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Bezpalko, Yosyp

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Bezpalko, Yosyp

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Bezpalko, Yosyp [Bezpal'ko, Josyp], b 1881 in Chernivtsi, d 1950 in

Kazakhstan. Political figure and publicist in Bukovyna. From 1906
to 1918 Bezpalko was leader of the Ukrainian Social Democratic
party in Bukovyna and editor of its newspaper, Bor'ba, in
Chernivtsi (1908–14). In 1918 he became a member of the Ukrainian
National Council of Bukovyna and, in the same year, served as
mayor of Chernivtsi. He was a member of the Ukrainian National
Rada of the Western Ukrainian National Republic and of the
Labor Congress in 1919; in 1919–20 he served as Ukrainian
National Republic minister of labor in Isaak Mazepa's cabinet. As
an émigré Bezpalko lectured at the Ukrainian Husbandry Academy
in Poděbrady, Czechoslovakia, and became head of the Union of
Ukrainian Sich Societies (1938) (see Sich societies). Bezpalko wrote
many political articles and studies on German-Slavic relations in
the early 19th century. He was exiled by the Soviet authorities in

List of related links from Encyclopedia of Ukraine pointing to Bezpalko, Yosyp entry:

1 Bukovyna
2 Chernivtsi
3 Council of National Ministers of the Ukrainian National Republic

4 Sich societies
5 Ukrainian Social Democratic party
6 Ukrainian Social Democratic Workers' party

A referral to this page is found in 6 entries.[2/18/2018 12:13:30 PM]

Bezpalko, Yosyp

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