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Coal dust exposure reduction using water mist

system: A case study

Article in Journal of Chemical Health and Safety · November 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.jchas.2017.10.003


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2 authors, including:

Manikandan Hareendran
Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani


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JCHAS 956 1–5


Coal dust exposure reduction
using water mist system:
A case study
Quantification of airborne dust exposure is an essential step in eliminating lung diseases caused by
overexposure to dust. A large number of workers employed in coal boilers are potentially exposed to
significant amount of airborne coal dust during the work period. The objective of the study was to assess the
efficiency of water mist system in reducing airborne coal dust concentration in the working atmosphere near
a coal fired boiler. Samples from eight workers were taken, representing approximately 80% of the total
workforce involved in the coal handling operations. Exposure monitoring was conducted for 480 min during
regular working hours. A personal dust sampler was used to capture the airborne coal dust (PM5) before and
after installation of water mist system. After quantification and comparison, it was observed that the water
mist system successfully reduced up to 81% of airborne dust from the worker’s breathing zone. Further, the
airborne dust concentration was reduced from 7.17 to 1.26 mg/m3 which is significantly below ACGIH
recommended Threshold limit value (TLV) of 2 mg/m3. The same technology may be used in comparable
work environments to reduce high airborne dust levels.

Q2 By K.A. Vivek, analysis is the first step that helps to constant rate for a time in excess of
Manikandan Hareendran determine the sources of potential 8 hours, even in adverse conditions
exposure and quantification of risk such as extreme cold. This criterion
INTRODUCTION involved which can arise during nor- is based on the recommendations that
mal operation. After identifying samples should be taken on a personal
The health of workers in many indus- hazards, the control procedures may basis for an 8-hours Time Weighted
tries are at risk through exposure by include the substitution of harmful or Average (TWA).
inhalation of dust which may contain toxic materials with less dangerous
toxic metal, crystalline silica or other ones, changing of work processes to Dust as Health Issue for Workers
toxic organic and inorganic chemicals. eliminate or minimize work exposure, Dust is defined as “Small, dry, solid
Regulatory agencies in industrialized installation of exhaust ventilation sys- particles projected into the air by nat-
countries lay great emphasis on moni- tems, good housekeeping (including ural forces, such as wind, volcanic
toring of such exposure. In India, The appropriate waste disposal methods), eruption, and by mechanical or man-
Factories Act as amended in 1987 and the provision of proper personal made processes such as crushing,
(Section 7-A (e) and 41-F) places the protective equipment.1 grinding, milling, drilling, demolition, Q3
responsibility on factory management Regulations require regular monitor- shoveling, conveying, screening, bag-
to ensure that the worker’s health ing of the working environment in a ging, and sweeping”.2 Dust particles
should not be jeopardized as a result factory to ensure the chemicals and are usually in the size range from
of the work they perform. An occu- pollutants are within prescribed limit. about 1 to 100 mm in diameter, divi-
pational health and industrial hygiene Since a worker does not stay at point of ded into three fractions (i) respirable
program allows one to respond effec- high concentration for all the 8 hours (D50 = 4 mm size) (ii) thoracic
tively to workplace injuries and of his duty time, the most practical way (D50 = 10 mm size) and (iii) inhalable
illnesses and to monitor potential to monitor the risk is through quanti- (D50 = 100 mm size). ACGIH has a
health problems. A workplace hazard tative industrial hygiene study using Threshold limit value (TLV) of 2 mg/
‘Personal Sampler’ carried on the m3 for the respirable dust fraction of
exposed worker’s body and sampling coal dust containing less than 5%
Q8 K.A. Vivek is affiliated with Dr Reddy’s the air from his actual breathing zone, quartz. Lung parenchyma, lymph
Laboratories, Hyderabad, India. wherever he moves to. There are many nodes and hila can be affected due to
different methods of taking air sam- chronic exposure to coal dust. The
Manikandan Hareendran is affiliated ples, but by far the most widely used onset of disease is directly related to
with Research Scholar, Department of and preferred method is to connect a the airborne concentration of coal dust
Mechanical Engineering, Birla Insti- battery-operated pump to a filter in the working environment and the
tute of Technology and Science Pilani, medium. The pump should be capable total duration of exposure. Currently,
India. of drawing air through the filter at a the exposure reduction is based on

1871-5532 ã 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Division of Chemical Health and Safety of the American Chemical 1 Society.

