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NCM 107 “Ethics , Values”

● Systematic study of what a person’s conduct and action
● System of moral conduct and principles that guide a person’s actions

Types of Ethical Issues

● Moral indifference​ - why morality in practice is even necessary
● Moral uncertainty or moral conflict -​ individual is unsure which moral principles or
values apply
● Moral distress​ -individual knows the right thing to do but organizational constraints
● Moral outrage​ - individual witnesses the immoral act of another but feels powerless to
● Moral or ethical dilemma​ -forced to choose between two or more undesirable

Ethical framework ​- solving ethical dilemmas

● Teleological theory of ethics
○ Utilitarianism or consequentalist theory
○ Greatest good for the greatest number of people
● Deontological ethical theory
○ Action is right or wrong regardless of the consequences
○ Based on the philosophy of Emmanuel Kant
● Duty based reasoning
● Right based reasoning

Intuitionist Framework ​-review each ethical problem

Ethical relativism
● Individuals make decisions based only on what seems right or reasonable according to
their value system or culture

● Ethical principles are universal and constant

Ethical principles
● Autonomy​ - self determination, freedom of choice
● Beneficence ​- promote good
● Non maleficence​ - avoid harm
● Paternalism ​- assumes the right
● Utility​ - good of the many outweights
● Justice​ -equals
● Veracity ​- tell the truth
● Fidelity ​- keep promises
● Confidentiality​ - keep privileged information private

Sources of Law
● Constitution ​-system of fundamental laws or principles that govern a nation, society,
corporation or other aggregate of individuals
● Statutes​ - laws that govern
● Administrative agencies​ - given authority to act by the legislative bodies and create
rules and regulations that enforce statutory laws
● Court decisions ​- judicial laws are made by the courts to interprets legal issues that are in

Types of Laws and Courts

● Criminal​ - reasonable doubt
● Civil ​- evidence
● Administrative​ - standard

Incident reports or adverse event

● Records of unusual or unexpected incidents that occur in the course of a client’s

Torts ​-legal wrongs committed against a person or property

Intentional Torts ​- direct invasion of someone’s legal rights
Assaults ​- reasonable apprehension of harm; threatening a person
Battery ​- intentional and wrongful physical contact
False imprisonment​ - restraint of a person’s liberty of movement by another party who lacks the
legal authority or justification to do so
Defamation​ - false information that injuries a person’s reputation
Written - libel, Spoken -slander
Informed consent
● Given only after the patient has received a complete explanation of the surgery,
procedure or treatment
● Indicates that he or she understands the risks and benefits related to it

Advance directives (ADs)

● Written instructions regarding desired end-of-life care

Health care proxy

● Someone you trust to make health decisions if you are unable to do so

Good Samaritan Law

● Health-care providers are typically protected from potential liability if they volunteer
their nursing skills away from the workplace

● Legal document that permits a person to offer special skills and knowledge to the public
in a particular jurisdiction when such practice would otherwise be unlawful

Ethical position
● Utilitarianism
● Egoism
● Formalism
● Rule ethics
● fairness

Ethical Relationship Model

● Priestly
● Engineering
● Contractual
● Collegial

Levels of Moral Development

● Premoral
● Conventional
● Autonomous

Ethical Theories
1. Deontological
2. Teleological
3. Principlism
4. Utilitarianism
5. Relationships
6. Egoism
7. Obligationism
8. Social contract
9. Natural Law

Vision ​- mental image or power of imagination to see something that is not actually visible
Value​ -worth , usefulness , or importance of something
Mission​ - or purpose influences the philosophy, goals and objectives
Philosophy​ - articulates vision and provides a statement of beliefs and values that direct one’s
Goal ​- central to the whole management process
Objectives ​- more specific ways to reach the goal
Morale​ - state of mind related to cheerfulness, confidence and discipline
Burnout​ - emotional exhaustion primarily caused by that leads to negative attitudes and

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