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How to Make Simple Iced Tea

1. 3-4 black tea bags
2. Sugar to taste
3. Ice cubes
4. Water
5. Mint (optional)
6. A slice of lemon

1. Bring 2 cups (480 ml) of water to a rapid boil in a small pan or a pot.
2. Turn off the heat.
3. Add 3-5 bags of black tea or a special tea blend made specifically for iced
4. Leave the teabags in the hot water for 5 minutes.
5. Pour the tea into a pitcher. Wait 5-10 minutes until cool down.
6. Pour 2 cups (480 ml) of cold water into the tea and stir the mixture for best
7. Refrigerate the mixture until it's chilled. This should take 2-3 hours.
8. Serve the tea. Pour the tea into a glass filled with ice cubes. Squeeze a
slice of lemon into the tea and add a sprig of mint to the top. If you'd like to
add sugar, start by stirring in half a teaspoon and add more to taste.
How to Make Fried Banana

6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg, beaten
1⁄4 cup milk
1 pinch salt
4 medium bananas (the firmer they are, the better)
peanut oil (for frying)

1. Fist, mix together the flour, sugar, egg, milk and salt to make a smooth,
paste-like batter.
2. Leave to rest for one hour.
3. Then, peel the bananas and slice each one in half lengthwise, then across
into chunks about three inches long.
4. Dip the banana pieces into the batter and shallow fry in hot oil for a few
minutes or until golden brown all over.
5. Next drain quickly on a wire rack or paper towel, and serve warm.
6. If you like, serve them with real maple syrup, powdered sugar, or honey,
for extra sweetness.

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