Please cite this article in press as: K.A., V., and Hareendran, M1., Coal dust exposure reduction using water mist system: A case study. J.
Chem. Health Safety (2017),
JCHAS 956 1–5

administrative control and the use of boiler operation are unloading of coal, Personal Sampler
respiratory protection during specific shoveling of coal, collection of ash and The personal sampler shown in Figures 1
work tasks.3 So far, non-engineering programmable logic controller (PLC) and 2 clearly depicts various parts of
studies concerning airborne dust expo- operations. The study was conducted APM 801 (Envirotech) which was used
sures have mainly focused on educa- on 80% of the total population for the study. A cyclone head holding
tion to promote respiratory health engaged in unloading and shoveling filter is to be worn on the collar/lapel
through an increased and proper use of coal. Water mist system was chosen to draw air from the breathing zone of
of respirators.4–8 The need for effective as the engineering control, Nominal the subject. The PM5 cyclone has been
exposure control strategies for workers cost and ease of installation favored designed to cutoff at 5 m (50% cut
is well acknowledged, but efforts have the selection. The subjects selected aerodynamic diameter-inlet: 100 mm,
been historically challenging mainly for the study were exclusively engaged Stage 1: 5 mm) as recommended
due to intermittent nature of the per- in various activities in boiler opera- by Directorate General of Mines
formed work.8,9 The interest in direct tions for more than five years. Safety, India (DGMS). Air leaving
exposure reduction through engineer-
ing control has been limited. Though,
use of respirators is considered a low-
tier exposure control technique, it acts
as a resort in cases where exposure
control by other methods are not fea-
sible or until other effective engineer-
ing and administrative methods are
established.10,11 The research work
furnished in this paper evaluates the
effectiveness of water mist system as an
engineering control on reducing work-
place respirable coal dust exposure
during coal handling in a pulverized
coal boiler environment.

Figure 1. Personal sampler (Envirotech-APM 801).


A number of research on particulate
matter (PM) emissions from heavy
industries (Steel, Cement, Fertilizers
etc.) their chemical characterization
and impact assessment have been con-
ducted in the past but boilers have
never been a subject for such investi-
gations.12–16 The specific objective was
to assess the respirable coal dust i.e.,
PM5 exposure before and after instal-
lation of water mist system in a boiler
environment and to ascertain the effi-
ciency of engineering control over
other methods on exposure control.

Design of Study

Sampling sites
Q4 The site preferred for the study was the
working premises of a pulverized coal
boiler. When coal is pulverized into
fine powders using mechanical ham-
mers, the coal powder will burn as
efficiently as a combustible gas inside
a coal boiler. The major activities in a Figure 2. PM5 cyclone.

2 Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2017

Please cite this article in press as: K.A., V., and Hareendran, M1., Coal dust exposure reduction using water mist system: A case study. J.
Chem. Health Safety (2017),
JCHAS 956 1–5

