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Nama : Paiyan Pandiangan

NPM : 1506723313
Kelompok :C

Laboratorium Petrologi & Mineralogi

Program Studi Geologi Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Universitas Indonesia
Foto Mineral :
Nama dan Nomor
Malachite (51)

Rumus Kimia CU(CO3)(OH2)

Sistem Kristal / Habit Monoklin/massif

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan : (karbonat)

A common secondary mineral formed in the oxidation zone of copper deposits; locally may be an ore of Kilap Vitreous-Dull
Association: Azurite, cuprite, cerussite, chrysocolla, calcite. “limonite”.
When found in large pieces, the banded variety of Malachite makes a precious ornamental stone. Small
ornamental objects, such as boxes and animal figures, are carved out of this compact stone, and if Warna Hijau Kecoklatan
properly polished, they can be valuable.

Daftar Pustaka :
Warna Goresan / Streak Hijau

Kekerasan / Hardness 3,5-4

Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Dolomit (27)

Rumus Kimia CaMg(CO3)2

Sistem Kristal
Heksagonal / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Dolomite forms in a different crystal class, differing from the Calcite group minerals. This can be noted by the fact Kilap Vitreous-weaksi
that Dolomite generally forms more elongated crystals than those of the Calcite group. In addition, Dolomite never
occurs in scalenohedral crystals, whereas minerals of the Calcite group do. Dolomite is used to make magnesia,
which has important medicinal applications. It is important in the chemical industry for the preparation of magnesium
salts. It is also used in soil mixtures to lower the acid levels of the soil.
Jingga, putih

Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Putih
Streak Color

Kekerasan /
Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Goetit (32)

Rumus Kimia (FeO(OH))

Sistem Kristal
Ortorombik / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Goethite is named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), the famed German poet, philosopher, biologist, Kilap Sub metalik
and mineral enthusiast. Individual crystals are in small, flattened blades and plates, or finely acicular with a velvety
appearance. Most often in botryoidal, reniform, or stalactitic aggregates of radiating crystals or ball-like crystals.
Also grainy, in veins, concretionary, oolitic, and in earthy masses. Goethite often assumes the shape of other minerals
forming a pseudomorph in place of the original mineral or as a coating above it. Goethite is used as an ore of iron.
Warna Coklat kehitaman

Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Coklat
Streak Color

Kekerasan /
Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Limonite (48)

Rumus Kimia FeO(OH)·nH2O

Sistem Kristal
Amorf / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Limonite is extremely common and forms the coloring matter in many soils. It is also responsible for the coloring on Kilap Earthy
the weathered surfaces of rocks. Much Limonite, especially the fibrous type, is either Goethite or altered Goethite that
absorbed water in its chemical structure. Limonite does not form in crystals. It occurs amorphous
in earthy, massive, botryoidal, mammilarystalactitic, and fibrous form. May also form as a pseudomorph after other
minerals, especially Pyrite, Siderite, and Marcasite.
Limonite in a ore of iron and is used as a pigment in the manufacture of paints. Besides for a few aesthetic Warna Coklat
lustrous botryoidal forms of Limonite, as well as the interesting pseudomorphs, Limonite is not of much interest to
Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Coklat
Streak Color

Kekerasan /
Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Calcyte (19)

Rumus Kimia CaCO3

Sistem Kristal
Trigonal / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Calcite is a constituent of all mineral environment, including sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. Calcite belongs Kilap Vitreous
to the calcite group of minerals, a group of related carbonates that are isomorphous with one another. They are similar
in many physical properties, and may partially or fully replace one another, forming a solid solution series. All
members of the calcite group crystallize in the trigonal system, have perfect rhombohedral cleavage, and exhibit
strong double refraction in transparent rhombohedrons. Calcite is indispensable in the construction industry, forming
the base of cement. Many important chemicals are created from Calcite, as well as useful drugs. It is also crucial in the Warna Putih transparan
manufacture of fertilizers, metals, glass, rubber, and paint.

Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Putih
Streak Color

Kekerasan /
Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Sphalerite (66)

Rumus Kimia (Zn,Fe)S

Sistem Kristal
Kubik / Granular
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Environment: In sedimentary limestone deposits, hypothermal veins and mesothermal veins, and
in hydrothermalreplacement deposits. Occasionally in basalts. Sphalerite is a common mineral, and occurs in many Kilap Metalik
distinct colors and forms. Iron impuritiesare often present in this mineral, and for this reason it is not commonly
transparent. If Sphalerite contains a large amount of iron impurities, it will have a metallic dark gray or black color,
which is typical of most sulfide minerals. Sphalerite is one of the few minerals that can range
from gemmy transparent crystals to dark, metallic-black crystals.
Sphalerite is the principle ore of zinc. In some localities, it occurs with significant amounts of the rare elements Warna Hitam
cadmium, gallium, and iridium, and it is also the main ore of those metals. Sphalerite is an important mineral to
collectors, and some transparent varieties are occasionally faceted for collectors.

