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Design of Temporary Bridge
for Disaster Management: Modular Approach

The following study is about the utilization of the modular approach to temporary bridges.
The researchers considered the statement of the objectives as follows: to provide a study that
applies the concept of Temporary Bridges utilizing Modular Approach, to present the analysis and
loading conditions with the method of connection per span, and to consider the flexibility of the
study to be able to meet the standard requirements, wherein provision of economic solutions to
various demands were considered. The strength parameters of the utilized materials and the design
details of prefabricated components of proposed modular bridge were used as the input.
The data were gathered using Structural Analysis and Design (STAAD) Trial Version and
from various analysis of members and components. The expected output was a stable and reliable
bridge that can support the needs for replacement of original bridge. It was concluded by the
researchers that the proposed scheme of the temporary bridge was as effective as the standard
Bailey bridge. It was also proved that the study produced a more economical system based on the
shear and flexural capacities of the designed proposed bridge. It was recommended that the design
analysis extension should be conducted for corresponding situations if the loading conditions will
exceed the specified and tested maximum load capacity of the proposed temporary emergency
bridge. It was also advised that alternative materials should be considered instead of steel.



This is a hypothetical Live Load Model proposed by AASHTO for analysis of bridges. Reason for
proposing this live load model is to prescribe a set of loads such that it produces extreme load
effect approximately same as that produced by the exclusion vehicles.


The Bailey bridge is a type of portable, pre-fabricated, truss bridge. It was developed by the
British during World War II for military use and saw extensive use by British, Canadian and the
American military engineering units. A Bailey bridge had the advantages of requiring no special
tools or heavy equipment to assemble.

A system that is made up of several components, element or part of the larger whole with different
purposes to come up with one unit that aims to provide service as one.
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A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human,
material, economic or environmental loss and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected
community or society to cope using its own resources.


A design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules or skids that can be
independently created and then used in different systems.


As an alternative to costly detours, maintenance of traffic, and increased traffic volume,

prefabricated steel bridges are utilized to divert traffic during bridge repair, rehabilitation,
construction, or replacement. These bridges are installed as a temporary structure during
construction and then disassembled and stored until used again as a temporary structure.

The underlying foundation of a nation is its investment towards the construction of
infrastructures. A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles such as a body of water,
valley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle (Cambridge Dictionary
2016). Widely used design systems were developed to address the innovation of efficient
infrastructures that will suffice the need of the citizens. The nation's infrastructure of highway
bridges is plagued with two major problems: premature deterioration and structural deficiency,
both of which were underscored as strategic research issues in a recent National Science
Foundation study ("Civil” 1998). In the article of Department of Public Works and Highways,
bridges are vital part of the national road network. The Philippine Government acknowledges two
classifications of bridge structures, permanent and temporary bridges. The composition of
permanent bridge structures are concrete and steel bridges while temporary bridge structures are
Bailey and timber. It is essential in the Philippine Economy to observe cost-effective structural
system that could also extend service design life of the structures.
This research is focused on the modular bridge approach of constructing bridges.
According to Structure Design and Rehabilitation, Inc. (2005), modular bridge systems are the
best option in terms of construction, time consumption, and construction economy. With modular
bridge approach, mass-produced elements can be quickly set up and this could deduct labor cost
and lane closure time, which is very important in well congested areas. The word "modular" is
used to refer a precast structural member that is made up of different and separate modules that
are ready to be erected on site. The basic principle of a modular bridge system approach is the
faster installation and construction of bridges that will address and solve the arising problems due
to impassable road networks.
The advancement of Bridge Engineering was actively studied at present to provide
adequate and versatile solutions to address the vast economical demands in line with the
consideration of the serviceability and design lifespan of infrastructures. Taking into context the
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article of Encyclopedia Britannica, one of the oldest bridge systems is the Bailey Bridge System
which is spearheaded by Sir Donald Coleman Bailey. The design was adopted when World War
II broke out and the need for military bridge was the top necessity. The bridge design is capable
of taking heavy loadings by utilizing light weight steel trusses.
On August 27th, 2011, Hurricane Irene assaulted the coast of North Carolina, causing a
breach in the coastline near Rodanthe and destroying the only road, NC-12, that gives residents
and visitors access to the island (Mabey 2011). The utilization of a precast panel bridge came into
play and made the construction of the bridge for roughly a month. With consistent scheduling of
material deliveries, the erection of the section was made one section at a time. The collaboration
of the government and Mabey Company made the possible solutions for the bridge to be
operational with two lanes constructed with 650 MU Panel Bridge. It is a very remarkable
construction because it was an ideal choice to use modular design which allows quick assembly
with minimal man power and time construction.
In the paper of John Van Lund titled as “Improving The Quality And Durability Of
Modular Bridge Expansion Joints” in 1993, it covers the steps taken by the Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to improve the quality and durability of modular bridge
expansion joints that have a movement rating greater than 150 mm. The test basically determines
the premature fatigue that a modular bridge expansion joints are subjected under cycles and
specifies the test requirements. It aims to improve the specifications and quality control of the
materials. On the later part of the paper, it was recommended that modular bridge expansion joints
have at least a 5-year guarantee on performance and durability (Van Lund, J. 1993).
On 2013, a study entitled "Experimental Study of Specific Cross Beam Types Appropriate
for Modular Bridges" was conducted by Seung-Kyung Kye, Young-Hyo Son, Jin-Woong Choi,
Dooyong Cho, and Sun-Kyu Park which is based in South Korea. It was a study focused on the
utilization of prefabricated alternative cross beam connection types that are suitable for modular
bridge and bulb-T girder specimens. The behavior of the structure was analyzed and run through
tests of static loading to justify the bridge design.

