of parties involving in the project Contractual

and legal

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Chulalongkorn University Department of Civil Engineering

External Risk

Exist or Yes
not No
Impact Cost
to Quality
Risk Employer
allocation Share

Political and Econo- Physical

Societal mic

Other Risks

 Risk Level of frequency Level of Impact

Effect to Allocate to

 Risk Level of frequency Level of Impact

Effect to Allocate to

 Risk Level of frequency Level of Impact

Effect to Allocate to
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Chulalongkorn University Department of Civil Engineering

Personal Information


Company or Institution’s Name & Address

Tel. (Optional) E-mail (Optional)

Present role in the contract ☐ Employer ☐ Contractor ☐ Consultant other

Years of experience in construction industry years.

This is the end of this questionnaire. Thank you very much.

Please kindly return the questionnaire to SAY Buntha

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