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Getting To Know


In 30 seconds, answer the following questions:

- Do you think about the health benefits of what you drink?

- Do you need coffee to wake up in the morning?

Speak Up
Watch the video and answer the given question in 60 seconds:


What are some benefits of

drinking coffee?


Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Wear Your Words
Listen and repeat. Then, choose a word to define.

1. Brew (v) /bruː/

2. Grind (v) /ɡraɪnd/

3. Energize (v) /ˈenərdʒaɪz/

4. Stimulant (n) /ˈstɪmjələnt/

5. Beverage (n) /ˈbevərɪdʒ/

6. Diminish (v) /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/

Make a sentence using that word.

Example: Coffee and tea are mild stimulants.

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Indo: +622 129 223 068 3/9
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Wear Your Words
Explanation of a useful idiom and phrasal verb:

Wake up and smell used to tell somebody to become aware of what

the coffee is really happening in a situation, especially
when this is something unpleasant

Drink (sth) up to drink all of something

 We have to wake up and smell the coffee and recognize that it is time to do
something about it.
 Your coffee is getting cold, drink up.
Make a sentence using the given idiom or phrasal verb.
Vietnam: 1800 6885
Thailand: 021 054 346
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Indo: +622 129 223 068 4/9
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Essential Structures

S + be amazed at sth/doing sth.

Example: I was amazed at the benefits of drinking coffee in the morning.

Make a sentence using the given structure.

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Indo: +622 129 223 068 5/9
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Raise Your Voice
Pair Work: In 180 seconds, discuss with your partner some benefits of drinking coffee.


 Coffee can make you feel happier

 Coffee is great for your liver

 Coffee consumption has been linked to lower levels of suicide

 Coffee can reduce your chances of getting skin cancer

 Coffee can make you a better athlete

 Drinking coffee can help keep your brain healthier for longer

 Etc.

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Indo: +622 129 223 068 6/9
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Assessment Form
Here are some comments on your performance.

Student Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar







Feel free to ask if you have any questions!

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Indo: +622 129 223 068 7/9
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What We Gained

 Vocabulary related to drinking coffee

 One idiom and one phrasal verb:
Wake up and smell the coffee
Drink (sth) up
 Structure:
S + be amazed at sth/doing sth.
 Discussion about some benefits of drinking coffee

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Indo: +622 129 223 068 8/9
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Complete your mission and find more in related lessons.

 Take note of what you need to improve (Vocabulary, Grammar and

Your mission  Search for related lessons in the course browser
 Take those lessons

 156-compare hard /c/ (coffee) vs. hard /g/ (go) (#0204)

 141-healthcare (#0374)

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Indo: +622 129 223 068 9/9
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