In the Philippines, the Bailey Bridge System is acknowledged as a temporary bridge

solution to suffice the need of immediate road network connection (DPWH). It was utilized in the
construction of bridges in Bohol Island when a magnitude of 7.2 earthquake struck Bohol and left
the infrastructures of Bohol damaged. The destruction of bridges in Bohol in 2013 was hampering
the distribution of relief goods in isolated communities (GOVPH Updates 2013). One of the most
damaged bridges is the Abatan Bridge, a pre-stressed superstructure built on four concrete piers in
the river. The need to restore the connecting bridge of the capital city to its subsidiaries was so
urgent that the most ideal solution was the usage of Bailey Bridge System. Spearheaded by Mabey
Bridge Company, it is taken into context of the case study that four span Compact 200
prefabricated steel panels and trusses configuration was chosen, with two long 16 bay central
spans, each measuring 48.7m, and two shorter four bay spans measuring 12.1m connecting to the
north and south abutments (Bohol Earthquake Emergency Bridging 2013).

Tropical Cyclone Seniang devastated Cebu claiming 66 lives and leaving a total of twenty-
seven (27) roads and bridges are not passable in Region V, VI, VII, VIII, X and CARAGA
(NDRRMC 2015). The widespread damage of Cebu's infrastructure called for an urgent solution.
Dumlong Bridge, a concrete bridge, was replaced by a modular prefabricated steel truss since the
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bridge was rendered unusable. With a width of 7.35 metres allowing two lanes of traffic, the bridge
is able to accommodate cars, buses and other heavy traffic. The 59 metre bridge has been installed
over the existing concrete bridge and features 35 metre approaches on either side. Work to install
the bridge was conducted 24 hours a day (Mabey 2014).

The assessment of use and inventive prefabricated steel bridge system in connection to the
methods of bridge construction, replacement and reconstruction will fall under the objectives of
this study. The aim of this study is to provide enough design details, analysis and implementation
of an emergency response bridge system that considers the economy cost implications and the
suitability to address the need of temporary bridge in collaboration with the Department of Public
Works and Highways. The benefits of this study regarding the design process of Emergency Bridge
System will provide faster and efficient installation. The design flexibility, greater durability,
reduced maintenance and cost effectiveness of the structural system will be observed throughout
the case study. The Philippines is geographically located in an area where it is prone to natural
calamities. The government must take preventive measures and must have immediate response
system with regard to infrastructures. The reconstruction of permanent infrastructures here in the
Philippines will surely take a long time and it furtherly prevents the continual growth of poorly
developed areas. It is when the role of Temporary Emergency Bridge System will come in. The
mother of invention is necessity. The advancement and developmental aspects of a certain country
will rely to its desire to improve its current situation.

