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Getting To Know


In 30 seconds, answer the following question:

• What is the role of a woman/man in making a long and happy marriage?

Speak Up
Watch the video and answer the given questions in 60 seconds:

1. Are you married? If yes, what do you do to avoid

arguing with your spouse? If not, what would you do?

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Wear Your Words
Listen and repeat. Then, choose a word to define.

1. Considerate (adj) /kənˈsɪdərət/

2. Priority (n) /praɪˈɔːrəti/

3. Honesty (n) /ˈɑːnəsti/

4. Forgive (v) /fərˈɡɪv/

5. Sympathize (v) /ˈsɪmpəθaɪz/

6. Anticipate (v) /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/

Make a sentence using that word.

Example: Forgiving your partner is an important way to keep your marriage happy.

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Wear Your Words
Explanation of useful phrasal verbs :

Put up with sb/sth to be ​willing to ​accept someone or

something that is ​unpleasant or not ​desirable

to be ​extremely ​interested in or ​worried by

Be hung up on sth a ​particular ​subject and ​spend an
unreasonably ​large ​amount of ​time ​thinking
about it

If your partner is being unreasonable, you shouldn't put up with it.
 She is hung up on her husband’s mistakes and that’s why they argue with each
other all the time.
Make a sentence using one of the given phrasal verbs.
Vietnam: 1800 6885
Thailand: 021 054 346
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Essential Structures

S1 + V1 as long as S2 + V2.

Example: Your marriage will be happy and strong as long as you know how to
sympathize with your partner.

Make a sentence using the given structure.

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Raise Your Voice
Pair Work: Discuss with your partner in 180 seconds.
Your friend is celebrating her 20th wedding anniversary and she is satisfied with her
marriage. Ask her for some advice on how to have a long and happy marriage. (forgive
mistakes, show love, respect privacy, spend time together, etc. )

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Thailand: 021 054 346
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Assessment Form
Here are some comments on your performance.

Student Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar







Feel free to ask if you have any questions!

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What We Gained

 Vocabulary related to having a happy marriage

 Two phrasal verbs:

• Put up with sb/sth

• Be hung up on Sth

 Structure:

S1 + V1 as long as S2 + V2.

 Discussion about the secret to a happy marriage

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Complete your mission and find more in related lessons.

 Take note of what you need to improve (Vocabulary, Grammar and

Your mission  Search for related lessons in the course browser
 Take those lessons

 Meet my family (#0335)


Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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