Daftar Pustaka :
Goresan /
Coklat Streak
Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Barit (13)

Rumus Kimia BaSO4

Sistem Kristal
Ortorombik / Lamelar
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Environment: In sedimentary rock layers and in hydrothermal and mesothermal metal ore veins. Rarely
in alteredbasalts. Barite often replaces other minerals, and may even replace organic materials such as wood, shells, Kilap Vitreous
and fossils. It sometimes forms tufacious mounds from deposition of hot, barium-rich springs. It is isomorphous and
very similar in form with the mineral Celestine, and may partiallyreplace it. Crystals are tabular, prismatic, and
as grainy, platy, and coxcomb aggregates. Individual crystals are often twinned, and can be quite large. May also
be bladed, massive, nodular, fibrous, stalactitic, and as perfect rosettes. Crystals occasionally contain phantom Putih kekuningan
growths. Barite is the main ore of the element barium. It is also important in the manufacture of paper and rubber.
Barite is also used in radiology for x-rays of the digestive system.

Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Putih
Streak Color
Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral Galena (31)

Rumus Kimia PbS

Sistem Kristal
Kubik / Blocky
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Environment: In sedimentary limestone deposits, hypothermal veins and mesothermal veins, in hydrothermalreplacement deposits, and
in placer deposits. Rarely in basalts and diabase. Kilap Metalik
Galena is a primary mineral. Most of the lead minerals, such as Cerussite and Anglesite are secondary minerals formed from
Galena. Impurities in the structure of Galena, such as silver and bismuth, may change Galena's cleavage properties. Galena containing bismuth
may exhibit octahedral cleavage, and silver in Galena may cause a specimen to exhibit flaky, slightly bent cleavage fragments. Galena is by
far the greatest ore of lead. The extraction process to remove the lead from the sulfur is very simple, thus lead has been extracted from Galena
since the earliest times. Another use of Galena was its importance in early radio devices. Warna Abu-abu perak

Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Hitam
Streak Color
Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Pyrite (56)

Rumus Kimia FeS2

Sistem Kristal
Kubik / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Pyrite is sometimes called Fools Gold because of its similarity in color and shape to Gold. In the old mining days, Kilap Metalik
Pyrite was sometimes mistaken for Gold, as they frequently occur together, although Gold and Pyrite can very easily
be distinguished by simple observation and testing of characteristics. Pyrite forms in all types of environments. Pyrite
was once used as a source of sulfur, but is now only a minor ore for both sulfur and iron. Pyrite from some localities
is auriferous, and therefore is used as an ore of gold in gold-bearing localities.
Warna Kuning gelap

Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Hitam
Streak Color
Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral : Nama Mineral

dan Nomor Aragonite (6)

Rumus Kimia CaCO3

Sistem Kristal
Ortorombik / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Environment: Sedimentary formations and evaporite deposits, hot Kilap Vitreous-weaxy
spring deposits, hydrothermal ore veins, igneoustraprock environments, and metamorphic schists. The most prevalent
crystallized habit is pseudohexagonal trillings, in the form of elongated prismaticcrystals or short tabular ones. Less
commonly in individual, untwinned crystals. Many aggregatesexist,
including acicular, radiating, fibrous, columnar, stalactitic, botryoidal, pisolitic, oolitic, tuberose, granular, encrusting,
and ball-like protrusions of pseudohexagonal crystals. Aragonite does not have many practical uses, although Warna Coklat muda
interesting specimens are popular collector minerals. "Onyx Marble" formed from mineral springs is sometimes carved
into ornamental objects.
Daftar Pustaka : Warna
Kuning muda Goresan /
Streak Color
Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Hematite (40)

Rumus Kimia Fe2O3

Sistem Kristal
Trigonal / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Hematite is one of the most common minerals. The color of most red and brown rock, such as sandstone, is caused by Kilap Submetalik-Dull
small amounts of Hematite. It is also be responsible for the red color of many minerals. Non-crystalline forms of
Hematite may be transformations of the mineral Limonite that lost water, possibly due to heat. rystals occurs in
thin plates, as well as bundles of small micaceous plates, and in thin splinters. Most
commonly massive, mammilary, botryoidal, reniform, oolitic, stalactitic,
and radiating. Scalenohedraland rhombohedral crystals occur, as well as tabular and groups of tabular crystals.
Crystals are often striated. Dendritic and rosette forms are also found. May form as a pseudomorph after other Warna Hitam kemerahan
minerals, especially as octahedral crystals of Magnetite. Hematite is the principle ore of iron. Huge quantities are
mined throughout the world for industrial production.
Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Coklat
Streak Color

Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Bornite (16)