The case study presented herein is casted with great desire to improve the system of the
Philippines in upgrading the bridge infrastructures that is capable to accommodate and sustain
more load capacity which will result to an unimpeded flow of traffic. The discoveries on the field
of Civil and Structural Engineering enables the world to jive into the innovative method of
addressing the arising needs that wraps up with the complexity of the situation. With the aid of the
21st technology, it unleashes the ingenious ideas and provides adequate solutions and
implementations. The modular approach bridge system enables to sustain the necessity to continue
the growth of quality, well-designed and thoroughly analyzed bridge systems that will be of great
help to the nation we serve.

The research design distinguished the methods and procedures by which the study
population and local will be chosen. The data were analyzed on how these contents were used to
yield the required data. It basically outlined the approach that the researchers used to attain and
meet the objectives of the study, to come up with an efficient design detail.
The researchers came up to a better picture of the design by the use of the data gathered
from the reference hand-out about the Bailey Bridge System given by Engr. Dulay of DPWH La
Trinidad as a tool to conduct the study. For the design analysis, the researchers utilized a software
program which enabled the construction of a basic framework for the study. Using the Structural
Analysis and Design Software (STADD) Trial Version as design parameter, the researchers were
able to gather data through testing the strength of the emergency bridge by placing various loading
tests on the initially designed bridge. With the help of the modern software programs, the
researchers were able to visualize the bridge design in an actual view without testing it on the field.
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The researchers used a quantitative method which emphasized objective measurements,

mathematical or numerical analysis of data collected through the used software programs and
collective statistical and design data from Department of Public Works and Highways. The
diagram below showed the procedures and methods used by the researchers in gathering data:

Set a trial dimension for the module of the

temporary bridge

Test the module with various standard

truck and lane Loads

Identify the effectivity of the module

Is the module NO


Test all the elements in the

trial dimension. Repeat the initial

Choose the most

appropriate design.
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The material to be used for the proposed panel design, as shown in the figure, will be of
the same steel grade as that of the M3 Bailey bridge. Thus, the weight of the panel for the proposed
bridge is computed based on the weight of the panels of the M3 Bailey bridge. As shown in Table
1, the panel of the designed bridge is 18.288 % lighter than the original M3 Bailey panel. Also,
based on slenderness ratio, the design chord and diagonal were 33.333% and 35.718% more rigid
than its counterpart which meant that it was less prone to any types of buckling.

Table 1: Evaluation of M3Bailey Bridge and Proposed Design Panel Weights

Truss Types Bailey M3 Proposed Design
Weight per Panel (kN) 2.57 2.10
Length of Components (m) 19.30 16.16
Weight Advantage of Design Truss (%) 18.288
Slenderness Ratio (Chord) 216.51 144.34
Slenderness Ratio (Diagonal) 317.54 204.12
Slenderness Ratio Advantage of Design –
Chord (%)
Slenderness Ratio Advantage of Design –
Diagonal (%)

With all other components unchanged, the panel truss is analyzed to determine the
maximum shear and moment values generated by loads acting on the bridge. The researchers used
AASHTO LRFD specifications in analyzing the panel truss, a dead load safety factor of 1.25, and
live load safety factor of 1.35 were used.
The AASHTO HL-93 Design Tandem and Design Lane Loads were also used, with a value
of Service Tandem Load per axle as 110 KN, Service Lane Load of 9.30 kN/m, and a distance of
1.20 m between the tandem loads.AASHTO HL-93 Design Truck and Design Lane Loads were
also considered. Using the values of Service Truck Back Loads as 145 kN, Service truck front load
of 35 kN, Service Lane load of 9.30 kN, distances between front and back supports as 4.3 m, and
distances between two back supports as 4.3 m.
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Calculations for the load analysis were performed using a STAAD Software Trial Version.
The load analysis and load rating results are documented in Appendix D to I. A summary of the
results is presented in Table 2. From the data, it can be concluded that the proposed panel design
has the same load rating as the panels for M3 Bailey bridge because the values for moment and
shear is less than, if not equal, the values for moment and shear calculated for the M3 Bailey
bridge. The proposed panel design can then be considered as safe and capable to support the HL-
93 loads.
Table 2: Maximum Axial, Shear and Moment Values
Bailey M3 Proposed Design
Maximum Tandem + Lane 119.569 kN-m 118.986 kN-m Safe
Moment Truck + Lane 123.449 kN-m 122.139 kN-m Safe
Tandem + Lane -182.107 kN -182.106 kN Safe
Maximum Shear
Truck + Lane 164.398 kN 163.101 kN Safe
Maximum Axial Tandem + Lane 103.355 kN 73.57 kN Safe
(Top chords) Truck + Lane 145.802 kN -67.313 kN Safe

