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Exercises TENSES (Present Simple/ Present Continuous/ Past Simple/

Past Continuous/ used to)

Exercise 1
Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs.
1. I __________ (buy) a new pair of jeans yesterday.
2. They __________ (not live) there any longer.
3. I couldn't understand what _________ (make) her so upset.
4. She ______________ (run) to catch the bus when I ___________
(see) her.
5. Her boyfriend __________ (go) to the station to see her off.

Exercise 2
Use either "used to" or the Past Simple to complete each of the
sentences. Use "used to" when possible.
1. I __________________ (see) Marcus at the library working hard.
He told me to say hello to you.
2. She _________________ (be) a lot happier, but then she lost her
3. There _________________ (be) three restaurants in this town,
but two closed down leaving only one.
4. If you look over there, you can see the field where they
_________________ (fight) the Battle of Harris Hill in 1509.
5. Did you _________________ (take) a lot of photos when you
were in Moscow last year?
6. How many hours a day did you ___________ (go) to school when
you were ten?
7. Children never_______________ (talk) so aggressively to their
parents. It's terrible!
8. Soldiers ___________________ (build) this bridge near the end
of the Second World War.
9. I _____________ (drink) three whiskeys a day ten years ago, but
then I stopped.
10.She ___________ (be) a teacher, but now works as a lawyer.
Exercise 3
Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs (Present Simple/
Present Continuous/Past Simple/ Past Continuous).
1. __________ (rain) when you left the house?
2. I __________ (realize) that you knew my brother.
3. Joanne ___________ (not see) Luis for years but she recognized
him immediately.
4. Sarah's parents _________ (wait) for her when she got home.
5. __________ (practice) your English when you visited London?
6. We ___________ (never be) to Morocco.
7. My brother ___________ (get) married last year.
8. We _____________ (have) dinner when Sally called.
9. John got to the cinema late and the film _______________ (start)
when he arrived.
10.I _____________ (drive) home when the accident
_____________ (happen).
11.____________ (you / watch) TV when I __________ (phone)?
12. I'd studied really hard but I ___________(not pass) the exam.
13.It's my sister's birthday today and she_____________ (have) a
14.We __________ (go) round to her house at eight o'clock this
15.She _____________ (usually/not celebrate) her birthday, but this
one is special because she's thirty!
16.After class today I __________ (go) into town to buy her present.

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