Rumus Kimia Cu5FeS4

Sistem Kristal
Ortorombik / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

In copper ore veins, both as a primary and secondary mineral. Mainly in hydrothermal metamorphic rocks, Kilap Metalik
in mesothermal veins, in hydrothermal replacement deposits, and in igneous intrusions and dikes. Bornite forms
as isometric crystals at high temperatures, but when it cools down to normal temperatures it crystallizes in
the orthorhombic system. However, the crystals retain their original isometric crystals. Crystals are rare, and are
in cubic or dodecahedral form. Octahedral shaped crystals are extremely rare. Bornite occurs mostly massive, as well
as in groups of tiny crystals and globular. Bornite is a common copper bearing mineral, and is used as an ore of copper Warna Warna-warni
when found in copper deposits.
Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Hitam
Streak Color

Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Azurite (10)

Rumus Kimia Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2

Sistem Kristal
Monoklin / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Environment: As a secondary mineral in the oxidation zone of copper deposits. Usually in small crystals, which are Kilap Vitreous-dull
in prismatic, tabular, or equidimensional form. Crystals are sometime striated. Other forms
are massive, crusty, radiating, fibrous, earthy, columnar, stalactitic, as thin needles, and in ball-like aggregates. Azurite
is very popular mineral among collectors. Bright blue pieces are polished into cabochons and beads, and large masses
are sometimes cut into ornamental objects. "Azure-malachite" is also carved as cabochons and beads. Azurite was
formerly crushed and used as a blue pigment. Warna Biru tua
Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Biru
Streak Color

Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Corundum (24)

Rumus Kimia Al2O3

Sistem Kristal
Hexagonal / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Corundum is a very hard, tough, and stable mineral. For all practical purposes, it is the hardest mineral after Diamond, Kilap Sub metalik
making it the second hardest mineral. It is also unaffected by acids and most environments. Translucent brown
Corundum and Emery are the most common forms of Corundum. These are fairly common forms, and due to their
great hardness and prevalence are the most favorable abrasives. The industrial term "emery" describing Corundum
abrasives is derived from the variety Emery which is mined specifically for its use as an abrasive. Erosion may cause
Emery to crumble and form sand, which are sometimes called "black sands." Corundum has some electrical uses, and Warna Hitam
non gem material, such as Emery, is used as an abrasive because of its high hardness.
Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Putih
Streak Color

Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :
Nama Mineral
dan Nomor Gypsum (35)

Rumus Kimia CaSO4·2H2O

Sistem Kristal
Monoklin / Fibrous
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Environment: In enormous deposits and beds in sedimentary rock, specifically limestone. Also Kilap Silky
in clay sedimentarydeposits, and in dry caves. Occasionally in igneous traprock and in the oxidation
zone of sulfidedeposits. Gypsum is an industrially important mineral. It is the primary ingredient of plaster-of-Paris,
which is finely ground Gypsum, and it is used in the production of cement. It is also the main component of sheet rock.
It is used as a flux for creating earthenware, and can be used as a fertilizer.
Warna Putih transparan
Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Putih
Streak Color

Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :

Nama Mineral Chalcopyrite (21)

Rumus Kimia CuFeS2

Sistem Kristal
Tetragonal / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Environment: In the sulfide zones of copper deposits, in hypothermal veins and mesothermal Kilap Metalik
veins, hydrothermalreplacement deposits, metamorphic schists, and in igneous intrusions and dikes. Crystals
resemble tetrahedrons and octahedrons, but they are slightly asymmetrical and therefore are categorized in the
tetragonal system. Also occurs massive, grainy, reniform, and as groups of small, distorted crystals. Crystals are
commonly striated in different directions on different crystal faces.
Chalcopyrite is the main ore of copper. Chalcopyrite is sometimes polished into beads and pendants as cheap jewelry. Warna Kuning keemasan
Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Hitam
Streak Color

Kekerasan /

Foto Mineral :

Nama Mineral Magnetite (X)

Rumus Kimia Fe2+Fe3+2O4

Sistem Kristal
Kubik / Masif
/ Habit

Genesa, Sifat Khusus, Kegunaan :

Environment: Occurs in igneous rock such as diabase, as well as contact and regional metamorphic rocks and Kilap Metalik
in hydrothermal replacement deposits. Magnetite Is ferromagnetic, meaning it is strongly attracted to magnetic fields.
Crystals are usually octahedral, and they may be very well-formed. Less commonly dodecahedral. Crystals may exhibit
interesting combinations of octahedral and dodecahedral faces. Spinel twinning is an occasional habit, and an
unusual cubic form is well-known from one specific locality. Crystals may be striated, and some octahedral crystals
contain layer growths. Also drusy, grainy, in veins, as large embedded grains, as rounded crystals, and massive. Warna Hitam
agnetite is an important ore of iron. Well formed crystals are popular among mineral collectors, and
the magneticLodestone variety is frequently sold in hobby shops to amateur collectors. Magnetite is also of significant
interest to the science community due to its strong magnetic properties.

Daftar Pustaka : Warna Goresan / Hitam
Streak Color

Kekerasan /

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