Also, the axial property of the chords was computed to know the type of connection needed
for each panel. As it turned out, the panel pin dimensions were adequate and need no further
deviation due to the fact that it only needed to support a load that was lower than an average U.S.
World War II army tank (30 metric tons = 294.1995 kN) which was used as the basis for the axial
capacity of the panel of the bridge. According to Table 2, the axial load that the truss supports is
73.57 kN in tension. The panel pin would then be 211.1375 mm in length and 47.6250 mm in


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The researchers hereby recommend that the extension design analysis be conducted for
corresponding situation if the loading conditions will exceed the specified and tested maximum
load capacity of the proposed temporary emergency bridge. Considering combination of two to
three trusses are highly recommended to sustain the needed capacity of the bridge. The maximum
moment capacity of the truss was computed to be 123.449 KN-m. The assessment of loading used
was in accordance to the design memorandum of Washington State Department of Transportation
that was subjected by the design requirements for temporary bridges. The memorandum
acknowledged the reduction of 75 percent (%) of HL-93 live loading of the components provided
that the deck shall carry 100% of the specified loading to be utilized in the design of the bridging
system. The temporary bridge was predetermined to service up to 5 years or less only to comply
with the provision stated beforehand. The testing and verification of the efficiency of the proposed
temporary bridge was done using a trial version license of STAAD software testing. The
researchers designed the bridge with HL-93 being the most recent applicable design live loads
used to test bridge structures. It was recommended by the researchers to utilize other software
programs that are suitable for the revisions of loading conditions. The costing information that was
limited in this study should be considered in the continuation of the study to make room for
progress and construction purposes.
The material used for the design of the components in this study was purely steel. Thus, it
was advised by the researchers that the latter part of the proposed temporary emergency bridge
should take into consideration the alternative material besides steel. The advancement of the
material testing technology paved way to enhance other materials such as aluminium to provide
equivalent strength of steel. The industry of prefabrication plants nowadays is motivated to create
innovations concerning the materials used to maximize its capacity.
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The proposed scheme of the temporary bridge is as effective as the Bailey Bridge System
that is utilized in other countries as a disaster response to impassable and deteriorated bridges. The
shear and flexural capacities of the designed proposed bridge proved that it was more economical.
The design analysis of this study encompassed fewer numbers of materials to make up its
components with weight being lighter. Thus, the proposed bridge adapts flexibility. The study
provided a proposal for a modular approach in line with specifications and general requirements
of the temporary bridging system. Transom, panel pin and sway braces were utilized in this design
of the temporary bridge as a method of connecting the spans on site. The loading conditions were
tested using the STAAD Trial Version and it yielded a finding that it was adequate to HL-93 Live
Loading in line with the memorandum.
The steel material was determined to maximize its usage considering the number of trusses
it can produce compared to the standard Bailey bridge due to its lesser length and components.
Thus, with minimal truss members, the bridge was determined to yield the strength of the Standard
Bailey Bridge. In line with urban development, the temporary emergency bridge will serve as an
aid to respond on disaster related cases and situations to ease the arising problems due to an
impassable bridge. Moreover, this proposal will be of help to satisfy the need of immediate
resolution to complex problems. The proposed temporary emergency bridge was certified by the
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to serve as an adaptive response to disaster
management. The certification was duly signed by Engr. Dulay, Chief Planning and Design
Department, dated April 06, 2017 in the DPWH La Trinidad Office.
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