the cyclone has particle size of 5 mm and spaced 0.5 m apart at a height of collected from the selected subjects,
or less accumulate on a glass microfi- 3 m. The water mist system was con- 40 samples each were collected before
ber filter of 37 mm diameter housed in tinuously functioning during the and after the installation of engineer-
leak proof Teflon filter holder, fitted at course of sampling. The water mist ing control. Measured respirable dust
the bottom of the cyclone. Sampler system increased the overall humidity concentrations varied significantly
was mounted near the breathing zone at the study site, without affecting the after the installation of water mist sys-
of worker. The worker was then comfort level of the subjects. tem at workplace. The total dust con-
allowed to perform his work for centration after the modification var-
8 hours. The accumulated coal dust Statistical Analysis ied from 1.26 to 1.70 mg/m3 compared
on the filter was quantified gravimet- Exposure data are presented as to that of 5.83 to 7.17 mg/m3 (Table 1)
rically. To determine the mass con- median, geometric mean (GM), arith- before the modification which is con-
centration of the size fractions, the metic mean (AM) and range. The sim- siderably lower than ACGIH TLV lim-
Particle Sampler filters were post- ple t-test for paired samples was used its. The result of the modification is
weighed on the same digital micro- to evaluate differences between Respi- summarized in Table 2. The two-tailed
Q5 balance as was used to pre-weighed rable Coal Dust Concentration before p value is less than 0.0001 (Table 3). By
the filters. The filters were weighed and after installation of Water Mist conventional criteria, this difference is
before and after sampling using a Met- System. The statistical analyses were considered to be extremely statistically
tler-Toledo MX5 microbalance done using the IBM SPSS software significant. A comparison of respirable
(weight uncertainty 2 mg) in a room package, version 22. p < 0.05 were dust concentration before and after the
with controlled temperature and considered statistically significant. modification at coal handling area is
humidity to determine the mass of represented graphically in Figure 3.
the collected PM. The electrostatic The figure in parenthesis above the
charges of the micro-fiber filters were RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS bar graph indicates the percentage
minimized using a static neutralizer. reduction in dust concentration after
The calculation of dust concentration A total of eight subjects participated in the modification. It is revealed that
respirable dust was carried out the study. They had no difference in there is a reduction of 72–81% in the
through Data Spread sheet (TSI, their work pattern. 80 samples were total dust concentration.
USA). For optimum efficiency of the
cyclonic system, air flow rate was
maintained at a rate of 3.11 l/min. Table 1. Respirable Coal Dust Concentation (mg/m3) before Installation of Engineering Q9
PM5 Sampling N* AMy GMz Median GSDx Range
The eight subjects selected for PM5
Q6 samplings were adult male (25–55 Subject-1 5 6.28 6.27 6.12 0.41 5.88–7.03
year) engaged in unloading and charg- Subject-2 5 6.66 6.64 6.62 0.57 5.81–7.44
ing of coal into the boiler. The identi- Subject-3 5 6.94 6.85 6.51 1.16 5.73–9.03
fied subjects work for 48 hours per Subject-4 5 6.14 6.11 5.97 0.63 5.42–6.94
week in the same environment. The Subject-5 5 7.22 7.17 7.35 0.83 5.80–8.07
personal sampling was conducted for Subject-6 5 6.40 6.31 6.58 1.01 4.78–7.84
8 hours (06:00 AM–02:00 PM and Subject-7 5 6.73 6.69 6.81 0.79 5.42–7.89
02:00 PM–10:00 PM). Five samples Subject-8 5 5.91 5.83 6.25 0.93 4.28–6.81
were collected from each subject in
alternate days excluding non-working
days. Samples were collected on glass
micro-fiber filters (Whatman: 1820-
037) having a low resistance to airflow, Table 2. Respirable Coal Dust Concentration (mg/m3) after Installation of Engineer- Q10
a low affinity for moisture and a 98 ing Control.
percent collection efficiency for parti-
Na AM b GM c Median GSD d Range
cles of 0.5 m or large size. The glass
microfiber filters used for the study Subject-1 5 1.70 1.64 1.95 0.43 1.04–2.19
are commonly recommended for gravi- Subject-2 5 1.68 1.63 1.79 0.38 1.10–2.23
metric determination of airborne parti- Subject-3 5 1.44 1.38 1.49 0.42 0.98–2.08
culates stack sampling and absorption Subject-4 5 1.70 1.70 1.67 0.15 1.50–1.97
methods of air pollution monitoring. Subject-5 5 1.63 1.60 1.76 0.30 1.11–1.93
Subject-6 5 1.59 1.57 1.69 0.29 1.23–1.97
Water Mist System Subject-7 5 1.35 1.26 1.39 0.47 0.77–2.08
The mist system operates at 1,000 PSI Subject-8 5 1.61 1.59 1.60 0.22 1.27–1.93
generating 10 mm sized water droplets Note: all readings are taken between December 2015 and June 2016.aNumber of measur-
80 nozzles were vertically mounted ements.bArithmetic mean.cGeometric mean.dGeometric standard deviation.

Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2017 3

Please cite this article in press as: K.A., V., and Hareendran, M1., Coal dust exposure reduction using water mist system: A case study. J.
Chem. Health Safety (2017),
JCHAS 956 1–5

Figure 3. Comparison of dust concentration before and after engineering control on each subject.

Table 3. Comparison of Respirable Coal Dust Concentration (mg/m3) Before and production: recommendations from an
After Installation of Water Mist System. expert panel. J. Agromed. 2010, 15,
Concentration before Concentration after
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P(T <= t) one-tail 3.31E  35
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Educational intervention among farm-
of the boiler after the installation
The authors would like to express their ers in a community healthcare setting.
of water mist system. The water mist
gratitude to the authorities at Dr. Red- Occup. Med. (Lond.), 2012, 62, 458–
system reduced the respirable coal
dy’s Laboratories. The authors declare 461.
dust concentration in the range of 8. Jenkins, P. L.; Stack, S. G.; Earle-
that there is no conflict of interests.
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Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene: P.; et al. Longitudinal evaluation of Q7
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2. IUPAC. Glossary of atmospheric chem- mental exposures and pulmonary func-
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4 Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2017

Please cite this article in press as: K.A., V., and Hareendran, M1., Coal dust exposure reduction using water mist system: A case study. J.
Chem. Health Safety (2017),
JCHAS 956 1–5

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Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2017 5

Please cite this article in press as: K.A., V., and Hareendran, M1., Coal dust exposure reduction using water mist system: A case study. J.
Chem. Health Safety (2017),
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